“There are many NGOs, but only ONE Landscape Academy.” . .Nurture Nature Future It provides solutions for the youth of under-developed societies by LANDSCAPE ACADEMY LIMITEDequipping them with useful, relevant and highly-valued professional skills. PHNOM PENH Landscape Academy Limited CAMBODIA 20 MacTaggart Road, #08-02, Singapore 368079 (A Not-For-Profit Organization) Email: [email protected] Tel: +65 6762 7728 Landscape Academy Limited D Apartment (Building 302), Room 103 (First Floor), St. 494, Sangkat Psar Derm Thkov, Khan. Chomkarmon Email: [email protected] Tel: +855 23 630 9797
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF LANDSCAPE ACADEMY VISIONINTRODUCTION There are many NGOs, but only ONE Landscape Academy.The Ang Ta Phok Primary and Secondary School is situated at Khum Taing Daung, District Bati, Takeo Province. The Landscape Academy is UNIQUE in its efforts to provide solutions for the youth of under-developed societies by equipping them with useful, relevant and highly-valued professional skills.There are six existing buildings, two of which are in very poor condition and unsafe for children to be around them and it isproposed to have them demolished. In their place, Landscape Academy intend to build an Administration Building to house the Our unique training programme adopts a “ground-up” and “hands-on” approach to enable even those without a formal education tooffices of the current Principal and staff. It will also house the new Landscape Academy’s Principal and staff offices, including a learn highly-useful landscape and horticultural skills to meet the growing International demand for Landscape Technicians andcovered Assembly Hall at the Ground floor and two Lecture Theatres / Functions Halls at the Second floor. Professionals.According to the Principal of the school, the intake of students are on a constant decline due to many reasons: Lower birth rate Our programme not only equips our students with the Technical skills necessary for a career in the Landscape Industry but providewith many residents moving to the city; parents who do not want their children to go to school because they need them to help them a strong foundation for a lifelong profession.out in the farms or to have their children work for others in order to get some income, despite the fact that schooling is FREE! MISSIONHOW TO ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO STAY IN SCHOOL LONGER • To enable every child to have access to education.In order to encourage students to continue with their studies, Landscape Academy would like to introduce the “bottom up, hands • To enable students who have already dropped out of school, irrespective of age or educational level, the opportunity to return toon” method to encourage children to pick up some “livelong skills” as part of the Vocational Training, as required in theLandscape Industries. These subjects are in addition to their normal Secondary Class education. As such, students after finishing school by providing Specialized Vocational Training according to their individual capabilities.their Upper Secondary School can choose to continue with their education with the regular school or enroll into Landscape • To provide opportunities for students to continue their education to Tertiary Level.Academy and learn new skills which can provide good opportunity in securing better paying jobs, or start their own business inthe Landscape Trade. In addition, students get to learn English as a Second Language and also Computer Science which are part FUNDINGof their curriculum. The Ang Ta Phok Landscape Academy project is spearheaded by the Landscape Academy and funded through the generous donationsWith the ability to speak and write a Second Language, it would also provide them the opportunity to travel and work overseas. from Donors, Corporate Organizations, Multinational Corporation, Charitable Institutions and Individual Sponsorship who are peopleBesides, Landscape Architecture is a new profession in Cambodia and with the fast development taking place, there are plenty of residing in Singapore, Cambodia and ASEAN countries.jobs available for the graduates, who will get higher salary compared to other trades. Landscape Academy aim to train a largepool of proficient Landscape Architects to help your Country’s Town Planners to plan the future city of Cambodia. In addition, income may be generated from the school working in partnership with a reputable overseas commercial Landscape Construction companies setting up business in Cambodia. After the initial funding, the school will be self-sustaining within two yearsPROPOSED MASTERPLAN of operation.The school property is extensive, 4.5 hectare in size, and has the potential for Landscape Academy to establish its first Furthermore, there is a Student’s Sponsorship Programme, where potential employers identify potential students and sponsor themLandscape Architecture School, making full use of the space to build a comprehensive model of the entire Landscape Masterplan individually. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will be bonded to the employer for a minimum period of twoon the site. It can also demonstrate to the students on how to achieve their own planning, learning from the exhibits which they years for a Diploma Holder and one year for the Certificate Course Holder.can touch, feel and embrace. They will also be able to learn to do Maintenance and Management of the entire Landscape Works.Every element in this Masterplan is a subject every student will have to learn about the subject.1 14
Left: Proposed Teacher’s Dormitories (Autonomous House) Right: Student’s dormitoriesPROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WORKS – PHASE III – 2019View of Eco Lake at the Balcony area, outside chaletView of Proposed Eco Lake for Rainwater Harvesting and Buildings of “Chalets” for overseas students 2 on Internship 13
LETTER FROM THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, YOUTH AND SPORTS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WORKS – PHASE II – BEGINNING 2018 PROPOSED NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Front view of the Proposed New Administration Building with Khmer Architecture. Timber saved from old building will be used here Double Storey building Ground Floor: Covered Assembly Hall Upper Floor: Two Lecture Hall cum Events and Conference Hall Single Storey Building Single Storey Building Old School Principal and Staff’s Office Landscape Academy’s Principal and Staff’s Office Perspective view of the New Assembly Hall, Khmer Style3 12
