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Home Explore Vegan Starter Kit

Vegan Starter Kit

Published by just4me3566, 2022-02-02 08:43:34

Description: Vegan Starter Kit


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The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WHY VEGAN? CONTENTS Animals Health WELCOME   Obesity   Heart disease WHAT IS VEGAN?   Type 2 diabetes   Cancer NUTRITION   Global health   Zoonotic diseases Protein   Antibiotic resistance Calcium The health of our planet Iron   Climate change Omega-3   Water shortages Iodine   Pollution Vitamin B12   Deforestation and species loss   Dying Oceans - including plastics VEGAN KIDS Sustainability   Feeding the world Protecting their future   Local versus vegan OUR TOP TEN TIPS TEN COMMONLY-ASKED TO GET YOU STARTED QUESTIONS ABOUT VEGANISM Planning Accidentally vegan foods What do vegans eat? Transition foods Do fish feel pain? Do plants feel pain? Veganise already-loved dishes Is soya the cause of deforestation? When you’re ready, branch out What would happen to the animals if we Keep snacks to hand did not eat them? Be bold - try lots of new recipes and products Why does plant milk curdle in hot drinks HappyCow and how do I stop it? Find new friends for support Almonds and water Be kind to yourself if you make a mistake What do I do with leather bags and shoes? Can you be a successful vegan athlete? MEAL PLANNING Do you need milk for strong bones? What difference can one person make? RECOMMENDED RECIPE FIVE LIFE-CHANGING SITES AND BOOKS BOOKS TO READ EATING OUT FIVE LIFE-CHANGING FILMS TO SEE On the go THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE PDF — JUMP TO EACH TOPIC BY CLICKING THE TITLE

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WELCOME! Thank you for signing up to take part in Veganuary and pledging to try vegan for 31 days. This guide will answer all your basic questions, from Where do I get my protein? to How does what I eat affect the environment? Veganuary is a charity registered in England Over the next month you will also receive & Wales which works globally to create a your 31 inspirational and fact-packed kinder world where animals are not bred, emails to guide you through those first fattened and slaughtered for products that few weeks. Who knows what you might damage our environment and can cause discover along the way, or how much better serious health problems in us. Instead, we you might feel in yourself? show that there is another way, and that each of us can have a major impact on the world SO, LET’S GET YOUR VEGANUARY around us simply by making small changes OFF TO A FLYING START! to the way we eat. JOAQUIN PHOENIX, BRIAN MAY, ACTOR AND VEGANUARY MUSICIAN AND AMBASSADOR, SAYS: VEGANUARY 2020 PARTICIPANT, SAYS: “No matter our differences, kindness and compassion should “VEGANUARY!!! Yes! It’s done - rule everything around us.” and I loved it. Not a morsel of meat or fish or dairy passed my 3 lips. It was so much easier than I expected, and gave me so much. So I am now plunging in for a Vegan February!!! I certainly don’t feel like giving up this new journey of discovery.” RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WHAT IS VEGAN? Veganism is often defined by what we don’t eat: meat, fish, eggs, dairy and honey, plus some of the animal ingredients that are hidden away in products, such as whey, gelatine and cochineal. But really, we should focus on all the great ALICIA SILVERSTONE, stuff that vegans do eat. And in reality, the ACTRESS AND difference isn’t all that huge. Instead of VEGANUARY meaty burgers, sausage and steaks, we AMBASSADOR, SAYS: eat plant-based versions. Instead of dairy cheese on a pizza or cows’ milk in our “Despite all of our recycling, coffee, we choose the non-dairy versions. energy-saving, and water For almost every animal-derived ingredient conservation (all of which are and product, there is now a vegan great), most people still don’t alternative, and this means that a vegan know that they can have the meal may look and taste exactly like a greatest impact on our precious non-vegan meal, it just doesn’t come Planet Earth by adopting a with the animal suffering, or the same plant-based diet.” environmental impact. 4 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit NUTRITION Please be reassured that every single nutrient we need is available from non-animal sources, and if we eat a balanced diet based on wholegrains, legumes, fruits, proteins and healthy fats we won’t go far wrong. We discuss some of the major health benefits of a vegan diet in the WHY VEGAN? section of this guide, but here we have also included additional information on the six nutritional queries that crop up most often. PROTEIN CALCIUM The first question asked of vegans is often Just as meat does not have the monopoly where do you get your protein? And it on protein, milk does not have the surprises us because protein is in almost monopoly on calcium! Beans and greens every single food we eat. Of course, there tend to be calcium-rich, so eat plenty, are better sources than others, but it is not including black turtle beans, kidney beans, difficult to reach the recommended daily soya beans, kale, watercress, okra and intake as a vegan. broccoli. You’ll also find calcium in sweet potato, butternut squash and tofu, and if Some of the best sources include tofu, you snack on dried figs and almonds, you’ll tempeh, vegan sausages made from pea be getting a calcium hit again. Plant milks, or soy protein such as Linda McCartney including milkshakes, and yogurts are often or Quorn; lentils, chickpeas, black beans, fortified with it, too. baked beans and edamame; seeds, nuts and nut butters; quinoa, oats, rice and Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, and grains. Even vegetables contain protein! many people are low in this vital vitamin particularly in the winter months, A typical day’s food that exceeds our protein irrespective of their diet. Be out in the requirement might be: sunshine as much as possible and look out •  Oatmeal with a sprinkle of almonds for dairy-free margarines, breakfast cereals or seeds  12g and breads that are fortified with it. In the •  One hummus and falafel wrap with winter months, it is recommended we all a three-bean salad  24g supplement with vitamin D. •  Veggie sausages with potatoes, peas and broccoli  30g 5 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit IRON IODINE Although iron-deficiency anaemia is not Iodine can be tricky to get right because uncommon, research suggests that those having either too much or too little can who eat a plant-based diet are no more at cause thyroid problems. There are small risk than those who eat meat. amounts in nuts, bread, fruit, vegetables and beans but the best plant sources are Start your day with a breakfast of oats, seaweed and iodized salt, though the or a cereal that is already fortified with it. amounts in seaweed can vary quite widely. Sprinkle some seeds and dried fruit on top, Brown seaweeds can contain a lot of iodine and you may just have reached your daily so eating them just once a week will be intake before you even leave the house! sufficient.1 Those who dislike seaweed and Other foods to help boost your iron intake need to reduce salt intake should consider are: edamame beans, lentils, chickpeas a supplement. and beans, tofu, tempeh, quinoa, blackstrap molasses, watercress, kale and other dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, sesame seeds and dark chocolate. Be sure to eat plenty of vitamin C to help you absorb it and avoid drinking coffee or tea with your meal. OMEGA-3 AND OMEGA-6 VITAMIN B12 Our bodies are able to make almost This is the one vitamin that can be trickier all the fats we need for the proper to obtain as a vegan. It is present in animal functioning of our tissues, but there are products, but it isn’t made by the animals two we must get from our food, and for themselves but by the bacteria inside them. this reason they are known as Essential Fatty Acids. We can get B12 by eating yeast extract, nutritional yeast, breakfast cereals and Omega-6 can be found plentifully in plant-based milks that are