G i\ i? L ^.r. Ids 9S '.1A:,YS;;i ernpataatt iJ*1tt............. mencapai, menggalak, serta meningkatkecemerlangan dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi khusus untuk kemajuan danpembangunan negara dan juga untuk kebaikanmanusia sejagat jJ+1tton tatcmcnt................. the pursuit, encouragement andenhancement of excellence in the fields of science,engineering and technology, for the development ofthe nation and the benefit of mankind
Akademi Sains Malaysia Laporan Tahunan 1998 Annual ReportAcademy of Sciences Malaysia
Akademi Sains MalaysiaAcademy of Sciences Malaysia902-4, Jalan Tun Ismail50480 Kuala LumpurMalaysiaTel: 603-2949898Fax: 603-2945858E-mail:[email protected] Page: http://www.akademisains.gov.my© Akademi Sains Malaysia 1999All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner.Cover Design and Printed by: Malcom Network Tel: 03-2063188
KANDUNGAN /CONTENTSLaporan Presiden - 5 Jamuan Makan Malam TahunanPresident's Report Akademi Sains Malaysia - 38 Academy of Sciences MalaysiaFungsi Akademi Sains Malaysia - 16 Annual DinnerFunctions of the Academy ofSciences Malaysia AKTIVITI -AKTIVITI 1998 ACTIVITIES IN 1998Fellow Kehormat Akademi SainsMalaysia - 19 Aktiviti-Aktiviti 1998 - 43Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Activities in 1998Sciences Malaysia Nasihat Kepada Kerajaan - 44Fellow Baru Akademi Sains Advice to GovernmentMalaysia 1998 - 20New Fellow of the Academy of Program Kecemerlangan Sains -49Sciences Malaysia Science Excellence ProgrammeSenarai Fellow Akademi Sains Membantu untuk MeningkatkanMalaysia - 2 1 Keupayaan Industri di MalaysiaList of Fellows Academy of Sciences Dalam Bidang Teknologi - J6Malaysia Assisting in Upgrading Technological Capability inAhli-ahli Majis Akademi Sains Malaysian IndustryMalaysia 1998 - 26Members of Council of the Program Kesedaran Sains - 60Academy of Sciences Malaysia Science Awareness ProgrammeAhli-Ahli Majlis - 27 Program Antarabangsa - 64Council Members International ProgrammeMesyuarat Majlis - 28 Lawatan - 76Council Meetings VisitsJawatankuasa Kerja dan Program - 29 Pelawat Akademi - 77Working Committees and Programmes Academy VisitorsCarta Organisasi Akademi Sains Penerbitan ASM - 78Malaysia - 3 1 ASM PublicationsOrganization Chart Academy ofSciences Malaysia Lain-lain Aktiviti - 79 Other ActivitiesACARA UTAMAHIGHLIGHTS PENYATA KEWANGAN - 81 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTSMesyuarat AgungTahunan Keti a Akademi SainsMalaysia - 5Academy of Sciences MalaysiaThird Annual General Meeting
Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc.
LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT'S REPORTS aya dengan sukacitanya I am pleased to report another melaporkan perkembangan year of sound progress for thedan kemajuan Akademi tahun ini. Academy. It had been a successfulTahun ini merupakan tahun yang year, made possible through thecemerlang, dan is telah dicapai dedication of the fellows and themelalui dedikasi fellow dan staff.kakitangan. During the year under review, theSepanjang tahun penilaian ini, Academy continued to carry out itsAkademi meneruskan aktiviti-aktiviti activities which are based on theberlandaskan kepada lima bidang five thrust areas.utama.Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ketiga The Academy's Third AnnualAkademi telah diadakan pada 25 General Meeting was held on 2511April 1998. Mesyuarat telah April 1998. The meeting approvedmeluluskan pemilihan tujuh orang Fellow the election of seven new Fellowsbaru dan enam orang Ahli Majlis. and six new members of the Council.Izinkan saya untuk melaporkan Permit me to highlight some of ourbeberapa pencapaian utama pada major achievements in 1998. Thetahun 1998. Akademi telah Academy has successfullyberjaya menganjurkan Persidangan concluded an APEC SET RoundtableMeja Bulat Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Meeting to discuss the APECTeknologi (SET) APEC untuk Agenda for S&T Industry Co-membincangkan Agenda APEC operation into the 2151 Century.dalam S&T dan Kerjasama Industri Some 56 participants from 17Kearah Abad ke 21. Lebihkurang APEC economies attended and56 peserta dari 17 ahli ekonomi participated in the meeting. AAPEC menghadiri mesyuarat ini. declaration of the roundtable hasSatu deklarasi dan laporan mesyuarat been forwarded to the Minister ofmeja bulat ini telah dihantar kepada International Trade and Industry forMenteri Perusahaan Antarabangsa inclusion into the APEC Agenda.dan Industri untuk dimasukkan ke The APEC Agenda for S&T Industrydalam Agenda APEC. Agenda Co-operation was approved by theAPEC dalam bidang S&T dan APEC Economic Leaders Meeting inKerjasama Industri telah diluluskan Kuala Lumpur, November 1998.di Mesyuarat Ketua Ekonomi NegaraAPEC di Kuala Lumpur, November1998.LAI'OPAN 'I'AFII NAN 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTAkademi telah menganjurkan Siri The Academy has initiated the ASMSyarahan ASM dengan kerjasama Lecture Series in collaboration withPETRONAS melalui PETROSAINS - PETRONAS through PETROSAINS -sebuah subsidiari PETRONAS. a subsidiary of PETRONAS. TheSyarahan PETROSAINS-ASM 1998 PETROSAINS-ASM 1998 Lecturetelah dilancarkan dengan jayanya was successfully launched by theoleh Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, Deputy Minister of Education, YBYB Dato ' Khalid Yunus pada 6 Dato' Khalid Yunus on the 6fhOktober 1998. Fasa 1 Syarahan October 1998. Phase I of themeliputi kawasan Kuala Lumpur, Lecture which covered KualaShah Alam, Seremban , Ipoh, Johor Lumpur, Shah Alam, Seremban,dan Melaka dan selesai pada Ipoh, Johor and Melaka wasbulan Oktober 1998 serta menerima completed in October 1998 andmaklum balas yang sangat balk dari received overwhelming responseguru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar. from the teachers and students. TheFasa II Syarahan ini akan bermula Phase II of the Lecture will begin inpada bulan Mei 1999. May 1999.Bagi membolehkan Akademi To enable the Academy to givememberi nasihat kepada Kerajaan advice effectively to thedengan lebih berkesan, Menteri Government, the Minister ofSains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar Science, Technology and theserta Ketua Setiausaha Negara Environment and the Chiefbersetuju untuk mengadakan Dialog/ Secretary to the GovernmentForum dengan Akademi dari masa agreed to have a Dialogue/Forumke semasa . Ini bertujuan untuk with the Academy from time to time.memudahkan penyaluran input/ This is to make sure the input/cadangan kepada pihak Kerajaan recommendation, to the Governmentdengan cara yang lebih berkesan. could be channelled effectively.Salah satu peranan Akademi One of the main roles of theadalah untuk menyalurkan nasihat Academy is to provide independentkepada Kerajaan mengenai advice to the Government onperkara yang berkaitan dengan matters related to science,sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. engineering and technology. InUntuk mengayakan peranan ini fulfilling this role, the Academy hadAkademi telah menyerahkan dualaporan kepada pihak Kerajaan.LAPORAN TAHUNAN 199 8 INNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT'S REPORTSatu, adalah laporan kajian presented two reports to themengenai \"Pengurusan SumberAsli Government. One is the studyMalaysia: Suatu Pendekatan report on \"Malaysia 's NaturalBersepadu \". Laporan ini telah Resources Management : Andiserahkan kepada YB Datuk Law Integrated Approach \". This reportHieng Ding, Menteri Sains, Teknologi was presented to the YB Datuk Lawdan Alam Sekitar . Laporan ini juga Hieng Ding, Minister of Science,telah diserahkan kepada Majlis Technology and the Environment.Perancangan Pembangunan Subsequently the report wasNasional (MPPN) dan juga kepada forwarded to the NationalUnit Implementasi dan Koordinasi Development Planning Council(ICU) di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. (NDPC) and also to the ImplementationAkademi juga menyiapkan satu and Co-ordination Unit (ICU) of thelaporan khas kepada Kerajaan Prime Minister's Department. Thebertajuk \"Krisis Air: Keperluan Academy had also prepared aKe arah Pengurusan Sumber Air special report to the GovernmentSecara Bersepadu di Malaysia\". entitled \"The Water Crisis : AAkademi telah menyarankan Compelling Case for Integratedbeberapa cadangan untuk Water Resources Management indipertimbangkan oleh pihak Malaysia\". The Academy put forwardKerajaan mengenai cara bagaimana recommendations for consideration ofuntuk mengatasi krisis air melalui the Government on how topendekatan pengurusan sumber air overcome the water crisis throughsecara bersepadu . Satu lagi an integrated water resourceslaporan mengenai \"Designing management approach . AnotherScience Education for Competitiveness: report on \"Designing ScienceRecommendations on Measures to Education for CompetitivenessIncrease Student Enrolment in Recommendations on Measures toScience in Malaysia\" yang telah Increase Student Enrolment indisiapkan pada tahun 1998 dan Science in Malaysia\" wasakan diserahkan kepada Menteri completed in 1998 and will bePendidikan pada tahun 1999. presented to the Minister of Education in 1999.Di bawah Program BudayaKecemerlangan ygng mono bertuiuan Under the Culture of Excellenceuntuk membentuk budaya kecemerlangan Programme which is aimed todalam bidang sains , kejuruteraan inculcate a culture of excellence indan teknologi , Akademi telahmengadakan Syarahan PerdanaLAPORAN TAHUNAN ^h; 19911 C:L\'NU L REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORT1998. Tajuk Syarahan Perdana the fields of science, engineeringadalah \"Recent Development in and technology, the Academy heldVibrational Spectroscopy of Ionic its 1998 Annual Oration. The OrationClusters\" yang telah disampaikan entitled \"Recent Development inoleh Prof Lee Yuan Tseh, Presiden Vibrational