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Home Explore Dream A Little Dream Dessert Show 2019 Program

Dream A Little Dream Dessert Show 2019 Program

Published by rabey.mark, 2019-05-04 16:26:46

Description: Dream A Little Dream Dessert Show 2019 Program


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The Clark High School Choral Department Proudly Presents Dream a Little Dream Dessert Show 2019 Friday, May 10, 2019 Saturday, May 11, 2019 7:00 PM CA LARK Reza Azizi, Director CHOIR Elizabeth Provost, A Cappella Assistant Production

Thank You To Our Sponsors The Clark High School Choral Department would like to extend our sincerest thanks to these very gracious sponsors and donors who have helped make this evening’s performance possible. Boardroom Salon for Men Valerie Mylonas Terry & Vaughan Bowden Laura Nolen Abi Brassil Pei Wei Asian Diner Angela Cangelose PF Chang Gina Clary Photography Pocket Sandwich eatre Gina Clary Premier Wines David Dooley Five Guys Burgers Cynthia Robinson Goldreich Orthodontics Neelima Sajja Elisabeth Harris Harvest Seasonal Kitchen Salsa’s Restaurant Cyrus Holt Elizabeth Sheng Jason’s Deli Sign Gypsies Jumpstreet Nicole Smith Carrie & Kris Kelly Steven & Marilyn Kusters Strikz Lita’s Mexican Restaurant Manny & Chrissie Taveira Lowe’s Je & Wendi Taylor Milk Cream ompson Diagnostics, LLC Dana Tucker Shigen Li & Yunteng Zhao

Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with. -Iron Man Luka, we are proud of you! Mom, Dad, Nina , Izzy, Guston and Giuseppe.

Class of 2021 Holden, you’re a bright guy, loving son who eats us out of house and home. :) We wish you nothing but happi- ness and success in whatever you decide to do with your life. But a Doctor would be great as our health is starting to fail. ;) Oh, and your hair looks great! Love, Mom, Dad & McKenna (Bailey, Korbel & Jiji too) HA HA Aiden – You are amazing! Can’t wait to hear you sing your heart out. Love, Dad, Mom, Macaela, and Elijah

The Program Act One Act Two You Make My Dreams Mr. Sandman The Clark Choirs A Cappella Women Dancing on My Own Wonderful Tonight Jaiden Nuako & Bella Ayala Adream Kusters Sweet Dreams Summer on You Kyra Savage, Kaley Osborn, Cade Smillie, Elijah Perez, Tori Artis, Kaliyah Johnson Noah Smith Cantabile Dreamgirls Million Reasons Aditi Pulukuru, Shantel Williams, Minnal Sunil Aria Hamilton I Love You Like a Prayer Anna Papantonopoulos Jaiden Nuako, Joliena Penn, Karinne Pfeffer, Anna Jamieson, If I Ain’t Got You Mia Leonard Sam Variyam Cantorei Jai Ho A Million Dreams Leyton Thompson, Evan Scanlon, Kristina Tran Kian Hodaee, Luka Gurgenidze Dust in the Wind A Cappella Holden Johnson, Roman Orsini Is That Alright The Clark Men Parker Smith Jump Up, Superstar! She’s Got A Way Stephanie Mylonas Aiden Gross Nine to Five Bad Dreams Minnal Sunil, Maddie Bowen, Lydia Taylor, Parker Smith Shantel Williams The Girl from Ipanema The Scientist Becca McKinnon, Bubba Bowden Ben Kern, Leyton Thompson, Maddie Bowen, Louis Li, Dream a Little Dream Becca McKinnon, Jaydyn Nelson, Mikayla Frandsen Aditi Pulukuru Dream On The Clark Choirs Maddie Bowen, Lydia Taylor Good Night!Hope you enjoyed the show! Celebration Intermission

Texas Valuation Professionals, Inc. C. Brent Bowen Certified Appraiser and Real Estate Broker Office: 214-550-8930 Mobile: 214-497-7456 [email protected] Ann-Marie Bowen, MA, LPC Therapy for Individuals and Couples [email protected] 2800 North Dallas Parkway Phone: (214) 282-3041 Suite 120 Fax: (972) 781-0203 Plano, TX 75093 Stephanie Mylonas Stephie, Your hard work and beautiful voice never cease to amaze us! We’re proud of you and love you very much! Mom, Dad and Nicole.

