The Moscow United Methodist Church 126 Church Street Moscow United Methodist Church Moscow, PA 18444 Office: 570 842-7251 Email [email protected] Website e-newsletter June 6th, 2019 In This Newsletter Worship Time Change A Grace Note Sunday School Closing for the summer Pastor Lori Robinson Introduction Book Club Learning Tree Preschool Ad Council Minutes from April June 16, 2019. will be Pastor's Jean's last Sunday before she leaves for her new appointment in the Factoryville/Dalton UMC (July 1.) All are invited to join in her Farewell brunch after church in the fellowship hall New Worship Time for Moscow UMC Begins June 23, 2019 – 9:30 AM The Congregational Survey results have been calculated for our new time change. The results were: 36 votes for 9:30 am, 25 votes for 11:00 am, and 17 votes for either time. Summer hours for worship will begin on June 23, 2019, at 9:30 am, and continue through the rest of the year. Please join us over the summer weeks for a discussion about Sunday school scheduling for the next school year. Thank you for your input!
A Grace Note… Times of Transition You may have heard how God is doing a new thing in ministry in the North Pocono Area. The Moscow and Gouldsboro United Methodist Churches will be yoking together in ministry beginning July 1, 2019. Each church will retain it’s unique identity and separate administration but they will share the costs and time of a pastor. Rev. Lori Robinson will be your new pastor beginning on July 1, 2019: ¾ time at Moscow UMC and ¼ time at Gouldsboro. This helps both churches financially and spiritually and also help forge new relationships among our brothers and sisters in Christ for more effective mission and ministry in our communities. My three years as your pastor here at Moscow UMC have been a richly rewarding time for me. Together, we have navigated through much change, working to strengthen and expand our ministries amid the stresses of our time. Along the way I’ve been blessed in the sharing of faith with you, seeing Christ alive and at work in your hearts, in the Moscow UMC congregation and in our community. In a few weeks, I will be moving to the Factoryville/Dalton parish to serve as pastor. This is a part-time appointment which will give me the extra time I need to help my parents living in Florida get better situated for their later years. Bill and I are so thankful for this time in journey we have shared with you. My prayers and best wishes are for your every success in the ministry of Jesus Christ in the days, months and years ahead.
As we experience a ministry cycle ending at Moscow UMC and look to a new one beginning, we find ourselves experiencing many emotions, sometimes even conflicting ones. There is a sadness at saying goodbye but also joy for the time we had together. There is a nervousness about what the unknown future holds alongside excitement in our anticipation of it. In this time of transition, it’s as if we are standing in a doorway. Behind us is the past with all its blessed memories. Before us is the future, yet to be revealed. God asks us to step through the threshold, into the future with faithful discipleship. New beginnings can seem overwhelming, but in reality, it is in our continuing all the little things we do every day and week and season – prayer, worship, bible study, Sunday school, and serving in mission – that we best move, confidently and faithfully into the future God has planned for us. The Lord speaks these timeless words of truth to us: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer 29:11. Thanks be to God! A joyful prospering in the Lord to all, With much gratitude and love in Christ, Pastor Jean Sunday school is coming to a close for the summer on Sunday, June 9. We will have a special closing ceremony in worship, award the Boy Scout religious award, God and Church, to three Jr/Sr high youth , and enjoy a time of celebration at Coffee Hour after worship. Many thanks to our Sunday school teachers, parents and students for a wonderful year in Christian Education at Moscow UMC
Welcome Pastor Lori Robinson In the Book of Romans chapter 12, we are instructed to “be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves and share with the Lord’s people who are in need.” I believe these words are vital to who we are as God’s people and central to who I am as a United Methodist Church pastor. Servant leadership through humble service is my daily way of living. I was born and raised in the Tunkhannock area, Eaton Township. I treasure northeast Pennsylvania. It is a great place to live which provides seasons to experience all of God’s creation and reminds us that as the seasons grow and blossom, so too are we to do the same. Life may not always be what we think it should be, however, we can be obediently joyful in the knowledge that our Lord is always there nurturing us, providing for all our needs, and cheering us on as we look forward to the next season on our journeys of faith. I currently reside in Lehman Township. I have two children, Shannon, 26 and Ben, 25. They are the most precious gifts God has bestowed upon my life! Shannon graduated from Keystone College. She is now employed as a Wyoming County Adult Probation/Parole Officer. Ben graduated from Lock Haven University. He is employed by Montage Mountain Resort as a sales manager. Both of them were recruited by their