fortified with it. leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains and However, everyone who maintains a vegan most vegetable oils. It is very easy to get diet beyond their Veganuary pledge should sufficient omega-6 on a balanced vegan take a B12 supplement to ensure they are diet but this fat competes with omega-3 for getting a sufficient amount. use in the body, and so we need to make sure we are getting sufficient omega-3 every day. The best sources are: leafy green vegetables (Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach), walnuts, rapeseed oil, ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil, soya beans and tofu. 6 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit VEGAN KIDS When we change our own diets, it is normal to think about nutrition in a way that perhaps we didn’t before and to consider what this means for our family. The good news is that the British Dietetic Association says that vegan diets can be suitable for people of any age, including children. There are bad vegan diets, of course, in the same way that there are bad meat-inclusive diets, and so it is important to get the nutrients right. So, what to feed them? The following “It is the position of the Academy advice from the NHS is a great place of Nutrition and Dietetics that to start.2 appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, Growing kids burn a lot of energy and need nutritionally adequate, and may a high-calorie intake; too much fibre will provide health benefits for the cause small stomachs to feel full before prevention and treatment of certain they’ve actually got enough. Wholegrain diseases. These diets are appropriate versions of cereals are therefore not usually for all stages of the life cycle, recommended. Adding vegetable oils to including pregnancy, lactation, meals to increase calorie count, and feeding infancy, childhood, adolescence, your children smaller, more frequent meals older adulthood, and for athletes.” and snacks are some strategies that can help to deal with this. RETURN TO INDEX Good sources of protein include beans, chickpeas, lentils and soya products. They’ll need calcium from fortified plant milks and breakfast cereals, green veg and tofu to help meet their requirements. Yeast extract and some non-dairy milks boost vitamin B12, but a supplement should also be taken. There are hundreds of thousands of people around the world who are bringing up vegan children, so why not connect with some on social media? They will be only too happy to help, advise, and allay any fears you may have. 7

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit VEGAN KIDS PROTECTING THEIR FUTURE KELLIE BRIGHT, ACTOR AND VEGANUARY While getting the nutrition right for our AMBASSADOR, SAYS: kids is vital, there are some wider issues around feeding your children vegan foods. “My children deserve a future One is that vegans of all ages are less likely and so do yours. If you care about to suffer from bugs like campylobacter, climate change, make a difference salmonella, listeria and E. coli that infect and do Veganuary.” so many animal products, and which can be fatal to people. And thanks in large part RETURN TO INDEX to animal agriculture, antibiotic resistance to campylobacter and other diseases is growing. If we don’t want our children to live in a world where even minor infections cannot be treated, we need to end our reliance on meat, eggs and milk. Of course, if we want them to have an inhabitable planet at all, then we must tackle climate change and one of the biggest human-generated contributors to that is animal farming. When we feed our children vegan food, we teach them about the environment and compassion, about sharing the world and taking care of themselves and others. Some people may criticise vegans for ‘inflicting’ their views on their children, forgetting perhaps that they do the exact same thing when they feed their own children meat. In reality, all parents make choices for their children when they are young, and as they grow it is up to them whether they continue with that choice or they choose a different path. 8

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit OUR TOP TEN TIPS TO GET YOU STARTED 1.  IT’S ALL IN THE PLANNING! 3.  EASE YOURSELF IN Don’t wake up on the first day of There is no need to reinvent your whole your vegan adventure without having eating habits. If you like a sausage thought about what you might eat! That sandwich, have one – just make sure is the absolute quickest way to fall off the sausages are vegan. If you want ice the wagon. Ahead of time, have a think cream, go ahead. There are dozens of about your first day’s meals and buy different delicious flavours out there. plant milk for your breakfast and coffee You can have almost everything you or tea, some dairy-free butter for toast had before in a vegan version, so just or sandwiches, and something tasty for switch like for like. your dinner. 4. VEGANISE YOUR FAVOURITE DISHES 2.  LOOK OUT FOR ACCIDENTALLY VEGAN FOODS Again, there is no need to adopt a whole new eating regime. If your There are so many everyday foods signature dish is lasagne, make a that just happen to be vegan, so open vegan version with soya mince and up your cupboard and take a look. plant milk for the béchamel. If you love Pasta, rice, peanut butter and Marmite, a morning fry-up, you can make it with most breads, tinned tomatoes, vegan bacon and sausages. Whether chickpeas and kidney beans, jam and you cook curries, casseroles, soups, marmalade, coconut milk, curry pastes, stews, pies and pasties, roast dinners, tomato puree, baked beans, many cakes, desserts or anything else, crisps, crackers and biscuits, herbs simply veganise it. and spices, many gravy granules, tea, coffee and fruit juice... There is a good 5. WHEN YOU’RE READY, BRANCH OUT chance that half the foods you already eat are vegan! Many people find that becoming vegan opens up a whole new world of recipes and ingredients, and rekindles their love of great food. Once you’ve got the hang of the basics, why not jump in and try some brand-new recipes (there are thousands online) and see if it ignites your culinary passions. 9 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 9.  FIND YOUR TRIBE 6.  KEEP SNACKS TO HAND It’s easy to feel isolated as a new vegan but there are millions of us out there. Don’t get caught out! It’s really easy Find your local vegan meetup group to pick up vegan snacks in most places and make like-minded friends in real but not everywhere, so make sure you life or search online for vegan groups keep a bag of nuts, a chocolate bar that interest you. From vegan runners or some fruit in your bag or car just to bakers to knitters; from vegan in case. weightlifters to fashionistas to activists. They’re all there waiting for you. 7.  PERSISTENCE PAYS 10.  BE KIND TO YOURSELF Not every vegan product will work for you but just because the first cheese Everyone makes mistakes. Whether you try or the first latte you make you ate something non-vegan doesn’t hit the spot, don’t rule out all accidentally or simply gave in to other cheeses and plant milks. There temptation, it’s OK. It doesn’t mean you are so many different ones to try – are no longer vegan; it just means you cream cheese, melty cheeses, nut- are human! Chalk it up to experience based, coconut-based, soya-based, and move forward. all flavours and lots of different brands and styles; and as for milks, you’ll find JASON GILLESPIE, oat, hemp, almond, coconut, rice and FORMER INTERNATIONAL soya. Try them all, and you will soon CRICKETER, CURRENT find your perfect match. COACH AND VEGANUARY AMBASSADOR, SAYS: 8. HAPPYCOW “I was exploring healthier ways to Like eating out? Download the eat and live and stumbled upon HappyCow app onto your phone the “Earthlings” documentary. After and let it guide you to your nearest watching it I simply went vegan restaurant, café or shop where you can overnight - it affected me so much. find vegan food wherever you are in I just could not justify the treatment the world. of animals by humans and the meaning of the word “speciesism” 10 really resonated with