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Home Explore Athens YMCA Program Brochure 2015-2016

Athens YMCA Program Brochure 2015-2016

Published by chris, 2016-02-11 14:09:14

Description: Athens YMCA Program Brochure 2015-2016


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FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYYOUR YMCAFOR FAMILYFUN & FITNESSPROGRAM & MEMBERSHIP GUIDE2015 - 2016ATHENS YMCAMission Statement“To put Christian principles intopractice through programs that build 915 Hawthorne Avenue - Athens, GA 30606healthy spirit, mind and body for all.” Office: (706) 543-6596 - Fax: (706) 543-9313FOLLOW US ON:

ALWAYS HERE FOR COMMUNITYTABLE OF CONTENTS Facility HoursFacility Hours 2 Monday - Friday / 4:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Saturday / 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.YMCA Closings 2 Sunday / 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.ID Policy 2 YMCA ClosingsYMCA Map 2 NEW YEAR’s EVE, NEW YEAR’s DAY EASTER SUNDAY, MEMORIAL DAYMembership Information 3 JULY 4th, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY CHRISTMAS EVE / CHRISTMAS DAYGuest Policy & Facility Rental 4 I.D. POLICY:Building Closings 4 The Athens YMCA utilizes a biometric fingerYouth Program Policy 4 scanner for facility access at our check-in desk. New members are issued a temporary 7-day pass,General Programs 5 after that time members will be required to use the fingure scanner. Members who may needFitness Programs 6 a permanent membership card for traveling to another YMCA (AWAY Program) can simply stop byYouth Programs 7-10 the front office or front desk to have one made.Camp Kelly Adventures 11 Pool HoursAquatics 6 &12 INDOOR POOL HOURS Mon - Fri., 5:00 a.m. - 9:15 p.m.Youth Development 13 Saturday, 7:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Sunday, 1:00 p.m.. - 5:45 p.m.YMCA BUILDING MAP Lap lanes are closed from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mon - Friday during normal school days for afterschool youth swim lessons. OUTDOOR POOL OPENS TUESDAY - MAY 26th M-F: 9:00a.m. - 7:45p.m. SAT: 10:00a.m. - 4:45p.m. SUN: 1:00p.m. - 5:45p.m. Please note the YMCA’s Summer Day Camp Program has priority in the outdoor pool weekdays until 5:00 p.m. Back Door Study Child Watch Office Adult Bathroom Hall Aerobic / Yoga MartialGround floor map Women’s Front Downstairs map Multi-Purpose Arts Wellness Gym Room Board Room Room Office Office Office Youth Indoor Cycle Office Room Room Office Office / Carpet Room Side Door Front Entrance 2

MEMBERSHIP TYPE Building Bank Draft 3 month Annual Fund Fee $41 $140 $492ADULT (16 - 59 years old) $75COLLEGE STUDENT none $35 4$m12o0nth fee - $$121604 $378 FAMILY $100 $56 $192 $672(Spouses and all legal dependents claimed on current tax forms up to the age 23.) SENIOR $50 $31 $105 $372(60 years and up) SENIOR COUPLE $75 $41 $140 $492(married both 60 years old and up)ADULT HEALTH CLUB $125 $56 $192 $672 (18 years old and up) FAMILY HEALTH CLUB $150 $86 $295 $1032(Spouses and all legal dependents claimed on current tax forms up to the age 23.--- Dependents under 18 would not be able to utilize the health club).*Building Fund Fee is a one time fee that is paid only once as long as the membership is kept in good standing. The Building FundFee is your investment in the YMCA and helps with the facilities repair and replacement and equipment purchases. The BuildingFund Fee is paid again if your membership lapses more than 30 days.Bank Draft Membership AmenitiesBank Draft is an automatic/electronic/continuous 3 Gymnasiums • 2 pools ( 1 indoor, 1 outdoor -debit from your checking account on the 15th of seasonal) Cardio Center ( treadmills, steppers, rowers,each month. The automatic bank draft is not a etc.) • Fitness Center (free weights, machine weights,contract. In addition, bank drafts can be placed on etc.) Aerobics Room • Women’s ONLY Wellnesshold for up to 6 months. It can be cancelled by the Room • 4 Racquetball courts • Complimentary Men’s10th of any month by filling out a cancellation form. and Women’s locker rooms also Men’s and Women’sCancellation and Freeze forms are available in the Health Club Locker Rooms which include Sauna, SteamFront Office and Front Desk. Room, and Whirlpool (for those who have Health Club Memberships) • Outdoor playground area • Roller3 month or Annual Memberships Hockey Rink • Outdoor Sports Fields • 8 lane soft surface outdoor trackPaid up front upon joining. Please note: The 3 monthmembership is roughly a 15% increase over the Membership Benefitsnormal monthly draft. These memberships are non-refundable. AWAY (Always Welcome at YMCA’s) participation - allows Athens YMCA members to utilize other YMCA’sHealth Club across the country. Please note that not all YMCA’s recognize the “AWAY” program. Each YMCA branch/The Men’s and Women’s Health Club is an upgraded association sets its own membership policies. Memberslocker room that includes a whirlpool, dry sauna, pay a discounted fee for programs versus non-wet steam, towel service, etc. The health club is an members. Child Watch is included for those who haveadult (18 and up) only locker room - children are not Family Memberships-members can leave their childrenallowed in this area. in our supervision while they utilize the YMCA’s facilities. Child Watch Service 3 Complimentary service offered to those with a family membership. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday - Friday / Saturday’s 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon - Age 6 weeks to 12 years old. Children ages 1 year and up may stay for up to 2 1/2 hours per day. Children ages 6 weeks to 1 year may stay for up to 1 1/2 hours per day. Parents must remain on the YMCA’s premises.

