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Home Explore Age of Aquarius Dessert Show 2018

Age of Aquarius Dessert Show 2018

Published by rabey.mark, 2018-02-08 04:23:53

Description: Age of Aquarius Dessert Show 2018 Program


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The Clark High School Choral Department Proudly Presents AGE OF AQUARIUSDessert Show 2018SPONSORED BY Reza Azizi, Director Bill Freeman, A Cappella AssistantFriday, February 9, 2018 • 7:00 PM

Family owned, pet-friendly vacation homes

Thank You To Our SponsorsThe Clark High School Choral Department would like toextend our sincerest thanks to the very gracious sponsors who have helped make tonight’s performance possible. Gold Level $500 or more Central Park Cleaners 1020 W Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75075 (972) [email protected] (214) 801-3319 Silver Level $250 ompson Diagnostics, LLC Tierney ompson, Ph.D. Educational Diagnostician (214) 394-0929 Bronze Level TJeA&YLWOenRdi $100Cabins on Lake WhitneyCS Properties, LLCwww cabinsonlakewhitney com(972) 517-6535Thank you for your support and encouragement of our students and Fine Arts Education in the Plano Independent School District.

Holden following his older sister McKenna’s choir passion, weare proud of you both and hope you both continue to follow yourdreams in singing and in life.Love you, Mom & Dad

Nina, your talent is limitless! We are so proud of you!Mom, Dad, luka and Lizzy !

Act OnePut a Little Love in Your Heart (with Love Train) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Gilpin Featuring Angela Wang Neda Ghassemi Austin Smillie Sam Taylor Noelle Weisz Emily Kolb Neda Ghassemi Choreographers THE CLARK CHOIRSWhat About Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jasmine NuakoSing a Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. LangfordIn My Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Zegree Featuring Kareena Patel & Angela WangCome Sail Away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Shaw Featuring Aiden Gross Noelle Weisz Parker Smith Evelyn Ayala DancersNothing Left for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Smith Featuring Reza Azizi CELEBRATIONPerfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mikaela GrgurichCan’t Take My Eyes Off of You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kian HodaeeGood Morning Baltimore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Huff Featuring Aly Zimmerman Kaylie Aguila Joliena Penn Faith Kelley & Klaire Juarez Choreographers CANTABILEYours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sydney GardereMe and Bobby McGee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grace MartinezL-O-V-E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Shaw Emily Jamieson Choreographer CANTOREIEverything’s Coming Up Roses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parker Smith INTERMISSION Be sure to visit our Silent Auction!! All bidding stops at the end of intermission! Make yours count!!

Act TwoAgony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Max Rose & Aiden GrossLa Vie En Rose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sydney Clary & Mikayla FrandsenSomebody to Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Anders and Davis, adapted Emerson Featuring Noelle Weisz Lilly Johnson Maci Dismuke Jasmine Nuako A CAPPELLA WOMENFast Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macaela Gross & Hunter RobohmIt Had Better Be Tonight (Meglio Stasera) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ajay CinclairGimme, Gimme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily KolbCan You Feel the Love Tonight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Huff Featuring Gordon Ogada & Max Rose Sam Taylor Student Director THE MEN OF CLARKHappier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maci DismukeSay a Little Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hayden Howe, Noelle Weisz, Emily KolbMy Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shantel WilliamsAquarius/Let the Sunshine In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Gilpin Featuring Carter Banker Hayden Howe Max Rose Noelle Weisz Emily Kolb Neda Ghassemi Choreographers A CAPPELLAWhen We Were Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lilly JohnsonLove Will Keep Us Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr. Gilpin Featuring Ella Ferguson Noelle Weisz Emily Kolb Neda Ghassemi Choreographers THE CLARK CHOIRS Are You e Winning Bidder?? Be sure to check out the items you bid on!! ank you for coming - Have a safe trip home!

Congratulations oBnuabbgare,at Freshman year How sweet it is to see you on thetoAgCroawppKineellevapoCigchreooaoinrv.diMnfroaiynen!ydosuhciposn.tinue Break a leg, Noelle! Love Love you, Mom, Dad and Jenny - Momma, Daddy, & Natalie Alyssa Zimmerman, We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Anthony, Dad, Rachel and family Kate Southerland,We are so proud of you and yourlove of music! Mom, Dad, Will Emily, We are so proud of you! We are amazed at how music has become such a large part of your life, and your hard work shows with every note you sing. We love you! Mom & Dad

Jason, Congratulations Ella,You always make us proud in all that you do. Keep dreaming big, the whole familyYou’re smart, caring and the funniest person is proud of you.we know. ank you for always making us smile, Mom, Dad & KelseySo proud of you boo boo bear! Love, Mom and Dad For our Klaire, Looking forward to your solo,We are so proud of all your hard Kareena! work this year! DragonBallerZ We love you kiddo! Emily,We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments with choir! Have a great performance. We love you! Mom, Dad, Lauren and AnnaAidan,We love you, you make us proud!Mom, Dad, and Abbey! Have a great show, Carter! DragonBallerZ Ajay, IT HAD BETTER BE TONIGHT! Shred the Notes! your DRAGONBALLERZ BOYZ Proud of you, Ajay! Break a Leg! Love, Mom, Dad, Trey and Rajan