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Parker, It’s been fun watching you all year! We love you so much! Break a leg girl! Mr. Azizi, Thank you for always encouraging Parker and being the best mentor! Love, Mom, Dad, McKenzie, Chad Jr. & Carson

Dear O cers, ank you for being the leaders I knew you would be. I appreciate your dedication and commitment to our choir family and to excellence in all that you do. ank you for taking pride in our organization and loving it as much as I do. You have worked so hard to make every choir member feel loved and valued. I simply could not have gotten through this year without your patience, guidance, and kindness no matter what. As sad as CHOIR OFFICERS 2018-2019 I am that our two years together must come to an end, I hope I have helped you prepare for the next step in your journey. Please know that you will always hold a special place in my heart and that I cherish the memories we have made together. Good luck next year, and thank you for leaving such a phenomenal legacy. e Clark Choir will forever be your home! “And I ve learned that we must look inside our hearts to find a world full of love Like yours like mine Like home ” Mr. Azizi Dear Celebration, ank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful year. You are such fine young musicians, capable of more than you realize. ank you for pouring your heart and CELEBRATION 2018-2019 soul into every performance and far surpassing my expectations. You are talented beyond your years, and I wish you nothing but success in all your future endeavors. ank you for allowing me the honor of playing a part in your music education. I hope that you will continue to learn and grow as musicians, never forgetting the joy, peace, and love that creating music brings. Believe in what you feel inside and give your dreams the wings to fly You have everything you need if you just believe ” Mr. Azizi

Shout Outs Evelyn, Roman, Bella Keep Singing We love to see you on stage Way to go We are always proud Music adds colors to this world You are a light Keep singing of you Love you & smiling & being you Love Love PB RC G Mom Dad Isabella & Vinny Anna Jamieson Bubba, Have a great show Congratulations on an amazing We love you year We've been blessed by your musical talent Keep up the great Mom Dad Lauren and Emily work and sing on We love you Mom Dad Jenny and Kitty B Maddi P. Klaire Great job this year We are so We re so proud of the e ort and proud of you We love you hard work you ve put into choir these last two years ank you for Mom and Dad sharing your beautiful voice <3 Papi & MamaBear All our can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

