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Concordia Connection: Summer 2011

Published by Concordia University - Portland, 2015-06-18 14:37:53

Description: Career-Ready, Community-Minded


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ConcCoonrdneication P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N • S U M M E R 2 0 1 1 CAREER-READY, COMMUNITY-MINDED

A Teachable Mo m ent In Fall 2010, as part of a marketing internship for my business degree at Concordia, I traveled to West Africa to gain hands-on experience as a volunteer for a non-governmental organization, Women in Progress (WIP). The following is an excerpt from a journal entry that I wrote during my three-month stay in Ghana, West Africa. ---------------------------------------------------------N--o-v-e-m--b-e--r-2-0--, -2-0-1--0------- My second week in Africa has been enlightening. I’m starting to grow more accustomed to everyday life in Ghana. I’m no longer stressing about how to take a taxi, whether or not there will be cockroaches in the bathroom (although most likely there will be), how much I should bargain when buying items on the street, or where to find the best street food. It no longer feels weird to sleep under a mosquito net or bathe with a five-gallon bucket. In Ghana, many of the clothes worn by the locals are second-hand from westernized countries, usually distributed through charities and such. Clothing items cost 1 cedi each in the market (1 cedi= $.70 USD). I learned that obruni wawu is Fante (Ghanaian local language) for dead white man’s clothes, because from a Ghanaian perspective, certainly the white men must be dead to be giving away such nice clothing. Mary taught me to batik this week. Batiking is a dying process practiced in Ghana, and throughout the world, that incorporates beautiful pigments and a special wax stamp used to create custom designs on calico fabric. In Mary’s case, the batiked fabric will later be used to sew authentic, handmade products for export. She helped me batik a stunning teal skirt covered in adrinkra-batiked symbols. Adrinkra is a collection of West African symbols depicting various meanings such as hope, belief, and “accept God.”Kayla Vickaryous ’11 with Mary, Mary is one of the “Global Mamas,” or fair trade employees that benefit from thelearning how to batik. organization that I’m working for, Women in Progress (WIP). Through sustainable growth of small, women-owned businesses, WIP helps to alleviate poverty and establish mutual understanding among people of diverse cultures, primarily in the developing nation of Ghana. Since its inception, nearly 500 “Global Mamas” have been given the opportunity to make up to fifteen times the Ghanaian minimum wage (less than $2.00 USD per day), buy new equipment for their businesses, hire apprentices and employees, and most importantly, send their children to school. In the short time I’ve been here, Ghana has provided me with experiences I’ll never forget. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to Africa to better my education in business and gain experience in my career field. I left with that, and so much more. I worked and lived among some of the most intelligent and compassionate people on the planet and learned so much about Ghana’s fascinating culture. My volunteer trip to Ghana was the single most important thing I’ve ever accomplished and the most enriching three months of my life.  » Kayla Vickaryous, Class of 2011

98% of our undergraduate students receive tuition assistance...your support is needed now more than ever. Together, we can provide high quality education... and bring the teams home! You’ve probably heard the big news by now, that Concordia University is building a new Athletic Complex so our soccer and baseball teams will once again have a home field advantage! With 98% of Concordia University’s students, and student-athletes, requiring financial aid to enroll, most of our students wouldn’t get the chance to study, play on the new field, or even cheer on Concordia’s teams without the support of scholarships from alumni and friends like you. By choosing to support Concordia University, you will change the game for our student-athletes and for those that cannot afford higher education without assistance. Mike Dickman, one of the 2011 Scholar Athletes, was nervous about the cost of private higher education until he received his financial aid package: “At CU, I received athletic, academic, and leadership scholarships that made the school more affordable than attending a state school.” Please prayerfully consider how you might support student scholarships and the Athletic Complex. Please visit Hendrickson Put YOUR 100% tax deductible GIFT to WORK TODAY BY GIVING ONLINE: WWW.CU-PORTLAND.EDU/GIVenow

J OIN US FOR THE INAUGURA L Governor Vic AtiyehLeadership in Education Awards presented by Concordia University February 9, 2012 | 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Special Guest Speaker: GEOFFREY CANADA As President and Chief Executive Officer of Harlem Children’s Zone since 1990, Canada has become nationally recognized for his pioneering work helping children and families in Harlem and as a passionate advocate for education reform. He has authored two books and was recently featured prominently in the acclaimed documentary Waiting for “Superman.” Since 1905, Concordia University has prepared teachers who make a positive difference in the lives of the children and families they serve. Today, most philanthropic, business, civic, and political leaders recognize that a quality education is essential for our nation’s strength as a democratic society in a highly competitive world. This award is designed to honor one or more of those leaders for their unique and important contributions to significantly improving education. Named after Oregon’s highly esteemed former Governor Victor Atiyeh, for his life-long passion and leadership for education, the award will be presented each year to the leaders whose professional, philanthropic, business, civic, and/or political advocacy has profoundly changed the odds for our children to succeed in school and beyond. At our inaugural event, the award will go to the man himself, former Governor Atiyeh. Join us as we celebrate his legacy. TO BECOME A SPONSOR OR LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS EXCITING EVENT, CONTACT BROOKE KRYSTOSEK AT 503-493-6454 OR [email protected]

P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N • S U M M E R 2 0 1 14 Campus Life. Washington Monthly ranks Concordia #1 for student participation in community service; Paying tribute to Rev. Dr. Richard Reinisch; Concordia breaks ground on the new athletic complex, and more. 12 Career-Ready, Community-Minded. Concordia prepares students with experience and connections to help them transition successfully from campus to their career.20 Current Issues. Young readers at Faubion School get a boost from Concordia’s reading coaches. Alumni Notes. Former Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski honored Dr. Fred Kramer with an award 22 for Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Achievement. Also, read the latest about life after Concordia straight from alumni themselves. SUMMER 2011 28 Navy & White. Find out how Concordia’s 37 Concordia Connection is published twice basketball program instilled the necessary work ethic per year by Concordia University in for Alex Hartman to succeed; Fall and winter athletes Portland, Oregon. continue to shine; Learn about Concordia’s unsung heroes, the athletic trainers. Please address all correspondence to: Concordia Connection Nailed to the Door. Discover how Concordia Concordia University 2811 NE Holman Street is preparing students for the emerging world of work. Portland, Oregon 97211 or email: [email protected] Editor: Madeline Turnock, APR Art Director:Christine DodgeGraphic designer, photographer: Katrina Dinges EDITORIAL BOARD: Mark Deuel, Keylah Boyer Frazier ’97,Matt English, Brooke Krystosek, Kevin W. Matheny, Ron Miolla, Kelly O’Gara, Dr. Glenn Smith, Dr. Michael A. Thomas ’93, and Dr. Sonja Vegdahl Summer 2011 3

Campus Life Social Work Earns National AccreditationConcordia Ranks #1 in More than 100 people gathered atService Nationally Concordia University on Thursday, September. 9, 2010, to celebrate Concordia University-Portland is internship, and service learning hours the national accreditation of theranked #1 for student participation per year, serving more than 10,000 University’s social work programin community service among U.S. community members, 5,000 of whom by the Council on Social Workuniversities with master’s programs, are youth. For the past two years, Education.according to Washington Monthly’s and again this year, Concordia was “This national accreditation2010 national universities ranking. named to the U.S. President’s Higher recognizes that Concordia meets The service category measurement Education Community Service the highest national standards forreflects both the number of students Honor Roll for exemplary service social work education,” said Dr.participating in community service efforts and service to America’s Sonja Vegdahl, professor and socialas well as the total number of communities. work program director in Concordiaservice hours performed. Both were In the overall Washington Monthly University’s College of Health &measured relative to school size. The rankings, two of the ten Concordia Human Services.measure is based on data reported Universities nationwide – Portland Concordia University began theto the Corporation for National and and Chicago – ranked within the five-year accreditation process inCommunity Service by colleges and top 100 of over 500 institutions, as 2005. In addition to the nationaluniversities in their applications for numbers 87 and 96, respectively. recognition that accreditation bringsthe President’s Higher Education For more information, go to to Concordia, it offers ConcordiaCommunity Service Honor Roll. graduates additional credibility On average, Concordia’s faculty, college_guide/rankings_2010/ in seeking both employment andstaff, and students contribute more masters_universities_rank.php  graduate degrees.than 223,000 hours of practicum, “Students who graduate from Concordia’s social work program can now apply to masters of social work programs nationwide with ‘advanced standing,’ which means they can complete their masters program in one year instead of the standard two years,”she said. Any Concordia social work student since 2005 can now apply for advanced standing when entering a graduate program. Current social work students, AUGUST 8 « December 1 More than 1,500 community members gathered at Concordia University on Sunday, August 8, 2010 for a Concordia’s Inaugural Tree Lighting attracted upwards stunning performance of Giuseppe Verdi's Il Trovatore , of 500 neighbors, faculty, staff, and students and during Opera in the Park by Portland SummerFest. featured a sing along with the choir. Santa also4 concordia connection made an appearance.

