Internal SRI AUROBINDO SOCIETY VOL 36.04 April 2022 Singapore NEWSLETTER Dreams Dreams One can learn much by observing one’s dreams. Aloe vera Barbados aloe, Curacao aloe, Medicinal aloe Small light orange tubular flower tinged with yellow green; borne on tall racemes. A stemless clumping herb with thick succulent leaves. If one learns how to interpret, one can get from dreams much knowledge of the secrets of our nature and of other-nature. SRI AUROBINDO Yes, certainly, dream experiences can have a great value in them and convey truths that are not so easy to get in the waking state. SRI AUROBINDO When you practise yoga, the consciousness opens and you become aware - especially in sleep - of things, scenes, beings, happenings of other (not physical) worlds and yourself in sleep go there and act there. Very often these things have an importance for the sadhana. So you need not regret seeing all this when you sleep or meditate. SRI AUROBINDO (Blossom like a flower: DREAMS)
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 Guiding Light of the Month AS soon as all effort disappears from a manifestation, it becomes very simple, with the simplicity of a flower opening, manifesting its beauty and spreading its fragrance without clamour or vehement gesture. And in this simplicity lies the greatest power, the power which is least mixed and least gives rise to harmful reactions. 12 February, 1913 Prayers and Meditations, The Mother From the Editor’s Desk as is thwarted by a night of, what we call bad sleep. A bad This issue of the newsletter focusses on “Dreams” and sleep can refer to a sleepless night where the mind is the significance given to it. With dreams, rest and sleep ill at peace and the body restless. These usually follow, are also taken up as these are related, as The Mother in our observation probably, a day which may not have and Sri Aurobindo explain. One may wonder about the been lived consciously, taking part in activities that relationship between sleep, dreams and the inner result in fatigue. Such activities are usually not journey. When sleep is taken care of and the being is consciously taken up and usually taken up without any rested, there is a possibility to venture into inner reference or relation to our deepest and truest aims and domains via the dreams that may follow or be part of aspirations in life. These are usually surface activities such a sleep. The Mother gives directions on how to decided by the vital to appease some desires, or sleep and this too can be taken as a sadhana. She has ambition or activities of a tamasic nature, usually said to several sadhaks, “It is possible that you may not indulging in the body’s lower needs. These activities obtain an immediate result, but persevere,” and “Keep are also usually not controlled consciously. The mind trying until you succeed and you will see.” may have taken a back seat in coming in to arbitrate Why is sleep so necessary? Here is The Mother’s with reason. It may be the result of a tendency for fears and anxieties. If not a sleepless night, a day of such a answer: living leads us to a night of disturbed sleep usually, “Sleep is indispensable in the present state of the body. with bad dreams and nightmares, over which we have no control of or which lead us into a heavy and dull It is by a progressive control over the subconscient that the sleep can become more and more conscious.” sleep which does not give the being the needed rest. Many dreams can be passed of as insignificant if we The Mother connects a good rest and sleep to be the key live a life in our ordinary, outer, surface nature. At to sleeping consciously and making use of our nights as best, if one can look and understand, they only confirm well for sadhana. She recommends resting before the chaotic and confused life we live in the day. sleeping instead of falling straight into sleep in a state A day lived consciously then must result in a night of of fatigue or inertia. When we slip into sleep after good sleep where we can enter consciously into our making conscious attempts to relax the body and the dream, watch it and probably remember it and hope for nerves, and the mind, the nights take on another order some light to be thrown on the significance of the and the dreams give a clue to the inner state of being dreams. and may direct us on the work to be taken up in one for inner progress. She says, The Mother refers to sleep as another school one must pass through, “… so that the inner being may become “You can become conscious of your nights and your independent of the physical form, conscious in its sleep just as you are conscious of your days. It is a own right and master of its own life … If one wants matter of inner development and discipline of consciousness.” to achieve the maximum possible progress, one must know how to make use of one's nights just as one makes use of one's days.” Most of the preparation for the sadhana through sleep 2 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 Savitri I have turned away from the celestials’ joy And heaven’s insufficient without thee. Where now has passed that formidable Shape Which rose against us, the Spirit of the Void, Claiming the world for Death and Nothingness, Denying God and soul? Or was all