The Clark High School Choirs Cantabile Julie Abe p Victoria Artis p Hailey Barnett p Macey Borland p Phoebe Fortunato Tessa Friedley p Raine Gonzales p Christina Herrera p Nawapat Intasaro Kaliyah Johnson p Alex Lawrence p MaKenna Lee p Capriana Lewis Chasady Lowe p Cayli McDaniel p Emma Moore p Kaley Osborn Elizabeth Osentowski p Maya Pragji p Lexi Rushing p Rebeca Sanchez Aguilar Kyra Savage p Angelica Smith p Madison Tabaretti p Mackenzie Taveira Chau ai p Brett Wilson p Cantorei Olivia Adams p Kaylie Aguila p Ramissa Annan p Gabriella Ayala Hannah Bearden p Claira Blakley p Alanna Broughton p Madilyn Calderon Daniella Enow p Angel Eum p Tesha Hall p Anna Jamieson p Klaire Juarez Neya Kichambare p Grace Kuo p Mia Leonardu p Ella Mitchell p Kendal Mosley Stephanie Mylonas p Ashley Nisbet p Kylee Njoku p Jaiden Nuako Bianca Orellana p Joliena Penn p Maddi Perkins p Karinne Pfe er p Emily Sayers Evelyn Sheng p Virginia Sherrod p Parker Smithuvy p Kate Southerlandu Hazy Walton p Breanna White Men’s Chorus Joshua Atinsky p Gilead Bridges p Anttrel Chambers p Aiden Crow p Alex Diep Christian Forte p Ashton Foster p Quintain Graham p Cade Kelly p Xavier Kindred Dusty Luttrell p Brayden Methvin p Dylan Meyer p Gordon Newsome Elijah Perez p Karter Robertson p Sean Robinson p William Rosnett p Jack Slott Cade Smillie p Noah Smith p Dylan Tran p Alexander Wattley A Cappella Treniti Anderson p Ava Banker p Isaac Bell p Aditi Bhaskaru p Bubba Bowdenv Maddie Bowenvw p Fionnuala Brassil p Kailyn Cassidy p Sydney Claryuv Evan Dalrympleuv p Daniel Dooley p Jackson Espinosa p Farrin Ferdous Alyssa Ferrante p Victoria Forte p Mikayla Frandsenv p William Geisler Aiden Grossuvxy p Luka Gurgenidzev p Aria Hamiltonv p Dylan Harmon Kian Hodaeevx p Colton Hudnall p Holden Johnsonuv p Aidan Kellyv Benjamin Kernuvx p Yubin Kim p Adream Kustersuvxy p Andrew Le Louis Liv p Ada Liang p Jack Locurto p Becca Mckinnonv p Emersen McMillen Jaydyn Nelson p Brendan O’Kelley p Roman Orsiniuv p Anna Papantonopoulosv Jake Pareti p Alexis Piorkowski p Aditi Pulukuruuvy p Hayden Robinson Evan Scanlon p Zachary Sliepka p Khamare Spivery p Minnal Sunilvy Lydia Taylorvw p Leyton ompsonuv p Kristina Tran p Megan Tucker Janyiah Varela p Samyuktha Variyamuvxy p Shantel Williamsuvy p Denise Xu u O cer p v Celebration p w Region 24 Treble Choir x Region 24 Mixed Choir p y Student Choreographer

Acknowledgements Clark High School Administration Plano ISD Administration Pam Clark – Principal Kathy Kuddes – PISD Fine Arts Director Natalie Bauerkemper – Assistant Principal Al Gallo – Assistant Principal Plano Senior High School Central Cluster John Tedford – Assistant Principal Clorese Porter – Plano Senior High School Director Andria Wigginton – Assistant Principal Guillermo Valentin – Carpenter Middle School Director Andria Giboney – O ce Manager Terri Hamilton – Hendrick Middle School Director Katy Burnside Alexis Reese – Hendrick Middle School Associate Director Voice Faculty Lauren Knebel – Schimelpfenig Middle School Director Lisa Feledichuk Je Taylor – Videographer Laura Nolen Mark Rabey – Graphic Design Nicole Wallace Clark Choir Boosters Brian Eaton – Clark HS Orchestra Director & Department Chair Gina Clary – President Eric Feldman – Clark HS eatre Director Terry Bowden – Vice President Secretary Kara Rogers – Clark HS Drill Team & Dance Director Lisa Johnson – Treasurer Allyson Wallace – Clark HS Drill Team & Dance Associate Director Abi Brassil – Treasurer Bonnie Serra – Clark HS English & eatre Assistant Cameron Gross – Fundraising Chair Zainah Elsaid, Nina Gurgenidze – PSHS eatre Technicians Cynthia Robinson – Dessert Show Chair Donna Smith – Dessert Show Chair Scott Gloege, Brett Havens, Rotem Cohen, Olivia Speicher – Clark eatre Technicians Tierney ompson – Online Auction Chair Nicole Smith – Trip Chair Steve and Marilyn Kusters – Set Design Jill Orsini – Banquet Chair Ace Technical Experts – Lighting Design Concert Etiquette Please observe the following guidelines in order to help us create an environment in which all audience members may enjoy tonight’s concert. Please turn o all cell phones and electronic devices during the concert. If you must take a phone call or return a message, please step outside before using your device. As a courtesy to the performers and other audience members, please immediately remove any loud or disruptive children to the lobby. Please show your appreciation for tonight’s performers by only applauding at the completion of each musical selection. Whistling and yelling from the audience is not appropriate for this event. Audience members that must depart early from this evening’s performance will only be permitted to do so between musical numbers.

Congratulations! Your family is very proud of you! We love you, Sean!


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