me.” RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit MEAL PLANNING  Some people find making a weekly meal planner helpful, so they always know what they need to shop for and what they will be eating. Here are some ideas to get you started. BREAKFAST DINNER •  Toast – with vegan butter, peanut •  Pizza – with vegan cheese, ham butter, yeast extract, jam, hummus, and chorizo, sundried tomatoes, avocado, sliced tomato, or dairy-free basil, sweetcorn, artichoke, olives and cheese capers, pineapple, jalapeños •  Oatmeal – with your choice of plant •  Spaghetti Bolognese – made with milk. Add seeds, nuts and fruits lentils or soya mince, or a combination •  Breakfast cereals – with dairy-free •  Curry – Thai, Indonesian, Indian, milk or yogurt. Add seeds, nuts and Bangladeshi, or ‘veganise’ your old fruit favourite recipe •  Full – vegan sausages and bacon, •  Burger in a bun with a fresh green scrambled tofu, hash browns, grilled salad tomatoes, mushrooms and baked beans •  Chilli non carne with nachos, refried •  Tea, coffee and fruit juice beans and guacamole •  Bangers and mash with fresh LUNCH  vegetables •  Steak and chips – yes, there are now •  Soup and roll – homemade or shop- vegan steaks available! bought •  Sandwiches and wraps – homemade (vegan BLT; cheese and pickle; ‘ham’ and mustard; hummus and carrot) or shop-bought •  Pasta salad or a hot pasta dish •  Jacket potato with salad, dairy-free cheese, baked beans or chilli, or make a delicious vegan tuna salad •  Sushi – homemade or shop-bought 11 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit OUR FAVOURITE RECIPE SITES AND BOOKS It’s so hard to choose just five sites and five books when there are so many excellent resources out there, but we hope you’ll find something here to love. OUR FAVOURITE SITES OUR FAVOURITE BOOKS 1. So Vegan Ben and Roxy offer up rich, 1. Bosh! Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. flavour-packed everyday dishes that are All Plants by Henry Firth and Ian simple to make and very satisfying Theasby. 140 simple but imaginative recipes that you will love cooking 2. Rebel Recipes by Niki Webster. and eating Everything from wholesome vegetable- rich mains to deliciously indulgent and 2. Bento Power by Sara Kiyo Popowa. decadent treats Full of Japanese-inspired lunchbox ideas that are delicious, healthy and 3. Wicked Healthy Chefs Chad and Derek surprisingly simple to make Sarno bring inspired mains, bites and desserts to our vegan table 3. The Green Roasting Tin by Rukmini Iyer. Delicious and innovative plant meals 4. Heart of a Baker Abby offers up breads, cooked in one tin and revolutionise cakes, tarts, pies, croissant, desserts midweek meals and doughnuts plus some great tips for vegan baking 4. Feed Me Vegan by Lucy Watson. A modern classic packed with simple 5. One Arab Vegan Neda shares some yet satisfying recipes. Great for those beautiful Middle eastern-inspired vegan starting out on their vegan journey recipes that burst with freshness and flavour 5. Rachel Ama’s Vegan Eats. Taking inspiration from Rachel’s Caribbean And don’t forget, there are hundreds of and West African roots, you can expect delicious recipes at vibrant, bold recipes that are easy There, you will find everything from a power- to follow packed breakfast to an indulgent dinner party dessert. 12 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit EATING OUT Eating out as a vegan is not only possible, ON THE GO but in most places it couldn’t be easier. Every high street chain restaurant has So, what happens when you are travelling vegan options or full vegan menus. You can or do not have time to sit down for a meal? get cheesy pizzas and meaty burgers and Most supermarkets stock vegan sandwiches fried chi*ken in almost every town! Check or wraps, as well as ready-to-eat snacks like out Zizzi, Pizza Express, Pizza Hut, KFC, pasties, pakora and salad bowls. Wagamama, Yo! Sushi, Pho, Wetherspoons, Loungers, Turtle Bay, Giraffe and Las High street chain Greggs offers several Iguanas, though you will also find vegan vegan choices and so does fast food outlet food at every other chain restaurant, too. Leon, which can be found at many train stations, as well as on high streets. Independent restaurants often have vegan options on the menu, too. If you’re unsure Coffee shops like Caffè Nero, Costa and or their menu is not displayed online, Starbucks also have vegan items including call ahead of time to check. Even if there toasties, and there are always vegan is nothing on the menu, chefs are often sandwiches and soups in Pret. Subway is happy to adapt an existing dish or create also a good option for grabbing vegan food something special just for you. on the go. Thai, Mexican, Indian, Ethiopian and Chinese restaurants often have plenty of vegan menu items. Just look out for fish sauce and ghee. And, of course, there are a wealth of vegetarian and vegan restaurants all over the world. If you haven’t already, download the HappyCow app, type in your location, and it will show you all the local restaurants that serve vegan meals. For more information on the very best RETURN TO INDEX places to eat out, visit 13

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WHY VEGAN? There are lots of reasons why people decide to switch to a plant-based diet, but most people say it is for one of three reasons: to end their contribution to the suffering of farmed animals, to better protect the environment and reduce their climate impact, and to improve their own health. What is really interesting is that often people try vegan for one reason but decide to stay vegan for all three. This is why … ANIMALS CHICKENS Most of us feel uncomfortable about the Chickens are probably the most exploited factory farming and slaughter of animals. animal on earth. Typically, tens of thousands We find images and films upsetting and of birds are crammed together in a prefer not to think about it, and yet we know warehouse, on a farm that may hold millions deep down that not thinking about it doesn’t of birds. Here, the farmer’s first job each change anything at all. Rather than turning morning is to pick up the bodies of those away, we would urge people to have courage who did not make it through the night and and read on. to wring the necks of the weakest, the smallest and the sick. Individual care is not NO ANIMAL ESCAPES THE possible when there are so many birds, HORRORS OF FARMING, NOT and so these victims suffer and die out of EVEN THOSE WE THINK ARE sight. They will never scratch in the earth, HAPPY IN FIELDS. sunbathe or do any of the things that make life worthwhile for a bird. Their first breath Did you know that sheep have of fresh air will be on the day they are hormone-soaked sponges inserted transported to the slaughterhouse, at the into their vaginas to control their age of just six weeks. fertility, and that many are inseminated surgically? And that there is a whole Chickens farmed for their eggs are a raft of ‘mutilations’ that are legal and different breed to those reared for meat. commonplace, from tail docking and Although tiny battery cages are banned in teeth clipping to dehorning, ear- the UK, slightly bigger cages are not, and 40 clipping and tattooing. The lives of per cent of hens on UK egg farms still live farmed animals are characterised by their lives inside cages. There is no doubt suffering, fear and loss. that they suffer as a consequence of those cramped, unnatural conditions. And when their productivity declines, they too are sent to the slaughterhouse. 