Guest Policy and FacilityATHENS YMCA GUEST POLICY waiver. AWAY members are limited to four (4) visits per month. Additional visits may be purchased atThe YMCA’s number one priority is to serve our $12 per visit.members who have made a commitment to theYMCA by joining. The purpose behind our Guest Please NotePolicy is to enhance member services to currentmembers who are encouraging a friend to join or Health Club access is limited to health clubhave out-of-town family members visiting, and to members only. The Athens YMCA reserves the rightoffer an opportunity for non-members to try our to change the Guest Pass Policy at any time at itsfacility before committing to join. discretion. The YMCA will not offer family guest passes from May 1st to September 1st.Guests Visiting with an Athens YMCAMember Building ClosingsAll guests visiting with a member receive one pass As a service to the community, the YMCA willper year at no cost. • Guests will be required make every effort to open regular hours duringto complete the Guest Registration Process - most cases of inclement weather. Certain areas ofshow I.D. and sign the guest waiver before entry the YMCA will open only if staff can arrive safelyis granted. Once entry is granted, guests must to the site. The YMCA reserves the right to closeadhere to the Athens YMCA code of conduct and all the entire facility depending on the severity ofpolicies and procedures. the inclement weather if it is deemed in the best interest of our members, guests and staff. TheGuests Visiting without a Member decision to close the YMCA facility due to inclement weather is that of the CEO or her designate.Guests visiting without a member will be requiredto purchase a guest pass complete the guest Youth Program Policyregistration process - show I.D. and sign the guestwaiver before entry is granted. Once entry is (Clarke County is the largest service area for youth programs;granted, guests must adhere to the Athens YMCA’s therefore decisions are based on the Clarke County Schoolcode of conduct and all policies and procedures. System)Please note: Guests who have purchased adaily pass can have the $15 credited towards a If Clarke County Schools have a delayed opening,membership if they decide to join the same day the programs will resume as scheduled. Please checkguest pass was bought. the website for updates throughout the day. If Clarke County Schools are closed all after schoolCost of Guest Passes programs will be cancelled. If Clarke County Schools are dismissed duringGuest pass purchases are good for the day of school hours, all after school programs will bepurchase only. - Adult Guess Passes: $15 for daily cancelled. Children will be sent home from school.use. - Youth & Teen Guest Passes: $10 for daily Buses will not drop kids off at the YMCA.use. - Family Guest Pass: $20 for daily use. Additional Information: - Please check the YMCA website and FacebookFacility Rental page for fitness class and evening swim lessons updates.The Y rents specific components of our facilities - If the YMCA is closed, has a delayed opening,and grounds (athletic field, playground and meeting or will be closing early, announcements will berooms) to outside groups. Please see the YMCA made on, the Athens YMCAfront office for specific details. Facebook page, radio stations WNGC and Magic 102.1, and on television Channel 2 StormWatchAWAY Program 4(YMCA members from another YMCA AssociationAWAY (Always Welcome at YMCAs) membersare permitted to use the Athens YMCA facilitieswithout a guest pass purchase. AWAY membersmust present a valid YMCA membership card anddriver’s license to the front desk and sign the guest