Susan Ke4n69n.a3r6d3.,2R18E5ALTOR® We love you, MR. AZIZI KELLER WILLIAMS FRISCO STARS 4783 Preston Road, Suite 100 Frisco, Texas [email protected] • Gooo Xavier Kindred, graenakt syefoarr!aYou rock. We are so proud of you. Stone & the O cers Woo hoo Clark choir! Kyra, We are so proud of you! You’re AMAZING! Dad, Tina, Brianna and GarrettParker,We love listening to you sing! You have always had great pipes! Can’t wait tosee if you do anything with your talent. We love you so very much!Mom, Dad, McKenzie, Chad Jr, and Carson.

Mikayla, Break a leg, Roman!You continuously surprise us with your We love to watch you perform & we areamazing talent and dedication! so proud of you. Keep singing, acting &We love you,Dad, Mom and Matthew smiling! LOVE YOU Mom, Dad, Izzy & Vinnie Zachary, We are so proud of all you have accomplished these first two years of high school! Keep working hard and believe in yourself!! Love, Mom, Dad and Jeremy Kai, You are an amazing individual and a wonderful friend to the people around you. We are all lucky to have you in our lives! We’ve enjoyed so much watching you sing all of these years XO -Z & M

GraceCart Bank, We are so proud of you Grace!We are so proud of you and thankful Stay beautiful and keep singingfor the music you bring into ourlives. Always keep that music alive those groovy tunes sister!within yourself. Love,Love, Ava & Dad Mom, Dad and Joe The joy I see in your face as you sing, gives me all the peace in the world! Always remember to be the best you that you can be! Love, Mom & Kay

So Proud Of You Hayden! We Love To See You Shine On Stage! Mikaela Grgurich, Mom, Dad andSo proud of all your hard work. Taylor YOU GO GIRL Lilly, Love, Mom & Dad Youstaarre! a SING,MR AZIZI Love, Mom, Dad, Jay, SING Jacob, Maddie, Freckles, Xena, & Maverick

Dear O cers,I am so proud of the incredible leadersyou have become. You have helped memake our choir more amazing than I everdreamed. It has been a joy to witness yourgrowth as singers and people sincefreshman year. Your commitment to ourchoir family has set a precedence for all CHOIR OFFICERS 2017-2018that will follow. ank you for believing in me as I do each of you. I willmiss you so much next year, but I am excited to see the great things youwill continue to achieve. Because I knew you I have been changed for good ”Mr. AziziDear Celebration, CELEBRATION 2017-2018You amaze me every day. Your talentknows no bounds, and your passion formusic is evident in each performance. Icannot thank you enough for allowingme the privilege of being your director. ank you for the music the songs I m singing anks for all the joy they re bringing Who can live without it I ask in allhonesty What would life be Without a song or a dance what are we So I saythank you for the music For giving it to me ”Mr. Azizi

Silent Auction Donor List Adventure Landing Asha Salon and Spa Austin Avenue Billy Bob’s Texas Brookhaven Country Club Chick-fil-A Dallas Arboretum El Fenix El Norte Flowerama Frisco Rough Riders Gina Clary Henry’s Ice Cream Hilton Garden Inn Jason’s Deli Jennifer Jamieson Jumpstreet Kelli Bourgeois Kenny’s Restaurant GroupNorth Texas Orthodontics Associates Raising Cane’s Tom Thumb Yoga Tree