Spectroscopy of IonicAcademia Sinica Taiwan dan Nobel Clusters\" was delivered by Prof LeeLaureate dalam bidang Kimia pada Yuan Tseh, President Academiatahun 1986. Sinica Taiwan and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in 1986.Sehubungan dengan program ini,Akademi dengan kerjasama In connection with the Oration, theUniversiti Malaya telah menganjurkan Academy in collaboration withSyarahan Umum bertajuk \"The Impact University of Malaya organized theof Understanding Chemical Reaction ASM Public Lecture entitled \"TheMechanism to Our Living Environment\" Impact of Understanding Chemicalyang juga disampaikan oleh Reaction Mechanism to Our LivingProf Lee Yuan Tseh. Syarahan ini Environment\" which was alsomembincangkan mengenai reaksi delivered by Prof Lee Yuan Tseh.dinamik kimia yang menarik, The lecture discussed the excitingmengunakan beam molekular dan field of chemical reaction dynamicteknik lazer serta implikasi kajian ini using molecular beam and laserkepada kefahaman mengenai techniques and the implications ofpersekitaran kimia, terutamanya these studies to the understandingmasalah yang berkaitan dengan of atmospheric chemistry, especiallypengurangan ozon. problems related to ozone depletion.Di bawah program yang sama Under the some broad programme,Akademi dan Jawatankuasa Khas the Academy and the Science andSains dan Teknologi Majlis Technology Commission of theOrganisasi Wanita Kebangsaan National Council of Women(NCWO) bersama-sama Organizations (NCWO) jointlymenganjurkan forum mengenai organized a forum on \"The Role of\"Peranan Saintis di Malaysia - Ke Arah Scientists in Malaysia - TowardsKecemerlangan Penyelidikan \". Forum Excellence in Research\". The forumini membincangkan faktor-faktor discussed the factors on how tobagaimana untuk mencapai achieve excellence and factors thatkecemerlangan dan faktor-faktor motivate scientists to attainyang boleh memotivasikan saintisuntuk mencapai kecemerlangan didalam penyelidikan . Hasil dari forumLAPORAN TAHUNAN 1998 \" ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT'S REPORTini akan digunakan oleh Akademi excellence in research . The outputsebagai input untuk membentuk from the forum will be used by thekertas cadangan mengenai Academy as input to develop alangkah -langkah bagi mencapai proposal on how to achievekecemerlangan dalam bidang excellence in SET.sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. On 16\" July 1998 the Dr RanjeetPada 16 Julai 1998 Tabung Bhagwan Singh Medical ResearchPenyelidikan Perubatan Dr Ranjeet Fund and the Inaugural MemorialBhagwan Singh dan Pelancaran Lecture were officially launched bySyarahan Peringatan telah dirasmikan YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Ministeroleh YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, of Science, Technology and theMenteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Environment, Malaysia at theSekitar, Malaysia di Institut Institute for Medical Research (IMR).Penyelidikan Perubatan (IMR). The recipients of the medicalPemenang geran penyelidikan research grants in 1998 wereperubatan bagi tahun 1998 adalah Ms Lion Lay Hong and Assoc. ProfCik Tian Lay Hong dan Prof Madya Dr Hoh Hin Bing from University ofDr Hoh Hon Bing dari Universiti Malaya . The Memorial LectureMalaya. Syarahan Peringatan entitled \"Millennial Challenges inbertajuk \"Millennial Challenges in Communicable Disease Control\"Communicable Disease Control\" was delivered by Prof Emeritus Sirtelah disampaikan oleh Prof Emeritus Gustav Nossal, Past President of theSir Gustav Nossal , Bekas Presiden, Australian Academy of Science. HeAustralian Academy of Science. also delivered a Public LectureBeliau juga menyampaikan Syarahan entitled \"New Frontiers in ScienceUmum bertajuk \"New Frontiers in and Medicine\" at Perdanasiswa,Science and Medicine\" University of Malaya which wasdi Perdanasiswa , Universiti Malaya organized by the Academy and theyang telah dianjurkan oleh University.Akademi dan Universiti. In addition the Academy had alsoSejajar dengan itu Akademi juga organized a Back to School Lecturetelah menganjurkan Back to School on \"Cancer and Immortality\" and aLecture di atas tajuk \"Cancer and Public Lecture on \"Antarctica - TheImmortality\" dan Syarahan Umum Sixth Continent\" under its Sciencemengenai \"Antartika - Benua Ke Awareness Programme.Enam\" di bawah ProgramKesedaran Sains.LAPORAN '1'AIICNAN 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTKementerian Sains, Teknologi dan The Ministry of Science, TechnologyAlam Sekitar (KSTAS ) menubuhkan and the Environment (MOSTE) setJawatankuasa Petugas di ketuai up a Task Torce headed by Dato' Droleh Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Noor Salleh Mohd Nor F.A.Sc. to comeF.A.Sc. untuk menyediakan satu up with a proposal on Malaysiankertas cadangan mengenai Research and Development (R&D)Program Penyelidikan dan programmes in Antarctica. The TaskPembangunan (P&P) Malaysia di Force submitted to MOSTE aAntartika. Jawatankuasa Bertindak concept paper on the Malaysianmenyerahkan kepada KSTAS kertas Antarctica Research Programme. Askonsep mengenai Program a step closer towards realising thePenyelidikan Malaysia di Antartika. goal of sending MalaysianSebagai langkah merealisasikan scientists to the Antarctica, thematlamat untuk menghantar saintis Academy organized a three dayMalaysia ke Antartika, Akademi workshop from 28th to 30th Octobertelah menganjurkan bengkel tiga 1998 with the primary objective tohari bermula daripada 28 hingga refine and refocus the Malaysian30 Oktober 1998 dengan research proposal to the currentmatlamat utama untuk meneliti dan research interest in Antarctica. Amemastikan fokus cadangan half day panel discussion onpenyelidikan Malaysia sejajar \"Scientific Research in Antarcticadengan penyelidikan terkini yang Challenges and Opportunities\" wassedang dijalankan di Antartika. also held on the morning of 28thSesi panel diskusi setengah hari October 1998. Following thisbertaIuk \"Penyelidikan Saintifik di workshop, the Academy submittedAntartika: Cabaran dan Peluang\" a report to MOSTE containing thejuga telah diadakan pada sebelah recommendations on the Malaysianpagi 28 Oktober 1998. Hasil Research Programme in Antarctica.daripada bengkel ini, Akademi The Academy also sponsoredtelah menyerahkan laporan yang Assoc. Prof Dr Azizan Abu Samah,mengandungi cadangan mengenai Head of Geography Department,Program Penyelidikan Malaysia di University of Malaya for aAntartika kepada KSTAS. Akademi familiarization trip to Antarcticajuga membiayai lawatan pengenalan from 11th to 22nd October 1998.dan penyesuaian untuk Prof Madya The objective of the trip was toDr Azizah Abu Samah, Ketua enable Dr Azizan to experienceJabatan Geografi, UniversitiMalaya ke Antartika bermula dari 11 - 22 Oktober 1998. MatlamatLAPORAN TAHUNAN a 1998 I'ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT'S REPORTutama lawatan ini adalah untuk and study the extreme workingmembolehkan Dr Azizan menimba conditions in the Antractica whichpengalaman dan mempelajari will be useful for Malaysiansuasana kerja di Antartika yang scientists to be physically andmana ianya sangat berguna untuk mentally more prepared tosaintis Malaysia agar lebih undertake research activities in thebersedia dari segi mental dan fizikal Antarctica.bagi mengendalikan aktivitipenyelidikan di Antartika. In 1998 the Academy visited the Ministry of Science, TechnologyPada tahun 1998 Akademi juga and the Environment, Vietnam andtelah melawat Kementerian Sains, National Centre for Natural SciencesTeknologi dan Alam Sekitar, Vietnam. and Technology, Vietnam. TheTujuannya adalah membincangkan purpose was to discuss thecadangan Mesyuarat Tahunan proposed 1998 Annual Meeting ofAkademi Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Academies of Science, EngineeringTeknologi dan Organisasi yang and Technology and SimilarSerupa daripada ASEAN dan Organizations from ASEAN andRakan Dialog ASEAN 1998. ASEAN Dialogue Partners. TheAkademi juga meneruskan lawatan Academy also continued itske beberapa organisasi dan institut familiarisation visits to various localpenyelidikan tempatan. Pada organizations and researchtahun ini Akademi telah melawat institutions. This year the AcademyPORIM, MIMOS dan MDC. visited PORIM, MIMOS and MDC.Akademi juga berpeluang untuk The Academy also had the privilegemenjadi hos kepada beberapa to host many important visitorspelawat penting sepaniang tahun. throughout the year. Among themAntara mereka adalah Prof Juhani were Prof Juhani Ahava, ChairmanAhava, Pengerusi Finnish Academy of Finnish Academy of Technology,of Technology, Prof Emeritus Sir Prof Emeritus Sir Gustav Nossal, PastGustav Nossal, Bekas Presiden, President Australian Academy ofAustralian Academy of Science, Science, Assoc. Prof Dr Bing Lim ofProf Madya Dr Bing Lim dari Harvard Medical School, Prof Atta-Harvard Medical School, Prof Atta- Ur-Rahman , Co-ordinator General O/CUr-Rahman , Co-ordinator General Standing Committee in Scientific andOIC Standing Committee in Technological Co-operation (COMSTECH),Scientific and Technological Co- two delegations from the Nationaloperation (COMSTECH), dua Centre for Natural Science andLAPOR.AN TAHI NAN 9 1998 \" ANNVAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDENPRESIDENT'S REPORTdelegasi dari National Centre for Technology, Vietnam and H. ENatural Science and Technology, Academician Prof JanybekVietnam dan TYT Academician Prof Jaenbayev, President NationalJanybek Jaenbayev, Presiden, Academy of Sciences of the KyrgyzNational Academy of Science of Republic.the Kyrgyz Republic. The Fellows of the Academy haveFellow Akademi telah melibatkan been actively involved in manydiri secara aktif dalam banyak international activities throughoutaktiviti antarabangsa sepanjang the year. Datuk Dr Yusof Basirontahun. Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron F.A. Sc. attended the \"Asia-PacificF.A.Sc. telah menghadiri \"Asia- High-Level Conference onPacific High Level Conference on Sustainable Agriculture\" in BeijingSustainable Agriculture \" di Beijing and he presented a paper entitleddan beliau telah membentangkan \"Sustaining Agriculturalkertas kerja bertajuk \"Sustaining Development in MalaysiaAgricultural Development in Experience in the Plantation Sector\"Malaysia : Experience in the which was jointly authored withPlantation Sector \" yang telah Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadirdisediakan bersama oleh Datuk F.A.Sc.. Dato' Ir Lee Yee CheongDr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir F.A.Sc.. F.A.Sc., Secretary General of theData' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc., Academy attended the InterSetiausaha Agung Akademi telah Academy Panel (IAP) andmenghadiri mesyuarat Inter Sustainability Transition Co-Academy Panel (lAP) clan ordinating Committee (STCC)Sustainability Transition Co- meetings in Trinidad and Tobago.ordinating Committee (STCC) di He also attended the UNESCOTrinidad dan Tobago . Beliau juga Asia-Pacific Science Conferencedijemput ke Persidangan Sains themed \"Science Issues for the 215'UNESCO Asia-Pacific bertemakan Century\" in Sydney, Australia\"Science Issues for the 21 ' Century\" where he gave the scene-settingdi Sydney, Australia di mana beliau address at the opening receptiontelah menyampaikan ucapan latar entitled \"Alternatives Futures fordi Majlis Perasmian dengan tajuk Science, Engineering and\"Alternatives Futures for Science, Technology in the Asia-PacificEngineering and Technology in the Region in the 21' Century\". TheAsia-Pacific Region in the 215' 1998 Annual Meeting of ASEANCentury\". Mesyuarat Tahunan SETAcademies and SimilarAkademi SET ASEAN dan National Organizations andLAPORAN TAHUNAN 1998 = ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT'S REPORTOrganisasi National Seumpamanya Dialogue Partners from Australia,serta rakan dialog ASEAN dari Japan, South Korea and NewAustralia, Jepun, Korea Selatan dan Zealand in Hanoi was co-organisedNew Zealand di Hanoi telah by the Academy and attended bydianjurkan bersama oleh Akademi Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc., Vicedan dihadiri oleh Dr M.K. President of the Academy and Dato'Rajakumar F.A.Sc., Timbalan Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc..Presiden Akademi dan Dato' Ir Lee Secretary General. The Academy'sYee Cheong F.A.Sc., Setiausaha President Tan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAgung Akademi. Presiden Akademi Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. attended theTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Annual General Meeting of theRahman F.A.Sc. telah menghadiri Australian Academy ofMesyuarat Agung Tahunan Technological Sciences andAustralian Academy of Technological Engineering (ATSE) and ATSEScience and Engineering (ATSE), Fellows Seminar themed \"SchoolingSeminar ATSE bertemakan in Science and Technology : Is there\"Schooling in Science and a case of neglect\" and the ATSETechnology : Is there a case of Symposium \"Technology -neglect\" dan Simposium ATSE Australia's Future : New Technologymengenai \"Technology -Australia's for Traditional Industry\" in Perth,Future : New Technology for Western Australia. He also signedTraditional Industry\" di Perth a Co-operation Agreement with theAustralian Selatan. Beliau juga Australian Academy of Science andtelah menandatangani Perjanjian the Australian Academy ofKerjasama dengan Australian Technological Sciences andAcademy of Science dan Australian Engineering.Academy of Technological Sciencesand Engineering.Sepanjang tahun Akademi telah During the year the Academymenerbitkan bahan-bahan berikut: published the following :1. Laporan Tahunan ASM 1998 1. 1998 ASM Annual Report2. Laporan mengenai \"Seminar on 2. A Report On \"Seminar On 13 ASEAN S & T Vision : Towards Asean S&T Vision : Towards Technologically Competent ASEAN\" Technologically Competent Asean\"LAI'ORAN TAIIUNAN \" 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDEN 3. Proceedings of \"Seminar onPRESIDENT'S REPORT ASEAN S & T Vision : Towards Technologically Competent3. Prosiding mengenai \"Seminar ASEAN\" on ASEAN S & T Vision : Towards Technologically Competent ASEAN\"4. Deklarasi mengenai \"APEC Science, 4. Declaration By Apec Science, Engineering and Technology Engineering And Technology Roundtable Meeting on the Roundtable Meeting on the Apec APEC Agenda for S & T Industry Agenda for S&T Industry Cooperation into the 2 111 Century\" Cooperation Into The 2111 Century5. Prosiding mengenai \"APEC 5. Proceedings of APEC Science, Science, Engineering and Engineering and Technology Technology Roundtable Meeting Roundtable Meeting on the on the APEC Agenda for S & T APEC Agenda for Science and Industry Cooperation into the Technology Industry Cooperation 2 111 Century\" into the 211f Century6. Laporan Khas mengenai \"The 6. Special Report on \"The Water Water Crisis : A Compelling Crisis : A Compelling Case for Case for Intergrated Water Resources Integrated Water Resources Management in Malaysia\" Management in Malaysia\"7. Laporan Kajian mengenai 7. Research Report on \"Malaysia's \"Malaysia's Natural Resources Natural Resources Management: Management : An Integrated An Integrated Approach\" Approach\" 8. Monograph on ASM Back To8. Monograf mengenai \"Cancer School Lecture Series \"Cancer and Mortality\" oleh Prof. Looi And Immortality\" by Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. Lai Meng F A. Sc.9. Newsletter 9. NewslettersSepanjang tahun 1998 Akademi In 1998 the Academy receivedtelah menerima 355 bahan 355 publications from internationalpenerbitan dari luar negara dan institutions and 193 publications193 bahan penerbitan dari dalamLAPORAN TAHUNAN 1998 ,r ANNUAL REPORT
LAPORAN PRESIDEN PRESIDENT'S REPORTnegara yang terdiri daripada Jurnal, from local institutions includingBuku, Prosiding, Berita Akademi Journals, Books, Proceedings,dan Laporan Tahunan. Akademi Academies News and Annual Reports.juga mengedarkan lebihkurang 1900 In 1998 the Academy circulatednaskhah Newsletter dan 800 Laporan 1900 Newsletters and 800 AnnualTahunan di dalam dan luar negeri. Reports locally as well as abroad.Saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan I would like to express myterima kasih kepada Fellow yang appreciation and gratitude to ourtelah meluangkan masa dan Fellows who have continued to givemencurahkan pengetahuan secara generously of their time andberterusan kepada Akademi. knowledge. Good staff support isSokongan kakitangan yang balk also essential. I wish to thank allamat diperlukan dan soya ucapkan members of our dedicated staff forterima kasih kepada semua their excellent work this year.kakitangan yang bertugas denganpenuh dedikasi dan cemerlangpada tahun ini.Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. Presiden, Akademi Sains Malaysia President, Academy of Sciences Malaysia 15LAPORAN TAI-IUNAN # 1998 ^re ANNUAL REPORT
FUNGSI AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA FUNCTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA u untuk menggalakkan dan u to promote and foster the merangsang pembangunan development of science, sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. engineering and technology. u untuk mengadakan forum u to provide a forum for the inter- pertukaran pendapat di change of ideas among kalangan ahli sains, jurutera scientists, engineers and dan ahli teknologi. technologists. u untuk menggalakkan kesedaran u to promote national awareness, negara, pemahaman dan understanding and penghargaan akan peranan appreciation of the role of sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi science, engineering and dalam kemajuan manusia. technology in human progress. u untuk menggalakkan daya u to promote creativity among rekaciptaan di kalangan ahli scientists, engineers and sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi. technologists. u untuk menggalakkan sifat u to promote national self berdikari negara dalam bidang reliance in the fields of science, sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. engineering and technology. u untuk bertindak sebagai forum u to act as a forum for untuk mengekalkan kesedaran maintaining awareness on the di pihak kerajaan akan part of the Government of the pentingnya peranan sains, significance of the role of kejuruteraan dan teknologi science, engineering and dalam proses pembangunan technology in the development negara dan membawa kepada process of the nation and for perhatian ahli sains, jurutera bringing national development dan ahli teknologi akan needs to the attention of keperluan-keperluan scientists, engineers and pembangunan negara. technologists.16 LAPORAN TAHUNAN « = 1.998 ANNUAL REPORT
FUNGSI AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIAFUNCTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIAu untuk menganalisa masalah- u to analyse particular national masalah tertentu negara dan problems and identify where mengenalpasti di mana sains, science, engineering and kejuruteraan dan teknologi technology can contribute to dapat memberi sumbangan their solution and accordingly kepada penyelesaian masalah to make recommendations to dengan membuat syor-syor the Government. kepada Kerajaan.u untuk sentiasa mengambil u to keep in touch with perhatian tentang perkembangan developments in science, sains, kejuruteraan dan engineering and technology teknologi Berta mengenalpasti and identify those developments perkembangan-perkembangan which are relevant to national yang relevan dengan keperluan needs and to bring such negara dan membawa kepada developments to the attention of perhatian kerajaan akan the Government. perkembangannya.u untuk menyediakan laporan- u to prepare reports, papers or laporan, kertas-kertas atau other documents relating to the dokumen-dokumen lain national science, engineering berhubungan dengan dasar and technology policy and sains, kejuruteraan dan make the necessary teknologi negara dan membuat recommendations to the syor-syor yang perlu kepada Government. Kerajaan.u untuk mendayausahakan dan u to initiate and sponsor multi- membiayai kajian pelbagai disciplinary studies related to disiplin yang berkaitan serta and necessary for the better keperluan pemahaman yang understanding of the social and lebih baik tentang implikasi- economic implications of implikasi sosial dan ekonomi science, engineering and tentang sains, kejuruteraan dan technology. teknologi. 17LAPORAN TAIIUNAN ' 1998 € ANNUALRE'PORT