HEALTHY LIVING YMCA Lifeguard ClassesBasketball This course provides the knowledge & skills needed to become a lifeguard. PLEASE CHECK WITHPICK-UP - ADULTS (18 & OVER), THE YMCA’S FRONT OFFICE FOR DATES, TIMES ANDMon. thru Fri. - 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. SPECIFICS.Mon. thru Thurs., 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.and Sat. 8:00 a.m. Subject to change due to Youth CPR ClassesGames. Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. FirstMen’s Bible Study Aid and CPR classes can prepare you to keep some- one alive or prevent a more serious injury. ThisMeets on Thursday morning training can make it possible for you to act confi-(YMCA Board Room) at 7:00 a.m. for fellowship, dently if someone needs help when seconds count.prayer and scriptures. Open to the community at PLEASE CHECK WITH THE YMCA’S FRONT OFFICElarge. FOR DATES, TIMES AND SPECIFICS.Coach Mike Health Run Music Therapy for Children with Special NeedsSaturday, August 13th 2016. The Historic 34thAnnual Coach Mike 5K Health Run and 1 mile Fun Fall 2015 Session August 27 - October 15Run is scheduled for Saturday, August 13th. The Meet and Greet is August 20 from 6:15pm to5K run course will consist of cross-country run 7pm. Cost is $100 per child per session. Meetsthrough the YMCA’s athletic fields and wooded Thursdays 6:15-7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room.area. There will be a mile fun run after the 5K for Instructor is Hayley Godwin.youth ages 12 and younger. Spring 2016 Session February 25 - April 14Registration forms available at the YMCA or Meet and Greet is February 18 from 6:15pm todownloaded from the YMCA website. 7pm. Cost is $100 per child per session. Meets Thursdays 6:15-7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room.Kindermarket Instructor is Hayley Godwin.Athens largest consignment sale of new and gentlyused children’s goods and clothing. Any questions,please email us at 2015: October 1-3Spring 2016: March 3-5Scuba DivingThe Athens YMCA is partnering with Dolphin DiveCenter to offer scuba diving lessons here at theYMCA’s facility. The class is an “open water course/ certification” with class room work taking placeat Dolphin Dive Center and pool work taking placehere at the YMCA. Sign - Up / Register at DolphinDive Center, 2597 Atlanta Highway, Athens, GA30606. $395. Please note that as part of the class,four (4) check-out dives are required and are anadditional expense.KindermusikFor ages Birth-3 years/ Offering Winter & Fallclasses. Enroll at the Athens YMCA Front Officeor online. For more information contact JENNIFERCUMMINGS: or706-296-1378. 5

