The Meetinghouse News the fire of God’s Spirit at Pentecost, they June 2019 were finally ready to experience, and to participate in, the brand-new life which God \"Kind hearts are the gardens; was bringing into the world. kind thoughts are the roots; kind words are the flowers; And the sign of their readiness was kind deeds are the fruits.\" evident to everyone in the city, for these frightened disciples were able to face -English Proverb squarely the world as it really was. Through the power of God, they were able to show The Pastor’s Corner the Lord Jesus Christ to “the world” in ways that brought “the world” to a standstill. We have just walked through another Season of Easter – seven weeks in which we Their future lay open before them. looked again at Jesus’ life from the They understood that they had been loved perspective of his death and resurrection. into life. Now they were ready, willing, We have been faced once more with the AND able to love others into life by the paradoxical mystery of our faith: in power of God, made available to them suffering, we find joy; in dying, we find life; through Jesus Christ, the Lord of their lives. in separation, we find reconciliation. What does this mean for us over 2000 And, in that mystery, we come face years later? to face with our total inability to change ourselves. We can be READY to be 1. READY means recognizing that, unless changed. We can even be WILLING to be we change, our future is limited. This is no changed. But we are forever totally one’s fault. It is the result of our changing incapable of being ABLE to change world. Nothing ever remains the same. ourselves. Only God is able to change us. 2. WILLING means recognizing that, while our mission to love God’s world When Jesus’ band of followers saw remains the same, the methods for Jesus die on the cross, they experienced the accomplishing that mission must continually devastation of their dreams about how Jesus change to be applicable to our changing would change everything. When Jesus’ world. band of followers were confronted by the 3. ABLE means recognizing that we must resurrected Christ, they had their first be committed to making the changes inkling that life for them would never be the demanded by our mission, which will same again. When Jesus’ band of followers include developing new skills to meet the were chased out of hiding by the wind and new challenges of our ever-changing world. Our faith is rooted in the understanding that God alone has the power to transform us, as individuals and as a community. May we receive God’s grace to recognize the ways we need to “turn ourselves around” so that we might experience more fully the grace of resurrection.
Important Dates leaving $267 to be divided 4 ways for the special extra gifts mentioned above. That • June 9 –Memorial Tree Planting means $66.75 will be used by Miss Renee to and Church Picnic help send that little bit extra present per child over the next year for special • June 16 - Summer worship begins occasions. at 9:30 am Follow our sponsored children by checking Reminder out our gmail account… [email protected] There is no August newsletter so if you have Password- OTCyouth2019 any dates that need to go in please include them in the July/August edition of the Keep our sponsored children and our youth newsletter. in your prayers! God bless! 30 Hour Team Bike-a-thon Committee Reports On May 11, 2019, 5 youth ( Izzy, Christian, Church Life Kayla, Justin, and Tyler) and 2 Dads rode their bikes vigorously for at least one hour Coffee Hour signups for the for the Spring over the many paths available at Old and Summer are up. From June 16 thru Tennent. Each child was riding with a Labor Day, Coffee Hour is a cold drink purpose…to help raise funds to sponsor the plush refreshments If you can sign up to Thebeeakhale (Levothso)…Lazzaro serve refreshments the congregation would (Tanzania)…Alexis (Peru)…and the child appreciate it. that the Congregation is sponsoring for the year through World Vision! The pledges collected will be used to send a The Church Picnic is Coming Birthday, Christmas, an Easter present to each of the 4 children who range from 4-7 The Church Picnic will be held on Sunday, years old. Miss Renee is sponsoring 3 for June 9 directly after church on Youth her class and the congregation is sponsoring Sunday. Volunteers will be needed to help one. cook, clean up and set up. Please contact Leni Hughes if you can help. Bring a chair How much was raised? So far…$303! $36 or a blanket and prepare to enjoy a great will be used to complete the OTC picnic lunch. sponsorship of their child for this year
