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Home Explore The Portal December 2013

The Portal December 2013

Published by sandy.chen, 2014-07-02 02:58:08

Description: The Portal December 2013


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THE P R TAL The PorTal is the monthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham December 2013 THE PoRTAL visiTs THE CDF

THE P RTAL is the monthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham 56 Woodlands Farm Road, Birmingham B24 0PG – [email protected] The PorTal is free and may be downloaded from Editorial Board: Ronald Crane, Jackie Ottaway, Len Black, David Chapman, Gill James, Aidan Nichols, Cyril Wood Observer: Catherine Utley The PorTal is grateful to our many generous supporters for their fnancial assistance. December 2013 Volume 3 Issue 36 Contents 3 Ordinariate News – Will Burton looks back 4 The Ipswich Group – Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane 6 Auntie Joanna writes . . . More opportunities to serve 7 Anglican News: Women in the Episcopate – Revd Paul Benfeld 8 Snapdragon – Marriage and family life 9 Beautiful Music and Mission in Toronto – John Hodgins 10 The A - Z of the Catholic Faith: K – Fr Stephen Wang i-iv Important but small – Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane x with Mgr Steven Lopes and Fr Hermann Geissler at the CDF 11 Here am I Lord – Jackie Ottaway visits the Allaway family 13 The Popes and the Ordinariate – Harry Schnitker 15 Ordinariate Groups – where to fnd us at prayer 16 Holy Land Pilgrimage and The Living Rosary 18 Letters to the Editor 19 The Ordinary’s Diary and Darlington Group celebrate 20 A More Excellent Way – Geoffrey Kirk Contributors ◊ Will Burton has been taking in the views across the ◊ Stephen Morgan lives in the New Forest, works in Cambridgeshire fens Portsmouth and studies in Oxford and has been unwell, ◊ Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane are members of so no Newman this month the Ordinariate ◊ The Revd Paul Benfeld is Vicar of Saint Nicholas ◊ Joanna Bogle DSG is a Catholic Journalist and Blogger Fleetwood and a member of the CofE General Synod ◊ Snapdragon lives in the Midlands ◊ John Hodgins is a member of the Ordinairate of the Chair ◊ Harry Schnitker is an academic at Maryvale Institute of St Peter in Canada ◊ Fr Stephen Wang is Senior Chaplain to the Catholic ◊ Geofrey Kirk is a member of the Ordinairate living in Chaplaincy to the Universities of London South London

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 3 Ordinariate News Will Burton looks back over the past month Changes at The PorTal Mgr Harry Entwistle, the any of you will have Ordinary of the Ordinariate Mreceived e-mails of Our Lady of the Southern requesting a donation of £10 Cross, has appointed Fr Neil a year for The PorTal. Te Fryer as our Australian Editor. magazine will remain free. Of course all our readers will be However, we think you will able to access both versions of agree that £10 is a small price to The PorTal via our website. give for Te Portal. It works out at 84p a copy! If you have not received the e-mail, but would New columnist still like to donate your £10, Also in this edition of The details of how to do so are on PorTal you will fnd the frst the Donate page of our website article by our new columnist. at He may be known to many of you. He is, of course, our old and valued friend, Geofrey Advent Supplement Kirk, now happily a member of As usual this December the Ordinariate. You will fnd edition contains the special his piece on page twenty. Advent Supplement. Tis year the supplement is given over to The PorTal’s recent visit to the CDF in the Vatican. His Eminence Fr Peter Geldard Archbishop Müller, Mgr Steven Lopes and Father Tis means that we are saying “goodbye” to one Hermann Geissler received The PorTal and of our stalwarts. A real friend of the Ordinairate in generously gave up their time. general, and of The PorTal in particular, Fr Peter Geldard has decided to lay down his pen as far as Tey also gave us their thoughts on the progress The PorTal is concerned. His duties as a University of the Ordinariate in the UK. Tey have some Chaplain take up his time. We are most grateful to important words to say to us about Liturgy, about him for his pithy articles. He helped to get us of to Patrimony and about Mission and Evangelism. We a fying start. We shall miss him and them. But: you are most grateful to them for their warm reception never know he may return refreshed in the future. We and kindness. Pictures and the interview are in the hope so. Advent Supplement. Anglican Luminaries Papal General Audience During 2013 we have also said farewell to another of Whilst in Rome, The PorTal was able to attend the our writers, Fr Keith Robinson. His wonderful series Papal General Audience on 13 November 2013. on Anglican Luminaries was well received, and we are th Pictures of that Audience are also to be found in this grateful to him. Somehow, The PorTal has a feeling that edition of The PorTal. You should know that these they may both well resurface at some point. pictures were taken by The PorTal ... and yes, we were that close! Canada Te International favour of The PorTal is trailed in The PorTal is going International this issue. John Hodgins has sent us an article from From 1 January 2014, The PorTal is going the Ordinariate in Canada. We hope this will become st International. From that date there will be a UK a regular feature of The PorTal, especially in our version of The PorTal, and an Australian version. International editions.

