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Emerging Technologies for 421st Century Teaching and LearningA manual for Foundation Phase Teachers Isabel Tarling & Dick Ng’ambiETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
5 Learning design and content developed by Isabel Tarling & Dick Ng’ambi from www.etilab.org Licenced under Creative Commons Attribution- Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under the same license or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor’s work. 2017 ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Contents 6 Preface .............................................................................................................7 Course Sponsors .............................................................................................. 9 Module 1 Introduction .....................................................................................14 Module 2 21st century skills .............................................................................20 Module 3 Integration Principles .......................................................................27 Module 4 Planning to integrate ETs .................................................................34 Module 5 Integrating ET ................................................................................. 44 Module 6 eAssessment................................................................................... 49 Module 7 Preparing to Integrate ......................................................................54 ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Preface The various ICT integration - eTeaching & Learning courses were developed and piloted in 2016. In eachIn February 2015 the Premier of the Western Cape, case, reference groups were formed that includedHelen Zille, launched the eLearning Game Changer. The Master teachers and Subject Advisors from the Westerngoal of this innovative project is to: Cape Education Department, ICT integration experts from the University of Cape Town, and subject “enhance the teaching and learning experience of specialists from different universities. These reference Western Cape Learners, predominantly in Maths and groups developed frameworks to guide the Languages, through the use of technology” (Western development of each course manual and collaborated in Cape Government, eLearning Game Changer) developing the story-board for the three-day courses. They also shared invaluable insight to focus the specificThe eLearning Game Changer addresses specific areas teaching and learning activities that were included infor development. The six integrated work streams that each of the courses.support the goals of the eLearning Game Changer areillustrated below. The Western Cape Government’s eLearning Game Changer team provided further focus to the courseThe Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) was development. They suggested the course address threetasked with developing eTeachers. This meant key areas:developing teachers’ abilities to integrate educationaltechnologies to enhance teaching and learning.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
a) Integration principles eInfra- 8b) Planning to integrate ICTs into teaching and structure learning eTechnology Enhanced eCulturec) Assessing using ETs / eAssessment eAdmin eTeachers Teaching &During 2016, Isabel Tarling, then working on her PhD in LearningEmerging Technology Integration, drew on thesevarious inputs to develop and pilot the various Digitalintegration short courses. In each case this resulted in a Contenthands-on, practically applicable and implementablecourse that guides teachers to meaningfully integrateemerging technologies into teaching and learningpractices. The main goal is to improve pedagogy andfacilitate deep and meaningful learning. Technology isseen as a vehicle to achieve this.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
9 Course Our sincere gratitude is extended to Fikile Machimana Sponsors and Selina Masia-Pos, representatives of the ETDP SETA in the Western Cape, as well as the many support staff The Education, Training Development Practices Sector and administrators working behind the scenes. Thank Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) you for your time and energy that you so generously sponsored this Emerging Technologies for 21st Century poured into this project. Thank you for impacting Teaching and Learning course. Funds from the EDTP hundreds of teachers and by implication, the life choices SETA were made available to sponsor 450 teachers from of thousands of learners. Foundation Phase to FET Phase, to participate in the course, to develop and present the course and develop and prepare the training materials. If every teacher on the course impacts a minimum of 30 learners, the ETDP SETA’s investment to grow existing pedagogies to support the meaningful integration of emerging technologies, translates into a potential impact of at least 13 500 learners.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Partners short course was developed in close collaboration with 10 the CTLI, subject advisors and experts with an intimateThe Cape Teaching and Leadership understanding of the daily challenges teachers acrossInstitute the grades face on a daily basis. The contribution of this reference group is gratefully acknowledged.In 2016, Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI),a directorate of the Western Cape Government, Behind the scenes, the CTLI’s ICT Integrationcommissioned the development of a specialised course Coordinator, Christo Davids sacrificed many hours andto equip teachers from Foundation Phase to FET to late nights, going beyond the call of duty to make thismeaningfully integrate emerging technologies into course a reality and ensure the different elements areteaching and learning. The current course content was perfectly orchestrated. Our sincere thanks and deepestdeveloped for the CTLI and piloted with teachers in four gratitude goes to Mr Davids for his dedication, hardsessions during January and October 2016. work and tremendous efforts.The different specialisations of the EmergingTechnologies for 21st Century Teaching and Learning We also appreciate of the many administrative assistants who provided support behind the scenes, collecting documents and ensuring that everything from the venue to the computers and catering is in place. Thank you so much for making this course happen – your efforts are greatly appreciated.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