HEALTHY LIVING - FITNESS & AQUATICSThe YMCA’s fitness classes are geared towards adult Family Fitnessparticipants - age 16 and up. With the exception ofthe “Yoga Sprouts” class on Satuday’s, children are not The Athens YMCA wants to encourage youth health andallowed to participate in class, nor can children be in family interaction. To support this we have added Familythe aerobic room while classes are going on. Please Fitness. On Family Fitness days children ages 11 - 13utilize the child watch area for your child watch needs. are welcome to use the Fitness Center with an adult/ parent on the following days: All day Sat. - Sun. andFitness Orientation Mon. - Fri. - 5:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.All new members are offered an equipment orientation. TeensThe orientation will be given by Fitness Centerattendants and lasts 20 - 30 minutes. The orientation Ages 14 and 15 years old may work-out anytime duringcovers the use of the machines, Fitness Center policies, our open hours with a parent present in the fitness& YMCA programs. More information is available when center. This applies to those with Family Membershipyou sign up for a membership. Only. Ages 16 and up are treated as an adult member. *PLEASE NOTE THE WOMEN’S ONLY FITNESS ROOM ISPersonal Training FOR AGES 16+ ONLY!Certified personal trainers can assist you in your Adult Water Exercise Classesfitness needs. A trainer can help you develop anindividual fitness program, teach you about sports Please note: the Athens YMCA tries to maintain ourconditioning, stretching and more. YMCA Approved/ indoor pool temperature at 850. Our pool is not a “warmLicensed Personal Fitness Trainers - Prices and options water therapy pool.”vary per trainer. Please contact the individual trainerfor specifics. HydrobicsAppropriate Attire: shirts and closed toe shoes are This on-going, drop in class is an intense, low-impactrequired in all fitness classes and fitness centers. and fun aerobics class designed to strengthen the heart and lungs, tone muscles and increase flexibility.Athens YMCA Personal Trainers The class is led by professional aquatic instructors in shallow and deep water.ORLANDO GREEN Shallow water: M, W, F @ 9a.m. - 9:45a.m.(706) 614-9738 / Deep water: Mon. - Sat. @ 8:a.m.COREY LITTLE Y’s Way To Water Exercise:(706) 207-0689 / A variable intensity cardiovascular workout with aTANIA YELTON strength training segment. This format utilizes a variety(706) 206-0026 / of water fitness tools, including hard buoys, noodles, water gloves, water wrist weights, floats and kick-CATHERINE HAMILTON boards. Volunteer led.(706) 202-3128 / Tu & Th @ 6:45 - 7:45p.m.BRAD ULRICH Arthritis Foundation Water Exercise(706) 201-1833 This gentle class, led by a professional instructor, leadsMassage Therapy participants through a series of movements designed specifically for those with arthritis pain and limitedMassages are available for Health Club Members ONLY. movement. M, W, F @ 10:00 - 10:45a.m.Massage Therapists in MHC and LHCJOE LEONE: (706) 548-3857- MHCJOEY FREEMAN: (706) 202-2224 - MHCNICHOLE ARRENDALE: (706) 247-3477 - LHCFor LHC please contact Elyse Giles at elysegiles@gmail. 6com for more information.

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT- YOUTH & ATHLETIC PROGRAMS: FALL AUG 11 - NOV 6 2015*Tackle Football (3rd & 4th Grade, 5th & Mountain Biking:6th Grade) Explore the rugged trails in the woods behind theThe Athens YMCA participates in a predominantly YMCA! The YMCA provides the bike - recommendedChristian youth football league. The league consists for experienced riders only. Ages: 8 - 12 - Mon. &of Prince Ave., Bethlehem Christian Academy, Wed. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.Gatewood Academy, Athens Christian, The Y, $95 Members / $140 Non-Members.George Walton, and Oconee County. The league isgoverned by a board of directors that consist of Football Cheerleadingone representative from each organization. Thisprogram is designed to teach the fundamentals YMCA Cheerleading is designed to teach the basicsof tackele football, sfae tackling habits, all of cheerleading to children who have never cheeredpositions, and sportmanship. Players are evaluated before or to those who are looking to improve theirduringpractice and assigned positions for the skills. The program will focus on teaching basicseason. The primary emphasis is on Christian jumps, stretching and coordination, and properleadership and sportmanship. Tackle football jump techniques. Emphasis is on motion placement,registration will begin June 1, 2015. Summer teamwork, and basic cheers. Ages 5-12.practices will begin July 20, 2015. After school Tues & Thurs 3:30-5:00 p.m. $120 Member / $155practices will begin Monday August 10, 2015. All Non Member.teams will practice 3 times per week immediatelyafter school. The season will begin in September. Arts & CraftsHelmet, shoulder pads, mouth pieces, cleats, andpractice gear must be purchased by parents. The This class will help bring out the artistic andYMCA will provide game day jerseys and helmet creative abilities in your child. Participants will havedecals. Price: $125 Members / $160 Non-Members several projects that they will work on throughout the quarter - most materials will be provided withFlag Football (1st and 2nd Grade) the exception of a few supplies. Ages: 8-12. Mon. & Wed. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.Flag football is offered for grades K-2nd. Teams Ages: 5-7. Tue. & Thur. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.will play in a predominantly Christian league. $95 Members / $140 for Non-members.Teams in the league are from Prince Ave, GatewoodAcademy, and George Walton Academy. Games Swimming Lessons:will be played on Saturdays and during the week.Registration will begin June 1, 2015. Practices willl Ages 6 and up - A step-by-step progression ofbegin August 10, 2015. Teams will practice 2 times swimming & water safety skills that enable a childper week. Game jerseys, flags, and footballs will to swim safely, enjoy the water, and use swimmingbe provided by the YMCA. Parents must purchase as a lifetime fitness sport. This program’s five maincleats and practice clothing. Price: $95 Members / components: personal growth, personal safety,$140 Non-Members. stroke development, water sports games, and rescue. Each skill level builds upon the precedingRec Soccer For Boys And Girls level, with six levels (Polliwog, Guppy, Minnow, Fish, Flying Fish, and Shark) covering all the strokes,U-6 M & W 3:30 - 5:00pm Games Wed. @ 5:15pm diving fundamentals, & safety skills. ThroughoutU-8 T & Th 3:30 - 5:00pm Games Fri. @ 5:30pm all levels, students are taught aquatic and boatingU-10 M & W 3:30 - 5:00pm Games Sat. @ the safety and rescue skills. Children sign up forAthens YMCA and surrounding rec facilities 2 DAYS PER WEEK - Mon/Wed. or Tues/Thurs. -U-12 T & Th, 4:30 - 6:00pm Games Sat. @ the ALL CLASS TIMES ARE FROM 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.Athens YMCA and surrounding rec facilities. FEES: 2 days per week (M, W or T, TH)Price: $95 Members / $140 Non-Members $115 Members / $150 Non-Members. Fun Friday - (fun water activities, no lessons)Parent/Child Soccer (ages 2-4) $52 Members / $64 Non-Members.Sept. 28, - Nov. 4, 2015. Registration starts Aug. 731. Mon. and Wed. 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. $30 Member /$50 Non-member.

