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Published by Loren Levy, 2022-07-26 15:15:40

Description: BRAND BOOK SQUEEZE Adobe test


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We are a health smoothie brand offering a menu that categorizes smoothies according to their health benefits and nutritional value. Categories include detox smoothies, protein smoothies, metabolism boosting , immune boosting and many others. Customers can select their category and select their health goals, choose toppings. If consumers just want to create their own smoothies out of the ingredients listed on the menu. This service is available online and in store. Customers can create their own smoothie by filling out sections on our online website and have the smoothie packaged and delivered to them or alternatively customers can come build their own smoothie in store 3



Table Of Contents 2-3 7 Who We Are 8 - 11 Vision & Value 12 - 15 Logo 16 - 25 Visual Language 26 - 31 Printing Products Digital Products 66

Vision & Value Squeeze Smoothies has knowledge about what is healthy to put in our bodies without to harm our world. We care about each other and we care about sustainble future. We promis a tastefull experience that has a good impact on your body as well as our nature. Our mission is to fuel people with fresh, healthy and satisfying nutrition without causing any unnecessary harm to our planet 7


Colorful Logo White & Black Logo 9

Logo Proportgions mm 50 mm 40 When the logo is resized to a size smaller than 40 mm, d'ont use mm 25 the tag line mm 20 When the logo is resized to a size smaller than 25 mm, only use the icon 10

Logo's Don't Don't tilt Don't use orange backround unless Don't use drop shadow you use the green & white logo Don't change the Don't change the Don't use stroke proportion color 11

visual language 12

Brand's Colors 13

Icons & Fonts The Lima ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Juicy Fruit abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 14


Printing Products 16

Stationary Set 17

Business Card 18

Flyer 19

Stickers 20

Cup Holder 21

Take Away Bag 22

Take Away Cups 23

Poster ‫פוסטר‬ 24

Billboard ‫פלייר‬ 25

digital Products 26


Website 28

Website 29

Story 30

Post 31

Thank You For Watching This project was made under studential program 32

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