The University of Cape Town ETILAB International11 ETILAB International is an Emerging Technologies Inquiry Lab. The different specialisations of the The five Emerging Technologies for 21st Century Emerging Technologies for 21st Century Teaching and Teaching and Learning Short Course specialisations for Learning Short Courses were developed by ETILAB Foundation Phase, IP Maths and IP Language, FET International team members, Prof Dick Ng’ambi and Maths and FET Language are accredited by the Isabel Tarling. The short courses follow the ETILAB University of Cape Town. Teachers participating in the MakerSpace process where learning takes place in a short course are registered with the University of Cape fun-filled, playful context. (www.etilab.org) Town for the duration of the course and graduate with a short course certificate from the institution.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Dick Ng’ambi Isabel Tarling 12Prof Ng’ambi is one of the few Isabel Tarling oversees operations at the ETILAB. As aexperts that effectively operate Learning Science scholar, she researches Teachingat the intersection of social Change, Pedagogy and Integrating Emergingsciences, education, technology Technologies into teaching and learning using Design-and innovation. Originally a Based Research (also the focus of her PhD). She hasmathematician and as a been in education for twenty years as a teacher and co-computer science / information authored a number of textbooks such as English forscientist, his many years’ Success (Oxford), Technology for All (MacMillan) andexperience as an educator, developer of educational Science and Natural Sciencetools and as an Instructional Designer, led in 2007 to him (Siyavula). In 2016 the CTLI,pioneering the postgraduate programme in Educational commissioned Isabel toTechnology at UCT (to-date the fastest growing design, develop and pilotprogramme in the School of Education). He is a leading Educational Technologiesresearcher in emerging technologies and mobile Integration courses andlearning, a passionate change agent and thought leader, manuals, resulting in thisand an inspiration to those who work and learn with him. book and [email protected] [email protected] International :: www.etilab.org
13 to individualise and maximise the learning experience for each participant, facilitators are supported by co- The ETILAB Team facilitators and assistants. This dedicated team provide in-time support to make the sessions as meaningful and ETILAB MakerSpaces are facilitated by experienced enjoyable as possible. educators and Emerging Technology specialists. In orderETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Module 1 Module Overview 14Introduction This module introduces the course objectives. Key Questions Why this course? What can I expect? What am I expected to do?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
15 Introduction technologies (ETs) into their classroom practices. It is an investment in our country’s future with unlimited ETILAB This course is all about teachers. returns. Teachers who have completed the differentPhilosophy All the activities and learning specialisations of the ICT Integration Short Course will included in the different aspects be able to create innovative uses for emerging technologies available in their contexts. They will design “When we invest in of the course are an investment learning that develops 21st century skills and apply the people and not in in teachers. The ETILAB team principles that meaningfully integrates emerging firmly believes that if an invest in technologies into their classrooms. things, we teachers, to grow their capacity exponentially to create and innovate, expand Most importantly, teachers who have completed theincrease the potential their professional ‘toolkit’ and different components, will be equipped to usefor transformation.” empower them to manage their opportunities already available in their own contexts toETILAB International own change journey and use of create and innovate pedagogically appropriate, relevant technologies, exponentially and practically implementable learning solutions thatwww.etilab.org integrate emerging technologies that they and their learners feel comfortable using.increases the potential for educational transformation.Course goalsThe goal of this course is to capacitate and equipteachers to meaningfully integrate emerging ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Course content Logistics 16The content was carefully designed to address pressing Each course consists of five sessions:needs and requirements of teachers in each phase ofschooling. Session 1) Orientation and registration Session 2) Face-to-face @ the CTLIThe professional learning sections focus on 21st Century Session 3) Online activities and tasksskills and the principles of meaningful integration, and Session 4) Face-to-face @ the CTLIdesigning learning with these principles as guide. It also Session 5) Assignment dueincludes the fundamentals of eAssessment and usingemerging technology tools to mark tasks completed The f2f sessions run on Friday afternoons (15:00 – 20:00)online. and Saturdays from 08:00 – 16:00. Teachers are required to attend both days of each session. Catering is providedThe general professional learning space is designed to by the CTLI for lunch and tea breaks. Accommodation isaddress each of the five course specialisations and the available on request.specific needs of individual educators. Foundation Phaseeducators have very different curricular demands to IP The online session takes place in the 3-4 weeks betweenand FET Language or Maths teachers. Therefore the the f2f sessions. In this time teachers will completetools included in the ETILAB MakerSpace’s active online activities while collecting evidence of theirlearning sections address the different subject and phase growing ET integration skills in their classrooms. For arequirement of different groups of teachers. more detailed programme please see the last page of this manual. ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