FUNGSI AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA FUNCTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA u untuk menggalakkan u to encourage research and penyelidikan dan development and education pembangunan pendidikan serta and training of the appropriate latihan tenaga manusia yang scientific, engineering and sesuai dalam bidang saintifik, technical manpower. kejuruteraan dan teknologi. u to establish and maintain u untuk mengadakan dan relations between the Academy mengekalkan hubungan antara and overseas bodies having the Akademi dan badan-badan some or almost similar luar negeri yang mempunyai objectives in science, objektif yang hampir sama atau engineering and technology as hampir serupa dengan objektif the Academy. Akademi. u untuk melakukan apa-apa u to advice on matters related to perkara lain dalam bidang science, engineering and sains kejuruteraan dan technology as may be teknologi sebagaimana yang requested by the Government diminta oleh Kerajaan dari from time to time. semasa ke semasa. u to do such other acts which are u untuk melakukan apa-apa consistent with the Academy of tindakan lain yang konsisten Sciences Act 199,4 as may be dengan Akta Akademi Sains required in order to further the 1994 sebagaimana yang advancement of science, dikehendaki untuk engineering and technology in meningkatkan kemajuan sains, Malaysia and the welfare and kejuruteraan dan teknologi di status of the Academy. Malaysia dan kebajikan serta taraf Akademi.18 r APO RAN TAHUNAN ab 1998 --ANNUAL REPORT
SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA LIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA 1998PARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG 8. Datuk Dr G. Sreenevasan F.A.Sc.SAINS PERUBATAN Jururunding Pakar Bedah UrologiFELLOWS IN MEDICAL SCIENCES Pusat Perubatan Pantai dan Hospital Assunta1. Dr M . K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. Consultant Urological Surgeon (Naib Presiden Akademi) Pantai Medical Centre and Assunta Rakan Kanan, Drs Oorloff, Hospital Rajakumar & Rakan Kongsi (Vice-President of the Academy) 9. Data ' Dr Yahya Awang F.A.Sc. Senior Partner, Drs Oorloff Jururunding Pakar Bedah Rajakumar & Partners Kardiotoraks, InstitutJantung Negara Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon2. Tan Sri Data ' Dr Haji Abdul National Heart Institute Majid Ismail F.A.Sc. Pengerusi 10. Datuk Dr Keshmahinder Singh Chairman F.A.Sc. Syarikat Enoch Seri Sdn Bhd Bekas Rakan Kanan, Firma Pembedahan Mato3. Profesor Dr Mak Joan Wah Former Senior Partner F.A.Sc. Eye Surgical Practice Profesor Perubaton, Fakulti Perubatan 11. Profesor Dr Looi Lai Meng Professor of Medicine F.A.Sc. Faculty of Medicine Jururunding Kanan Universiti Putra Malaysia Histopatologi dan Profesor Patologi Senior Consultant Histopathologist4. Data ' Dr Lim Kee An EA.Sc. and Professor of Pathology Pakar Perubatan Jururunding Kanan, Universiti Malaya Hospital PakarJohor Senior Consultant Physician 12. Data ' Dr Nadason Johor Specialist Hospital Arumugasamy F.A.Sc. Jururunding Pakar Bedah Neuro5. Datuk Dr Hussein Awang F.A.Sc. Consultant Neurosurgeon Jururunding Pakar Bedah Urologi Aru Neuro Sdn Bhd dan Pengarah Perubatan Hospital Tawakal 13. Profesor Dr Lam Sai Kit F.A.Sc. Consultant Urological Surgeon and Ketua Jabotan Mikrobiologi Medical Director Peru baton Tawakal Hospital Head, Department of Medical Microbiology6. Profesor Data ' Dr Khalid Universiti Malay Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc. Pengarah don Profesor Perubatan 14. Tan Sri Data ' Dr Abu Bakar Director and Professor of Medicine Data' Suleiman F.A.Sc. Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Malaysia Kementerian Kesihatan Director-General of Health7. Dato' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc. Ministry of Health Ahli Majlis Council Member 15. Tan Sri Data ' Haji Musa Council on Health Research and Mohamad F.A.Sc. Development (COHRED) Bekas Naib Canselor Former Vice Chancellor Universiti Sains MalaysiaLAPORAN T_UII:NAN 1998 I\NrA L REI'OI T
SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIALIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA16. Professor Dato' Paduka 6. Tan Sri Data' Ir Hj. Shahrizaila Dr Mustafa Embong F.A.Sc. Abdullah F.A.Sc. Profesor Perubatan (Bendahari Kehormat Akademi) Fakulti Perubatan Pengerusi Professor of Medicine (Honorary Treasurer) School of Medicine, Chairman Universiti Sains Malaysia KTA Tenaga Sdn. Bhd.PARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG 7. Dato ' Dr Muhammad RidzuanSAINS KEJURUTERAAN Haji Salleh F.A.Sc.FELLOWS IN ENGINEERING PengerusiSCIENCES Chairman Quantum Field Sdn. Bhd.1. Raja Tan Sri Ir Zainal Raja Sulaiman F.A.Sc. 8. Tan Sri Data ' Ir Muhammad Pengerusi dan Pengarah Urusan Yusuff Muhammad Yunus Chairman and Managing Director F.A.Sc. Shawinigan Engineering South East Pengerusi Asia Chairman Siah Brothers Corporation Bhd/ Expressway Lingkaran Tengah Sdn. Bhd.2. Tan Sri Ir J.G. Daniel F.A.Sc. 9. Ir Hong Lee Pee F.A.Sc. Bekas Ketua Pengarah Pengerusi Eksekutif Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Executive Chairman Malaysia Pilecon Enainerrina Sdn. Bhd. Former Director-General Department of Irrigation and Drainage 10. Hijjas Kasturi F.A.Sc. Malaysia Pengarah Eksekutif Executive Director3. Data ' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. Hijjas Kasturi Associates (Setiausaha Agung Akademi) Presiden dan Ketua Pengawai 11. Ir K . Kumarasivam F.A.Sc. Eksekutif Pengerusi (Secretary - General of the Academy) Chairman President and Chief Executive Officer ENSEARCH KTA Tenaga Sdn. Bhd. PARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG4. Data ' Dr Ikmal Hisham Albakri SAINS BIOLOGI F.A.Sc. FELLOWS IN BIOLOGICAL Pengarah SCIENCES Director Kumpulan Arkitek Sdn Bhd 1. Profesor Dr Abdul Latif Ibrahim F.A.Sc.5. Tan Sri Dato ' Ir Abu Zarim Haji Pengarah Urusan Omar F.A.Sc. Direktorat Bioteknologi Juru Runding Kebangsaan,Kementerian Sains, Consultant Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar KTA Tenaga Sdn. Bhd. Managing Director National Biotechnology Directorate, Ministry of Science, Technology and the EnvironmentLAPORAN TAHUNAN l 1998 '1(t ANNUAL REPORT
SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIALIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA2. Profesor Data' Dr Ahmad 10. Dr Francis S.P. Ng F.A.Sc. Nawawi Haji Ayob F.A.Sc. Pengurus Penyelidik Profesor Research Manager Jabatan Botani TROPBIO Sdn. Bhd. Professor Department of Botany PARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG Universiti Malaya MATEMATIK DAN SAINS FIZIK FELLOWS IN MATHEMATICAL3. Profesor Tan Sri Dato' Dr Syed AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES Jalaludin Syed Salim F.A.Sc. Naib Canselor dan Profesor 1. Data ' Dr Chatar Singh F.A.Sc. Vice Chancellor and Professor Bekas Profesor Fizik Universiti Putra Malaysia Former Professor of Physics Universiti Sains Malaysia4. Datuk Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. 2. Data ' Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali Naib Canselor F.A.Sc. Vice Chancellor Pengerusi Eksekutif Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Executive Chairman Tenaga Nosional Berhad5. Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor F.A.Sc. Bekas Ketua Pengarah 3. Profesor Dato ' Dr Mohd. Institut Penyelidikan Hutan Malaysia Sham Mohd . Sani F.A.Sc. Former Director General Profesor Forest Research Institute of Malaysia Jabatan Geografi Professor6. Profesor Data ' Dr Zakri Geographical Deportment A. Hamid F.A.Sc. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Akademik) 4. Datuk Dr R. Ratnalingam Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic F.A.Sc. Affairs) Bekas Profesor Fizik dan Pengarah Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Pusat Perundingan dan Inovasi Former Professor of Physics and7. Tan Sri Data ' Dr Ahmad Director of Innovation and Mustaffa Babjee F.A.Sc. Consultancy Centre Pengerusi Universiti Sains Malaysia Chairman Charoen Pokphand Group (Malaysia) 5. Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. Bekas Ketua Pengarah8. Dr Yong Hoi Sen F.A.Sc. Jabatan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Bekas Profesor Malaysia Jabatan Zoologi Former Director-General Former Professor Geological Survey Department of Department of Zoology Malaysia Universiti Malaya 6. Profesor Dr Shaharir Mohd Zin9. Profesor Emeritus Dr Chin F.A.Sc. Hoong Fong F.A.Sc. Profesor Matematik Profesor Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Jabatan Agronomi dan Hortikultur Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Emeritus Professor Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Universiti Putro MalaysiaLAPORAN'I'A[iUNAN 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA LIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA 7. Dr Chia Swee Ping F.A.Sc. 6. Profesor Dr Ho Chee Cheong Naib Presiden F.A.Sc. Hal Ehwal Pendidikan Profesor Vice-President Jabatan Kimia Academic Affairs Professor INTI College Malaysia Department of Chemistry Universiti Malaya PARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG SAINS KIMIA PARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG FELLOWS IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT/ FELLOWS IN INFORMATION 1. Tan Sri Dr B.C. Sekhar F.A.Sc. TECHNOLOGY Pengerusi Eksekutif Executive Chairman 1. YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd. STI Global Consult Sdn Bhd Azzman Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim F.A.Sc. 2. