AKADEMI S AINS MMAALAYYSSIAPernyataaan Misi............. mencapai, menggalak, serta meningkatkecemerlangan dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi khusus untuk kemajuan danpembangunan negara dan jugs untuk kebaikanmanusia sejagatMission Statement................. the pursuit, encouragement andenhancement of excellence in the fields ofsicence, engineering and technology, for thedevelopment of the nation and the benefit ofmankind
KANDUNGAN/CONTENTS Laporan Presiden Seminar mengenai/ Seminar on President Report \"ASEAN Science and Technology Vision: Towards Technologically Fungsi Akademi Sains Malaysia Competent\ASEAN\" Functions of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia Jamuan Makan Malam Tahunan ASM ASM 1997 Annual Dinner Fellow Kehormat Akademi Sains Malaysia Majlis Perasmian Bangunan Pejabat Honorary Fellow of the Academy of ASM Sciences Malaysia Official Opening of ASM Office Building Fellow Baru Akademi Sains Malaysia AKTIVITI 1997 1997 ACTIVITIES IN 1997 New Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia 1997 G Aktiviti 1997 Activities in 1997 Senarai Fellow Akademi Sains Malaysia List of Fellows Academy of Sciences .j, Nasihat Kepada Kerajaan Malaysia Advice to the Government Ahli-ahli Majlis Akademi Sains Malaysia Program Kecemerlangan Sains 1997 is, Science Excellence Programme Members of Council of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia Program Kesedaran Sains Science Awareness Programme Mesyuarat Majlis Council Meetings Program Antarabangsa up International Programme0 Jawatankuasa Kerja clan Program Working Committees and Programmes Lawatan Visits Kakitangan Akademi Staff of the Academy Pelawat-Pelawat Akademi Academy Visitors Carta Organisasi Akademi Sains Malaysia Organisation Chart, Academy of Sciences Malaysia ACARA UTAMA Penerbitan ASM HIGHLIGHTS ASM PublicationsMesyuarat Agung Tahunan Kedua Lain-lain AktivitiAkademi Sains Malaysia Other ActivitiesAcademy of Sciences Malaysia SecondAnnual General Meeting Penyata Kewangan Statement of Accounts
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORT kademi meneruskan usaha kearahmencapai matlamat untuk mencapai,menggalak serta meningkatkankecemerlangan dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi't7'1 cademy continued its efforts towardsachieving its objective that is the pursuit,encouragement and maintenance ofexcellence in the fields of science,engineering and technology'Sekali lagi, bagi pihak Akademi Sains Malaysia, Once again, on behalf of the Academy ofsaya dengan sukacitanya membentangkan Sciences Malaysia, I am pleased to presentLaporan Tahunan Akademi bagi tahun 1997. the Annual Report of the Academy for the year 1997.Penilaian aktiviti sepanjangtahun ini, Akademimeneruskan usaha kearah mencapai matlamat For the year under review, the Academyuntuk mencapai, menggalak serta meningkatkan continued its efforts towards achieving itskecemerlangan dalam bidang sains, objective that is the pursuit, encouragementkejuruteraan dan teknologi. and maintenance of excellence in the fields of science, engineering and technology.Pada tahun 1997 banyak aktiviti telah dijalankanoleh Akademi sejajar dengan 4 bidang utama The year 1997 has seen many activitiesseperti: being carried out by the Academy in line with its 4 thrust areas which are:• Memberi nasihat kepada Kerajaan mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkepentingan Providing advice to Government on nasional matters of national importance• Merangsang budaya kecemerlangan dalam • Fostering a culture of excellence in bidang sains dan teknologi di Malaysia science and technology in Malaysia• Membantu untuk meningkatkan keupayaan Assisting in upgrading technological industri di Malaysia dalam bidang teknologi capability in Malaysian industry and,• Menggalakkan kesedaran umum tentang • Promoting public awareness of the kepentingan sains dan teknologi dalam importance of science and technology kehidupan seharian. in everyday life.LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT I
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT 'S REPORTMesyuaratAgung Tahunan kedua telah diadakan The Academy's Second Annual Generalpada 26 April 1997 di Bangunan PejabatAkademi. Mesyuarat telah meluluskan Meeting was held on 26t1' April 1997 at thepemilihan 6 Fellows baru yang dapat menambah Academy's office building. The meetingsumbangan dan bakat didalam Akademi. approved the election of 6 new Fellows whoAkademi berazam untuk terus menggembeling represent another contribution of rich talentpengetahuan dan pengalaman yang luas yang to the Academy. The Academy aims toada pada Fellows. continue to use the enormous wealth of knowledge and experience possessed by its Fellows.Mesyuarat juga telah memilih Timbalan The meeting also elected the Vice President,President, Setiausaha Agung, Bendahari Secretary General, Honorary Treasurer andKehormat dan enam ahli Majlis. Keahlian tidak six ordinary members of the Council. Theberubah seperti tahun lepas. Mesyuarat juga membership remained the same as last year.mengumumkan tentang kehilangan dua orang The meeting also announced with profoundFellows --YBhgTan Sri Dato' Halaluddin Mohd sorrow the demise of two Fellows - YBhg.Ishak F.A.Sc. dan YBhg Prof. Dr. Ang Kok Jee Tan Sri Dato' Halaluddin Mohd Ishak F.A.Sc.F.A.Sc. Keahlian Akademi berakhir pada tahun and YBhg. Prof. Dr. Ang Kok Jee F.A.Sc. The1997 adalah seramai 60 orang. membership of the Academy at the end of 1997 stood at 60.Satu acara yang menonjol pada tahun 1997adalah Seminar \"ASEAN Science and A significant event in 1997 was the SeminarTechnology Vision : Towards Technologically \"ASEAN Science and Technology Vision :Competent ASEAN\" yang telah diadakan pada Towards Technologically CompetentASEAN\"8 - 10 Disember 1997 di Hotel Legend, Kuala which was held from 8th to 10'\", of DecemberLumpur. Seramai 160 peserta telah menghadiri 1997 at Legend Hotel , Kuala Lumpur. Theseminar ini dari Akademi Sains, Kejuruteraan seminar was attended by 160dan Teknologi ASEAN, dan badan kebangsaan, representatives from ASEAN Academies ofpersatuan seumpama dalam bidang sains, Science , Engineering and Technology andkejuruteraan dan teknologi dari negara-negara Similar National Science, Engineering anddi ASEAN dan China, Jepun, India dan Korea Technology organisations as well asSelatan. Seminar ini telah dianjurkan dengan representatives of professional scientific,kerjasama Telekom Malaysia Bhd dan engineering and technology associationsJawatankuasa Sains dan Teknologi ASEAN and senior officials from relevant countries(COST) . in ASEAN and China , Japan, India and South Korea . The Seminar was supported byTujuan utama seminar adalah untuk Telekom Malaysia Bhd and ASEANmembincangkan pendekatan Pengurusan Committee on Science and TechnologyTeknologi dalam pembangunan sains dan (COST).teknologi yang akan menyumbang kearahpembangunan Visi ASEAN terutamanya dari The main objective of the seminar was toperspektif S & T, dan fokus kepada Pelan discuss Technology Management approach to science and technology development which would contribute towards the development of ASEAN Vision particularlyLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT Z
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTTindakan : Kearah Masa Depan : Visi S & T from the S & T perspective and focusing on aASEAN kearah Peningkatan Kecekapan Plan of Action : The Way Forward : ASEAN STeknologi ASEAN. & T Vision Towards Technologically Competent ASEAN.Hasilnya ialah Deklarasi mengenai Visi S & TKearah Peningkatan Teknologi ASEAN telah As a result Declaration on S & T Visiondibentuk dan diserahkan kepada YAB Dato' Seri Towards Technologically CompetentDr. Mahathir Mohamad, Perdana Menteri ASEAN was formulated and submitted toMalaysia untuk dibentangkan di Persidangan YAB Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed,Summit tidak formal sempena Ulangtahun ke Prime Minister of Malaysia to be presented30 ASEAN di Kuala Lumpur pada 14 - 16 at the ASEAN 30\", Anniversary InformalDisember 1997. Summit which was held in Kuala Lumpur on 14 - 16 December 1997.Acara perasmian rasmi seminar telah diadakan The official opening of the Seminar togetherserentak dengan Jamuan Makan Malam with the Academy's Annual Dinner on 8'hTahunan Akademi pada 8 Disember 1997 yang December 1997 was officiated by YB Dato'telah dirasmikan oleh YB Dato' Leo Moggie, Leo Moggie, Minister of Energy,Menteri Tenaga, Telekom dan Pos. Acara Telecommunications and Posts. Thekemuncak Jamuan Makan Malam adalah highlight of the dinner was the presentationpenyerahan sijil keahlian kepada 3 daripada 6 of membership certificates of appointmentFellow baru Akademi oleh Presiden Akademi. by the President of the Academy. to 3 new Fellows of the Academy from the sixSatu lagi program yang penting dalam tahun elected.1997 adalah Majlis Pembukaan RasmiBangunan Pejabat Akademi beralamat di 902- Another significant event in 1997 was the4, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur pada 25 official opening of the Office building ofFebruari 1997 oleh YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, the Academy at 902-4, Jalan Tun Ismail,Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar. YB Kuala Lumpur on 25\"' February 1997 byDatuk Abu Bakar Daud, Timbalan Menteri dan YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Minister ofYBhg. Dato' V. Danabalan, Ketua Setiausaha Science Technology and the Environment.Kementerian adalah diantara 100 tetamu yang YB Datuk Abu Bakar Daud, Deputyhadir pada majlis ini. Minister and YBhg. Dato' V. Danabalan, the Secretary, General of the Ministry wereAkademi mempunyai peranan dan among the 100 guests who attended thetanggungjawab yang semakin bertambah untuk opening ceremony.mengenalpasti dan menilai komponen-komponen sains dan teknologi yang The Academy has a growing role andterkandung di dalam polisi umum dan memberi responsibility independently to identify andnasihat serta pandangan kepada Kerajaan assess the scientific and technologicalmengenai penggunaan sains dan teknologi components in public policy and to advise the Government on the use of science and technology in the solution of nationalLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNEAL REPORT 3
_ LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT 'S REPOI:.7untuk menangani masalah negara. Di dalam problems and on matters of nationalmemenuhi tanggungjawab ini Akademi telah importance. In fulfilling this role themengadakan satu mesyuarat untuk Academy organised a meeting for itsmembincangkan Laporan-laporan Pelan Fellows to discuss the Action Plan ReportsTindakan tujuh Jawatankuasa Kerja Akademi of the seven Working Committees of thepada 25 Februari 1997. Pihak Akademi telah Academy on 25th February 1997. Thememutuskan untuk menerbitkan dua laporan Academy decided to produce two reportsmengenai \"Natural Resources Management\"dan\"Report on Recommendations on How to Arrest \"Natural Resources Management\" andthe Declining Interest of Students Taking \"Report on Recommendations on How toScience\". Kedua-dua laporan tersebut adalah di Arrest the Declining Interest of Studentsdalam proses akhir penyiapan dan akan Taking Science\". The two reports arediserahkan kepada Kerajaan. Akademi juga currently in the final stage of preparationtelah menyiapkan satu laporan bertajuk and will be forwarded to the Government\"Harnessing Science and Technology for the upon completion. The Academy has alsoSeventh Malaysia Plan : Report by the Academy produced a report \"Harnessing Science andof Sciences Malaysia\" yang akan diserahkan Technology for the Seventh Malaysia Plan : Report by the Academy of Scienceskepada Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Malaysia\" which will be presented to the Prime Minister.Program Kecemerlangan Sains, yangdianjurkan oleh Akademi diadakan bertujuan The Academy's Science Excellenceuntuk menyemai budaya kecemerlangan dalam Programme is aimed to inculcate a culturebidang sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi of excellence in the fields of science,didalam masyarakat kita. Tabun 1997 telah engineering and technology in our society.menyaksikan berbagai aktiviti menarik yang The year 1997 saw many interestingtelah dijalankan oleh Akademi di bawah activities being carried out by the Academyprogram ini. Pada 13 September 1997 Akademi under this programme. On 13th Septembertelah menganjurkan Syarahan Perdana di Hotel 1997 the Academy held its 1997 AnnualLegend, Kuala Lumpur. Syarahan yang bertajuk Oration at the Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.\"Cellular Signalling and Oncogenesis\" telah Dr. David Baltimore, President of Californiadisampaikan oleh Dr. David Baltimore, Presiden Institute of Technology (Caltech) and NobelCalifornia Institute of Technology (Caltech) Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1975serta pemenang Anugerah Nobel tahun 1975 delivered the oration on \"Cellular Signallingdi dalam bidang fisiologi atau perubatan. and Oncogenesis\". About 100 guestsLebihkurang 100 orang tetamu telah attended the oration.menghadiri syarahan perdana tersebut. As a follow up to this event, the AcademySebagai susulan kepada acara tersebut, in collaboration with Universiti KebangsaanAkademi dengan kerjasama Universiti Malaysia (UKM) also organised a PublicKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) juga Lecture entitled \"AIDS - Molecularmenganjurkan satu syarahan umum bertajuk \" Epidemiology of HIV and Its Implications forAIDS - Molecular Epidimiology of H/V and Its HIV Vaccine Development\" by Dr. DavidImplications for HIV Vaccine Development\"LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 4
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORToleh Dr. David Baltimore. Seramai 350 orang Baltimore. 350 guests comprising mainlytetamu yang terdiri daripada doktor, penyelidik, doctors, researchers, nurses and medicaljururawat dan pelajar perubatan telah students attended the lecture. Anothermenghadiri syarahan tersebut_ Satu lagi Public Lecture entitled \"Health and thesyarahan umum yang bertajuk \"Health and the Environment : Understanding theEnvironment : Understanding the Uncertainties\" Uncertainties\" was organised by thetelah disampaikan oleh Prof. L.L. Smith, Academy. The lecture was delivered byPengarah, Majlis Penyelidikan Perubatan, Unit Prof. L.L. Smith, Director, Medical ResearchToksikologi, University of Leicester, UK dan Council Toxicology Unit, University oftelah dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 40 peserta Leicester, UK and attended by about 40jemputan. guests.Akademi telah diberi mandat oleh Kementerian The Academy had been given the mandateSains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar untuk by the Ministry of Science, Technology andmenguruskan Tabung Penyelidikan Ranjeet the Environment to manage the RanjeetBhagwan Singh. Tabung ini ditubuhkan oleh Bhagwan Singh Research Fund. This fundmendiang Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh untuk was established by the late Dr. Ranjeetmenggalakkan penyelidikan dikalangan saintis Bhagwan Singh to promote research amongperubatan muda. Pada 5 November 1997, YB young medical scientists for the benefit ofDatuk Law Hieng Ding telah menyerahkan the nation. On 5th November 1997, YBgeran penyelidikan kepada 2 pemenang Datuk Law Hieng Ding presented researchpertama iaitu Dr. Noor Hamidah Hussein dari grants to the first two recipients namely Dr.UKM dan Dr. Ong Beng Beng dari Universiti Noor Hamidah Hussein from UKM and Dr.Malaya. Ong Beng Beng from UM.Program Kesedaran Sains ditubuhkan dengan The Academy's Science Awarenesstujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan Programme was established with the aimkefahaman mengenai peranan penting yang to increase awareness and understandingdimainkan oleh sains dan teknologi didalam of the central role which science andekonomi Malaysia dan kehidupan masyarakat. technology play in Malaysia's economicla juga bertujuan untuk menerapkan budaya and social well-being and also to develop asains di dalam masyarakat kita. Setakat ini scientific culture in the society. As part ofAkademi telah menganjurkan dua 'Syarahan this programme the Academy hadkembali ke Sekolah' di bawah program ini. organised to date, two 'Back to SchoolSyarahan ini memerlukan Fellow Akademi Lectures' where Fellows are required to gokembali ke sekolah lama mereka untuk back to their 'alma mater' to deliver lecturesmenyampaikan syarahan dan berkongsi and share their experiences with thepengalaman mereka dengan para pelajar. students. The main objective of the BackObjektif utama syarahan ini adalah untuk setiap to School Lectures is for Fellows of theFellowmemberikan pandangan peribadi mereka Academy to give insight on their careersecara mendalam tentang kerjaya dan kejayaan development and achievements in the areasmereka di bidang sains dan teknologi. AkademiLAPORAN TAIIUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT S
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT ' S REPORTberharap syarahan ini akan memberikan of science and technology to school children.kefahaman yang lebih baik dan meningkatkan The Academy hopes that this lecture willkesedaran di kalangan generasi muda Malaysia provide a better understanding and awarenesstentang kepentingan sains dan teknologi serta among young Malaysians of the importancepeluang-peluang insentif yang ada jika mereka of science and technology and providememilih kerjaya dalam bidang ini. incentive for them to make their career in these areas.Akademi turut mengambil berat seperti manakerajaan dan Kementerian Pendidikan The Academy shares the deep concern ofmengenai isu kurangnya jumlah pelajar the Government and the Ministry ofmengambil jurusan sains. Sejajar dengan itu, Education in particular of the declining rateAkademi telah mengambil inisiatif untuk of students taking science. The Academymenganjurkan Siri Syarahan ASM di bawah has therefore taken the initiative to organiseProgram Kesedaran Sains. Syarahan ini ASM Lecture Series under its Sciencebertujuan untuk memberi cabaran dan Awareness Programme. The lecture aimsinsperasi kepada jenerasi muda agar memilih to challenge and inspire young people tokerjaya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi dan pursue careers in science and technologymenggalakkan mereka untuk menjadi pemimpin and to stimulate them to become leaders indalam bidang ini. Syarahan ini akan these fields. The lecture will be presenteddipersembahkan dalam bentuk, persembahan in the form of a lecture, video shows,video, demonstrasi dan persembahan demonstration and multimediamultimedia atau kombinasi lain-lain presentations or combination of otherpersembahan multimedia mengenai tajuk-tajuk multimedia presentations covering selectedyang telah clipilih. Petronas telah bersetuju topics. Petronas has agreed to sponsoruntuk menaja Syarahan Inaugural 1998 dan the Inaugural Lecture in 1998 and to workbekerjasama dengan Akademi untuk together with the Academy in themenganjurkan syarahan tersebut. organisation and implementation of the lecture.Acara utama Akademi di bawah ProgramAntarabangsa Akademi pada tahun 1997 adalah Following the 'ASEAN Science andSeminar \"ASEAN Science and Technology Vision Technology Vision : Towards Technologically: Towards Technologically Competent ASEAN\". Competent ASEAN' seminar, a meeting ofSejurus selepas seminar satu mesyuarat di antara Academies of Sciences and Engineering andAkademi-akademi Sains dan Kejuruteraan serta Similar Organisations in ASEAN, China,pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang serupa di ASEAN, India, Japan & South Korea was held. As aCina, Jepun, India dan Korea Selatan telah result of the meeting, ASEANCASE (ASEANdiadakan. Mesyuarat tersebut telah bersetuju Council of Academies of Science anduntuk menubuhkan ASEANCASE dan Akaclemi Engineering) was formed and the Academytelah diberi tugas untuk tujuan penubuhannya. has been entrusted with the task of the formation of ASEANCASE.LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 6
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTAkademi telah dijemput untuk menghadiri The Academy was invited to attend abengkel \"Antarctic Science Beyond 2000\" yang workshop organised by Antarctica Newdianjurkan oleh Antarctica New Zealand 16 - Zealand on \"Antarctic Science Beyond18 April 1997. Objektif bengkel ini adalah untuk 2000\" 16th - 181\" Apri l 1997. The objectivesmenilai kembali pengetahuan asas mengenai of the workshop were to review theAntartika, untuk mengenalpasti peluang yang Antarctic knowledge base and identify gapsada, mengenalpasti tema dan arah sains yang of opportunities, to identify strategicstrategik, untuk menimbangkan isu-isu sumber science themes and directions, to considerdan kemampuan serta untuk menerangkan resource and capability issues and clarifyperundingan dan usaha-usaha yang sedang on-going consultation and programmedijalankan. implementation.Sehubungan dengan bengkel tersebut, Akademi Following the workshop, a report wastelah menyediakan satu laporan bertajuk prepared by the Academy entitled \"Malaysia\"Malaysia and the Antarctica : A Proposal on and the Antarctica :A Proposal on Malaysia'sMalaysia's involvement in the Antarctica\" untuk Involvement in the Antarctica\"for submissiondiserahkan kepada Kerajaan melalui to the Malaysian government through theKementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar. Ministry of Science, Technology and theLaporan tersebut mencadangkan supaya Environment. The report proposed thatMalaysia mengaclakan satu program Malaysia develop a programme of researchpenyelidikan di Antartik. on Antarctica.Satu lawatan rasmi ke Antartik sebagai A follow up event was the official visit to thememenuhi undangan Kerajaan New Zealand Antarctica upon an invitation from the Newtelah diadakan pada 13-14 November 1997. Zealand Government. A three memberDelegasi tersebut diketuai oleh YB Dato' Ling delegation comprising YB Dato' Seri Dr. LingLiong Sik, Menteri Pengangkutan Malaysia, Encik Liong Sik, the Minister of Transport Malaysia,Ghulam Hussein bin Ghulam Haniff, Ketua Encik Ghulam Hussein bin Ghulam Haniff,Penolong Setiausaha di Kementerian Hal Ehwal Principal Assistant Secretary at the MinistryAntarabangsa dan Dato' Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor of Foreign Affairs and Dato' Dr. Salleh Mohdyang mewakili Akademi Sains Malaysia. Lawatan Nor representing the Academy of Sciencestersebut telah memberi pel uang kepada delegasi Malaysia went on a first official visit to theMalaysia untuk menghargai keadaan fizikal Antarctica from 13th to 1 4th November 1997.benuaAntartik, mengenalpasti peluang-peluang The trip offered the Malaysian delegation anpenyelidikan dan pentingnya untuk memelihara opportunity to appreciate the physicalbenua Antartik bagi tujuan penyelidikan dan conditions of the continent, the opportunitiestujuan-tujuan damai serta pentingnya untuk for research and the importance of conservingmemastikan pengekalan alam sekitar benua Antarctica for research and peaceful uses, andtersebut. for maintaining the environment in the continent.LAPORAN TAIII NAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 7