a dream Or a vision seen in a spiritual sleep, A symbol of the oppositions of Time Or a mind-lit beacon of significance In some stress of darkness lighting on the Way Or guiding a swimmer through the straits of Death, Or finding with the succour of its ray In a gully mid the crowded streets of Chance The soul that into the world-adventure came, A scout and voyager from Eternity?” But she replied, “Our parting was the dream; We are together, we live, O Satyavan. Look round thee and behold, glad and unchanged Our home, this forest with its thousand cries And the whisper of the wind among the leaves And, through rifts in emerald scene, the evening sky, God’s canopy of blue sheltering our lives, And the birds crying for heart’s happiness, Winged poets of our solitary reign, Our friends on earth where we are king and queen. Only our souls have left Death’s night behind, Changed by a mighty dream’s reality, Illumined by the light of symbol worlds And the stupendous summit self of things, And stood at Godhead’s gates limitless, free.” Sri Aurobindo 3 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 Origin of Sleep & Dreams What happens in sleep is that our consciousness withdraws from the field of its waking experiences; it is supposed to be resting, suspended or in abeyance, but that is a superficial view of the matter. What is in abeyance is the waking activities, what is at rest is the surface mind and the normal conscious action of the bodily part of us; but the inner consciousness is not suspended, it enters into new inner activities, only a part of which, a part happening or recorded in something of us that is near to the surface, we remember. There is maintained in sleep, thus near the surface, an obscure subconscious element which is a receptacle or passage for our dream experiences and itself also a dream-builder; but behind it is the depth and mass of the subliminal, the totality of our concealed inner being and consciousness which is of quite another order. (Sir Aurobindo, The Life Divine Book 2) Questions & Answers – by The Mother “You can become conscious of your nights and your sleep just as you are conscious of your days. It is a matter of inner development and discipline of consciousness.” The Mother Sleep & Rest I was sleeping but woke up exactly when it was time to attend classes. Was it the Divine who woke me up? Not necessarily. There is always a part of the subconscient which is awake, and it is sufficient to have the will to wake up at a certain hour to make this part awaken you. * I would like to know why I had such a disturbed night. Obviously you did not quiet your thoughts before going to sleep. At the time of lying down one should always begin by quieting one's thoughts. * I can never sleep on the night before Darshan. People say it is a lack of balance. But on the contrary I feel it is because of Your awakening presence. I do not feel any disturbance. I think it is all right. Isn't this true? To pass a sleepless night once in a while, every three or four months, does not matter much, provided that the rest of the time you sleep well, * I advise you to sleep well and to take enough rest. This is indispensable in order to be able to keep doing the work regularly and well. My blessings are always with you 4 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 * Sleep is the school one must pass through if one knows how to learn one's lesson there, so that the inner being may become independent of the physical form, conscious in its own right and master of its own life. There are entire parts of the being that need this immobility and semi-consciousness of the outer being, of the body, in order to be able to lead their own life independently. It is another school for another result, but it is still a school. If one wants to achieve the maximum possible progress, one must know how to make use of one's nights just as one makes use of one's days. Only, people usually have no idea how to go about it; they try to stay awake and all they achieve is a physical and vital imbalance, and sometimes a mental one too * Sleep is indispensable in the present state of the body. It is by a progressive control over the subconscient that the sleep can become more and more conscious. * I know by experience that it is not by lessening the food that sleep becomes conscious; the body becomes restless but this in no way increases the consciousness. It is in good, sound and quiet sleep that one can get in contact with a deeper part of oneself. * I hope that soon you will completely recover and that you will not feel tired any more. But are you eating enough? Sometimes it is hunger that keeps one from sleeping. My blessings are always with you * Proper rest is a very important thing for the sadhana. * You must rest—but a rest of concentrated force, not of diluted non-resistance to the adverse forces. A rest that is a power, not the rest of weakness To Rest Before Sleeping There is no end to the discoveries that you can make in dreams. But one thing is very important: never go to sleep when you are very tired, for if you do, you fall into a sort of unconsciousness and dreams do with you whatever they like, without your being able to exercise the least control. Just as you should always rest before