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Presiden dan Ketua Eksekutif Ong Soon Hock F.A.Sc. President and Chief Executive Officer Pengarah MIMOS Berhad Director Country Height Education 2. Profesor Data' Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail F.A.Sc. 3. Dr Haji Badri Muhammad Naib Canselor dan Profesor F.A.Sc. Kejuruteraan Elektronik Pengarah Vice Chancellor and Professor of Bahagian Kimia dan Teknologi, Electronic Engineering Institut Penyelidikan Kelapa Sawit Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Malaysia Director 3. Tan Sri Dato ' Ir Shamsuddin Chemistry and Technology Division Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc. Palm Oil Research Institute of Pengerusi Eksekutif Malaysia Executive Chairman Sapura Holdings Sdn. Bhd. 4. Profesor Dr V.G . Kumar Dos F.A.Sc. 4. Haji Ismail Sulaiman F.A.Sc. Pengarah Pengarah Urusan Director Managing-Director Advanced Materials Characterisation Mesiniaga Sdn. Bhd. Allied Laboratories (AMCAL) Universiti Malaya 5. Emeritus Profesor Dr Tan Wang Seng F.A.Sc. 5. Dr Ng Soon F.A.Sc. Pengarah Urusan Bekas Profesor Managing Director Former Professor Kulim High-Tech Physical Chemistry Universiti Malaya 6. Dr Mohamed Ariff Nun F.A.Sc. Ketua Pegawai Operasi24 Chief Operating Officer Multimedia Development Corporation LAPORAN TAHUNAN 1998 \" ANNUAL REPORT
SENARAI FELLOW AKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIALIST OF FELLOWS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA7. Dr Mohamed Awang Lah F.A.Sc. 6. Datuk Dr Syed M.A. Alhady Naib Presiden F.A.Sc. Teknologi Pembangunan Bekas Pakar Bedah Kanan Vice President Hospital Besar, Kuala Lumpur Technology Development Former Senior Surgeon MIMOS Berhad Kuala Lumpur, General HospitalPARA FELLOW DALAM BIDANG 7. Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz SheikhPEMBANGUNAN SAINS & Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc.TEKNOLOGI DAN INDUSTRIFELLOWS IN SCIENCE & PengarahTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Lembaga Getah MalaysiaAND INDUSTRY Director Malaysian Rubber Board1. Tan Sri Data ' Dr Mohd. Rashdan Haji Baba F.A.Sc. 8. Datuk Yong Poh Kon F.A.Sc. Pengerusi Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Chairman Group Managing Director Computer Systems Advisers (M) Berhad Royal Selangor International Sdn. Bhd.2. Tan Sri Data ' Dr Haji Ani 9. T. Ananda Krishnan F.A.Sc. Arope F.A.Sc. Usaha Tegas Sdn. Bhd. Pengerusi Chairman 10. Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron F.A.Sc. Silver Ridge Sdn. Bhd. Ketua Pengarah Director General3. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Omar Palm Oil Research Institute of Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. Malaysia (Presiden Akademi) Penasihat Sains Jabatan Perdana Menteri (President of the Academy) Science Advisor Prime Minister's Department4. Tan Sri Data' Dr Mohamed Yusof Hashim F.A.Sc. Ketua Eksekutif, Majlis Promosi Kelapa Sawit Malaysia Chief Executive Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council5. Tan Sri Data ' Ir Wan Abdul Rahman Yaacob F.A.Sc. Pengerusi Chairman Le Klass Sdn Bhd 25LAPORAN TAHUNAN li^ 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
AHLI-AHLI MAJLISAKADEMI SAINS MALAYSIA 1998MEMBERS OF COUNCIL OF THEACADEMY OF SCIENCES MALAYSIA 1998 YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hi Omar Abdul Rahman F.A. Sc. Presiden /President YBhg Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. Naib Presiden/Vice President A YBhg Data' Ir . Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc. Setiausaha Agung /Secretary General YBhg Tan Sri Data' Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc. Bendahari Kehormat/Honorary Treasurer
AHLI-AHLI MAJLIS COUNCIL MEMBERS f YBhg Datuk Dr Ahmad YBhg Profesor Tan Sri Data' Dr Syed Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. Jalaluddin bin Syed Salim FA.Sc. YBhg Tan Sri DatukDr Augustine S.H. Ong F.A. Sc. !1 11\"Fti YBhg Data' Dr Chatar Singh F.A.Sc.YBhg Profesor Data' Dr Mohd YBhg Tan Sri Data' Dr Ir Wan A. Rahman Yaacob FA.Sc. Zowawi bin Ismail FA.Sc.YBhg Profesor Dr Looi Lai Meng YBhg Profesor Data' Dr Zakri YBhg Dato' Dr Ikmal Hisham FA.Sc. Abdul Hamid FA.Sc. Albakri FA.Sc.YBhg Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz YBhg Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. YBhg Profesor Dr Yong Hoi Sen FA.Sc. S.A. Kadir F.A.Sc.
MESYUARAT MAJLIS F rothe year ending 311fCOUNCIL MEETINGS December 1998, the CouncilB agi tahun berakhir pada 31 met five (5) times as follows: Disember 1998, Majlis telah • 215f March 1998bermesyuarat lima (5) kali seperti • 23rd May 1998berikut: • 151h August 1998 • 28,h November 1998 • 21 Mac 1998 • 19,h December 1998 • 23 Mei 1998 • 15 Ogos 1998 At these meetings, the Council • 28 November 1998 deliberated on the following issues: • 19 Disember 1998Pada mesyuarat ini, Majlis telahmembincangkan isu-isu berikut• Kajian Semula Belanjawan • Review of 1998 Budget and 1998 dan aktiviti program Program of Activities• Siri Syarahan ASM-PETROSAINS • ASM-PETROSAINS Lecture Series• Geran Penyelidikan Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh dan Syarahan • Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Peringatan Research Grant and Memorial Lecture• Penubuhan Tabung ASM • ASM Fund Raising• Penubuhan ASEAN Council of Academies of Sciences, • Formation of the ASEAN Council Engineering and Technology of Academies of Sciences, and Similar National Engineering and Technology Organisations (ASEAN-CASE) and Similar National Organisations (ASEAN-CASE)• Projek Taman Botani Kebangsaan • National Botanic Garden Project• Pengendalian Mesyuarat Mejabulat APEC S.E.T. • Organisation of APEC S.E.T. Roundtable• Kajian Semula Polisi S&T Kebangsaan • Review of National S&T PolicyEANORAN TA[IUNAN 1998 1° ANNUAL REPORT
JAWATANKUASA KERJA DAN PROGRAMWORKING COMMITTEES AND PROGRAMMESU ntuk membantu Majlis To assist the Council in its Akademi dalam pentadbiran management and operation of the Academy, the Council has set updan operasi Akademi, Majlis various committees which aretelah menubuhkan beberapa responsible for carrying out specificJawatankuasa yang bertanggung- functions and responsibilities. Injawab untuk menjalankan 1998, the following committees werebeberapa fungsi dan tanggung- operational:jawab. Dalam tahun 1998Jawatankuasa-jawatankuasaadalah seperti berikut: JAWATANKUASA EKSEKUTIF /EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Presiden/Pre_ ident - Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. Naib Presiden/Vice President- Dr M.K. Rajakumar F. A.Sc. Setiausaha Agung/Sec. General - Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.Sc.Bendahari Kehormat/Hon. Treasurer - Tan Sri Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah F.A.Sc. JAWATANKUASA JAWATANKUASA KEAHLIAN/ KEWANGAN /FINANCE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE COMMITTEE Pengerusi /Chairran - Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abd. Rahman F.A.Sc. Pengerusi /Chairman Tan Sri Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah Sains Biologi/B iological Sciences Prof Tan Sri Data' Dr Syed Jalaluddin Syed F.A.Sc. Salim F.A.Sc. JAWATANKUASA Sains Kimia/Chemical Sciences ANUGERAH /AWARDS Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine S.H. Ong F.A.Sc. COMMITTEE Pembangunan Sains & Teknologi dan Industri/S&T Development and Pengerusi /Chairman Industry Dr M.K. Rajakumar F.A.Sc. Tan Sri Data' Ir Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Yaacob F.A.Sc. JAWATANKUASA HALEHWAL ANTARABANGSA/ Sains Perubatan / Medical Sciences INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Prof Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. COMMITTEE Sains Kejuruteraan / Engineering Sciences Pengerusi /Chairmen Dato' Dr Ikmal Hisham AlBakri F.A.Sc..Data' Ir Lee Yee Cheong F.A.S.c. Sains Matematik dan Fizik/ Mathematical and Physical Sciences Data' Dr Chatar Singh F.A.Sc. Teknologi Maklumat / Information Technology Prof Data' Ir Dr Mohamad Zawawi IsmailLAPORAN TAHI;I\AN ,- 1998 is ANNUAL REPORT
JAWATANKUASA KERJA DAN PROGRAM WORKING COMMITTEES AND PROGRAMMES JAWATANKUASA PROGRAM Pengerusi Koordinator Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abd. Rahman F.A.Sc. JAWATANKUASA KERJA/ WORKING COMMITTEES i) Nasihat kepada Kerajaan/ to Government Pengerusi Penyelaras Co crdiro irq Chcrrn:ar, - Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abd. Rahman F.A.Sc. Pertanian dan lain-lain Sektor Sumber / Pengerusi/Chairman Datuk Dr Abd Aziz Sheikh Abdul Kadir F.A.Sc. Biod ivers iti /Biodiver.< Pengerusi/Chairman Prof Datuk Dr Zakri A. Hamid F.A.Sc. Pengurusan Sumber Asli/Nature Pengerusi/Chairman Encik Fateh Chand F.A. Sc. Pendidikan Sains/ Pengerusi/Chair n:;n : Dato' Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus F.A.Sc. ii) Sumbangan kepada Pelbagai Industri - Meningkatkan Keupayaan Teknologi/ Pengerusi/Choirman : Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron F.A.Sc. iii) Pembangunan Budaya Kecemerlangan/Development of Culrure of ^:cellenca Pengerusi/Ci,cnrmc n: Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Dr Syed Jalaluddin Syed Salim F.A.Sc. iv) Kesedaran dan Kefahaman Awam mengenai S&T/Public S&T,^ivc oness 0110 Undarsranding Pengerusi/Chcirrinan : Tan Sri Data' Dr Augustine S.H. Ong F.A.Sc. v) Technology Maklumat/I(-,formaiion Te hnology Pengerusi/Chairman: Prof. Dato' Dr Mohamad Zawawi Ismail F.A.Sc. vi) Tabung Penyelidikan Perubatan Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh/D f,oniee BIcgv^an Singh Ivedical Research Fund Pengerusi/Chairman : Data' Dr M. Jegathesan F.A.Sc./Prof Dr Loci Lai Meng F.A.Sc. vii) Projek Taman BFootracnei/KCehbaairnmgosnaa(n)J/rfvTulosnoFnoarlce8o: uDunaitcoC' D=ar rSdaanllePhroMieochr d Pengerusi Task Noor F.A.Sc. viii) Program R&D Malaysia Di Antartika/`ilalaysian R&D Progrom in Antarctica Kordinator/Co-ordinator- : Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Noor F.A.Sc. ix) Penerbitan/Publication Pengerusi/Chairman : Prof Dr Yong Hoi Sen F.A.Sc.3d x) Alam Sekitar/Environmen Pengerusi/Chairman : Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. LAPORANTAHUNAN x 1998 iNNUAL REPORT
