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Concordia Connection: Winter 2009

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C oncCoonrdneication P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N • W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 DISCOVERY

A TeacMhaobmleentWhat does it mean to be a Lutheran liberal arts university?C oncordia is a Lutheran liberal arts university however, we confess simultaneously that humans are unable, as a result of sin, to comprehend clearlywhose mission is to prepare leaders for the and fully His perfect revelation. All our endeavors totransformation of society. While readers of the understand ourselves and our world must, therefore,Concordia Connection are familiar with both the begin with humility and a willingness to learn fromheritage and mission of Concordia, many might all areas of knowledge. Because of the assuranceponder how these two elements can remain integrally of God’s grace and promises, we are free to thinkconnected as the new millennium unfolds. To answer critically, seek new solutions boldly, and risk failure.this crucial question, two issues must be addressed:What is a Lutheran liberal arts university? And how Concordia is a Lutheran liberal arts universitydoes it prepare leaders for the transformation of preparing leaders for the transformation of society.society? Lutheran higher education introduces students not only to the intellectual tradition of Christianity, but Artes liberales are rooted in classical antiquity. also to the transformative nature of the ChristianOriginally, this phrase referred to the general calling. The goal of the Christian life is to becomeskills (=artes) a free person (=liberales) needed more like Christ and to serve the world. Knowing theto contribute meaningfully to society, including Truth is more than an intellectual pursuit; to knowthe knowledge of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. God is to be like Him and to be like Him is to loveBy the Middle Ages, this was amended to include as He loves and to serve others as He serves us. Asmathematics, astronomy, geometry, and music. In the servant leaders animated by Christ, the students,wake of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, natural alumni, faculty, and staff of Concordia Universityand social sciences, as well as Greek and Latin, were transform society through Christian love.added to the liberal arts curriculum. Our Lutheran theological tradition has transmitted Concordia is a Lutheran liberal arts university. the vision and confidence that by God’s grace we areThe liberal arts curriculum assists Concordia able to participate in the transformation of society.students in acquiring the skills necessary to become Our grounding in the liberal arts provides us thelife-long, self-motivated learners who can flourish necessary and requisite analytical tools for the worldin and even transform an ever-changing world. of today. Our professional programs build uponFor students who can incorporate new knowledge, these two rich traditions to offer the practical skills tocultivate independent thoughts, wrestle with complex secure careers in healthcare, law, business, education,dichotomies, and do so across continental and international affairs, etc. for the 21st century. Ascultural divides, the new world poses both intriguing you examine this issue of the Concordia Connection,challenges and a wealth of opportunities. The artes reflect thoughtfully on the heritage and mission ofliberales provide the requisite analytical foundation Concordia. Drawing on the well-founded legacy ofnecessary to flourish in this global environment. providing a solid grounding in the Lutheran Christian liberal arts, Concordia University will continue to Concordia University is a Lutheran liberal prepare leaders for the transformation of society.arts university. This descriptor is important, forit indicates that the artes liberales are incomplete Dr. Michael Thomas, ‘93 Assoc. Professorwithout the self-disclosing revelation of the Triune College of Theology, Arts, & SciencesGod. As Lutherans, we proclaim that God’s Truth hasbeen fully revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ;

P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N • W I N T E R 2 0 0 92 Campus Life. Concordia welcomes the largest class in history, lines the neighborhood with banners, and celebrates the inspiring story of a Hurricane Katrina victim who will graduate from Concordia this May. 6 Learning Outside The Box. Exciting pedagogical developments in the study of science at CU enable students to do innovative, hands-on learning by traveling to research locations in Belize, Russian, and New Zealand.12 Current Issues. Find out what inspired an assistant professor at Concordia to begin an Environmental Stewardship Series on campus. WINTER 2009 14 Alumni Notes. More news and highlights of Concordia Connection is published twice life after Concordia. per year by Concordia University in Portland, Oregon. 20 Navy & White. Catch up on the latest news from Please address all correspondence to: Concordia Athletics. Concordia Connection 27 Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2008 ATTN: Jeanie-Marie Price 45 Nailed to the Door Concordia University 2811 NE Holman Street Portland, Oregon 97211 or email: [email protected] Editor: Jeanie-Marie Price Contributing Editor: Kassie Boehringer Art Director: Christine Dodge Graphic designer: Katrina Dinges EDITORIAL BOARD:Andrea Bruno, Matt English, Keylah Frazier, Ron Miolla, Kelly O'Gara, Andrea Scofield, Dr. Michael Thomas, Dr. Sonja Vegdahl Winter 2009 1

Campus LifeConcordia campus. Concordia’s Bend program As the director of campusGreets offers an MBA degree, and students ministry, Kunkel provides overallLargest Class in Ashland, Medford, Aloha, and leadership for the Christian life ofin History Gresham can earn graduate degrees the campus, including daily chapel Concordia welcomed more than in education. services, Bible studies, and pastoral counseling.1,700 students this academic year, Alumnus “When I was a student at Appointed Concordia, there were no leadersthe largest group in the university’s Interim set aside to help direct the Christian Director Life,” said Kunkel. “It was completelyhistory. This enrollment growth of Campus student led, and I remember wishing Ministry deeply that there were more mentorsis due in part to the expansion of for me. Now I find myself on the Dustin Kunkel ‘96 DCE ‘03 other end of the stick as they say.graduate programs in Ashland, returned to Concordia this fall as Since I graduated, I’ve been on a the Interim Director of Campus journey learning how to lead, equip,Medford, Aloha, and Gresham. Ministry. Kunkel brings more than a and mentor people to know and decade of experience working with follow Jesus. It’s like skydiving, onlyThe school year kicked off with New teens and young adults, most recently more exciting!” as the manager of outdoor education “Dustin has brought new lifeStudent Orientation on August 23. and school programs for Lutherhaven and energy to the worship life at Ministries in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Concordia,” said Dr. Glenn Smith,The freshmen class numbers 164, vice provost for Student Services and Enrollment Management atwith students from 22 states and six Concordia. “He is an insightful speaker and a gifted song leader. Icountries. know students have appreciated his influence in worship and in personal Students around the state are contacts. God is working at CU!” The son of Christian missionaries,taking advantage of Concordia’s Kunkel grew up in Ghana, West Africa. He attributes his uniqueprograms closer to home. This year, upbringing to his love of the outdoors, and his understanding186 students are enrolled in graduate and sensitivity to people with diverse backgrounds and points of view.programs offered off the Kunkel and his wife, Jeanette ‘96, have two daughters, Zoe and Lily.main Portland They have also served as “house parents” to more than 50 abused and neglected children. « August 17-22 »SEPTEMBER 5 President’s Circle Scholars delved into Shakespeare’s members and friends of Sonnets during the annual the university attended the Shakespeare Authorship Research President’s Circle Reception on Centre’s Summer Seminar. the front lawn of Luther Hall.2 concordia connection

Campus LifeMoses Harris their careers with students andAcademy emphasized the importance of math and science education. Last summer, 19 local high An African-American pioneerschool students gained a deeper during the 19th century, Mosesunderstanding of math and science Harris was well known for his skillconcepts, and learned valuable life and generosity. The Moses Harrislessons at the Moses Harris Math & Academy embodies this pioneeringScience Academy, a program of the spirit, inspiring students to exploreBlack Parent Initiative hosted and their own trails, build character, andsupported by Concordia University. dream of the future they can create. The Academy emphasizeshands-on exploration of math and Banners Linescience while promoting creativity Concordiaand teamwork. From July 21 to NeighborhoodAugust 1, students participated in Streetslectures, activities, and field tripsto OMSI, Smith and Bybee Lakes, The next time you are near thePortland International Airport, and Concordia campus, look up. MoreRumblefish. than 30 banners featuring the new Daily guest speakers Concordia logo hang from powerfrom a variety of poles lining the streets in and aroundprofessions also shared the campus. With the blessing of the Concordia Neighborhood Association and PacifiCorp, the banners were up in time to greet students this fall. The navy and white banners symbolize Concordia’s outreach into the community and emphasize the campus’ growing presence and impact in North and Northeast Portland. As new buildings are dedicated, additional banners will be added to adjacent streets. SEPTEMBER 15 « September 27 Winter 2009 3 Kathy Kelly, a three time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, activist, and More than 100 Concordia studentsauthor shared her experiences in civil volunteered their time to 10 non-profitdisobedience and social justice during the organizations during the CU Service Plunge.Lyceum Series lecture.

Campus Life FAST FACTS12/4 Transformation Under Way Update This fall has been a bustling one Michael Deshane, and others. All edition of this magazine, homes beganat Concordia University - more gifts and pledges made to the George moving out of the neighborhoodaccurately, it has been a banging, R. White Library and Learning to make room for a new residenceclanging, and hammering one. Centeron or before June 30, 2009 will hall - and that residence hall is wellThe George R. White Library and be matched dollar for dollar. on its way. We also continue to makeLearning Center is well under way, “This challenge to all alumni progress toward breaking groundand its form and the accompanying and friends of the university is a on the new athletic complex, asgreen space, amphitheater, and wonderful incentive,” said President soon as the spring of 2009, and thecampanile are taking shape. It is truly Schlimpert. renovation of Hagen Center intosomething to see (and you can see Please prayerfully consider making a student union. The university isit by visiting a commitment to this spectacular continuing to explore other elementscampaign). building today, knowing that your of its master plan, including the To date, the university has raised gift will go twice as far. Gifts can renovation of Centennial Hall.nearly $11 million, or 71%, of the be made by calling the Concordia This is truly an amazing timefunds needed for the building. University Foundation at 503-280-8505 at Concordia, built on a solidThe public campaign to raise the or 800-752-4736, or by visiting our foundation and history of faith,additional $4 million needed recently website at fellowship, and the Lutheran liberalreceived a boost when a $1 million giving. arts tradition. We invite you to be achallenge match was given by The George R. White Library and part and to stay connected to all thatgenerous Concordia friends George Learning Center is just one piece of is happening. The dream is becomingand Jody Thurston, Bob and Virginia Concordia’s transformation. As we a reality.Hilken, Keren Brown-Wilson, featured in the lastOCTOBER 2 OCTOBER 5 “Understanding Spirituality in the Northwest:The first annual Black Parent Initiative fundraising event »October 3 raised more than $60,000 for BPI programs that help Concordia hosted Ways to Share the Gospel parents encourage growth and success for their the 22nd annual Sam Effectively” was the topic for the children. BPI was created two years ago through Johnson Memorial Banquet 10th annual Fall Mission Conference. a partnership with Concordia University. to raise funds for student4 concordia connection scholarships.

Campus LifeAmount of bricks used 83,400 lost everything. Though her family of Vancouver Avenue First Baptist planned to stay with relatives in Church, Calvin leads two choirs andAmount of rebar in pounds 808,847 lbs Jackson, Miss., the contraflow of the praise dance team. She also works traffic forced them to go west toward with local students as the teen directorConcrete used 5,500 yds or 550 Texas. for the Regence Boys and Girls Club truck loads Hope came in the form of a in North Portland. Concordia University scholarship Calvin sums up what she’s learnedDrywall used in sq ft 151,000 sq ft offered to all Portland area students through her experience with Hurricane displaced by Katrina. Calvin heard Katrina and return to Portland withTruck loads of dirt hauled 1,150 or about the offer through her church one word: patience. “Patience because 11,500 yds in Portland. Eleven students took I had to extend my desired graduation advantage of the new start, but Calvin date. Patience because I had to rebuildTotal recycled garbage 18.34 tons/36,680 lbs was the only one to stay. She will everything. Patience because I miss graduate this spring with a degree New Orleans,” said Calvin.Starting Over: in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Through the difficult times, CalvinA Lesson in concentration in Social Science and a is comforted by the generosity ofPatience minor in Theology. others and thankful for the clothes, “I have always had a desire to shoes, food, housing, and especially In August of 2005, Celeste Calvin move back to the South,” said Calvin. the Concordia scholarship shehad a lot to look forward to. The “But I realized that God put me received from people who were once2002 Benson High School (Portland, where He wanted me to be. And He strangers.Ore.) graduate was starting her senior wanted me here.” “It gives me hope that there areyear at Xavier University of Louisiana Calvin is passionate about serving still good people in the world,” saidin New Orleans. She was surrounded her church and her community, and Calvin. “I like to think of them as myby her family, who had moved there she is active in both. As a member guardian angels.”from Portland in 2003. She had anapartment, a new car, and a good jobto pay the bills. Then, on August 29, 2005,Hurricane Katrina hit. For Calvin and her family,hurricanes were a part of life in theSouth. She had lived through Lili,Isidor, and Ivan. But, of course,this storm was different. Calvin OCTOBER 9 »NOVEMBER 1 NOVEMBER 14 5 To commemorate AIDS Awareness Week, the A record number Lyceum Series lecture explored the biological Alumni and students of prospective and human effects of AIDS. Guest speakers took to the court during students and theirincluded Dr. Sean Schaefer from the Oregon Department the Men’s and Women’s families visited campus duringof Human Services, and Kim Hutchinson and Roxanne Preview Weekend.Cady from Our House of Portland, an organization Alumni Basketball Games.providing client care for those living with HIV/AIDS. Winter 2009

LearOninUg TSI n 1969, Charles Kunert arrived at taught in a lecture hall that doubled as the biology lab and de facto science roomConcordia as a fresh-faced, 22-year- for the school’s 125 students.old with a newly minted bachelor’s Kunert, who now holds a Ph.D. anddegree in biology, ready to begin his serves as the Dean of the College offirst teaching job. He was the school’s Theology, Arts, & Sciences, laughs whenonly biological sciences instructor and6 concordia connection

SIDthEe Box How the Sciences by Ian RuderExpeBreiecnacmeeata CHoanncdosr-doina Photography by Dr. Sergei Polozov (pages 6 - 9)he recalls his arrival at Concordia. He Lutheran pastors and teachers; therefore,was in essence the biological science science had never been an emphasis. Asdepartment. It’s not that the school the school broadened its offerings in theneglected the study of science, but 1970s, science education came more tosince its founding in 1905, most of the the fore and found in Kunert the perfectstudents were in training to become advocate to help plot out its future. Winter 2009 7

Feature Story Kunert is a firm believer that Concordia’s growing Get Readycommitment to providing hands-on field and lab World, Hereresearch is at the heart of the school’s revitalization We Comeof the sciences. He stresses that, “There has been andwill continue to be a greater emphasis on research as alearning tool…We have recently recruited faculty withactive research programs and are asking the universityto allow for additional research by faculty with studentsin exchange for grant-writing and publication. We willalways be primarily a teaching institution, but we nowview research as an indispensable teaching device.” Unlike the era when science studies were confined toone classroom, Concordia students today have access tomultiple on-campus facilities and supplement these by W hen Dr. Sergei Polozov talks about Concordiausing the world as an extended classroom. Whether it's studying island ecology in Belize, students having the world as their classroom, he is notdissecting a cadaver in Luther Hall, exploring New exaggerating.Zealand’s ecosystems, or working with the university’s Belize, Hawaii, Guatemala, Australia, Russia, Newzebrafish colony, nearly every student who takes a name the place, he’s probably takenscience course at Concordia experiences in-depth, Concordia students there to conduct field research.hands-on research that better prepares them for Polozov came to Concordia from Russia as anwhatever specialty they choose to pursue. “The real associate professor of Biology in 1994. Since his arrival,world experience in scientific research just opens he has spent much of his time planning and leadingup doors,” Kunert said. “It’s by far the most effective field research trips around the world.teaching technique we have. There’s no comparison. If With exotic locales and the promise of uniqueyou want students to enjoy science and to get excited experiences, his one-credit field biology seminars areabout it, let them do science, don’t just talk about it. among Concordia’s most popular courses. Subjects vary, but each seminar offers an array of topics encompassing ecology, conservationism, and environmentalism. Students seeking a more intensive experience often enroll in his field course in Belize, which offers a8 concordia connection

Feature Story10-day immersion in jungle and marine biology. Aftera semester of preparation, students travel to CentralAmerica, where they spend half of their time trompingthrough the jungles and learning about ancient culturesand the other half snorkeling through the world’ssecond largest coral reef, an ideal place for intensivemarine biology studies. Finally, hard-core students looking for even more,add their names to waiting lists for the opportunity toaccompany Polozov-an ornithologist by training-during his own field research in bird ecology eachsummer.If you want students to enjoy Polozov serves as the chair of Concordia’s Math and science and to get excited Science Department and has seen these field experiences change students’ lives. “I’m absolutely sure it’s the bestabout it, let them do science, possible investment in education students can make,” don’t just talk about it. he said. “Because when they go, when they travel, when they participate in these kinds of experiences, there are » Dr. Charles Kunert no limitations to learning. It depends exclusively on your own energy and enthusiasm in terms of how much you can learn.” 9 In line with the university’s Lutheran mission, Polozov’s classes offer students real-world experiences in various cultures that can prove as transformative as the scientific knowledge gained during the course. Polozov estimates that at least half of the students who enroll in his field research classes are not science majors. However, each term some of those non-science majors approach him to discuss switching their majors. “I consider that as probably the best indication that we are doing the right thing,” he said. Winter 2009