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT- YOUTH & ATHLETIC PROGRAMS: FALL AUG 11 - NOV 6 2015Tae-Kwon DoLearn self-confidence, self-defense, coordination,this is a perfect complement to any sport you arecurrently involved in. Uniform not provided, butmay be purchased from the instructor. Instructor:Master Jose Castro / Certified 5th Degree BlackBelt. AGES: 5 - 12.Beginner Classes: Mon. & Wed. 3:30-5:00 p.m.or Tues. & Thurs. 3:30-5:00 p.m.Green Belt or Higher: Mon. & Wed. 5:00-6:00 p.m.or Tues. & Thurs. 5:00-6:00 p.m.Take our the Weapons Class Friday 4:30-6:00 p.m.$100 Members / $140 Non-Members.Teen FitnessParticipants “work out” in the YMCA’s fitnesscenter under YMCA staff supervision. This programis designed to teach ages 12-15 appropriate waysto exercise. We do intend to make exercise funfor our teens. The program will consist of swimclasses, indoor cycle classes, boot camp classes,and more. All participants need tennis shoes andathletic clothing. Tue and Thu. 4:30 - 5:00 p.m.$105 Members / $140 Non-Members. 8

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT- YOUTH & ATHLETIC PROGRAMS: WINTER NOV 9, 2015 - FEB 19, 2016Basketball Tae-Kwon DoLearn and master the basics of passing, dribbling Learn self-confidence, self-defense, coordination,and shooting. Y Basketball is designed to teach this is a perfect complement to any sport you arethe fundamentals of basketball to children who currently involved in. Uniform not provided, buthave never played before or to those who are may be purchased from the instructor. Instructor:looking to improve their skills. Focus will be on Master Jose Castro / Certified 5th Degree Blackball control, shooting techniques, offensive and Belt. AGES: 5 - 12.defensive tactics, rules and regulations of the Beginner Classes: Mon. & Wed. 3:30-5:00, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play for or Tues. & Thurs. 3:30-5:00 p.m.all. Ages 5-15. Basketball is offered during the Green Belt or Higher: Mon. & Wed. 5:00-6:00 p.m.winter quarter. or Tues. & Thurs. 5:00-6:00 p.m.Kindergarten M/W 3:30-5:00, Games W @ 5:00 Take our Weapons Class Friday 4:30-6:00 p.m.1st-2nd Grade M/W 3:30-5:00, Games Sat @ 9:30 $100 Members / $140 Non-Members.3rd-4th Grade T/TH 3:30-5:00, Games Fri @ 6:005th-6th Grade T/Th 5:00-6:30, Games TBD Swimming Lessons:7th-9th Grade M/W 5:00-6:30, Games TBDFee: $95 for Members / $140 for Non-Members Ages 6 and up - A step-by-step progression ofALL AGE GROUPS swimming & water safety skills that enable a child to swim safely, enjoy the water, and use swimmingBasketball Cheerleading as a lifetime fitness sport. This program’s five main components: personal growth, personal safety,YMCA Cheerleading is designed to teach the basics stroke development, water sports games, andof cheerleading to children who have never cheered rescue. Each skill level builds upon the precedingbefore or to those who are looking to improve their level, with six levels (Polliwog, Guppy, Minnow, Fish,skills. The program will focuss on teaching basic Flying Fish, and Shark) covering all the strokes,jumps, stretching and coordination, and proper diving fundamentals, & safety skills. Throughoutjump techniques. Emphasis is on motion placement, all levels, students are taught aquatic and boatingteamwork, and basic cheers. Ages 5-12. safety and rescue skills. Children sign up forTues & Thurs 3:30-5:00 p.m. 2 DAYS PER WEEK - Mon/Wed. or Tues/Thurs. -$120 Member / $155 Non Member. ALL CLASS TIMES ARE FROM 3:55 - 4:55 p.m. FEES: 2 days per week (M, W or T, TH)Parent/Child Basketball (ages 2-4) $115 Members / $150 Non-Members. Fun Friday - (fun water activities, no lessons)Jan. 5 - Feb. 11, 2016. Registration starts Dec. $52 Members / $64 Non-Members.1st. Tues. and Thurs. 1:15 - 2:00 p.m.$30 Member / $50 Non-member. Teen FitnessArts & Crafts Participants “work out” in the YMCA’s fitness center under YMCA staff supervision. This programThis class will help bring out the artistic and is designed to teach ages 12-15 appropriate wayscreative abilities in your child. Participants will have to exercise. We do intend to make exercise funseveral projects that they will work on throughout for our teens. The program will consist of swimthe quarter - most materials will be provided with classes, indoor cycle classes, boot camp classes,the exception of a few supplies. and more. All participants need tennis shoes andAges: 8-12. Mon. & Wed. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. athletic clothing. Tue and Thu. 4:30 - 5:00 p.m.Ages: 5-7. Tue. & Thur. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. $105 Members / $140 Non-Members.$95 members / $140 for non-members. 9