eating, I would advise you all to rest before going to sleep. But then you must know how to rest. 5 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 There are many ways of doing it. Here is one: first of all, put your body at ease, comfortably stretched out on a bed or in an easy-chair. Then try to relax your nerves, all together or one by one, till you have obtained complete relaxation. This done, and while your body lies limp like a rag on the bed, make your brain silent and immobile, till it is no longer conscious of itself. Then slowly, imperceptibly, pass from this state into sleep. When you wake up the next morning, you will be full of energy. On the contrary, if you go to bed completely tired and without relaxing yourself, you will fall into a heavy, dull and unconscious sleep in which the vital will lose all its energies. It is possible that you may not obtain an immediate result, but persevere. * For some time I have had trouble sleeping due to inner and outer turmoil. I pray to You to help me. Before trying to sleep, when you lie down to sleep, begin by relaxing yourself physically (I call this becoming a rag on the bed). Then with all the sincerity at your disposal, offer yourself to the Divine in a complete relaxation, and… that's all. Keep trying until you succeed and you will see. Blessings. * Dreams Usually I give no “meaning” to dreams, because each one has his own symbolism which has a meaning only for himself * I will speak of certain details in this connection, next time we meet. Until then I shall keep the papers with me. (Sri Aurobindo and myself alone will see them.) In the first dream we can take the theatre as the symbol of this world where all is a play—the appearance of something and not the thing itself. Here the kings and queens are not such because of an inner and divine right but as a result of the confusion of circumstances and birth. I suppose the obstacles which were standing in the way of your joining me represent the difficulties (inner and outer) which are to be overcome in order to realise the union with the true consciousness. The second dream seems to be an embodiment of old impressions left in the subconscient of social surroundings and your reactions to them. In the third the train is, as always, an image of the way and the journey towards the goal. The sets of people are the various groups (secret societies etc.) that have been formed for this purpose. The one you 6 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 were supposed to join was the society to which you became attached—composed of the boys who were with you at your first “school”; the image is clear, but an association which you did not feel to be definitive * Both of these dreams (are they only dreams?) are of a quality far superior to the former ones. The first seems to be one of those symbolic transcriptions of the inner condition and action which one so often gets in sleep. What appears to me most clear is how pointedly this dream shows the lack of any true ground for the apprehension you felt while swimming (the fear of not being able to reach the goal). For the protection showered from the shore to be reached brings you there even when in appearance conditions or circumstances seem to be driving you away from it. To say exactly what the motor launches stand for is difficult in the absence of details. The second is certainly not a dream but a reality, a very charming expression of the reality of the constant presence of Sri Aurobindo and of his help given through an intimate and true relation, even though veiled to the outer consciousness. This is a precious experience worth being kept in the most sacred corner of the remembrance * It was Darshan day. You were there with Sri Aurobindo. I ran into Sri Aurobindo's arms. He caressed me with much joy, saying that he had come to raise me up. I was on his lap. You also caressed me gently, saying one of the prayers I sent you. This dream is the result of a psychic impression which rose to the surface during sleep. 19 March 1936 * Generally I try to remember you at least once at the time of sleep. I wonder why such foul dreams visit me then, when I should have dreamed of you. Any guidance from you to avert the evil will be welcome if you would graciously grant me sufficient will and power to follow it. Keep constantly and sincerely in you the will to conquer. Blessings. 20 July 1947 * One can learn much by controlling one's dreams. * (Words of the Mother-III) 7 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations of Dreams and Visions of Champaklal Strange Dreams (1929) For quite some time now, at night, I get strange dreams. I forget my way, come across many obstacles, but ultimately I would find my way by the Mother’s Grace and also feel Her Protection. Earlier, I did not get such dreams at all. I used to fly straight. Why am I getting such dreams nowadays? You used to have dreams on the vital plane also long ago in which you passed through dangerous forests and wilderness amid parts of land and water and wild beasts, etc., but you reached safely under the Mother’s protection where you were going. I remember you were writing some to me. Also there have been dreams of difficult passages ending in the arrival on the true open