Feature StoryOur Research Has StripesO n the third floor of Luther Hall, a non-descriptwall of interconnected, shoebox-sized tanks holds some University of Oregon in the 1980s, helped Concordia makeof the more exciting research conducted on Concordia’s the transition to studying zebrafish about 10 years ago.campus. Inside the tanks lives a small colony of zebrafish, The program got a boost this year when Alex Spencer, anstriped tropical fish that likely look familiar to anyone alumnus who had worked on zebrafish as his senior project,who has ever owned an aquarium. built and donated the sophisticated aquarium system now For science students at Concordia, the zebrafish’s in use. With filters, UV light, and multiple tanks, the system appeal isn’t their allows faculty to expand the scope of the zebrafish studies tropical look, but and gives Concordia an advantage over many other similar their ideal makeup for sized universities. Consisting of approximately three dozen research into vertebrate fish, Concordia’s colony is small in comparison to larger development and research universities, but it is expected to grow over the genetics. Scientists next several years. at the University Concordia has ambitious plans for this colony. “Our of Oregon spurred ultimate goal is to have a very active zebrafish colony that a global interest in would allow several faculty and perhaps a couple dozen zebrafish in 1981 students to do research simultaneously,” Kunert said. when they genetically Some of the most exciting research is currently being cloned them, making conducted by junior Barent DuBois and sophomore Jacob the zebrafish the Pearson. first vertebrate In collaboration with Professor Rici Hallstrand, they to be successfully have been studying the effects of toxic materials on skeletal replicated. The ability systems. Recently they presented their research, “Exposure to control genetic to the Pesticide Permethrin Results in Abnormalities in factors combined Swimming Behavior of Hatchling Zebrafish (Danio Rerio),”with the young zebrafish’s transparency— which makes at the 17th Annual Murdock College Science Researchit easier to follow their development—quickly led to Program Conference in Tacoma, Wash.zebrafish joining fruit flies as an ideal research subject for They are still compiling the results, but Kunertbiologists. predicts that their work will guide upcoming sections of Kunert, who had seen the research possibilities of CU’s molecular biology courses and could have majorzebrafish first-hand while working on his Ph.D. at the implications for the field down the road.10 concordia connection

Feature StoryFrom a Closet cadavers that vary in age, sex, physical condition, or pathology. The fact that students get to explore severalS tudents accustomed to using the stainless steel human cadavers truly broadens their understanding of anatomy and makes it much more personal.” Expenses anddissection tables in Concordia’s cadaver lab would the difficulty of securing cadavers prevent many schools from operating similarly-sized cadaver labs, but a strongprobably be surprised to see how their predecessors relationship with OHSU has helped ease both problems. “We are one of only a very few small, liberal artscarried on similar tasks when the lab first opened 25 institutions sponsoring human cadaver dissection,” Kunert said. “Graduates who have entered the medicalyears ago. field have often commented about how well prepared they were for their graduate level anatomy experiences due to their labs at Concordia.” The improved cadaver lab is only one of the many areas where Concordia’s increased commitment to the sciences is paying off for alumni. More than a dozen Concordia graduates are currently doing research at OHSU, and Kunert and Polozov can eagerly name many more who are working on exciting projects elsewhere. Polozov said there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a student become inspired by a lab or field experience. “It’s safe to say that an experience like that Kunert recalls rolling out the single cadaver from leads some of our students straight forward to continuewhat he describes as “essentially a closet.” Once the a career search in this field,” he said. “Usually theseformaldehyde-soaked cadaver was out in the open, experiences are advanced enough to give them real first-Kunert and other instructors carefully monitored the hand experience in terms of full scale understanding oftoxic fumes, and often opened windows to provide what’s going on in this professional field.”ventilation – not a high-tech solution. At the time, there Kunert concurred. “I honestly believe the hallmarkwas only one section of human anatomy and only a of our science program is the extent to which we touchhandful of students had access to the cadaver. students personally and empower them to see their own Today, 70 students each term work on three cadavers gifts and use them effectively,” he said. “My greatestat a time, and they don’t have to fret about toxic fumes excitement is watching students who often are aimless oreither. The individually ventilated dissection tables suck who have defective views of their own potential realize thefumes down from the body and expel them out of the gifts they have been given.”classroom. New funding from the James F. and MarionL. Miller Foundation and Juan Young Trust made theupgrades possible and are invaluable according to Kunert. “There is simply no substitute for human cadaverdissection if you are to understand fully the uniquenessof each human being,” he said. “We are now using threecadavers simultaneously, and we intentionally choose Winter 2009 11

Current Issuesnew directionsThe Search for Truth takes Concordia inby Kassie Boehringer fallen condition, we can never know perfectly what that Word might mean for us.” Lutheran theology has profound implications for higher education. “For one thing, we are humbled by this reality,” said Kunert. “We know our own weaknesses too well to be proud or boastful. Education becomes a search for the truth. We accept neither the credo that allWolves such as the one pictured here were the subject of the first Environmental Stewardship Seriesat Concordia University in October. Can wolves, humans, and livestock searching for answers. truths are equal in value nor thelive and even thrive on the same land? Tackling difficult issues— philosophy that since we cannotAnd why is searching for the answer particularly those that relate know the truth perfectly, we shouldimportant to an urban Lutheran to our environment—is not assume that there is perfect nothing new for Lutherans. The classroom or meeting room In July, biologists from the Oregon Searching for God’s truth becomes a place of constant strivingDepartment of Fish and Wildlife calls us to struggle and for truth.”discovered the first known wolf wrestle with the problemspups born in Oregon in more than that confront our world.60 years. While this is outstanding “Lutherans believe thatnews for wildlife advocates, the truth must be sought,”need to find mutually beneficial explains Dr. Chuck Kunert,and economically viable solutions dean of the College of Theology, Arts,is paramount to sustaining both & Sciences at Concordia University.ranchers and wolves. Working in “But our seeking will never becollaboration with organizations complete. We have confidenceand individuals throughout the that God is a gracious God who isNorthwest, a group of Concordia omnipotent and, therefore, we trustUniversity faculty and students are in His unfailing Word. Yet due to our12 concordia connection

Current Issues In addition, Genesis 2:15 calls us Research Center, the event was the “Finnegan,” the Audubon Wildlifeto steward God’s creation: “Then the first of its kind. Ranchers, wildlife Center’s resident peregrine falcon,Lord God took the man and put him advocates, and marketing experts and submitted their best work for anin the garden of Eden to till it and came together to discuss how to essay and art contest.keep it.” manage Oregon’s wolves in ways that The conference prompted open In an effort to seek truth, promote both profitable ranching and creative discussions. Stakeholdersto prepare leaders for the and healthy wildlife populations. are following up on several possibletransformation of society, and to “When wildlife managers solutions to the wolf-livestock debate.protect God’s creation, Concordia partner with industry to the mutual “We are examining marketingUniversity recently launched the benefit of both, we will have made strategies to promote ranchingEnvironmental Stewardship Series, a constructive step toward resolving products that are produced withoutwhich will develop into the Center conflict between wolves, other lethal means of predator control,”for Environmental Stewardship. predators, and ranchers,” said Terrill. said Terrill. “We hope to address theThe purpose of the series is to “This unique collaboration is urgent needs of ranchers by creating a nichecollaborate with other organizations, in the face of today’s economy and market with products certified asrural and urban communities, and the status of the environment we all ‘predator friendly.’ We will also workspecial interest groups to facilitate depend on.” to set up a resource for ranchers,discussions, mediate conflicts, and Children also participated in providing funding and guidance forengage in collaborative problem- the event to emphasize the need them in using nonlethal predatorsolving in the fields of wildlife for the early development of control methods.”management, land use, air quality, an environmental stewardship Plans are already in progress forand alternative energy. ethic. Elementary school students the 2009 Northwest Wolf Conference. “Rooted in Concordia’s enjoyed up-close encounters withmission to ‘prepare leaders for thetransformation of society,’ the Centerfor Environmental Stewardship willact as a liaison between communityorganizations and students,” said Dr.Ceiridwen Terrill, assistant professorof English at Concordia University.“It will promote an interdisciplinaryapproach to environmentalstewardship by creating andfacilitating internship opportunitiesfor students in the sciences,humanities, art, theology, education,and business.” The inaugural project for theseries was the first annual NorthwestWolf Conference, held in Octoberon the Concordia campus. As thebrainchild of Terrill and ChrisAnderson of The Wolf Education &“This unique collaboration is urgent in the face of today’s economy and thestatus of the environment we all depend on.” » Dr. Ceiridwen Terrill Winter 2009 13

Alumni NotesAluNmonteis 1984What’s new in your life? Paula Politte was recently named the 2008 College/University Health EducatorStay in touch and keep us posted on all of your news. of the Year by the Oregon Alliance ofNew baby, new job, new spouse, new house, great Health Physical Education Recreation andvacation, milestone anniversaries, recent retirement... Dance (OAHPERD). Paula is a facultysend us an e-mail and give us the update on what’s member in the College of Education athappening in your life. Feel free to include photos, Concordia University-Portland.including high-resolution (300 dpi) wedding and babypictures:EMAIL: [email protected] send mail to Alumni Notes, 2811 NE Holman Street , Portland, OR 97211519056 ’sSharon (Brandt) Willweber and her 1982 1989 husband, Lloyd, are currently living in Terra Bella, Calif. where Lloyd is working Sherilyn (Thorson) Juszczak is teaching Mike Brandt, is a LTC working as a G3 as a part-time teacher at Zion Lutheran at the middle school level at Peace Operations officer for the 10th Mountain Church. He retired from Zion Lutheran Lutheran School in Bremerton, Wash. Division at Multi National Division- Church in Seattle, Wash. on December She has three sons, one stepson, and Center headquarters in Camp Victory, 31, 2007. one stepdaughter. Her oldest is 24 and is Iraq. He writes, “I arrived here this past stationed in Germany as a helicopter pilot May 2008 and will be here until around819080 ’sMary Carlson is living in Reno, Nev. and in the U.S. Army. Sheri’s middle son is June 2009. My wife, Annie, and our two writes, “I love scanning Alumni Notes, 23 and works as a concrete finisher, and kids, Henry and Betsy, are currently in and want to send a shout out to other her youngest is 18 and just graduated Watertown, NY and doing fine. We're 1980 graduates. Life is good. I just retired from high school. Her stepson, 23, is seeing some good progress starting to from teaching after only 14 years, ready to completing a degree at Southern Oregon take shape over here as the government pursue something a little more down University, and her stepdaughter, 21, of Iraq gets back on its feet and starts to earth. I just took a job as outreach hopes to attend Portland State University. meeting the needs of its people. Things coordinator for Great Basin Outdoor Sheri’s husband is a special agent for the are definitely moving forward. Go Cavs!” School, a residential environmental government. education program at Lake Tahoe. What a perfect fit! Counseling, Ryan McKinney was recently named teaching, development, and best of all, director of development for the College playing the guitar and singing camp of Business Administration at California songs. My nine-year-old daughter, Claire, and I share our home with 90’sState University, Long Beach. an international student from 1990 Columbia, and I'm finally perfecting my Spanish. You can contact me at Tressa (Little) Berg was recently named [email protected].” head coach of the King’s High School Women’s basketball team in Seattle, Wash.14 concordia connection

Alumni Notes1992 1994 1997Lynda Stelzer was recently tapped by the Renee' (Bogart) Kohl was a featured Lisa M. Mallory MAT is teaching the fifthBureau of Land Management to oversee artist in the June 4, 2008 edition of The grade in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, for Saudithe National Operations Center in Denver, Oregon City News. Her art medium Aramco Oil Company. “The picture ofColo. Prior to this appointment, she served is lamp work glass and hand-crafted me in a head covering is my photo op byas the deputy state director for Management precious metal designs. For the past two a friend before I jet-setted off to Arabia inServices in the BLM Oregon/Washington years she has focused on her art and August 2007.”State Office. The Center she oversees raising her two young children. Prior toincludes the Division of Resource Services, that, she taught special education and Sylvia McDaniel is the new executivethe Division of IRM Services, the Division behavior management. director of Portland Community Media.of Human Resource Services, and theDivision of Business Services. 1995 Amy (Hollenbeck) Turpin and her husband, Drew, welcomed their second child, Erik Behrends Turpin, on July 15, 2008. Big brother, Wyatt, turned two in May. Amy is living in Mission Viejo, Calif. working as a merchandise planner for Tilly’s, a surf and skate clothing and footwear retailer. Concordia Welcomes a NewDirector of Alumni & Parent RelationsHello Concordia Alumni, in Oregon. We have many shared It is an exciting time at Concordia experiences and it is through and I am thrilled to be part of it. Changes are underway. While those shared experiences that With Joy,houses have been moved to make I understand the need to stayroom for new student housing, connected, to encourage one Andrea Scofieldand dirt and steel are being moved another in our faith walk, and toto build the new George R. White celebrate with one another all ofLibrary and Learning Center, there the blessings we have in our also movement in the Concordia I look forward to meeting many ofUniversity's Alumni Office. you, re-connecting with you, and As of October 1st, I have begun as connecting you to others importantthe new director of Alumni and Parent to you while at Concordia.Relations. My predecessor, Jeanie- We continue to work diligentlyMarie Price, was instrumental in at staying closely connected tolaying a firm foundation for building all of our alumni and connectinga significant alumni and parent all of you to one another. Pleaserelations program. She has been send me any ideas, suggestions,promoted to the Director of Marketing and updates of what you are upand Communications for Concordia to so that we can highlight whatUniversity and I am privileged to build all of our alumni are doing aroundon the incredible work Jeanie-Marie the world. I look forward to hearingbegan. from you about your experiences at Throughout the 1990’s, I hired Concordia and how you would like tomany Concordia alumni to work on stay in touch and involved.summer staff at Camp LutherwoodPlease keep me up-to-date by sending your news to [email protected] 15 Winter 2009

Alumni NotesConcordia Alumni Come Full Circle Mike ‘81 and Liz (Collison) ’81 “My undergraduate education at ConcordiaWarmbier are transforming lives was built on the model of teaching the studentsthrough spiritual leadership andeducation. With fond memories of to think critically—and still is.”Concordia University, they returnedto the Northwest to reconnect with “When I began teaching, I was “I live in the best of bothold friends and to welcome new thrown into a very difficult situation,” worlds,” said Mike. “I get to bechallenges. remembers Liz. “I taught at St. Paul’s a parish pastor and shepherd a flock of The couple met on campus Lutheran School, six blocks from the believers, and I get to challenge studentsduring their freshmen year, began largest projects in the United States, in theology at a level that ordinarilydating during their sophomore year, and crime was rampant. There were doesn’t happen in the parish.”and were married a week after five murders within a block of the Liz teaches in Dayton, Ore. and isgraduation. Nearly three decades and school the first year I taught there. nearing completion of her master’sfour children later, the Warmbiers Despite this tension, I always felt degree. “My goal is to teach teachersare inspiring a new generation: very prepared to teach whatever was how to teach at the college level,” sheMike work as a parish pastor and said.Concordia adjunct professor, and Liz thrown my way.” The younger Warmbiers are followingas a sixth grade language arts and “My undergraduate in their parents’ footsteps. Three ofsocial studies teacher. education at their children are currently teaching or Concordia was built plan to become teachers. Their third Following graduation, the on the model of son, Matthew, is a senior at Concordianewlyweds moved to St. Louis, Mo. teaching the students University and plans to attend Concordiawhere Mike attended Concordia to think critically— Seminary.Seminary and Liz taught middle and still is,” said “While we are proud to have all ourschool. The Warmbiers believe their Mike. “While at children develop career paths thatConcordia experience prepared them seminary, I was seen reflect our examples and values, we arewell for the challenges that lay ahead. at times as a bit of a also glad to have Matthew at Concordia rebel, but I was eager University,” said Mike. “We had hoped to think critically and to have a child attend our alma mater, speak my opinion. since it was such a foundational My time at Concordia experience for us.” had reinforced this “We both love being back on campus trait. This aspect and watching a whole new generation of my personality and training has benefit from the Concordia experience,” served me well over the years of my added Liz. ministry.” We encourage all alumni who met After seminary, Mike was called while at Concordia and wed to share to churches in Montana and Idaho their story with us, by e-mailing it to before returning to the Portland area [email protected] as pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Cornelius, Ore. His academic pursuits have also brought him back to the Concordia campus where he teaches two religion courses.16 concordia connection