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT- YOUTH & ATHLETIC PROGRAMS: SPRING FEB 22 - MAY 20, 2016Rec Soccer For Boys And Girls Swimming Lessons:U-6 M & W 3:30 - 5:00pm Games Wed. @ 5:15pm Ages 6 and up - A step-by-step progression ofU-8 T & Th 3:30 - 5:00pm Games Fri. @ 5:30pm swimming & water safety skills that enable a childU-10 M & W 3:30 - 5:00pm Games Sat. @ the to swim safely, enjoy the water, and use swimmingAthens YMCA and surrounding rec facilities as a lifetime fitness sport. This program’s five mainU-12 T & Th, 4:30 - 6:00pm Games Sat. @ the components: personal growth, personal safety,Athens YMCA and surrounding rec facilities. stroke development, water sports games, andPrice: $95 Members / $140 Non-Members rescue. Each skill level builds upon the preceding level, with six levels (Polliwog, Guppy, Minnow, Fish,Youth Track and Field Flying Fish, and Shark) covering all the strokes, diving fundamentals, & safety skills. ThroughoutYouth Track and Field is for both beginner and all levels, students are taught aquatic and boatingadvanced runners. Participants will be exposed safety and rescue skills. Children sign up forto field events, distance running, and sprinting. 2 DAYS PER WEEK - Mon/Wed. or Tues/Thurs. -The focus of youth track is establishing an ALL CLASS TIMES ARE FROM 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.understanding of track meets, working on running FEES: 2 days per week (M, W or T, TH)techniques, and developing both individual and $115 Members / $150 goals, and experiencing a variety of field Fun Friday - (fun water activities, no lessons)events. Ages 7-12. Offered during Spring quarter. $52 Members / $64 Non-Members.$95 for Members / $140 for Non-Members.3:30-5:00p.m. Tae-Kwon DoParent/Child Soccer (ages 2-4) Learn self-confidence, self-defense, coordination, this is a perfect complement to any sport you areMarch 28 - May 4, 2016. Registration starts March currently involved in. Uniform not provided, but1st. Mon. and Wed. 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. $30 Member / may be purchased from the instructor. Instructor:$50 Non-member. Master Jose Castro / Certified 5th Degree Black Belt. AGES: 5 - 12.Mountain Biking: Beginner Classes: Mon. & Wed. 3:30-5:00 p.m. or Tues. & Thurs. 3:30-5:00 p.m.Explore the rugged trails in the woods behind the Green Belt or Higher: Mon. & Wed. 5:00-6:00 p.m.YMCA! The YMCA provides the bike - recommended or Tues. & Thurs. 5:00-6:00 p.m.for experienced riders only. Ages: 8 - 12 - Mon. & Take our Weapons Class Friday 4:30-6:00 p.m.Wed. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. $100 Members / $140 Non-Members.$95 Members / $140 for Non-Members. Teen FitnessArts & Crafts Participants “work out” in the YMCA’s fitnessThis class will help bring out the artistic and center under YMCA staff supervision. This programcreative abilities in your child. Participants will have is designed to teach ages 12-15 appropriate waysseveral projects that they will work on throughout to exercise. We do intend to make exercise funthe quarter - most materials will be provided with for our teens. The program will consist of swimthe exception of a few supplies. classes, indoor cycle classes, boot camp classes,Ages: 8-12. Mon. & Wed. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. and more. All participants need tennis shoes andAges: 5-7. Tue. & Thur. 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. athletic clothing. Tue and Thu. 4:30 - 5:00 p.m.$95 Members / $140 for Non-Members. $105 Members / $140 Non-Members. 10

