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Home Explore Concordia University School of Law Viewbook

Concordia University School of Law Viewbook

Published by Concordia University - Portland, 2015-09-24 12:32:36

Description: CU-Law-Viewbook-150910


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A new way of thinking

What are you looking for in a legal education?With a tradition of service-based leadership reaching back more than 100 years, schools, making the dream of becoming a lawyer a more affordable reality.Concordia University School of Law is a new law school for a new breed of lawyer. When you graduate from Concordia Law, you graduate with a degree that empowersHere, in the heart of Idaho’s capital city and center of the state’s legal community, you to make a difference as a legal professional and community leader. If you’rea time-tested legal curriculum integrates civic engagement and ethical decision- looking for a legal education that combines the values of justice, compassion, andmaking. Class sizes are intentionally small to foster critical thinking and dialogue. moral integrity, look no further than Concordia University School of Law.Mentorships, externships, and internships put legal theory and classroom skills intoaction. And the yearly tuition is $13,000 below the national average for private law

“Concordia established a program thatis shaping legal education. It’s a blendof the standard classroom educationwith practical skills in a way thatallows long-standing law schooltraditions to remain while providingfor the needs of today’s students.” —Craig Cannon, student Concordia University School of Law

A new law school with a rich heritageThe foundation for the law school is rooted in the home campus of Concordia Groundbreaking from the Ground UpUniversity, a fixture in Portland, Oregon, for more than a century. The private,non-profit, liberal arts university was created as a four-year academy to meet the For years, Boise remained one of the few state capitals in the United Statesneeds of the region for pastors and parochial school teachers for the Lutheran without a full three-year law school. The city contains the majority of Idaho’s lawChurch-Missouri Synod, before becoming a junior college following World War II. firms, attorneys, and judicial institutions, but lacked a law school to match the dynamic environment and prepare the next generation of legal minds. That all changed in 2007 when this fact came to the attention of several Concordia University board members – all distinguished lawyers including a few from the Boise area. Backed by the support of Concordia President Charles Schlimpert, the concept for the law school quickly gained traction – both with Concordia leaders and the Boise legal community. Groundbreaking took place in 2010, with the campus officially opening in August of 2012.The Concordia University-Portland of today is a full-scale, four-year liberal arts So while the law school may be new, the background and history are anythingChristian university with more than 35 undergraduate, pre-professional, and but. This is a law school for the 21st century, with brick-and-mortar roots goinggraduate programs serving more than 7,400 students. back to 1905.concordia university school of law | boise, idaho | 3

Following an extensive nationwide search, long-time Boise resident Cathy Silak was selected as dean of ConcordiaUniversity School of Law. Her role in the state as an appellate judge and state supreme court justice, along with her workin private practice and leading a non-profit community foundation, resulted in connections vital to a start-up law school.A vital part of the communityWith Dean Silak on board, community outreach began well before the school was A Partnership Between City & Schoolbuilt. She sought an array of viewpoints and welcomed ideas on how to structurethe law school for success. The Dean’s Advisory Council, made up of area Concordia University School of Law provides a key educational opportunity for thelawyers, educators, and business leaders, helped shape the law school’s core – Boise area by providing a start-to-finish legal education in the heart of Idaho’sfrom the development of the curriculum to the early law library collections and legal core. As the only three-year law school based in Idaho’s vibrant capital andeven the site selection for the school itself. the state’s legal hub, our optimal location ensures that students here have access to mentorships, pro-bono opportunities, and relevant courtroom experience that only a capital city can provide. The school has already made a positive impact on the local economy and the caliber of the area’s work force, serving as a net importer of legal talent to the region. In short, the addition of Concordia Law is a win-win for the school, the community, and most importantly, the students.4 concordia university school of law | boise, idaho |

“All lawyers need to havefundamental grounding in the basiccurriculum of law. But our professorsgo out of their way to incorporatepractical exercises that challenge,enlighten, and even entertain.” —Cathy Silak, Dean Concordia University School of Law