Alumni Notes 1998 Kanagasabai UmaShankar is married to Wade Stewart joined the staff of Toni Christiansen ‘99 and has three sons, Educational Opportunities for Children Jackie Benjamin lives in Vancouver, AviLashan Jonah (7), Arujun Kristoffer as a training manager. The organization is Wash. and teaches the fourth grade at (4), and Aashwin Larson (19 months). based in Vancouver, Wash. Maple Grove Primary School in Battle Ground. She has been married for seven 2002 2004 years and has a three-year-old daughter and a 15-year-old stepson. Jackie is Correne (Schilke) Constantino and Emily Askew was recently hired by the currently pursuing a master’s degree. her husband, Steve, welcomed their first Vernonia School District in Ore. to child on August 18, 2008. Baby girl, Rylee teach kindergarten at Washington Grade John Hively MAT was recently hired by Dawne, weighed 7 lbs. and was 18.5 School. the Estacada School District in Ore. to inches long. View their pictures at www. teach special education. Becky (Wanamaker) Paul graduated from Lewis and Clark in 2005 with a 1999 2003 MEd in Deaf Education and was recently married. Donna Hoyt MBA ‘03 recently started Eugene Curry was named pastor of First a new position as dean of admissions Baptist Church of Granada Hills in Calif. 2005 at PACE University in New York. Most He is the 14th pastor to serve at First recently, she served as the dean of Baptist since the church was founded in John Canter MAT is an English and admissions for Concordia College- April of 1953. Journalism instructor, as well as the newspaper adviser and an assistant00’sNew York. Josephine “Jodi” Faulk graduated cheerleading coach at Pope High School 2000 from a tri-university program (OSU, in Marietta, Ga. This past spring, the Teresa Maxwell MBA ‘02 continues to OHSU, PSU) with a master’s degree in student newspaper he advises was work for the TriZetto Group, Inc., and International Public Health. She plans named the state champion in Georgia. is pursuing a master’s degree in Project on attending law school, specializing In addition, the staff was awarded the Management from City University. in human rights, especially the field of distinction at the Georgia Scholastic She writes, “Having been part of the international health policy. Press Association’s (GSPA) State Awards first MBA cohort, CU is a place I am Ceremony Friday, May 2, 2008 and, John particularly fond of and think of often” was named Georgia's Adviser of the Year by GSPA. Karen Thompson and her boyfriend of three years, Scott Thompson, (“yes, we have the same last name already”) were married on August 30, 2008. 2001 Alicia Gross BSN ‘08 is an RN working at Providence Portland in the Acute Rehab Unit.Jennifer Renstrom married Rob Drewett Ruth (Truitt) Kosche was married to Anna Driessner married Brent Douglasin June of 2005 at St. Michael's Lutheran Tom Kosche two years ago. She moved on September 8, 2008. The couple livesChurch in Portland, Ore. The couple to Calif. to attend Pepperdine University in Fairview, Ore. and Anna works as anwelcomed their first child, Jonathan David, where she received a Master of Arts in accountant at Ankrom Moisan Associatedon July 6, 2008. Jennifer and Rob are both May of 2006. For the past four years, Architects in Portland.pharmacists in the Eugene, Ore. area. Ruth has worked as a therapist and case supervisor for a private company that Angela Harris MBA recently joined U.S. provides ABA-based therapy for children Bank as branch manager in Madras, Ore. mainly along the Autistic spectrum. Jessica Saville MBA ‘05 currently resides in Seattle, Wash. and is working for Wells Fargo Bank. Winter 2009 17

2006 Jennifer (Kranich) Rice and her husband, Laura Nestler MBA has moved from Daren, welcomed Oscar Nikolas Rice on Portland, Ore. to London, England toLauren Boehm MAT married Aaron June 13, 2008. He weighed 8 lbs., 3.6 oz. expand Yelp into Europe. She will beWeiss on the Oregon coast this past July. and was 19 inches long. He was welcomed overseeing international managementShe writes, “I am loving my third year of by a family of Concordia University- and community development.teaching; going on year #2 at Evergreen Portland alumni, grandparents Jeff ‘80High School.” and Rebecca (Brandmire) ‘80 Kranich COMING SOON! and great-grandparents Don ‘56 andTim Krajicar MBA was recently named Maureen Kranich. CU Circlethe information technology manager for Your on-line connectionInnovation Asset Group in Wilsonville, Ore. 2007 to classmates and the Concordia community In the summer 2007 edition of the Connection, the wedding date of alumna that will: Tiffany Brower was printed incorrectly. She was engaged in January of 2007 to  reconnect you with friends Charles Thomas and the couple plans to wed in September of 2009.  give you access to job openings and career Alisa Pompetti MAT is a teacher at Wichita Elementary School in Milwaukie, assistance Ore. She writes, “I was very pleased with the education I received at Concordia  plug you into all that is and believe it is the reason I have been happening at CU. able to achieve my goal of becoming an elementary school teacher.” 2008 Jesse Alvarez joined the Office of Admission at Concordia University- Portland as the assistant director of operations and data. Martin “Marty” Welch and his wife, Patrick Couture MEd is currently serving Anna, welcomed their first child, Jackson as the associate principal at Ontario Paul Welch on October 1, 2008. Jackson Middle School in Ontario, Ore. He was weighed in at 9 lbs., 2 oz. at birth. recently featured in an article published by The Argus Observer.In Memoriam Santo Graziano MBA and his wife, Kate, welcomed Kaela Angelina Graziano on June 19, 2008. She weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 21 inches long.Rev. Frank William Anderson ‘71 was Clarence Lang passed away on July 2, doll and dress collection, and her love forcalled home to his Lord May 1, 2008. He 2008 at the age of 92. He was a custodian Concordia and its students. Alumnus Donis survived by his wife of 33 years, Karen at Concordia for more than 20 years. Kranich ‘56 wrote, “For those students(Flath) Anderson ‘72, ‘94, four children, He is survived by his wife, Ruth, and his who lived too far away to go home overand two grandchildren. Frank was legally children, Patricia and Daniel. the Thanksgiving break, Willie wouldblind, having been diagnosed with Retinitis cook a special Thanksgiving and thePigmentosa, and fought Non-Hodgkin's Wilma Rose“Willie”Prihar died on August half dozen or so of us would get to eatLymphoma for 12 years. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 19, 2008. Willie was a beloved member of at the ‘faculty table.’ She made us feel the Concordia community in the 1950’s like family. Many a time when a studentRev. Frank Koepke passed away on May and 1960’s. She served as the cook for the (all boys at that time) in his exuberance18, 2008 at the age of 78. He taught campus, but more importantly, she served would rip the seam out of his pants, hereligion at Concordia from 1982 to 2002. as a campus mother for generations of would take them to Willie who would sewHe is survived by his wife, Joan, and his students who spent time on campus. She them up again like new.”children, Mark, Timothy, Deborah, Sarah, is remembered by many for her gourmetand Rebecca. cooking, generous spirit, caring heart,18 concordia connection

2008Alumni Highlights1 - Men’s soccer players past and present at the annual Alumni Soccer 3 - Alumnus Scott Aker '84 with sons Cody '08 and Gage '12 at the annual & Volleyball Games (Aug. 08) Alumni Basketball Games (Nov. 08) 4 - Alumni and current players pose at the annual Alumni Basketball Games (Nov. 08)2 - Anna (Gomez) Dillard '00 and Erin Blythe '07 at the annual Alumni Soccer & 5 - Current MBA student and CU staff member, Rachel Dixon with Alumna Valerie Wilkie '06 Volleyball Games (Aug. 08) at the MBA Wine and Cheese Reception (Nov. 08) 6 - Dave Asker '07 and Sharon Asker '05 at the MBA Wine and Cheese Reception (Nov. 08)February 27-28 April 28 March 22OICF Ethics Bowl, Lecture by Jim Loewen,Downtown Portland, OR “Lies My Teacher Told Me” MncegMVAwpaileomsulnisimtebtaw-srmnfg:aowiardirBnmywads,ay.eetsgKhiteongaeebccainlaugltsnuhlag.ledemo&der.yicesnSosStgom,ocfaauhtnbtrodaoollfal. St. Michael’s Lutheran ChurchMarch 15 Portland, OR August 27-29A German Requiem Grand opening of the George R. WhiteSt. Michael’s Lutheran Church May 2 Library and Learning Center andPortland, OR Spring Commencement Alumni Reunion Weekend, especially for the classes of '99, '89 and '59March 21-30 June 28-29Choir Tour - Puget Sound Class of '59 High School ReunionApril 19 July 20-31Spring Concert BPI Moses Harris Math & ScienceSt. Michael’s Lutheran Church Academy at Concordia UniversityPortland, ORStay in the loop and get details on above events & more at Winter 2009 19

Navy & White THERE'S NO PLACE If fans of Concordia University’s soccer teams thought that moving the home games to Beaverton, Ore. this season would cause the Cavaliers issues, they would be hard pressed to find evidence of that in the box scores. The men’s and women’s teams combined for an undefeated record of 13-0-1 at their temporary home field. The teams took to the field at Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation this fall for the first of two consecutive seasons while the campus undergoes a physical transformation. The old “Yard” and baseball diamond have made way for the George R. White Library and Learning Center that is currently under construction. The new athletic complex will begin to take shape on the four blocks north of campus (between NE 27th and NE 29th Streets and NE Dekum and NE Liberty Streets) this spring. “While it was hard to feel like we had home field advantage this year, our players have done a great job transitioning and owning their new field,” said women’s coach Grant Landy. “The best part for me is that my players have kept a positive attitude throughout this transition—they realize the situation, they have accepted the challenge, and they are looking forward to playing in an amazing home facility in the near future.” The new athletic complex will feature state-of-the-art lighting, field surfaces, seating, and much more, making it a source of pride for past and present Cavaliers while also creating a magnet for recruiting future student-athletes. “The new facility will give us a competitive edge; combine that with a new library and green space, a new residence hall, and a renovated student union and we will be able to offer student- athletes an opportunity like no other in our division,” said Athletic Director, Matt English.20 concordia connection

Navy & WhiteLIKE The new athletic complex will feature:HOME In addition to the soccer teams, the baseball program will also » Larger baseball and soccer fields. directly benefit from the new athletic complex. While the players and Coach Rob Vance await their new baseball field, they will play 25 miles The baseball field will increase from away from campus this spring at Wilsonville High School. Wilsonville 300 (LF); 385 (CF); and 301 (RF) to High has one of the best prep facilities in the state, and with high school 355 (LF); 414 (CF); and 330 (RF). The baseball rarely played on the weekends, it offers a better opportunity soccer field dimensions will increase for the Navy & White to play more games at their temporary home field from 114 x 74 feet to 120 x 73 feet. rather than on the road. “While Wilsonville is a distance, they have an excellent facility, » Synthetic turf, allowing for and the artificial surface and lights gives us the opportunity for fewer rainouts,” Vance said. “In addition, we have a lot of local guys on the year-round use of the facility. team who played there in high school, giving it some familiarity.” “The only real down side to the construction of the new athletic » State-of-the-art lighting that complex is that our seniors will not have the opportunity to play on the new field as student athletes,” said English, “but we are looking forward provides two levels of light to welcoming them back for special homecomings and alumni games (game and practice), emits when the facility is complete.” the same amount of light as a The new complex for baseball and soccer will expand Concordia street light, and will be University’s ability to serve its student-athletes and the greater Portland regulated by hours established community, allowing athletes of all ages to experience individual and through a partnership between the team success that will help them excel in life. The complex will also university, the City of Portland, and serve the community through tournaments, games, practice sessions, the Concordia Neighborhood clinics, camps, and local community sports programs. Association. “This facility will not only change the face of the Concordia campus,” said English, “it will change our community and the youth we serve. I » Stadium seating, dugouts, believe Concordia’s field will be a home field for everyone in Northeast Portland.” concessions, press boxes, There are ample opportunities to get involved with the new athletic and an alumni plaza that will enrich complex and to help make it a reality. To find out more, visit the experience for fans and the community. » Increased training resources for coaches and student athletes. Winter 2009 21

Navy & WhiteFall Sports Set Records and Elevate Cavalier Pride The fall 2008 season was one for the record books. All of Concordia’s fall sports programs set records and brokebarriers leading to the announcement on December 18 that Concordia University ranked second in the nation in themost recent National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup Standings.Concordia University's 2008 Women's Soccer Team at the NAIA Championships women’s cross country teams. After both squads placed second overall in The rise of the Cavaliers was Dan Birkey’s men’s soccer team the rugged CCC field, the two teamsled by the women’s soccer team, spent most of the season inside the each earned at-large berths intowho spent the season ranked inside Top 25, rising to as high as No. 19 in the NAIA National Championshipsthe NAIA Top 5 and celebrated the country. The Cavalier men also held in Kenosha, Wis. In theirtheir first-ever undefeated regular generated some postseason buzz on second showing at nationals, theseason, going 17-0-1 before entering the pitch with a successful revenge CU men, led by All-Americans Ericpostseason play and finishing the match at The College of Idaho in Burk (5th) and Charles Cummingsyear 23-1-1. Coach Grant Landy the Cascade Collegiate Conference (22nd), placed ninth overall while theguided the Cavs to their second (CCC) Championship, downing the women placed 21st in their first everNAIA women’s soccer title match Yotes 2-1. The CCC title propelled appearance at the NAIA Nationalin December. With a resounding the Cavs into the NAIA tournament Championships.victory over St. Ambrose (Iowa) in for the fourth time in the program’sthe first round, the Cavs thwarted history. In the opening round Indoors, the Cavalier volleyballNo. 12 Berry College (Ga.) and No. 4 team improved two spots in theAzusa Pacific (Calif.) in overtime against No. 9 Concordia, Irvine, CCC standings from a year ago withthrillers before trouncing No.1 the Cavaliers survived a 9-8 a fifth-place result after postingLindsey Wilson (Ky.) 3-0 in the shootout in penalty kicks after a the team’s best overall winningnational semifinal. The Cavs 3-3 indecisive conclusion through percentage since 2002. The Cavseventually fell to No. 3 two overtime periods. went 17-13 on the season and 13-7Lee University (Tenn.) The championship in league play to earn a trip to thein the championship tournament conference tournament, where thegame. Jackie Pronovost experience continued season would come to an end in thefurthered the team’s with a hard fought first round with a 3-2 loss at Easternaccomplishments when she nail-biter in Fresno, Oregon.was named the 2008 NAIA Calif., as No. 8National Player of Year. Hastings (Neb.) L to R: Jamie Richards, Lindsey Fryer, Skyler KamakaLandy also reached a career would end Concordia’smilestone, when on October season with a 1-03, a 7-0 victory over decision in theNorthwest University ‘Sweet 16’.gave him Also makinghis 200th noise on thecareer win. national stage were the men’s and22 concordia connection

The Rebound a redshirt season, the Spanaway, Wash., native would The last time Alex Tiefenthaler ‘10 finally get to find recurring opportunities towalked off the court following a showcase his skills with 10 appearancescollegiate basketball game, millions of down the stretch and, more importantly,people witnessed the exit. A reserve action at the NCAA tournament. Knowingpost for Portland State University his court time would once again be limited,(PSU) last season, the 6-foot-9-inch however, Tiefenthaler began to seek out anTiefenthaler shared the court with alternative route.future NBA stars as the Big Sky “I was thinking about leaving PSUConference champion Vikings for awhile. Once I returned from thepunched a ticket to March Madness tournament, I decided that I had to goand performed before a nationally somewhere where I would see moretelevised audience. Everyone minutes on the court to help establish myknows that in collegiate basketball potential of playing at a professional level,”the “Big Dance” offers the biggest Tiefenthaler said.stage, the brightest lights, and the Tiefenthaler was helped along in hismost pageantry of any experience, decision by former Bethel High Schoolall of which did not seem to faze (Tacoma, Wash.) teammate and ConcordiaTiefenthaler, who produced a double- senior guard, Desmond Meray. When he wasdigit tally with 10 points against the considering transferring from UP and then againeventual national champion Kansas from PSU, Meray was a constant voice in his ear,Jayhawks. exciting him about the possibility of sharing the “As a kid watching March court once again with his former prep teammate.Madness, I always wanted to be a part Coach Brad Barbarick was excited by theof that experience,” Tiefenthaler said. addition to his lineup, “Alex will definitely make a“Being in the tournament was a once huge difference to the team this season. He bringsin a lifetime event. You don’t really size, has the ability to play with his back to therealize all the hype and excitement basket, and will bring a level of versatility to ouruntil you get there.” offense. A pre-season all-conference selection, This fall, Tiefenthaler made a Alex has the chance to be one of the top players inmore quiet exit—this one from the the Cascade Collegiate Conference and will be aPSU basketball program to join the difficult match-up for our opponents to contain.\"Navy and White, where he has plans With Tiefenthaler in the mix, a solid core ofto make a much larger impact. With upperclassmen, and a strong group of newcomerstwo years of eligibility remaining, to work from, the Cavaliers will be looking toTiefenthaler has taken a unique path make a run at their own national championshipto Concordia. tournament appearance. As a freshman at the University of “The team is filled with good guys. TheyPortland, a coaching regime change have good character and we all get along well,”turned his time with the Pilots into Tiefenthaler said. “There is a lot of athleticisman abbreviated stay. He then made a on the team and I think we are going to surprisemove across town to PSU where, after some people on the court.” Winter 2009 23