17 Course overview individual activities are often completed online and shared to an online collaborative platform (Edmodo) Course The ETILAB MakerSpace where everyone can see it and share ideas. These Overview sessions are intended to provide activities focus on meaningful integration of ET tools teachers with a combination of into specific disciplines and phases, and develop The ETILAB professional learning and eTeaching, eLearning and eAssessment activities MakerSpace development, and hands-on relating to these. sessions are playful exploration, discoveryintended to provide and creativity. At the end of the course, teachers will be: teachers with a combination of Each day’s activities are ► Knowledgeable about the basic principles for professional designed to include both meaningful ET integration. learning and professional learning anddevelopment, and active, hands-on learning which ► Knowledgeable about the features of select ET tools, hands-on playful is referred to as e-Play. and able to competently apply these to eTeaching, exploration, Activities generally move from eLearning and eAssessment. discovery and group to individual learning, and from face-to-face to virtual ► Able to purposefully integrate the features of selected creativity. or online activities. Group and ETs to reach specific CAPS outcomes in lesson plans and eAssessment goals. ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
► Able to design a change plan and successfully and Each module focuses on principles that guide 18 reflectively implement this towards transforming their integration, how to plan for integration, and on possible own pedagogic practices. ways to use ICTs in e-Assessment.► Able to develop their own change plans and support To make the most of this manual: each other in achieving this. a) Read the manual as a guide and not a blueprint.Using this manual Integration and learning design is a creative process. It needs to include personal taste and preferences, skillsThis course offers a hands-on, practical guide to and knowledge, flair and intuition!meaningfully integrating ICTs into teaching andlearning. The purpose is to increase deep and b) Focus on using what you have. The course and manualmeaningful learning in Foundation Phase classrooms aims to give a broad overview of activities that could beand to support you as curriculum coordinator, in used regardless of the devices available to a teacher.supporting teachers. Therefore, the choice of e-tools For example, if a document viewer is not available, awas purposefully kept generic and not specific to one teacher can use their mobile phone to take photos. Sosingle subject or topic area, allowing for greater use find ways to use what you have when completing theregardless of the specific content being taught. different activities. c) The manual contains different activities in each module. The more you participate in the course and get involved in playing with possibly new toys and tools, the more you’re likely to learn! So Have FUN!ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
d) Change is never easy. It takes hard work and dedication. This course is meant to ignite a process of professional development in ICT Integration, and they are19 It can be a lot of fun but you need to make the decision encouraged to further develop and grow themselves in this field. to change and then follow your change map. e) It really helps to use your reflections in the weeks to come as ways to evaluate your own learning. Try and set aside a dedicated time in your diary at the end of each 2-week period to reflect on what you achieved, how you changed, and what you want to do differently. f) CELEBRATE your successes! You’ll find many small successes to celebrate along the way – pat yourself on the back and celebrate these! Learn from the not-so-hot- moments but make a point of being your own cheerleader! This will help you to stay motivated and encourage your change journey.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Module 2 21st Module Overview 20century skills This module explores 21st century skills and how teachers can develop these. Key Questions How is 21st century teaching different to what teachers are already doing? What is collaboration and why is it necessary?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
21 21st Century Skills possibilities, it is difficult to understand exactly what these skills should be and how best to teach them to The pressure on teachers is immense to prepare learners learners. While no one can accurately predict what the who can make a positive impact on society and take future will look like, a few key skills have been identified their rightful place in industry, business and government by different researchers: collaboration, communication sectors (to name a few). However, with so many new and critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and character opportunities and possible future employment development.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
