[Sky & Telescope magazine in February 2009] Sky & Telescope... - Has S&TBeen Dumbed Down
[Sky & Telescope magazine in February 2009] Sky & Telescope... -a longtime subscriber will complain that we have “dumbed down” or “watered down” the magazine over the years to suit the mass market. We have lost subscribers because of this perception. My editorial colleagues and I are disappointed whenever we hear this comment. When we look at issues dating back 20 or 30 years, we don’t perceive that the level of discussion for science or amateur articles has changed that much. We ran more mathematical equations in the past, but other than that, we’re running similarly substantive articles by leading scientists, science writers, observers, and product reviewers. Our cosmology and astrophysics features (such as this issue’s cover story) are more probing and comprehensive than ever. When we ask readers to cite past articles of the type that we no longer run, they often mention an esoteric subject that would have limited appeal today. So why is there a gap between perception and r
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