Navy & WhiteThe GlobetrottersBeing located in a vibrant major metropolitan area, the rosters of the Cavalier athletic teams include student athletesfrom many familiar locations. Gresham, Beaverton, Bend, Hillsboro, Milwaukie, and Camas are often found on therosters. On occassion, places like Ridgefield, Roseburg, and Silverdale sprinkle the game programs. Just as often,however, one can find long-distance destinations such as Falkenberg, Sweden; or Auckland, New Zealand. Many of theConcordia student-athletes have made drives across town to find their way to campus, but several individuals havetaken a much longer journey to don the Navy and White. Some members of the current rosters sat down to share theirexperiences and their journeys to Concordia.Alice Taylor Mariana ToscanoCross Country VolleyballBorn December 13, 1987 Born July 29, 1988Cheltenham, England Culiacan, Mexico “I was born in England, but “Looking back I’m grateful in a lotwhen I was seven my family moved of ways as I’ve had opportunities toto New Zealand when my dad compete here. We didn’t have manygot a job teaching engineering at team sports back home. We movedAuckland University. I had a friend when I was 10, which was a tough age towho was recruited to the University transition, but I think if we would haveof Portland and he referred me to stayed longer it would have been moretheir coach, but it didn’t work out difficult for me to pick up somethingwith some of my transfer credits, so like volleyball. I went back last summerI looked at Concordia. I keep a New for the first time and I was able to see aZealand flag in my garage and have a lot of family. It was very laid back and itlot of photos to keep me connected. was very community-orientated.”Portland reminds me of home insome ways with the climate and the Kossivi Alokpoviscenery.” Men’s Soccer Born December 6, 1988 Lomé, Togo “I was born in Togo. My father was in the military and we traveled back and forth between Togo and Benin in West Africa and France. We came to the U.S. when I was 12. After arriving in New York, we moved to Atlanta and Houston before settling down in Arizona. I speak six different languages including Aja, Ewe, Mina, French, Spanish, and English. Family is the most important thing. I feel as though I have a new family here at Concordia. I do miss the environment and spending time with my grandmother. She inspired me and taught me how to stay strong, stay positive, and keep smiling.”24 concordia connection

Navy & White Raluca Dinca Volleyball Born November 3, 1988 Bucharest, HungaryFacundo Dipascuale “I came to the United States when Lucas Egenwall I was young. My aunt was alreadyMen’s Soccer living in the U.S. and our family Men’s Soccer moved to Germany for a year beforeBorn January 16, 1990 finding a home in Portland. My Born October 10, 1982 mom and my brother went back thisBuenos Aires, Argentina summer. I’d be interested in going Gothenburg, Sweden back to see where I used to live. My “I am very proud to be from parents have a postcard of the Black “I moved to go to school and toArgentina. I am glad that I got to grow Sea and they always talk about how embark on an adventure at the sameup in a country that loves soccer as amazing it is.” time. I arrived in 2005 and playedmuch as Argentina does. I was given a soccer at Oregon State Universitysoccer ball when I was two and never for two years. My backgroundlooked back. My mom worked all means a lot to me since my family isday so I had to mature and grow up everything. I have a grandma who isquickly. After moving to the U.S. and British and my dad grew up in Newlearning a new language, I am glad to York. The Swedish culture is quitebe fluent in two languages. After living interesting. We have a cool traditionhere for more than nine years, we have called Midsummer’s. It’s supposedadjusted to most American traditions, to be in the middle of summer andbut we still eat food from home like we eat traditional Swedish summermilanesas, empanadas, and pastel de food, then we sing and dance aroundpapa.” a special cross dressed in leaves and flowers. It can get pretty intense! You can buy a lot of the traditional Swedish food and drinks at IKEA so I’m not missing out on everything when I’m not home.”Join the Team! 503-280-8505 | WWW.GOCUGO.COM Support Concordia Athletics Year Round At Concordia, we believe in shaping leaders who will transform the world around them. By becoming a Cavalier Club member, you provide scholarships, equipment, and program support to make student- athletes' dreams come true. Join the team today, or gift a membership to someone special, at or by calling 503-280-8505. Go Cavs Go! Winter 2009 25

Invest in the education of studentswithout a tax penalty. Congress extended the law permitting persons over the age of 70 ½ to direct IRA gifts to qualified charitable organi- zations, such as Concordia University, tax-free. Any amount up to $100,000 counts toward your minimum required distribution. The distribution does not qualify as a charitable deduction, but you pay no income tax on the amount distributed. By making a gift through your IRA in 2009, you can help build the George R. White Library and Learning Center, The Concordia Fund for student scholarships, the new Athletic Complex for Baseball and Soccer, and so much more. Now is the perfect time to invest in the future!For more information on giving to Concordia through your IRA, please contact Erinn Keithley at 800-752-4736 or [email protected].

Annual ReportP O R T L A N D, O R E G O N FISCAL YEAR 2008Transformation Under Way

Transformation Under Way [ LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT & CHAIRMAN ]What a busy and blessed year it has been for Concordia University. Just think of all that wehave accomplished together this year: We broke ground on the George R. White Library andLearning Center; we began moving homes and subsequently started construction on a newresidence hall; we dedicated a state-of-the-art Throw Center; we began offering a BA in Music;and we welcomed new faculty and a record class of students.As we look forward to 2009, we anticipate the dedication of the George R. White Libraryand Learning Center, breaking ground on the new athletic complex for baseball and soccer,opening the residence hall, and the possibility of establishing a Law School in Boise, Idaho.Transformation is certainly under way.This transformation would not be possible without the contributions of many individuals whohave given generously to Concordia over the past year. We thank the individuals andorganizations who so enthusiastically partnered with us. We are grateful for the faculty andstaff who tirelessly work to fulfill our mission and vision, and our students who are committedseriously to learning, serving, and leading. And, above all, we thank God for guiding ourefforts to prepare leaders that will serve and make our communities better.We hope that you are as excited as we are about what the future holds for Concordia University.Please join us in this journey, watch our progress, and continue to support us as we transformstudents, this campus, and our world. Charles E. Schlimpert, Ph.D. Robert Fowls President Chairman Concordia University Board of Regents28 concordia connection

[ ]FY 2008 Revenue Sources Annual Report [ ]FY 2008 in Review Auxiliary Other CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | FY DATA Services revenue 7.82% .97% Gifts in the door TUITION & FEES $25,430,956& Grants GIFTS & GRANTS $4,397,066 AUXILIARY SERVICES $2,556,948 13.45% OTHER REVENUE SOURCES $316,374 out the door $32,701,344 SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS tuition & Fees ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION $7,969,662 77.77% ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS $6,918,501 STUDENT SERVICES $1,115,230 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT $2,798,190 AUXILIARY SERVICES $6,905,341 $4,026,404 $29,733,328 Net Revenue $2,968,016 [ ]FY 2008 Expenditures [ ]FY 2007 in Review Auxiliary scholarships Services & grants 26.80% 13.54% in the door Tuition & Fees $23,214,283 Gifts & Grants $4,640,372 Auxiliary Services $2,485,560 Other Revenue Sources $2,464,614InstITutional $32,804,829 support 23.22% Scholarships & Grants $7,179,278 out the door Academic Instruction $6,377,884 Academic Support Programs $834,568 Student Services $2,762,890 Institutional Support $6,176,504 Auxiliary Services $3,734,606 academic $27,065,730 instructionstudent Net Revenue $5,739,099services 23.27% 9.41% academic support programs 3.75% Winter 2009 29

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORSAnnual Report KEY hank you for being a part of the Concordia community, a group of individuals and Torganizations who together empower students to take big Honorideas from the classroom into the world.Your commitment demonstrates your care, compassion, and leadership, the very same traits we hope to see in every Concordia graduate. Together we create a thriving and unique Rollexperience for them as they serve the Portland community and other communities throughout the Pacific Northwest and the world. We hope you will continue to be our partner in this endeavor. † : Deceased + : Friends of Nursing member * : Cavalier Club member ������ : Friend of Music member { Lifetime Giving } [THROUGH JUNE 30, 2008] The Founders Society Concordia Founders have made a lifetime commitment of $1 million or more, and have helped to transform Concordia. Individuals Corporations & Foundations Anonymous MJ Murdock Charitable Trust George and Geri White������ Portland General Electric Thrivent Financial for Lutherans* The Cornerstone Society The Cornerstone Society, named in honor of the first building on campus and the cornerstone which still resides at Concordia, recognizes lifetime gifts of $100,000 to $999,999. Individuals Anonymous Frank† and Carol Gebhard Irvin W. Monk Rich and Lisa Smith* James and Ramona Barnard*+ Lee and Grace† Goodman Scott and Michelle Smith* Jack† and Nancy Behnken Thomas and Denise Muhly Louise Solheim Dr. Charles and Mrs. Virginia Brondos+������ Herman and Vernice Goschie Anna Neils† Dr. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Hilken*+������ Gerhard F. Neils, Sr.† Rev. Hans and Mrs. Christa Spalteholz*������ Muriel Burke Bettie Horn Bendewald and Donald Bendewald† Erna K. Nusz† Hide Tanigami and Judy Bogard-Tanigami+������ Dennis† and Janet E. Clifton+ Pete† and Marjorie M. Olson+������ Calvin and Betty Jones Margaret Ragland† John Taylor Jack and Jean Craemer Frieda Schulenberg† George Thurston, Jr. and Jody Thurston*+ Mr. Ross Edwards, Sr. and Dr. Gloria Edwards+ Bill and Carol Lawson Edwin G. Sirovy† Rev. Dr. Art and Mrs. Carol Wahlers*+������ Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Irma Lien+ William Erchinger† Florence Linquist Hawn† 30 concordia connection

Annual ReportThe Cornerstone Society (continued) Corporations & FoundationsChurches & Congregations AK Media Northwest Knueppel Lutheran Scholarship Foundation Juan Young Trust Bank of America Kresge Foundation Oregon Community FoundationLutheran Church Missouri Synod CNH District Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Oregon Independent College Foundation The Collins Foundation Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund Scott's Excavating* Ford Family Foundation Meyer Memorial Trust Sodexo* Clifford Horn Memorial Fund James F. and Marion L. Miller FoundationThe Linden SocietyNamed for the graceful Linden tree outside Luther Hall, the Linden Society recognizes those who have committed $20,000 to $99,999 inlifetime commitments to Concordia.Individuals Churches & Congregations Corporations & FoundationsMelvin and Sari Aho* Dr. Lynn Kahle and Ms. Debi Eisert Beautiful Savior Lutheran, Reedsport, OR Aho Construction*Grieg and Clarice Anderson+ Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Renton, WA Mary Ausplund Tooze Trust������ Dorothy J. Kahle-Jenkins Calvary Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, WA������ Boeing CompanyRichard and Carilyn Alexander Douglas and Bobbi Kindred+ Christ Lutheran Church, Meridian, ID Coca-Cola of Oregon* Beulah Knueppel† Christ the Vine Lutheran Church, Damascus, OR������ Collins Medical TrustMary Ausplund Tooze������ Gerald and Margery Koll+ Faith Lutheran Church, East Wenatchee, WA Concordia College Guild Marlyn J. and Lola† Kottsick+ Faith Lutheran Church, Sequim, WA EFTC Northwest OperationsSusan L. Baker First Lutheran Church, Missoula, MT Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Eunice Kramer*������ Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Foundation for Independent Higher EducationWilliam and Barbara Balke* Bruce and Raejean Kuhnau+ Hope Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA Group Mackenzie Engineering*George Battermann† Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Kunert*+������ Immanuel Lutheran Church, Twin Falls, ID IBM FoundationAlvin and Marilynn Berg*+ Lloyd† and Margaret Larson Memorial Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA������ In Focus SystemsMildred Bever† Jacob Litt† Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Portland, OR The Jackson Foundation St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Beaverton, OR The Melvin and Oweda Johnsen Private Foundation, Inc.+Bill and Nancy Blount Betty M. Lubcke St. John Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA������ KXL AM/FM RadioRev. Louis Brandes† Herman† and Irma Martens St. Paul Lutheran Church, Grants Pass, OR Key Bank of Oregon* Ferris† and Mae Martin+ St. Peter Lutheran Church, Lodi, CA LC-MS World MissionJulie and Michael Bronkala St. Peter Lutheran Church, Medford, OR Marquis Companies Jack and Linda Menashe* Trinity Lutheran Church, Gardnerville, NV Menashe & Sons Jewelers*Keren Brown-Wilson and Michael Deshane Mervin Simpson Trust Fund West Portal Lutheran Church, San Francisco, CA Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Walter Miller+ Zion Lutheran Church, Corvallis, OR NACCO Materials Handling GroupThomas and Susan Buuck*������ Zion Lutheran Church, Fairbanks, AK Northwest District of the LC-MS*Barry and Debra Caldwell Steven and Mimi Musella Zion Lutheran Church, Snohomish, WA The ODS Companies Pacific Power FoundationJeannine B. Cowles Samuel Naito Rose Tucker Charitable Trust Samuel T. and Mary K. Naito FoundationMatt and Nancy Crawford Dr. Olaf and Dr. Christine Nordling* Shell Oil CompanyJohn† and Barbara Crowley Dr. Burton W. Onstine Trust ManagementEverett† and Frances Curdy US Bank Mrs. Judith and Dr. Edward Pahl US West FoundationRay and Deanna Dally USAID Dale and Sherry Porath Union Pacific FoundationDon and Bev Darsow* Mona and Wallace Quammen+ United RentalsGrace Deierlein† Blanche Raasch† Verizon Foundation Wessinger FoundationRussell des Cognets, Jr. Steven R. Reinisch Wheeler FoundationDr. Johnnie and Mrs. Kimberly Driessner*+������ Walter Rieck† Zerox OPBDavid and Laurie Eash Reinhardt Riekenberg†Reginald and Linda Eklund Richard and Jane RoeFred and June Fangmann Rusty and Arlis RoetmanHerbert Finke† Don† and Mina Lee SandauBarney Getzinger† Rev. Max and Mrs. Amy SchaeferDr. Tyler and Mrs. Carolee Gill Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Schlimpert*+������ Galeon and Naida Schoenthal������Gene and Jean GrippinMathilde Grunow† Drs. Gordon and Beverly SchumacherDiane and Ted Gunning Henry and Shirley Schutte Dennis and Denise Stoecklin*+Richard and Jeaninne Helmstetter* Douglas Strain†Gregory and Linda Hewitson Roy F. Strauch†Douglas and Laurie Hilken Dr. Robert and Mrs. Ruth SylwesterOttillia Hilken† Fern Tiegs†Ken Hoefs+ Floyd and Elinor† Wentz Terry and Cathy Wilson+Bart and Dorothy HoemannMarian Hoffman† Edward and Sandy WisniewskiFrank† and Louise Holert Gary and Katie Withers*+������Larry and Nancy HoltzenDouglas and Kathy Hone������Adele Jacke† Winter 2009 31

Annual Report { Annual Gifts } We thankfully recognize those who have made contributions in the most recent fiscal year, between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008.CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS FWJ Circle [$25,000 or more] Weber Circle [$10,000 – $24,999] The FWJ Circle commemorates the service of FWJ Sylwester, The Weber Circle commemorates the service of President Concordia’s first president, who served the institution from 1905-1946. E.P. Weber who served the institution from 1958 to 1983. Individuals Corporations & Foundations Individuals Corporations & Foundations Keren Brown-Wilson and Michael Deshane Bank of America Richard and Carilyn Alexander Boeing Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Alvin and Marilynn Berg*+ Charles and Christie Hewitson Fund of the Jack and Jean Craemer Frances A. Staten Fund of the Oregon Muriel Burke Oregon Community Foundation Community Foundation Group Mackenzie Engineering* Barbara Crowley Juan Young Trust James Caire Key Bank of Oregon Mr. Ross Edwards, Sr. and Dr. Gloria Edwards+ Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and Arts Frank† and Carol Gebhard Meyer Memorial Trust Charles and Christie Hewitson Samuel T. and Mary K. Naito Foundation Oregon Community Foundation Dr. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Hilken*+������ Northwest Christian Community Foundation Gene and Jean Grippin Oregon Independent College Foundation Jane Hull Wilkins* The Weidenweber Family Fund Pacific Power Foundation Paul Kelly, Jr. and Lynn Kelly Port of Portland* Bill and Carol Lawson Thrivent Financial for Lutherans* Gerald and Margery Koll+ Marjorie M. Olson+������ Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Eunice Kramer������ Mina Lee Sandau Betty M. Lubcke Rev. Hans and Mrs. Christa Spalteholz*������ George Thurston, Jr. and Jody Thurston*+ Samuel Naito Rev. Dr. Art and Mrs. Carol Wahlers*+������ George and Geri White Dr. Burton W. Onstine Terry and Cathy Wilson+ Ted and Yvonne Phillips+ Edward and Sandy Wisniewski Galeon and Naida Schoenthal������ Drs. Gordon and Beverly Schumacher Donald and Sigrid Weidenweber Coates Circle [$5,000 – $9,999] Named in honor of Concordia’s second president, Thomas Coates, who served the institution from 1946 to 1957. Individuals Douglas and Laurie Hilken Churches & Congregations Corporations & Foundations Ken Hoefs+ Calvin and Wanda Aho* Michael and Phyllis Madison*+������ Calvary Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA Aho Construction* Melvin and Sari Aho* Jack and Linda Menashe* Christ the Vine Lutheran Church, Damascus, OR������ Mary Ausplund Tooze Trust������ Grieg and Clarice Anderson+ Thomas and Denise Muhly Thomas and Susan Buuck Foundation* Mary Ausplund Tooze������ Duff Hull Wilkins Memorial Scholarship Fund of Donna and Warren Bachand+ Martha Sawyer the Oregon Community Foundation William and Barbara Balke The Fuller Foundation Thomas and Susan Buuck* Rev. Dr. Warren and Mrs. Judy Schumacher HSW Enterprises Dennis† and Janet E. Clifton+ IBM Foundation Russell des Cognets, Jr. Karla Theis and Mick Rice The Melvin and Oweda Johnsen Private Foundation, Inc.+ M.C. Edwardsen Shell Oil Company Lynn and Mary Trupp Sodexo* Floyd and Elinor† Wentz Wheeler Foundation Harry and Susan Wiebold+ Michael Wray 32 concordia connection

