The Moscow United Methodist Church126 Church Street Office Phone: 570-842-7251Moscow, PA 18444e-newsletter November 10, 2017 United Methodist Youth Fellowship - UMYF Sunday, Nov 12 UMYF Take-out Soup Sale after church! If you are in grades 6 through 12, you are a part of MUMC’s YouthFellowship & welcome to participate in any & all of our youth group activities! If you are an adult who appreciate the growing faith of young people, you areinvited to volunteer as a leader for any of our activities. To sign-up and check in with our Safe Sanctuaries program call 570-877-8731.
An invitation from our friends at Maple Lake UMC … Square Dance Saturday November 18, 2017 5:30 to 9:30 pm Line Dancing at 5:30 pm Food for Sale Tickets $7 – Bring a dry goods pantry item and receive a free menu item of your choice. Items needed are: Toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, dish liquid, laundry detg, soap, toothpaste, cleaners, etc. A portion of the proceeds to be donated to the North Pocono Food & Dry Goods Pantries Tickets are available in advance AND at the door – call Beth @ 570-842-7755 Also, if you can bring some food – call BethChurch Conference - Sunday, Nov. 19 at 3 p.m.All the churches in the North Pocono UMCcluster will meet at Moscow UMC for our annualchurch conferences. Our DistrictSuperintendent, Rev. Marian Hartman, willpreside and lead in worship as we care for thebusiness of the church for the coming year. Allchurch members are invited and able to vote. Ifyou plan to attend please call the church office570-842-7251 or email office@moscowumc sowe have a conference packet prepared for you.
You’ve heard of Black Friday You’ve heard of Cyber Monday But have you heard of #Giving Tuesday?UMC #Giving Tuesday: A great way to help support God’s Work around the world… Connect your passion with God’s mission this season! Give through The Advance on UMC #GivingTuesday Nov. 28 and change lives. Select from more than 300 missionaries and 600 projects covering many impact areas: Food and agriculture • Church development Disaster response and relief • Education • Health Economic empowerment • Social justice WASH/water and sanitation • Women and children Mission personnel
Community Calendar: Support for “Surviving the Holidays” after the loss of a loved one. Six sessions, free of charge, offered by Wayne Memorial Hospice and Social Service Departments, Tuesdays beginning November 28, 2017, 6:00pm- 7:00pm through January 2, 2018 at Wayne Memorial Hospital, 601 Park St., Honesdale. Registration required. For information call (570) 241-2685. The 2017-18 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)season has begun. LIHEAP helps low-income families pay their heatingbills. LIHEAP is a grant that offers assistance in the form of a cash grant, sent directly to the utility company, or a crisis grant for households inimmediate danger of being without heat. For information on eligibility andhow to apply for the grant go to:
A Letter from our Bishop… November 7, 2017 “Fear of death can no more stop us from our pressing here below. For our Lord empowered us to triumph over every foe, Alleluia! Alleluia! On to victory now we go.” “Every day to us is Easter, with its resurrection song, When in trouble move the faster to our God who rights the wrong, Alleluia! Alleluia! See the power of heavenly throngs.” (“Easter People, Raise Your Voices” by William James)Dear Friends in Christ, Grace to you in Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Healer of our Brokenness,and Hope of the World. The news was heart wrenching. Lamentably, it wasn’t anything new. It tooka matter of a few seconds; and when it was over, twenty-six innocent peoplewere killed, including a 17 month old child. About a week before that it was NewYork City, and the victims were bikers and pedestrians enjoying a spring like day.This time, it was Sunday morning at a Southern Baptist Church in a small townnot unlike the towns in Pennsylvania. Once again, we were left distraught andheartbroken. If a church service isn’t safe, then where are we safe from acts ofterror or individual retributions? There are no right words to say to relieve thepain and the frustration from the families, friends, and communities of theinnocent victims. Not everything that happens in this world is the will of God. We know thattoo many things happen against the will of God. However, let’s be assured thatGod is present in this tragedy. God weeps as we weep; and God comforts thebrokenhearted. Through the saving actions of doctors and nursing personnel, theresponse of the emergency personnel, and the local faith community, God’sgracious presence of love and care is there. Our thoughts and prayers are withthose who are directly affected by these horrible acts of terror and those whocare for them. Jesus Christ is the Healer of our brokenness and Hope of the world. ThePrince of Peace will sustain us. Ultimately good will triumph over evil. God willhave the final word. We are to remain committed to working for healing, hope,and peace with justice. I pray that this is not yet another opportunity wasted andthat we will
join together to find potential solutions that could help mitigate the harmfulsituations that seem to perpetuate everywhere without an ending in sight. Theremust be better gun control that would be rational and understandable to ensuresafety for all. Some of you may know that I once served on the staff of the NortheasternJurisdiction Multi-Ethnic Center for Ministry. Rev. Dr. William James was theExecutive Director and I was privileged to be his associate. I find great comfort inhis hymn, “Easter People, Raise Your voices”: “When in trouble move the fasterto our God who rights the wrong.” Ultimately our hope is in our God who bringsresurrected life out of death by making all things right as it is in heaven. God’speople, keep the faith.Grace and Peace,†Jeremiah J. Park PEACE ON THE KOREAN PENINSULA FORUM ON FACEBOOK LIVE The Peace on the Korean Peninsula Forum, sponsored by General Board of Church and Society, will be live-streamed on Facebook Live Monday through Wednesday, November 13- 15. For more information, go to (Copy & paste to your URL): on-the-korean-peninsula According to GBCS staff person Aimee Hong, the forum, held at the United Methodist Building in Washington, D.C., will be an opportunity to hear from experts on the history of conflict in Korea, nuclear security, foreign policy and faithful advocacy. It will also be a time of worship and opportunity to connect with other like-minded, like-passioned people. The purpose of the forum is to equip people of faith to be bearers of peace.
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