The Meetinghouse News But, from the very beginning, human beings December 2017 have always been trying to “be in charge” and, in that process, have managed to mess Christmas waves a magic wand over this things up. We “want what we want when world, and behold, everything is softer we want it,” and run roughshod over each other trying to get it. And, if you don’t and more beautiful. believe this, just think about “Black Friday.” ~Norman Vincent Peale So, how do we go about creating an “Christmas Comes But Once a Year” atmosphere of constant thankful awareness of the presence of the Holy One in everyReally???? We even have a poem by moment of our life? Our ancient ancestorsPhillips Brooks which starts out, introduced the world to listening for God to“Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas speak to us as we are silent and expectantlyTONIGHT.” But what about the other 364 waiting. This is one of the purposes ofdays? Is there nothing of Christmas to be Advent – to help us stop the noise, bothseen after the decorations are packed away – externally and, more important, internally.or before they are taken out, for that matter?Does Christmas just mean glitter, and color, Here are some suggestions:and exhaustion, and worry, and stress? 1. Find a time when you can be pretty sureIf our answer is “NO!” how are we going to you won’t be interrupted. Then stick tosee to it that, when December 25 has come that time every day.and gone for another year, we do not forgetChristmas? I believe the answer to that 2. Find a place where you can sitquestion lies not in what we DO but in how comfortably. Sometimes it helps to lookwe BE throughout this Advent/Christmas out a window, if you are not facing atime. street with its traffic, which will keepGod’s gift of presence in the world has you from stopping the noise internally.already happened. It happened before theworld ever existed. It happened through 3. Try to sit as motionless as possible, andcreation itself. God prepared a world for us relax all the tight muscles. Breathewhich would sustain all life and give every slowly and deeply for several minutescreated one the possibility of living a full, and just feel your muscles relaxing.joyous, and fruitful life. 4. Say out loud softly, “God, I am here, quietly waiting for you to speak to me. Help me to listen.” 5. Be silent again. You may choose to close your eyes if it helps you to keep from noticing “stuff” around you. Otherwise, keep your eyes open, but keep your attention focused on God, not on your surroundings. 6. WAIT. You may “hear” something. You may “hear” only silence. Be patient. 7. Begin with 15 or 20 minutes of silent listening. 8. At the end of this listening time, say out loud softly, “Thank you, God, for being present with me. Help me to listen for your voice speaking to me all through the day. And help me to act on what I hear you saying. Amen.”
9. Then go about your daily work. You Deacons beginning in 1968 and Trustees may be surprised to find God speaking since 1978. to you in your “busy time” as well. And, if this happens, be sure to pay Deacons attention, to thank God for this message, and to be obedient to God’s call. The Deacons are once again sponsoring 5 families for Christmas. One of the familiesMay this time of Advent, and the coming is quite large. The sign up sheets for dinnerof Christmas, be especially meaningful items is in Old Scot's Hall. In addition thefor you this year. And may each of us Love Offering Tree will be up and gift tagsgrow in our ability to wait for God’s will be available. Please consider takingword to us and to act on it. one, two or even three tags to help these families who are less fortunate than we are.Important Dates Committee Reports December 2 & 3 - Christmas Drive-Thru Church Life December 7 - Women's Christmas Party 6:30 pm Women's Christmas Party - December 15 - Christmas Carol December 7 Sing-Along 7pm December 24 - Christmas Eve The Women's Annual Christmas Party will Services - 11am, 7pm, 11pm be held on December 7 beginning at 6:30 pm in Old Scot's Hall. The women will be Time Capsule decorating fresh wreaths and making beautiful angel decorations. Please bring aReflections on Bygone Times - finger food to share and some picks to putWomen in the Church. on your wreath. The cost for all materials will be $12 per person. For reservations orAlthough it is common to have women in ride information please call the church officeleadership positions in today’s church – it is at 732-446-6299a relatively new phenomenon for Protestantcongregations. Just as women have taken Membership and Outreachmore leadership roles in the workplace, theynow too serve as pastors, elders and in other Christmas Carol Song Festelected offices of the church as a whole. This year we will open the Sanctuary for an informal Christmas Carol Song Fest onWomen’s primary role at Old Tennent were December 15. This program will be open toas members of the women’s organizations ofthe church. Even the Sunday SchoolSuperintendents were male. Women werefirst elected to the ruling body of the Sessionat Old Tennent in November 1963 with theinstallation of Mrs. Edgar Reid and Mrs.Eva Sjostrum. Women then served as
