The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444 e-newsletter April 13, 2018 What’s Up with Easter? On Sunday, April 15 we continue our Resurrection Celebration with Moscow UMC’s Sunday School Easter Pageant titled, What’s Up with Easter? In thisworship presentation the Easter bunny tells the children the Bible story behind different Easter symbols. Special music will be provided by our Youth & Children’s Choir. Join us and bring a friend, share the joy of Christ Alive! Worship begins at 11 a.m. Refreshments served after worship. Beginning April 22 – Our Adult Sunday School class begins a new study: On the Spirit Walk (by Mann & Phillips), Voices of Native Americans and Indigenous PeopleOur Senior/Junior High class is focusing on the Easter theme of redemption and getting ready for Youth Sunday, April 29 Sunday school is for all ages, preschool through adult, and everyone is welcome – Sundays 9:30 a.m. Call Sharon Kelly 570-877-8731 for more information or email us at [email protected]
Greetings! from Moscow UMC’s New Local Mission Leader Karen and Jim KobeskiFor those of you who don’t know me, I was born and raised inthe Catskills in New York State. I moved to Pennsylvania in2012 when my husband, Jim, and I got married. Most of mywork experience has been in health and human services. Iworked as a CNA in a nursing home, as a Special EducationAide for three years in an elementary school, for ARC as aninstructor for adults who were mentally and physicallychallenged, at an adult day care center for several HomeHealth Care Agencies caring for elderly or disabled clients. Ifeel that this experience helps me to understand the needs ofmany people in our community. I have served on the LayLeadership Committee at our church for several years and Iknow that the people in our congregation are compassionateand caring. I look forward to working with all of you in servingthose in need. Karen KobeskiIf you have any ideas for local mission work, please contact Karen at 570-862-3806 or [email protected]. Look for a special time of mission inworship on Sunday, May 20, 2018 - Mary Claire Boylan, social workcoordinator for the Lackawanna County Association for the Blind, will speakwith us about their local mission work.
A great show AND a chance to celebrate MUMC’s talented Emma Gilman, Robin Kelly and Haley Zemek!!The North Pocono Odyssey Players will present West Side Story as North Pocono High School’s spring theater production. Thanks to all who volunteered to help at the Senior Citizen Preview on Thursday, April 12, with dinner, a special performance and free transportation for local senior citizens from their homes to the show. Public performances of the play will be held on April 13 and April 14 at 7 p.m. Tickets available at the door - $10/each for adults - $6/each for students/senior citizens. All performances at the high school auditorium.
Start-up Meeting of the MUMC Page Turners Book Club Thursday, April 19, 2018 – All Welcome !! 6 pm in MUMC’s Social Hall Call 570-842-7251 for more information Like to read? Pick one or both of the books below (paper or electronic) and join with friends to discuss. Book Copies available for any who wish to borrow one Led by Kelly Pulice The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katerina BivaldA New York Times and USA Today Bestseller. A heartwarming tale about literature's power to transform.\" ―People A reminder of why we are booklovers, this is a sweet, smart story about how books find us, changeus, and connect us. Once you let a book into your life, the most unexpected things can happen... Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley Sensitive, hilarious, and emotionally rewarding.... The intimacy of pet ownership is sweetly suffusedthroughout this heartwarming autobiographical fiction... In generous helpings of bittersweet humanity, Rowley has written an immensely poignant and touchingly relatable tale that readers (particularly animal lovers) will love.” — Publishers Weekly
Sunday April 22, 2018 Native American Ministries SundaySpecial Creation Cantata to beperformed by the Moscow United Methodist Church Adult Choir
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