Membership and Outreach and Tex Moorefield at 10 am. For more information please see Elder Janis Giblon. We held the photography session for our new directory on Tuesday, May 21st. Animal Crackers, is the title for this year's It was a great success and we’re very happy Vacation Bible School. It is a program that so many people came out. designed around 5 animals of the Heifer The photographers worked non stop from Project. The animals are cows, goats, sheep, noon until well after 10 pm. By all chickens, and pigs. Old Scots Hall will be accounts, the pictures were a resounding transformed into a farm, complete with barn success. We’re happy that Pastor Doug was and these 5 farm animals. able to make it to the event and wish him well as he continues to heal. The OTC VBS committee is looking for farm \"objects\" such as old milk cans, a If you would like to have your picture taken rideable toy tractor (this would be great!), but were not able to attend this year, you can hay/straw bales, metal \"wash tub/feed either let me know and you will be given a bucket\", a wooden picnic table, etc. Doug contact slip to participate at another church and Cindy have a vehicle that can be used to when Lifetouch is in the vicinity – or you pick up items if you are not able to get them can wait until we have at least ten families to the church. Even though VBS is not until who wish to participate. the week of Aug. 12th it would be much appreciated if you can have items at Scott's If you did not have your picture done, you by July 21st. will still be in the directory with your contact information. It has been a tradition for the last few VBS's to feed the children dinner at 6:00. If we are Everyone will receive a hard-copy directory to continue with this decision the committee and access via password to a digital format will need your help. A sign up sheet will be which can be used on your smart phone or located in Scot's Hall during the month of on our website once we get it going. You June. If not enough people have volunteered will also have the ability to change your to help fix and serve dinner then we will information online. have to serve snacks only. The meals will correspond to the animals that we will be Special thanks to Pat Herzeg, Leni Hughes talking about on that particular day, such as and Janis Giblon for helping out. It was Pig-in-a-blankets on the day that we talked truly appreciated! about pigs. There will also be a list of smaller items that will be needed for crafts Mission and games, such as pool noodles and aluminum cans (the cans for the day of the The Spring Luncheon was held on May 22 goat). A more extensive list will be placed in in Old Scots Hall. This event is enjoyed by the bulletin and next months newsletter. residents in area Nursing Homes and church members alike. Also look for pictures and details of the fun that was had by all next month. Youth Ministry The Memorial Tree Planting will be held on June 9th th in memory of Jane Lindenthal
Worship June 16, 2019 9:30 am Liturgist— Eda Cruz If you would like to serve as Greeter- Virginia Campbell a greeter or usher during our Sunday service Head Usher- Charles Buda please contact Linda Sauer. We are always Ushers- Joyce Zimmerman looking to expand our list of servers. June 23, 2019 9:30 am Monmouth County Historical Weekend Liturgist- Leni Hughes Old Tennent Church was one of the Greeter- RoseAnn Thompson historical sites open for The Monmouth Head Usher- Bob McLean County Historical Weekend on May 4th and Ushers- Carol McLean 5th. We had 177 visitors to our sanctuary over the two days. Our tour guides were June 30, 2019 9:30 am Doug Hughes, Leni Hughes, RoseAnn Liturgist—Eda Cruz Thompson, Bill Sauer, Joyce Zimmerman, Greeter- Sarah Shaw and Linda Sauer. The guides did a Head Usher- Joyce Zimmerman wonderful job describing the history of our Ushers- Sara Hughes congregation and current ministry of our church. Final Thoughts Sunday worship will change to 9:30 am How do you like to go up in a swing, for the summer from June 16 until Up in the air so blue? September 1. Worship at 11:00 will Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing resume on September 8. Ever a child can do! Worship Assistants Up in the air and over the wall, Till I can see so wide, June 2, 2019 River and trees and cattle and all Liturgist—Laura Herczeg Over the countryside-- Greeter- Sarah Shaw Head Usher- Susan Mooney Till I look down on the garden green, Ushers- Sara Hughes Down on the roof so brown-- Up in the air I go flying again, June 9, 2019 Up in the air and down! Liturgist- Linda Sauer Robert Louis Stevenson Greeter- Pat Herczeg Head Usher- Gary Weiss Ushers- Laura Herczeg
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