The first step towards becoming a 21st century communication, collaboration and critical thinking, 22networked teacher is to understand how this differs citizenship and character development.from teaching in the industrial age before it. What is more, while many pedagogic tools and someSchooling has come some way since slates and ink wells practices have changed since Victorian times, teachingin Victorian classrooms, yet when compared to today still tends to be very isolating. Teachers in theclassrooms today, some similarities are still very evident. same school and phase may plan together to share the workload, but rarely work together in one classroom. It is rare to see schools and teachers collaborate with neighbouring schools’ teachers or share resources with them, or for that matter, anyone else. Breaking isolation A classroom in the Victorian Era The internet arrived in the late 1990s. Social media followed soon after with Facebook and Twitter startingToday in many classrooms the emphasis falls on in 2004 & 2006. This changed how teachers canmemorization and replication, and on how tasks are access, share and talk about knowledge, accesscompleted rather than fostering creativity , other teachers’ ideas and lesson plans, or share their own work with teachers around the corner and around the world.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Networking in this way can break the isolation time pressures, travel and associated costs, they are not held very often. While they are great ‘idea-mines’ these23 experienced by a single teacher in a classroom. It can types of events are not very helpful on a daily basis when teachers need fresh ideas for teaching difficult topics. ‘invite’ many others into the learning space towards realizing deep and meaningful learning, new shared Another option is to move the face-to-face (f2f) understandings and collaborative thinking. meetings online. A virtual meeting space is always available, and other than a f2f space, the same content Becoming networked can be accessed time and again. In a virtual space, teachers from different schools can meet andThere are many different ways to become a networked collaborate. They don’t have to travel vast distances as they would for f2f meetings, saving costs, time andteacher. Schools and teachers could set up meetings effort. The virtual meeting space can also be accessed after hours when it is convenient for the teacher.Online between teachers from There are many online platforms and virtual meetingcollaboration & neighbouring schools. spaces that teachers from around the world can access.communication Teachers can be Edmodo, Living Tree and Facebook are very popular at encouraged to show and the moment to support online collaboration and communication.A virtual meeting space share their work withis always available, and colleagues, at workshops,other than a f2f space, conferences or sharedthe same content can planning sessions. Thesebe accessed time and and similar activities takeagain. place at set times in specific locations. However due to ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
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27 Module 3 Module Overview Integration Principles In this module we explore meaningful ET integration. Key Questions How is learning changing? What is eTeaching and eLearning? What is meaningful ET integration? How do I design learning to meaningfully integrate ETs?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Learning becomes deep and meaningful when interaction 28 between learners and content is increased.It is almost impossible to think about teaching and not One way to encourage deep and meaningful learning isthink about learning at the same time. Humans are to use educational technologies. Using digital tools on devices such as tablets or computers, potentiallynaturally inclined to learn. We learn from the moment motivates learners to engage with the learning tasks and if used effectively, may lead to deep and meaningfulDeep and meaningful we are born and even learning. HOW the teacher uses these devices islearning takes place before, experiencing, however critical.when learning material processing and interactingis interesting, when the with stimuli from our Teachingstudent finds the environment.learning personally Deep and meaningfuluseful or it addresses learning takes place when Traditionally many teachers see themselves as the deliverers or transmitters of knowledge to learners.their immediate needs. learning material is Learners have to remember or understand this knowledge and reproduce it when they are tested andLearning also becomes interesting, when the examined. Knowledge is something that is fixed and stable, and something you gain.deep and meaningful student finds the learningwhen interaction personally useful or itbetween learners and addresses their immediatecontent is increased. needs. Learning also ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Thanks to the internet, learners today can access factual process and sees knowledge as something you DO, a verb. It fosters deep and meaningful learning that29 information at almost any time from any number of fascinates learners and motivates them to want to learn and engage more. devices. This challenges teachers’ identities and roles in the class, as they are no longer the only source of Teachers play a critical role in preparing learners with knowledge. Some teachers have even felt that they may vital critical thinking skills and abilities of creating, eventually become irrelevant and not be needed at all – evaluating and analysing knowledge. The role of the 21st seeing as information is so freely available. century teacher has expanded from Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side but crucially for the future, needs to While it would be irresponsible to discard such vital skills be an Active Participant in the learning process. They as remembering and understanding, teachers are called need to be open to learning with learners, together to re-evaluate their role in the classroom. In an era finding and making meaning, rather than the one merely where factual knowledge is readily available, teachers’ telling them what to believe or do. role of the ‘sage on the stage’ needs to expand. In a 21st century class, remembering and understanding knowledge is no longer the main focus. Instead, students need to learn how to work with information, to create and generate knowledge that has meaning to their immediate needs or for real-life application. This type of knowledge creation engages learners in the learningETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