Annual ReportThe President’s Circle [$1,500-$4,999]The President’s Circle honors the contributions of Concordia’s four presidents. The current president, Chuck Schlimpert, is now in his 26th yearof service. President’s Circle members have made a commitment to Concordia of at least $1,500 each in the reporting year.Individuals Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Irma Lien+ Churches & Congregations Corporations & FoundationsAnonymous Daniel and Judy Lorenz Faith Lutheran Church, East Wenatchee, WA Acumed Immanuel Lutheran Church, Twin Falls, ID Albina Community BankDavid and Jan Albrecht*������ David and Lynne McNamee Lutheran Church Extension Fund* Bank of the CascadesCharles and Kathy Allcock Peace Lutheran Church, Philomath, OR Bellamy and Son*James and Ramona Barnard*+ Darrell McNeel* Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Brandt's Sanitary Service*Daniel and Vickie Bellamy*������ Mervin Simpson Trust Fund St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Federal Way, WA������ ClearwireDarrell Brandt* St. Peter Lutheran Church, Medford, OR Craft Brewers Alliance*Douglas and Beth Brauer Myron and Corrine Molnau* Zion Lutheran Church, Corvallis, OR Golf Team Products* Dr. Morton and Mrs. Joan Paglin Zion Lutheran Church, Snohomish, WA H and H Wood Recyclers*Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Retta Braun*������ Chad and Ashley Peterson*+ Herbert M. Kuempel Fund of the Oregon Constance L. Brinkley James F. and Linda Pressnell Community FoundationDr. Charles and Mrs. Virginia Brondos+ Lloyd and Ruth Probasco+ LC-MS FoundationAndrea and Frank Bruno*+ Mona and Wallace Quammen+ Rev. Dr. William A. Schiebel Endowment FundBarry and Debra Caldwell The Donald N. McGregor TrustJoyce J. DeVaul+ Bruce E. Richards Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts ProgramDr. Johnnie and Mrs. Kimberly Driessner*+������ NACCO Materials Handling GroupHerman and Vernice Goschie Rusty and Arlis Roetman Raz Transportation* Scott's Excavating*Clifford and Faye Grimmell������ Carol and Luther Salonen US BankRaymond and Elizabeth Guenther+ Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Schlimpert*+������ Union Corner Construction* Dr. Joel and Mrs. Mary Schuldheisz* Verizon FoundationDiane and Ted Gunning Peggy Sharp The Wellstone Group*Helen and Jack Hollenbeck* Dr. Glenn and Dr. Jane SmithCharles Howard and Lucy Kivel Dennis and Denise Stoecklin*+ Dr. Robert and Mrs. Ruth SylwesterSteven D. Jackson Hide Tanigami and Judy Bogard-Tanigami+������Mary Ann Johnson Rev. Orlando and Mrs. Linda Trier* John and Jane Van Der Brook������Peter and Janet Johnson Larry and Sherrie Wade+Marian J. Kehoe Dr. William and Mrs. Sarah WarnerArleen Keyne Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Ruth WiensMarlyn J. Kottsick+ Gary and Katie Withers*+������Bruce and Raejean Kuhnau+ Lynne A. WoltersDr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Kunert*+������Dr. Lola M. LackeyThe Dean’s Club [$1,000-$1,499]Named for the esteemed leaders of Concordia University’s four colleges, the dean’s club recognizes donors of $1,000-$1,499.Individuals Gary and Susan Heuer Dr. Martin C. Mueller+ Churches & Congregations Paul E. and Ruth† PattersonAnonymous Jeffrey J. Hill* Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Spokane, WAOrval and Naomi Baker Douglas and Kathy Hone+������ Steven R. Reinisch Memorial Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA������Bettie Bendewald Douglas and Bobbi Kindred+Kurtis and Floy Berentsen������ Steven and Rosalind Schreiber Corporations & FoundationsThomas A. Bier������ Dr. Jim and Mrs. Linda Kuhlmann Andrea and Ray Scofield+Gene and Michele Christian+ Einar and Marilyn Skovbo+ American Benefits GroupRuth Cramblit+ John E. Leveen Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International GuildBonner and Jack Cutting Forrest C. Soth Community Foundation for Southwest WashingtonBill and Bev Dobrinski Carole Sue Lipman Concordia Alehouse*David and Laurie Eash Adeline and Sam Mallett+ Ethel Tietjen Guardian Life Insurance Matching Gift AdministrationHenry T. Fuqua Mae Martin+ Hone Family TrustLawrence and Kimberlea Green Dr. Mark Wahlers and Mrs. Yoshino Okaniwa- Nike* LaVerne and Shirley Meacham Wahlers+ Porter W. Yett Company* Rev. Walter and Mrs. Norma Meinhart+������ Mr. Kurt and Dr. Ann Widmer+ Southwest Airlines* Walter Miller+ Umpqua Bank* Winter 2009 33

Annual Report The Sylwester Society [$500-$999] Named for Concordia’s first president, FWJ Sylwester, the Sylwester Society recognizes his contributions and those of the entire Sylwester family.CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Individuals Churches & Congregations Dr. Lois and Mr. Theodore Banke Gerd and Anette Horten Jeanie-Marie Price and Erik Christensen Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Renton, WA Frances Biagioli and Craig Santos* Russell and Kristin Hulvey������ Steven and Cheryl Rafoth Calvary Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, WA������ Rev. Philip and Mrs. Kathleen Bohlken Harold and Dorothy Hummel Chris and Sheryl Reinisch Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA Earl and Marilyn Bolvin Robert and Cecilia Huntington Alicia M. Salaz Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Yakima, WA Dr. Dwaine and Mrs. Rachel Brandt*������ Timothy J. Hust* Berne and Grace Schepman Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Tigard, OR Christopher B. Braun Dr. Lynn Kahle and Ms. Debi Eisert Justin C. Schlimpert* Redeemer Lutheran Church, Kimberly, ID Pauline M. Braun������ Eldon and Emily Kahny Jeanette E. Schuldheisz St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, Portland, OR������ Leo L. Browne Darrell and Margaret Kemper Dr. Norm and Mrs. Darlene Sell St. Peter Lutheran Church, Cornelius, OR������ Margarete H. Carlson������ Claudia and Kevin Kenny Robert and Shirley Sieverkropp St. John Lutheran Church, Salem, OR������ Sarah and Timothy Elliott Ted and Kelly Lyster������ David Simmons and Charlene Hebron Simmons* St. John Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA������ Ronald† and Linda Everson Harvey W. Mauth+ Glenn and Joan Stocker St. Paul Lutheran Church, Grants Pass, OR Mark and Cathy Farrell* Brookly J. McLaughlin Ted and Mariella Sylwester West Linn Lutheran Church, West Linn, OR������ Larry Frank and Nancy Berlier Clarence Medack Verna M. Sylwester Keylah and Christopher Frazier Dick and Susie Mikkelsen Dr. Michael and Mrs. Kimberly Thomas������ Corporations & Foundations Tiffany and Michael Fuchs������ Irvin W. Monk Rev. Walter and Mrs. Ione Tietjen Rev. Leon and Mrs. Lois Gogl������ Elmer and Francine Morlok Juha Tuominen* American Historical Society of Germans Ronald A. Grove* Les R. Morris Robert and Diane Vance* from Russia, NW Chapter Pamela and Richard Hawley* Jonathan and Julie Muhly Theodore Will, Jr. Argonaut Group Alvin Henry Frank Nichols Dr. Daniel L. Wright Chevron Rev. Mark and Mrs. Miriam Hoelter*������ Jim North Greg and Kristine Zelinka* EdVenture Partners Bart and Dorothy Hoemann Dorothy and Russell Pease Fluor Foundation������ Kevin Burke Construction* EnergyConnect (fka Microfield) Mohawk Fine Papers* Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Portland General Electric+ Quest Investment Management Thrivent Financial For Lutherans, Carson City Chapter+������ The Holman Club [$250-$499] Since its founding in 1905, Concordia has resided on Holman Street in Northeast Portland, becoming the namesake for the neighborhood, community, and many local businesses, as well as one of the newest residential complexes on the campus. Individuals Anonymous Isabel A. Franklin Alvin and Norma Landy* Karen M. Rossi Ron Arguien������ Walter Frost Darlene and Rick Lane Linda E. Rountree Brad and Dana Barbarick* Melissa L. Gaddis James and Cyndee Lightheart Dr. Julie A. Rowland William and Rose Barnett Paul G. Geis* Robert and Debbie Lindow* Steve and Debbie Sandau Barbara W. Beck Ray and Dinah Granning Edward Lynch Rev. Max and Mrs. Amy Schaefer Willard Benson Rochelle L. Hale������ Paula Mantei Dr. Robert and Mrs. Karin Schmidt������ Norwood and Hazel Borsvold Garth and Ruth Haugland Rev. Norman and Mrs. Mary Metzler������ Dolores E. Sharadin������ James A. Brauer, Jr. Herbert and Carol Hoefer*������ Robert and Judith Meyer Skyler and Lisa Smick* Robert and Barbara Carlson������ Nancy and Brad Horton+ Rev. Tyrus and Mrs. Sharon Miles������ Stephen Snodderly and Lisa Fifield Snodderly* Alison and Joshua Chai������ Stephen and Sabine Hubbard* Jonathan and Carol Miller������ Thomas and Heather Stueve Clara and Sammy Chandler Della L. Hulvey������ Michelle Miller Terri Theisen and Tom Williamson Vern Cohrs* Richard and Gloria Hyde George Mohring Beverly A. Ulbricht Edward and Karen Conway* Nick and Maia Janus Bruce and Nannette Monteith������ Dana R. Webb James A. Dobberstine Jerry and Mary Kamprath Brian A. Moody* Rev. Dan Wehrspann������ Jennifer and Robert Drewett Virginia Kamprath Thomas and Leslie Munson������ Terrence and Carol White John and Sally Duenow* Lynn E. Keyne-Michaels Barbara J. Penn* April and Randy Whitworth Carl V. Eklund* Donald and Maureen Kranich������ Rev. Clemens and Mrs. Carol Pera Alex and Mollie Wiese Quinten and Dorothy Fadness������ Dr. Walter Krueger������ Charles and Marlene Redwing������ Bob Wieting, Sr. and Carla Wieting Leann Fadness-Beall and Fred Beall Philipp and Rachel Kupfer Luther and Shirley Robinson 34 concordia connection

Annual ReportThe Holman Club (continued)Churches & Congregations Corporations & FoundationsAbiding Savior Lutheran Church, Lake Forest, CA������ St. John Lutheran Church, Oakdale, CA Austin Well Drilling* Marquis CompaniesBeautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Milton, WA St. John Lutheran Church, Portland, OR B and B Tile and Masonry* Orchards Veterinary Clinic*Bethany Lutheran Church, Menlo Park, CA������ St. John’s Lutheran Church, Napa, CA������ Don-Frank Floor Covering* Portland Auto*Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, OR St. Paul Lutheran Church, Sherwood, OR������ Grace Women ProActive Sports*Christ Lutheran Church, Visalia, CA������ Town and Country Lutheran Church, Sacramento, CA������ The Hanover Insurance Group Radisson Hotel Portland AirportEpiphany Lutheran Church, Kenmore, WA Trinity Lutheran Church, Ventura, CA������ Highland UCC������ The StandardGrace Lutheran Church, Ashland, OR������ Trinity Lutheran Church, Bend, OR������ The Holzman Foundation W. B. Wells and Associates*Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Battle Ground, WA Intel Weston Pontiac Buick GMC*Redeemer Lutheran Church, Salem, OR Just Right Awards*St. John Lutheran Church, Buhl, IDSt. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AKThe Centennial Club [$100-$249]Created in honor of Concordia’s 100th birthday in 2005, the Centennial Club honors our distinguished history while looking towarda hopeful future.Individuals Raymond and Eleonore Brown Craig Douglas John Gould Joanne and Richard Brown* Tom Dragicevic Leroy and Ricky GraffAnonymous Terry and Kristie Brown Paul Drake Heather L. GrantCharles Abshire Nancy and Andy Bryant������ Marcine DuVall Carrie and Timothy Greene������C.C. Adachi Wray and Dorothy Buck Christopher T. Duenow* Howard and Ruth GreyBarry and Victoria Adams* Janice Campbell David and Jo Ann Eaton������ Clarence and Linda GroeberHeather Adkins* Gordon and Christy Canzler Michael Eckekamp Larry GrossRev. Don and Mrs. Darcy Adolf Robert and Sue Capri* Michele and Steven Edwards Rev. Richard and Mrs. Edith GrossHoward Ahlskog Randolph and Carol Cate Nancy and Gregory Edwards Milton GroverWendell and Darlene Alff Ruth A. Chaney������ Philip Eggers Steve and Helen GrubbJeffrey and Marilyn Allen Aaron and Julie Christian* John and Jeanette Eggert������ Cindy and Roger Hall������Kenneth and Alma Allen Carl and Joan Christian Reginald and Linda Eklund Judy K. Hall������Sherry and Gery Amos Robert and Arleen Christian Anita and James Eller+������ Mark and Debbie Halldorson*Myrna and Gerald Angell������ Malcolm E. Church Randy and Judy Emberlin* Mark and Melanie Hambelton*Joyce and Robert Arima Herbert Claus Claudette and Robert Etchelecou* Roger A. HamptonRobert and Janice Arleth Davin and Norma Clauson* Erik W. Evans Richard and Jacqueline HanenburgElmer Atrops Ron and Jan Coen June Everson James and Monica HarboltJack and Janis Badley Mike and Betty Conzelmann Rev. Timothy and Mrs. Rae Fangmeier James and Kathy HartLeroy R. Baker* Lois L. Cowan������ Lenora Ferry Jacqueline Haug-SchulzBarbara Bates Ellis and Jonathan Ellis������ Rev. Jonathan and Mrs. Karen Coyne������ Bill and Peggy Fetters Carol HauxhurstRev. Dr. Erhart and Mrs. Anita Bauer������ Shawn Cozza������ Bobbi Jo Fivecoat Howard HenderlongElaine and Charles Becker������ Estelle and Jack Crabtree������ Larry and Jane Foster Gary and Kay HendersonRev. Kelly and Mrs. Julie Bedard������ Matt and Nancy Crawford Ronald and Barbara Franklin* Wayne† and Irene HensleyPaul Bedortha* Trina D'Amico and Rick Brumble Luke and Tammy Frerichs Thomas and Suzanne HerbergerKay A. Bell Roger and Trudy Danielson Leroy and Marilyn Friedrichsmeyer James and Doris HeywoodRobert and Monica Bellizzi Laurel W. Davis Maynard and Irma Fuerstenau Curtis and Debra Hill*Marjory Bennett Fischer Miriam A. De Lap Rachel L. Gardner Dean and Eunice HillJames and Debra Berg* Rev. Tom Decker Madeline and Paul Gefroh Larry HinrichsDonna and Robert Bernadelli������ Dana and Russell Demien������ Amy C. Gehrke������ Mark and Kathy HinrichsRussel and Joan Black Margie L. Denner Rev. Wilbur and Mrs. Karen Gehrke������ Claira and A.J. HirningNancy and Steve Blake������ Carol and Donald Dennis Donna and Robert Geisler������ Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda HirschTim and Brenda Bomberry Keith and Sylvia Diefenderfer Norman P. Gerken William and Lucy Horner*Rod and Valorie Boucher J. A. and Tommie Dillard* Noel and Nancy Gifford������ Dove HotzBonita and Ivan Boxley������ Maria and Dan Dinca Christine M. Gill Rev. Harold and Mrs. Helen IbenJames and Lee Boyd Marcus Dobberfuhl Daniel and Catherine Givens* Judy and Clifford IkerdRev. Richard and Mrs. Joann Braem Dave Dorn Lisa and Chris Goodwin* Ruth and Robert Ilten������Maurice and Eva BristolDavid F. Brotherton* Winter 2009 35