Student to Faculty Ratio6 to 1

“By the end of the first year, the most important thing we give students is confidence in their own abilities.”To see Professor Fordyce-Ruff’s full interview, visit the Concordia University School of Law YouTube channel. —Tenielle Fordyce-Ruff, Associate Professor, Director of the Legal Research & Writing Program, Concordia University School of LawThe FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESSConcordia University School of Law’s academic philosophy is rooted in a According to the 2014 Law School Survey of Student Engagement (LSSSE),curriculum designed to give students the established foundational education Concordia gets positive marks in a variety of areas that set us apart. Studentsto pass the bar exam, practical skills to pass real-life tests, and electives that here receive significantly more written work than at other schools, betterreflect today’s legal environment. preparing them for life outside law school. All assignments are graded to better ensure course success. And instead of being lectured to, courses here areDeveloping Thought Leaders interactive between professor and students.At Concordia Law, we follow proven and important first-year classes, steeped Whether it’s learning the foundations of centuries-old law or exploring the latestin the foundations of law. We also integrate key skills by providing intensive Supreme Court rulings, Concordia Law provides a rigorous academic journey thatlegal research and writing courses throughout our program. Another skills teaches you to think like a lawyer and prepares you to pass the bar.class provides instruction on how to brief cases, outline courses, and preparefor exams.In addition, we augment research, writing, and the doctrine of law with a coursethat examines the foundations of justice. Here, students and professors worktogether to consider the philosophical, religious, and intellectual roots of law.The readings challenge you to think deeply about what your role will be, and toremember that the hard work of law school will allow you to make a difference,to serve as an advocate, and to solve complex legal problems.concordia university school of law | boise, idaho | 7

“I love our mentorship program. Having the ability to work one-on-one with a judge or attorney throughout all three years really gives our students an amazing insight into what it means to be an attorney. So when they get out into the marketplace, they already know how to interact professionally and they’ve already developed a network before they even graduate. That’s a tremendous advantage in today’s market.” —Jennifer Brown, Interim Director of Career Services Concordia University School of Law

The minute you commit to Concordia University School of Law, we commit to you, putting all of our resourcestowards helping you succeed.Learning beyond the classroomLegacy Mentorship Program: This unique program pairs every student withan attorney or judge who acts as a support system, providing insight, knowledge,and advice. These mentors take an active role in helping you learn first-handwhat it means to be a lawyer. Whether it’s to observe a deposition, review legalresearch, or accompany them as they litigate a case, students discover how thefoundational legal education taught in the classroom applies to real experience.Pro Bono Service: “Servant leadership” is one of the founding principles Prepared & Practice Readybehind Concordia University School of Law. Even though the requirement isfor each student to complete 50 hours of law-related public service prior to Concordia University School of Law provides a variety of professionalgraduation, the vast majority go well past that minimum number of hours. development opportunities and career services designed to help studentsThrough Pro Bono service, students hone their skills by giving back to people build a path to a meaningful career. Students have access to individual careerin need. A sampling of pro bono clients includes the Idaho Coalition Against counseling, workshops, practice panels, mock interviews, and career fairs,Sexual and Domestic Violence, Idaho Legal Aid, the ACLU, and the Idaho as well as on-going support and transitional training programs to help themInnocence Project. achieve their professional goals.Internships & Externships: Our internship and externship programsgive students the opportunity to work side-by side with some of the region’smost powerful and important legal organizations, including the Idaho AttorneyGeneral’s Office, the International Rescue Committee, and the Federal Defendersof Idaho. This provides an easy way to enhance professional networks andgain experience. Students can also participate in internships or externshipsout of state.concordia university school of law | boise, idaho | 9

12 3 45make yourself at home 10 great activities within 10 minutes of Concordia Law1–THE FOOTHILLS: Trailheads start just north of campus for the 130-mile 3–BODO: Boise downtown, or BoDo, includes a trendy area of theaters, shopping,protected trail system called Ridge to Rivers. restaurants, coffee shops, and music venues just two blocks west of school.2–BOISE GREENBELT: This 25 mile biking and walking trail is one of Boise’s 4–BASQUE BLOCK: Idaho is home to one of the largest Basque communitiesmost beloved outdoor areas. Tree-lined pathways follow the river through the outside of Europe. Take a short walk north of the law school to experience the art,heart of the city and provide scenic views, wildlife habitat and pedestrian access food, and festivities of this unique many of the area’s popular riverside parks. The Greenbelt also serves as analternative transportation route for commuters. 5–FIRST THURSDAY: On the first Thursday of each month, an art walk covers Boise’s creative side – from the acclaimed Boise Art Museum to local shops, galleries, and boutique art spaces.10 concordia university school of law | boise, idaho |