14 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit PIGS COWS  Life is no better for pigs. As smart and Like all mammals, cows produce milk to charismatic as dogs, mother pigs are feed their young, and this means they must treated as breeding machines, kept alive first be made pregnant. And to keep the only so long as they keep churning out milk flowing, cows are impregnated over litter after litter of piglets. On factory farms, and over - but what happens to the babies they must give birth inside farrowing crates that the milk was made for? – metal cages so small that each mother cannot turn around, or even take a step Well, it’s the milk that is valuable, not the forward or back. She can stand up or lie calves, so first they are taken from their down, and that is all. In the wild, she would mothers to stop them from drinking it, and build a nest and her instincts still tell her then their fate will depend on their sex. to try, and so she will work in vain trying to Females may be put into solitary hutches, create a nest even though it is impossible reared on a milk substitute and then follow inside the crate. If her piglets are sick, she their mothers into the repeated cycle of is not able to reach them to nuzzle or care insemination, birth, separation from young for them but can only watch them suffer. and near-constant milking. If male, their When her own fertility declines, she will future is less certain. They are the wrong find herself on the same truck that took breed for beef, and they cannot produce her piglets to slaughter when they were milk, so they may end up as veal or simply just six months old, headed for the same be shot at birth. destination. Cows are wonderful, loving and protective Not eating farmed mothers, and the loss of their young affects animals saves wild them deeply. They may grieve for days,3 animals too! Because so much calling in vain for the return of their calves. land is needed to produce animal products, ancient habitats are To find out more about animal destroyed to make way for it. farming and slaughter, and to support This means, wild animals the campaigns to end the worst practices, world over are being killed visit and for our meat habits. For more information on antibiotic use on farms and how animal farming impacts on wildlife, check out 15 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WHY VEGAN? HEALTH Not all vegan food is automatically healthy. depression symptoms were relieved. You could eat a dozen delicious flavours of Many find that sporting performance vegan ice cream for breakfast, a stack of improves. We can’t promise everyone pancakes doused in syrup for lunch, and that their niggling conditions and chronic a dinner of cakes, cookies, meringues and illnesses will disappear after 31 days cheesecakes. It’s great that we can make of plant-based eating, but for lots of or buy all these wonderful vegan treats but people, a month without eating animal no one would think for a moment that they products brings a stark, often unexpected, are healthy. improvement. A healthy diet must include putting plants These short-term changes can feel at the centre of our meals, though this does miraculous, but the real power of a whole not mean we have to sacrifice pleasure food plant-based diet is over a longer or flavour. And if we choose wholefoods, period as that’s where the life-changing legumes, nuts, fruits, spices, herbs and benefits really lie. some of the 20,000 edible plants that exist in the world, we can experience an Dr Michael Greger is an incredible improvement in our health while internationally recognised enjoying some wonderful flavours. speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health. He has devised Some of the most common reports we a list of foods we should all aim to eat receive from Veganuary participants is every day for optimal health. This is that after 31 days vegan they experience Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen. an improvement in their digestion, skin, hair, sinuses and sleep. We have also been told of improvements in arthritis, chronic fatigue and energy levels. Some people report better mental clarity, others that their 16 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit OBESITY HEART DISEASE Almost 30 per cent of adult Britons and 20 Animal products contain high levels of per cent of children leaving primary school saturated fat that can raise cholesterol and are obese.4 It’s a serious, life-limiting and increase our risk of developing heart disease. life-threatening condition, which makes Conversely, the majority of plants are low in heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke saturated fat and none contain cholesterol, more likely. so a diet full of plant products such as whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables can help Studies have regularly shown that to lower blood cholesterol and provide a vegetarians are slimmer, and vegans appear heart-healthy diet. The great news is that it’s to have the lowest Body Mass Index of all.5 never too late to start protecting your heart. Researchers increasingly believe that this A growing number of doctors are finding may be connected to a plant-based diet they can halt and even reverse heart disease positively affecting the gut and promoting in patients who undertake a programme that ‘a diverse ecosystem of beneficial bacteria includes eating a whole food plant-based diet. to support both human gut microbiome and overall health’. 6 This is not the whole story, Our recommended reading: Undo It!: How Simple Lifestyle Changes though. Animal products contain significant Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases amounts of saturated fats, while plants and by Dr Dean Ornish wholegrains contain plenty of fibre that help keep us feeling fuller for longer. TYPE 2 DIABETES  “Plant-based foods, The fact that type 2 diabetes is so common particularly fruit and – around 5 million Britons live with it 7 – should vegetables, nuts, pulses and seeds, not detract from just how serious this condition have been shown to help in the is. It can lead to complications including heart treatment of many chronic diseases disease and stroke, nerve damage, kidney and are often associated with disease, blindness, leg ulcers and peripheral lower rates of Type 2 diabetes, less vascular disease, which in turn can lead to hypertension, lower cholesterol levels foot or limb amputation. It is a devastating and reduced cancer rates” condition, but it can be prevented and even reversed through lifestyle changes.8 And — Diabetes UK those who eat a plant-based diet have just a small fraction of the occurrences of diabetes compared to those who regularly eat meat.9 For more information on reversing diabetes with a plant-based diet, visit The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. 17 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit CANCER On the flip side, plants are protective. The World Cancer Research Fund says there is In 2015, The World Health Organization strong evidence that wholegrains and fibre announced it had sufficient evidence decrease the risk of colorectal cancer; that from epidemiological studies to classify non-starchy vegetables decrease the risk all processed meat as carcinogenic to of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, humans.10 Bacon, sausages, chorizo, salami, oesophagus, lung and breast; and that hot dogs and any other meat that has been fruit reduces the risk of oesophagus and smoked, cured or otherwise processed can lung cancer. There is also some evidence cause cancer11 and no amount is safe. that fruits and veggies reduce the risk of stomach and bladder cancer, too.13 Furthermore, unprocessed red meat was also classified as being ‘probably carcinogenic’ to humans, with the strongest evidence relating to colorectal cancer as well as there being evidence of links with pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer.12 ANTHONY MULLALLY, KUNTAL JOISHER, PROFESSIONAL RUGBY MOUNTAINEER PLAYER AND VEGANUARY AND VEGANUARY AMBASSADOR, SAYS: AMBASSADOR, SAYS: “On the pitch I feel fitter, I have a “I have never eaten meat in my lot more energy in the mornings entire life and turned vegan 17 which helps me cope for training years ago. I was successfully able more, so a lot better in it all. to build top of the world level I’m mentally clearer as well.” muscle and endurance and not only survive but thrive in the -50C 18 temperatures on top of Everest, not just once, but twice! Goes to show that no animal needs to suffer or die for our dreams to come true.” RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit GLOBAL HEALTH  ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE ZOONOTIC DISEASES The vast majority of farmed animals are reared intensively in cramped, filthy Eating animal