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTLaporan lawatan rasmi ini telah disediakan oleh A report on the official visit had beenDato. Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor dan sebagai susulan prepared by YBhg. Dato' Dr. Salleh Mohdsate sesi taklimattelah diadakan untuk meminta Nor F.A.Sc and a briefing session was heldpandangan mengenai penglibatan Malaysia di to seek the views and opinions ondalam penyelidikan di Antartik dan seterusnya Malaysian participation in Antarcticauntuk menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa bertindak. research and to form a task force.Fellow Akademi juga begitu aktif didalam Fellows of the Academy had also beenpelbagai kegiatan antarabangsa di sepanjang actively involved in many othertahun ini. YBhg. Dato' Dr. M. Jgathesan F.A.Sc. international activities throughout the year.telah menghadiri 'Fourth Asian Conference on YBhg. Dato' Dr. M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc.Scientific co-operation'di Tokyo dimana beliau attended the Fourth Asian Conference ontelah membentangkan satu kertas kerja yang Scientific Co-operation in Tokyo where hebertajuk \"Traditional Medicine - the Malaysian presented a paper entitled \"TraditionalPerspective\". Manakala YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Medicine - the Malaysian Perspective\". TheAhmad Mustaffa Babjee F.A.Sc. telah menghadiri Second International Symposium onPersidangan antarabangsa mengenai Sustainable Aquaculture in Oslo, Norway\"Sustainable Aquaculture\" yang kedua was attended by YBhg. Tan Sri Dato'berlangsung di Oslo, Norway. Setiausaha Agong Ahmad Mustaffa Babjee F.A.Sc. TheAkademi YBhg. Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. Secretary General of the Academy, YBhg.telah menghadiri satu mesyuarat \"InterAcademy Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. attendedPanel (IAP) of World Scientific Academies on a meeting of the InterAcademy Panel (IAP)International Issues : IAPSustainability Transition of World Scientific Academies onCo-ordinating Committee\" (STCC) di Rio de International Issues : IAP SustainabilityJaneiro, Brazil. YBhg Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong Transition Co-ordinating Committee (STCC)F.A.Sc. dan YBhg. Tan Sri Dato' Wan Abdul in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. YBhg Dato' Ir.Rahman Wan Yaacob F.A.Sc. telah menghadiri Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. and YBhg. Tan SriKonvokesyen CAETS di Edinburgh. Dato' Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Yaacob F.A.Sc. attended the CAETS Convocation in Edinburgh.Sepanjang tahun 1997, Akademi telah In 1997 the Academy sent delegations tomenghantar delegasi-delegasi ke Jordan, Arab Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Republic ofSaudi dan Republik Korea. Objektif utama Korea. The main objective of the visitslawatan tersebut adalah untuk meninjau basically was to explore newperkembangan dan peluang baru didalam developments and opportunities in thebidang sains dan teknologi yang akan menjadi areas of science, engineering andteras bagi peluang-peluang baru perniagaan, technology that would form the basis ofusahasama, kerjasama sains dan teknologi di developing new business opportunities,antara Malaysia dan negara-negara dilawati. joint ventures, scientific and technological co-operation between Malaysia and theLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT O
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTAkademi juga telah melawat Akademi Sains countries visited . The Academy also visitedIndonesia, Akademi Sains dan Teknologi the Indonesia Academy of Science (IAS),Kebangsaan Filipina dan Akademi Sains dan the National Academy of Science andTeknologi Kebangsaan Thailand. Technology Philippines and National Academy of Science and Technology Thailand.Akademi juga telah berkesempatan untukmenjadi tuan rumah kepada beberapa pelawat The Academy also had the honour andpenting dari luar negara disepanjang tahun 1997. privilege to host many important visitorsDiantaranya adalah delegasi dari Akademi Sains throughout 1997. Among them were theRepublik Islam Iran, China State Power Grid delegation from the Academy of Science,Development Co. Ltd., Akademi Sains Tartarstan Islamic Republic of Iran, the China Statedan Akademi Kemanusiaan Rusia , National Power Grid Development Co. Ltd., theScience Foundation USA dan Badan Tartarstan Academy of Sciences and thePertimbangan Pendidikan Nasional (BPPN) Russian Academy of Humanistic, theIndonesia dan Akademi Kejuruteraan Cina. National Science Foundation USA, Badan Pertimbangan Pendidikan Nasional (BPPN),Akademi telah menghasilkan beberapa Indonesia and the Chinese Academy ofpenerbitan sepanjang tahun ini seperti berikut: Engineering.s Buku Mahathir : Kepimpinan dan Wawasan The Academy published the following Sains dan Teknologi - terjemahan ke Bahasa publications during the year: Malaysia Mahathir : Leadership and Vision ins Proceedings of the First Anniversary Science and Technology - Bahasa Programmes Malaysia versions Harnessing Science and Technology for the s Proceedings of the First Anniversary Seventh Malaysia Plan : Report by the Programmes Academy of Sciences Malaysia Harnessing Science and Technology fors Malaysia and the Antarctica : A Proposal on the Seventh Malaysia Plan : Report by Malaysia's Involvement in the Antarctica the Academy of Sciences Malaysias Monograf - Non-linear Optical Phenomena Malaysia and the Antarctica : A Proposal in Atoms and Molecules on Malaysia ' s Involvement in the Antarcticas Monograf - Science in Developing Countries Monograph - Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules Monograph - Science in Developing CountriesLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 199 7 • ANNUAL REPORT 9
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTPada tahun 1997 juga Akademi telah In 1997 the Academy circulated 1700mengedarkan sebanyak 1700 Newsletter Newsletters and 800 Annual ReportsAkademi dan 800 Laporan Tahunan di dalam locally as well as abroad. There weredan luar negeri. Sebanyak lebih kurang 100 about 100 exchanges of library materialspertukaran bahan perpustakaan di antara between the Academy and variousAkademi dengan instituti -institusi dan badan- institutions and organisations.badan lain. The 1997 Annual Report of the AcademyLaporan Tahunan 1997 Akademi Sains Malaysia is a clear record of the Academy's effortini adalah satu rekod yang nyata tentang usaha- and unwavering commitment to achieveusaha Akademi yang berterusan dan komitmen its goals. I would like to take thisyang tinggi untuk mencapai matlamatnya. Oleh opportunity to express my appreciation toitu saga mengambil kesempatan ini untuk all Fellows for their support andmerakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua participation and to the officers and staffFellows Akademi di atas sokongan mereka dan of the Academy for their dedication andkepada semua pegawai dan kakitangan Akademi commitment. I look forward to a moredi atas dedikasi dan komitmen mereka dan saya active and fruitful year in 1998.juga berharap Akademi akan bertambah aktifdan produktif pada tahun 1998.Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. Presiden , Akademi Sains Malaysia President, Academy of Sciences MalaysiaLAPORAN TAIIUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 10
FUNGSI AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA FUNCTIONS OF THEACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIAs untuk menggalakkan dan merangsang s to promote and foster the develop-ment pembangunan sains, kejuruteraan dan of science, engineering and technology. teknologi. s to provide a forum for the inter-change ofs untuk mengadakan forum pertukaran ideas among scientists, engineers and pendapat di kalangan ahli sains, jurutera dan technologists. ahli teknologi. s to promote national awareness,s untuk menggalakkan kesedaran negara, understanding and appreciation of the role pemahaman dan penghargaan akan peranan of science, engineering and technology in sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalam human progress. kemajuan manusia. s to promote creativity among scientists,s untuk menggalakkan daya rekaciptaan engineers and tech-nologists. dikalangan ahli sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi. s to promote national self-reliance in the fields of science, engineering ands untuk menggalakkan sifat berdikari negara technology. dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. s to act as a forum for maintaining awareness on the part of the Governments untuk bertindak sebagai forum untuk of the significance of the role of science, mengekalkan kesedaran di pihak kerajaan engineering and technology in the akan pentingnya peranan sains, kejuruteraan development process of the nation and for dan teknologi dalam proses pembangunan bringing national development needs to negara dan membawa kepada perhatian ahli the attention of scientists, engineers and sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi akan technologists. keperluan-keperluan pembangunan negara. s to analyse particular national problems ands untuk menganalisa masalah-masalah tertentu identify where science, engineering and negara dan mengenalpasti dimana sains, technology can contribute to their solution kejuruteraan dan teknologi dapat memberi and accordingly to make recommendations sumbangan kepada penyelesaian masalah to the Government. dengan membuat syor-syor kepada Kerajaan. s to keep in touch with developments ins untuk sentiasa mengambil perhatian tentang science, engineering and technology and perkembangan sains, kejuruteraan dan identify those developments which are teknologi serta mengenalpasti perkembangan- relevant to national needs and to bring perkembangan yang relevan dengan such developments to the attention of the keperluan negara dan membawa kepada Government. perhatian kerajaan akan perkembangannya.LAPORAN TAIIUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT II
FUNGSI AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIAFUNCTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIAs untuk menyediakan laporan-laporan, kertas- is to prepare reports, papers or other kertas atau dokumen-dokumen lain documents relating to the national berhubungan dengan dasar sains, science, engineering and technology kejuruteraan dan teknologi negara dan policy and make the necessary membuat syor-syor yang perlu kepada recommendations to the Government. Kerajaan. © to initiate and sponsor multi-diciplinarys untuk mendayausahakan dan membiayai studies related to and necessary for the kajian pelbagai disiplin yang berkaitan serta better understanding of the social and keperluan pemahaman yang lebih baik economic implications of science, tentang implikasi-implikasi sosial dan engineering and technology. ekonomi tentang sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. s to encourage research and development and education and trainings untuk menggalakkan penyelidikan dan of the appropriate scientific, engineering pembangunan pendidikan serta latihan and technical manpower. tenaga manusia yang sesuai dalam bidang saintifik, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. s to establish and maintain relations between the Academy and overseass untuk mengadakan dan mengekalkan bodies having the same or almost similar hubungan antara Akademi dan badan-badan objectives in science, engineering and luar negeri yang mempunyai objektif yang technology as the Academy. hampir lama atau hampir serupa dengan objektif Akademi. s to advise on matters related to science, engineering and technology as may bes untuk melakukan apa-apa perkara lain requested by the Government from sebagaimana yang diminta oleh Kerajaan time to time. dari semasa ke semasa. to do such other acts which ares untuk melakukan apa-apa tindakan lain consistent with the Academy of yang konsisten dengan Akta Akademi Sciences Act 1994 as may be required Sains 1994 sebagaimana yang in order to further the advancement of dikehendaki untuk meningkatkan science, engineering and technology in kemajuan sains, kejuruteraan dan Malaysia and the welfare and status of teknologi di Malaysia dan kebajikan serta the Academy. taraf Akademi.LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 12