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 4 The Bistro on the Quay! Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane visit the Ipswich Group E ALWAys enjoy our Group visits, but this one was rather diferent. Diferent because we had Wbeen invited by the laity, and diferent also because we already knew most of the Ordinariate members in Ipswich. “Arts and Crafts” Church arrival.” Afer Mass in the splendid “Arts and Crafs” Church of the Holy Seventy-fve mile Family with all its associations with round trip early aviation and the R101 Airship, Martyn, a retired Police Ofcer, we spoke with Alan and Wendy and Christina, an International Fouche over a glass of something Investment Manager, normally good. attend the Colchester Ordinariate Alan and Wendy Fouche Group, but sometimes come over Alan and Wendy Fouche to Ipswich. It is a seventy-fve mile Alan is a retired Journalist. He and round trip. Martyn gave a little shake of the Wendy live in Norwich and travel a round head as he said, “Sad that there is little sign trip of one hundred miles for Mass. Tis of growth”. Group meets on the second Sunday of the month only. Like everyone else in The Ordinariate? the Ordinariate their welcome into the Christina thought the Ordinariate Mass Catholic Church had been “very warm”. ought to be united with the Parish Mass so that people got to know each other. She was Not large, but regular passionate about Catholics getting to know Tey thought the Group “quite stable. about the Ordinariate. “We need a Road Not large, but regular”. Yet he felt growth Show going round the Catholic Parishes had not been what they had hoped for. to tell people all about the Ordinariate. In “Maybe when the CofE has women some places people know about us, but not Bishops this might help. But, people are enough! Te Ordinariate seems unable to still uncertain of their position.” David and promote itself.” Margaret Banister Alan and Wendy side-stepped our Fragmented question about mission and evangelism. Tey thought the idea of choosing two Tey were enthusiastic about their Ordinariate Groups to support for three relations with other Catholics in the area, or fve years, a good one. “I like it,” said and would support a National Ordinariate Martyn, “We are so fragmented. We met event, “if it was within reach”. people on the Rome Pilgrimage. Tat was important.” We glowed! To blow our own trumpet a bit, as they “We need to raise our profle: a Road lef us, Alan said, “I worked as a journalist Show: Fund Raising.” and I must say The PorTal is a very professionally produced magazine”. We Tey liked the idea of a National glowed! Christina and Ordinariate event, “If we could get there”. Martyn Wraight Christina said, “Many are still wearing Martyn and Christina Wraight their Anglican blinkers.” Martyn took up the theme, Our dear friends Martyn and Christina Wraight “We really need our leaders to explain just what the told us they had been welcomed into the Church Ordinariate is, and who we are.” Christina had the “amazingly and with love”. “Unquestioned warmth,” last word, “We need to raise our profle: a Road Show: added Martyn. He continued, “Cradle Catholics have Fund Raising.” been amazed we came over. Catholics rejoiced at our