Campus Lifealumni, faculty, Social Work Advisory CelebratingCommittee members, and local area Rev. Dr. Richardcommunity partners all celebrated the Reinisch’s Lifeprogram’s accreditation on September9th in the lobby of the George R. “Always demanding, never the A fighter in the best sense ofWhite Library & Learning Center. tyrant, quick with a smile and his the term, he lived this out on the Concordia’s social work program exuberant laugh…I will remember basketball court, the tennis court,experienced record enrollment this him for his knowledge and the joy of the golf course, and in pinochle—infall. Concordia offers both bachelor sharing Christ with his students…If each case leaving his challengersof arts and bachelor of science there ever was an example of service behind “gasping for air” anddegrees in social work. Both degrees leadership, Dr. Reinisch would be it.” watching him smile in triumphantprepare students to become servant- These and many other similar victory. He continued to show thisleaders who work actively towards accolades from faculty, staff, and fighting spirit so well in his last days.the transformation of society. The students begin to characterize Rev. “Dick” Reinisch was a trustedprogram’s curriculum and learning Dr. Richard Reinisch, who died on and revered colleague with facultyenvironment is accessible to a broad August 13, 2010. A memorial service and staff, open to their ideas anddiversity of students who will make was held at his home congregation, ready to work with and for them.important and unique contributions St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, on At one time he even volunteered hisin their service to clients, August 28th. time to coach baseball. He balancedcommunities, and the profession. Rev. Dr. Reinisch came to Concordia his time well so that he could fulfill For more information about from Nebraska, where he served a small his role as a dedicated family manConcordia’s social work program, rural parish. He soon became a vital with a great concern for theirvisit part of the educational enterprise welfare now and in the future.socialwork.  here. He was a true and dedicated Finally, he was a true friend in scholar with three masters degrees Christ—loyal and helpful, and a joy and a doctorate degree in Classics. to know and love. Concordia has He spiced up classes with his quick been truly blessed by his presence.  wit and varied quips designed to teach, encourage, and remonstrate his students, and he added life and joy to any social gathering. He had deep convictions, particularly in his faith in his Lord. He was always ready to listen and discuss spiritual and other matters with anyone. A student of the Bible, he imparted his faith and knowledge with great zeal in the classroom and on campus. »DECEMBER 12 january 24 5 The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and ProgramsConcordia’s Concert Choir sang (ACBSP) approved Concordia University’s candidacy for in Pioneer Courthouse Square accreditation and will present its certificate of candidacy June and was featured on the local news. To view the video, visit 26th at an Accreditation Banquet during the ACBSP Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. Summer 2011

Campus LifePictured (left to right): Clark College President Robert K. Knight, Concordia University President $1 MillionDr. Charles E. Schlimpert, Lower Columbia College President Dr. James McLaughlin, and Centralia Gift SupportsCollege President Dr. James Walton. ExpansionBoost for Early Childhood Concordia University received an additional million dollar gift fromEducation Boise philanthropist, business, and civic leader George R. White and his A new partnership between The new Southwest Washington wife, Geri White. early childhood education bachelor’s “George White’s quarter centuryConcordia University, Clark College, degree offers Southwest Washington of service and unwavering dedicationCentralia College, and Lower education students a unique to Concordia University’s missionColumbia College was signed on opportunity to further develop their is a tremendous blessing,” remarkedFebruary 17, 2011, to allow Southwest passion while also increasing their Concordia University PresidentWashington students to apply employment opportunities. Charles Schlimpert. “The White’s areeducation credits toward a bachelor’s The Head Start Reauthorization critical contributors to our recorddegree in early childhood education Act of 2007 requires that at least expansion - both in terms of theat Concordia University. 50 percent of Head Start teachers student body as well as the academic The four college presidents joined have a baccalaureate degree in early programs and infrastructure toa gathering of students, professors, childhood education by September support them.”educators, and Head Start advocates 2013. The new degree fulfills that The gift supports the Universityfor a launch reception and signing requirement. The program also and the development of Concordia’sof a memorandum of understanding allows students an opportunity to future law school in Boise, Idaho.(MOU). The MOU among the four partake in Concordia’s nationally In recognition of this remarkableschools will streamline the process lauded education program.  support, Concordia University willfor college students who transfer name its new law library the “Georgeto Concordia’s four-year bachelor’s R. White Law Library” upon thedegree program to continue their facility’s completion and opening ateducation. 501 Front Street in downtown Boise. The renovated building will seek LEED Gold certification through the U.S. Green Building Council. An earlier multi-million dollar gift from George and Geri White in spring of 2008 marked the first step in Concordia’s expansion plans and helped open the new George R. White Library & Learning Center in August »FEbruary 4 FEBRUARY 10 Carl Wilkens, former head of the Adventist ReliefMore than 250 people attended the installation of Rev. Greg Fairow Agency in Rwanda, spoke to students and shared aas Concordia University’s new campus pastor. The service was held first-hand account of life for the people of Rwanda at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church. Rev. Paul Linnemann, Northwest as the country collapsed, as well as stories of District President of the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod those who stood up against the killers. Nearly 300 presided over the service and delivered the homily. people attended the lecture. 6 concordia connection

Campus Life2009. The 74,000 sq. ft. LEED Gold example of a humanitarian, Christian, Dear Concordia Universitycertified building provides a critical and published author who has always alumni and friends,intellectual and cultural resource for been an advocate and spokespersonthe campus and local community, for people without a voice. As a pastor who previously served twoalready having issued more than Born in Germany in 1941, Ms. campus ministries and who has trained1,300 free library cards to neighbors Weidenweber remembers firsthand ministry leaders in 30 states to share God’sin our community. the horrific aftermath of Fascism. At love at nearby colleges and universities, George and Geri White reside the end of the war, she found herself I have seen the profoundly positive impactin Boise, Idaho, where Mr. White is living under Communism. Both campus ministry has on college students.founder and president of National of these totalitarian regimes hadBark Sales. He joined Concordia a dramatic impact on her life and Like much of society around us, campusesUniversity’s Board of Regents in 1992. work. After the Berlin Wall was built, across the country are changing rapidly.He served on numerous committees she finally escaped this repressive Therefore, campus ministries, includingand taskforces, and chaired the environment with the help of friendsRegents during a critical transitional and a French passport. those at Christian colleges and universities,period for the University. White Sigrid holds degrees in medical also must change in God-pleasing ways towas instrumental in the expansion technology and psychology. Her first continue to have a positive impact.and development of the Concordia book, Escaping the Twilight, dealsUniversity Foundation Board of with aspects of medical anthropology I accepted the call to Concordia University, inDirectors and served as chairman of the in an Islamic culture. Her wide range part, because it is committed to developingBoard of Directors for nine years.  of interests led to the writing of the and implementing new, effective campus trilogy, The Volga Flows Forever,Weidenweber published by Concordia Press. ministry models to better serve its students,Earns Doctor Concordia University’s Center for faculty, and staff – models that can beof Letters Volga German Studies (CVGS), housed in the George R. White shared with other ministries around the Concordia University presented Library & Learning Center, owes country to help them do the same. You canan honorary Doctor of Letters a great deal of its success to Ms. help us. Please contact me to learn to Sigrid Weidenweber in Weidenweber’s efforts as a speaker,December 2010, in recognition of her spokesperson, and author. Her Peace in Christ,significant contributions to literature work has done much to further Rev. Greg Fairowand history. In particular, she is an friend-raising and fundraisingadvocate force for Volga German for Concordia and the CVGS. In Campus Pastorpeople and their unique history, addition to Concordia and the CVGS, [email protected] provides ongoing support and Ms. Weidenweber has shared herpromotion of Concordia’s mission gifts and talents with a wide variety 503-493-6587and vision. of non-profit community benefit Ms. Weidenweber of Santa Rosa organizations. Valley, Calif. is an extraordinary march 1 « April 12 Concordia Women’s Basketball won the CCC The 17th Annual CEO Roundtable Tournament Championship 63-61 with an amazingbuzzer beater by Danielle Clauson (Edmonds, Wash./ gathered more than 300 business andKings HS). The shot made ESPN SportsCenter’s Top Play of the Day. Read more on page 32. community leaders at The Governor Hotel in downtown Portland for a panel discussion on “Community Service: The New Corporate Culture.” Summer 2011 7

