[Sky & Telescope magazine in May 2009] Sky & Telescope -..One Man’s Battle Against Light Pollution
to express frustration about how artificial lights are ruining our night sky. It’s another thing to do something about it. This is a brief summary of my friend Mario Motta’s persistent efforts to curtail light pollution. By day, Mario is a cardiologist at the North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Massachusetts. On clear nights, Mario operates a 32-inch telescope whose dome is built above the garage of his house, located near Gloucester, Mass. Mario is an active member of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, and has won awards for his outreach efforts. On May 9th he becomes president of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and he is a member of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Council of Scientific Affairs and Public Health. Mario is attacking light pollution at the local, state, and national levels. Working with Gloucester’s mayor and a committee, Mario showed the city council that it could save $180,000 per year by using full-cutoff, low-wattage bulbs. The council una
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