FELLOW BARU AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA 1997NEW FELLOW OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA 1997 Tan Sri Data' Hai Musa Mohamad F.A.Sc. Encik Hijjas Kasturi F.A.Sc.Bekas Naib Canselor/Former Vice Chancellor Pengarah Eksekutif / Executive Director Universiti Sains Malaysia Hijjas Kasturi Associates (Sains Perubatan/Medical Sciences) ( Sains Kejuruteraan / Engineering Sciences) Dr Mohamed Ariff Nun 99AT& Ketua Pegawai Operasi/ Chief Operating Officer Profesor Dr Chia Swee Ping F.A.Sc. Multimedia Development Corporation Jabatan Fizik/Physics Department(Teknologi Maklumat/Information Technology) Universiti Malaya (Matematik & Sains Fizik/Mathematical & Physical Sciences) Datuk Yong Poh Kon F.A.Sc. Encik T. Ananda Krishnan F.A.Sc. Group Managing Director Usaha Tegas Sdn. Bhd.Royal Selangor International Sdn. Bhd. (Pembangunan S & T dan Industri/ (Pembangunan S & T dan Industri/ S & T Development and Industry) S & T Development and Industry)LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 14
5 - SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA - LIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA Para Fellow dalam bidang 10. Datuk Dr Keshmahinder Singh F.A.Sc. Sains Perubatan Bekas Rakan Kanan, Firma Pembedahan Mata Former Senior Partner Fellows in Medical Sciences Eye Surgical Practice 1. Dr M . K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. 11. Prof . Dr Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. Naib Presiden Akademi/ Jururunding Kanan Pakar Histopatologi dan Vice-President of the Academy Patologi Rakan Kanan , Drs Oorloff, Rajakumar & Senior Consultant HIistopathologist and Rakan Kongsi Pathology S(°nior Partner, I)r Oodoff, Rajakumar & Partners Universiti Malaya 2. Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Haji Abdul Majid Ismail 12. Dato ' Dr Nadason Arumugasamy F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. Jururunding Pakar Bedah Neuro Pengerusi/Chairman Consultant Neurosurgeon Syarikat Endah Seri Sdn Bhd Aru Neuro Sdn Bhd 3. Profesor Dr Mak Joon Wah F.A.Sc. 13. Profesor Dr Lam Sai Kit F.A.Sc. Pengarah Ketua Jabatan Mikrobiologi Perubatan Institut Penyelidikan Perubatan Head, Department or Medical Microbiology Director Universiti Malaya Institute for Medical Research (IMR) 14. YBhg Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Abu Bakar 4. Dato ' Dr Lim Kee Jin F.A.Sc. Dato ' Suleiman F.A.Sc. Pakar Perubatan Jururunding Kanan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Hospital Pakar Johor Director-General of Health Senior Consultant Physician Kementerian Kesihatan Johor Spec i.alist Hospital Para Fellow dalam bidang 5. Datuk Dr Hussein Awang F.A.Sc. Sains Kejuruteraan Jururunding Pakar Bedah Urologi dan Pengarah Perubatan Fellows in Engineering ' Sciences Hospital Tawakal Consultant Urological Surgeon and Medical 1. Raja Tan Sri Ir Zainal Raja Sulaiman F.A.Sc. Director, Tawakal Hospital Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan Chairman and Managing Director Shawinigan 6. Prof. Dato ' Dr Khalid Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc. Engineering South East Asia Dekan dan Profesor Perubatan Dean and Professor of Medicine 2. Tan Sri Ir J.G. Daniel F.A.Sc. Universiti KebanysaanAtaa^sia Bekas Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pengairan clan Saliran Malaysia 7. Dato ' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc. Former Director-General Timbalan Ketua Pengarah, Kementerian Department of Irrigation and Drainage Kesihatan Malaysia ,Malaysia Deputy Director General Ministry of Health Malaysia 3. Dato ' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. (Setiausaha Agung Akademi) 8. Datuk Dr G. Sreenevasan F.A.Sc. (Se(retary - General of the Academy) Jururunding Pakar Bedah Urologi Presiden dan Ketua Pengawai Eksekutif Pusat Perubatan Pantai clan Hospital Assunta President and Chief Executive Officer Consultant UrologicaI Surgeon KTA Tenaga Scln. Bhd. Pantai A(c'dical Centre and :A'sLlnt.i I lospital 9. Dato ' Dr Yahya Awang F.A.Sc. Jururunding Pakar Bedah Kardiotoraks Institut Jantung Negara Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon National Heart Institute LAPORAN TAIJUNAt\ • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 15
- SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA -LIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA4. Dato' Dr Ikmal Hisham Albakri F.A.Sc. 4. Datuk Dr Ahamd Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. Pengarah/Di rector Naib Canselor/Vice Chancellor Kumpulan Arkitek Sdn Bhd Universiti Teknologi Malaysia5. Tan Sri Dato ' Ir Abu Zarim Haji Omar F.A.Sc. 5. Dato ' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor F.A.Sc. Juru Runding/Consultant Bekas Ketua Pengarah KTA Tenn i Scln. Bhd. Institut Penyelidikan Hutan Malaysia Former Director General, Forest Research6. Tan Sri Dato ' Ir Haji Shahrizaila Abdullah Institute of Malaysia F.A.Sc. Bendahari Kehormat Akademi/ 6. Profesor Dato ' Dr Zakri A . Hamid F.A.Sc. Ilonorarv Treasurer Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Akademik) Pengerusi/Chairman Deputy Vice Chancellor (Acad(,mic Affairs) KTA Tenaya Scln. Bhd. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia7. Dato ' Dr Muhammad Ridzuan Haji Salleh 7. Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Ahmad Mustaffa Babjee F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. Pengerusi /Chairman Pengerusi/Chairman Charoen Pokphand Group (Malaysia) Quantum Field Sdn. Bhd. 8. Profesor Dr Yong Hoi Sen F.A.Sc.8. Tan Sri Dato' Ir Muhammad Yusuff Profesor/Professor Muhammad Yunus F.A.Sc. Jabatan Zoologi Pengerusi /Chairman Department of Zoology Sigh Brothers Corporation Bhd/[xpresswav Universiti Malaya Lin:;6.aran Ten ah Sdn. Bhd. 9. Profesor Dr Chin Hoong Fong F.A.Sc.9. Ir Hong Lee Pee F.A.Sc. Profesor Emeritus Pengerusi Eksekutif/Executive Chairman Jabatan Agronomi dan Hortikultur Pilecon EninerrinP Sdn. Bhd Emeritus Professor Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Para Fellow dalam bidang Universiti Putra Malaysia Sains Biologi Para Fellow dalam bidang Fellows in Biological Sciences Sains Matematik dan Fizik1. Profesor Dr Abdul Latif Ibrahim F.A.Sc. Pengarah Urusan Fellows in Mathematical Direktorat Bioteknologi Kebangsaan, and Physical Sciences Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar \1ana, my Director 1. Dato ' Dr Chatar Singh F.A.Sc. National ftiotechnoieyy Directorate Bekas Profesor Fizik Ministry of Science, Technology and the Former Professor or PE^.sn Environment Universiti SainsMalaysia2. Profesor Dato ' Dr Ahmad Nawawi Haji Ayob 2. Dato' Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. Pengerusi Eksekutif/Executive Chairman Profesor lVii ;;a N<lsional Bcrhaci Jabatan Botani Professor 3. Profesor Dato ' Dr Mohd . Sham Mohd. Sani Department (ii BoLrLly F.A.Sc. Universiti Malaya Naib Canselor dan Profesor/ Vice Chancellor and Proir sur3. Profesor Dato' Dr Syed Jalaludin Syed Salim Universiti I^eban sawn 1^laltr}si 3 F.A.Sc. Naib Canselor dan Profesor/ 4. Profesor Dr R. Ratnalingam F.A.Sc. Vice Chancellor and Professor Bekas Profesor Fizik dan Pengarah Pusat Universiti Puha Malaysia Perundingan dan Inovasi Hornier Po,fr ssor of Phvries and Director of Innovation and Consultancy Centre Universiti Sains MalaysiaLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 16
- SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA -LIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA5. Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. 3. Tan Sri Dato ' Ir Shamsuddin Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc. Ketua Pengarah Pengerusi Eksekutif/Executive Chairman Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia Samna Holdings Scln. Bhd. Director-General Geological Survey Department of Malaysia 4. Haji Ismail Sulaiman F.A.Sc. Pengarah Urusan /;^1ana ink Direcior6. Profesor Dr Shaharir Mohd Zin F.A.Sc. Mesiniaga Sdn. Bhd. Profesor Matematik Prorcvssor or Mathematics 5. Emeritus Profesor Dr Tan Wang Seng F.A.Sc. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Pengarah Urusan/Managing Director Kulinr I ligh-techPara Fellow dalam bidang Sains Kimia Para Fellow dalam bidangPembangunan Sains & Fellows in Chemical Sciences Teknologi dan Industri1. Tan Sri Dr B.C. Sekhar F.A.Sc. Fellows in Science & Technology Pengerusi Eksekutif/E,\ecutive Chairman STI Glohal Consult Sdn Bhd Development and Industry2. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Ong Soon Hock 1. Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Mohd . Rashdan Haji Baba F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. Pengarah/Director Pengerusi /Chairman ( uuntrv I Ic in^girt Loucaiion Computer Svstenis \(I\i^^rs r:AI^ Berhacl3. Dr Haji Badri Muhammad F.A.Sc. 2. Tan Sri Dato ' Dr Haji Ani Arope F.A.Sc. Pengarah, Bahagian Kimia dan Teknologi, Pengerusi /( Iinirn; rn Institut Penyelidikan Kelapa Sawit Malaysia Silver iyidge Sdn. Phd. Director, Chr mistrv .mcl li,c hnolog^, Div stunn, Palm Oil Research Institute or Malaysia 3. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc.4. Profesor Dr V.G. Kumar Das F.A.Sc. Presiden Akademi/f'resident of the Academy Profesor Yayasan Kimia Inorganik dan Dekan, Penasihat Sains, Jabatan Perdana Menteri Fakulti Sains Science Advisor Iound<rtion I'roiestior Inor,^anic Chemistry Prince Minister's Depar ment and Dean 01 f=aculty or Sciences Universiti Malaya 4. Tan Sri Dato' Dr Mohamed Yusof Hashim F.A.Sc. Para Fellow dalam bidang Ketua Eksekutif, Majlis Promosi Kelapa Sawit Teknologi Maklumat Malaysia Fellows in Chief Executive, Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council Information Technology 5. Tan Sri Dato ' Ir Wan Abdul Rahman Yaacob1. YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd . Azzman F.A.Sc. Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim F.A.Sc. Pengerusi /( hairni.;n Presiden dan Ketua Eksekutif/1'1-16cn< ;ncr Le I^I,rss Scln Bhd ( nice I y('rutivC' Ctnlrcr VlMC)S Lerhad 6. Datuk Dr Syed M.A. Alhady F.A.Sc. Bekas Pakar Bedah Kanan, Hospital Besar2. Profesor Dato' Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail Kuala Lumpur F.A.Sc. Lc,rr er Senior Sur;c^^n Lead Lumpur Naib Canselor dan Profesor Kejuruteraan General Ho,pital Elektronic Vir ^ Cn,uicellor „^rl !'roiess^>r or Ilectronil: Engineering 7. Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Sheikh Abdul Kadir Universiti Malaysia Sarawak F.A.Sc. Pengarah, Institut Penyelidikan Getah Malaysia Director, Rul)her\" Research Institute of Kl,ilaysi,aLAPORAN TAHVNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 17
AHLI-AHLI MAJLIS AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA 1997 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA 1997 YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hi Omar Abdul Rahman F.A. Sc. Presiden /PresidentYBhg Dato'Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. YBhg Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc.Setiausaha Agung /Secretary General Naib Presiden /Vice President YBhg Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc.Bendahari Kehormat /Honorary TreasurerLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 18
Ahli-Ahli Majlis Council MembersYBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr YBhg Datuk Dr Salleh Mohd YM Tengku Datuk Dr MohdAugustine S.H. Ong F.A. Sc. Nor F.A.Sc. Azzman Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim F.A.Sc.YBhg Datuk Dr Ahmad YBhg Profesor Data' Dr Mohd YBhg Profesor Data' Dr SyedZaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. Zawawi bin Ismail FA.Sc. Jalaluddin bin Syed Salim F.A.Sc.YBhg Dato' Dr Ahmad YBhg Tan Sri Data' Ir Shamsuddin YBhg Tan Sri IrTajuddin All FA.Sc. Abdul Kadir F.A. Sc. J.G. Daniel F.A.Sc.YBhg Tan Sri Data' Dr Ir Wan YBhg Data' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc. YBhg Data' Dr ChatarA. Rahman Yaacob F.A.Sc. Singh FA.Sc. LAPI )RA\'C-\11tTA\ • 1997 •A\\lAl. REPORT 19