Acara Utama Highlights
M esyuarat Agung Tahunan e Academy's Third Annual Mesyuarat Ketiga Akademi telah General Meeting was held on Agung 251 April 1998 with the President indiadakan pada 25 April 1998 the Chair. It was attended by 34dengan dipengerusikan oleh Fellows. The meeting discussed andPresiden Akademi. la dihadiri oleh. approved the following:34 Fellows. Mesyuarat telahmembincangkan dan meluluskan U 1997 Annual Report and Tahunanperkara-perkara berikut: Statement of Accounts Ketigau Laporan Tahunan 1997 dan U Election of seven new Fellows of Akademi Penyata Kewangan the Academy Sains • Prof Dato' Paduka Dr Mustaffau Pemilihan tujuh Fellow baru Embong FA.Sc.[Medical Sciences] Malaysia Akademi • Jr. K. Kumarasivam F.A.Sc. • Prof Dato' Paduka Dr Mustaffa [Engineering Sciences] t-%uULIc 111y Embong F. A.Sc.[Sains Perubatan] • Prof Ng Soon F.A.Sc. • Ir K. Kumarasivam F.A.Sc. [Chemical Sciences] of [Sains Kejuruteroan] • Prof Dr Ho Chee Cheong Sciences • Prof Ng Soon F.A.Sc. [Sains Kimia] F.A.Sc. [Chemical Sciences] Malaysia • Prof Dr Ho Chee Cheong F.A.Sc. • Dr Mohamad Awang Lah [Sains Kimia] F.A.Sc. [Information Technology] Third * Dr Mohamad Awang Lah F.A.Sc. • Dr Francis S.P. Ng FA.Sc. Annual [Teknologi Maklumat] [Biological Sciences] General • Dr Francis S.P. Ng F.A.Sc. • Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron F.A.Sc. Meeting [Sains Biologi] [Science and Technology • Datuk Dr Yusof Basiron F.A.Sc. Development & Industry] 35 [Pembangunan S&T dan Industri] U Election of six new members ofu Pemilihan enam ahli Majlis baru the Council • Prof Dato' Dr Zakri Abdul Hamid F.A.Sc. • Prof Dato' Dr Zakri Abdul • Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. Hamid F.A.Sc. • Prof Dr Yong Hoi Sen F.A.Sc. • Dato' Dr Ikmal Hisham AlBakri • Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng F.A.Sc. F.A.Sc. • Prof Dr Yong Hoi Sen F.A.Sc. • Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. • Dato' Dr lkmal Hisham AlBakri • Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir F.A.Sc. F.A. Sc. • Mr Fateh Chand F.A.Sc. • Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir F.A.Sc.LAPORAN TAIIGNAN 1' 1998 ; I^ ANNUAL RETORT
Di akhir Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan, At the end of the Annual General Meeting, the President delivered the Presiden telah menyampaikan Presidential Address. The President highlighted some of the Academy's Ucapan Presiden. Presiden telah major achievements in 1997. Amongst them was the regional mengutarakan beberapa pencapaian seminar on \"ASEAN Science and Technology Vision : Towards utama Akademi dalam tahun 1997. Technologically Competent ASEAN\". The seminar adopted a Diantaranya adalah Seminar \"ASEAN declaration on S&T Vision Towards Technologically Competent ASEAN Science and Technology Vision : which was submitted to YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir MohamaFd, Prime Towards Technologically Competent Minister of Malaysia to be presented at the ASEAN 301 Presiden sedang menyampaikan ASEAN\". Satu deklarasi mengenai Anniversary Informal Summit. The Ucapan Presiden semasa Mesyuarat Visi S&T Ke Arah Kecekapan Academy also held its 1997 Teknologi ASEAN telah digubal Annual Oration. Dr David Agung Tahunan ke 3 dan diserahkan kepada YAB Dato' Baltimore, President of California President delivering the Presidential Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Institute of Technology (Caltech)Address during the 3 Annual General and Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1975 delivered the Meeting (AGM) oration on \"Cellular Signalling and Oncogenesis\". The Academy Perdana Menteri Malaysia untuk signed several MOUs with sister Academies in its effort to network dibentangkan di Persidangan and establish international linkages in the areas of science, engineering Summit Tidak Formal Sempena and technology. Sambutan Ulangtahun ke 30 ASEAN. The President urged the Academy to seize the opportunity to put forth Akademi juga telah menganjurkan its views and opinions and to recommend that the Government Syarahan Perdana 1997. Dr David strengthen its S&T component in the economic structure. He also urged Baltimore, Presiden California Institute of Technology (Caltech) dan Pemenang Anugerah Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Perubatan dalam tahun 1975 menyampaikan syarahan yang bertajuk \"Cellular ig Signalling and Oncogenesis\". Akademi juga telah menandatangani Ali Jawatankuasa Exco beberapa Memorandum Persefahaman di Mesyuarat Agung ke 3 dengan Akademi-Akademi lain diMembers of the Exco at the 3\"'AGM dalam usahanya untuk meluaskan rangkaian hubungannya dan . mewujudkan perhubungan antara- bangsa di dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi. Presiden mendorong Akademi untuk mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengenengahkan pandangan dan pendapat dan mencadangkan kepada Kerajaan LAPORAN TAIIUNAN it; 1998 ^f. ANNI jI, REI'ORT
supaya mengukuhkan komponen the Academy to play its role inS&T di dalam struktur ekonomi facilitating internationalnegara. Beliau juga mendorong collaboration in research.Akademi untuk memainkan perananbagi menggalakkan kerjasama The President announced that thepenyelidikan antarabangsa. Academy has initiated the process of establishing an Endowment FundPresiden mengumumkan bahawa of RM50 million. to finance theAkademi telah memulakan proses Academy's activities. The Presidentuntuk menubuhkan satu Tabung concluded his address by thankingDana sebanyak RM50 juta untuk all the Fellows for their support andmembiayai aktiviti-aktiviti Akademi. contribution and he also expressedPresiden menggulung ucapannya his appreciation to the Secretariatdengan mengucapkan terima kasih of the Academy for their excellentkepada semua Fellow di atas work.sokongan dan sumbangan merekadan beliau juga menyatakanpenghargaan kepada SekretariatAkademi di atas tugas merekayang cemerlang. Fellow Akademi sedang menghadiri 37 Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ke 3 Fellows of the Academy attending the 3id AGMLAPORAN TAHUNAN ' 1998 2k ANNUAL REPORT
Jamuan A kademi Sains Malaysia telah Te Academy of SciencesMakan mengadakan Jamauan Malaysia held its fourth AnnualMalam Makan Malam Tahunan yang Dinner on the 2nd of NovemberTahunan keempat di Hotel JW Marriott, 1998 at the JW Marriott Hotel,Akademi Kuala Lumpur. Jamuan makan Kuala Lumpur. The dinner wasSains malam itu dihadiri oleh YAB Dato' graced by the Rt Hon PrimeMalaysia Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Seri Dr Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan Mahathir Mohamad and YABhgAcaden YABhg Datin Seri Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd All, la juga Ali. The dinner was also honouredof dihadiri oleh Menteri Sains, by the attendance of the Minister ofSciences Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar, YB Science, Technology and theMalaysia Datuk Law Hieng Ding dan Ketua Environment, YB Datuk Law HiengAnnual Setiausaha Negara YBhg Tan Sri Ding and the Chief Secretray to theDinner Abdul Halim All. Government, YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Halim All. Lebih kurang 400 tetamu yang terdiri daripada ketua-ketua dan Approximately 400 guests pegawai-pegawai agensi-agensi comprising heads and officials of38 -- ap YAB Data' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan YABhg Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd All di Mallis Makan Malam ASM YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad and YABhg Darin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah MohdAli at the ASM Annual Dinner OLAP RAt TAIIUNAN 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
Kerajaan dan kementerian , kapten- Government agencies andkapten industri, dan pemimpin ministries, captains of industry, andkomuniti sains menghadiri makan scientific community leadersmalam tersebut. attended the dinner.Acara kemuncak malam itu adalah Highlights of the evening were theUcapan Tahunan Perdana Menteri Prime Minister's Annual Address tokepada Akademi, Ucapan Presiden the Academy, the President'sdan penyampaian sijil perlantikan address and the conferment ofkepada enam Fellow baru Akademi certificates to six new Fellows byoleh YAB Perdana Menteri the Rt Hon . Prime Minister ofMalaysia, Data' Seri Dr Mahathir Malaysia, Data' Seri Dr MahathirMohamad. Ucapan Tahunan yang Mohamad. The Annual Addressdisampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri delivered by the Prime Ministermenyatakan diantara lain stated among others the need tokepentingan untuk mengdokumen- document all breakthroughs intasikan semua pencapaian di various fields of SET; a challengedalam pelbagai bidang sains, for the Malaysian scientifickejuruteraan dan teknologi; satu community to produce a Nobelcabaran kepada komuniti sains Laureate by the Year 2020; theMalaysia untuk menghasilkan government continuing to seekseorang Nobel Laureate menjelang opinions and suggestions from thetahun 2020; Kerajaan akan terus Academy on SET issues; thememinta nasihat dan cadangan Academy becoming a platform forAkademi mengenai isu -isu S&T; scientists, engineers andAkademi menjadi platform kepada technologists to channel their inputspara saintis , jurutera dan ahli and views into the nationalteknologi untuk menyalurkan input development process and at thedan pandangan mereka kepada some time to provide co-ordinationproses pembangunan negara dan and direction to the scientificpada masa yang sama community; and the Academymenyediakan koordinasi dan arch continuing playing the advisory roletuju bagi komuniti sains; dan on SET to the Government as wellAkademi akan terus memainkan as to the private sectors.peranannya sebagai penasihat didalam bidang S&T kepada Fellow-Fellow baru Akademi sedangKerajaan dan juga sektor swasta. menerima sijil perlantikan dari YAB Dato' Dr Mahathir Mohamad New Fellows cf the Academy receiving their certificates of fellowship from YAB Dato' Dr Mahathir MohamadLAPOBAN TAHI;NAN 1998 ^^!^ A NNUA L REPORT
