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Home Explore Present Simple Tense

Present Simple Tense

Published by Library Horwang Pahtumthani, 2020-06-10 07:54:07

Description: วิชา : ภาษาอังกฤษ
เรื่อง : Present Simple Tense
ระดับ : มัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 3
จัดทำโดย : ครูวรุณกานต์ เกตุแดง
อัพโหลด : ห้องสมุด รร.หอวัง ปทุมธานี
*ห้ามนำไปใช้เชิงพานิชย์ อนุญาตสำหรับการศึกษาเท่านั้น


Read the Text Version

ËÅ¡Ñ ¡ÒÃ㪌 Present Simple Tense 㪌¾´Ù ¶§Ö ¤ÇÒÁ¨Ã§Ô µÒÁ¸ÃÃÁªÒµÔ I live in Cats hate Pathumthani. mice. The sun rises The sun sets in the east. in the west. The Earth revolves around the Sun.

㪾Œ ´Ù ¶§Ö ¹ÊÔ ÂÑ áÅСÒáÃзÒí ·Õè໹š ¡¨Ô ÇµÑ Ã»ÃШÒí Ç¹Ñ Ann watches television. Ron takes a bath in the bathroom. He gets up early every day. I play football every Sunday.

¤Òí ÇÔàÈɳᏠʴ§¤ÇÒÁ¶Õè (Adverbs of Frequency)

She usually gets up late on Sunday. â¤Ã§ÊÃÒŒ § Subject + Adv + Main Verb. Adv frequency Çҧ˹Ҍ Verb á·Œ He is always happy â¤Ã§ÊÃÒŒ § Subject + Be+ Adv. Adv frequency ÇÒ§ËÅ§Ñ Verb to be

㪌¾Ù´¶§Ö ¤ÇÒÁªÍº ËÃ×ÍàÁÍ×è áÊ´§¤ÇÒÁ¤´Ô àËç¹ • Examples: Tom likes to drink milk. I think that’s a good idea. 㪌¾´Ù ¶§Ö µÒÃÒ§àÇÅÒ • Examples: The gym opens at 7 a.m. and closes at 9 p.m. 㪌¾Ù´¶§Ö ¤ÇÒÁÊÒÁÒö • Examples: He plays football very well.

â¤Ã§ÊÃÒŒ §

¢ŒÍ¤ÇèíҹФР1. »ÃÐ⤺͡àÅ‹Ò ¡ÃÔÂҨеŒÍ§àµÁÔ s ËÃÍ× es 2. »ÃÐ⤻®ÔàʸµŒÍ§ÁÕ do/does ÁÒª‹Ç ¡àǹŒ ¶ŒÒÁÕ Verb to be àµÁÔ not ä´àŒ Å 3. »ÃÐ⤤Òí ¶ÒÁµŒÍ§ÁÕ Do/Does ¢¹éÖ µ¹Œ áÅШº´ÇŒ Âà¤Ã×èͧËÁÒ ? 4. »ÃÐ⤤Òí µÍº ÁÕ No ¡çµŒÍ§ÁÕ not

For example Affirmative I like English subject. Negative I don’t like English subject. Yes/No Question Do you like English subject? Answer Yes, I do. I like English subject. No, I don’t like English subject. Wh Question What do you like subject?

Writing ÊÁØ´à¡ÒŒ ªÍ‹ § My Daily Life 123 654 789

Reading My daily life I always get up at six o’clock in the morning. After making my bed, I wash my face, brush my teeth, take a shower and get dressed. At half past six, I help my mother to set up the table for our breakfast. After eating my breakfast, I clean up the table. At seven, I go to school by bus. My first class begins at eight twenty. I study until noon. Then I have lunch together with my friends. I continue my class at one o’ clock in the afternoon. I finish school at four o’clock. I usually go home around five o’clock. At six o'clock in the evening, I have dinner with my family. After dinner, about seven o’clock, I do my homework and watch TV about eight. I always go to bed at a quarter past nine. I usually read books to prepare myself for tomorrow’s classes.

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