MESYUARAT MAJLIS7 COUNCIL MEETINGSBagi tahun berakhir pada 31 Disember For the year ending 3111 December1997, Majlis telah bermesyuarat enam (6) 1997, the Council met six (6) timeskali seperti berikut: as follows:• 18 Mac 1997 • 18t1, March 1997• 15 April 1997 • 15th April 1997• 5 julai 1997 • 511' July 1997• 2 September 1997 • 2\"' September 1997• 15 November 1997 • 15t1' November 1997• 6 Disember1997 • 6t1' December 1997Pada mesyuarat ini, Majlis telah At these meetings, the Councilmembincangkan isu-isu berikut: deliberated on the following issues:• Pelan Tindakan Akademi • Academy's Action Plan• Perasmian Bangunan Pejabat ASM• Kajian semula Belanjawan 1997 • Official Opening of ASM Office• Syarahan Perdana• Syarahan Umum Building• Siri Syarahan ASM• Jamuan Makan Malam Tahunan • Review of 1997 Budget• Geran Penyelidikan Dr. Ranjeet • Annual Oration Bhagwan Singh• Tabung Program ASM • Public Lectures• Kerjasama Antartika Malaysia - New • ASM Lecture Series Zealand• Seminar \"ASEAN S & T Vision Towards • Annual Dinner Technologically Competent ASEAN\" • Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh• Penerbitan Laporan Tahunan dan Research Grant Newsletter• Pencalunan Fellows baru • ASM Fund Appeal• Pertukaran dan lawatan • Malaysia-New Zealand Antarctic Co-operation • Seminar \"ASEAN S & T Vision Towards Technologically Competent ASEAN\" • Publication of Annual Report and Newsletters • Nomination of New Fellows • Exchanges and visitsLAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 20
^3 - JAWATANKUASA KERJA DAN PROGRAM WORKING COMMITTEES AND PROGRAMMESUntuk membantu Majlis Akademi dalam To assist the Council in its managementpentadbiran dan operasi Akademi, Majlis and operation of the Academy, thetelah menubuhkan beberapa jawatankuasa Council has set up various committeesyang bertangungjawab untuk menjalankan which are responsible for carrying outbeberapa fungsi dan tanggungjawab. specific functions and responsibilities.Dalam tahun 1997 Jawatankuasa- In 1997, the following committees werejawatankuasa adalah seperti berikut: operational :1. Jawatankuasa Eksekutif/Executive Committee Presiden/President Naib Presiden/Vice President Setiausaha Agung/Secretary General Bendahari Kehormat/Honorary Treasurer2. Jawatankuasa Kewangan/Finance Committee Pengerusi/Chairman : Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc3. Jawatankuasa Program/Programme Committee Pengerusi Penyelaras/ Co-ordinating Chairman :Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc4. Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa/International Affairs Committee Pengerusi/Chairman : Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc5. Jawatankuasa Anugerah/Awards Committee Pengerusi/Chairman : Dr M.K.Rajakumar F.A.Sc6. jawatankuasa Keahlian/Membership Committee Pengerusi/Chairman :Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc7. Jawatankuasa Pelan Tindakan/Action Plan Committee Pengerusi Penyelaras/ Co-ordinating Chairman :Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.ScLAPORAN TAHLJNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 21
8. Jawatankuasa Kecil/Sub Committees • Pertanian dan Ekonomi Sumber Asas yang Lain/Agriculture and Other Resource-Based Economies Pengerusi/Chairman Datuk Dr Abd Aziz Kadir F.A.Sc. • Biodiversiti/Biodiversity Pengerusi/Chairman : Profesor Dato' Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail F.A.Sc. • Pendidikan Sains/Science Education Pengerusi/Chairman : Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. • Pengurusan Sumber Asli/Natural Resource Management Pengerusi/Chairman : Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. • Sumbangan kepada Pembangunan Perindustrian/Contribution to Industrial Development Pengerusi/Chairman Tan Sri Dato' Ir Shamsudin Kadir F.A.Sc. • Pembangunan Budaya Cemerlang/Development of Culture of Excellence Pengerusi/Chairman : Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. • Sokongan daripada Awam - Melalui Kesedaran dan Kefahaman Sains dan Teknologi/Support from Public - Through Science and Technology Awareness and Understanding Pengerusi/Chairman Tan Sri Dato' Dr Mohd.Yusof HashimF.A.Sc. • Teknologi Maklumat/Information Technology Pengerusi/Chairman Tuan Haji Ismail Sulaiman F.A.Sc. • Tabung Penyelidikan Perubatan Dr R. Bhagwan Singh Pengerusi/Chairman : Dato' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc. LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 22
KAKITANGAN AKADEMI STAFF OF THE ACADEMYPada tahun 1997 Akademi Sains Malaysia In 1997 the Academy of Sciencesberoperasi dengan 8 orang kakitangan yang Malaysia was operating with 8 staffdiketuai oleh Pengarah Eksekutif. members headed by an Executive Director. Tg. Sharizad Tg. Dahlan Dr Samsudin Tugiman dPegawai Sains/Scientific Officer Pengarah Eksekutif/ Executive Director Hazami Habib Pengurus Pusat Informasi/ Manager Information Centre Sazarul Aini Sabot Asrnah Amat Tuan Akmal Tuan Abdullah Pen. Pegawai Tadbir/ Pembantu Tadbir/ Pembantu Tadbir/Assistant Administration Officer Assistant Administration Assistant Administration Mohd. Zairi Mansor Abdul Razak AbdulPembantu Perpustakaan Rahman Library Assistant Pembantu Ani Office Assistant 1.APORA\ . ..AHC\A \ • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 23
MESYUARAT AGUNGTAHUNAN KEDUAAKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIAACADEMY OF SCIENCESMALAYSIA SECOND ANNUALGENERAL MEETING Ahli Exco di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan kedua Members of the Exco at the 2nd Annual General MeetingMesyuaratAgung Tahunan Kedua Akademi telah The Academy's Second Annual Generaldiadakan pada 26 April 1997 di Bangunan Meeting was held on 26'h April 1997 at thePejabat ASM. Seramai 31 Fellows menghadiri ASM office building. It was attended by 31Mesyuarat ini. Pengerusi juga mengambil Fellows. The Chairman also announcedkesempatan ini untuk mengumumkan berita with profound sorrow the death of twosedih di mana dua orang Fellow telah meninggal Fellows - Tan Sri Dato' Halaluddin Mohddunia - Tan Sri Dato' Halaluddin Mohd Ishak Ishak F.A.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Ang Kok JeeF.A.Sc. dan Prof. Dr. Ang Kok Jee F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc.Mesyuarat telah membincangkan dan The meeting discussed and approved themeluluskan perkara-perkara berikut : following:• Laporan Tahunan 1996 dan Penyata • 1996 Annual Report and Statement of Kewangan Accounts• Pemilihan enam (6) Fellows baru • Election of six (6) new Fellows of the Akademi Academy• Pemilihan Naib Presiden, Setiausaha • Election of Vice President, Secretary Agung, Bendahari Kehormat dan enam Ahli General, Honorary Treasurer and six Majlis seperti berikut: ordinary members of the Council as follows: - Dr. M.K . Rajakumar F.A.Sc. (Naib Presiden) - Dr. M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. [Vice President]LAPORAN TAHUNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 27
- Dato ' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. - Dato ' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. (Setiausaha Agung) [Secretary General]- Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Shahrizaila Abdullah - Tan Sri Dato' Ir. ShahrizailaAbdullah F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. (Bendahari Kehormat) [Honorary Treasurer]- Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Augustine S.H. Ong Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Augustine S.H. F.A.Sc. Ong F.A.Sc. (Ahli Majlis) [Council Member]- Datuk Dr. Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. - Datuk Dr. Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus (Ahli Majlis) F.A.Sc. [Council Member]- Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Zawawi Ismail F.A.Sc Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Zawawi (Ahli Majlis) Ismail F.A.Sc. [Council Member]- Prof. Dato' Dr. Syed Jalaluddin Syed Salim F.A.Sc. Prof. Dato' Dr. Syed Jalaluddin Syed (Ahli Majlis) Salim F.A.Sc. [Council Member]- Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Wan Abdul Rahman Yaacob F.A.Sc. Tan Sri Dato' Ir. Wan Abdul Rahman (Ahli Majlis) Yaacob F.A.Sc. [Council Member]- Dato' Dr. Chatar Singh F.A.Sc. (Ahli Majlis) - Dato' Dr. Chatar Singh F.A.Sc. [Council Member]• Pemilihan enam (6) Fellows baru ® Election of six ( 6) new Fellows of the Akademi Academy- Tan Sri Dato ' Hj. Musa Mohamad - Tan Sri Dato' Hj. Musa Mohamad F. A. Sc. F.A.Sc. (Sains Perubatan) [Medical Sciences]- Datuk Yong Poh Kon F.A.Sc. - Datuk Yong Poh Kon F.A.Sc. (Pembangunan S & T dan Industri) [S&T Development and Industry]- En T. Ananda Krishnan F.A.Sc. - Mr T. Ananda Krishnan F.A.Sc. (Pembangunan S & T dan Industri) [S&T Development and Industry]LAPORAN TAIIUJNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 28
- Prof. Chia Swee Ping F.A.Sc. Prof. Chia Swee Ping F.A.Sc. (Matematik dan Sains Fizik) [Mathematical & Physical Sciences] - En. Hijjas Kasturi F.A.Sc. En. Hijjas Kasturi F.A.Sc. (Sains Kejuruteraan) [Engineering Sciences] - Dr. Mohamad Arif Nun F.A.Sc. Dr. Mohamed Arif Nun F.A.Sc. (Teknologi Maklumat) [Information Technology]Di akhir Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan, Presiden At the end of the Annual General Meeting,telah menyampaikan Ucapan Presiden. Dalam the President delivered the Presidentialucapan beliau , Presiden menyatakan bahawa address . The President mentioned that theAkademi telah pun mempunyai premis dengan Academy now had its own fully equippedkelengkapan dan kakitangan sokongan yang premises and a fairly full complement ofagak lengkap . Presiden juga melaporkan support staff . The President alsobeberapa aktiviti utama Akademi sepanjang highlighted some of the main activities oftahun . Antara aktiviti utama ialah perlantikkan the Academy over the past year. AmongYAB Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, them were the conferment of the HonoraryPerdana Menteri Malaysia sebagai Fellow Fellowship of the Academy on YAB Dato'Kehormat Akademi serentak dengan Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed , Prime Ministerpelancaran buku bertajuk \"Mahathir : Leadership of Malaysia together with the launching ofand Vision in Science and Technology\". Dalam the book entitled \"Mahathir : Leadership andmenjalankan peranan sebagai penasihat kepada Vision in Science and Technology \". In its rolekerajaan dalam hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan as adviser to the Government on S & TS & T, pihak Akademi telah mengambil inisiatif matters , the Academy had taken a majormenganjurkan bengkel yang membawa tema initiative to organise a workshop with the\"Harnessing Science and Technology for the theme \"Harnessing Science and TechnologySeventh Malaysia Plan\". Laporan dengan for the Seventh Malaysia Plan \" . A reportcadangan - cadangan yang terperinci akan with specific recommendations would bedibentangkan kepada pihak Kerajaan untuk presented to the Government forpertimbangan. Presiden juga mengumumkan consideration . The President alsoperancangan Akademi untuk menganjurkan announced the Academy 's plan to organiseseminar mengenai \"ASEAN S & T Vision : a Seminar on \"ASEAN S & T Vision : TowardsTowards Technologically Competent ASEAN\" Technologically Competent ASEAN\" as partsebagai salah satu daripada inisiatif Akademi of the Academy ' s initiatives to strengthenuntuk memperkukuhkan kerjasama serantau regional co-operation among ASEANdikalangan akademi-akademi negara-negara Academies . The President concluded hisASEAN. Presiden mengulung ucapan beliau address by seeking the continued co-dengan memohon kerjasama yang berterusan operation and support of all Fellows in thedaripada semua Fellows terhadap aktiviti Academy ' s activities and thanking theAkademi dan berterimakasih kepada Pengarah Executive Director and the Academy's staffEksekutif dan kakitangan Akademi atas for their excellent work for the past year.perlaksanaan tugas dengan balk sepanjangtahun.LAPORAN TAIIUNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 29