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT - CAMP KELLEY 2016For 80 years, the Athens YMCA has offered Datesyoungsters a unique 9 week summer campexperience with a long standing tradition of Session 1 May 23-27building strong kids, strong families and strong Session 2 May 31-June 3communities. NO CAMP ON MONDAY, MAY 30 Session 3 June 6-10Making friends, learning new skills, developing Session 4 June 13-17confidence and building self-esteem is what our Session 5 June 20-24day camp is all about. All programs are active and Session 6 June27-July1geared towards age appropriate groups. Camp NO CAMP WEEK OF JULY 4-8Kelley fosters personal growth, both mentally and Session 7 July 11-15physically, through a wide range of group and Session 8 July 18-22individual activities. The children are catered to by Session 9 July 25-29a mature, responsible and enthusiastic staff.General InformationPlease see our website in January 2016 forregistration dates and details, www.athensymca.orgCAMP GROUPSCUBS - ages: 5-6INDIANS - ages: 7-8 / BRAVES - ages: 9-10WARRIORS: ages: 11-13A copy of birth certificates is required for ALL 5year olds. Space is limited. Please register as soonas possible.ActivitiesArchery - Riflery - Basketball - Arts & CraftsOutdoor Soccer - Indoor Soccer - Dance - FootballCheerleading - Dodgeball - Indoor HorseshoesMini-Bowling - Roller Skating - Wiffle BallWater Slide 11