Campus LifeSummit Concordia Announces Partnership Creates Vision with Local Soccer Clubfor Oregon With the opening of the NEU has both competitive,Families Concordia University & Community recreational, and development Athletic Complex on the horizon academy soccer programs for youth Concordia University and for the fall of 2011, the University ages 6 – 14. Current plans involveTrillium Family Services convened 37 has announced the signing of a co-sponsoring charity tournaments,leaders from the business, nonprofit, partnership with Northeast United/ creating community involvement witheducation, judicial, and human Alameda Soccer Club as its primary Concordia athletes serving as coachesservices sectors in Spring 2011 to youth soccer partner. for club teams, and increasingconsider one key question: How can The five-year agreement ensures involvement with underrepresentedwe better prepare ourselves today that Northeast United (NEU) has a serve Oregon’s most vulnerable home field for games, training and Local club coaches with Concordiafamilies in the future? soccer ties have included Georgie At the three-day summit, tournaments. The club will have Christensen, Scot Perkins, Carli Godard,participants examined current access to the field at least 500 hours and Angelina Turner. The partnershipconditions that impact Oregon’s per year over that stretch, with first will bring recent Concordia alumsmost vulnerable families. priority for use of field hours outside back to campus while giving current Participants agreed that of Concordia use. student-athletes a greater opportunitythose conditions have worsened “It’s wonderful that we will to get involved in coaching.significantly over time, and they build a first-class facility not only “This gets to the heart of whatare getting worse. Yet, even a strong for our athletes but to be able to Concordia is about,” English said. “Iteconomy will not fix the systemic share with our neighbors in the will be a great dynamic to have allissues plaguing the state’s public, community,” CU Athletic Director levels of soccer playing on this field.”private, and nonprofit safety net Matt English said. Athletes ranging from six years offor vulnerable populations—major age to college students will have theinnovation at the institutional level opportunity to call the new field theiris needed. home turf, creating a stronger bond Summit findings are published between the campus, its athletes, andin a full report, and participants the community.agreed to continue meeting to carry “It will be great to see these kidson the work of creating a better have the opportunity to be ball boysfuture for Oregon’s most vulnerable and girls for top-notch collegiate teamsfamilies. and turn around the next day and play To read a copy of the full report, on the very same field,” English Jason Hagen at 503-493-6532 “Not only will it inspire them to be theor [email protected], or go best they can be on the soccer pitch,online at but it will give them early experiencesTrillium.  being on a college campus.”  »APRIL 14 may 14 TEDx came to Concordia University for the first Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jody Williams visited and spoke time, hosting a full range of speakers, includingwith the Concordia University community about her years of work Mercy Corps CEO Neal Keny-Guyer, to encourage around the world to eradicate landmines, during day-long attendees to “think. inspire. go.” events co-hosted by the Wholistic Peace Institute. 8 concordia connection

GROUNDBREAKING DACYampus LifeCONCORDIA UNIVERSITY & COMMUNITY ATHLETIC COMPLEXFebruary 24, 2011 Snowfall could not deter Concordia University from breaking ground on the long anticipated Concordia University & Community Athletic Complex. The complex will span four city blocks and provide a well-lit, year-round turf field and facilities for student-athletes, alumni, local clubs, and youth camps. To watch a video of the groundbreaking or view the progress daily, visit 1) Portland city commissioner Nick Fish recognizes the project as a “shining example of a public-private partnership”; 2) President Chuck Schlimpert encouraged the crowd, “You never gave up, we never gave up”; 3) Cav baseball teammates bring bench strength; 4) Kim Dodge represented Northeast United, the local youth club partner; 5) Juha Tuominen, Brad Self (NIKE soccer), Dan Birkey, men’s soccer coach; 6) Women’s soccer representatives dig in with Grant Landy, women’s soccer coach; 7) Rev. Greg Fairow blesses the ground; 8) Matt English, athletic director, asks crowd to help bring the teams home; 9) Men’s soccer team digs for a new home field. www.BSruinmgTmheerTe2a0m1s1Home.com9

Concordia University is pleased in the Park a t C oncordia U niversit yto bring you Opera in the Park. Carmen willbe performed in an abridged, concert version Portland SummerFest Opera in the Park with lively narration, featuring singers of Carmenpresents international stature and the Portland by Georges Bizet SummerFest Orchestra, conducted by August 7, 2011 ~ 6:00 p.m. Maestro Keith Clark. Admission is free. { ADMISSION IS FREE } Concordia University Campus Green

Pacific Power, Phillips & Company, Sodexo, Trillium Family Services, and United Way of the Columbia Willamette congratulate Concordia University on its commitment to community service:223,000 number of service, practicum, and internship hours contributed annually by our campus community. 10,000 community members who benefitted from services provided by our students, faculty, and staff − everything from free tax assistance to mentoring and tutoring youth. 1our ranking in Washington Monthly magazine for student community service hours. Read our community engagement report online: w w w . c u - p o r t l a n d . e du / c o m m u n i t y

By Ian RuderRMCCeoaiarnmeddemyer,d-unity-

Supporting students’ transition from campus to career hastaken on new urgency in today's challenging job market.Spring 2011 13

Feature Story“How can I better prepare my students for the have professors and administrators devotedly working to connect and empower students to have a leg up in today’sjob market when they graduate?” job market. This question has been on Dr. David Tucker’s mind since When Kelsey Green ’08 arrived at Concordia in 2006he took over Concordia’s accounting program in 2008. with her associate’s degree from Southwestern Oregon Community College, she knew she wanted to be a high With unemployment hovering between nine and ten school counselor but didn’t know how to get there. As thepercent and studies showing employers are hiring fewer first member of her family to go to college, she didn’t haverecent college graduates, Tucker is not alone among his anyone to help explain how to turn her academic studiesConcordia colleagues. into the career she wanted…that is, until she met Dr. Jane While there is no guarantee of employment for all ofConcordia’s future alumni, discussions across campusRoosevelt High School, North Portland Graves Smith, chair of the psychology department. In their first meeting of what would prove to be a fruitful relationship, Dr. Smith helped guide Green towards focusing on psychology with an emphasis on child and family development. More importantly, she urged Green to consider graduate school and laid out the most direct path to help her get there.

Campus Life A Little Tenacity Goes a Long Way Green credits Dr. Smith, along with Dr. Kevin When it comes to finding a job, Tatiana Sims-Parker ’08 lives by the Simpson, with giving her the confidence to thrive during simplest of credos. her time at Concordia and beyond. “Going to a small school like Concordia, where I could “There’s always develop those relationships, is really what motivated a way to get to what you me to continue my education,” Green said. “It was want,” she said. “It’s just definitely a very welcoming, personal relationship with a matter of finding who my professors that made the difference. I knew I could will support you.” come to them with any questions or fears about going to Sims-Parker came graduate school.” to Concordia in fall of 2007 to get the educationPictured (left to right): Dr. Jane Graves Smith, Dr. Kevin E. Simpson, and Kelsey Green ’08 and experiences she needed to move from Green graduated with her bachelor’s degree in her career as a dental psychology two years later, then started graduate school assistant into management. two days later. She earned her master’s degree two years Now, barely two years after she completed her undergraduate later. Now, she is a counselor at her alma mater, Roosevelt degree and just months after finishing her MBA at Concordia, High School in North Portland. Sims-Parker is enrolled in the Presidential Management Fellow Green’s strong relationships with her professors is Program, one of the U.S. government’s most prestigious programs typical of how Concordia students tackle the job market, that all but guarantees a job working in the upper echelon of United States government. Her rapid ascent did not surprise Dr. Mark Jager, dean of Concordia’s College of Health & Human Services. Dr. Jager worked with Sims-Parker during her undergraduate studies and oversaw the internship she completed before graduating. “She was very, very driven,” he said. “I can remember talking to her when her internship was all said and done and she was getting ready to graduate and I remember telling her that the degree would open doors for her but it might not be in dental.” Realizing just that, Sims-Parker immediately applied to Concordia’s MBA program. When questioned regarding her management and leadership experience, Sims-Parker used her tenacity and testimonies from her supporters, like Dr. Jager and professor Lee Payton, to secure her admission. As her graduate studies wound down, Sims-Parker found out about the Presidential Management Fellow Program in a flier. She was one of 8,000-plus to apply. She made the first cut, passed a battery of tests and was named a finalist, earning an invite to a job fair in Washington, DC that would be attended by over 80 government agencies that take part in the fellowship program. With 100 resumes in tow, Sims-Parker spent three days meeting with all the employers and sat through 25 interviews. Within days the National Institutes of Health (NIH) offered her a position in Maryland. She accepted and started her two-year fellowship in August. Sims-Parker is still early in the program but said she hopes to pursue a management track position. Working at the NIH has been a great fit for her. “I wouldn’t be here without the support of the Concordia faculty and all the people who helped me along the way,” she said. Summer 2011 15

Feature Storyaccording to Megan Bouslaugh, Concordia’s associate In response to the growing importance of workdean for student development. Bouslaugh oversees the experience, many academic programs now require that allUniversity’s career services and runs seminars, counseling Concordia graduates have worked or served in their field.sessions, and classes aimed at preparing students forinterviews, networking, and anything else that will help Concordia students are required to learn morethem land a great job. than what their textbooks tell them, whether it’s a nursing student completing an extensive one-on-one While students take advantage of the offerings, she preceptorship with a nurse in a clinical setting, ansaid most students rely on the personal relationships they accounting student tackling tax returns, or a Concordiabuild with professors in their majors in order to learn biology student summer interning at Oregon Health &how to best approach the job market. Sciences University (OHSU). “By the time students are in their upper division “The idea is to get them out of the classroom and getclasses, they’re really getting connected to the professors them doing something related to their field of interest,”in their field,” she said. “Those professors are helping said Dr. Charles Kunert, dean of the College of Theology,students understand what is going to be required of them Arts, & Sciences. “Those experiences are really giving ourin the job market and how to network.” students advantages in entering graduate schools and applying for jobs.” Networking and getting practical experience in theirrespective fields are more important than ever in today’s Like many of his fellow professors, Dr. Kunert is closelyhyper-competitive market, according to Bouslaugh. involved in helping students find challenging and fulfilling internships.16 concordia connection

