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Home Explore Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

Published by Zakobe Knutson, 2022-03-03 17:41:40

Description: Dog Man by Dav Pilkey


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You^ m sT stop i n v h ì B L e PeTeY1 Do ¡ ïïiù b n r a n S n iff sn f-fr To Towfí. 5\\f\\l f f

Soon, he picked up ou ScenT. SU o 0 YifcesJ T W ms a, cloS-e one lu 95

[P>eotge/M¿ionui l cha-S-ed Xnvis\"'i>te pver ToW/i... ...but ïfiv ïs 'flL e Pete/ w¿xs j u ^ too QUÍCK. U

You'Ll n ever C(Ltch íV\\e¿ ♦ ...Do$ AUn got ex good Idea,.

Doç /v)(¡un rebln [... oiîv^d *n* To Qj n earby KîdMîe pool..* DoG, MO/ft \\A/dÇ Obli WeT.

READY? í-’.v

Z7 À P PP P S Vp as S o o ffc & r

[the \\Aiifter 1 (hnd S o o n ... sprayed wer/. / P “ -ö ^ Æ T T where- K * {^ i »- v; ----- ---¿2 : _ S _____' .¿S5*-------- * (9 etr;n5 \\ ' - v T T l V S ^^ \\ W l \\A»€t¡ J b cr t> O -A a fc 6 V^ V. - m y m visîbîLH y h (ufj-oK 1) \\> spray Is * c*~/ /T^ ^^ Kti ^washing o ï f j y b kH ^ ; \" 102

N o uv/ OoG, f^dín CouLà i'meLL fefçy •An_D s e e h î m . ¿¡¡Si u2T \"21----- _ _ _ _ _ Z 3 j^o--'W a/îti^ X CÖLD I ^^ ^ A/>-v ? ^ \\ ' Q X fi L < x ï n *I I<•1 J ¿7- / i A¿=> ^ w 1 ( ^ R (L-f y 103

LaáíeS a,™! L.BecauS-e he ^ jefrTLewen, ccLpTured PeTey Today We honor Oyfìà S-fuf-P. Dog tAcbft... M 6,eT up hßns- ! /CS^- fi® |0\\ loH

_ ______ — ------------ 1 Do$ Mfljì ch à p. but he K^ew hou/ pLc*~y noT K n o w l o o va/ T o To ¿íve cls S p^ech.\" ¡ ^H ^ f* W ' ß - e e p 3 € e^> | ¿ i- -- — \" ♦— *------ ---- ---- * H o i a j is o u r e v * ¿ \\ R o b o T co/viinß ¿llon< ( ^ P r e t t y %°oàj^ los

Awesome! Soon X S haLL use h'm To Take over tkp city/

¿Lncf s o . . . ■»»y0 __SL m m l ì t i fn y Joí> MYftmfYi'\" Who ' To (Pppoint SkouLS x PiCkP ou nei/v ch'eF* 107

w he r e s he Bverybody cha- Doc, /VIa, h (1e roçs To w n . House lo8

EEEVJj You g o t sLobber 101

So Ch'ef $ot h ’-S olà j ob OLïld Soon, e ver y~ Thwg was back To j/lormgL. no

trtçraìpdy do-wfafr) ôu er î s c l c o n f í e Memory Lune w e ba.c(c Jn f=t’rs+ I t i T/»e exte^c/ed 0or Tea-cher -a-,n--d--I »Vd\",reCcutjoipi1; h¿t+ec/ s~o Fixed +-KeY'-r r l^ nnuck, she Sent SfeuînglJ N This a,r\\.gry notç> ™ omÍ/5 EÉ5 r^flSV A better -n rhan she §&^ÑÊfl%(TcHorW°weufe«*. (h dtfrpht't fiovellx. àidii IlI

JepomeHrajmtz | g g | g | Elementary School Weput the “ow” in Knowledge Dear Mr. and M rs. Beard, O nce again I am writing to inform you o f your son’s disruptive activity in my classroom. T h e assignment was to create a W R IT T E N public service message to promote reading. Your son and his friend, Harold Hutchins (I am sending a nearly identical letter to Harold’s mother), were specifically told N O T to make a comic book for this assignment. As usual, they did exactly what they were told not to do (see attached comic book). W hen I confronted George about his disobedience, he claimed that this was not a comic book, but a “graphic novella.” I am getting fed up with George’s impudence. 1 have told both boys on numerous occasions that the classroom is no place for creativity, yet they continue to make these obnoxious and offensive “comix.” As you will see, this comic book contains multiple references to human and/or animal feces. It also features a very questionable scene o f disregard for homeless/hungry individuals. There are scenes o f smoking, violence, nudity, and don’t get me started on the spelling and grammar. Frankly, I found the little trash bag “baby” at the end to be very disturbing. I mean, how is that even possible?!!? George’s silly, disruptive behavior, as well as these increasingly disgusting and scatological comic books, are turning my classroom into a zoo. Ï have spoken to Principal Krupp about Dog M an on numerous occasions. W e both believe that you should consider psychological counseling for your son, or at the very least some kind o f behavior modification drug to cure his “creative streak.” Regretfully, Ms. Construde Grade 1 Teacher

