[Sky & Telescope magazine in April 2009] Sky & Telescope... -
If you’re a long-time subscriber you have probably noticed subtle changes over the past few months, and perhaps more with this issue than any other. My colleagues and I have thought long and hard about how to put our pages to their best possible use for you, the reader. The gradual evolution you’re seeing is the result of numerous discussions held over many months. When I assumed the helm as editor last June, I wanted to give the magazine more flexibility so we could expand our coverage of important areas such as astrophotography, deep-sky observing, and amateur contributions to science. When I discussed my ideas with my editorial and art colleagues, we reached a consensus that we needed to free up space so we could run articles on a wider variety of topics, by a wider variety of authors. S&Tsubscribers expressed similar sentiments when I asked them about the magazine. Over the past few months, we’ve given ourselves flexibility by reducing pages devoted to regular departmen
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