facilities of higher learning through sports. Shannon played field hockey and currently coaches for the Tunkhannock Area School District. Ben is a distance trail racer and trains others in running. A joy of all our lives is our baby Amazing Grace the church dog! I have served as pastor at the Beaver Meadows United Methodist Church, the Eatonville Evans Falls United Methodist Charge, the Dalton Factoryville Charge, and the Lehman-Idetown United Methodist Church. I was also blessed to serve as Chaplain of the United Methodist Home, Tunkhannock Campus. Being a Chaplain was very interesting. I learned much through the residents communicating their faith and life journeys with me. It was a gift to share in their last moments on earth, assuring them of God’s eternal love and plan for them, plus, walking their families through the beginning of their grief by instilling in them a resurrection hope. I have been told my gifts for ministry are that of inspiring excitement to lead others closer to their Lord, preaching, administration, outreach ministries, growing God’s church, and compassion, with an attitude of teaching/equipping. I invest several hours in devotion preparing God’s message each week for the people and pray much. I love to work with God’s children of all ages. There is something new each day that God desires for us to discover. Then transform our discoveries into seeds planting fields of believers to move God’s overall vision for the world into a reality. I recently completed Course of Study at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. In total, I have been in ministry for 22 years, with the last 13 of those as a servant leader in the pulpit. I look forward to engaging in spiritually, progressive ministry at the Moscow and Gouldsboro Churches. God is calling all of us together for a reason. I am confident that we will achieve his purpose through the power of the Holy Spirit. May God bless each of you with every new day until we join in ministry and mission as God’s church, and every day thereafter. In Christ’s Grace, Pastor Lori Robinson
Moscow UMC Book Club June 20th, 6 PM For a book or information call Lois Linko 570-689-9808, or the office 570-842-7251. All are Welcome!!!
We visited the Lackawanna College Environmental Center and learned more about forest habitats!
Moscow United Methodist Church Administrative Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 15, 2019 Attendees: Pastor Jean Blackie, Paulette Fotta, Howard McIntosh, and Kim Havenstrite Pastor Jean opened the meeting by reading a devotion from William Barkley regarding Holy Week. The minutes from the March 18th Ad Council meeting were reviewed. Howard motioned to accept the minutes. Paulette seconded the motion. All were in favor. Budget Report The budget for the month of March was distributed and reviewed. Pastor Jean motioned to accept the budget reports. Paulette seconded the motion. All were in favor. The Trustees Budget report was also distributed and reviewed. Pastor Report Pastor Jean reported that the Adult Choir was invited to sing “God Bless America” at the Railriders baseball game on Sunday, June 2nd. Each adult ticket would be $11 and Pat and Linda Verrastro agreed to help coordinate this event. Pastor Jean made a motion to proceed with this event with a second by Paulette. All were in favor. The annual charge conference will take place from Thursday, May 30th – Saturday, June 1st. Pastor Jean and Muriel Smailles will be attending this year. Michael and Sarah Shoff have proposed having a diaper changing station in the upstairs bathroom of the church. They have graciously agreed to purchase it with the hopes that the Wednesday morning crew will hang it. Lay Leadership Sharon Kelly is resigning from her position as Sunday school coordinator as well as the children’s choir director. SPRC Paulette reported that Gouldsboro United Methodist Church is still interested in keeping the 11:00AM worship service. A survey will be sent out to Moscow congregation to see if there is any interest in having a 9:30AM worship service. The SPRC will be meeting more frequently in the next few weeks to discuss the yoking process and what it means for the church. Preschool The Learning Tree received a $5000 donation which will easily cover expenses until the end of the summer. Heather is looking for a contact at People’s Security Bank to discuss the EITC grant. The preschool board will be meeting on Sunday, May 19th to make a decision whether the preschool can continue for another year. The concern is that it is creating a financial burden on the church if enrollment is not increased and no donations are made to the preschool next year. Trustee The wireless hearing aids turned out to be more expensive than anticipated. There may also be an issue with the microphones. Only emergencies can be broadcasted over the 600 frequency – so ours may need to be redone. Permanent Endowment Bill Wright will begin the application process and have the applications back to the committee by the next Ad Council meeting. Safe Sanctuary The next safe sanctuary training will be held in May. A survey will be emailed to see if Thursday, May 7th or Saturday, May 11th would be better for those who need to attend. The next meeting will be Monday, May 20, 2019 at 7:00PM. All were in favor to adjourn.
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