way. Only these dreams you are having now indicate the difficulty of the passage through the physical (and no longer through the vital) consciousness; but the common element is that you are under the Mother’s protection and reach the way at the end. This is quiet natural because what everybody is passing through now are the difficulties of the physical and subconscient nature; but the Mother’s protection is the same here as in the past stages of the sadhana. SRI AUROBINDO The Calm Sea In the calm sea, on the horizon, I saw fire and the flames gradually reached the sky. The calm sea is the quiet vital, the flames are the aspiration rising to the higher consciousness to bring it down; on the horizon means this is the development before you to which you have to move. SRI AUROBINDO An Unpleasant Dream Day before yesterday, I dreamt that I had a quarrel with the Mother and I left her consequently, I lost all my faith in Her. This aggrieved me a lot and I remained depressed. What does this mean? It is probably one part of your being that revolted in dream; it was moved by wrong forces. SRI AUROBINDO Blue Lotus What is the meaning of the blue lotus? It can be taken as the (Avatar) incarnation on the mental plane. 8 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 SRI AUROBINDO Loss of the Key I was carrying the big key to the (Upper) door of the Mother’s house, which was given to me by the Mother. And suddenly, the key disappeared from my hands. To reach there, I searched a lot for the key, but in vain. Hence, I got panicky and very sad. What does this mean? Both the dreams are warnings to be careful against hostile suggestions (first dream) or interferences (second dream). SRI AUROBINDO Are Visions Helpful in Sadhana? (5.11.1932) Some time, while working or preparing juice or while walking, I see different types of scenes (visions) with open eyes. Some of these are clear and some are not. Some of these are related and meaningful, while some are totally meaningless and irrelevant. I remember some of these and some I forget immediately. At times, they go on like a movie, but most of them are forgotten and are also blurred in appearance. Beautiful gardens, orchards, rivers, mountains, cities, forests, birds, beautiful sceneries and different types of idols are seen. Today, in Satyen’s room, at 2.30 p.m., after reading prayers, I was sitting on a chair. No sooner my eyes were closed than I saw in Satyen’s room, near his easy chair, a big drum (barrel) filled with water. I asked Satyen, “Satyen since this drum (barrel) is filled by you, you would know its capacity in terms of number of pots of water.” Soon afterwards, my eyes opened. Can this mean anything? What does this mean? Are the visions helpful in sadhana in anyway? And, if yes then, how? Does my previous dream about a travel have any meaning? The particular things seen may be of no importance, but the power of seeing is of importance and can be of great help in the Yoga. It enables you to see things belonging to other planes (other than the physical) and get knowledge that is useful for sadhana; also to have concrete contact with the Mother in those planes (mental, vital, psychic worlds) etc. I shall tell you about your long dream afterwards. SRI AUROBINDO 9 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 Key with the Light (15.11.1952) I saw a long and big key with the letters MOTHER in white colour above it. All around there was light. Is there any meaning in this? Is it a key you saw? If so the meaning is clear; it is the key to the Divine realisation; the Mother is the key because it is her light (white is her colour) that enables us to open the gate of realisation. SRI AUROBINDO An Attack on the Vital Plane (22.11.1932) These things are not usually prophesies of the future; it was an attack on the vital plane which you were strong enough to repulse. SRI AUROBINDO A Lotus with a Coconut (5.8.1933) I saw a beautiful lotus and inside it a coconut. The lotus was not quite open but one after another the petals were opening. It is the Consciousness opening, with the offering to the Divine within it. SRI AUROBINDO Fire of Aspiration (18.11.1933) About 20 days back I saw a fire flame coming out of a lotus. At that time I thought it was only my imagination. Today I see something like that on the cover of the book The Mother. I have tried to draw it. Has it any meaning? It must be the fire of aspiration rising from the opened consciousness to the Sun of Truth with all its colours (forces) around it. SRI AUROBINDO Sun of Truth (7.2.1934) I could not draw exactly what I saw in the vision. Does this drawing mean anything? It seems to be the fire of aspiration towards the Truth (the Sun) supported by the Divine Presence and lifting up the nature towards the just visible Sun of Truth. SRI AUROBINDO A Baby with a Pot (21.4.1934) This morning at pranam time I saw a very small baby standing in front of me with a very happy cheerful face and carrying on his shoulders a pot of water which looked too heavy for a baby. The baby offered 10 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 me water from the pot and said to me: take this water, Mother will again fill it up. I took water as he gave me and I saw to my surprise that the pot was being again filled up; nobody knew how it was filled up; it was like magic. When the baby said that the Mother would fill up the pot again, I was very much impressed by the simple faith of the baby and his being conscious of the Mother, young as he was — I wish to know the meaning of this from Mother. It was your psychic being. SRI AUROBINDO The Sun and the Flower (25.8.1934) Early morning a vision came to me. I have tried to represent in the picture what I saw. Is there any meaning in it? Or is it my own mental construction? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in the material consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO (Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations of Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (1/2) - AuroMaa) January 2022 Sunday Activities at the Centre - A glimpse 6 March 2021: Savitri Reading Circle, Book Seven: Canto 5, Psychic Being in Savitri But since she knows the toil of mind and life As a mother feels and shares her children’s lives, She puts forth a small portion of herself, A being no bigger than the thumb of man Into a hidden region of the heart To face the pang and to forget the bliss, To share the suffering and endure earth’s wounds And labour mid the labour of the stars. Savitri is aware of the struggle of mind and life in this onward course even as a mother feels and shares her children’s lives, and she puts out a small portion of herself — a being of the size of the thumb — into the hidden chamber of the heart, in order to face and bear the pangs of life and forgetting her original nature of bliss, to share the suffering and endure earth’s wounds and participate in the incessant labour of the universe. (Angushthamatram, Katha Upanishad). Man is able to go through all because this small portion of the Divine Spirit, the soul, is within him. The key to the fact that Sir Aurobindo was indeed referring to the Psychic Being appears in the line, “A being no bigger than the thumb”. This line is a direct reference to the Upanishadic principle of the Chaitya Purusha (Sri Aurobindo, 1989). It is in the ‘Kathopanishad’, that the Chaitya Purusha is described as a being no bigger than the thumb. 11 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 “The psychic being is the evolving soul within us, which sits behind our heart, which develops life after life through life experiences. It is the portion of the Divine which holds together our mental, vital and physical sheaths. At the time of death, it decides the circumstances of our next birth and then withdraws into the psychic world for a period of rest”. From content-study The canto ends with the following: “A power leaned down; a happiness found its home. Over wide earth brooded the infinite bliss”. 13 March 2022: Reading on Synthesis of Yoga In the last session we discussed the steps that we have to take progressively to reach the supramental truth consciousness. Although that is a distant goal, there are several concrete steps we can take from where we are now to where we want to be. For that we work on the fundamentals of the sadhana which are faith , sincerity, surrender, and aspiration. We took the example of the body, where if we go to the gym once, then we won't see any benefit, which look at this narrow evidence means we would stop exercising. But if we have faith that, with discipline and sincerity, we continue to exercise we will reach our goal, after several months we can build a very strong body, which is an important foundation of the sadhana. In this way we can have a progressive evolution for other parts of our being, including the thoughts and feelings and desires. Slowly by adhering to this method of gradual self-transformation we can begin to peel away the layers of the ego and ignorance. For to reach the highest truth we must first discover the inner light of our inmost soul. It is the only sure guide on the journey of a synthetic and all-encompassing yoga. 20 March 2022:‘The Materialist Denial’-Chapter 2, From Sri Aurobindo’s - ‘The Life Divine’ In the previous session (on 20th Feb 2022), we took up the study of Chapter 1 under the title ‘The Human Aspiration’ - covering the possibility of a divine life in this material body, in the physical existence. According to Sri Aurobindo, this ideal and the possibility of actualising it, demands that we recognise both spirit and matter – spirit as what endowed constitutes the substance of matter and matter as the mutable robe of the spirit. With the fact, what we see around is not what it appears to be, but purely it is a rendering of the deeper truth has been very well described in the Taittiriya Upanishad - Sri Aurobindo starts this chapter by taking up 2 shlokas III -1 & 2 from ‘Bruguvalli’, and given below are his translations: Shloka 1: “Bhrugu, Varuna's son, came unto his father Varuna and said, \"Lord, teach me the Eternal.\" And his father declared it unto him thus, \"Food and Prana and Eye and Ear and Mind — even these.\" Verily he said unto him, \"Seek thou to know that from which these creatures are born, whereby being born they live and to which they go hence and enter again; for that is the Eternal.