7T -ee Hou se ¿/¿y fé ï^ lR à M ^ iÿ ë fÿ S ûjT in h i s ììr jm e x h a ^ J ffjiL C U L / £^ ^ T 'i1 5' Æ<^' llaLu /tzys o<jp s/nt&hTs in e! ^5 fÏÏÔw ^ ÇO PeTey De 'H e 's s o t)(Lt/) c ib e d t o , fr\\ ObtT fin d o u f !

7 h Out OA,y ïn th e JtbiL/ard, p.ere/ ç o r (h e s c& pe JIH

SII 5,3H •asw H *)0Ú '••Oily y j o± j?3 >//tf9 i/5' A Z lty OS SS T A ÜJVUJS 05 WUV Fa D saynouj a Ux) 1 -iW iA m o _/ i p u j d O-L m M i 11

Then j /r/usT d e s t t o\" y i ofuLL ,lone LCbtßh“

uj OuiyiÁjz/iQ bùi 'Jd V Z pun0jfi)¡ UVJ t e j 9¿ '¡¡SpjoM 3J°bU ON Dì payja w i l

peXe-y ^tipped H&Y Chli our ’pooPs fa r e '(bli TAe BooKs in t h * Cit Y- 8 ia ,W . JrK&n he, 2 capped &ll the q o o Ks (h t h e c o i j h t jr 'y. SdhOoL] ur ____ q□ DD D D hreeXI?UB Lie 6fu ry PQop, Them P e T e y g o T T f, (h fhitpLdtm ~ Q/hd Tapped con rhe $ 00^5 ¡r>,f/ie whole ,, \\fiiO rLd!1.1 IIS

g-efore t o o to n ÿ 'ßöTßT (UL The d0 oKs on éfrtTh fort ßjfrnkij Soon -every­ ouni peop it body fo rjo t ÿ e fT / flJ fie&Hy 0 urn b i l i dsbout ftebdlhy 2 wôête ¿áfy]. T iïïïëM ^j) Th<¿ V J o r L d /s Y S ’UPfl' Ù u t n iw n°\\

Wow's my [ f é t ë ÿ Uinl/fed ^ Chhdi&VAhcstomTOe ' t o Th-e F Y cfor LoT ^rt vm /v H ëÿTb^Ï!' / Puh, w y Ca,l c&r1 In<z4 cLzVciv Tten poppies a O QKfrou^^-* uffa 'T frte Thoui on t 01/ e r T h z r t , ! ^ / V uh, hoy /nom my i'5 f /V€ yeo~[S già. 12.0

Lonßy sücÑ Tiñ) ßY i t ! s . ___________ m ^ // froGQY The TAd,h/<5 Y D Ú h T T ñ y so/i^e -FOr the/ls/ioej are Th/'n9 (jeitíng m a rried ' hOüppCTra CJ/T T fiö \\V ßfanK • * *• f Th&nki fo/~YD uhy This ' V ie f r e e tVfiO'PPLe Taíteú Funnr: TIA (2

So-- /ti, ¡ i m J 1 m Toc e a sy !Ü potícetfiç & nw h\\iz ■fht u/ere 001.L ß u S Y doing D um ß stuff too---

TljJvy frire yo u V ß Ccaust 1 h o ld in g I t ( ñ \\ d i d h sí us&nt your hCüY\\d?y\\^o s iß p in ~ ® T 77— / » v ^ C 'X it. ù jq m u s t SoLve l&e ^ t 7 his Terr,'blej\\2J2_ jZ JJ¿ ^ cr>m e. i— n o e )!fçroíaonh coaomoe — \\ rvn n in s 12.3

p o ç / H Æ n , Go Find out Who POOPed in my office! Doc, man aitie som e p. Will SOLve ' h F iv e !!.1

dogi te ßuT fie Tried pretty pvrnô Tobóme thz crime (U\\ymy. qül he didn 't ße&d no more-. Fl'rsT he The/i he gAve Q uestioned/ du Li€ détec­ ter Test to & cjf\\c^ir. som z (H€ u/orKed v.j ¡TK OLSketc Oj ItTì s T.- US