Feature Story Three years ago Dr. Kunert forwarded an application “Our best compete with the best,” says Dr. Davidto student Katy Lawson ’09, then a Concordia biology/ Tucker, professor of accounting, to whom this comes as nopre-med major. The application was for a summer surprise.research position at OHSU. She landed it, and thatsummer’s work helped Lawson realize her true passion Since taking over the accounting program, Dr. Tuckerand crystallize her career path. has worked to build connections that will lead to fruitful internships for his students. This year, one of his students “It opened doors to see what research was,” she said. will be interning for Ernst & Young, one of the most“I was positive that I was going to go straight to medical prestigious and difficult to land internships in the, but when I experienced a lab environment Ithought, ‘hey, I really like this, I can do this.’” (see sidebar on page 19) Lawson is currently in a two-year molecular biology and genetics program at Harvard studying hematology and oncology. She still plans to apply to medical school, but she will focus on research. She thanked Dr. Kunert and her Concordia professors for preparing her so well. “When you go to a place like Harvard, you kind of think everyone’s base of knowledge is going to be so high,” she said. “I was pleasantly surprised that, not only could I compete, but I was more prepared than a lot of people I work alongside.”Katy Lawson ’09 now works as a research assistant in a hematology and oncology laboratory of Dr. Leonard Zon at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School. Summer 2011 17

Feature Story As valuable as internships and practical experience efforts with their areas of career interest.are in securing a job, Dr. Kunert—Concordia’s longesttenured faculty member—suggested that the University’s “The best thing I have to offer is helping students thinkemphasis on service leadership is likely even more strategically about what they need to do next to get whereimportant. they want to go,” she said. “We’re looking for what we can do to point students in a direction that will help them Recent articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education, achieve career goals.”The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek and The HarvardBusiness Review have all raised the question of where Months removed from learning and applying all oftomorrow’s leaders are these principles to her own job search, Kelsey Green isgoing to come from andsuggested that America now passing them on tois suffering a crisis in students as a counselor atethical leadership. Roosevelt High School. While some When Roosevelt studentsuniversities begin to offer come for counseling, theydegrees in leadership, will no doubt see herConcordia’s integrated Concordia degree hangingfocus on developing alongside her degreesservant leader’s figures to from community college,reap rewards for its future graduate school, and thegraduates. very high school they are attending. “No matter whetheryou’re going to be a She said that thescientist, a business Concordia bannersperson, a teacher, or a are hanging there as acounselor, fundamentally reminder that if theyour philosophy at believe in themselves, relyConcordia is that your life on the people who careis to be a life of service,” about them, and aim high,he explained. they too can achieve their dreams and work in their In addition to dream jobs.developing the leadershipqualities employers are “Concordia helped melooking for, service work to think big and thinkand volunteering can be about how I can give backa good way to get a foot to others, how I can serveinto difficult-to-come-by jobs. others, and what kind of professional I wanted to Bouslaugh said she has seen a definite up-tick in become,” she said. “I realized that I wanted a job wherestudents looking into a year of service such as Teach for I was influencing other people’s lives and helping otherAmerica, AmeriCorps, and Peace Corps. She counsels people achieve the dream that I had been fortunateinterested students to try and match up their service enough to accomplish.” 18 concordia connection

Feature StoryConcordia Junior Earns Prestigious Internship with Ernst & Young Last year, Concordia junior Mike Dickman used Dickman is a fourth-year accounting major from Eugene, Ore. In addition to starring in thehis sure hands to lock down the middle of the infield classroom, Dickman is a starting infielder for thefor the Cavalier’s baseball team. This summer, he’ll Cavalier’s baseball team. He said his experiencesuse those same sure hands to verify the financials as a student-athlete played a key role in preparingfor some of the nation’s largest companies as an him for the rigorous application process and for theaccounting intern for Ernst & Young. Dickman was internship.selected for one of two intern positions in the firm’s “Big firms like Ernst & Young want to know thatPortland office following a demanding application you are able to manage your time effectively andprocess. juggle multiple responsibilities,” he said. “Playing “Getting an internship at a prestigious firm like baseball, while getting my degree at Concordia, hasErnst & Young is a testament to the hard work taught me how to thrive at both.”Mike has done,” Dr. David Tucker, professor of With offices in more than 140 countries, Ernstaccounting, said. “It also shows how well-positioned & Young is one of the world’s largest and mostConcordia students are for today’s competitive job prestigious auditing and professional services” Forbes magazine ranked Ernst & Young the 10th largest private company in the United States in 2009. Summer 2011 19

Current Issuesreading coachesYoung Readers Get a Boost From Concordia Michaels. “Concordia University was thrilled to partner with our neighborhood public school, Faubion, to provide an extra boost to these emerging readers.” Concordia master of arts in teaching candidate Jackie Blair was one of a dozen students who volunteered to serve as a reading coach. “Being a reading coach was Reading Tips  Take time to read together by pairing an experienced reader with an emerging reader.  Select appropriate books at the reader’s level and themes that interest them.  Discuss the book, asking questions along the way.ABOVE: Concordia University student reading coach Jackie Blair with her Faubion School  Re-read out loud, together, taking turns,third grade reading buddy. and pausing to discuss the story to help build confidence. Even let the child stand up and perform their reading for you.Following eight weeks of tutoring, Concordia’s participation in  Assist with unknown words by breaking 13 third graders from Faubion a $200,000 national grant up challenging words into parts orSchool in Northeast Portland, joined to help struggling readers. writing them down on flash cards totheir “reading coaches” at a local The grant, awarded to review later.bookstore for an end of semester Elon University in Northfield trip. The third graders rode Carolina, by Switzerland-in Concordia University vans and based Oak Foundation, was empowering for me as a learner, toarrived at a local bookstore to shop spearheaded locally by Concordia be studying with a child one-on-for their very own books. University College of Education one to help them get comfortable in The third graders, identified and Professor Dr. Lynn Keyne-Michaels. the language,” said Blair. “I learnedselected by their classroom teachers “Third grade is a critical time how much adults can benefit frombased on reading needs, received to develop solid reading and spending one-on-one time with a child,one-on-one reading coaching from comprehension skills that are and also how much the childrenConcordia University student- important for students’ future thrive with the care and attentionvolunteers. The effort was part of academic success,” said Dr. Keyne- they receive from an adult mentor.”20 concordia connection

Current Issues “Our professors, Lynn Keyne- Concordia University and NortheastMichaels and Jane Koivisto, servedas great resources to us (reading Portland’s Faubion School Proposecoaches) along the way. They wereour ‘master teachers,’ available to ‘Education Corridor,’ a Possibleanswer questions and to bounceideas off of, making sure Model for Shared Expertise, Facilitiesour third graders made progress.” First, the reading coaches by Larry Binghamreceived training on how tosupport young readers. Then, published March 25, 2011 in The Oregonianonce a week, the third graderswere escorted by their reading Faubion School teacher Reshawn Brown claps her hands to get thetutors from Faubion School to attention of 20 kindergartners. It’s about 10 a.m., time for the children to cleanthe adjacent George R. White up for “Brain Break.” As they settle into stations to draw and play with blocks,Library & Learning Center and one pig-tailed 6-year-old slides to the edge of a table where a Concordiathe Jody Thurston Northwest University student sits waiting.Center for Children’s Literature, Melissa Lum, 19, opens a picture book and begins reading. For the childwhere they were provided one-on- who follows Lum’s finger across the pages, the benefits of this one-on-oneone reading support. Each third attention are priceless. She gets personalized instruction and a mentor, angrader participated in ongoing invaluable asset in any school, but especially important at Faubion, a publicassessments to determine their school with an 80 percent poverty rate.reading progress. Meanwhile, Ms. Brown, a kindergarten teacher without an assistant, can Another important component focus on other students. In a hyped-up world of test scores and expectations,of the grant involved parents. The where Brown says “kindergarten is the new first grade,” extra hands in thethird graders’ parents were invited classroom make a difference.and welcomed to attend andparticipate. Several parents applied To read the rest of the article, visit Concordia University librarycards and plan to bring theirchildren to the library in the future. Any community membercan receive a free library card bybringing their ID to ConcordiaUniversity’s George R. WhiteLibrary & Learning Center. Morethan 1,300 free library cards havealready been issued to membersof the local community since thelibrary opened in summer 2009. PICTURED AT RIGHT: Faubion School third graders buy $100 worth of books as the culmination of eight weeks with CU reading coaches. “Third grade is a critical time to develop solid reading and comprehension skills that are important for students’ future academic success.” » Dr. Lynn Keyne-Michaels, Professor of Education Summer 2011 21