products, as we have seen, conditions that weaken their immune can raise the risk of diseases that rob us of systems while simultaneously exposing our health, our wellbeing and the people we them to squalor. Unsurprisingly, diseases on love the most. But animal farming has the such farms are rife. But instead of providing power to kill people on a devastating scale, better conditions, the industry doses the through the diseases it breeds and the animals with antibiotics and in overusing antibiotics that it uses. them, it has helped antibiotic-resistant strains of superbugs to emerge. Many infectious diseases that people suffer from today – including whooping In 2016, Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General cough, leprosy and measles – are thought of the World Health Organization said: to have originated in the animals we ‘Antimicrobial resistance, as I say again farmed, and this transfer of diseases from and again, is a slow-motion tsunami. It is a farmed animals to people is far from over. global crisis that must be managed with the Avian influenza (‘bird flu’), for example, still utmost urgency.’17 infects and kills people every year.14 Such viruses mutate, and when they do there is In order to reduce the vast amounts of a chance they can be spread more easily antibiotics given to animals, we must end and become more deadly, which is what factory farming, and we can only do that happened in both 1918 and 1957 when when people stop buying animal products. millions of people died.15 There is a clear connection between the current COVID-19 SARA PASCOE, crisis and the global food system based on COMEDIAN AND animal products, which contributes to the VEGANUARY destruction of ecosystems and can lead AMBASSADOR, SAYS: to the transmission of infectious diseases from wild animals to humans, according “I decided that I was going to do to leaders at the UN, WHO and WWF 100 days being vegan, and I was International.16 going to write it up and see how I felt. But within a week I felt so much better in my body that it then became oh I am definitely going to do this forever.” 19 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WHY VEGAN? THE HEALTH OF PETER EGAN, ACTOR OUR PLANET  AND VEGANUARY AMBASSADOR, SAYS: Evidence is increasingly revealing just how big an impact our food choices have on “I believe in love and respect for the living world, and environmentalists are all. I can’t think of a kinder, gentler switching to plant-based diets to minimise life than that which wishes to the damage caused in food production. preserve our planet and all the Because animal agriculture impacts our species that inhabit it.” planet in so many ways Joseph Poore, an environmental researcher at Oxford In Sweden, researchers analysed 39 peer- University, concluded that ‘A vegan diet is reviewed articles, carbon calculators and probably the single biggest way to reduce government sources and came up with the your impact on planet Earth’.18 four most impactful ways each of us can reduce our footprint. These are: adopt a CLIMATE CHANGE plant-based diet, limit flying, stop driving and limit the number of children we have.20 Animal agriculture is one of the leading These four key actions are not usually contributors of climate-changing emissions. included in government and environmental In fact, the United Nations Food and recommendations, which instead tend Agriculture Organization has stated that to advocate small, incremental changes, animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5 per such as recycling or switching to reusable cent of human-induced emissions – which shopping bags, which, while positive, are makes animal products more damaging than not enough to avoid catastrophe. the fuel emissions from every car, plane, bus, truck, train and ship on the planet.19 We must take meaningful action now. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned that urgent and profound changes to the way we live must be made if we are to keep global temperature rise to no more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Anything beyond this will significantly worsen the risks of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people.21 20 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit WATER SHORTAGES Those of us who have abundant fresh water POLLUTION  at the turn of a tap rarely give a thought to worldwide water shortages, yet 844 million Animal farming is a key polluter of air, land people have no access to clean water, and and waterways. 300,000 children die each year of diarrhoea, linked to dirty water and poor sanitation.22 The air inside animal farms contains The situation is expected to worsen as the high levels of organic dust, which is effects of climate change hit home, with known to lead to respiratory problems. the world’s poorest most likely to suffer Such farms may also emit air pollutants the consequences. into the atmosphere, including ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, as well as Without water, nothing can live but just microorganisms and toxins. Both three per cent of the world’s water is fresh, farm workers and neighbours can be and just one-third of that is readily available seriously affected.29 for human use.23 We must be careful how we use this precious resource. Land is polluted by the vast amounts of slurry produced by billions of farmed Globally, agriculture uses an astonishing animals. It is known to be noxious and 70 per cent of all available water,24 but it should be stored securely but all too often it is animal agriculture that demands the is either deliberately spread on the land or most. This is because it takes a staggering accidentally leaks onto it. (Half of all slurry 9,000 litres to produce one pound of beef storage facilities in the UK are thought to but just 60 litres to produce one pound be inadequate.30) Either way, the effects can of potatoes.25 The largest pig farms use be devastating.31 enough water to supply an entire city.26 Slurry and other agricultural pollutants Switching to a plant-based diet is probably regularly contaminate rivers, where they the biggest thing we can do to save water.27 poison the water and decimate aquatic life. Pollution incidents are recorded every week “A vegan diet is probably the in the UK, and most of them involve dairy single biggest way to reduce your farms.32 Worldwide, farmed animals’ slurry impact on planet Earth, not just is a key factor in the growth of ocean greenhouse gases, but global dead zones.33 acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.” 28 JOSEPH POORE, RESEARCHER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, 2018 21 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit DEFORESTATION AND DYING OCEANS  SPECIES LOSS More than 30 per cent of the world’s Animal agriculture uses 85 per cent of our fisheries have already been pushed beyond farmland but provides us with just 18 per their biological limits or are in need of cent of our calories.34 It is a wasteful, highly dramatic action to restore them.38 Entire inefficient, land-hungry practice. In order to aquatic populations are on the verge of make way for grazing livestock and to grow collapse,39 and all for a product we do not the vast amount of crops needed to feed need to eat. them, whole swathes of forests and other ancient habitats have been razed to the Vast nets drag trillions of fish from the ground. The people and animals who once oceans, but they do not discriminate. lived there are displaced or killed. Among the ‘target’ species are accidental ‘by-catch’, including whales, dolphins, Such wanton destruction has driven whole porpoises, sharks, starfish, sponges, turtles, species to extinction. Already, 60 per cent of and even diving sea birds.40 Species such the world’s animal populations have been as Maui’s dolphin and North Atlantic right wiped out just in the last 50 years,35 and whale are being pushed to the very brink researchers identified three main causes, of extinction.41 42 all of them relating to our desire to eat meat: Switching to farmed fish does little to 1. Destruction of habitats, largely to create protect wild fish, as many farmed fish – farmland including salmon and trout – are carnivorous so their feed is made up of wild-caught fish 2. Wild animals being eaten into extinction who were dragged from the oceans. Often, to compound the problem, their feed also 3. Overfishing36 includes soya, grown on deforested land. Whole ecosystems are collapsing, species Moreover, most of the plastic pollution in the are being lost forever and the loss of plants ocean actually comes from fishing vessels.43 and sea life will reduce the Earth’s ability Ending our consumption of fish will do more to absorb carbon. This will exacerbate the to restore the oceans than any other action effects of climate change37 and drive even we can take. And if we stop eating meat, we more species to extinction. are also helping fish! This is because farmed animal slurry pollutes waters and creates ocean dead zones where no marine species can survive.44 22 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit SUSTAINABILITY  LOCAL VERSUS VEGAN FEEDING THE WORLD Some people argue that eating local is better for the planet than eating vegan, Animal agriculture is incredibly wasteful. but the evidence does not bear this out. It uses vast amounts of land, water and Transport is a very small part of our food’s energy, while giving us fewer calories back carbon footprint (typically less than 1 per in meat, milk and eggs than we fed to the cent for beef)47 so it being local does not animals. It is no way to feed a growing alter its impact all that much. Research human population and is not sustainable. found that animal foods tend to have a higher footprint than plant-based foods.48 In all, one-third of the world’s cereal harvest So, even if you shipped bananas six times and 90 per cent of the world’s soya harvest around the world, their impact would still is fed to farmed animals.45 To produce these be lower than for local beef and lamb.49 vast amounts of food, the land is pushed to What about soya? Isn’t that the worst of its limits with the application of fertilisers, all? Actually, no. Research from Oxford pesticides and other soil-damaging University found that even the most practices. sustainable dairy was still worse overall than the least sustainable soya milk.50 Ninety-five per cent of our food is grown in the uppermost layer of soil, making topsoil CHRIS PACKHAM, one of the most important components TV PRESENTER, of our food system. But conventional NATURALIST farming practices mean that nearly half AND VEGANUARY of the world’s most productive soil has AMBASSADOR, SAYS: disappeared in the last 150 years. In the US alone, soil on cropland is eroding 10 times “As I’ve become more and more faster than it can be replenished.46 aware of our impact, the impact our diet has on the environment We need to take pressure off the soil and – and of course the species that feed the growing world population, and we live in it – I’ve become increasingly can do both those things if we switch to a concerned to minimise the plant-based diet. negative aspects of that impact.” 23 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit TEN COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT VEGANISM 1.  WHAT DO VEGANS EAT? When we talk about removing all animal non carne and spaghetti Bolognese can products from our diet, it can be tricky to be made in the same way as their meaty see what is left. But the truth is, vegans versions just by switching to soya mince, are just normal people, who like to eat the and for lasagne, using plant milks in the same foods as everyone else and the recent béchamel sauce. For fajitas, there are meaty vegan food revolution means they can do strips. For curries, casseroles and stews, just that. There are now vegan versions of there are meaty chunks. everything from sausages, burgers, kebabs and steak to fish fingers, scampi and tuna. Supermarkets are increasingly catering You can choose from a wide variety of plant to the vegan ready-meal market, and milks, yogurts and ice cream, and even find you can find vegan mac ‘n’ cheese, vegan mayonnaise and cheesecakes. pizzas, Bolognese, Thai green curry, dhal, mushroom carbonara, paella, chilli, burritos, All these items and more are available in a variety of pies and many more options on supermarkets, alongside the vegan foods the high street. you already buy, perhaps without thinking of them specifically as vegan. This includes As a new vegan, it can take a few weeks pasta, rice, peanut butter, Marmite, jam, to adjust to buying new ingredients and tinned tomatoes, baked beans, bread, products, but very quickly people discover crackers and crisps, coconut milk, curry that their new diet is far from restrictive. In pastes, tomato puree, tomato ketchup, tea, fact, people often find that they discover a coffee and fruit juice. wealth of new foods and report that they have never enjoyed such a varied diet. All this means, we can make our favourite meals just the way we like them, but in an animal-free version. Shepherd’s pie, chilli 24 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 2.  DO FISH FEEL PAIN? themselves in the affected area or hide from DO PLANTS FEEL PAIN? the thing that hurts them. In other words, they behave in the exact same way as we The short answers to these two questions are: would if we were in pain but couldn’t speak. almost certainly, and almost certainly not. The evidence is strong and getting stronger Pain is a difficult thing to assess in any all the time, but even if it wasn’t, shouldn’t species, even humans. We cannot see we err on the side of caution and treat someone else’s pain, but we can hear them aquatic species with care and compassion? describe it and trust what they say is true. But it is not so simple to assess the pain in As for plants, while we know that they can species that do not speak our language. ‘feel’ sensations, they have no brain and So, scientists have come up with two ways no central nervous system. Nor are they to determine whether other species are equipped to move away from the thing that likely to feel pain: first, do they have all harms them, and so feeling pain would be the necessary physiological equipment of no benefit to them. In the future, we may that would allow them to feel pain? And find out more about what exactly they can secondly, do they behave as though they feel but for now, it is safe to assume that, feel pain? whatever it is, it is not pain. In the case of fish, the answer to both these But, if you are more worried about plants questions is yes. Fish have pain receptors, that (probably) don’t feel pain than animals which would be strange if they weren’t able that definitely do, then you should still to feel pain. They also produce substances switch to a plant-based diet. Contrary as it known as enkephalins that mediate pain in sounds, meat eaters consume a lot more the same way as in vertebrates like us. plants than vegans via the plant-eating animals that they eat. Research has also shown that many aquatic species have an aversion to noxious substances. When harmed they rub 25 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 3.  IS SOYA THE CAUSE The Worldwatch Institute reports that “the OF DEFORESTATION? human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category The problem isn’t soya itself. It is the amount of environmental damage now threatening of soya that is grown to feed farmed animals the human future – deforestation, erosion, that is driving the environmental damage. fresh water scarcity, air and water pollution, Yes, that’s right, farmed animals, including climate change, biodiversity loss, social chicken and fish – and by extension the injustice, the destabilization of communities, people who eat them – consume 75 per cent and the spread of disease”.53 of the world’s soya harvest.51 This means that Soya is not the problem. Animal products are. the average European consumes around 61kg of soya every year, largely through 4.  