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Home Explore Online Spanish Courses Information

Online Spanish Courses Information

Published by sara, 2020-08-02 18:34:26

Description: Online Spanish Courses Presentation which details the syllabi for the Introduction, Conversational Spanish 1, 2, and 3 courses. Read the objectives for each class. Prepared by Sara Tyler and property of Viva Online, LLC.

Keywords: spanish,language,syllabi,spanishclasses,foreign,communicative,teaching,learning,curriculum


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To provide online Spanish language courses that engage students and encourage the use of the target language as much as possible. In every class, students will communicate in the target language in order to practice speaking and listening skills. With this strategy, students have a better experience learning a foreign language. They also retain more of the information by participating in classes with meaningful interaction. It mimics the way we learn languages as children. With a strong emphasis on participation, effort, and understanding each other. After 10 years of teaching, and raising bilingual children, we know what works!

Materials are included with the courses. They are bright, fun, easy to understand, and always communicative.

Yes! Please Not really, No! We are tell me how but I may Zoom need some it works. experts by help. now.

Enrollment Access Classes You can purchase a group Once you pay for a course, Students join the weekly course directly on our you will receive an email with classes by clicking on the website with a credit card the Zoom link. If you left your Zoom link. They can join or Paypal. phone number, you will also with any device. receive SMS reminders. Contact us if you need an (A headset or earbuds estimate or invoice sent Students will receive the are recommended.) instead. materials 72 hours prior to the first class.

No. I/We are No, but Yes, I/we just trying it I/we want have had Spanish out. a full semester before. course.


Introductory, 6-week course Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Introduce myself 1. Describing physical appearances with ser and tener 1 2. Count up to 10 4 2. Using numbers up to 50 1. Describe my Family 1. Using gustar with preferences and hobbies 2 2. Count up to 20 5 2. Asking and answering about prices 1. Stating dates (numbers up to 31, months) 3. Numbers up to 100 3 2. Describing characteristics with ser 6 REVIEW ACTIVITIES 3. Using ser and estar correctly (Describing yourself and others, Asking about menu prices, Surveying classmates on likes/dislikes, etc.)


Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Introduce myself 1. Describe myself and others' appearances 1 2. Count up to 10 4 2. Ask and answer about appearances 3. Exchange (fictional) phone numbers 3. Practice numbers 30-100 4. 4. 1. Describe my Family 1. Learn how to conjugate regular verbs (\"yo\" form) 2 2. Ask and answer about family members 5 2. Describe my daily routine 3. Count up to 20 3. Use numbers to communicate time 4. 4. 1. Describe myself and others' characteristics 1. Learn verb conjugation in the \"tú\" Form 3 2. Count up to 31 6 2. Ask and answer about daily routines. 3. Ask and answer about birthdays 3. Use prepositional phrases for places in the house

Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Describe my home using \"hay\" 1. Ask and answer about plans with question words. 7 2. Practice descriptions with adjectives 10 2. Describe my City using \"hay\". 3. Practice asking and answering with details 3. Use quantifiers (unos/as, pocos las, muchos/as) 4. 4. 1. Learn the days of the Week 1. Ask and answer about places around town. 8 2. Ask and answer about academic schedules 11 2. Use estar to describe location. 3. Use frequency adverbs 3. Use common prepositions (en, entre, al lado de) 4. 4. 1. Ask and answer about holidays/dates 1. Use hacer/estar to describe weather. 9 2. Practice numbers 100-1000. 12 2. Ask/answer about weather indifferent cities. 3. Conjugate IR to describe Future plans. 3. Use gustar to express likes/dislikes.

Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Use gustar to describe hobbies. FINAL PROJECT 13 2. Ask/answer about common activities. 16 Students will research and plan a trip in Spanish. In the 3. Ask/answer about food and prices. final clas, they will ask answer about each others' trips in order to review the topics from the course. 1. Use necesitar to describe ingredients. Including: 14 2. Ask answer about food preferences. ● Where/when/with whom/how you are going. 3. Use con/sin to add specific detail. ● What the destination offers for tourists. 4. ● What the flights/accommodations/activities cost. 1. Ask and answer about menus and prices. ● What the weather is like. ● What you are planning to try, eat, and do. 15 2. Order Food for yourself. 3. Take a classmate's order.


Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Conjugate verbs in the 3rd person 1. Compare rental ads for houses and apartments. 1 singular/plural. 4 2. Ask and answer questions about the ads, including 2. Introduce your family (names, jobs, ages, prices, rooms, size, location, etc. etc.). 3. Practice numbers up to 10,000. 3. Ask and answer about family roles and responsibilities. 1. Practice irregular verbs in the past (IR, TENER, 2 1. Conjugate reflexive verbs for hygiene. 5 HACER, ESTAR). 2. Ask and answer questions about your childhood. 2. Compare prices on hygienic products. 3. Ask follow-up questions using interrogative words. 3. Use por to explain where you would buy each item. 1. Learn to conjugate regular verbs in the preterite 3 61. Look at job ads to find the requirements. tense. 2. Ask questions to determine which job is best 2. Interview classmates about the last thing that they for your classmates. 3. Practice using poder and conocer correctly. ate, watched, read, saw, etc. 3. Use past tense time expressions.

Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Conjugate household chores in the present. 1. Describe the weather in your town/city. 2. Use the preterite to talk about weather-related 7 102. Ask and answer about chores in your home. activities. 3. Use frequency adverbs. 3. Use time expressions and weather in the imperfect 1. Conjugate household chores in the preterite. tense. 2. Ask and answer about household chores in your 1. Describe what people normally do to celebrate holidays and events. 8 family over the past week. 11 3. Use tener que to express obligation. 2. Ask and answer in the present about family traditions. 3. Use interrogative words to ask follow-up questions. 1. Conjugate irregular/regular verbs in the 12 preterite for 3rd person singular/plural. 1. Conjugate celebration-related verbs in the preterite. 2. Ask and answer about your last birthday or holiday. 9 2. Ask and answer about people’s life events. 3. Use interrogative words to ask follow-up questions. 3. Use superlative adjectives to compare the results.

Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 13 1. Invite your classmates to a party or celebration. FINAL PROJECT 14 15 162. Ask and answer about the details of the event. Students will create a short term rental listing. A template will help them fill in the details needed. They will assign the 3. Use IR to describe what guests are going to do. chores and other responsibilities to their household members. In addition, they will have to list products that they 1. Learn to conjugate verbs in the imperative (tú will offer (shampoo, conditioner, etc.) with prices. Based on form). the cost and amount of work involved, they will have to price their listing. 2. Interview your classmates about symptoms and diagnosis him/her. In the last class, students will look for a rental for their next birthday. They will ask and answer about each other´s 3. Give your classmate advice to feel better. rentals. Including: 1. Learn vocabulary for services, transportation, Type of accommodation, location, price, size of tourism, etc. home/capacity, amenities, neighborhood, weather, your family members, their roles in the business, advice on what to 2. Ask and answer questions about the hotel do/see, transportation options, house rules, etc. options. 3. Choose the best hotel for your classmate´s next family trip.


Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Use the small talk prompts to get to know your 1. Conjugate verbs in the present perfect. 1 new classmates. 4 2. Ask/answer questions about life events. 2. Decide who you have the most in common 3. Use ya and todavia (based on the timeline provided). with. 1. Conjugate verbs in the present tense. 2. Ask answer about technology/device use. 3. Ask/answer about family, school, hobbies, etc. 3. Check the guidelines to see if he/she uses technology 1. Describe what people do in each stage of life. 5 too often. 2 2. Introduce yourself and your family. 3. Ask/answer to see if you and your family members fit into their life stages. 1. Conjugate verbs in the present perfect tense. 1. Use necesitar/tener que/poder to explain “Smart\" devices and technology. 2. Ask about life experiences based on the 2. Choose the device that you feel is the most useful. 3 profiles given. 6 3. Argue your point using por/para. 3. Use desde/por in time expressions.

Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 1. Compare different options for cell phone and 1. Create a list of required courses for new university 7 internet services. 10 programs. 2. Choose the best provider for your situation. 2. Ask/answer why each course is necessary for the 3. Explain your choice with porque. program of study. 3. Present your recommendations. 1. Conjugate IR/future tense. 2. Ask/answer questions about occupations, 1. Conjugate verbs in the imperfect tense. 8 responsibilities, salaries, etc. 11 2. Ask/answer about your childhood home. 3. Pick the best occupation For your future job. 3. Choose the home that is most like yours. 1. Use numbers up to I million. 2. Ask/answer about the prices of services, 1. Review the industry summaries. 9 12utilities, and cost of living. 2. Ask/answer about the major changes. 3. Choose options that fit your income (provided 3. Describe the industries in the imperfect tense with in the previous class]. superlative adjectives.

Full semester course (16 weeks) Weekly Performance Objectives 13 1. Conjugate verbs related to accidents, 16 FINAL PROJECT 14 emergencies and disasters. 15 Students will create a proposal for a new neighborhood and 2. Ask/answer about your partners experiences with model house to attract homebuyers. The plan should include an estimate for cost of living based on the area. Each new these services. neighborhood must have one at least one police station, fire station, hospital, school, public transportation option. 3. Based on your partner, decide which service In order to get their services proposals approved,they need to deserves more funding. include why each building is needed, if it will bring jobs, in which industry, which occupations, and what the main requirements and 1. Conjugate verbs in the imperative tense. responsibilities for each job are. They will have a budget to invest 2. Decide on basic laws/rules for places in a town. in building homes, businesses, and attractions. They should have 3. Play the Disaster game to see if you thought of 8-10 laws. everything. Students will randomly be assigned a persona in different life stages. They will ask about each other’s cities before deciding 1. Conjugate verbs related to transportation. which option is the best. 2. Survey your classmates about their transportation habits. 3. Use comparisons to describe who uses what method the most/least.

Viva Online, LLC was formed in 2020 by Sara Tyler. Since 2014, she has been teaching online, creating courses, and educational eBooks. She teaches Introduction to Spanish Conversation, and Conversational Spanish 1, 2, and 3 in small groups for ages 11-18. If you are interested in paying with purchase orders, or other educational funds, but don't see Viva Online, LLC on your school´s directory, please contact her at [email protected]. Many charter organizations require sponsorships for vendor approvals. If she is not an approved vendor for your school yet, this may be why. Please let her know if you would like to sponsor her. She will be happy to work with your organization. Viva Online is legally registered in the state of FL, has an active business license in good standing, professional liability, and is eligible for, and able to perform, the CA DOJ and FBI background screening required by many charter organizations. Local background check copies can be provided at any time.

Viva Online, LLC Contact Us 484-426-6999 [email protected]

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