Akt iviti- aktiviti 1998 Activities
A kademi Sains Malaysia telah Te Academy of Sciences mengenalpasti 5 bidang fokus Malaysia has identified 5utama iaitu: major areas of focus including:• Memberi nasihat kepada • Providing advice to A ktiv it i- Kerajaan mengenai perkara- Government on matters of perkara yang berkepentingan national importance aktiviti nasional 1998 • Fostering a culture of Activifie• Merangsang budaya excellence in science, in 1998 kecemerlangan dalam bidang engineering and technology sains , keiuruteraan clan in Malaysia teknologi di Malaysia • Assisting in upgrading• Membantu untuk meningkatkan technological capability in keupayaan industri di Malaysia Malaysian industry dalam bidang teknologi • Promoting public awareness• Menggalakkan kesedaran of the importance of science, umum tentang kepentingan engineering and technology sains , keiuruteraan clan in everyday life teknologi dalam kehidupan seharian • International Networking and Collaboration• Rangkaian dan Kerjasama Antarabangsa 43LAPOR AN TAHUNAN 1998 `:: ANNUAL REPORT
S alah satu daripada peranan One of the main roles of the utama Akademi adalah Academy is to advise memberi nasihat kepada Kerajaan Government on matters related to science, engineering and di dalam perkara-perkara berkaitan technology from time to time . In line with this role, it identified for 1998Nasihat dengan sains, kejuruteraan dan 4 areas of focus as follows: teknologi dari masa ke semasa. • Agriculture and Other Resource-kepada Sejajar dengan fungsi ini, Akademi based Economies mengenal-pasti 4 bidang fokus • Biodiversitykeralaan bagi tahun 1998 seperti berikut • Science EducationAdvi J • Natural Resource Management • Pertanian dan Ekonomi Berasaskan SumberGovernment • Biodiversiti • Pendidikan Sains • Pengurusan Sumber Asli Dalam tahun 1998, Akademi In 1998, the Academy submitted 2 memajukan 2 laporan kajian study reports to the Government. kepada Kerajaan. PENGURUSAN SUMBER ASLI MALAYSIA'S NATURAL MALAYSIA : SUATU RESOURCES MANAGEMENT : PENDEKATAN BERSEPADU AN INTEGRATED APPROACHTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. Laporan yang bertajuk \"Malaysia`s A study report entitled \"Malaysia's dan Fellow Akademi sedang berbincang Natural Resources Management : Natural Resources Management : mengenai laporan Akademi bersama An Integrated Approach\" telah An Integrated Approach\" was YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Menteri Sains, dimajukan kepada YB Datuk Law presented to YB Datuk Law Hieng Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar Hieng Ding, Menteri Sains, Teknologi Ding, Minister of Science, dan Alam Sekitar. Pembentangan Technology and the Environment.Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman FA.Sc. laporan dibuat oleh YBhg Tan Sri The presentation was done by YBhg and Fellows of the Academy discussing the Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman Tan Sri Dato ' Omar Abdul Rahman report with YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, F.A.Sc., Presiden Akademi Sains F.A.Sc., President of the Academy Minister of Science, Technology Malaysia dan Encik Fateh Chand and Encik Fateh Chand F.A.Sc., and the Environment F.A.Sc., Ahli Majlis Akademi. Council Member of the Academy. Laporan ini mengandungi cadangan This study report encompasses the 4L dan perakuan yang dibuat oleh recommendations of the Academy Akademi untuk pengurusan sumber for the proper management of LAPORAN TAHUNAN 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
asli yang menggunakan pendekatan natural resources using anbersepadu berbanding dengan integrated approach as opposed topendekatan sektoral. Selepas a sectoral approach. After thetaklimat, adalah dipersetujui untuk briefing, it was agreed that thelaporan ini dimajukan kepada report be forwarded to theJawatankuasa Perancangan National Development PlanningPembangunan Negara (JPPN). Council (NDPC). The study reportBerlanjutan dari itu, laporan tersebut was then presented to NDPC at akemudiannya telah dimajukan meeting and also to thekepada JPPN semasa satu mesyuarat Implementation and Co-ordinationyang diadakan dan juga kepada Unit (ICU) of the Prime Minister'sUnit Perancangan dan Penyelerasan Department at the two subsequent(UPP) Jabatan Perdana Menteri meetings. ICU has been given thesemasa dua mesyuarat berikutnya. responsibility to find the mechanismUPP telah dipertanggungjawabkan to implement the recommendationsuntuk mencari satu mekanisma of the report.untuk melaksanakan cadangan-cadangan yang diperakukandi dalam laporan.KRISIS AIR : KEPERLUAN KE THE WATER CRISIS : AARAH PENGURUSAN COMPELLING CASE FORSUMBER AIR SECARA INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCESBERSEPADU DI MALAYSIA MANAGEMENT IN MALAYSIAIni adalah satu laporan khas yang This is a special report to thedimajukan kepada Kerajaan Government on the Water Crisis inmengenai krisis air pada tahun 1998. The Academy put forward1998. Akademi memajukan recommendations for considerationcadangannya untuk pertimbangan of the Government on how toKerajaan tentang bagaimana untuk overcome the Water Crisis andmengatasi krisis air daripada ianya prevent its reoccurence through anberulang semula melalui integrated water resourcespendekatan pengurusan sumber air management approach. Amongstyang bersepadu. Di antara the recommendations by thecadangan-cadangan yang Academy are the immediatedikemukan oleh Akademi adalah adoption and implementation ofLAPORAN TAI-IUNAN ^ 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
penerimaan can perlaksanaan Integrated Water Resourcesdengan kadar segera Pengurusan Management (IWRM) as theSumber Air Secara Bersepadu atau central policy and strategy forIntegrated Water Resources managing the water sector inManagement (IWRM) sebagai Malaysia; fully supports thestrategi polisi utama bagi establishment of the Nationalpengurusan sektor air di Malaysia, Water (Resources) Council and formenyokong penuh penubuhan the Council to formulate a nationalMajlis Air Negara dan bagi Majlis water policy bringing togetheruntuk menggubal polisi air negara current fragmented sectoral andbagi menyatukan polisi sektoral sub-sectoral policies into a coherentdan sektoral kecil yang sekarang whole within the overall frameworkini berpecah untuk menjadi satu of IWRM, and implementation of ayang koheren di dalam rangka system-wide management to ensuremenyeluruh IWRM, dan perlaksanaan both efficiency and equity in thesatu pengurusan 'system-wide' bagi water sector.memastikan kecekapan dan ekuitiwujud di dalam sektor air.DESIGNING SCIENCE DESIGNING SCIENCEEDUCATION FOR EDUCATION FORCOMPETITIVENESS : COMPETITIVENESS :RECOMMENDATIONS ON RECOMMENDATIONS ONMEASURES TO INCREASE MEASURES TO INCREASESTUDENT ENROLMENT IN STUDENT ENROLMENT INSCIENCE IN MALAYSIA SCIENCE IN MALAYSIAMenyedari hakikat bahawa Realizing the fact that the studentpenglibatan pelajar di dalam enrolment in Science is alarminglybidang Sains semakin menurun, low, the Academy took the initiativepihak Akademi telah mengambil to come up with a study report toinisiatif untuk menyediakan laporan look into issues and problems ofkajian yang meninjau isu dan science education which resulted inmasalah pendidikan sains yang the declining interest of studentsmendatangkan kesan terhadap taking science. This reportpenurunan minat pelajar mengikuti examines common viewpointsbidang sains. Laporan ini mengkaji generally expressed by educatorsLAP O RAN TAHUNAN 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
pandangan yang diluahkan oleh and administrators as well aspara pengajar dan pihak pentadbir findings from available research. Inserta hasil penyelidikan yang ada. particular, it also examines thela juga mengkaji terutamanya school curriculum. Among thekurikulum sekolah. Diantara recommendations put forward arecadangan yang diutarakan adalah the adoption of National Sciencepenggubalan National Science Education Standards which willEducation Standards yang akan provide comprehensive guidelinesmemberi garis panduan yang to shore up the image and status ofkomprehensif bagi meningkatkan science education and theimej dan status pendidikan sains establishment of a Notional Councildan penubuhan Majlis Pendidikan for Science and TechnologySains dan Teknologi Kebangsaan. Education. This report will beLaporan ini akan dimajukan kepada presented to the Minister ofMenteri Pendidikan Malaysia pada Education in 1999.tahun 1999.DIALOG DI ANTARA YBHG DIALOGUE BETWEEN YBHG TANTAN SRI ABDUL HALIM ALI, SRI ABDUL HALIM ALI, CHIEFKETUA SETIAUSAHA NEGARA SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENTDENGAN AKADEMI SAINS AND THE ACADEMY OFMALAYSIA SCIENCES MALAYSIASatu sesi dialog telah diadakan di A dialogue was held between YBhgantara YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Halim Tan Sri Abdul Hal im Ali, ChiefAli, Ketua Setiausaha Negara Secretary to the Government anddengan Akademi pada 29 Jun the Academy on 29\" June 19981998 semasa lawatan beliau ke during his visit to the Academy. ThisAkademi. la telah dihadiri oleh 27 was attended by 27 Fellows of theFellows Akademi dan Academy and chaired by thedipengerusikan oleh Presiden President, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk DrAkademi, YBhg Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. MrOmar Abdul Rahman F.A.Sc. Encik Cheah Kong Wai, the SecretaryCheah Kong Wai, Ketua Setiausaha General of the Ministry of Science,Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Technology and the EnvironmentAlam Sekitar turut hadir bersama. was also present. During theSemasa sesi dialog beberapa isu dialogue a number of issues wereLAPORAN TAHI NAN 1998 ANNu4L REPOKT
