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Home Explore Bulletin 5.15.2022

Bulletin 5.15.2022

Published by pcwalker, 2022-05-14 17:18:46

Description: Bulletin 5.15.2022


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Firm Foundation Ministries 17567 Hubbell at West Outer Drive Morning Worship Celebration Praise and Worship Welcome Ministry of Music Announcements Ministry of Intercession Ministry of the Word Call to Discipleship Offering Benediction Offering of Thanks As I tithe and give offerings, I am planting seed and expecting it to produce righteous fruit. I am believing God for: jobs and better jobs; raises and bonuses; benefits; sales and commissions; favorable settlements; estates and inheritances; interest, dividends, and income; rebates ad returns; discounts; checks in the mail, gifts and surprises; finding money; bills decreased and bills paid off; blessings and increase. Thank You, Lord, for meeting all of my financial needs that I may have more than enough to give into the kingdom of God and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Message from the Pastors- “Be Enthroned in Our Hearts” -- Our Theme for 2022 -- Psa 29:10e Hidden Treasure -- Cindy Hess Kasper -- Search for [insight and understanding] as for hidden treasure. — Proverbs 2:4 My husband and I read in different ways. Since English is a second language for Tom, he has a tendency to read slowly, word-for-word. I often speed-read by skimming. But Tom retains more than I do. He can easily quote something he read a week ago, while my retention can evaporate seconds after I turn away from the screen or book. Skimming is also a problem when I’m reading the Bible—and not just the genealogies. I’m tempted to skim familiar passages, stories I’ve heard since I was a child, or a psalm that is part of a familiar chorus. Proverbs 2 encourages us to make the effort to know God better by carefully seeking a heart of understanding. When we read the Bible carefully and invest time memorizing Scripture, we absorb its truths more deeply (vv. 1-2). Sometimes reading the Word aloud helps us to hear and understand the wisdom of God more fully. And when we pray the words of Scripture back to God and ask Him for “insight and understanding” (v. 3), we enjoy a conversation with the Author. We come to know God and His wisdom when we search for it with our whole heart. We find understanding when we seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure. Source: Yours in Christ, Paul and Kathy Walker, Pastors Come! Let Us Worship Together! Although our style of worship may be different from yours, we invite you to participate fully in worship. Sing the songs of praise and worship to God with us, and as you sing, meditate on the words. Consider how wonderful God is and how good He has been. Feel free to lift your hands, to raise your voice, to dance, to shout, and to release yourself in the Holy Ghost. Let us praise Him for His goodness, His mercy and His grace. Come worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with all of your heart!

Our Statement of Faith WEbelieve that the Bible is the authoritative, inerrant and infallible Word of God. WEbelieve in one God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, eternally existent as God, the Father Almighty, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost. WEbelieve in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father and the only Savior. WEbelieve in his miraculous conception by the Holy Ghost, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, and His sufferings. We believe in His vicarious and atoning death to accomplish the salvation of man, in His burial, and in His bodily resurrection on the third day according to the Scriptures. We believe in His ascension into Heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, forever making intercession for all who would come to God. WEe believe that the whole purpose of man is to glorify God and to be His good pleasure. Yet man is sinful and is separated from God by his sin. Man is saved from the consequences of sin and brought into fellowship with God by experiencing the New Birth. This New Birth is accomplished by believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and water baptism into Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures. WE believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4 is the gift of God to all believers who ask for it. WEbelieve in the resurrection of all, the righteous to eternal life, and the wicked to eternal damnation and punishment.

Announcements Schedule of Services and Meetings Sunday, 10 a.m. – Morning Prayer Sunday, 10:30 a.m. – Sunday Morning Worship Celebration Sunday, Immediately After Service – Music Ministry Rehearsal Monday, 5 p.m. Precept Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – Corporate Prayer and Bible Study- Exclusively online until further notice!* Tuesday and Thursday, 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. Corporate Fast Days Third Saturdays, 9-10 a.m. – Intercessory Prayer (Exclusively online until further notice) *See Video/Teleconferencing information below for login/access instructions Memory Bible Verses: Matt 13:11-13 (Let’s learn them from the KJV) Don’t forget Your Missions Offering. Please set aside an offering each Month for Missions. Give securely online using this link( Help Our Church To Grow! Invite someone to worship with us at Firm Foundation Ministries! Follow us on Facebook at @worshipatffm!

Video/Teleconferencing Online Bible Study and Worship Services Download the Zoom app to your personal device: 1. Download Zoom from the Zoom website: 2. 3. Downloads available for Mac, Windows, iPhone, Android devices 4. Open the installer / Click Download 5. Follow the prompts How to Joining the Meeting From Your Device (Videoconferences) To access the videoconferences, you should have received the following links to the meetings by email from Pastor Paul. • For Bible Study, Thursday at 7:30 pm o Join Zoom Meeting: o When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 997 1001 4654  Passcode: 700571 • For Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30 am o Join Zoom Meeting: o o When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 982 1854 8605  Passcode: 870535 • For Intercessory Prayer, Third Saturday, 9 am Join Zoom Meeting: When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 913 2848 9366  Passcode: 844424 Want to dial in from a phone? (Teleconference into the meetings) Dial one of the following numbers: +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)