The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444 e-newsletter October 13, 2017 What a wonderful time of worship and sacred music Moscow UMC enjoyed with community friends and the Chi Rho Singers on Thursday, October 26th ! This United Methodist clergy choir hails from all over central and NEPA withsome singers traveling from Altoona, Williamsport, York and Harrisburg areasto bring God’s Word to us through music. Many thanks go to the special group who provided hospitality and a delicious dinner for the singers!
Prayer and Care at MUMC One of the most valuable gifts we can give to one another in times of need or anytime, is the gift of prayer. The Bible tells us the early believers, “were constantly devoting themselves to prayer…“ (Acts1:14). At Moscow United Methodist Church, our congregation prays and cares for one another in a number of ways: Every Sunday in worship, we share our joys and concerns, lifting up prayer needs so all our faith community can petition God for healing strength, comfort and help. We also have times of silent prayer for those who wish to pray quietly. Romans verse. At the back of our church is a prayer request clipboard where you can write the name of a friend or loved one and their special prayer need for printing in our worship bulletin (for 4 weeks) so all our congregants can pray for them. You can call our church office 570-842-7251 or our pastor 570-878-9069 with your urgent prayer requests or a request for a pastoral visit. Our congregational care card team, led by Carol Reuther and Lori Brink are happy to send cards to church members in times of
illness and loss on behalf of the congregation. They listen for prayer requests lifted in Sunday worship and in fellowship times. If you wish a card to be sent to a church friend, please call the church office at 570-842-7251. We have started something new – a monthly prayer group. At the beginning of each month, we begin with an hour of prayer. The first Monday of each month at 4 pm, a small group of church friends meets to prayer for our church – its people, leaders, ministries, community and the world. Anyone is welcome to join us. For more information or to request special prayer, contact Pastor Jean at 570-878-9069.How well we care for one another through prayer, friendship, visiting,and sending cards shows God’s love at work and is part of what makesMUMC congregation a blessed Christian faith community.
A little while back, a church member suggested we have a monthly notice about one of our church funds to help our congregation know about our church financesand understand the different funds Moscow United Methodist Church has and how they operate. With our new e-newsletter format, we present this month’s:MUMC’s Financing of Ministries for Christ This month we begin Moscow United MethodistChurch’s annual Thanksgiving season stewardship and giving program. Developedby Bishop Robert Schnase, this year’s program is entitled, “ExtravagantGenerosity, the Heart of Giving”. It’s spiritual themes are based on heartfeltreflections of God’s goodness to us in our lives and through the church. Throughletters and times in worship it encourages us to reflect on what our faith, the church,and the important people in our lives means to us. It asks us to envision what Godwants for us and our church in the future. Giving helps us become what God wants us to be. God uses our generosity to help us grow, to create new life in us, and to foster in us “the mind that was in Jesus Christ.” Philippians 2:5 Bishop Schnase says, “Congregations who seek to form people into followersof Christ have a responsibility to think deeply, prepare thoroughly, act wisely, andteach courageously about the relationship between faith and money. How does ourgiving affect our relationship to God? How does our relationship to God affect ourgiving? How does being a follower of Jesus Christ shape all our behaviorsconcerning money – how it is earned, spent, saved, and offered to God?”
Although there is much negativity in the world these days, our thanksgivingseason stewardship program focuses on the positive. Let’s celebrate what right withour church in our quest to share the Good News of Jesus Christ! We begin by askingeach person these questions – “What do you love about our church? Who in yourchurch family has made a difference in your spiritual life?” and “What is your visionand hope for your church?” As we celebrate our past, present and future, eachSunday in church, we will be encouraged to make prayerful positive responses withacts of generosity. Again Bishop Schnase teaches, “The practice of generositydescribes a Christian’s unselfish willingness to give in order to make a positivedifference for the purposes of Christ…Generosity is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, aworthy spiritual aspiration.”Thank you to all our congregation for the many ways they show generosity towardGod’s work through Moscow United Methodist Church. Thanks to all who complete estimate of giving cardsNext month: MUMC’s each year to help us know our income for ministry.General and Trustees Thanks to who pledge viaFunds projected 2018 automated monthly bankexpenses helping us meet our expenses all year long. Thanks to all who contribute through their voluntary service andprayer - you provide the backbone for our work in Christ’s ministry! Thank you!
Watch a FREE Live Stream of Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money EventOver the last 25 years, millions of lives have been changed through DaveRamsey’s Financial Peace University. This November, Dave will be live streaminghis Smart Money event to churches and Financial Peace University classes acrossthe country. We are excited to announce that Moscow United Methodist Churchwill be a host site for this event. The best part? It’s absolutely free for you toattend!Dave and Rachel Cruze will take the stage on November 7 in Phoenix, and we willstream the event in real time. We’d love for you to join us and learn the steps youand your family can take to live like no one else. Sign up today to be a part of thisamazing event by contacting John Havenstrite, 570- 906-9212 [email protected] look forward to seeing you in November 7 at 8 pm!
Thursday, November 9th from 6:30-9:00pm, WONDERFUL is going to church! Join us for a relaxing evening of painting while we support our church!Create a piece of seasonal art to display in your home for years to come, we'll be painting the image above on a 12x12 cotton canvas with acrylic paint. Customize your painting by adding your initial to the center!This session will be an instructional demonstration; we'll guide you every step of the way . So grab a friend & join us in the fellowship hall. A portion of your $35 painting fee will be donated directly to the church! Coffee, tea and desserts will be available.For reservation details please contact Erin @ 570-499-8866 or Wonderful by private message.
Nursery Coordinator Opportunity AvailableThe Moscow United Methodist Church is seeking a year round NurseryCoordinator who will provide safe, secure, nurturing and efficient careto children ages newborn to age 6 during Sunday morning worshipservices. Responsibilities include playing with the children or directingtheir play, reading to them, and exhibiting Christ-like patience andlove. Act 80 clearances will be needed. For additional informationcontact: Moscow United Methodist Church 126 Church Street,Moscow, PA 18444. Phone: 570-842-7251. Church Treasurer Opportunity AvailableThe Moscow United Methodist Church is seeking a Treasurer.This position serves as financial officer and is responsible forpayment of bills, oversees financial recordkeeping, andmonitors the cash position of the congregation. Accountingexperience is required. For additional information contact:Moscow United Methodist Church 126 Church Street,Moscow, PA 18444. Phone: 570-842-7251.
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