telah dibangkitkan. Diantaranya raised. Amongst the issues were the adalah peranan Akademi di masa future role of the Academy; hadapan; memudahkan aktiviti-aktiviti facilitating Malaysian international penyelidikan sains kejuruteraan science, engineering and dan teknologi antarabangsa di technology research activities, Malaysia; kesulitan untuk difficulties to commercialize mengkomersilkan hasil penyelidikan; research findings; hiring of foreign pengambilan saintis negara lain; scientists; ASM representation and perwakilan dan keahlian ASM di membership in Malaysian and Organisasi-organisasi dan Perkumpulan International Scientific Organizations Saintifik Malaysia dan Antarabangsa and Groupings and ASM long term dan keperluan kewangan jangka financial requirements. paniang ASM. The Academy will submit a numberTan Sri .Abdul Halim Ali bersama Akademi akan memasukan of proposals to address the issues.Fellow Akademi Sains Malaysia beberapa kertas cadangan untuk Amongst the proposals are on theTan Sri Abdul Halim All with ASM Fellows menangani isu-isu tersebut. setting up of an Industry Specific Diantara cadangannya adalah S&T Research Fund; on the co- penubuhan Industry Specific S&T ordinative functions that the Academy Research Fund bagi fungsi-fungsi can play in ensuring that follow up koordinatif yang dapat dimainkan of S&T MOUs signed with other oleh Akademi untuk memastikan countries is being carried out; on bahawa tindakan susulan terhadap the establishment of standard Perjanjian Persefahaman di dalam policy, guidelines and mechanism bidang S&T dengan negara-negara of implementation to address the lain dapat dilaksanakan; penggubalan difficulties in the commercialization polisi yang standard, garis panduan of research findings. dan mekanisma perlaksanaan untuk menangani kesulitan mengkomersilkan hasil penyelidikan. LAPORAN TAHUNAN \") 1998 ANNUAL REPORT
Program Kecemerlangan e Academy's Science Program Akademi Sains Malaysia Excellence Programme is aimed Kecemerlangan to inculcate a culture of excellenceadalah bertujuan untuk menanam in science, engineering and Sainsbudaya cemerlang di dalam technology in our society. The yearbidang sains, kejuruteraan dan 1998 saw many interesting Excellenceteknologi di dalam masyarakat activities being carried out by the Programmekita. Tahun 1998 telah Academy under this programme. Inmenyaksikan pelbagai aktiviti summary, the Academy held anmenarik dilaksanakan oleh annual oration, a public lecture, aAkademi di bawah program ini. forum, launched the Dr Ran feetSebagai ringkasan, Akademi telah Bhagwan Singh Medical Researchmenganjurkan satu syarahan Fund and the Inaugural Memorialperdana, satu syarahan umum, satu Lecture and organized aforum, melancarkan Tabung Roundtable Discussion onPenyelidikan Perubatan Dr Ranjeet Environment.Bhagwan Singh dan SyarahanPeringatan Perdana danmenganjurkan satu PerbincanganMejabulat mengenai Alam Sekitar.SYARAHAN PERDANA ASM ASM ANNUAL ORATION1998 1998Akademi telah menganjurkan The Academy held its 1998 Annual Prof Lee Yuan Tseh menyampaikanSyarahan Perdana 1998 di Bilik Oration at the Bilik Gerakan, Syarahan PerdanaGerakan, Kementerian Kerja Raya Ministry of Works Malaysia on 211dMalaysia pada 2 Oktober 1998. October 1998. About 60 invited Prof Lee Yuan Tseh deliveringLebih kurang 60 tetamu menghadiri guests attended the oration. The the Annual Orationsyarahan tersebut. Syarahan yang oration entitled \"Recentbertajuk \"Recent Development in Development in VibrationalVibrational Spectroscopy of Ionic Spectroscopy of Ionic Clusters\" wasClusters\" telah disampaikan oleh delivered by Prof Lee Yuan Tseh,Prof. Lee Yuan Tseh, Presiden President Academia Sinica TaiwanAcademia Sinica Taiwan dan and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry inPemenang Anugerah Nobel 1986 1986.dalam bidang Kimia.LAPORAN TAHUNAN , 1998 'a ANNUAL REPORT
Syarahan ini memaparkan secara The oration elucidated detailed terperinci dinamik reaksi awal dynamics of simple elementary yang ringkas yang mana secara reactions that are theoretically teori adalah penting untuk important to unravel the mechanism membongkar mekanisma reaksi of complex chemical reaction of kimia proses fotokimia yang photochemical processes that play kompleks yang memainkan important roles in many banyak peranan penting di dalam macroscopic processes. proses-proses makroskopik. SYARAHAN UMUM ASM ASM PUBLIC LECTURE Akademi dengan kerjasama The Academy in collaboration with Universiti Malaya telah University of Malaya organised the menganjurkan satu syarahan umum ASM Public Lecture entitled \"The bertajuk \"The Impact of Understanding Impact of Understanding Chemical Chemical Reaction Mechanism to Our Reaction Mechanism to Our Living Living Environment\" yang telah Environment\" which was delivered disampaikan oleh Prof Lee Yuan by Prof Lee Yuan Tseh, President, Tseh Presiden Academia Sinica Academia Sinica Taiwan and 1986 Taiwan dan Pemenang Anugerah Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. This Nobel 1986 dalam bidang Kimia. lecture discussed the exciting field Syarahan ini membincangkan of chemical reaction dynamic using bidang reaksi kimia dinamik yang molecular beam and laser menggunakan teknik-teknik pancaran techniques and the implications of molekul dan laser dan implikasi kajian ini ke atas pemahaman these studies to the understanding tentang kimia atmosferik, terutamanya masalah-masalah yang berkaitan of atmospheric. chemistry, especially dengan kehilangan ozon. problems related to ozone depletion. Prof Lee Yuan Tseh menerima cendermata SYARAHAN UMUM BERTAJUA dari Timbalan Naib Cancellor \"TIE MILT \" 1 RSTANW\" PJQXAL Universiti Malaya REACTWI MECNI d0 OI , ENVIRONMEN Prof Lee Yuan Tseh receiving a souvenir LEA from the Deputy Vice Chancellor NOBEL OFE$OR L' ' TSEA University of Malaya SINICA,TAIM ^,OILLf9a^U LAPORAN TAHUNAN lit' 1.998 ANNUAL REPORT
PELANCARAN TABUNG LAUNCHING OF DR RANJEETPENYELIDIKAN PERUBATAN BHAGWAN SINGH MEDICALDR RANJEET BHAGWAN RESEARCH FUND ANDSINGH DAN INAUGURAL INAUGURAL MEMORIALMEMORIAL LECTURE LECTUREMendiang Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan The Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding di MajlisSingh telah mewasiatkan untuk Medical Research Fund was Pelancaran Tabung Penyelidikanmenubuhkan Tabung Penyelidikan established as a result of a bequestPerubatan Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan by the late Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Perubatan Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan SinghSingh . Tabung jni ditubuhkan untuk Singh. The fund was established tomenggalakkan penyelidikan di promote research among young YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding at thekalangan saintis perubatan muda medical scientists for the benefit of launching of Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singhuntuk kebaikan negara. the nation. Medical Research FundPada 16 Julai 1998 TabungPenyelidikan Perubatan Dr Ranjeet On 16th July 1998 the Dr Ranjeet YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding , President ASMBhagwan Singh dan Syarahan Bhagwan Singh Medical Research dan Prof Gustav Nossal bersamaPeringatan Perdana telah dirasmikan Fund and the Inaugural Memorial pemenang Geran Penyelidikanoleh YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Lecture were officially launched by Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan SinghMenteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding, MinisterSekitar di Institut Penyelidikan of Science, Technology and the YB Datuk Law Hieng Ding,Perubatan Malaysia. Tabung jni Environment, Malaysia at the Institute PresidentASM and Prof Gustav Nossaldigerakkan pada tahun 1997 apabila for Medical Research Malaysia (IMR) with the winners of Dr Ranjeet Bhagwandua penerima dianugerahkan geran. The fund was activated in 1997Untuk tahun 1998, Akademi telah when the first two recipients Singh Research Grantmemilih 2 orang lagi penerima. Mereka received their grants. For 1998 theadalah Cik Lion Lay Hoong clan Academy selected two moreProf Madya Dr Hoh Hin Bing dari recipients. They were Ms Lion LayUniversiti Malaya. Masing-masing Hoong and Assoc. Prof Dr Hoh Hinmenerima RM29,000 dan RM14,000. Bing from University of Malaya.300 tetamu daripada universiti They received RM29,000 andtempatan, institut penyelidikan RM 14,000 respectively. 300 guestsperubatan dan komuniti saintifik from local universities, medicalMalaysia menghadiri majlis research institutes and Malaysianpelancaran dana dan syarahan. SET community attended theSyarahan yang bertajuk \"Millennial launching of the fund and theChallenges in Communicable Inaugural Memorial Lecture. TheDisease Control\" telah disampaikan lecture entitled \"Millennial ChallengesLAPORAN TAHUNAN ^1998 ANNN UAI, REPORT