SEMINAR MENGENAI/ SEMINAR ON \"ASEAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY VISION : TOWARDS TECHNOLOGICALLY COMPETENT ASEAN\" Antara peserta yang menghadiri seminarSome of the participants attending the seminarAkademi Sains Malaysia telah menganjurkan The Academy of Sciences Malaysia organisedSeminar bertemakan \"ASEAN Science and a seminar themed \"ASEAN Science andTechnology Vision : Towards Technologically Technology Vision : Towards TechnologicallyCompetent ASEAN\" bermula pada 8 hingga Competent ASEAN\" from 8th to 10th10 Disember 1997. Pembukaan rasmi December 1997. The official opening of theseminar ini telah dijalankan serentak dengan seminar together with ASM Annual DinnerJamuan Makan Malam Tahunan ASM pada 8 on the 8\" December 1997 was officiated byDisember 1997 yang telah dirasmikan oleh YB Dato' Leo Moggie the Minister of Energy,YB. Dato' Leo Moggie, Menteri Tenaga, Telecommunications and Posts.Telekom dan Pos.Seminar 3 hari ini telah diadakan di Hotel The 3-day seminar was held at the LegendLegend, Kuala Lumpur. 160 wakil dari Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. 160 representatives ofAkademi Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi ASEAN Academies of Science, EngineeringASEAN serta Organisasi Badan Kebangsaan and Technology and Similar NationalSains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi dan wakil Science, Engineering and Technologydari badan profesional Sains, Kejuruteraan organisations as well as representatives ofdan Teknologi serta pengawai kanan dari professional scientific, engineering andnegara anggota ASEAN dan China, Jepun, technology associations and senior officialsIndia dan Korea Selatan menghadiri seminar from ASEAN and China, Japan, India andini. South Korea attended the seminar.LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 30
Tajuk-tajuk yang dibincangkan semasa seminar The topics discussed during the seminar wereadalah mengenai Reformasi Institusi untuk P & Institutional Reform for R & D, PromotingP, Pembiayaan Sektor Swasta dalam P & P, Private Sector Funding for R & D, Technology\"Technology Business Incubator \", Pembiayaan Business Incubator, Funding for Technologyuntuk Kerjasama Teknologi dan Pendekatan Venture and Smart Partnership ApproachPerkongsian Bistari Towardskearah peningkatan Technologicalkecekapan dalam Competency.bidang teknologi. A declaration onSatu deklarasi S & T Vision Towardsamengenai Visi S & T Technologically CompetentKearah Kecekapan ASEAN was adopted andTeknologi ASEAN submitted to YAB Dato' Seri Dr.telah digubal dandiserahkan kepada MYAB Dato' Seri Dr. Presiden ASM clan peserta jemputan mengikuti sesi seminarMahathir Mohamed, President of ASM and invited guests at one of the seminar sessionPerdana Menteri Malaysia untuk dibentangkan Mahathir Mohamed, Prime Minister ofdi Persidangan Summit tidak Formal Sambutan Malaysia to be presented at the ASEAN 30`hUlangtahun ke 30 ASEAN yang telah diadakan Anniversary Informal Summit which wasdi Kuala Lumpur pada 14 - 16 Disember 1997. held in Kuala Lumpur on 14''' - 16''' December 1997.Cadangan-cadangan terperinci hasil daripada The detailed recommendations of theSeminar tersebut telah diserahkan kepada Seminar were submitted to the ASEANSekretariat ASEAN di Jakarta. Secretariat in Jakarta. LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 31
JAMUAN MAKAN MALAM TAHUNAN ASM ASM 1997 ANNUAL DINNER YB Dato' Leo Moggie, Menteri Tenaga, Telekom dan Pos menyampaikan ucapan perasmianYB Dato'Leo Moggie, Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Posts delivering his opening speechJamuan Makan Malam Tahunan ASM telah The ASM Annual Dinner was attended byclihadiri lebih kurang 400 tetamu. YBhg Tan Sri about 400 guests. YBhg. Tan Sri Dr. OmarDatuk Dr. Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc., Presiden Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc., the President ofASM telah menyampaikan Sijil Keahlian kepada ASM presented certificates of appointment3 dari 6 orang Fellows baru Akademi Sains to 3 new Fellows of the Academy ofMalaysia. Sciences Malaysia from the six elected.YB Date' Leo Moggie, Menteri Tenaga, Telekom dan Pos bersama delegasi luar dari Akademi Sains clan Teknologi ASEAN, China, Jepun, India dan Korea Selatan serta Fellow ASM di Jamuan Makan Malam Tahunan ASM 1997 clan Majlis Perasmian SeminarYB Dato' Leo Moggie, Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Posts with all foreign delegates from ASEAN Academies of Sciences and Technology, China, Japan, India and South Korea and ASM Fellows at the ASM Annual Dinner 1997 and Official Opening of the Seminar LAPORAN TAHUNAN •1997 -ANN LAL REPORT 32
MAJLIS PERASMIANBANGUNAN PEJABAT ASMOFFICIAL OPENING OF ASMOFFICE BUILDING YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding , YB Datuk Abu Bakar Daud clan YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. sernasa majlis perasmian YB Datuk Law Hienq Ding, YB Datuk Abu Bakar Daud and YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. during the opening ceremonyYB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Menteri Sains, YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Minister ofTeknologi dan Alam Sekitar telah merasmikan Science, Technology and thebangunan pejabat Akademi beralamat di 902- Environment formally declared open the4, Jalan Tun Ismail Kuala Lumpur pada 25 Academy building at 902-4, Jalan TunFebruari 1997. Timbalan Menteri Sains, Ismail, Kuala Lumpur on 2511, FebruaryTeknologi dan Alam Sekitar, YB Datuk Abu 1997. The Deputy Minister of Science,Bakar Daud dan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Technology and the Environment, YBSains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar, YBhg Dato' Datuk Abu Bakar Daud and the SecretaryV. Danabalan adalah diantara 100 tetamu yang General of the Ministry of Sciencehadir pada majlis perasmian tersebut. Technology and the Environment, YBhg. Dato' V. Danabalan were among the 100YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding dalam ucapan guests who attended the openingperasmian berkata bahawa beliau ceremony.berpuashati melihat pencapaian Akademidalam waktu yang singkat semenjak YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding in his openingpenubuhan dan berharap lebih banyak speech said that he was happy to notesumbangan dari ASM akan terus the progress achieved by the Academydiperolehi. in the short time since its formation and was looking forward for more contributions from ASM. Fellow dan tetarnu yang menghadiri pembukaan rasmi pejabat ASM Fellows and guests .u/encling the opening ceremony of ASM office buildingLAI'IIRAN TAHUNAN •1997 • ANN1 AI. REPORT 33
AKTIVITI 1997ACTIVITIES IN 1997 YBhg Dato' Abd. Aziz S.A. Kadir F.A.Sc. sedang membentangkan Laporan Jawatankuasa YBhg Dato'Abd. Aziz S.A. Kadir F.A.Sc. presenting the Committee ReportAkademi Sains Malaysia telah mengenalpasti 4 The Academy of Sciences Malaysia hasteras utama fokus : identified 4 major areas of focus including:1. Memberi nasihat kepada Kerajaan 1. Providing advice to Government on mengenai perkara-perkara yang penting matters of national importance pada peringkat nasional. 2. Fostering a culture of excellence in2. Menggalakkan pertumbuhan budaya science and technology in Malaysia kecemerlangan dalam sains dan teknologi. 3. Assisting in upgrading technological3. Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan capability in Malaysian industry and teknologi dalam perkembangan industri di Malaysia dan 4. Promoting public awareness of the importance of science and technology4. Menggalakkan kesedaran awam mengenai in everyday life kepentingan sains dan teknologi dalam kehidupan harian. Accordingly, the Academy's activities can be divided under 5 broad categories :Aktiviti Akademi dibahagikan kepada 5 kategoriutama : 1. Advice to Government 2. Science Excellence Programme1. Nasihat kepada Kerajaan. 3. Science Awareness Programme2. Program Kecemerlangan Sains 4. International Programme3. Program Kesedaran Sains 5. ASM Publications4. Program Antarabangsa5. Penerbitan ASMLAPORA :N TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 37
NASIHAT KEPADA KERAJAAN ADVICE TO THE GOVERNMENTSejajar dengan peranan sebagai menasihati In line with its role to provide advise to thekerajaan mengenai perkara-perkara yang Government on matters related to science,berkaitan dengan sains , kejuruteraan dan engineering and technology the Academyteknologi pihak Akademi telah mengenalpasi 4 has identified 4 areas of focus which are:fokus utama: • Agriculture and other Resource-based• Pertanian dan Ekonomi berasaskan lain-lain Economies somber asli • Biodiversity• Biodiversiti • Science Education• Pendidikan Sains • Natural Resource Management• Pengurusan Sumber Semulajadi ACTION PLAN REPORTLAPORAN PELAN TINDAKAN A meeting was held for the Fellows of theMesyuarat untuk Fellows Akademi telah Academy to discuss the Action Plandiadakan untuk membincangkan mengenai Reports which were submitted by theLaporan Pelan Tindakan yang telah diserahkan seven working committees of the Academyoleh 7 Jawatankuasa Kerja Akademi pada 25 on 251h February 1997. The reports areFebruari 1997 . Laporan mengenai Pengurusan Natural Resources Management; TheSumber Semulajadi, Status dan Arah Pendidikan Status and Direction of Science andSains dan Teknologi: Sumbangan kepadaPembangunan Industri , Peningkatan Technology Education; Science andKemampuan Teknologi, Menerapkan Sains Technology, Contribution to Nationaldalam masyarakat, Pertanian : Cabaran dan Industrial Development; EnhancingIsu, Pemuliharaan Biodiversiti Kebangsaan Technological Capability, Gettinguntuk Malaysia dan Kesedaran dan Kefahaman Malaysian Science Wired; Agriculture :Sains dan Teknologi. Challenges and Issues, National Biodiversity Conservancy for Malaysia and a report of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia Committee on Support from Public - through Science and technology Awareness and Understanding. Pembentangan laporan dari FellowAkademi Presentation of report from Fellow of the AcademyLAPORAN TAHUNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 38
Setelah mengambil kira semua cadangan After taking into account all comments andAkademi mengambil keputusan untuk recommendations the Academy had decidedmeneruskan penerbitan 2 laporan . to proceed with two report; NaturalPengurusan Sumber Semulajadi dan Status dan Resources Management and The Status andArab Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi. Kedua- Direction of Science and Technologydua laporan ini ditahap akhir penyusunan dan Education. The two reports are currently inakan diserahkan kepada pihak Kerajaan setelah the final stage of preparation and will beianya selesai. forwarded to the Government upon completion.DIALOG DIANTARA YB MENTERI SAINS, DIALOGUE BETWEEN YB MINISTER OFTEKNOLOGI DAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN SCIENCE , TECHNOLOGY AND THEAKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA ENVIRONEMNT AND THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIASelepas Majlis Pembukaan Rasmi BangunanPejabatAkademi, satu sesi dialogtelah diadakan After the official opening of the Academy'sdengan YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Menteri office building, a dialogue was held withSains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar. Seramai 18 YB Dato' Law Hieng Ding, Minister oforang Fellows hadir pada sesi ini yang telah Science, Technology and the Environment.dipengerusikan oleh Presiden, YBhg Tan Sri This was attended by 18 Fellows of theDatuk Dr. Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. YBhg Academy and chaired by the President,Dato' V. Danabalan, Ketua Setiausaha YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Omar AbdulKementerian turut hadir pada majlis ini. Rahman F.A.Sc. YBhg. Dato' V. Danabalan, the Secretary General of the Ministry wasSemasa sesi dialog terdapat 3 perkara utama also present.yang diketengahkan dan dihincangkan.Perkara pertama mengenai Program During the dialogue three main points werePembangunan Manusia (HRD). Dibawah raised and discussed. The first point wasperkara ini Menteri meminta pandangan on Human Resources Development . TheAkademi mengenai pendekatan dan strategi Minister wanted the advice of the Academyyang paling sesuai yang boleh dijalankan oleh on the best approach and strategy to beKementerian untuk mengimplementasikan undertaken by the Ministry in order toprogram HRD. Kerajaan telah pun meluluskan implement appropriate HRD programmes.peruntukkan sebanyak RM 1.9 billion dibawah The Government had approved anRancangan Malaysia ke 7 untuk program HRD allocation of RM1.9 billion under the 71hSains dan Teknologi melalui beberapa Malaysia Plan for HRD in science andkementerian dan agensi. Negara ketika ini technology through various ministries andmempunyai lebih kurang 7000 saintis agencies. The country had about 7,000sedangkan pada ketika ini negara memerlukan scientists at the moment whilst the number20,000 orang; ini memhuktikan adanya we should have would be 20,000 by thekeperluan untuk melatih 13,000 saintis dengan year 2000; so there was a need to trainkadar segera. 13,000 more scientists urgently.LAPORAN TAHUNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 39