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT - AQUATICS - SWIMMING LESSONSSummer Swim PreschoolFees are $50 for Members / $70 for Non-Members. 3-5 year olds. A child’s first experience in the1. May 26-June 4, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, & 6pm pool without parental assistance. Basic skills (theNO CLASSES MONDAY, MAY 25TH building blocks of swimming) are taught. Children2. June 8-18, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, & 6pm learn about pool and boating safety and the use of3. June 22-July 2, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, & 6pm personal floatation devices. Tues. & Thurs. 6:00-6:30 p.m.4. July 13-23, 12pm, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, & 6pm Fees are $50 for Members / $70 for Non-Members. Session 1: August 11- September 3Parent/Child Swim Session 2: September 8 - October 1 Session 3: October 6 - 29A 30-minute class for children 6 months to 3 yrs. Session 4: November 4 - December 1& their parents. The primary objective is to get the NO CLASSES NOVEMBER 26 FOR THANKSGIVINGchild & parent comfortable in the water. Classes are Session 5: January 5 - 28designed to allow the child to have fun in the water Session 6: February 2 - 25while the parent guides their child to learn aquatic Session 7: March 1-24skills. Children are exposed to games that use Session 8: March 29 - April 21basic movements such as kicking, arm strokes, and Session 9: April 26 - May 19breath control. Parents must accompany infants& toddlers in the water. Plastic pants are required Youthfor all children under 3 years of age. The YMCA hasplastic pants available for sale at the check-in/cage Ages 6-12. Class is designed for beginning levelsdesk ($6.00). (Polliwog and Guppy levels). Levels Minnow, Fish,Classes are Tues. & Thurs. 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Flying Fish and Shark will need to sign up for “AfterFees are $50 for Members / $70 for Non-Members. school” lesson times.Session 1: August 11- September 3 Tues. & Thurs. at 6:30-7:00 p.m.Session 2: September 8 - October 1 Fees are $50 for Members / $70 for Non-Members.Session 3: October 6 - 29 Session 1: August 11- September 3Session 4: November 4 - December 1 Session 2: September 8 - October 1NO CLASSES NOVEMBER 26 FOR THANKSGIVING Session 3: October 6 - 29Session 5: January 5 - 28 Session 4: November 4 - December 1Session 6: February 2 - 25 NO CLASSES NOVEMBER 26 FOR THANKSGIVINGSession 7: March 1-24 Session 5: January 5 - 28Session 8: March 29 - April 21 Session 6: February 2 - 25Session 9: April 26 - May 19 Session 7: March 1-24 Session 8: March 29 - April 21Adult Swim Lessons Session 9: April 26 - May 19Ages 13 and up - It’s never too late to learn how Adaptive Aquatic Youth Programto swim. Class is structured for beginners on up. Ifyou fear the water, don’t worry we’ll move slowly! Recreational, and instructional swimming programTues. & Thurs. 7:00-7:45 p.m. for special populations.Fees are $50 for Members / $70 for Non-Members. Dates: Sept. 7-30, Oct 5-28, Nov 2-25, Jan 4-27,Session 1: August 11- September 3 Feb 1-24, Feb 29-March 23, March 28-April 20,Session 2: September 8 - October 1 April 25-May 18.Session 3: October 6 - 29 (50 minute sessions once a week for four weeks) -Session 4: November 4 - December 1 Class times are scheduled in 50 minute incrementsNO CLASSES NOVEMBER 26 FOR THANKSGIVING starting at 5:30 p.m. Class meets on Mondays orSession 5: January 5 - 28 Wednesdays. Fees are $50 for Members / $70 forSession 6: February 2 - 25 Non-Members - Scholarships are available for thisSession 7: March 1-24 program.Session 8: March 29 - April 21Session 9: April 26 - May 19 12

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT16th Annual Mother-Daughter Camp-OutAugust 19-21,2016. Athens Y Camp, TallulahFalls, GA. $150 for couple and $50 eachadditional person. Ages 4 and up. Cabins withbeds, bathrooms and showers - Activities include:Fishing • Canoeing Hiking • Bon Fire • Games •Movies • Great Meals Marshmallow Roasting •Evening Snack TimeThe BLOB • Bonding in the North GeorgiaMountains.20th Annual Father-Son Camp-OutAugust 19-21, 2016. Athens Y Camp, TallulahFalls, GA $150 for couple and $50 each additionalperson Ages 4 and up. Cabins with beds, bathroomsand showers - Activities include: FishingCanoeing Hiking • Bon Fire • Games • MoviesGreat Meals Marshmallow Roasting • EveningSnack Time • The BLOB • Bonding in the NorthGeorgia Mountains.Champions Foundation Football ClinicBuys and Girls ages 5 to 13 are instructed infootball clinic coached by local high school coaches.Clinic takes place at Athens YMCA Athletic Fieldsfrom 10:00 am to 12:00pm at NO CHARGE.Participating High School Coaches:Cedar Shoals • Clarke CentralAthens Academy • Athens ChristianPrince Avenue ChristianDATES WILL BE AVAILABE IN APRIL 2016Dynamic DaysDynamic Days are days when the Clarke andOconee County schools are out and the Y providesa full day of fun, special activities and field tripsfor your child. Fees: $25 per day per child.Fall / Winter 2015: Nov. 23 & 24, Dec. 21, 22, 23,28, 29 & 30.Spring 2016: Clarke County- March 7-11 13

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY An Athens Regional Health System registered nurse spends time on-site at the YMCA, coordinating preventive and wellness programs, along with individual health coaching, for members of the YMCA. BE A HERO!Help Meet the Needs of Children in our Area As a charity, the Y relies on the generous support of donors to do our vital work. Give to the Athens YMCA and positively impact your neighborhood. GIVE TODAY All donations are 100% tax-deductible. The Y. So Much More™ Annual Campaign 14