Annual Report The Centennial Club Individuals (continued)CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Rodger and Susan Immer Brent and Lisa Mai������ Dr. Sergei Polozov and Mrs. Elena Polozova Lester W. Stiles James and Mavis Isaak������ Rev. Dr. Robert F. Maltzahn George N. Prange Elliott H. Stone Margaret Ivey������ Pat and Shirley Mannion Peggy A. Pridgeon John and Carolyn Stucky Mac R. Jackson, Jr. Thomas Manor, III and Daphne Graham-Manor* Alwin and Helen Probst Ryan K. Swan Wary C. Jacobs* George W. Marek* Walter† and Clara G. Probst Harold J. Sylwester Dr. Mark and Mrs. Cindy Jager Gerald Martin������ Charles and Catherine Pruett Glen and Eileen Tanke Gloria M. Janata Jerome Martin, Jr. Carolyn and Rex Pugmire Alice V. Taylor Jean Jesse Teresa and Davie Maxwell David and Maria Putzi Terry and Jennis Taylor Dr. Nicanor and Mrs. Imeida Joaquin������ Rev. Edward May������ Mrs. Carolyn and Rev. George Rakos Robert and Mary Templin Virginia and Edgar Johnson Pamela and Robert McCauley������ Dr. Donald and Mrs. Barbara Rau Ben Thamert* William Johnson, Jr. and Brenda Johnson������ Scott and Kelly McCray Debbie L. Rayburn Wilma U. Theis Calvin and Betty Jones Robert and Dianne McDonald Roberta M. Reeves* Maxine and Owen Thomas Richard N. Joyrich Juanita F. McGinnis Krista Reichard Dr. Keith Tolzin and Mrs. J. Bowers Tolzin Kathleen Kadera Robert and Katharina McGrew Rev. Dr. Richard and Mrs. Irene Reinisch������ Charles and Janice Tomac* Ed and Miriam Kahm Jerry and Julie McGuire Rev. Dr. Rudolph and Mrs. Virginia Ressmeyer Lisa and Brad Tuengel* Ken Kaiser Ryan and Jenny McIvor* Julia M. Riess������ Cynthia J. Turnley-Rutan Frank C. Karpavicius* Josh and Elisabeth McMillon* Ruth Anne Rietmann������ Marty and Debora Tyler Susan D. Keil������ Rosemary and Eric Medford Sharon L. Robinson Roland Ulrich Erinn L. Keithley* Burton and Dagny Melstad Richard and Jane Roe Terry and Susan Utter Dr. Jim and Mrs. Patricia Kerr Rev. Robert J. Merz* Karlia and Zac Rogers������ Cheryl and Russell Uyeshiro* Dr. Edward Keuer Allan M. Metcalf* Rev. Larry and Mrs. Carol Rohlfing������ Peter and Kay Van Houten������ Rev. Richard and Mrs. Maxine Kiessling������ Mary Meyer George and Jane Roley������ Herb and Blanche VanDorn Emma M. Kimball Joseph and Paula Michelsen Susan and J. F. Rommel������ Albert and Mary Verhofstadt* Mark and Sharron Kimmel Isabel F. Miller Richard and Stephanie Ross* Kathryn S. Veseth Muriel L. King Virginia Moldovanyi Peggy Jo Runcorn Rosemary Veseth Terri King Trent Molnar Rev. Lornell and Mrs. Lois Ruthenbeck Timothy Visser Dean and Diane Kleinsmith* Linda and William Monahan Rev. Dr. John and Mrs. Marianne Scheck������ Alice Voges Rev. Mark and Mrs. Donna Kluzek William Moon������ Gary and Joan Scheetz* Shirley A. Vradenburgh Thyra E. Knapp������ Douglas Morlok Gerald and Elizabeth Schmidt Susan and Eldon Wagner Billie and Howard Kober Erich P. Mueller Jay Schmidt Kenneth and Sandra Walters Margene Koch Kathleen and Graham Munce Rev. Paul and Mrs. Teeny Schmidt������ James and Debora Wardlow Rev. Frank† and Mrs. Joan D. Koepke Kathryn and Craig Myrom* Peter Schmidt Rev. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Warmbier������ Joel and Carolyn Koerschen Russell and Mildred Myrom* Shawn A. Schmidtke* Rev. Bill Warren Arnold and Mary Kohnert������ Beverly Neitzel Steve Scholz* Vivian Wascher Jane M. Koivisto Laurie L. Nelson������ Patricia and Daniel Schroeder David G. Weber James M. Kolb������ Donald Neumeier Phyllis Schumacher Jay M. Wendlandt Charlotte J. Kolzow������ Elizabeth J. Nevue* Arlene Schwemmer Jerry Werner Rev. Theodore Kriefall Timothy and Cynthia Newkirk Diane and Thomas Sciarretta Shelley M. Wetter Cynthia and Chuck Lacey Esther Nierman Randy Sell and Tamara Crocker* Richard and Patricia Wheeler Donna and William Lance Paula T. Nirschl-Robb* Lois and Roger Shafer������ Mac M. Wilkins* James and Patricia Lane Werner Nistler, Jr. and Colleen Nistler* Greta and Keith Sheppard* Darryl J. Williams Larry J. Langston������ Rev. Ronald and Mrs. Jacqueline Nitz Nancy and Shuichi Shoji* Rev. Lloyd and Mrs. Sharon Willweber Martha F. Lapp������ Dorothy and Robert Nutto������ Earl and Linda Showerman Walter and Juanita Wilmarth Christian and Phyllis Larsen Rev. Glenn O'Shoney Mary E. Shultz Larry and Sally Wilson Ron and Raelene Larson������ Ron and Temple Ochs* Henry Sievers Tom and Doris Wilson Steve Lehmann Robert Ohlensehlen Rev. Jeffrey and Mrs. Cynthia Sippy Rev. Paul and Mrs. Bertha Winterstein Melvern and Rosidani Leimer Dorothy M. Olson Kenneth and Marie Skersick Dr. Richard and Mrs. Ardith Wismar Janice Leistikow Dr. Wayne and Mrs. Cathy Olson Ruth Slinde Arnold and Marcia Wittrock������ Norman Levander������ Margaret Olson Elizabeth Smith and Kenneth Meade* Noma Wolf Adam Leyrer Sharon and Tod Overholser Vivian and Ernest Smith J.B. Wood Trish K. Lichau Beverly and Rodney Peloquin Mary J. Solberg Carol H. Woodcock������ David and Brenda Likovetz* Robert and Frances Peters Rhoda and Donald Spidal Bob and Judy Wunderlich������ Lucy Linker Wilbur Peters Richard Spies JonDavid Wyneken and Anna Dzirkalis Rev. Lawrence and Mrs. Maria Locke������ Elmer and Marjorie Petersen Jeanne Spooner* Richard and Susan Yamamoto* Agnes Lokke Marven and JoAnne Petersen Susan A. Stabley Katherine E. Yoshimura* James and Patricia Love Hubert and Elaine Pillette Lynda Stelzer Richard Zander, Jr. and Eunice Zander Thomas and Rebecca Lucke John and Angela Platt Robert and Sharon Stender Rex and Marcia Zeebuyth Mary and John Luebke Alfred and Grace Ploetz Chuck Stetson Joyce V. Zerwekh Marcia Macs Jahna and Joseph Pollock Joe Stidham Alex Zito* 36 concordia connection

Annual ReportChurches & Congregations Northwest District of the Lutheran Church- Corporations & Foundations Hartman Appraisal and Investments* Missouri Synod IntelliscanAscension Lutheran Church, Portland, OR Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA Amica Companies Foundation*Bakersfield Community Church of Life, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Gresham, OR The Atom Group Jefferson High School Bakersfield, CA Redeemer Lutheran Church Lydia Guild, Bank of AmericaBethlehem Lutheran Church Lutheran Women's Richland, WA Ray and Deanna Dally Charitable Gift Fund Jimmy O's Pizzeria* Missionary League, Yakima, WA Star of the North Lutheran Church Women's Bashors Team Athletics* Kraft Foods*Brush Prairie Baptist Church, Vancouver, WA Missionary League, Kenai, AK Bible Students Retirement Centers������ Mexican Affair*Christ Lutheran Ladies Guild, Veneta, OR St. Paul Women's Guild, Grants Pass, OR Branford Bernhardt Family Trust Peter Jacobsen Sports*Faith Lutheran Church, Homer, AK St. Peter the Fisherman Lutheran Church, The CHP Group Portland Spirit*Faith Lutheran Church, The Dalles, OR������ Lincoln City, OR������ Combined Transport* The Reserve Vineyards and Golf Club*Friendship Celebration Lutheran Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, Stockton, CA Corporate Express Stevens Auto Service* Meridian, ID Zion-Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Odessa, WA Country Inns and Suites* The UPS Foundation������Grace Lutheran Church, Blaine, WA Zion Lutheran Church Guild, Portland, OR Distinctive Dental Care*Immanuel Lutheran Church, Tonasket, WA Enterprise Rent-A-Car* United Christian FellowshipImmanuel Women's Guild, Sandy, OR GE FoundationMemorial Lutheran Church, Bremerton, WAConcordia Contributors [$1-$99]Every gift is significant to Concordia, and together we create hope and opportunities for Concordia students.IndividualsAnonymous Dorothy Aulwurm Barbara and Boyd Bjorkquist* Deborah BritoAlexander and Fely Abaria������ Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Karen Authier������ Arlis M. Black Loreva K. Bromley*Donald R. Abrahamson������ Mr. Steven and Dr. Ruth Badciong Gary† and Beverly J. Blackton Larry and Joan BronsonC. D. and Donald Adams Gerald L. Baird������ Astrid and R. K. Blackwell������ Eloise Brooks and James Brooks, Jr.Mark and Teresa Adams������ Joel M. Baker������ H. E. and S. J. Bladow������ Mary and Lawrence Brose������Spike and Kathleen Adams David C. Balkovetz Roberta A. Blagg Eleanor M. Brown������Dalene and Brent Agost* Kriss Ballis Judith and Robert Blevens Kevin and Lisa Brown������Sherri and Karim Ahmad Bert and Eileen Banholzer* Shirley Block Richard and Cynthia Brown*Tauno A. Alanko Donald and Barbara Barbknecht William and Marsha Bobich Oliver BuehnerLarry and Carleen Albee Catherine and Dennis Barnett* Mary Bochart������ Martin Buerger������Iyola Alden Jack and Charlene Barrager������ Barry and Becky Boe Catherine E. Buford������Carole A. Alexander Lowell L. Bartels Leonhard and Shirley Boehm������ Dorothy Bullock*Dyann and R. L. Alexander Sherri and Eugene Bassett Carol A. Boehm-Cirocco������ Molly and Guy Bullock*Mrs. Julia and Lt. Col. Brian Allen* Birta and Ronnie Battle* Thompson R. Bohlman* Robert and Marlene BumpMahmoud and Patricia Altabbaa Katherine A. Bauer Vera Boriack Kathleen and J. Frank BumpusFrank and Gayle Amato Louis and Inez Bauer������ Rev. Clarence and Mrs. Alberta Born Connie Bunch and William Bunch, Jr.Richard and Donna Ames Robert K. Bauer������ Donna Boswell Mary BundyRobert Ames, Jr. and Mary Ames Stephanie and Wade Baxter������ Helen C. Botnarescue������ Wilma BurchRandolph and Jacquelyn Amundson* Karan and Harry Beck������ Judy and G. L. Bowden* Darla M. Burns*Richard R. Andersen Daniel and Janice Beeghly������ Frank and Barbara Bowman Janet and Ronald Burns*Arlys I. Anderson������ Vikki Behrens Ron Boyd* Paul and Mary Jane Burns*Carol Anderson and E. K. Anderson, Jr. Lora Beisler������ LeAnne and Merle Bradford Rev. Gene BushJudith A. Anderson Ila and August Bellas������ Phyllis Bradford������ Jack and Verna Bushek������Lora D. Anderson������ Alice Beltran������ Susan A. Brady* Aldyth Cameron and Alan YoungMargaret Anderson Elisabeth A. Benard Lila and Kevin Braker* Scott and Shelley CampbellMark and Laura Anderson Georgia Bergman-Harper and Robert Harper������ R. D. and E. R. Brandon������ Anthony CangemiNorma Anderson Sheila Bernadelli Lamb and Alex Lamb������ Col. Richard and Mrs. Brenda Brandt Arnold CanningMary Andrews Simonson and Dean Andrews Linda and Mark Bernstein* Elvira Brandt������ Michalle and Joe Capelli*Holly Andrews-Kramer������ Rev. Mark and Mrs. Ethel Bertermann Julie E. Branford William B. CarlsenCynthia and Daniel Appley James and Patricia Berto Tom and Gail Brannan Gary J. CarlsonBarbara Argabrite������ Alton Bethke Barbara and Willian Braun Steven CarlsonDeborah L. Arndt Lois Bickel Rev. Douglas and Mrs. Janice Brauner Walter and Jacqueline CarlsonRuth R. Arnold������ Kendall Bicknell������ Eugene D. Brede* Ruth M. Carollo*Ruth and Dan Arnold John M. Biddlecome George and Laurie Bredehoft������ Jean CaronRandolph and Karen Arronson* Claudia A. Bigelow* Dolores and Robert Brehm Lori and Kent Cash*Charles and Sharon Asker Rev. Geary and Mrs. Joyce Bird Marianne Brendemuhl Cynthia and Thomas Caulfield* Winter 2009 37

Annual ReportCONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Ralph and Phyllis Cavalieri Joan L. Eckert* Irene H. Gehring Robert and Cynthia Hefflinger* Harold and Dorothy Cavener Glenn Edwards Andrea S. Gehrke������ Tyrus Hegna Chuck and Patty Chaffin Marian Edwards Karen and N. J. Geiger* Kristin and Bruce Heiberg* Sidney and Margaret Chaloner* Mary Edwards Herbert G. Geisler Jr.������ Teresa A. Hein Robert and Yvonne Cieloha������ Rick and Joyce Eggers Sandy and Gary Gereau������ Mrs. Betty and Dr. Z. L. Hendricks������ Marcel Ciochina Josephine Eirich Chuck and Kathy Gerken M.A. Hendrickson������ Patricia and Leonard Clarke* Larry Eisenhardt Willene E. Gerken Glenn and Carol Herbold������ Ron Clayton Wilma and Steven Elam* Katherine and Ernest Gerloff������ Robert and Sandra Herder* Marci Coats* Judith and Russell Eldeb������ Myra J. Gibeson������ Beverly and Norman Hering Karen A. Cole������ George and Patricia Ellcey Elizabeth and Timothy Gienger* Sherry and Thomas Hering Dorothy Coleman������ Louise Eller Nancy and John Giglione* E. Nadine Hermann������ Michael C. Collins Barbara and Robert Ellis������ Ronald and Dorelie Gilbert* Henry and Mathilda Hermes������ Patricia and David Colon Kathleen K. Ellis Janice Gile Theresa and Joe Hernandez������ William and Dorothy Conrad Mary E. Elvick������ Rev. Rozell and Mrs. Beatrice Gilmore David and Sheri Hewett Rev. Victor Constien Clare H. Engle E. I. and Donald Ginter������ M. Ray and Janet Hewitt Jon Cooper������ Jeffrey and Mary Erdman* John M. Gisclon������ Laurel Hewson and John Hewson, Jr.������ Robert E. Copner Bernadine I. Erickson* Joanne and George Glaser������ Karen E. Hicks Gary and Dionne Coppinger������ Margarethe Erickson Trudy and Rod Glassett Leslie and Gary Hidle* Patrice and John Cornelius Verney C. Erion������ Forrest and Laura Gluesing������ Jean Higaki* Edwin Corwin Randolph and Carol Ernst Dorothea Goehring Ross J. Higaki* Dorence and Sharon Cote Violet Ernst Arthur and Mary Goldgrabe������ Dorothy M. Hill* Kelly L. Courtney* Edward Evangelista Dolores and Ben Goodkind Ernest Hill Donald R. Cox, Jr. Anne E. Evans Alan and Gail Gozart������ Mrs. Diane and Dr. Richard Hill Kara L. Craig������ Erik and Eve Evans Melani and Christopher Graeser* Linda Hill-Monroe and Leighton Monroe������ Steve Craig* Cara B. Farrell* Allen and Florence Graves������ Richard Hillmann Dan and Janette Cristofaro Dean and Joann Fassnidge Judy Graves and Orell Fitzsimons* Jane Hinrichs Gwendolyn and Dewey Cummins������ Richard and Anne Feeney Eugene and Shirley Gray Chris Hioki* Kathleen Cushman������ Michael and Janet Feiler Rima and Malcolm Greenhill Janet and Ron Hipp������ Phyllis M. Daline* Cathy Ferris������ Donald D. Greenwood Cliff Hjelt������ Kimberly and John Daniel������ Eileen Fery Roy and Jean Gregory* Arlene and William Hoehne Patricia A. Daniels������ Mark and Kathy Ficken Daniel† and Sharlene J. Grey Margaret Hoff Deborah and Bruce Dannemeyer������ Robert and Mildred Fickenscher������ Ronald Gribble Gary and Robin Hoffer Eugene A. Darco* Helen Firnhaber������ Mahilda A. Grisham* Joyce Hoffman Arlene Davis* Howard and Betty Fisher Dan and Diane Groff Dorothy Hoffmann Dolores and Rolland Davis Mary Ann Fleming G. M. Groshong* Paul and Jane Hoffmann Ed and Linda Davis������ Robert and Eileen Fligg������ Larry Grosshans William and Elizabeth Hofmann Rev. Clark and Mrs. Kathleen Davis MaryAnn Flory James and Kathy Gullidge Dorothy I. Holderbein John P. DeBoer Barbara O. Floyd Edward and Helen Hahn Orell and Lynn Hollingshed* Elizabeth C. Deane* Jean A. Fogarty* Ellen R. Hall������ Patricia A. Hollingshed* Celelia and William Delfs������ Leonard and Gail Forland������ Michelle and Edward Hall* Leon and Ruby Holman Paul B. Demitriades Joe Franetich and Michele Robb William E. Hall Gary W. Hoops Bruce and Suzanne Dennis������ Margaret A. Franklin������ B. Hallenbeck* Brenda C. Houchen Helen Dennis������ Pamela S. Freeman Hal and Joanne Halvorson Nellene House Warren and Thelma Deppe Art and Dorothy Freitag Lorna Hamil Ronda K. Houts* Gerald and Edith Dietzen Rev. Donald and Mrs. Eileen Frerichs Joyce K. Hamreus LaVonne Hovland Rosemarie and Dirk Dirksen* Benjamin and Tania Frison Gail and James Hankel* Lawrence and Margaret Hubbard Warren R. Dobler Linda and Michael Fromm Vern and Carol Hanson������ Lesa and Paul Hughes* Gerald Doblie������ Dudley W. Frost* James and Audrey Harbolt Rosemarie and Brian Hulvey������ Janet L. Dodds������ Sherrie and Francis Fry������ Stephen Harcourt Barbara Hundahl* Carol R. Dollar������ Susan L. Frymark������ W.G. Hardy, Jr. and Ali Hardy������ Larry Hunt Rev. John and Mrs. Susan Donnan Carolyn and Robert Fuller������ Dr. Paul W. and Mrs. Phyllis† Harms Virgil and Esther Hutson������ Francena Doran Eleanor Funk Wendy and Christopher Harold* June Illias* W. Houston and Kimberly Dougharty Daniel and Dana Funrue* Kim and Ellen Harper* Marianne Ingram* Jane and David Dow������ John B. Fyfe, Jr.* Monique Harris Cliff Iotte and Susan Rutledge Traci L. Drapela Lozetta D. Gaines* Jack Harvey LaLonnie S. Iotte Thomas† and Joan Drawbaugh Richard and Andrea Gale Ted and Judi Hasse������ Rev. John Isbell, III William and Denyse Duke Estella Garner La Fern and Willard Haunschild������ Rev. Myron and Mrs. Tamara Ista Kathleen G. Dunbar Carol A. Garwood������ James and Virgean Hazel Joanne Jaech Mark and Barbara Dunlop������ Diane Gatke Ronald Hebron* Renata A. Jaech Dave L. Dunterman* LaTonya T. Gay������ Ervin and Judith Hedegaard Martha Janes 38 concordia connection

