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Home Explore Project


Published by supawan.nd68, 2019-09-18 03:10:20

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Keywords: project,englishspeaking


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Welcome to….. English Project

Project Proposal Title Framework Author Advisor Sampling Statement of time the problem Plan Process ทม่ี าของปญั หา Result Objective Conclusion Hypothesis Reference

example  Statement of the problem-A study of increasing pineapples in a farm Objective 1. To study how to increase pineapples in a farm 2. To prove that using natural material can increase pineapple in a farm  Processes 1. Study books and research how to increase pineapples in farms 2. Write project work 3. Prepare farms 4. Consult with the wisdom person 5. Use Golden Apple Snail , coconut juice, EM, and sugar to fertilize the soil in controlling pineapple farm 6. Compare the amount of products between two farms  Conclusion Use Golden Apple Snail , coconut juice, EM, and sugar can increase pineapples product

Project work 7th June 2017 Get the topic Write the title in Eng. Form framework Title Author Advisor Statement of the problem

The top 10 mispronounced words in English made by foreign learners Reference:

Topic: Pronunciations Group 1, 4 - Consonant clusters • Ex. Th / ch / sh / st / r / l etc. Group 2, 5 Prefix / Suffix • Re- / ex / -tion / - er/or / -ment / -able etc. Group 3, 6 Final sounds/cluster • T / s / st / nk / lk / etc.

Project work 13th July 2017 Process Hypothesis Framework • Sampling • time Objective

Project work 18th August 2017 conclusion Writing a report