\" And Bhrugu concentrated himself in thought and by the askesis of his brooding”. Shloka 2: “He knew food for the Eternal. For from food alone, it appears, are these creatures born and being born they live by food, and into food they depart and enter again. And when he had known this, he came again to Varuna his father and said, \"Lord, teach me the Eternal.\" And his father said to him, \"By askesis do 12 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 thou seek to know the Eternal, for askesis¹ is the Eternal.\" He concentrated himself in thought and by the energy of his brooding”. After chanting of the above shlokas, the translations were read and discussed. We continued reading of the first 2 paras with discussions. Further readings from the same chapter, together with chanting of other shlokas with Sri Aurobindo’s translations will continue in our next month’s session. 20 April 2022: Readings and Reflections: The Inner Journey Having read passages on the Psychic Being, we ventured to start reading on short passages and reflect upon them, from The Great Adventure – A Diary of All Times. The passage chosen for the day was, “The Joy of Progress”. Joy is a sign of alignment with that central space within, where Divinity dwells. The opening line from this passage was, “It is the will for progress and self-purification which lights the fire.” We have read about that “fire” in passages on the psychic. Here was practical guidance on how to grow that inherent fire within. The passage gave a clear direction on how to bring about the movement of purification, of curing each defect in the nature that keeps us away from the Light or the knowledge or the perception of a presence within which guides our steps. Here is another sentence that drives home a decisive movement: “Each defect one wants to cure or each progress one wants to make – if all that is thrown into the fire, it burns with a new intensity.” In this way, there is hope of cleansing the nature of all its defects and obstructions, shadows and ignorance so that the being may make way to the Light that wants to stream into the being and be expressed in every movement of ours, manifesting itself here on earth. 27 March 2022: Question and Answers by The Mother, Aspiration, Rejection and Surrender In this session, members continued with the reading of the passage selected for the last session. The passage began as below: “The transformation must be integral, and integral therefore the rejection of all that withstands it.” Ibid. That is well understood. It is not enough to have a positive movement, there must also be the negative movement of rejection. For you cannot attain a stable transformation as long as you harbour in your being elements which oppose it. If you keep obscurities within you, they may for a time remain silent and immobile, so well that you attach no importance to them, and one day they will wake up again and your transformation won’t be able to resist them. Not only is the positive movement of self-giving necessary but also the negative movement of rejection of everything in you that opposes this giving. You must not leave things “like that”, buried somewhere, in such a way that at the first opportunity they wake up and undo all your work. There are parts of the being which know very well how to do this, there are elements of the vital which are extraordinary from this point of view: they keep quiet, hide in a corner, remain so absolutely silent and motionless that you think they don’t exist; so you are no longer on your guard, you are satisfied with your transformation and your surrender, you think everything is going well, and then, suddenly, one fine day, without warning, the thing jumps up like a jack-in-the-box and makes you commit all the stupidities in the world. And it is the stronger for having remained repressed — repressed and closed tight in a corner — it has remained as though buried so as not to draw your attention, it has kept very, very quiet, and the moment you are not expecting it, it springs up and you tell yourself, “Oh! What was the good of all my transformation?” That thing was there, and so it happened. It is just like that, these things remain there and hide themselves so well, that if you do not go looking for them with a well-lit lantern, you will not know they are there till the day they come out and demolish all your work in one minute. - Jayalakshmi, Rakesh, Krishnamurthy, Jayanthy 13 Dreams
DrInetaemrnasl Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. April 2022 PROGRAMME FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2022 DATE TIME DETAILS 8 AM 3 Apr 2022 6 PM Monthly Morning Walk * Sunday Savitri Circle by Venkatesh Rao 7 PM Youth Programme 10 Apr 2022 6 PM Thematic Study Circle by Rakesh: Sunday The Synthesis of Yoga 5 PM Vedic Mantras from The Life Divine by Krishnamurthy and Jared 17 Apr 2022 6 PM Mother’s Questions and Answers by Shailaja Sunday 7 PM Youth Programme 24 Apr 2022 6 PM Anniversary of The Mother's Final Arrival in Pondicherry Sunday *Details can be found in the SAS Whatsapp Printed and Published by The Sri Aurobindo Society of Singapore 2A Starlight Road 01-07, Singapore 217755. Anand Venkat: 86126067 or [email protected]; Anand Patel:[email protected]; Email: [email protected] Visit our website at: 14 Dreams
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