WHAT WOULD HAPPEN eating animal products such as chicken, TO THE ANIMALS IF WE DID NOT pork, salmon, cheese, milk and eggs.52 EAT THEM? This question goes to the very heart of the Animal agriculture – like all businesses – is sustainability problems associated with about supply and demand. Animals are meat consumption: many more crops are bred, reared and slaughtered only because required to feed farmed animals than if we people buy the products, and as we stop just ate the plants themselves. And because buying them, fewer animals will be created. the available farmland is not sufficient to This is great news for our planet and also grow the soya and other feedstuffs that for animals, as fewer will have to endure the billions of farmed animals require, the legally-permitted mutilations, the filth rainforests and other habitats are cut down of factory farms, the sadness at losing in vast swathes. their young, the terror of long-distance transportation and the horrors of slaughter. Since the whole world will not go vegan overnight, it will be a steady reduction, and that means farmers will not just turn out their animals to fend for themselves. When individual animal farmers become vegan, as an increasing number are, we see them find sanctuary places for the animals who are left. 26 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 5.  WHY DOES PLANT MILK CURDLE IN HOT DRINKS AND HOW DO I STOP IT? Another issue that some people worry If your first experience at making a hot drink about is that certain species will become with plant milk has ended up with a cloudy extinct if we don’t breed them to eat. This mess in a cup, don’t be disheartened. Due could happen in some cases and it would to the heat and acidity of tea and coffee, be a very good thing. Farmed animals are this can sometimes happen but there are not natural species. Wild turkeys are not the some tricks and tips to avoid that unsightly same as farmed turkeys; wild boars are not reaction and to make sure you get the the same as farmed pigs. perfect drink every time. Farmed animals are bred specifically for First, tackle the heat issue by letting your their money-making traits, such as a high tea or coffee cool down a little before you milk yield or their ability to have more mix it with the milk. (Some people find that offspring in a litter, and this often comes at warming the milk helps, others say it makes the expense of their welfare. Turkeys and it worse - try it for yourself and see!) Another chickens reared for their meat, for example, tip is to pour the milk into the cup first, then are bred to put on a lot of weight as quickly add the tea or coffee slowly. This allows the as possible. As a result, their joints are temperature to increase more gently and painful, their hearts are weak, and their avoid curdling. bones can break beneath them. It’s right that these poor creatures are not bred to As for the acidity, some tea brands have suffer this way. started producing tea bags specifically for vegan milks. You’ll also find that some teas And if we are truly worried about species and coffees are naturally less acidic than becoming extinct, we should remember that others, so switch it up and see if that helps. eating meat is actually driving countless species to extinction. As forests are razed Finally, many dairy-free milk brands have to the ground to make way for grazing for started producing ‘barista’ milks that have farmed animals, the demise of wild species been specially developed to mix perfectly is accelerating. Research has found that we with tea or coffee. Our hot tip: try Oatly Barista have lost 60 per cent of all animal species since 1970, with animal farming being a significant driver of this.54 For the sake of all animals – both farmed and wild – we would do well to stop eating meat, milk and eggs. 27 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 6.  AREN’T ALMONDS WATER- Hazelnuts are a great choice. Not only HUNGRY AND THEREFORE do they grow on trees that pull carbon REALLY BAD FOR THE from the atmosphere, which means they ENVIRONMENT? store carbon rather than emit it, but they are pollinated by the wind and grow in It is true that almonds require more water areas where water shortages are less of a than any other dairy alternative, requiring problem.58 130 pints of water to produce a single glass of almond milk. But we should not Soya is also a good option, with one Oxford judge this nut based on just one metric. University researcher stating that the least When we factor in land use, pollution, and sustainable soya was still better for the greenhouse gas emissions, the picture planet than the most sustainable dairy.59 changes significantly. And oats are a good choice, too. A glass of cows’ milk produces almost three Sustainability researchers are clear: drink times more greenhouse gas and uses nine whatever plant milk you like because even times more land than any type of plant those with shortcomings are better for the milk.55 Plus, many of the worst pollution planet than dairy.60 incidents are related to dairy farming where the amount of slurry produced is vast. 7.  WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH This toxic waste gets into our rivers and LEATHER BAGS AND SHOES? waterways and decimates wildlife.56 Some new vegans – particularly those who It is little wonder, then, that a 2018 University became vegan to protect animals – decide of Oxford study concluded that all plant they no longer want to wear their old milks are better for the environment than leather shoes, woollen jumpers, silk scarves dairy57 but even so, some plant milks are and feather-filled jackets. It’s perfectly better than others. understandable, and for some people donating them to charity shops and buying non-animal replacements feels like the right thing to do. For others, this could be an expense they cannot justify, or they can see that getting rid of an item bought a long time ago will not protect any animals now. Instead they vow to replace them with non-animal versions when they wear out. Both approaches are equally valid, and whatever feels right for you is right. 28 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 8.  CAN YOU BE A SUCCESSFUL 9.  DO YOU NEED MILK FOR VEGAN ATHLETE? STRONG BONES? Ask Lewis Hamilton, Morgan Mitchell and No. We need calcium for strong bones, Hector Bellerin! Ask Chris Smalling, Venus along with vitamin D, and we can get Williams and Kendrick Farris! These elite calcium from a wide variety of sources. athletes – and many more -– are vegan Dairy does not have the monopoly on it! and have reported significant health and performance benefits since adopting a Calcium can be found in many of the plant plant-based diet. milks and yogurts that are readily available. It can also be found in beans (especially If you haven’t seen the film The Game black turtle beans, kidney beans and soya Changers yet, it’s definitely worth watching. In beans), kale, collards, watercress, broccoli, it, the science behind what a plant-based diet sweet potato, butternut squash, tofu and can do for athletes is explained by researchers dried figs. and doctors who are experts in this field. Getting enough calcium as a vegan is not The film, which was executive produced by difficult so long as you eat a varied diet. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis But eating calcium-rich foods alone is not Hamilton, Novak Djokovic among others, enough. We need vitamin D, known as features some of the strongest, fastest and the sunshine vitamin, to help absorb it, so most powerful athletes in the world. Becoming spending some time outdoors each day will vegan has given them more energy, less help this. Over the winter months, however, inflammation and a quicker recovery time, we cannot rely on the sun and must make all with no loss of power or muscle mass. sure we have another source. In terms of foods, mushrooms are a great source, and From sprinters and cyclists to footballers and many breakfast cereals, breads and vegan strength athletes, going vegan is prolonging butters are already fortified with it. Since careers and enhancing performance. getting sufficient vitamin D in winter is difficult for everyone, no matter what their DUSTIN WATTEN, diet is, it is advisable to take a supplement OLYMPIC VOLLEYBALL just to be on the safe side. PLAYER AND VEGANUARY AMBASSADOR, SAYS: For optimal bone health, we are also advised to limit caffeine and avoid smoking, “Vegan for my body and mind, as both increase calcium loss from the the animals and the future. body, and to do regular weight-bearing It’s a decision that is in our control exercise such as walking, running, dancing, and everyone benefits.” playing football or lifting weights. 