Semasa perbincangan, dicadangkan tentang During the discussion it was suggested thatperlunya untuk mengenalpasti dan menyusun there was a need to identify and prioritisemengikut kepentingan tujuh bidang dibawah the seven areas under the TechnologyPelan Tindakan Teknologi dan gunatenaga yang Action plan and the manpower required indiperlukan pada setiap bidang. Cadangan juga each area. A suggestion was also made thatdibuat tentang latihan perlu ditekankan pada training should be emphasised at PhD/postperingkat PhD/lepasan ijazah. graduate levels.Menteri juga membincangkan mengenai The Minister also stated that MPKSN waspenubuhan MPKSN yang telah ditubuhkan 19 set up 19 years ago, and there was nowtahun yang lalu, dan menurut beliau perlu an urgent need to review the role ofuntuk menilai semula peranan MPKSN, keahlian MPKSN, membership in MPKSN andMPKSN dan samada perlukah campurtanganpolitik dalam penubuhannya. Menteri juga whether there was a need for political inputmerujuk kepada beberapa Perjanj ian in its set-Lip. The Minister also referred toPersefahaman (MOU's) yang telah the numerous MOU's that the Governmentditandatangani oleh pihak Kerajaan beberapa had signed over the years with foreigntahun kebelakangan ini dengan negara-negara countries and there was the need toluar dan perlu tindakan susulan serta kajian activate some of these MOU's.semula Perjanjian ini dan bagaimana untukmengerakkan perjanjian ini dengan lebih The Academy was requested by YBberkesan. Minister to study and advise the MinistryAkademi telah diminta untuk mengkaji dan on the following:memberi cadangan kepada Kementerianmengenai perkara-perkara berikut: • HRD Programmes • Membership of MPKSN• Program HRD • MOU's with foreign countries.• Keahlian MPKSN• Perjanjian Persefahaman(MOU) dengan SESI DIALOGnegara -negara luar. YB DATUK LAW NIENG DING MENTERI SAINS,TEKNOLOGI DAN ALAM SEKITAR BERSAMA FELLOWS AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA 25 FEBRUARIi997 YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar F.A.Sc. sedang mempengerusikan sesi dialog ASM bersama YB Menteri YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. is chairing the dialogue session with Minister LAPORAN TAIIIJNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 40
KERTAS PERSIDANGAN BENGKEL PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP \"HARNESSING SCIENCE AND\"HARNESSING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE SEVENTH MALAYSIA PLAN\"TECHNOLOGY FOR THE SEVENTH On the 2\" to 3\"' of August 1996, theMALAYSIA PLAN\" Academy organised a workshop themed 'Harnessing Science and Technology for the2 - 3 Ogos 1996 , Akademi telah menganjurkan Seventh Malaysia Plan\" with the objectivesbengkel yang membawa tema \"Harnessing to deliberate on the directions, strategiesScience and Technology for the Seventh Malaysia and plans, and in particular those withPlan\" bertujuan untuk menilai arah, strategi dan implications on science, engineering andperancangan, implikasi secara khusus terhadap technology in the 7\"' Malaysia Plan, and tosains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalam propose priority action targets forRancangan Malaysia ke 7, serta untuk implementation. The proceedings had beenmencadangkan keutamaan sasaran tindakan published by the Academy and will beyang bakal diimplementasikan. Satu Kertas presented to the Prime Minister as part ofPersidangan telah diterbitkan sebagai laporan the Academy's role in providing advice todari Akademi dan akan diserahkan kepada YAB the Government.Perdana Menteri sebagai salah satu perananAkademi memberi nasihat kepada Kerajaan. ISSUE OF CLONING OF HUMAN BEINGSISU PENGKLONAN MANUSIA The Minister of Science , Technology and the Environment YB Dato ' Law Hieng DingMenteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar, YB. had referred the issue of cloning of humanDatuk Law Hieng Ding telah merujuk kepada beings to the Academy. Consequently theAkademi mengenai isu pengklonan manusia. Academy had set up a committeeSejajar dengan ini Akademi telah menubuhkan comprising of Dato ' Dr. M. Jegathesansatu Jawatankuasa yang dianggotai oleh YBhg F.A.Sc. as the Chairman , Dr. Mak Joon WahDato' Dr. M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc. sebagai F.A.Sc., Prof. Dato' Dr. Zakri Abdul Hamidpengerusi, Dr. Mak Joon Wah F.A.Sc., Prof. Dato' F.A.Sc., Prof. Dr . Abdul Latif IbrahirnDr. Zakri Abdul Hamid F.A.Sc., Prof. Dr Abdul F.A.Sc., Prof Dr. Mohd Nizam Isa, Dr. AlexLatif Ibrahim F.A.Sc., Prof. Dr. Mohd Nizam Isa, Matthews and Dr. Tan Lee Nak. TheDr. Alex Matthews dan Dr. Tan Lee Nak. Committee had recommended that aJawatankuasa telah mencadangkan untuk National Advisory Panel be set up to lookmenubuhkan Panel Penasihat Kebangsaan untuk into the issues in relation to cloning, geneticmelihat isu yang berkaitan dengan pengklonan, engineering and manipulation.kejuruteraan genetik serta manipulasi. LAPORAN TA11LNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL I FI'ORT 4F 7
TAKLIMAT DI KEMENTERIAN PERUSAHAAN BRIEFING AT THE MINISTRY OF PRIMARYUTAMA MALAYSIA INDUSTRIES MALAYSIAKetua Setiausaha Kementerian Perusahaan The Secretary General of the Ministry ofUtama, YBhg Dato' Haron Haji Siraj telah Primary Industry YBhg. Dato' Haron Hajimenjadi hos kepada lawatan Fellow Akademi Siraj hosted a visit by the Fellows of theSains Malaysia pada 22 September 1997. Academy of Sciences Malaysia on 22-'Delegasi ASM telah diketuai oleh Setiausaha September 1997. The ASM delegation wasAgung Akademi, YBhg Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong led by Secretary General of the Academy,F.A.Sc. Fellows Akademi telah diberi taklimat YBhg. Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc.oleh Ketua Setiausaha mengenai potfolio Fellows of the Academy were briefed byKementerian, tanggungjawab, isu-isu semasa the Secretary-General, regarding thedan status komoditi Malaysia. YBhg Dato' Ministry's portfolio, responsibilities,Haron Siraj menjemputAkademi untuk berkerja current issues and status of Malaysiansama dengan Kementerian Perusahaan Utama primary commodities. YBhg. Dato' HaronuntLik membantu Kementerian dalan usaha Siraj invited the Academy to work togethermenggunakan sains, kejuruteraan dan with the Ministry of Primary Industry andteknologi untuk pembangunan perusahaan to assist the Ministry in using science,utama Malaysia. engineering and technology for the development of Malaysian primary industries. YBhg Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc., menyampaikan penerbitan Akademi kepada YBhg. Dato' Haron Sirai YBhg Dato' lc Lee Yee Cheong F.a.Sc., Presenting the Academy's publications to YBhg Dato' Haron SirajLAPORAN 'FAl1UNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 42
PROGRAM KECEMERLANGAN SAINSSCIENCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAMMEPada tahun 1997 banyak aktiviti-aktiviti yang The year 1997 saw many interestingmenarik dibawah Program Kecemerlangan activities being carried out by the AcademySains telah dianjurkan. tinder this programme.SYARAHAN PERDANA OLEH DR. DAVID ASM ANNUAL ORATION BY DR. DAVIDBALTIMORE , PEMENANG HADIAH NOBEL BALTIMORE , NOBEL LAUREATEAkademi Sains Malaysia telah menganjurkan The Academy of Sciences Malaysia heldSyarahan Perdana 1997 di Hotel Legend, Kuala its 1997 Annual Oration at the LegendLumpur pada 13 September 1997. Dr. David Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on the 13thBaltimore, Presiden, California Institute of September 1997. Dr. David Baltimore, theTechnology (Caltech) dan Pernenang Hadiah President of California Institute ofNobel dalam bidang Fisiologi atau Perubatan Technology (Caltech) and Nobelpada tahun 1975, telah menyampaikan Laureate in Physiology or Medicine insyarahan mengenai \"Cellular Signalling and 1975, delivered the Oration on 'CellularOncogenesis '. Signalling and Oncogenesis'.Lebih kurang 100 orang tetamu menghadiri About 100 guests attended the lecture andSyarahan Perdana ini dan mendapat peluang had the opportunity to learn about theuntuk mempelajari faktor yang mempengaruhi factors that determine life and death ofkehidupan pesakit HIV dan AIDS. normal and HIV-infected cells and in turn the mechanism of AIDS progression in infected individuals. Timbalan Naib Canselor UKM Dato' Prof. Zakri Mohd Hamid F.A.Sc. sedang menyampaikan cenderamata kepada Pemenang Hadiah Nobel Dr. David Baltimore Deputy Vice Chancellor of UKM Date' Prof. Zakri Mohd Hamill EA.Sc. presenting a souvenir to Nobel Laureate Dr. David BaltimoreLAPORAN TAHUNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 43
SYARAHAN UMUM ASM MENGENAI AIDS ASM PUBLIC LECTURE ON AIDSPada 14 November 1997, Akademi Sains On 1411' November 1997 the Academy ofMalaysia dengan kerjasama Universiti Sciences Malaysia in collaboration withKebangsaan Malaysia dan Persatuan Genetik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia andMalaysia telah menganjurkan Syarahan Umum Genetics Society of Malaysia organised theASM bertajuk \"AIDS - Molecular Epidemiology ASM Public Lecture entitled 'AIDS -of HIV and its Implications for HIV Vaccine Molecular Epidemiology of HIV and ItsDevelopment\" yang telah disampaikan oleh Dr. Implications for HIV Vaccine Development'David Baltimore, Presiden California Institute which was delivered by Dr. Davidof Technology (CALTECH) yang juga Pemenang Baltimore, President of the CaliforniaHadiah Nobel dalam bidang Fisiologi atau Institute of Technology (CALTECH) andPerubatan 1975. Melalui syarahan ini beliau Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicinemenerangkan perkembangan saintifik yang 1975. The lecture gave new scientificterbaru mengenai \"molecular epidemiology understanding of the molecularH/V\"dan perkembangan terkini mengenai vaksin epidemiology of HIV and also freshAIDS. Seramai lebihkurang 350 tetamu insights into the development of an AIDSmenghadiri syarahan ini. vaccine. About 350 guests attended the lecture.SYARAHAN OLEH PROFESOR ANTONY LUNCHEON LECTURE BY PROFESSORHEWISH ANTONY HEWISHAkaclemi Sains Malaysia dengan kerjasama Academy of Sciences Malaysia inUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia dan Kementerian collaboration with Universiti TeknologiSains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar (MOSTE), Malaysia and Ministry of Science,telah menganjurkan Syarahan oleh Prof. Technology and the Environment (MOSTE)Antony Hewish pada 24 Jun 1997. Dengan organised a luncheon lecture by Prof.kesungguhan dan peranan beliau dalam Antony Hewish on 24th of June 1997. Forpenemuan \"pulsars\" Prof. Hewish telah his role in the discovery of pulsars, Prof.berkongsi Hadiah Nobel dalam bidang Fizik Hewish shared the Nobel Prize for Physicspada tahun 1974 dengan Sir Martin Ryle. in 1974 with Sir Martin Ryle. The lectureSyarahan ini adalah mengenai \"The Strange was entitled 'The Strange Behaviour ofBehaviour of Neutron Star\". 400 tetamu Neutron Star'. 400 guests attended the talk.jemputan hadir pada majlis syarahan ini.LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 44