eTeaching & 30eLearningThe e-Vision of the province is toimprove educational outcomes andbetter prepare learners for the 21stcentury through the effective useof ICTs.ICTs can be used in more or less the level of confidence the teacher and/or learners havetwo ways (or a combination of the regarding the use and integration of ICTstwo): aimed at eTeaching or aimedat eLearning.eTeaching and eLearning can take place in any grade or Teachers sometimes find it easier to start withphase. The choice of one or combination of both largely eTeaching and moving to eLearning when they are moredepends on the learning goals and the pedagogic confident. Professional Development equips teachersapproach of the teacher, as well as the situational with the necessary pedagogical and technologicalconstraints of the school and learners. It also depends on knowledge for eTeaching and eLearning. ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
31 Examples of eTeaching List other examples of eTeaching ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Examples of eLearning Learners create a 32 radio drama & record Learners find & share with their phones interesting websitesLearners create eLearning Learners record &and present own share sound Learners create an recordings PowerPoint e-picture collage LearnersLearners create / navigate find & share a educational video apps to solve problems Learners create own blogs / websites ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Integrating eTeaching & eLearning33 Study the examples of eLearning on the previous page. Note that devices are used BY LEARNERS. Also note that the devices are familiar to learners and teachers, and learners are therefore able to transfer existing skills (like recording music or making videos of themselves) into a learning space. Moving from eTeaching to integrate eLearning therefore requires: 1) Learning-centric pedagogic approaches. 2) Learning designs that target: ► Learning outcomes (not tech!) ► Collaboration and interaction ► Critical and higher order thinking skills ► The purposeful use of ETs that teachers and learners are comfortable with using This is illustrated in the Framework for Integrating ETs. ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Module 4 Module Overview 34Planning tointegrate ETs This module provides a step- by-step guide to plan for integration. Key Questions How do I plan lessons that integrate ETs? How do I match learns’ needs, and CAPS subject and topic outcomes with the right ET tools? What must I prepare in the environment?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
35 Learning Design emphasizes interaction There is a big within the class and different between Learning design is similar to lesson planning in that it has outside, between the same starting point: the goals and objectives of learners, teachers and learning with CAPS, and end goal: learning. Learning design however content. This supports technology and builds on a particular framework and makes use of transformative learning learning about specific tools. because it sees learning technology. Meaningfully integrating emerging technologies into teaching and learning, as described at the end of the as a result of interaction with people, resources and previous module, requires attention to the integration principles. This module focuses on these principles to others. plan and achieve integration, starting at the learning. When ETs are meaningfully integrated into this type of 1. Start at the learning learning designs, these tools become ‘invisible’ in the learning tasks. In this way they can be used to support The main focus in any learning design should always be knowledge creation and shared meaning making, rather learning, and working with knowledge to solve than learning about the tool. It is therefore important to meaningful and authentic problems, and not tools that remember that there is a big difference between support this learning. Learning designed in this way learning with technology and learning about technology. Our emphasis is learning with ETs.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
The starting point of any learning Learning • Learning about ICTs or learning how to use 36should be the educational goals or aboutthe learning outcomes that need to ICTs ICTS focuses the attention on the device orbe achieved. The first step is tool and not the learning.therefore to think about ways that Learningknowledge can be created, critical with • Learning with ICTs uses the devices in thethinking developed and Higher ICTs class as a tool to improve deep andOrder Thinking Skills targeted. The meaningful learning.technology then becomes a meansto make this learning happen in the • The focus is on learning and not on the ICT.best possible way. particular pedagogies to share factual knowledge and2. Target HOTs concepts with learners.The next step is to scaffold the learning, and specifically Teachers also need to teach learners about the methodsfocus on tasks that develop skills of creativity and critical of inquiry, or the criteria for using skills, techniques orthinking. methods (Krathwohl 2002). Doing this helps learners to develop knowledge of their own learning processes.Many teachers see their role as the Sage on the Stage Moving from a content/teacher centric approach to awho has to deliver content to learners. They use learner centric approach, starts with understanding what these pedagogies are based on. ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Content-centric approaches focus on remembering and CAPS uses Bloom’s When learners create generally and Barret’s37 understanding factual knowledge. These engage Lower taxonomy for Languages and evaluate Order Thinking Skills (LOTS). (see back of CAPS document in the knowledge, they assessment section). CAPS engage in Higher Order encourages teachers to Thinking Skills (HOTS). focus on developing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) such as Analysing, Evaluating and Creating. Teachers are also guided to develop assessments that include the right number of HOTS and LOTS questions. Digital versions of Bloom’s Taxonomy match digital tools with the different levels of the pyramid. These are readily available on the internet and are even specific to different devices.Figure 1 Bloom Revised taxonomy (tips.uark.edu)When learners create and evaluate knowledge, theyengage in Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
3. Collaboration and Communication Different forms of interaction are essential to the 38 process of education. Learners are ready to interact withThe next step is to deliberately foster specific kinds of each other and their teacher once they have internalisedinteraction, and how collaboration and communication the learning. They are then able to transform their initialin these interactions can take place. learning and can construct meaningful and valued knowledge (Anderson 2011). Therefore, if interaction Figure 2 Anderson's model of Interaction for effective learning (Anderson 2011) increases it also increases the effectiveness of learning and the construction of knowledge. Anderson’s model (2011) illustrates different forms of interaction as taking place between: ► learners ↔ learners ► teachers ↔ learners ► teachers ↔ teachers ► learners ↔ content ► teachers ↔ content Increasing the interaction at these different points increases knowledge construction. Increasing interaction is essential to achieve deeper and more meaningful learning.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
The content or type of knowledge learners need to gain right purpose. Thus, as has now become a repeated message, evaluate the learning outcomes, the HOTs and39 will largely influence which type of interaction should be the types of interaction that are required to achieve this. encouraged.One learning-outcome may benefit from learner ↔ The next step is to identify Enhancinglearner and learner ↔ teacher interaction, while another tools that address this very Learningmay benefit from learner ↔ content interaction specific focus. In this(Anderson 2008). course the different One of the best ways specialisations for to enhance learningDifferent ET tools can support different forms of languages and Maths, with technology is tointeractions, collaboration and communication. It is across Foundation to FET, design e-Learningimportant to deliberately and purposefully choose the will provide an introduction that deliberately andright tool to support the specific type of collaboration to many free, online tools. purposefully designsand communication, or interaction needed to achieve a These are only the smallestspecific learning outcome. tip of the iceberg and many and fosters thousands are created interaction between4. Choosing the right ET tools for the job almost daily. The challenge content, pedagogy lies in evaluating the tool and learners usingA hammer is a useful tool for knocking in nails, but a for its purpose and how it ICTs to drive learningterrible tool for spreading icing on a cake. Each tool hasa specific purpose and using the right tool for the wrong and teachingpurpose is as problematic as using the wrong tool for the processes.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
can effectively it can address the learning outcomes. learning that it needs to support. Sometimes new tools 40 need to be learnt before they can be used.When evaluating a potential tool that may be used toachieve a specific learning outcome, these questions are The ETILAB MakerSpace process to introduce new toolsuseful: to a learning space process may be helpful. Firstly introduce the tool in a playful, game-based or light- What is the learning outcome? hearted activity that is very easy to complete. The What HOTS do I want to achieve in the learning second step is to provide a task that uses the tool in a meaningful way, making the tool invisible and focusing task? on the learning. Once the task is completed, it may be useful to reflect on the way that the tool supported the What forms of interaction, communication and learning. Thereafter the tool can be foregrounded briefly when learners have to create a task that immediately collaboration do I want to foster? applies the tool to achieve a more complex learning task. Which tools can I possibly use? It is important to provide ongoing support to all learners Are my learners and I familiar with these tools or when they are exposed to a new tool. Learners can help each other (learner ↔ learner interaction), or a teacher will we have to first learn how to use it? assistant can support learners to help the teacher. Alternatively, the teacher can ask learners with How steep is the learning curve? … and is it worth it?When choosing ET tools to integrate into learning tasks,the emphasis should not be on the tool but on theETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
advanced skills in a new tool, to make a41 how-to video or voice-recording to guide their friends. There are many creative and engaging options available. The last two integration principles are extensive and require more focused attention: integrating eAssessments and preparing the environment for integration. These are therefore addressed in the following two modules. ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