Alumni NotesAluNmonteisWhat’s new in your life? 1980Stay in touch and keep us posted on all of your news... new baby, new job, new spouse, new house, great Derwin Dresslervacation, milestone anniversaries, or recent retirement? was selected 2010Send us an e-mail and give us the update on what’s #1 Best Teacherhappening in your life. Feel free to include photos, by readers andespecially high-resolution (300 dpi) wedding and baby viewers of KING5 TV’s Eveningpictures: Magazine Best of Washington EMAIL: [email protected] awards. Derwin was selected by popular vote from amongOr send mail to Alumni Notes, 2811 NE Holman Street , Portland, OR 97211 more than 110 nominees and 402,855 votes tallied. He teaches fifth-grade at Concordia401945 ’s 701970 ’s Lutheran School in Tacoma, Wash.Dr. Robert Sylwester HS published his Dr. Steven Krause HS ’68 assumed the 198110th book, A Child’s Brain: The Need duties of dean, professional and technical Annette Leoni andfor Nurture. It’s a companion book to studies, at the University of Alaska Matt Idler ’83, became friends on Facebookhis 2007 The Adolescent Brain: Reaching in Juneau. He oversees the School of after meeting 30 years ago at Concordia. Afor Autonomy. Sylwester is an emeritus Management and the School of Career year later, on March 21, 2010, they were60’sprofessor of education at the University Education with overall responsibility married. At the time, of Oregon. for two-year and four-year degrees, and Matt had been living in 1962 two graduate degree programs. He also Delaware and Annette in Vancouver, Wash. Joe Leas and wife, Ginger, left Portland works with a variety of certificate and Matt moved back to Portland on March 19, occupational endorsement programs 2009 and soon after started working for with campuses in Juneau, Ketchikan, and Karcher North America in Camas, Wash. Matt has four children and Annette two; allfor their new life as full-time RVers on Sitka. Steve previously was a professor at of whom are “out on their own.” Annette also has a 4-year-old grandson who MattSeptember 7th, after Ginger retired. Concordia University from 1999 to 2010. has taken under his wing and will soon be teaching him all of his baseball skills (Matt1969 was an accomplished pitcher for Concordia 1979 – 1983). Annette is the showroomRosemarie (Smith) Fritz attended manager for Classique Floors in Portland,graduate school at Pacific Lutheran Ore. Matt and Annette enjoy golfing,University to receive an MA in guidance hiking, fishing, camping, entertainingand counseling after graduating from friends and family, and are also quiteConcordia. She has been married involved in their church, Good Shepherdfor 18 years and has three daughters Lutheran Church in Vancouver, Wash.and one grandson. She says, “I havebeen a program consultant for churchleadership groups and executivedirector of a crisis pregnancy center anddomestic violence organizations.” Shenow lives in Golden, Colo.22 concordia connection

020001 ’swas/is the fact that Concordia folks love Alumni Notes and serve the Lord in numerous ways. I am so proud of such growth in this Anna-Lisa Pearce and her husband, community, and I am a proud graduate. Adam Pearce ’00, welcomed their first Thank you, Concordia, for what you baby, Abrielle Paige born on December allowed me to experience in those 12, 2010 at 6:56pm. (Pictured below with Josh & young years. God Bless all of you!” Jennifer Pearce) 1985 2002Rev. Michael Warmbier and Elizabeth Linda (Tietjen) Pugh was chosen by her Beth (Chaffin) French and her husband, Joe(Collison) Warmbier ’81 recently took peers to represent the Natomas Unified welcomed their first child, Lilianna Gracea trip to Boston, Mass. and Maine. Mike School District in the Sacramento County French. She was 7 lbs.,has served as pastor at St. Peter’s Lutheran competition as District Teacher of the 1 oz. and 19.5 inchesChurch in Cornelius, Ore. for over seven Year. The award was presented at the long. District Teacher of the Year banquet at Hilton Hotel on September 1st. 2003years. He also teaches as an adjunctprofessor in the Department of Theology Todd Diskin serves as Multnomah Youthat Concordia University and serves as Corps Coordinator for Portland Mayor Sam Adams.1993the chairman of the Alumni Council of90’sConcordia Seminary in St. Louis. Robert Harmon, a U.S. Air Force veteran,Liz teaches sixth grade language arts, was promoted to director and generalmath, and literacy with two other teachers manager of RS Medical Direct. He willin Dayton, Ore., a small farming town be responsible for the strategicabout 30 minutes from their home. direction and day-to-day operations of the company’s new direct1983 physician supply program. Harmon previously served as RS Medical’sJeff Norton picked up his 200th win as director of sales.Seattle Lutheran High School girls soccer1999coach. Jeff was featured in an article inthe Seattle Times. He took over theprogram after graduating fromConcordia and has coached theSaints ever since.1984Jeanne Oak writes, “I really thank Jennifer (Hollis) Pearce and her husband,the Lord for Concordia. When I Josh Pearce ’09 (picture on the left), had theirlook back on my life, I can see how first baby, Fletcher Lee on February 2,blessed I was to be a part of such 2010 at 5:09pm. He weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz.a unique college (and of course, and was 21 inches long.outstanding basketball team).Dr. Kunert, thank you for giving Ashlee (Swett) Talley and her husband,me that opportunity to become Jason Talley ’05, welcomed their firstwho God was working on. I am baby; Lilee-Belle Marie on July 27, grateful that silly ball broughtme a college education and a truly Donna (Hoyt) Grand Pre MBA ’03,magical time of my continuing married Paul Grand Pre in Bronxville,life. I did social work for many NY on February 26. She is currentlyyears and have now finished the dean of admission at Pacemy first decade as a massage University.therapist in Renton, Wash. I reflect nowthat Concordia was instrumental inbedrocking that I can “do anything.”What I am most grateful for, however, Summer 2011 23

Alumni NotesAfter graduation and her husband’s Tim Jennifer Wetter and husband, Joshuaretirement, Loretta Searles Tucker Overholser Wetter moved from Hillsboro, Ore.moved to the town of Lyons, Ore. in the recently to San Tan Valley, Ariz. in June 2010.North Santiam River Canyon. She raises joined the They purchased their first home andHippotherapy horses that have been graduate welcomed their second child, Andrewrescued to assist veterans with special admission Gabriel Wetter, on December 3, 2010. Heneeds. She is also the owner, manager, team, weighed 8 lbs. and was 20 inches long,designer, and wedding planner of recruiting and joins big sister, Abigail Naomi Wetter.Swayback Mountain Floral and Design. students to CU’sShe says, “All proceeds go to the support MAT program. He spent the last fourof the horses, allowing me to follow my years as an undergraduate recruiter.calling to assist and advocate for otherswho otherwise might not have a voice. 2007My assistance is voluntary and free to allveterans. Blessings to all at CU!” Heather (Engels) Garo married Ty Garo on July 16, 2010 in Camas, Wash. She2005 is currently a teacher with the Portland Public Schools. Sara (Stores) Stauffer MAT and husband, Tony Zadan MAT teaches physical Scott, who works in the Concordia education and health classes at St. Therese University Foundation, welcomed their School in Northeast Portland. first child, Henry McCall Stores Stauffer on August 15, 2010 at 10:55pm. He weighed 2009 7 lbs., 14 oz. and was 21 inches long. Rebecca Gimeno joined the Concordia Admission team as a freshman recruiter.Emily (Abrahams) Chapin marriedEric Chapin on July 10, 2010. They areliving in Everett, Wash.Angela (Potter) Harris MBA hasbeen named branch manager of theMadras, Ore. branch of Columbia 2008State Bank. She joined ColumbiaState Bank after spending time as Michael Drawbaugh is currently amanager at U.S. Bank in Madras. Shewas recently featured in an article in theMadras Pioneer. ‘Teach for America’ teacher. He instructs Erin McKee teaches in Washington DC first grade on the Pine Ridge Indian2006 Reservation in South Dakota and is also a candidate for a master of arts degree fromSince graduating from Concordia the University of South Dakota. as part of the Teach for America program,Michael Lay has been traveling the world which promotes equity in education.via his basketball career. He has been to Francesca Jackson is working as an She has noticed that high performingMexico, Australia, and now is in Germany executive in human resources, cash classrooms display university gear and sheplaying professional basketball. He will services, and operations for Macy’s proudly flies her Concordia Universitybe going to graduate school to get a and has been there since graduating in banner.masters in education. He’s started his own 2008. She writes, “I’m also excited to bebusiness as a basketball consultant. marrying Ryan Aultman, an underwriter with Farmers Insurance, next August.”24 concordia connection