SYARAHAN UMUM ASM MENGENAI ASM PUBLIC LECTURE ON HEALTH ANDKESIHATAN DAN ALAM SEKITAR THE ENVIRONMENTSyarahan Umum mengenai \"Health and the A Public Lecture on \"Health and theEnvironment : Understanding the Uncertainties\" Environment : Understanding theoleh Prof. L.L. Smith, Pengarah, Medical Uncertainties\"' by Prof. L.L. Smith, Director,Council Toxicology Unit, University of Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit,Leicester, UK telah diadakan di Dewan Seminar University of Leicester, UK was held at theASM pada 5 September 1997. Syarahan ini Seminar Hall, ASM, on 511 September 1997.berkisar mengenai proses bagaimana bahan The lecture covered the processes bykimia boleh memudaratkan dan bagaimana which the hazards of chemicals areuntuk mengenalpasti risiko bahan-bahan kimia established, and how to determine the riskskepada alam sekitar dan kesihatan manusia. of chemicals to the environment andSyarahan ini juga membincangkan fungsi human health. The lecture discussed the\"endocrine disrupters\" ke atas kesihatan role of endocrine disrupters on malereproduktif lelaki. Syarahanini diakhiri dengan inisiatif reproductive health. Thepenyelidikan yang boleh lecture concluded withdiambil untuk memudahkan research initiatives forproses membuat keputusan decision making processespada masa akan datang. in the future. The lectureSyarahan ini telah dihadiri oleh was attended by about 40lebih kurang 40 tetamu. guests.Prof. L.L. Smith diperkenalkan oleh Prof. Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. yang mempengerusikan syarahan tersebutProf. L.L. Smith being introduced by Prof. Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. who chaired the Public LectureMESYUARAT MENGENAI PENGUNAAN MEETING ON USE OF NATURAL RUBBERGETAH ASH DIDALAM KEJURUTERAAN IN ENGINEERINGMesyuarat mengenai penggunaan getah asli A meeting on the use of natural rubber indalam kejuruteraan telah dipengerusikan oleh Engineering was convened by Dato' Ir. LeeDato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. pada 30 Jun Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. held on the 3011' of June1997 dihoskan oleh Datuk Dr. Abdul Aziz 1997 and hosted by Datuk Dr Abdul AzizF.A.Sc., Pengarah RRIM dan pegawai-pegawai F.A.Sc., Director of RRIM and his officers.beliau. Mesyuarat bersetuju untuk membentuk The meeting agreed to form a Task ForceKumpulan bertindak yang terdiri dari wakil which comprised representatives fromASM, UTM, RRIM, IEM, USM, UM, ITM, ASM, UTM, RRIM, IEM, USM, UM, ITM,ACEM, CIDB dan Sime Darby untuk ACEM, CIDB and Sime Darby to formulatemenyusun strategi agar Fakulti Kejuruteraan a strategy for engineering faculties in localdi Universiti Tempatan dapat memasukkan Universities to include the design andrekabentuk getah asli di dalam kejuruteraan application of natural rubber in engineeringdi dalarn kurikulum. in the curriculum.1.A1'OBAN TAIII NAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 45
GERAN PENYELIDIKAN 1997 DR RANJEET RANJEET BHAGWAN SINGH 1997BHAGWAN SINGH RESEARCH GRANTTabung Penyelidikan Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh The Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Research Fundini ditubuhkan untuk mengalakkan penyelidikan was established to promote researchdikalangan saintis perubatan muda untuk among young medical scientists for thekepentingan negara. Tabung Penyelidikan ini benefit of the nation. This research fundadalah wasiat daripada Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan is a bequest by Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan SinghSingh, bekas Pengarah Institut Perubatan a former Director of Institute of MedicalMalaysia (IMR). Research (IMR).Akademi Sains Malaysia telah diberi tugas untuk The Academy of Sciences Malaysia wasmenguruskan Tabung ini. Pada 5 November given the mandate to manage the fund. On1997, YB. Datuk Law Hieng Ding telah 5th November 1997, YB Datuk Law Hiengmenyampaikan Geran Penyelidikan kepada dua Ding presented the research grants to thepemenang pertama iaitu Dr. Noor Hamidah first two recipients namely Dr. NoorHussin dari UKM dan Dr. Ong Beng Beng dari Hamidah Hussin from UKM and Dr. OngUM. Beng Beng from UM.YB DatLik Law Hieng Ding, dengan pemenang Geran Penyelidikan Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh, Dr. Hamidah Hussin (UKM) dan Dr. Ong Beng Beng (UM) YB Datuk Law Hieng Din„ with the winners of Dr. Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Research Grant, Dr. Hamidah Hussin (UKM) and Dr. Ong Bong Beng (UM) LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 46
PROGRAM KESEDARAN SAINSSCIENCE AWARENESS PROGRAMMEPada tahun 1997, dibawah Program Kesedaran In 1997, under the Science AwarenessSains, Akademi telah menganjurkan program Programme the Academy organised theberikut: following activities:PROGRAM SYARAHAN KE SEKOLAH-SEKOLAH BACK TO SCHOOL LECTURESSalah satu dari aktiviti Akademi dibawah As part of the Academy's ScienceProgram Kesedaran Sains, 2 Syarahan ke Awareness Programme, two Back to Schoolbekas sekolah-sekolah telah dianjurkan oleh Lecture Series had been organised to date.YBhg Dato' In Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc., telah YBhg Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. wentke bekas sekolah beliau di Yuk Choy High back to his 'alma mater' Yuk Choy HighSchool, lpoh dan menyampaikan syarahan School to deliver a lecture on 'Engineeringbertajuk \"Kejuruteraan pada abad ke 21 \" serta in 2lstCentury'and to share his experiencesuntuk berkongsi pengalaman dengan para with the students. Prof Chin Hong Fongpelajar. Prof. Chin Hong Fong F.A.Sc. telah F.A.Sc. went back to Methodist Highberkunjung ke bekas sekolah beliau di School, Kuala Lumpur to deliver a lectureMethodist High School, Kuala Lumpur untuk on 'Conservation of Biodiversity'. Themenyampaikan syarahan bertajuk \"Conservation contents of his lecture was lateron Biodiversity\". Syarahan beliau telah documented and published.didokumenkan dan di terbitkan.Prof. Chin Hoong Fong F.A.Sc. sedang menyampaikan syarahan Prof. Chin Hoong Fong F.A.Sc. delivering his lecture LAPORAN TAHUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 47
MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA PEMANDU STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF THEMENGENAI CADANGAN PENUBUHAN PROPOSED NATIONAL SCIENCE ANDPUSAT SUMBER KEBANGSAAN SAINS DAN TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE CENTRETEKNOLOGI (NSTRC)Sebagai tindakan susulan sesi dialog diantara As a follow up to the dialogue sessionAkademi dan badan bukan kerajaan dalam between the Academy and the Science,bidang sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi, suatu Engineering and Technology Professionaljawatankuasa pemandu telah ditubuhkan untuk Bodies/NGOs, a Steering Committee totujuan penubuhan Pusat Sumber Kebangsaan establish a National Science andSains dan Teknologi ini. Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong Technology Resource Centre (NSTRC) wasF.A.Sc., Setiausaha Agung Akademi telah formed. Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc.,mempengerusikan jawatankuasa yang terdiri Secretary General of the Academy chaireddaripada wakil dari badan bukan kerajaan. the committee comprising nineMesyuarat pertama jawatankuasa telah diadakan representatives of the NGOs. The firstpada 11 Januar 1997. Mesyuarat memutuskan meeting of the committee was held on 1111untuk menyemak semula kertas cadangan yang of January 1997. The meeting decided thattelah diluluskan sebelumnya oleh Kementerian a revised version of the proposalSains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar diminta previously agreed to by the Ministry ofmenimbangkan pandangan-pandangan serta Science, Technology and the Environmentkeperluan dari badan bukan kerajaan dan badan should be prepared taking intoprofesional S & T. Kertas cadangan termasuk consideration the views and needs of thepelan bangunan sedang disiapkan. SET Professional Bodies/NGOs. The proposal document including building plans is being finalised.LAPORAN TAHUNAN •1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 48
MESYUARAT DIANTARA ASM DAN MEETING BETWEEN ASM AND PETRONASPETRONAS MENGENAI SIRI SYARAHAN ASM ON ASM LECTURE SERIES - PETROSAINS-- SYARAHAN PETROSAINS -ASM 1998 ASM 1998 LECTURESuatu mesyuarat mengenai Siri Syarahan ASM- A kick-off meeting of the ASM LectureSyarahan Petrosains-ASM 1998 telah diadakan Series - Petrosains ASM 1998 Lecture wasdi Petronas. la telah dihadiri oleh YBhg Dato' Ir. held at Petronas. It was attended by YBhg.Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc., En. Mike Smythe dari Dato' Ir. Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc., Mr. MikeInstitution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) U.K. dan Smythe of the Institution of Electricalwakil dari Petronas diketuai oleh Dr. Rosti Engineers (IEE) U.K. and representativesSaruwono, Pengurus Besar R & D Petronas. of Petronas headed by Dr. RostiSelepas mesyuarat tersebut suatu perbincangan Saruwono, General Manager R&Dlanjutan telah diadakan mengenai Siri Syarahan Petronas. After the meeting the group hadASM - Siri Syarahan ASM - Syarahan further discussion on the ASM LecturePETROSAINS - ASM 1998 dengan Than Hj. Series - Petrosains - ASM 1998 LectureMohd Zohari, Timbalan Presiden, Pengurusan with Tuan Hj. Mohd Zohari, Vice President,Sumber Teknologi, Petronas. Technology Resource Management Petronas.Mesyuarat di antara ASM dan Petronas mengenai Syarahan Pertosains -ASM 1998 Meeting between ASM and Petronas on 1998 Petrosains -ASM Lecture 1.AI'1)RA \ TAII1 \A\ • 1997 • A\\( AI REPORT 49
PROGRAM ANTARABANGSA INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMEPENUBUHAN MAJLIS AKADEMI SAINS & FORMATION OF ASEAN COUNCIL OFKEJURUTERAAN ASEAN (ASEANCASE) ACADEMIES OF SCIENCE & ENGINERING (ASEANCASE)Suatu mesyuarat Akademi Sains, Kejuruteraan A meeting of Academies of Sciences anddan badan seumpamanya di ASEAN, China, Engineering and Similar Organisations inJepun, India dan Korea Selatan telah diadakan ASEAN, China, India, Japan & South Koreadi Hotel Legend, Kuala Lumpur pada 10 was held at the Legend Hotel, KualaDisember 1997. Mesyuarat telah diberi Lumpur on 10'h December 1997. Thetaklimat mengenai Persidangan tahun 2000 meeting was briefed on the Year 2000mengenai \"Susta inability Transition of the World Conference on \"Susta inability Transition ofScience Academies\" oleh Dr. John Campbell, the World Science Academies\" by Dr JohnSetiausaha STCC, US National Academy of Campbell, Secretary of STCC, US NationalSciences. Mesyuarat juga membincangkan Academy of Sciences. The meeting alsomengenai kerjasama dan perjanjian serantau discussed S.E.T regional and bi-lateral co-dalam bidang S.E.T., tempat serta terna untuk operation and venues and themes of 1998mesyuarat Akademi S.E.T. ASEAN dan badan and 1999 meetings of ASEAN S.E.T.seumpamanya bagi tahun 1998 dan 1999. Academies & Similar Organisations. JakartaJakarta dan Manila akan menjadi tempat and Manila will be the venues respectively.mesyuarat seterusnya. Mesyuarat juga The meeting also agreed unanimously tobersetuju sebulat suara untuk membentuk form ASEANCASE (ASEAN Council ofASEANCASE (Majlis Akademi Sains & Academies of Science and Engineering).Kejuruteraan ASEAN). ASM telah ditugaskan ASM has been entrusted with the task ofuntuk menguruskan penubuhan ASEANCASE. the formation of ASEANCASE. Dr. M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc.. Naib Presiden Akademi mempengerusikan mesyuaratDr. M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc., Vice President of the Academy chairing the meeting LAPORAN TAIIUNAN • 1997 • ANNUAL REPORT 50