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Module 5 Module Overview 44Integrating ET In this module, the emphasis is on integrating graphics & video. Key Questions How can graphics and video be meaningfully integrated to achieve deep and meaningful learning? What tools can I use to when integrating graphics and video?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
45 Integrating Graphics Graphics can be used very effectively in teaching. Analyse the infographic below. 1. Evaluate how effectively it brings across the message.2. What are the advantages of using graphics in 3. What should one avoid when using graphics? teaching?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
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47 Integrating Video Tips for using video Videos are popular eTeaching tools. They are often used Prepare learners for the video to ‘hook’ learners interest at the start of a lesson. • They need to know what to do before, during Sometimes teachers use videos to show learners events, processes or actions that they may not be able to and after watching it replicate in the class. Teachers may for example show Decide beforehand how the video will be used learners a video of distant countries or cultural practices, • A resource to explain content or concepts that learners may not be familiar with. • As a means for learners to engage with prior It is relatively easy to show videos in a class to deliver learning / knowledge content and share information. However, videos can be • As a means to gain new knowledge by making used very effectively to foster much deeper and more meaningful learning. This requires careful learning own deductions design, and particular attention to preparing learners to • For assessment do specific tasks while watching the video. Sometimes Allow learners to enjoy the video videos can be watched a number of times, and learners • Learners enjoy video as an educational tool. It is can do different activities, or even make their own videos. The opportunities are vast. important to allow them time to enjoy watching the video too. Save the video to your device • It is easy and convenient to paste a URL / Hyperlink to a video file into a presentation. • If the Internet fails for whatever reason, the video will not be playable. • It is safer to save the video to your device in the applicable file. Video editing • It can be very useful to learn a few simple video editing skills. • There are many YouTube How-To videos teaching this.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
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49 Module 6 Module Overview eAssessment This module focuses on using ETs for eAssessment. Key Questions How can ETs be used when assessing learning? What tools are available for eAssessment?ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
eAssessment choice of eAssessment eAssessment 50 tool depends on theSuccessfully integrating ETs into teaching and learning purpose for the e-Assessments arecannot end at the activities and learning. If it does not assessment, and whether formal tests andinclude eAssessment, it may create the impression that it is an informal or athe ‘important’ parts are still reliant on paper and pen. If formal assessment. exams, or informalactivities that use ETs are also assessed, this powerfully assessments that areimpacts how these activities are included into the KAHOOT! completed using ETsteaching and learning happening in the class. KAHOOT! is an excellent tools, and whereWhat is eAssessment? online tool to use for possible, using ET tools informal assessment. to also mark, grade ore-Assessments are formal tests and exams, or informal Learners don’t need to assess these completedassessments that are completed using ETs tools, and log in or sign up but get awhere possible, using ET tools to also mark, grade or tasks.assess these completed tasks. Game PIN CODE that they insert on the KAHOOT!eAssessment tools homepage. They are then able to answer the questionsDifferent e-Assessment tools offer different assessmentopportunities depending the learning outcome. The and participate in the ‘game-like’ eAssessment. When they enter the game pin they enter their name so teachers can keep track of who answered which questions. The results are immediately available and the teacher can use it straight away.ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org
Quizlet ► Replace paper-based worksheets and/or work cards with online versions that include colourful51 Quizlet is another, similar informal eAssessment tool graphics and videos. that provides immediate feedback as soon as learners ► Replace paper-based tests with online versions. submit their work. However, while the sign-up for free, it ► When using rubrics to mark learners’ work, is a paid-for site and cannot be used for free. teacher can create the rubric in Google forms and Google App tools mark on their mobile phones or tablets, laptops or desktops, creating greater ease and mobility. Various useful -and free- Apps are part of the Google platform, and offer useful and efficient ways in for Once a Google form has been completed and submitted, teachers to let learners do eAssessments online, capture the information is sent to the cloud. The teacher / owner their answers and in many instances, mark these. The of the form can then create a spreadsheet from the two main tools we are using are Google forms and responses as a ‘mark record’. Flubaroo. Flubaroo is then used in the spreadsheet to mark the Google forms offer a range of uses and can be answered answers by comparing it to a memorandum. Responses on most internet enabled devices. This includes are graded and marks automatically awarded. smartphones, tablets and laptops, as well as desktops. Alternatively the teacher can choose which answers to Google forms can be used among other, to: mark themselves (like paragraph type answers) or which the Flubaroo app can mark. ► Replace paper-based forms that gather information (like parents’ or learners’ details).ETILAB International :: www.etilab.org