The Clark High School Choirs CANTABILE Kaylie Aguila J Zainab Al Ghezi J Treniti Anderson J Hannah Bearden J Hannah Blakely Sydni Brown J Chazmine Christian J Amari Cole J Sydney Connell J Ashley Curtis Alliyah Dominguez J Daniella Enow J Chunnu Ghimire J Kaliyah Jackson J Klaire Juarez Esther Kalu J Faith Kelley J Rhea Kondekar J Grace Lawton J MaKenna Lee J Riley Martin Kendal Mosley J Kaley Osborn J Lizzy Osentowski J Isha Patel J Joliena Penn J Alondra Perez Zhenea Rahim J Laura Lemus Rodriguez J Angelica Smith J Aly Zimmerman CANTOREI Ramissa Annan J Evelyn Ayala2 J Aditi Bhaskar J Ayeisa Bondalo J Anna Brown Kailyn Cassidy J Mabel Connell J Victoria Forte J Mikayla Frandsen J Macaela Gross2 Nina Gurgenidze J Emily Jamieson1 J Mia Kent J Neya Kichambare J Faith Kiefert Mia Leonard J Ada Liang J Becca McKinnon J Kylee Njoku J Berkeley Pequegnat Alexis Piorkowski J Taiz Quinonez J Kylee Schwartz J Myracle Scott J Lindsay Skinner Parker Smith2 J Kate Southerland J Minnal Sunil J Jazmyne Sutti J Megan Tucker Shantel Williams J Grace Won J Judy Yang MEN’S CHORUS Jonah Abbott J Orlando Alvarado J Bryan Arsenault J Jacob Barker J Miles Bouldin Chris Brown J Cavitt Bruhn J Xavier Burnom J Aiden Crow J Quintain GrahamColton Hudnall J DJ Johnson J Kendall Kennedy J Xavier Kindred J Reed Koiner J Jack Locurto Katlego Mboroma J Matthew Pequeno J Khamare Spivery J Alex Wattley J Donovan White A CAPPELLA Ixel Allmon3 J Carter Banker1,2 J Bubba Bowden J Zachary Caddell J Ajay Cinclair1,2,4,5 Sydney Clary J Anna Coldicutt J Megan Cooney J Tsion Crider J Jacob Curtiss Evan Dalrymple J Maci Dismuke1 J Farrin Ferdous J Ella Ferguson1 J Emilly Finney Kai Gaiser J Sydney Gardere J Neda Ghassemi1,2,3 J Mikaela Grgurich1 J Aiden Gross2,4 Stone Haney1,2 J Dylan Harmon J Kian Hodaee2 J Hayden Howe1,2,3 J Jason Jarratt Holden Johnson J Lilly Johnson J Sam Jones J Izabella Kaczor J Aidan Kelly Benjamin Kern4 J Kyanna Kok J Emily Kolb1,2,4 J William Marcotte J Stephanie Martin Grace Martinez1,2 J Chandler Mazza J Lochan Mourty J Faith Murray J Jaydyn Nelson Jasmine Nuako J Brendan O’Kelley J Gordon Ogada1,2 J Roman Orsini J Kareena Patel1,2 Aditi Pulukuru J Avi Puranik J Kyra Robertson J Marcus Robertson J John Robinson IV Hunter Robohm1,2,4 J Max Rose2,4 J Samantha Sanchez J Austin Smillie2 J Isaiah St.Cyr Sam Taylor1,2 J Leyton ompson2 J Sam Variyam2,3 J Angela Wang1,2,3 J Noelle Weisz3 Joseph Williams J Albert Yang 1-O cer J 2-Celebration J 3-Region 24 Treble Choir 4-Region 24 Mixed Choir, Advancing to Pre-Area J 5-Region 24 Alternate to Area

AcknowledgementsCLARK HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION PLANO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CENTRAL CLUSTER Janis Williams, Principal Derrick Brookins, Plano Senior High School Director John Tedford, Assistant Principal Lisa Newby, Plano Senior High School Associate Director Tracy Franco, Assistant Principal Reba Roberson, Assistant Principal Robin Brockway, Vines High School DirectorNatalie Bauerkemper, Assistant Principal Guillermo Valentin, Carpenter Middle School Director Sandi Welsh, O ce Manager Terri Hamilton, Hendrick Middle School Director Andria Giboney Daniel Bryson, Hendrick Middle School Associate Director Lauren Knebel, Schimelpfenig Middle School Director PLANO ISD ADMINISTRATION Brian Eaton, Clark HS Orchestra Director Department Chair Kathy Kuddes, Director of Fine Arts Eric Feldman, Clark HS eatre Director VOICE FACULTY Kara Rogers, Clark HS Drill Team & Dance Head Director Allyson Wallace, Clark HS Drill Team & Dance Assoc Director Lisa Feledichuk Lisa Walter Bonnie Serra, Clark HS English Teacher Laura Nolen Cortney Haney Videographer CLARK CHOIR BOOSTER CLUB Graphic Design by Mark, Program Design & Layout Ace Technical Experts, Lights & Sound Jamie Murray, President Clark eatre Students Linda Kolb, Vice President Secretary Clark Choir Alumni Rick Cinclair Gloria Martin, Treasurer Dionne St. Cyr, Treasurer Lisa Johnson Treasury Committee Deena Ayala, Fundraising Chair Jill Martinez, Dessert Show Silent Auction ChairHolly Howe, Dessert Show Silent Auction ChairCortney Haney, Dessert Show Silent Auction Chair Cortney Haney, Banquet Chair Concert Etiquette Please observe the following guidelines in order to help us create anenvironment in which all audience members may enjoy tonight’s concert.Please turn o all cell phones and electronic devices during the concert. If you must take a phone call or return a message, please step outside before using your device. As a courtesy to the performers and other audience members, please immediately remove any loud or disruptive children to the lobby. Please show your appreciation for tonight’s performers by only applauding at the completion of each musical selection. Whistling and yelling from the audience is not appropriate for this event. Audience members that must depart early from this evening’s performance will only be permitted to do so between musical numbers.


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