 Boise consistently ranks among the Top 10 in national publications for livability, best downtowns, best city for raising a family and best places to find a job. 6 8 79 10Boise is a thriving capital city with an amazing quality of life and low cost of living. It is also renowned for its proximity to the great outdoors,ever-changing cultural scene, and dedication to livability. And its centralized location provides easy access to many metropolitan citiesthroughout the western half of the United States. Here are 10 great activities that are all within 10 minutes of Concordia Law.6–BOISE RIVER: Soaking in the scenery, float trips, paddle boarding, and 9–BRONCO STADIUM: While the Broncos are the official athletic program ofGreenbelt excursions are the perfect study break. Boise State University, city residents have adopted the BSU campus and its famous blue turf as their own. Watch a game, enjoy a theatrical performance, or7–CAPITAL CITY PUBLIC MARKET: Every Saturday from the beginning of spring catch a concert at the many campus facilities available to the community.through the fall harvest, local farmers and artisans set up an extensive farmer’smarket on the sidewalks of downtown. 10–IDAHO SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL: Set against the spectacular Boise foothills, the works of William Shakespeare and the world’s best classical playwrights are8–THE CAPITOL: Opened in 1912, the Idaho State Capitol is just a few blocks brought to life each summer. A 770-seat, state-of-the-art facility was speciallynorth of Concordia Law. Critical state, congressional, and legal institutions, along designed to feature the human voice.with dozens of law practices, radiate from this hub. 11

A law school for boiseWith a view towards relevance and repurposing, Concordia University School of A Law Library for the 21st CenturyLaw transformed an old brick building on the underdeveloped edge of downtownBoise into a $10 million, state-of-the-art 54,000 square-foot campus. The largest part of the building is the library, home to an up-to-date collection that’s practice-ready and student oriented, designed to support all levels of legalThe building features a collaborative, workshop design with open space, natural research, writing, and theory.light, and natural wood throughout.Three floors were added to house classrooms, offices, and gathering spaces –such as conference rooms and a common area. Mock trial and moot court roomsmirror actual courtroom sizes and design. There’s even a secure bike garage andstudent showers.In the end, every decision was made in order to meet the requirements ofLeadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. Part-Time Option is Also Available. For students juggling The George R. White Law Library features new technology platforms in work, family, and outside commitments, Concordia Law offers a addition to long-held research models and materials. And a team of reference part-time program that takes four years to complete. librarians have the background, knowledge, and expertise to support students as Visit for complete details. they write research papers and tackle the intricacies of the legal system.12 concordia university school of law | boise, idaho |

“Classes here are tough, but extremelyfascinating. Conversation is dynamic and theatmosphere is really energetic. At ConcordiaLaw, everyone wants to succeed.” —Marcus West, student Concordia University School of Law To see Marcus’ full interview, visit the Concordia University School of Law YouTube channel.

“Law school is a demanding, challenging, and rewarding experience. The Office of Student Affairs engages and supports students in their co-curricular, extra-curricular, and personal endeavors and needs. It’s an excellent first-stop for student issues and inquiries. Whether it’s encouraging student camaraderie, supporting clubs and organizations, or assisting with legal intern licenses and bar applications, the mission of the Office of Student Affairs is to enhance each student’s educational experience and professional development.” —Benjamin Cramer, Director of Student Affairs Concordia University School of Law

“Y ou need to see the campus in person. The web, a letter, a phone call doesn’t do it. You’re investing in a three-year legal education.With Concordia, you’re not joining a law school, you’re joining a community, you’re joining a family.”To see Brit’s full interview, visit the Concordia University School of Law YouTube channel. —Brit Kreimeyer, student Concordia University School of Lawconnect with your peersConcordia University School of Law fosters collaboration and camaraderie Public Interest Law Student Organization (PILSO): This group of publicthrough a close-knit community of students. With class sizes kept small, you’ll service oriented students seeks to raise awareness about issues involving accessquickly come to know fellow students and faculty. Classmates become friends to the legal system for underserved populations.and professors become mentors. CONCORDIA ANIMAL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION (CODA): This club worksAt Concordia, You Belong diligently to educate the public on the humane treatment of animals and raise the profile of animal law.Concordia Law sponsors a variety of student-led organizations where you canhone your skills, discuss common issues, or just unwind and have fun. INTERNATIONAL LAW SOCIETY: The purpose of this organization is to raiseA sampling of some of our clubs, organizations, and associations includes: awareness of international law, promote the study and practice of international law, and to assist with career development for members.Student Bar Association: This is the student-led governing body ofConcordia University School of Law. It was formed, as the law school divisionof the American Bar Association, to represent the students and promoteboth fellowship and communication among faculty, administration, and thelegal community.Idaho Trial Lawyers Association: The goal of this group is to increaseaccessibility to the courts for all citizens. Student members help staff the StreetLaw Clinic and the Family Law Clinic which provide on-the-spot legal advice towalk-in clients.concordia university school of law | boise, idaho | 15