I/W he <?(/£/) ß ¡j t h e stí¿L 'w/e/ir on Ou CouldnT So/i-í? Our. Frï/rt The Crirn-e, lA ie w iM ilé P e T e v va/0/5 olnfO/hyÌ0is9 oTTwonL/.b../e íC ü2 T h e s h o w s ' w ë T ë so Pu/rißH!_____ ^ . ** ^ /Ìt^vOWTeh/ceÒ^ìf' Thivjee n o ’■cNlfokiAc/kJ> ///

UA Top Sto ry: fv\\e 0 ) 0 Boom BOo/n in m y P frn tiz S H-e could/ir 'CUZ his en)°y hi5 r n p-ck (p n ic s n e w co/H- // M/ere so c/ L'/Tlfe B u t you ToU u5 To TiLi ( t Up QdS'. ‘ 1 Li /27

fiecouldnt 'e m A/i hissecrefe n j o y &UTie\\r V JhS S o DUMB!!! L(pb no more.. I Told YOU. x TOOK i t To fft/Ke This out TO Tht 60/rbH-e our, njov/ies.- L t e t V J^ ejd ThBfi X p(y/- j -q * nice, romantic dinner A A* ~ I2.&

í>?/ •3 S 1& POùf/Ja A3 unPM-J- jiz iJ'ú u JS 6U .I3& unà ou S^PAI H ;aAoi Hs Ä ut i/ pidM j n i ^ J'fd lU dU l'SSW l'V Qlfr Oír ^ % u l ^ 00+ 1 Ud^

£\\j eryis/frer e P fffp x w e n t DUftiè S t v F F happened- fx'LLT ft,ke Jz P oD'jTs, PLe^sev Uh'-- Hi- CCLn X Ta/cg 12 DOnuTs your order?. Pieg^e^ ^ ^ Pp 130

Ye¿U, /2 Sorry, we bonurs Ofrly SeíL pLeoyse: -them by the <AoZeñ. O.K. IL I Tájke¡ a. do¿en thet¡. T *P \\ Sorry, we dont Ifíne! GMMñ ho.\\J€ eu dozen. IG Th e n 11! we onLy h<we J31

?£/ /•/V S T g £ npg i0A/ SlflNOQ luvm T ; v v n \\ o N j ¡ Ç l r i v d °)l

X DOfi't ò lI MhT MUStfit jUsr wm ÎD ô W f S ? -\\/) I I t C*ll I ^ f * Don v T s ' . 1. 1, 133

\"~YÔofuc O tl/t I'm not a, don t iAict ! h&vt y d Lì I'm ft InreLt Dorir Be D/’s i^enr Persavi \\te s p e c r? n c , m

h osi/en'r Q tuten m T h r e e d(y~>ys> I.

eetm sec rer LOuìo ^ — 137

Pô îeg-yeîs toaf-fef-a i his \\/JQnT to To secret P r^ i-s-e d - L ib ra ry - 'i which containeé¡ the Oo/niLydOBuororkhs. Le,ft Q/flâ ÿ o T S'rhOürTQr... W/i<Lb Tf\\ë irc^T o f i/\\/or[¿¡ gi o t n &ff^sercehepf-^a // 1)üí) TJ^TjTt/ dUlïiBé’r - a - - ^ 4 /3<5>

YA/tf/5 hot doing vieil- ■ /3 <?

ttná he hdd/if] )r,ftd (h bnth I!^ f e y STiW. in Oiÿes‘ „ w ^ 3 %Kzaa \\rfŸëâ/r\\whiLe; Dog [TÌTT nidin SUSpecT ivdS m a n -sr./i Tr/ing To Find Oua>ppLe irte. out \\Aiho PooeJ in it'-e chiCFis suddenly, P(Xj Q 5 J- -u \\fHtLh Smelled ^orïiethin^\"- HO

OoQ Ato/? -FolioWed The CM SmeLL to Bsecret, mfeTeys hideout ¡ a ¿ he y j e h t .•• (Zftd 'ÇoOhd j f i S Í d C ■■■ - V Fefey's SeazT\\ S+teh OF &ooKs- [)oCj friùjfì s fc b tT e d to r e & d ■-■ __ ... IH I

DDGt pñO'h RecbM / • : ' . ¿Íl <Wnight LonSi IS^rTer sm ourter i ' ' ' '11 \\ j F f C f n & x T 1 T m T rrn i. . poc, h a d (p pLûun• He drought r^e/riQra/ove The A: »Vs. Pe,T& V i B ooKs /V ro T/>e çc^ooL. /42

R&dDy ¿9-rr\\ y Vi R edd!!'- The kïcjs cufìd T h e n - fêH/â wftd ^ ó o rà y)/(^ è- Recudí- IH3

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