the public as we welcome the community to Youth Ministriesjoin us in celebrating the birth of our Lordand Savior through praise songs and As in last year, a special Advent coinfellowship. Details will follow. collection offering was given to the youngest child in each Sunday SchoolFinance family this past Sunday. We encourage the families to display it and discuss theThank you for your donations and pledges. meaning of Advent…. The precious giftIf you did not pledge for 2018 you can still God gave us ‘for He so loved the World”! Itdo so. Just write down your weekly, will be collected on December 17th ormonthly or yearly pledge, put in an envelope December 24th.and put it in the Finance or Bookkeepermail box or give it to RoseAnn or mail it in God’s Kid’s Club got together to makejust mark it 2018 pledge. potato soup and cranberry relish to sell as a fundraiser for the Youth Fund…”YouthThe pledge is your guess what you can Ministry’. They also baked dozens ofdonate, the only one that sees your cookies to donate to the OTC bake table.pledge is our Bookkeeper. If your financial $80 was made.status changes you can givemore or less, you will not be questioned as An Older Youth Sunday School Outreachto why. was held on November 12th from 6:30 -8:00 at Scot’s in an attempt to bring the olderIf you did not pay your $36 per capita for youth together in an informal Sunday School2017 you still can and it will help the church class situation. It was decided to meet againbecause we already paid it for you. on a Friday night January 12thand Feb. 2nd .Remember the per capita goes on your We will need an additional ADULTgiving statement and can be used for your VOLUNTEERS so that we may break the2017 taxes, group up into 2 separate areas. Please consider volunteering on January 12th fromThe 2018 per capita will be $37 which you 6:30-9.can pay after 1/1/2018. Offering envelopeswill be available after Christmas in Old The Sunday School sang in church on Nov.Scot's Hall. 26th! Many thanks to Cindy and Linda!Worship PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING IN THOSE TOILETRIES YOU HAVEHandicap parking COLLECTED OVER THE SUMMER ONPlease remember that the handicap parking VACATION: soap, shampoo, conditioner,spots at Old Scots Hall are designated for lotion, etc. Lip balm is also appreciated. Allpeople who have handicap license plates or items will be packaged and distributed to thea handicap placard. Please leave those spots for those who need them on Sundaymorning. Please sign up for items to donate for the Samaritan Center Christmas FoodEmergency Vehicles Baskets. There will be a special sign up onIf you park outside the sanctuary on Sunday the Teen Room Door for additional items!.morning please make sure the driveway is Please help decorate the tree at Scot’sclear for emergency vehicles if needed. with NEW GLOVES for the
Homeless! Spread the warmth of God’sLove Greeter – Sarah Shawto those in need! Head Usher – Charles Buda Ushers - Renee Naden & Gary WeissADULT SUNDAY SCHOOLHIGHLIGHT! Did you know that each December 24week the Adult Sunday School not only 7 pmprays for our congregation, each other, and Liturgist – Jessica Mooneyour community, but also for specific areas in Greeter – Carole McLeanour nation and world that are STANDING Head Usher – Bob McLeanIN THE NEED OF PRAYER? Why not Ushers - Jason Golub & Heidi Diekercheck out the class which meets at HarvestHome and find out more, or talk to Bill December 24Sauer. Perhaps you could at least get the 11 pmhandouts and add specific needs to your Liturgist – Joyce Zimmermanprayers during the week! Greeter – Virginia CampbellMany blessings to you and yours during Head Usher – Linda Sauerthis Advent Season…this Season Ushers - Renee Naden & Gary Weissof LOVE! December 31Worship Assistants Liturgist – Eda Cruz Greeter – Marge NelsonDecember 3 Head Usher – George NelsonLiturgist – Sarah Jane Nixon Ushers - Joyce Zimmerman & Nancy DiekerGreeter – Virginia CampbellHead Usher – Gary Weiss Final WordsUshers - Susan & Jessica Mooney Final ThoughtsDecember 10 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son isLiturgist – Doug Hughes given: and the government shall be upon hisGreeter – Sarah Shaw shoulder: and his name shall be calledHead Usher – George Nelson Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God,Ushers - Marge Nelson & Nancy Dieker The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.December 17 Isaiah 9:6Liturgist – Sarah Jane NixonGreeter – Carole McLeanHead Usher – Bob McLeanUshers - Charles Buda & Bonnie LandauDecember 2411 amLiturgist – Linda Sauer
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