Alumni NotesDr. Fred Kramer Always Has His Eye Out ForPeople He Can HelpFor 40 years on Concordia’s campus, Dr. Fred Kramer, 84, used his giftsin a variety of roles to help shape theculture of service that now defines theUniversity. As a registrar, a professor of psychology andeducation, and an academic dean,Kramer devoted himself to helpingstudents and faculty thrive. Since retiring from Concordiain 2003, Dr. Kramer has devotedthat same passion to helping therapidly growing Latino communityin Northeast Portland’s Cullyneighborhood, and the results havebeen eye-opening. Volunteering with his wife, Eunice, Dr. Kramer has built Trinity LutheranChurch into a pillar of the Latinocommunity. He has raised over $300,000 and obtained numerous grantsto fund a plethora of outreachprograms. These programs “It’s a mission of love for him. He hasincluding a Latino ministry, ESL dedicated his life to serving others and spentand computer classes, fooddistribution, and summer school, an enormous amount of time and energy.” all for the estimated 2,000 Latinoimmigrants living within a mile of » Dr. Charles Kunert, Dean, College of Theology, Arts, & Sciencesthe church. Because of his efforts, formerOregon Governor Ted Kulongoski Arts, & Sciences. “It’s a mission “I saw the needs and thehonored Dr. Kramer with an award of love for him. He has dedicated opportunities of serving (thisfor Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer his life to serving others and spent community) and it just kind of grewAchievement in late 2010. The award an enormous amount of time and from that,” he said. “We do what wewas one of many acknowledgements energy.” can from day to day.”that Dr. Kramer has received for his Dr. Kramer’s youngest daughter, Despite all the enjoyment he draws service leadership. Becky, said the outreach is a natural from his work, Dr. Kramer knows he Kramer’s success and the manifestation of her father’s passions cannot oversee the outreach effortrecognition it has brought him come for teaching and foreign cultures. no surprise to those who know him. “My dad has always had a drive “I would like very much to have “Fred has a sincere love for God to accomplish things,” she said. someone step up and succeed me inand he sees his role on earth as a “He’s not a person to sit at home in the work,” he said. “I’m 84 years old,calling to meet the needs of other retirement. He’s always looking for and I know there’s a limit to how longpeople,” said longtime friend and co- things to do, ways to be productive.” I can continue to put 30-40 hours aworker, Dr. Charles Kunert, the dean Dr. Kramer humbly deflected week into this. I hope in my prayersof Concordia’s College of Theology, credit for all he has accomplished. that someone will come along who can pick up these responsibilities.”  Summer 2011 25

Alumni Notes Erika (Schmid) Stepp married Elijah Serena Since graduation Antwaun Spencer Stepp on October 9, 2010. Little serves has started his own organization called the Lord F.A.N.E.X. The company provides Matthew Warmbier and wife, Halle through community treatment services to at-risk (Davis) Warmbier ’09, are living in St. LCMS World and youth offenders. Antwaun says, “Feel Louis. Matt is in his second year of Mission free to check us out at” Seminary studying for the pastoral as a GEO ministry. He is also dual enrolled in missionary In Memoriam the master of sacred theology degree in Macau, program at the Seminary. Both Matt and a special Maria Ellen Nelson ‘Tehowash’ ’98 died Halle continue to sing in the prestigious administrative peacefully in her home one day before region of China. (GEO missionaries her 55th birthday, on September 5,10’sAmerican Kantorei, a professional choral are globally engaged in outreach 2010, in Stanfield, Ore. Nelson was an group in St. Louis. around the world and serve for terms enrolled member of the Yakama Nation 2010 of 1-2 years.) Serena teaches English with familial ties to the Umatilla Indian Theresa (Haas) Haines is doing her as a foreign language in small groups, Reservation.  director of Christian education internship one-on-one, and in larger classes at the at Zion Lutheran in Newberg, Ore. Concordia English Center in Macau. August 7 She also helps to lead Bible studies and SummerFest: Opera-in-the-Park Dinisha Gray- outreach activities. Through all of these Mingo is working ministries, Serena shares the Gospel with August 13 as a paralegal at students and their families as she builds Alumni Soccer Game, Delta Park a law firm in Las relationships with them. Vegas, Nev. Dinisha August 13 writes, “I’m Stephanie Murphy MAT recently joined Alumni Soccer Game learning so much. Concordia’s College of Education (COE) Delta Park, Portland, Ore. It’s great because as the assistant program director. She will in law school, you be responsible for communications, serve August 28 only learn the law, as textbook liaison between the bookstore Alumni Volleyball Game so now I’ll have and MAT instructors, and will also be the experience involved in various other projects for the August 28 with the procedural MAT program and the COE. Shakespeare-in-the-Park side of things for when I get out. I work mostly with the personal injury and Marie Selby recently joined September 25 criminal attorneys. And, I’m speaking Geffen Mesher & Co., an Sunday Parkways Spanish a lot so my studying abroad and accounting and finance Corner of 32nd and Ainsworth, 5 years of classes won’t go to waste!” consulting firm in Portland. Portland Ore. Stephanie Kenny recently accepted a Tia Sexton is in Slovakia October 15 position as an assistant hall director teaching two sections of first- Concordia Cross Country Classic at the University of Portland. She is year English, two sections of Fernhill Park, Portland, Ore. currently pursuing a master of science first-year social studies focused in management communication at on English speaking countries, October 28–29 University of Portland. two sections of fifth-year writing Preview Weekend and two sections of fifth- year geography focused on English October 31/Halloween speaking countries. Tia writes, “I am Residence halls open to public for very excited to have my own classroom trick-or-treating after four years of learning about how to teach. Right now I am enjoying learning November 19 about the Slovak culture and language. NAIA Cross Country National I am living in a small town of about Championships, Fort Vancouver, 5,000 people who mostly know each Vancouver, Wash. other. Most people live, work, shop, and play right here in Tisovec, so November 29 they know each other quite well. I am 2nd Annual Christmas Tree Lighting praying for all of you at home!” December 9–11 61st Annual Christmas ChoraleStay in the loop and get details on above events & more at 27 Summer 2011

Navy & WhiteConcordia’s Basketball ProgramInstilling the Necessary Work EthicBy Tyler Scott Barbarick called Hartman “the most focused player that I’ve had. He had aFor players in the National relentless work ethic.” Basketball Association, road It was this focus, aided by continuedgames can mean flights to Milwaukee growth that allowed Hartman toor Oklahoma City. For former reach 6'7,\" 215 pounds by his seniorConcordia men’s basketball player season, that allowed him to improveAlex Hartman ’07, road games mean each season and finish his CU careertraveling around Asia and Europe as one of the top players in theand visiting places most Americans University's history. Hartman rankswill never have a chance to see. third in CU history with 1,442 career “Basketball has helped me see the points and 1,104 field goal in a way I never would have He ranks fourth in blocks (89) andimagined possible,” Hartman said. minutes (2,934) and is tied for fourth Hartman has starred for Indonesia with 115 games the Association of Southeast “Alex made a goal for himself veryAsian Nations (ASEAN) Basketball early on in his college career that heLeague as a two-time Most Valuable wanted to play professionally,” BarbarickPlayer. He has also played abroad in said. “He did everything in his powerGermany, Japan, and Romania since to pursue that, from changing hisgraduating from Concordia. diet to his weight-lifting habits. He He credits the CU basketball was one of the best athletes in theprogram with instilling the work conference by theethic necessary to reach this point. time he was a “Concordia recruited several senior.”players at my same position,” “I felt thatHartman said. “My only choice was basketball wasto go into my first year of college and my calling,”try to work twice as hard. I worked Hartmanevery day in the weight room and said.tried my hardest in the classroom.” Hartman entered college as a 6'4,\"170 pound freshman, and he foundthat the pressures of college could bedifficult to handle. “College was very physical, veryfast, and totally overwhelmed me,”Hartman said. “It took extra time inthe gym and the weight room to turninto a team contributor and go-to guyfor the Cavaliers. Coach (CU headcoach Brad Barbarick) constantlypushed me to work harder than I everhad before. By my senior year, Coachwas a father figure to me and thebasketball team was my family.”28 concordia connection

Navy & WhitePlaying in the IBL Hartman in his CU days Dunking for the KL Dragons “I knew I had the skills “My only choice championshipto play at the next level. I just game. Local fans began toreally didn’t know how to break was to go into my take note of his success.into the market.” “That was the season when my He began his professional career first year of college fan base grew tremendously in Asia,”in the International Basketball Hartman said. “I was able to travel toLeague (IBL), playing for the and try to work many countries, take vacations to BaliVancouver Volcanoes semi-pro team, and meet a lot of future connections.”a job that “hardly paid the bills.” twice as hard...” Hartman has since played with Hartman was not content and the KL Dragons, Malaysia’s toppushed for a bigger opportunity. » Alex Hartman ’07 team, earning MVP honors and leading his team to the league He entered his name into a Two games into the championship. He then flew to pre-draft camp for China Volcanoes’ season, however, Hartman Japan to play with the Vancouver basketball. received his big break – an invitation Volcanoes on an international tour “I knew that I had to play for Indonesia in the ASEAN before again returning to Malaysia to reach a larger base Basketball League, which included for another opportunity in the of people, including teams from several Southeast Asian ASEAN Basketball League. agents and coaches,” countries. It was there that Hartman Basketball has offered Hartman began to make his mark, winning the the chance to play the game he Hartman said. tournament MVP and leading his loves, while seeing the world. Once Among 250 camp team to its first-ever championship. his career is over, Hartman plans to attendees, only 20 were Between seasons in Indonesia, use his business administration and selected to travel to Hartman played in the Romanian marketing degree to work with NIKE, Hawaii for the official League, traveling around Eastern but, until then, he will pursue his China basketball draft. Europe as his team finished third in next opportunity in the game. The Hartman was the youngest the league. experience has required sacrifice and player to receive an After returning to Indonesia for few guarantees of job security, but invitation, although he was another season, Hartman led the Hartman says it has all been worth it. not selected to play in China. league in scoring and finished third “It has been very hard for me to His first overseas opportunity in assists as his team reached the be away for such long periods of time came soon after, in Stuttgart, from my friends and family back Germany, where he played for home,” Hartman said.“But I would four months and led his team in not trade it for anything.”  points, rebounds, and assists. At the conclusion of the season, he returned home and again planned to play with the Volcanoes.To learn more about CU’s basketball program, please visit: Summer 2011 29