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WORKS – PHASE II – BEGINNING 2018 LETTER FROM THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, YOUTH AND SPORTS PROPOSED NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGFront view of dilapidated wooden building to be demolished – Timber to save for new buildingInterior of wooden building Side view of unsafe wooden building falling apartPerspective view of the proposed New Administration Building – View from the Lake 4 11
PROPOSED BUDGET FOR DEVELOPMENT BUDGET PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WORKS – PHASE I – OCTOBER 2017PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE RENOVATION AND CONSTRUCTION $65,000 PROPOSED NEW AMENITIES TO IMPROVE THE FACILITIES OF THE SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS’ CONVENIENCE $30,000PHASE I – PROPOSED TO COMMENCE IN OCTOBER 2017 $95,000 Proposed to construct an Eco Lake, to harvest Proposed to build New Toilets with adequate number of units Rainwater complete with filtration plant and sheltered from rainUrgent renovation works required to upgrade the condition of the school buildings to be fit and safe for children $150,000to continue with their studies $60,000 $100,000Scope of Works: $40,000To repair and replace the broken roof tiles and replace rotten wood battens; re-plaster with cement screed to all $30,000walls, classrooms, floors, corridors, planters; repair and replace all broken and missing wooden doors and $50,000windows, structural beams and rafters; laying of new electrical wires to all classrooms etc. To repair and make $20,000good tables and benches or replace new ones etc. $100,000 $30,000Proposed to construct 2 nos. Septic Tanks and 2 nos. Large common Toilets $50,000 TOTAL Existing Male / Female Toilet Only two cubicles each for students population of 300. TheyPHASE II – PROPOSED TO COMMENCE 1ST QUARTER OF 2018 are also too far from classrooms. Students get wet when itThe Scope of Works for the Construction of New Amenities and New Buildings for Landscape Academy – Existing Rainwater Harvesting Existing Rainwater Holding rains.Masterplan Control Station Tank to store Rainwater Needs proper Toilets and adequate in numbers for• Construction of Administration Building without furniture and fittings students’ convenience.• Construction of Primary / Secondary School Canteen Building complete with fittings, tables and benches (No filtration used for the discharged water; used by students for Male washing hands and feet)• Construction of 2 buildings for New Landscape Academy Student’s dormitories including furniture and Female fittings• Construction of 2 units for new Landscape Academy Teacher’s quarters including furniture and fittings Rain Harvesting is necessary in places like this where rainfall occurs only once a year during monsoon period. In dry• Construction of Teachers and Students Kitchen and Dining Hall Building complete with furniture weather, no rain at all and most of the ponds would dry up and the farm and animals suffer due to drought. In order to• Construction of one New Building for Lower Secondary School classroom (21b) safeguard adequate water required, a small lake is planned to harvest all the rain that falls within its land and are collected• Construction of roads and access for recycling to be used by the school and the farm and crops. Filtration system will be installed as well.• Construction of Lake with Waterproof Membrane complete with Eco-System installed• Landscape works of the school compound – Softscape works*• Construction of Formal Garden with Water Fountains, Underwater Lightings, Garden Lights complete with* Irrigation and Underwater Pumps and Garden Ornaments• Construction of children’s playground and play equipment – Garden Lights (4 disciplines – M&E, Proposed New Toilets with wash basins*• Construction of workshops, to equip with all tools and machineries* Masonry, Carpentry and Metal works)* $20,000 Store Store Store Serving Area Kitchen Food Tray* $40,000 store Return $690,000 BayPHASE III – PROPOSED TO COMMENCE 1ST QUARTER OF 2019 TOTAL $180,000 Seating Area Wash*• Construction of Chalets for Foreign students on Internship complete with furniture (12 nos. @$15,000 TOTAL Area each) $30,000 $210,000 Proposed well ventilated Canteen Plan with cooking facilities, tables Current school Canteen, Vendors selling all*• Construction of Nursery buildings, shed and flower stands and benches, children’s hand wash basins and tray return bay sort of unhygienic food daily to the children.*Note: All items will have students involvement 10 5
PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WORKS – PHASE I – OCTOBER 2017 SCHOOL IDENTIFIED BY MINISTER OF EDUCATION, YOUTH AND SPORTS FOR LANDSCAPE ACADEMY TO UPGRADE TO INSTITUITION OF HIGHER LEARNINGURGENT RENOVATIONS NEEDED FOR ALL EXISTING BUILDINGS Below are the existing conditions of the school. All in disrepair due to lack of funding and are unsafe for children to be aroundRotted wooden pillars in danger of giving Part of concrete wall had given way, due to way bad quality work. Floor is also sinking Broken wooden windows and broken Google Map of the location of Ang Ta Phok School roofs falling apart View of School from the service road Wooden windows falling apart. Broken wooden windows Back wall with more broken windows Map of the entire School property for Masterplanning of the Development Concrete ventilation windows not replaced 6broken, rain gets in when rainingCement plaster worned out due to bad Plaster on external wall falling off due to poor quality work quality work and workmanship Cracks on wall, need urgent repairLarge port hole on Many classrooms are without doors Another rotten wooden pillar and broken classroom floor nor windows doors threshold 9
PROPOSED LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN FOR LANDSCAPE ACADEMYINCORPORATING PHUM ANG TA PHOK PRIMARY / SECONDARY SCHOOLLocation: 8Ang Ta Phok Primary and Secondary School, located in Phum Ang Ta Phok, Khum Taing Daung, District Bati,Takeo Province, 50km from Phnom Penh. 7
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