Annual ReportNancy Jarrell������ Mildred Kraft* James and Elizabeth Markus Susan and Joseph Morelli*Chris and Cathy Jarvinen������ Marilyn and David Kramer Gregg and Karen Marmesh* Megan M. Morgan*Richard and Mary Jenkins Betty J. Kraus������ Robert and Louise Marquette* Patricia and George Morris*Richard and Marjorie Jensen������ Ronald Krause Doris Marra Frank and Verna MoserJanet Jerde Roy and Sharon Kravitz Michael and Donna Marsak John F. Mottram*Madeline Jewett Rev. Dr. Luther Kriefall Joseph and Roseanne Martin������ Harold and Loretta MoyerBetty K. Johnson������ Joan L. Kroeller Carolyn and Larry Matsubara* Marie and Robert Mueller������Daniel Johnson P. A. Krumholz* Randy and Janice Mauk* James and Maria MulliganGeraldine Johnson������ Deanna and Bradley Kudrna* Joseph and Sharon May Robert and Laura MurschJudy Johnson Maxine and Ed Lanctot* Theodore and Lisa May������ Paul MyhreKatherine and Roy Johnson Donna and C. M. Lanting* Peter E. Maynard Richard and Louise Nagata*Michael and Debbie Johnson Donald and Doris Larson Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Marjorie Maynard Valerie L. NashifRebecca and Daniel Johnson������ Harold Larson Donna and A. McDonald* Rev. Milton and Mrs. Eleanor NaussThelma J. Johnson������ Janice and Stanley Larson William and Carolyn McDougall Shirley B. Nauss������Lola Jonathan Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Beatrice Lasky* Bernice and Michael McEachern* Howard and Joan NellermoeDon Jones Tom and Patrica Laverdure������ Harriet and Bob McEvers������ Richard and Sharon Nelson������Haley A. Jones Dennis P. Lawler Mildred McGlothlin William and Lori NelsonShirley J. Jones������ Mark and Kathy Lawson Billie J. McKenzie������ Marion R. NerlingJeffrey and Karen Jordan* Emma LeRoy Jeanine and William McKinney* Helmut and Agnes NeumannRonald and Joyce Jorden������ Shannon and Sean Leble'* Ruth M. McNamara������ Elaine Nevue*Bryan and Kristin Joyner* Marc A. Lederer Christine L. McPherson Shirley and Lee Newell*Marsha Jurgenson Greg Lee Gladys and Sheldon Meier Tuat and Hong NguyenRalph Kacsir* Joan and David Lee������ Marilyn and Harry Meier������ Doris and Thomas NicholsJudith M. Kasner Stella Lee Debbie A. Meilahn Erwin and Lillian NickodemusAlden and Cheryl Kastar Michael G. Lemon Margret Melanson* Esther M. NiednerCarole L. Kathman Sheila Lewellen-Smith* Denise and Brian Mellott������ Alice NiemeierRev. Roland and Mrs. Leone Kauth Diane and Brian Lewinski* Renato and Zenaida Melo Don and Charlotte NordlingGlenn and Jeannette Kautz Charles and Susan Liehe Mitchell and Lisa Merwin������ Deb Nowatzki and Ronald StewartGerda M. Keller Judy and Lyle Lierman Stephen and Sonya Merz* Kathryn NunleyGloria Keller Jennifer and Duane Lighthall Victor Messerli Delores NunnBetty and Harold Kelly������ Jennine Lindberg������ James and Susan Messerly* Julie and Tuomo Nykanen*Melvin and Lila Kern������ Ed Lindmark Charles and Bernice Metz Eugene OederPatsy Kern Allen and Rhonda Lindskog Dr. Janet G. Metzger Jay OlshenBruce and Jo Ann Kiersey* Donald† and Annetta Lindskog Geraldine Metzger Carla OlsonJudith and Robert Kies Frank and Nancy Lingenfelter Rev. A. and Mrs. Catherine Meyer Michael and Juliann Olson������Annie and Ollie King Clyde List* Rita Michelotti������ Rita and G. P. Olson������Dee and Rosemary King Drew R. Litzer* Cindy and Jason Middleton������ Scot R. Olson������Anne F. Kinsman* Melissa Loban������ David and Jane Miletich* Akira and Janet Onishi������Cheryl and Edward Kirkland* Catherine and Eric Lobstein* Alice Miller Lisa and Gene Oster*D. A. and D. A. Kiter* Ray Loen Cynthia and Thomas Miller* Phyllic and Robert Osterlund������Doris and Robert Klein������ Sharon K. Long Lyle and Joan Miller Rose Osterlund������Harold and Merrily Klein Jeanine Loose M. J. Miller������ Marjorie and James Otto������Barbara and Bruce Kleinert John and Trish Loper Myrna M. Miller������ Joan OverholserLillian Kleinert Betsy Lopez* Norma Miller Timothy R. OverholserMike Kleinsmith* Don and Evelyn† Lorenz Rick and Julie Miller* Thomas and Leslie Packard*Rebecca C. Klimper Loraine Losser Donald and Miriam Misch Steven and Karen PadenDavid R. Klopp Richard and Marsha Lovely������ Rev. Wallace and Mrs. Dorothy Misterek������ John and Tamalyn PageNancy B. Klopp Linda and Bruce Lowe������ Sandra J. Mitchell Kendall M. PalmerArleen and Arnim Klug Dorothy Ludke Deborah and Michael Miyagi* William and Georgia Paresa������Al and Connie Knapp Alvin Luetzow Sharon and Merl Miyashiro* Rev. Daniel Parshall������John and Deborah Knapp������ A. Glenn and Joyce Luke Marvin and Elizabeth Mizell Natalie Parson and Johnny Parson, Jr.Patricia R. Knapp������ Gloria A. Luke������ Karina Moe������ Gregory and Rafaela PascualPeter and Michelle Knapp������ Evelyn and John Lund Sheila and Lester Moe Donna D. Patrick*Michael and Lisa Knotts Maureen M. Lundy Lois A. Moffat������ Linda Paul and Alvin Paul, III*Howard W. Knytych Clinton Magby Dick and Lisa Moller������ Nancy R. PaulPhyllis Kochert Marjorie Mann������ Lois Monks Joyce and Darrell Paxson������Kelly C. Koenig Sacha Mann Janice Moody Barbara M. Pearce*Marjorie Koenig* Joseph and Ruth Mannion Carol A. Mooney* Esther PearsallMichael and Paula Koenig* Phil and Rachel Markham Patrick A. Moore William and Janet Peck������Albert and Betty Kraft Lisa J. Mooyman������ Jeannie and Glenn Perry* Winter 2009 39

Annual ReportCONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Steven and Roxanne Pesanti������ Norman and Margaret Robson Tanya M. Senn* John and Susan Taylor Christian and Cheryl Peters Yolanda Rodriquez Glenn Serl Virginia Taylor M. E. and Mathew Peters* Terry Rae Rogers Rev. Lester T. Seto* Stephen Taylor Ed and Kay Petersen Janet J. Rosen Donna Severson* Harold and Juanita Tews Jim and Patty Petersen������ Sherie and Michael Rosenbaum* Robert and Janet Severson������ Ernest and Donna Thaete Sherman and Connie Petersen Robert and Lois Rosenoff Laverne and Carol Severud Verna L. Thome Audrey Peterson* Alfred and Lorraine Roth������ Teri and Loren Sharp������ Maye A. Thompson������ Mary and Bruce Petersen������ Jon and Laura Roudebush Harlan and K. J. Shellabarger* Sally and M. R. Thompson Thomas and Kathryn Petke������ Dr. Henry and Mrs. Phyllis Rowold Thomas and Karla Sherry Ann E. Thompson-Hague George and Sharon Pfefferkorn������ Norma and Webster Ruble������ Bonnie and William Shikrallah Richard and Elaine Thornes Paul S. Pfeifer������ Marion and Carole Rudig* Rev. William and Mrs. Bette Shimkus Rev. Donald and Mrs. Vetty Tigges������ Susan Pfeiffer-Johnson and Eric Johnson Tom and Laura Rudig* Theresa and Larry Shorten Kay Toran John and Elizabeth Pfleiger������ Marcella Rudolph Kathleen and Raymond Sievert Kirk and Valerie Tracey* Lorin and Nancy Phelps Helen Ruecker Jeanette M. Simonson������ Elizabeth A. Trainor������ Ellen J. Phifer Martha Ruff Kevin and Stefanie Simpson Buck and Janet Tramel������ Wayne and Phyllis Picker������ Rev. Edwin and Mrs. Carol Rumerfield Linda and Bernard Sisco* Kathleen and Peter Trempel������ Bennie and Katheryn Piper Helen and Thomas Rutter������ Diana and Michael Skala* Marlow and Norma Trick Nancy Pitman Christina S. Ryan Anna and Larry Skoglund Fannie Troyer and Paul Troyer, Sr.������ Boyd W. Plager* Darrold and Karen Ryker Karen and Richard Smith* Susan and Bradley Tucker������ Doris Poindexter Theodora J. Sacco������ Nina Gayle and Roderick Smith������ William and Louise Tucker Steven and Debra Polhemus������ David Z. Sahagian Cindy and David Sneed������ Laurel and W. Dayton Turner Phillip and Helen Politte W.H.J. Salsbery Richard and Barbara Snow Mrs. Jane and Cdr. Michael Turner Robert and Sally Pooley Helen Sampson Greg and Polly Snyder Patricia L. Turner* Margaret P. Pownall-Kalberg Charity and Chad Sandberg Patty Sodja Ruby and Clarence Twenhafel Brenda J. Pratt* Warren and Nancy Sanders* Christine and Robert Sommerville* Thomas and Carolyn Uliase Jennifer A. Prince Rev. Alvin and Mrs. Helen Sasse Debra A. Sorensen William and Nancy Ullrich William and Janet Pritchett������ Robert S. Sasser Garry and Esther Sorensen Richard and Evelyn Ulrich Mary W. Pugsley������ Sam C. Saunders David and Sheryl Sotka* Norma Jean Unger Kathleen Quinn Bruce and Connie Saxton Randy and Kay Spanfellner Jeanine and Kenneth Upshaw Donald and Shirley Raatz Terrence and Kelly Sayre* Lorre J. Spelman Ruth and Raymond Uyeshiro* Rev. Christopher and Mrs. Julie Raffa Richard and Alice Schafer Clyde and Norma Spencer* Thomas and Joyce Vaca Patricia L. Ragsdale������ Paul Schaus, Jr. Norma and Ray Spencer* Lloyd Vahsholtz Michele L. Raines Robert E. Schebor* James P. Spooner* Gene and Blossom Van Houten������ Johnny and Kathleen Rannow John Scheck, Jr. and Lori Scheck Diane C. Staff������ Jack and Marcia Vantress Walter and Sandi Raschke������ Barb Schelp Louise Stark Angela and Steven Vargas* Jon and Dana Rasmussen Richard and Iris Schelske Gene and Georgia Starns Rev. Tim and Mrs. Janet Verity Saundra and Henry Rassi������ Warren and Marion Schilke Jill and Rick Steele Garnet and Joseph Vermillion* Alfred and Iris Ratz������ Kerry and Robert Schippers Rev. Elmer and Mrs. Vivienne Steenbock Kathy Vieira������ K. C. Rauh������ Jan and Jim Schlachter Sylvia L. Stefans������ Mark and Joyce Vierck Raymond and Yvonne Recker Jennifer and Vincent Schlosser* Rev. Arnold and Mrs. Marie Steinbeck������ Lyubov Volsky Valborg and Torleis Redal Robert Schmeling Norman and Doris Steiner Mr. Norman and Dr. Marie Wachlin������ Kay L. Reese������ Larry and Donna Schmitz������ Christine Stevens Gary and Kay Wagner Paul Reffstrup Betty Schock Henry W. Stoll Rev. Oswald and Mrs. Dorothy Wagner Grace Reich������ Carolyn Schoenborn Dallas and Sandra Stoller Joel and Dawn Wahlers������ James and Lynda Reimann Rev. Eugene and Mrs. Janet Schooler������ Gary and Ann Stone Dawn and Michael Walddrip������ Vicki and Steven Rhodes������ Walter and Bonnie Schraub������ Janice and Allen Stork������ Elaine Wallace Allison D. Rice Barbara P. Schroeder������ Marvin and Leah Stump Kris Walls Cheryl and Mitchell Rice* Erwin and Susan Schroeder������ Don and Jayne Sturm* Anne and Eddie Ward������ Corrinne N. Rice Rev. Robert and Mrs. Susan Schroeder������ Walter C. Sudul Cindy Waterhouse Douglas and Tamera Rice Rev. Albert and Mrs. Janet Schudde Adolph and Beverly Suhr James and Jo Anne Watkins������ Rev. Steven and Mrs. Pat Rice Gerald and Olive Schuler������ Evelyn M. Sullivan Janice A. Watkins Virginia Rice Catherine Schultz Margaret M. Sundre Evelyn R. Way������ Nicholas and Janet Richmond LeRoy and Janet Schultz Annette and Harry Swainston������ Rev. Dr. Erhardt and Mrs. Nancy Weber Heather Riddle Rev. Anthony J. Schultz*������ Eldon and Verna Swanstrom������ Merlin and Claudia Wedepohl Peter and Sheila Riehl Robert and Melody Schultz������ Katherine and Jeffrey Swanstrom������ Bernice Wegener Michael and Jan Rinker������ Paul and Jonet Schutz Edward Swayze Edward Wegner Vernon and Ellen Risseeuw������ Alvin and Jeannine Schwerdt* Zivia and Calvin Sweeney* Alois K. Weidinger Lois Ristau Patricia P. Schwerdt* Barbara P. Swenson Lenora and W. B. Weinerth������ William and Rosina Robbins Lee N. Seater Florence E. Tallmon������ Dean and Sandra Welch* Alan H. Robinson Barbara and Arrigo Segni* Carson Taylor and Gundrun Carson������ Henry and Sharon Wentzlaff������ 40 concordia connection