Navy & WhiteFall-Winter Sport HighlightsWomen’s Soccer recognition. Jackie Hendrickson, Concordia’s only loss during the a junior midfielder, and Kaitlyn conference season was a bitter 1-0 The women’s soccer team Tebbs, a senior forward, received defeat at the hands of cross townopened its season with 11 straight honorable mention honors. rival Warner Pacific College. Theshutouts and climbed to a No. 1 At the conference level, eight Cavaliers would avenge that loss inranking in the National Association CU players earned all-CCC the conference championship gameof Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) honors. Orr was named the with a 2-1 comeback victory.Coaches’ Poll for the first time in CCC’s Defensive Player of the Head coach Dan Birkey earnedthe program’s history. The Cavaliers Year by a vote of the conference his 300th career win on Octobermaintained its ranking throughout coaches. Sophomore Adrienne 23rd when the Cavaliers defeatedthe season, remaining the only Lommasson was named Northwest University 1-0. Birkeyundefeated team in the country to Newcomer of the Year and Grant became just the 15th NAIA men’searn the No. 1 seed at the national Landy shared Coach of the Year soccer coach to attain 300 careertournament. honors. victories. After capturing the team’s 11th Orr, Peterson, Hendrickson, Following the conferencestraight Cascade Collegiate Conference and Tebbs also received CCC first- championship, the Cavaliers(CCC) crown, CU went on to win the team honors. Sophomore goalkeeper traveled to Liberty, Mo. for theCCC tournament championship. The Tori Talbutt, sophomore defender opening round of the NAIA nationalCavs earned a tense 2-1 win over long- Lauryn Helmers, senior midfielder tournament. Making their fifthtime rival Simon Fraser University Sami Andrews, and sophomore appearance at the tournament, theon November 20 to advance to the forward Alex Thomas were named to Cav’s season came to an end in theNAIA national championships in the second team. opening round as they fell 3-1 toDecatur, Ala. Concordia saw its seventh-seeded William Jewell College.undefeated season come to an end in Men’s Soccer The 2010 season providedgame one in Decatur, falling to the accolades to a number of individualseventual national runner-up Hastings After falling to Concordia-Irvine on the team. Facundo DipascualeCollege, 2-1. 3-1 in its season-opening contest, the was named CCC Player of the Year Junior defender Brittany Orr 2010 men’s soccer team embarked and seven Cavaliers earned all-highlighted a group of four CU on a 16-1-1 stretch that featured 14 conference recognition. Shaunovanplayers who earned NAIA All- shutouts, allowing their opponents Wilson earned Defensive Player ofAmerican Honors. Orr was named to just four goals. The 14 shutouts set a the Year and Newcomer of the Year.the first team for the second straight new single-season University record Dipascuale and Wilson went on toseason, while fellow junior defender en route to a CCC championship. be named to the NAIA All-AmericanJenna Peterson earned second-team Honorable Mention list.30 concordia connection

Volleyball and College of Idaho, the Cavaliers Navy & White earned the No. 3 seed in the CCC In her second season, head coach tournament, where they battled the Join the Team!Melanie Hambelton and the Cavaliers No. 13-ranked College of Idaho Yotesheaded in the right direction. to a 26-24 loss in the opening set Support Concordia Following a 16-10 record in 2009, before being swept. Athletics Year RoundHambelton guided the Cavs to nearly Capping a stellar career, senior20 wins in 2010 with a 19-9 overall hitter Raluca Dinca became just At Concordia, we believe in shapingmark and a third-place result in the the third Cavalier to record 1,000 leaders who will transform theCCC standings. career digs and kills. By the end of world around them. By becoming Opening the year at a rugged the season, Dinca found her way into a Cavalier Club member, youthree-day tournament in Montana the top 10 in several all-time CU lists provide scholarships, equipment,with a 1-4 record against top-ranked as she finished No. 3 on the school’s and program support to maketeams provided experience for the all-time kill chart and No. 4 all-time student-athletes’ dreams comeyoung CU squad. They would go on in digs. In addition, fellow senior true. Join the team today, or gift ato win 18 of the next 22 matches. Erika Doremus rounded out her four- membership to someone special, Going 14-4 in league play with year career in the Navy & White at or by callingtheir only losses against top-25 rankings as No. 9 all-time with 746 kills. 503-280-8505.teams Southern Oregon University Dinca went on to become one of three CU players to earn first-team Go Cavs Go! all-CCC honors and was also named to the AVCA NAIA All-Northwest 5 0 3 - 2 8 0 - 8 5 0 5 S| uWmWmWe.rG2O0C1U1GO . COM 31 Region team. Freshman setter Lindsay Mangan and junior middle blocker Clair Thiel joined Dinca on the CCC first-team, with Doremus receiving honorable mention. Mangan was named the conference’s ‘Newcomer of the Year.’ Cross Country The 2010 season proved to be another groundbreaking year for the cross country programs. Alice Taylor earned All-American honors for the second consecutive year, leading the women to their first ever CCC championship and a CU-best eighth-place finish at the NAIA national championships. Marcus Nelson became the third Cavalier cross country All-American at the national meet, helping Concordia finish 25th nationally. Taylor and Nelson opened the season on a strong note, posting the top individual times at the Lewis & Clark Pioneer Open on September 11th where the men’s and

Navy & Whitewomen’s squads placed second On November 20th Concordiaoverall. The following week, the co-hosted the NAIA national meet atCU women won the CCC Preview, Fort Vancouver, Vancouver, Wash.paced by Taylor in second, Samantha for the second consecutive year.Robert in fourth, Junia Limage in Taylor’s 19th-place finish was thesixth, and Lauren Moran in seventh. second-highest in CU history, behindThe men took second behind Eastern only her own 13th-place finish atOregon University in the same meet. last year’s national meet. Nelson also November 6th brought the posted the second-best finish for CU,CCC Championships, and Taylor’s with his 21st-place rank behind onlysecond-place finish helped the Erick Burck’s sixth-place finish at theCavaliers break through for their 2008 national meet.first conference championshipafter runner-up finishes each of the Men’s Basketballlast two years. Nelson placed 15th,helping the men to place fourth at After a tough midseason stretchthe conference meet, behind three threatened Concordia’s spot in theschools that would place in the top CCC tournament, the Cavaliers13 squads at the national meet two finished the regular season on a 6-4weeks later. run to clinch the final seed in the tourney. A loss to top-seed Oregon Institute of Technology in the CCC quarterfinals ended the season, as the Cavs finished the 2010-11 campaign record for points in a game. He with a 12-18 record. connected on 14 of 22 shots from Junior point guard Gage Aker and beyond the three-point line to establish freshman forward, Adam Herman, a CCC record for most three-pointers earned first-team All-CCC honors. in a game, a total that ranks second in Aker led the conference with 4.5 all of NAIA Division II history. Hiebert assists per game in conference came off the bench to score 24 points contests and Herman posted a .665 in each half, finishing 17-of-27 from shooting percentage in conference the field overall. He would go on to games, second-best in the CCC. become Concordia’s all-time leader in In all games played, Herman led career three-pointers. all of NAIA Division II with a .641 shooting percentage. Women’s Basketball Aker posted the first conference triple-double in three years on December Picked to finish sixth in the 30th, when he tallied 17 points, 13 conference pre-season poll, the rebounds and 10 assists in a game Cavaliers clinched a share of the CCC against Eastern Oregon University. regular season championship and He nearly pulled off the feat again won the conference tournament title in a home contest against College to earn Concordia’s second-ever trip of Idaho on January 28, falling just to the NAIA Division II National short with 21 points, 15 rebounds, Tournament. and eight assists. But those accomplishments alone Dustin Hiebert posted one of the would not prompt more than four greatest games in Concordia history million people worldwide to view a on January 18th against Multnomah clip of a CU basketball game. Senior University, when the senior forward forward Danielle Clauson finished scored 48 points to establish a school her prominent Concordia career with flair, inbounding the ball off the back of a defender to sink the game-32 concordia connection