29 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit As a founder of Youth Climate Save as well as her own nonprofit, Genesis for Animals, 13-year- old Genesis Butler is living proof that one person can make a difference for animals and the planet. Photo © Molly Haas, at Kindred Spirits Care Farm. 10.  WHAT DIFFERENCE CAN ONE It is easy to feel disempowered and PERSON MAKE? wonder what difference you can make but remember this: when we drop £1 into a In our lifetimes, it is estimated that each charity box, we don’t for a moment think our of us will eat more than 7,000 animals, so contribution will fund a hospice all by itself; simply choosing not to do this spares a lot it needs thousands of others to also drop of lives. That’s a lot of factory farming, long- in a coin. But what if no one gave because distance live transportation, antibiotic usage they felt their contribution was too small? and slaughter that just won’t happen. If we do all that we can, alongside the Our carbon emissions will also be millions of other compassionate people significantly reduced, and a lot less land around the world who are also becoming and water will be needed to grow our food. vegan, that’s when things get exciting! While these are significant benefits, and we That’s how we can – and will – change should each be proud of the contribution the world. we make, our impact is magnified because we are not going vegan alone. We influence others around us, and the positive ripples travel the world. There are now millions of people choosing to eat only animal-free foods and together we are having a powerful impact. We are helping to limit the effects of climate change, we are sparing billions of animals, and through needing less land for our food, we are allowing natural habitats to provide homes for wildlife. 30 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit FIVE LIFE-CHANGING BOOKS TO READ 1.  How to Go Vegan by Veganuary 2.  How Not to Die by Michael Greger This bestseller gives you all the 3.  Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, tips you need to make and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy the change to a plant-based diet 4.  Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were by Philip Lymbery 31 5.  Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer JAMES MOORE, ACTOR AND VEGANUARY AMBASSADOR, SAYS: “I’m vegan all year round but if you give it a go in January you will help the planet, animals, and especially your health. What do you have to lose?” RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit FIVE LIFE-CHANGING FILMS TO SEE 1.  Cowspiracy (2014) CARL DONNELLY, Follow the shocking, yet humorous, COMEDIAN AND journey of an aspiring environmentalist, VEGANUARY as he seeks to find solutions to the AMBASSADOR, SAYS: most pressing environmental issues of our time “It was the best decision I ever made. It’s hard to explain this to people, they 2.  Dominion (2018) probably think you’re exaggerating, A powerful exposé of the dark but I’d say that within about a week underbelly of animal agriculture I felt like a different person.” captured by drones, hidden and handheld cameras EVANNA LYNCH, ACTOR AND VEGANUARY 3.  Forks over Knives (2011) AMBASSADOR , SAYS: Researchers explore the possibility that people changing their diets from “It was just the right path for me. animal-based to plant-based can help I felt like as soon as I went vegan, eliminate or control diseases such as I was more myself, like I was just cancer and diabetes living according to what I believed, which is such a freeing thing once 4.  Earthlings (2005) you finally commit to it.” Still the most powerful indictment of how humans treat our fellow animals. MELODY KANE, Life-changing but not an easy film DJ AND VEGANUARY to watch AMBASSADOR, SAYS: 5.  The Game Changers (2019) “For me being vegan continues The evidence that elite athletes to enrich and improve my life thrive as vegans. Executive produced physically, mentally & spiritually.” by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lewis Hamilton and Novak Djokovic RETURN TO INDEX 32

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ‘Iodine’, The Association of UK Dietetics 10. ‘Q&A on the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat, ‘World Health Organization, 2. Oct 2015 vegetarian-vegan-children/ 11. ‘Processed meat and cancer – what you need to know,’ 3. J. Webster, 1994, Animal Welfare: A Cool Eye Towards Cancer Research UK, 26 Oct 2015 Eden. Blackwell Science, page 255 12. Ibid 4. obesity-almost-doubles-in-20-years-to-affect-13- 13. million-people wholegrains-veg-fruit 5. 14. ‘Cumulative number of confirmed human cases for avian influenza A (H5N1) reported to WHO, 2003-2018’ 6. PMC6478664/ 15. 7. 16. ‘Influenza (Avian and other zoonotic)’, 31 Jan 2018 stats-people-living-with-diabetes World Health Organization 8. 17. resistance-un/en/ 9. Michael Greger MD, 2015, How Not to Die. Flatiron Books p. 106 33 RETURN TO INDEX

The Official Veganuary Starter Kit 18. 40. ‘New US regulations offer better protection from may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest- bycatch’, World Wildlife Fund, spring 2017 way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth 41. ‘Maui dolphin’ World Wildlife Fund 19. ‘Key facts and findings’, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 42. ‘North Atlantic right whales on the brink of extinction, officials say’, The Guardian, 11 Dec 2017 20. choices-most-reduce-your-carbon-footprint 43. great-pacific-garbage-patch/ 21. Jonathan Watts, ‘We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN,’ The Guardian, 8 Oct 2018 44. aug/01/meat-industry-dead-zone-gulf-of-mexico- 22. Fiona Harvey, ‘Are we running out of water?’ The environment-pollution Guardian, 18 Jun 2018 45. ‘Agriculture and energy consumption’, Foodprint 23. ‘Water Scarcity: Overview’, World Wildlife Fund 46. 24. John Vidal, ‘Ten ways vegetarianism can help save the topsoil-farming-agriculture-food-toxic-america planet,’ The Guardian, 18 Jul 2010 47. 25. Ibid local?fbclid=IwAR3kfvM9HB1_Vl0xHVEKrbNYFk3SXSJ hqqGOgjGVA3KxO0PR0q5SVNxLf-I#note-4 26. Ibid 48. Ibid 27. freshwater/food/ 49. status/1220691168012460032?lang=en 28. Damian Carrington, ‘Avoiding meat and dairy is “single biggest way” to reduce your impact on Earth, The 50. Guardian, 31 May 2018 environment-46654042 29. 51. rccm.201701-0021OC oct/05/soya-rise-wonder-bean-from-deforestation-to- your-plate 30. uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/ 52. file/764286/farm-inspection-regulatio-review-final- WWF_AppetiteForDestruction_Summary_Report_ report-2018.pdf SignOff.pdf 31. 53. aug/21/subsidised-farm-causes-acres-of-damage-to- sep/07/food.meat sussex-countryside 54. 32. oct/30/humanity-wiped-out-animals-since-1970- aug/21/serious-farm-pollution-breaches-increase- major-report-finds many-go-unprosecuted 55. 33. jan/28/what-plant-milk-should-i-drink-almond-killing- aug/01/meat-industry-dead-zone-gulf-of-mexico- bees-aoe environment-pollution 56. 34. aug/21/serious-farm-pollution-breaches-increase- may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest- many-go-unprosecuted way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth 57. 35. Damian Carrington, ‘Humanity has wiped out 60% jan/28/what-plant-milk-should-i-drink-almond-killing- of animal populations since 1970, report finds,’ The bees-aoe Guardian, 30 Oct 2018 58. Ibid 36. Ibid 59. 37. Jonathan Watts, ‘Stop biodiversity loss or we could environment-46654042 face our own extinction, warns UN’, The Guardian, 6 Nov 2018 60. jan/28/what-plant-milk-should-i-drink-almond-killing- 38. ‘Overfishing’, World Wildlife Fund bees-aoe 39. Azua (Zizhan) Luo, ‘Ocean fish stocks on “verge of collapse”, says IRIN report’, New Security Beat, 28 Feb 2017 34 RETURN TO INDEX


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