The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444e-newsletter November 3, 2017 United Methodist Youth Fellowship - UMYF This Saturday, Nov 4 S’More TiMe @ Sky lake A fall trip to beautiful Sky Lake in Windsor, NY. Come to church by 12:30 pm – return time approx. 5:30 pm. We will gather with other youth group, have a time of worship, S’mores (of course) and fun activities, and assemble some school kits to help hurricane victims. Sunday, Nov 12 – UMYF Soup Sale after church!To volunteer to make a soup to sell, sign up at church or call 570-877-8731 For questions and information please email [email protected] If you are in grades 6 through 12, you are a part of MUMC’s YouthFellowship & welcome to participate in any & all of our youth group activities! If you are an adult who appreciate the growing faith of young people, you areinvited to volunteer as a leader for any of our activities. To sign-up and check in with our Safe Sanctuaries program call 570-877-8731.
Watch a FREE Live Stream of Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money EventOver the last 25 years, millions of lives have been changed through DaveRamsey’s Financial Peace University. This November, Dave will be live streaminghis Smart Money event to churches and Financial Peace University classes acrossthe country. We are excited to announce that Moscow United Methodist Churchwill be a host site for this event. The best part? It’s absolutely free for you toattend!Dave and Rachel Cruze will take the stage on November 7 in Phoenix, and we willstream the event in real time. We’d love for you to join us and learn the steps youand your family can take to live like no one else. Sign up today to be a part of thisamazing event by contacting John Havenstrite, 570- 906-9212 [email protected] look forward to seeing you in November 7 at 8 pm!
From our Lay Leader… It's hard to believe that we are nearing the end of anotheryear. As we get older and slow down, the years seem to fly by.Perhaps Einstein's theory of Relativity has something to do withthis, eh? As the Lay Leadership committee wraps up their activities,we say 'Thank You' to all who have volunteered to serve thechurch on committees and in positions of responsibility. It is yourinvolvement that enables the church to function, and at the sametime confers a deeper sense of membership, rather than asuperficial one. At the end of this year I will be stepping down from theposition of Lay Leader. For the last 34 years, in three churches, Ihave served on many committees, in numerous positions, onprojects, and always in choirs. I intend to step back now, anddevote more time to personal projects, goals, and familyresponsibilities. I will still be around and involved, but less so.This I owe to myself, and I look forward to it. May you all have a bountiful and blessed Thanksgiving!Dan Schilling
Bottles, bottles and more bottles! Our church began collecting prescription and over the counter medicine bottles in March 2017. Our first shipment was sent in June 2017 – 1,005 bottles. The collecting continued and on October 30, 2017 we sent another shipment of 2,225 bottles. Thanks to everyone who is saving and contributing to this worthwhile project - keep them coming! A special thanks to the anonymous donors who provided funds to defray the cost of the shipping. This Sunday, November 5th, we turn back our clocks one hour at 2:00 am (Or Saturday night before you go to bed) to reflect Daylight Saving Time.
Church Meetings Coming Up Monday, Nov 6 – 4 pm – Monthly prayer meeting Tuesday, Nov 7 – 6:30 pm – Trustees Tuesday, Nov 14 – 6 pm – SPRC Tuesday, Nov 14 – 7 pm – Administrative Council Sunday, Nov 19 – 3 pm Charge/Church Conference Other Events in November: Election Day – Nov 7 with MUMC Welsh Cookie Sale Smart Money Live Stream – Nov 7 at 8 pm North Pocono Blood Drive – Nov 9 at 1-6 pm @ Elmhurst Presbyterian Painting Party by WONDERFUL @ MUMC – Nov 9 6:30 – 9 pm Veterans Day – Nov 11 UMYF Soup Sale after church – Nov 12 Coffee Hour after Worship – Nov 19 after worship Community Thanksgiving Worship: Moscow UMC Nov 21 at 7 pm Thanksgiving Day – Nov 23
Thursday, November 9th from 6:30-9:00pm, WONDERFUL is going to church! Join us for a relaxing evening of painting while we support our church!Create a piece of seasonal art to display in your home for years to come, we'll be painting the image above on a 12x12 cotton canvas with acrylic paint. Customize your painting by adding your initial to the center!This session will be an instructional demonstration; we'll guide you every step of the way . So grab a friend & join us in the fellowship hall. A portion of your $35 painting fee will be donated directly to the church! Coffee, tea and desserts will be available.For reservation details please contact Erin @ 570-499-8866 or Wonderful by private message.
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