Navy & White winning shot with less than a second remaining in the CCC Championship game against the College of Idaho. Clauson’s shot earned nationwide acclaim, as the video made it to ESPN and was listed as the nation’s ‘Top Play of the Day.’ Local news affiliates in the Portland area – as well as in Sioux City, Iowa, home of the NAIA National Tournament – produced features about the shot and Concordia’s trip to the tournament. As special as that shot may have been, Clauson was no one-shot wonder in her time at CU. She finished the season with 664 points, the second-highest total in school history, was named CCC Player of the Year, and is Concordia’s first- ever first-team NAIA All-American. Clauson leaves Concordia after four years, as the third-most prolific scorer in school history. Concordia reached No. 15 in the national rankings and won 11 games in a row at one point in the season. Junior guard Rachel Scarpelli established a new single-season school record for three-pointers and also became the career leader in three-pointers at Concordia. Junior point guard Courtney May was named CCC Newcomer of the Year and earned first-team all-CCC honors. She posted a triple-double during the November 23rd win over George Fox University with 13 points, 10 rebounds, and 11 assists against the Bruins. The Cavaliers picked up a six-seed in the 32-team NAIA tournament, but fell to third-seed, Black Hills State University, 66-59 in the tourney’s opening round. To view the shot, and related news coverage, visit 2011 33

Navy & White Training Behind the Scenes for Cav Athletes by Jason Dormeyer Concordia’s athletic trainers, Emily Kosderka and Scott Crawford, have been a part of thousands of Cavalier events and reveled in countless championships and titles. But just as they are among the first to celebrate the good times, they are also among the first on the scene when tragedy strikes. Kosderka and Crawford have not only handled, but have thrived in their challenging roles for a combined 16 years at Concordia, serving as the athletic trainers for more than 250 student-athletes in 15 varsity sports. As good as they are at bandaging, icing, and taping up Concordia’s student-athletes, what sets this pair apart is how they treat athletes beyond the physical wounds, injuries, and what the fans see from the bleachers. “The athletic trainer-player relationship is very important,” women’s soccer head coach Grant Landy said. “Our athletic trainers have done a fabulous job creating an environment where players feel comfortable. The players can trust in the treatment and rehabilitation, and that trust plays a huge role in any successful team.” Their athletic training headquarters, located at the intersection of corridors in the heart of the gymnasium, has become the place where student-athletes come to talk about other concerns related“Our athletic trainers have to being an overwhelmed college student. Kosderka and Crawford help students balancedone a fabulous job creating the books and the bruises. “We often joke that about 80 percent ofan environment where what we do is from the neck up,” Kosderka said. “We enjoy that critical piece. Whether it’splayers feel comfortable. an injury that will keep someone out for days, weeks, or a full season, a lot of what we do isThe players can trust in the goal-setting. Coaches teach lessons through losses. We teach through preventing andtreatment and rehabilitation, overcoming injuries or setbacks.” Both athletic trainers agree that theand that trust plays a huge toughest part of the job is seeing a season- ending injury, especially if the student-athleterole in any successful team.” is a senior, as it often means the end of a career and the end of an identity that this person» Grant Landy, Women’s Soccer Head Coach has carried for so long. However, treating the day-to-day nagging aches and pains can get just as complicated. It’s under those circumstances when other parties—from parents to peers— offer what they think is useful advice.34 concordia connection LEFT: Not only responsible for all of the CU student-athletes, Emily Kosderka addresses a cut to the face of a Southern Oregon University basketball player.

Navy & WhiteTOP: Scott Crawford prepares CU women’s soccer player Jenna Peterson for the upcoming contest. MIDDLE: Emily Kosderka evaluates the knee of CU men’s basketball player Jason Yecny. BOTTOM: Scott Crawford attends to CU women’s soccer player Sami Andrews. “The first question we get asked “There is a special energy on gameby a student-athlete is ‘When can day, but we hope to be nice and boredI get back out there?’” Crawford during the game,” Kosderka said withsaid. “Every step along the way, a smile. “Part of our job is to be readywe are doing all that we can to for anything and to control the chaosget them back on the field, while when someone goes down.”staying keenly aware of what is best They hope to take in the matchlong-term for the student.” like a typical fan, only with better Whether it’s an athlete overexerting seats. But once the final secondsto come back to competition too early tick away, their role clicks back intoor an athlete lingering on the sidelines caretaker mode and soon the line ofwhen they appear to be healthy, competitors make their way over forathletic trainers have a subtle sense post-game treatment.of when something is off-kilter. They While the games and the seasonscan be tending to a player on the go by, many of these same student-opposite end of a basketball court athletes find their way back asand blindly see an awkward fall due graduates. And when they do, the talkto the sudden hush of the crowd. always turns to sharing those sameThey take an immediate glance stories about the best of times andand within seconds they can make the worst of times. early assessments that can make thedifference between icing or a trip tothe emergency room. Summer 2011 35

Concordia University Alumni & Friends TourGRANDTOUROF ITALY 12 day tour through Italy - Departs May 16, 2012 Delve into the history and culture of Italy and join us on a tour of Venice, Florence, Assisi, Rome, Sorrento, and Pompeii. Led by Concordia University’s professor of Classical Languages/Humanities, Dr. Michael A. Thomas, this trip will focus on Greek & Roman, Christian, and Renaissance sites. All students, alumni, and friends of the University are welcome. The trip will be filled on a first come, first served basis. A $95 deposit secures your spot and rates; a monthly payment plan is available. For more detailed information, please email Dr. Thomas at [email protected] or call 503-493-6429.

Nailed PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF TERRY BLACKBURN, PORTLAND, OREGON to the DoorNailed to the Door provides Concordia staff, faculty, alumni, and students aforum for editorial comment. This issue’s guest writers are Glenn C. Smith,EdD, Vice Provost for Student Services & Enrollment Management, andMegan J.C. Bouslaugh, MA, Associate Dean for Student DevelopmentThe Emerging World of Work It seems like every time we open a paper, check the news, hands-on, intensive, and practical capstone project, whetheror get an email alert, the world of work is painted with a it be an internship, practicum, or research-based thesis.dismal brush. In recent years, we have seen historical levels Every major is erected upon the foundation of a liberal artsof unemployment and under-employment. In this context, education which compels the learner to explore their valuescareer planning has become more of a challenge as students and beliefs, develop their own worldview, reject the idea ofand families expect that a college education will lead to an intellectual limitation, open avenues of critical inquiry, andimmediate job—preferably one that pays well. foster a nimble mind which will enable them to adapt and Statistics from the federal government state that thrive in an ever-changing world.current college graduates will change careers (not just Concordia exposes students to a life of service andjobs) five to seven times in a forty-five year career. This community engagement to which faith-based institutionsmeans that many people will have as many as fifteen are so uniquely called. Students learn through service todifferent jobs. All of these numbers can be a little scary, others, and this component is interwoven through theand some are left wondering about the value of an curriculum in the classroom. Moreover, these service eventsundergraduate degree. expose students to a world beyond the walls of academia. Against this cultural backdrop one might ask the Many students translate these experiences into careers ofquestion: “Why pursue a liberal arts-based education?” service in the fields of education, social work, nursing, non- A liberal arts-based education from Concordia actually profit leadership, etc. Both their academic and co-curricularprepares students precisely for this unsettled future. We are experiences prepare them for a multiplicity of approaches toabout educating, training, and mentoring students who are life beyond Concordia.thoughtful, mature, self-starters who enter the world of The Concordia experience prepares our students aswork as servant leaders to transform society. In fact, our leaders who apply their knowledge, skills, and servant heartsmission statement audaciously states this very fact. We aim to to bring a healing salve to a broken world. The skills ofprovide students with the skills, knowledge, and worldview nurture, grace, and humility that are internalized throughthat will enable them not only to succeed in a fast changing the journey of Lutheran education serve our graduates wellworld but to thrive in this environment. Every faculty and as they become the next generation of professionals who willstaff member at CU works to develop Christian leaders transform our society.who will transform society. We infuse the idea of servantleadership in and out of the classroom. Academically, we - Glenn C. Smith, EdDseek to transform our students into life-long leaders who Vice Provost for Student Services & Enrollment Managementpossess the requisite skills to shift adroitly to whatevernew opportunities present themselves. Many of our &professors have succeeded in the working world andtranslate these experiences into engaging curricula for our - Megan J.C. Bouslaugh, MAstudents. Every major at Concordia is designed around a Associate Dean for Student Development Summer 2011 37

2811 NE Holman Street Portland, Oregon 97211-6099 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT #654OneMfiaenldy.dreams.Just imagine a place for the community and university to come together and play. Concordia University && Community Athletic Complex will provide... COMMUNITY ATHLETIC COMPLEX  a well-lit, year-round turf field and facilities in Northeast Portland for our student-athletes, alumni, local clubs, and camps for kids  a home field for Northeast United and Alameda Soccer Clubs  homegrown support from homegrown companies, including NIKE  active space for the students at Faubion School next doorWe need your help to raise the $7.5 million required to complete the complex and bring the dream to life. to sign-up for invitations and updates and check out the progress that’s beingmade. Connect with Concordia Portland on Facebook and share the project with your friends. EVERY PENNYCOUNTS: Your support now will help us finish the new athletic complex for Northeast Portland by Fall

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