Richard C. and Shirley I. Fields Transformation of Society ScholarshipThis scholarship, named in recognition of two well-respected members of the Boisecommunity, covers 90 percent of tuition for talented individuals committed to thetransformation of society through service. Visit our website for more information.“I am delighted to have the opportunity to use my legal education to benefit the community. This amazing scholarship helps make that possible.” —Gwen Thomson, scholarship recipient and student Concordia University School of Law

At Concordia University School of Law, our goal is to help you graduate with a meaningful, practice-readydegree – not a mountain of debt. That’s why tuition here is $13,000 below the national average for privatelaw schools. And that’s just the beginning.the value of a concordia degreeScholarships, Grants, & Awards Tuition & Fees (2015-16 Academic Year) $ 29,043 Service Grant - $ 5,000Merit-based scholarships range from $3,000 to $14,000 each year – and Average Merit-Based Award - $ 5,650they’re automatically renewable for students who remain in good academic Scholars Society Award* - $ 1,500standing. These scholarships are based on prior academic excellence and the Average Cost Per Year = $ 16,893potential for success as indicated by your LSAT results. Note: Average award based on class of 2018.In addition, every student receives a guaranteed service grant of $5,000 per year. *Scholars Society Awards are based on application received dates. Apply byThis award is designed to encourage students to prioritize service, both during November 15 and receive $1,500 per year, apply by February 15 and receiveand after law school. $1,000 per year.Another way we strive to keep costs manageable is by cultivating a community of  Concordia Law's FAFSA School Code is 003191.supporters to assist our students. Gifts from individuals, firms, bar associations,foundations, and others help make Concordia University School of Law moreaffordable.concordia university school of law | boise, idaho | 17

the road to full ABA ApprovalReceiving full approval from the American Bar Association (ABA) is a step-by- Remaining Steps Leading Up to Full Approvalstep, multi-year process. Concordia University School of Law opened in 2012.In June of 2015, the school was granted provisional approval from the ABA,  Once a new law school obtains provisional approval, it remains in provisionalallowing our first graduating class to take the bar exam. In fact, graduates of status for three to five years.provisionally approved law schools are entitled to many of the same benefitsaccorded graduates of fully approved schools.  During this period, schools can expect a minimum of two site visits, and accreditation assessment by the ABA.  Concordia University School of Law must apply for full ABA approval no later than June 2019.Concordia University School of Law is provisionally approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North ClarkStreet, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.18 concordia university school of law | boise, idaho |


make your markAs part of a new school, you will set the standard for, and influence the character of, Concordia Law for years tocome. Whether your goal is to become a practicing attorney, run a non-profit advocating for refugees, open andmanage a small business, or guide a corporation through mergers and acquisitions, your opportunities to make adifference are endless in an environment where leadership and service are emphasized.A Strong Case for Concordia And while Concordia Law may be new, it’s backed by Concordia University’s century-old history of caring, compassion, and excellence. Preparing leadersWhen it comes to selecting a law school, we understand that you have many for the transformation of society is more than our mission statement, it’s ourchoices. So why here? With Concordia University School of Law, you’ll find a mission. We hope it will become yours, too.faculty that is vested in helping you succeed. You’ll enjoy a state-of-the-artcampus that’s just a stone’s throw from Idaho’s legal hub. You’ll experience acommunity that’s inviting, exhilarating, comfortable and affordable, all in one.20 concordia university school of law | boise, idaho |

learn 208-639-5440EMAIL [email protected] 501 West Front Street Boise, Idaho 83702apply Checklist⎕ Application Fee: $0⎕ Completed online application - Personal Statement - Résumé and Cover Letter⎕ Character and Fitness Addendum (if applicable)⎕ Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report from LSAC that includes a valid LSAT score, a minimum of two letters of recommendation (maximum of four), and official copies of all post-secondary transcripts showing completion of a four year bachelor’s degreeDECISIONOnce we receive your completed application, we do our best to make a decisionas quickly as possible – usually within two weeks. West Front Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 | 208-639-5440 | [email protected] |apply today at OR

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