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Home Explore Big Sky

Big Sky

Published by Stephtanig44, 2016-07-09 16:07:00

Description: Big Sky


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TOP 3 DISEASES CAUSED BY You have an increased risk of lungSMOKING: cancer and heart disease if you are exposed to other people smoking forLung Cancer long periods of time. Tobacco smokeMore people die fromlung cancer than any is also an irritant and can makeother type of cancer. Cigarette smoking is asthma and other conditions worse.the number one risk factor for lung cancer;it's responsible for 87 percent of lungcancer deaths. Your chance of still beingalive five years after being diagnosed is lessthan 1 in 5.COPD (chronic obst ruct ive pulmonary W E NEED FRESH AIR!!!d isease) Air pollution is a mixture of solidCOPD is an obstructive lung disease that particles and gases in the air. Carmakes it hard to breath. It causes serious emissions, chemicals from factories,long-term disability and early death. COPD dust, pollen and mold spores may bestarts by making it hard to be active, such as suspended as particles for may alsoplaying with a grandchild, then usually gets cause various disease that may damageworse, until climbing a short set of stairs or the respiratory system. A steady supplyeven walking to get the mail is exhausting of fresh air that is full of oxygen is veryor impossible. It can leave people stuck in important. Fresh air provides you with atheir homes, unable to do the things they steady supply of oxygen which iswant or see friends. About 80 percent of all needed by your brain and every singleCOPD is caused by cigarette smoking. cell of your bodyCOPD is the third leading cause of death inthe United States.Heart DiseaseSmoking harms nearly every organ in yourbody, including your heart. Smoking cancause blockages and narrowing in yourarteries, which means less blood andoxygen flow to your heart. W hen cigaretteconsumption in the U.S. decreased, so didthe rates of heart disease. Yet, heart diseasestill remains the number one cause of deathin the U.S.

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