Annual ReportEdna M. Werling������ K. Diane Wilson* Churches & Congregations Forgey Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic*Jay Westerholm Barbara Winterfeld Hot Lips Pizza*John A. Westhafer Tim E. Wirkkala* Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Carson City, NV������ Kinston Contracting*Richard and Carol Whalen Wallace and Maria Wirkkala* Bethlehem Lutheran Church LWML Evening LaBonita Restaurant*Ron and Jean Whisenant Bob Wojda Division, Yakima, WA Law Offices of Kirk S. Tracey*Denmark and Mundee Whitaker* Marjorie J. Wolf������ Faith Lutheran LWML, The Dalles, OR Miller NashCarol R. White Kennedy and Steven Wolfe* St. Paul's Lutheran Women, Wenatchee, WA New Seasons Market*Laura and Scott White Gayle and Joe Wollman Oliver Insurance*G. E. and D. E. Whitmore������ Lori J. Wood Corporations & Foundations Percipio Consulting GroupRobert and Elizabeth Whittier Beverly Woolhiser Petersen Property ManagementRev. Erwin and Mrs. Sharon Wichner������ Richard and Karen Wrye������ Aladdin's Café* RWC CPA PCEnedina Wideman Jennifer and Daniel Yager* Always Moving* Subway*Alane and David Wightman������ Walter and L. M. Yamamoto* Brawley Realty* Tektronix FoundationAnita J. Wilcox Steven Yochim and Jerrene Murray Broadmoor Golf Course* Women of HopeSue Wilkins* C. F. and Linda Young Broughton and Associates*Gregory and Vicki Williams* Elsie Zehe Concordia University Book Store*William and Patricia Williams Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile Connon's Rib Express*Rev. Gregory Williamson Andrew and Sara Jaye Zitzer Custom Low Voltage*Robert and Karen Williamson* Tom and Carol Zuch������ Diane's Coin-Op Laundromat������T. and K. R. Williamson* EA Enterprises * EMBARQ { Tributes }Tributes were made during the most recent fiscal year, between Tributes were made during the most recent fiscal year, betweenJuly 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008, in memory of: July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008, in honor of:Margaret Barber Vera Presuhn Mary Ausplund Tooze Rev. Dr. Art and Mrs. Carol WahlersGary Blackton Myra Schleh Margarete Carlson Rev. Dr. E.P. WeberMarie Beckmann Brandt Edgar Schlimpert Henrietta Mack Dr. Joyce ZerwekhVirginia Brauer Esther Schuldheisz Rev. Dr. Richard ReinischGeorge Brown Victor Schultz Dr. Chuck SchlimpertBernice Buehler George Tekoucich Tabitha WagnerDennis Clifton Sina May TekoucichRonald Everson Suzy TekoucichElaine Frank Davison Marie Trupp KriegerBarbara Fuqua Jarkko TuominenFrank Gebhard Mrytle UlbrichtRev. Dr. Erwin Gerken Rev. Ethan VogesWayne Hensley Anita WachlinRay Hougen Marie WeberDanielle Jamison Sharon WeissDale Johnson Norbert WietingEvangeline Keyne Ellingson Ruth Wieting JohansenMrs. Koepsell Ted WisniewskiRev. Carl Losser Florine Wukasch DriessnerRuth Loyd Miller Hedy WurdelmanTodd McGuire Ruth WurdlemanRev. Arden MeadMarian MuellerDorothy MuhlyWilfred NitzLydia Peterson Winter 2009 41

Annual Report { Luminary Society }CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY | DONORS Members of the Luminary Society at Concordia University have remembered us in their future giving and estate plans. We are grateful for their help in assuring that the values of justice, compassion, and moral integrity will thrive in the lives of Concordia students and in the future they will help to create. Irene Adolf Martha and Wallace Eberhardt Ryan Lance Rev. Dr. Richard and Mrs. Irene Reinisch Grieg and Clarice Anderson Mr. Ross Edwards, Sr. and Dr. Gloria Edwards Gilbert and Janet Larson Lyle Riekenberg Pat Arent Lillybelle Finney Margaret Larson Elnor Riess William and Barbara Balke Ellis Fluetsch Fred and Carolyn Lewis Rusty and Arlis Roetman Bert and Eileen Banholzer Art and Dorothy Freitag Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Irma Lien Alfred and Lorraine Roth James and Ramona Barnard Clara J. Fuiten Loraine Losser James† and Dorothy Rue Rev. Dr. Erhart and Mrs. Anita Bauer Henry T. Fuqua Betty M. Lubcke Mina Lee Sandau Ralph Baughman Frank† and Carol Gebhard Chris and John Maisel Rev. Max and Mrs. Amy Schaefer Helen A. Beckel Dr. Tyler and Mrs. Carolee Gill Rev. Dr. Robert F. Maltzahn Paul Schaus, Jr. Bettie Bendewald Nancy Goddard Mae Martin Rev. Dr. John and Mrs. Marianne Scheck Alvin and Marilynn Berg Lee Goodman Harvey W. Mauth Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Schlimpert Myrtle Bosch Herman and Vernice Goschie Rev. Edward May Galeon and Naida Schoenthal Dr. Dwaine and Mrs. Rachel Brandt Clifford and Faye Grimmell Mildred McGlothlin Dr. Joel and Mrs. Mary Schuldheisz Margaret Brandt Tom and Karin Grunow LaVerne and Shirley Meacham Drs. Gordon and Beverly Schumacher Douglas and Beth Brauer Diane and Ted Gunning Gary and Diane Meier Rev. Dr. Warren and Mrs. Judy Schumacher James A. Brauer, Jr. Irene Gunning Dick and Susie Mikkelsen Albert Sessler, Jr. Lois A. Brauer James and Audrey Harbolt Kathleen A. Miller Vera Sessler Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Retta Braun Gary and Judith Hart Norma Miller Kathryn I. Sherman Leo L. Browne Howard Henderlong Myron and Corrine Molnau Jeffrey and Karen Shipman Andrea and Frank Bruno Alvin Henry Irvin W. Monk Marie Sleight Wilma Burch Gary and Susan Heuer Dr. Martin C. Mueller Rev. Hans and Mrs. Christa Spalteholz Muriel Burke Dr. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Hilken Dorothy M. Muhly† Rev. Arnold and Mrs. Marie Steinbeck James P. Caire Robert Hillmann Richard and Rhonda Muhly Hazel Steinbeck† John J. Carlson Ken Hoefs Thomas and Denise Muhly Dennis and Denise Stoecklin Joseph and Kerrie Carlson Oweda Johnsen Dan and Susan Noss Verna M. Sylwester Roger and Caroll† Clark Dr. Lynn Kahle and Ms. Debi Eisert Marjorie M. Olson George Thurston, Jr. and Jody Thurston Jack and Jean Craemer Dorothy J. Kahle-Jenkins Helen Pape Beverly A. Ulbricht Ruth Cramblit Virginia Kamprath Paul E. and Ruth† Patterson Rev. Robert and Mrs. Virginia Visser James and Christine Cullen Gerda M. Keller Beverly and Rodney Peloquin Shirley A. Vradenburgh William Cullen Dr. Lisa K. Keyne Ted and Yvonne Phillips Rev. Dr. Art and Mrs. Carol Wahlers Don and Bev Darsow Douglas and Bobbi Kindred Hubert and Elaine Pillette Rev. Dr. Erhardt and Mrs. Nancy Weber H. Dale DeWitz Donald King Rev. Robert and Mrs. Marie Porterfield Floyd and Elinor† Wentz Alma M. Dobberfuhl† Leonard and Dorothy Kokes Wendy Powell Lorna Werner† Dr. DuWayne Dockter Marlyn J. Kottsick Lloyd and Ruth Probasco Gary and Katie Withers Dr. Johnnie and Mrs. Kimberly Driessner Dr. Frederick and Mrs. Eunice Kramer Rev. James and Mrs. Marilynn Rehley Lenora B. Wollmuth Tom and Joann Dunn Dr. Charles and Mrs. Patricia Kunert Chris and Sheryl Reinisch Irene Wright Donald and Margot Young RBoard of egents Advisory Members Concordia University Board of Regents Dr. Charles Schlimpert, Concordia University President Robert Fowls, Chairman, Bend, OR Ken Hoefs, Bellevue, WA Kathy Schulz, Augusta, MO Rev. Walter Tietjen, Elk Grove, CA Julie Bronkala, Seattle, WA Gary Hoover, Nashville, IN Rev. Dr. Warren Schumacher, Hillsboro, OR Rev. Jonathan Dinger, '82, Pocatello, ID Keith Huettig, Jerome, ID George Thurston, Jr., Portland, OR Rev. Steven Eaton, ’82, Sequim, WA Joel Koerschen, Stockton, CA Andrew White, Boise, ID Dr. Gloria Edwards, Portola Valley, CA Jack Menashe, Sr., Seattle, WA Terry Wilson, Portland, OR Delmar Fuhrman, Wheaton, IL Dr. Gerhard Mundinger, Madison, MS 42 concordia connection

Annual Report { Endowments }We thank all those who have created endowments which generate new funds each year to support Concordia students. Their generositycreates a legacy of giving and commitment to the University.AAL/Concordia College Portland Endowment Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Pendleton) Memorial Endowment LaVerne & Shirley Meacham Scholarship EndowmentAlumni Scholarship Endowment Lee & Grace Goodman Scholarship Endowment James & Marion Miller EndowmentAnchorage Lutheran Church Scholarship Endowment Goschie Scholarship Endowment Perry L. Miller Family Scholarship EndowmentClarence E. Anderson - Ida C. Settergren Scholarship Endowment Edith E. Grimmell Memorial Fund Marian Lee Mueller Memorial Scholarship for NursingMr. and Mrs. James E. Barnard Endowment Gene & Jean Grippin Endowment for Student Financial Planning Muhly Family Scholarship EndowmentGeorge H. Beeson, Jr. Scholarship Endowment Gross Scholarship Endowment Neils Family Memorial EndowmentBehrens Family Scholarship Endowment Grunow Scholarship Endowment Noss Scholarship EndowmentBoard of Regents Scholarship Endowment Gunning Scholarship Endowment Norman Phillips Scholarship EndowmentWilliam V. Bottler Memorial Scholarship Endowment William Gustav Scholarship Endowment Pilgrim Lutheran Church Scholarship EndowmentBrandes Student Union Endowment Harbolt Family Scholarship Endowment Janet Pillette Scholarship EndowmentDr. & Mrs. Dwaine Brandt Scholarship Endowment Gary W. Hart Science Library Endowment Margaret V. Raglund Scholarship EndowmentLeonard and Clara Brauer Scholarship Endowment Heuer Family Scholarship Endowment August & Mabel Rehwaldt Memorial Scholarship EndowmentWalter F. and Muriel H. Burke Term Endowment Hilken Family Endowment Richard O. & Irene Reinisch Scholarship EndowmentCalled for Service Scholarship Endowment Rev. Arthur L. Hillmann Permanent Endowment Lavera J. & Orvil M. Roetman Business Scholarship EndowmentCavalier Club Scholarship Endowment Elmer & Adele Hinze Scholarship Endowment Dorothy M. Ruff EndowmentChrist the Vine Lutheran Church Scholarship Endowment Melvin Johnsen Scholarship Endowment William & Amelia Sasse Scholarship EndowmentCNH District Future Church Worker Endowment Arthur E. Kahle Endowment Max L. & Amy J. Schaefer Scholarship EndowmentConcordia Guild PCW Scholarship Endowment Rev. H.A. Kahle Memorial Scholarship Endowment John F. Scheck Scholarship EndowmentConcordia University Chaplaincy Endowment Rev. Robert Kamprath Scholarship Endowment Heidi Schmauder Memorial Scholarship EndowmentDarsow Family Scholarship Endowment Karl & Kathy Keller Scholarship Endowment Galeon W. & Naida N. Schoenthal Scholarship EndowmentDCE Alumni Scholarship Endowment Keyne Christian Education Scholarship Endowment Schulenberg Scholarship EndowmentEdward de Vere Studies Conference Scholarship Endowment Rand King Memorial Scholarship Endowment Otto Sessler Memorial Scholarship EndowmentDobberfuhl Endowment Lewis & Margaret Klitzke Scholarship Endowment Carol J. Shipman Scholarship EndowmentBryan Dunn Men's Basketball Memorial Hustle Knueppel Trust Edwin Sirovy Scholarship Endowment Scholarship Endowment Fred & Eunice Kramer Scholarship Endowment Hans & Christa Spalteholz Scholarship EndowmentEdwards Family Endowment Rev. H.A. & Ida Kriefall Scholarship Endowment Sylwester Memorial Scholarship EndowmentELCA Scholarship Endowment Merwynn Ladwig Scholarship Endowment Clem & Anne Ulbricht Scholarship EndowmentFairlawn Good Samaritan Village Scholarship Endowment Margaret H. Larson Scholarship Endowment Art & Carol Wahlers Scholarship EndowmentFinney Family Scholarship Endowment Lien Family Scholarship Endowment E.P. Weber Scholarship EndowmentFore the Students Endowment Fund Florence Linquist Hawn Scholarship Endowment Joann Weber Scholarship EndowmentForest Hills Lutheran Church Endowment Rev. Carl Losser Ministerial Student Endowment Floyd & Elinor Wentz Scholarship EndowmentThe General Scholarship Betty M. Lubcke Scholarship Endowment Roland Wollmuth Scholarship EndowmentBarney Getzinger Scholarship Endowment Lutheran Outdoor Ministry EndowmentNancy R. Goddard Scholarship Endowment Gene Maisel Puget Sound Scholarship EndowmentDBoard of irectorsConcordia University Foundation Board of DirectorsGeorge Thurston, Jr., Chairman, Portland, OR Grieg Anderson, Portland, OR Raymond Guenther, Portland, OR Dr. Kenneth Lien, Vancouver, WADr. Charles Schlimpert, President Alvin Berg, Vancouver, WA Diane Gunning, '61, Spokane, WA Thomas Muhly, Lodi, CA Concordia University & Concordia University Foundation Rod Boucher, San Jose, CA Dr. Robert Hilken, Portland, OR Hide Tanigami, Los Altos, CADennis Stoecklin, Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Charles Brondos, Spokane, WA Kathy Hone, Minden, NV Larry Wade, Portland, OR Concordia University Chief Financial Officer Barry Caldwell, Bellevue, WA Paul Kelly, Portland, OR Andrew White, Boise, IDGary Withers, Executive Vice President David Eash, Spokane, WA Douglas Kindred, Hope, ID Terry Wilson, Portland, OR Concordia University Dr. Gloria Edwards, Portola Valley, CA Gerald Koll, Lake Oswego, OR Michael Wray, Portland, OR Winter 2009 43

Create a Legacy of Giving.C oncordia is a Muhly family tradition. Countless estate plans. As a member of the Luminary Society, your legacy will generate the means to make a student’smembers of the Muhly family have walked the dream a reality for many years to come. To learnConcordia campus and crossed the graduation stage since more about how to create a lasting impact, contactConcordia’s founding in 1905. Now the family is ensuring Erinn Keithley at 800-752-4736 or visit our website atthat other students will have the same opportunity that had for a quality Christian education. Tom Muhly and his brother, Rick ‘71, established the Muhly FamilyEndowment in honor of their late father, Rev. Lester E. www . cu - portland . edu / giving . eduMuhly, a 1940 Concordia High School alumnus. (800) 752-4736 By gifting three insurance policies to the universitythey were able to make a future contribution withoutsignificantly affecting their income today. The Muhlyfamily is just one of many families making a differenceat Concordia University. We invite you to join with yourfamily in creating your legacy. The Luminary Societyrecognizes those who have demonstrated a commitmentto Concordia University in their future giving and

Nailed PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF TERRY BLACKBURN, PORTLAND, OREGON to the DoorNailed to the Door provides Concordia staff, faculty, alumni, and students aforum for editorial comment. This month’s guest writer is Dr. Mark Wahlers,Concordia University Provost; Chief Operating Officer.Why tension and community service are two vitalcomponents of life at Concordia University. A Lutheran liberal arts education is all about encouraging As redeemed children of God, students, faculty, andstudents to change in many and varied ways. Change can staff at Concordia apply a proper amount of tensionbe promising, frightening, motivating, and unsettling to grow in their faith in Christ and to be prepared forall at the same time. Generally, change cannot occur life and to make a living. At Concordia, we do this bywithout including a certain amount of tension. And, still intentionally engaging our community through service.Concordia attempts to create an academic environment Last year, members of the Concordia community sharedthat challenges, encourages, and frankly expects change to more than 200,000 hours of community service in aoccur. variety of ways. These include the Concordia Teacher As a rebel, Martin Luther was arguably the most Corps, collecting clothing and building materials forinfluential change agent of the millennium, at least until residents of Portland’s Dignity Village for the homeless,Bill Gates arrived. Luther was a champion for change, but reconstruction projects in New Orleans, and a host ofhe knew that creating a healthy tension was essential to internships and practica.create a productive life. Of course, anyone can provide volunteer service. People generally avoid tension like the plague. What makes Concordia’s contribution unique is that ourHowever, without tension, the world would not function students, faculty, and staff change and transform ourin an effective manner. Bridges, pianos, politics, and world by sharing hope—hope to make the world a bettereducation do not function at optimum levels without a place, hope that people can make it through this day tohealthy amount of tension. the next, and most importantly the hope of eternal life Concordia continues to encourage people to search offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.for truth amidst the tension which exists between faithand reason, and integrate them into learning and life. Dr. Mark WahlersThe advantage and obligation of a faith-based university Concordia University Provost; Chief Operating Officeris the opportunity to encourage a healthy respect forand serious study of topics including the rule of law,science, and philosophy, while at the same time creatingintentional opportunities for faith formation and thedevelopment of students. The obligation is to embracethe tension which may develop when the conflicts arisebetween science and religion or morality and the laws ofState. The advantage is that our foundation is the Gospel,which provides hope and allows people to disagreewithout being disagreeable. Winter 2009 45

Be a part of THEIt takes a lot of individualbricks to create the library...just as it takes a lot of individualpeople to fund it.You can have an integral role in Concordia’s history with a gift to the George R. WhiteLibrary and Learning Center. And now every dollar you give is worth twice as much.Make a gift or pledge to the George R. White Library andLearning Center today and it will be matched dollar for dollar,thanks to the generosity of George and Jody Thurston, Bob andVirginia Hilken, Keren Brown-Wilson and Michael Deshaneand others who have created a $1 million dollar matching fund.Don’t miss this opportunity to get in on the ground floor ofmaking the dream a reality, forever changing the footprint of thecampus and the quality of the experience for Concordia studentsand the community. Ensure your contribution has twice theimpact by making your commitment by June 30, 2009.Then prepare to celebrate with us in August at the grand openingthat you helped to make possible. Give online at NE Holman Street Portland, Oregon 97211-6099 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT #654

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