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 5 David and Margaret Banister Fr David Skeoch Next we spoke to more friends, David Banister, Afer lunch - and still sober - we settled down with a retired Primary School Head teacher and Group Fr David Skeoch. Te Group is about sixteen strong Organist, and his wife Margaret. It goes without and not self-supporting, but as he is retired this is of saying, that their welcome was very less importance. He gets on very well with warm. David had, “always hoped for his priestly colleagues. growth. Various people have come from all round. We have a good nucleus. Tere He expresses Anglican Patrimony “by are CofE people who are sympathetic, trying to preach in a non-intellectual way, but somehow cannot make the move. We but giving people something to think would like to start Evensong, but we just about, and preaching scripturally. Te do not have the resources.” Ordinariate has a lot of variation in it. Our leaders have to stand up to the Catholic Need for vision hierarchy. Sometimes it needs to be said, Supporting two Ordinariate Groups for ‘We do this and you don’t!’ Tis is true of a period was, he thought, “A good idea. the Ukrainians, it is true of us. We need to Te site would be crucial. It would have remember that Mgr Keith Newton is our to be where there is already a Group and Jane Hamilton-Hunting Boss, not the Bishop of the Diocese.” where there is a chance others could join. We need some vision.” Tey Conference for the laity would like a National event if it was, “We have been put in place by the “Accessible.” Holy Father; we need to encourage our people. A conference for the laity, Wilf and Lisbeth now that would delight me! It would Bennison help if our leaders made a statement Over lunch at the Bistro on the about so-called same-sex marriage.” Quay we chatted with old friends: Wilf, a retired HR Director with “It is difcult to know how this Tomas Cook and Lisbeth, a retired small, aging Group will develop. Te Medical Secretary, Bennison. Tey CofE, women Bishops, who knows? live over thirty fve miles away and I pray we will grow because being fnd the Group, “Wonderful!” Tey Fred and Mary Houchill Ordinariate is very important. It is cannot see the Group growing, slightly cheating to join the Catholic “We need outreach to the local CofE,” Church in the Ordinariate and then said Lis, “Te Ordinariate will grow by be a Diocesan Catholic. We had our attracting Anglican families with our admission made very easy.” Anglican patrimony.” Ronald suggested that the Ordinariate might grow by Fr Skeoch thought the fnancial support attracting those who at the moment of two Groups a “Good idea, but we have no religious afliation at all? Lis need to be careful. Choosing the correct admitted that “It had not crossed my Groups would be important, as would mind.” having enough money.” Wilf warmed to the idea of supporting “Clearly, let’s face it, our Group is so two Groups fnancially. “Good in small. But members must know people theory,” he said, “Location is very of no faith. It must be possible, without important. Some areas are OK, others pushing it down their throats, to bring struggle. The PorTal every month …. Burt and Margaret Hudson them along. It doesn’t matter of they keeps us abreast of … the Ordinariate.” are ex-Anglicans or not. I am not sure about lapsed Catholics though. Where do they stand with regard to Since joining the Ordinariate they had had the Catholic Church, the Diocese and the Ordinariate?” difculties with some who are still CofE. Looking to the future they told us they looked forward to reading “Unless we start to grow, in ten years’ time we shall The PorTal every month. “It keeps us abreast of what all be in our graves!” is happening in the Ordinariate,” they said. Go on - fattery will get you everything! It was a lovely visit to dear friends. Tank you.

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 6 More opportunities Aun t ie to serve EMEMbRAnCE sunDAy, and a crisp, fresh J RAutumn day in London. Te church bell is ringing. Golden o leaves futter down. People are gathering at the War Memorial in a the Borough High Street. Te Procession arrives from the Church of the Precious Blood (Ordinariate), cross-bearer fanked by altar nna t servers with candles, priest in cope, churchwardens with staves. wri es Te crowd is larger now, and when we sing “O God Simple Prayer Book our help in ages past” the good parish contingent from In the afernoon I’m busy with a small Confrmation Precious Blood ensures that there is a robust sound. class. We’re in the comfortable parish room, and Ten, on cue as a local church clock chimes and the everyone has a Simple Prayer Book (CTS, current sound of the guns is relayed from Whitehall on a radio/ edition, latest Mass translation, same grey cover that TV-link, we fall silent. Trafc stops. Passers-by stop. it’s had all my lifetime, and still the most useful handy Eleven o’clock, and collection of prayers and basic information the Two Minutes’ yet produced), and a Gospel of Luke. I’ve silence. also got the Catechism of the Catholic Church (excellent, user-friendly, Poppies on the essential tool for any catechist) dark overcoats and a Bible. Sudden sweep of memories of doing this, We’ve been tackling the November afer November from basics, starting with “What is childhood onwards: of parental Confrmation, anyway?” and example and exhortation, of straight today we’re looking at the Mass, backs and bowed heads and poppies on with Scripture references, looking dark overcoats. And as the silence ends at the Passover, and the Wedding at with the Last Post, and “Tey shall grow not Cana, and the Last Supper, and more… old…”, the familiar pattern of the Remembrance Day service continues with familiar hymns and prayers, More opportunities to serve the laying of wreaths, and the National Anthem. “How is the Ordinariate doing?” “Is the Ordinariate working?” Catholic friends who are not involved with God save the Queen the Ordinariate, but mildly curious, have occasionally Nothing unusual about this, and that’s just as it asked me about it. should be. But a tiny bit of history is here because this is in fact the frst time that a local Remembrance With a fourishing Ordinariate parish, it’s easy to Sunday service has been led by an Ordinariate priest – answer with confdence. But – and this is a big BUT with other local clergy, as is entirely appropriate, also – we need more churches, more opportunities to taking part. serve, more chances to show just what the Anglican Patrimony can ofer the wider Catholic Church, more Just another small sign of the Ordinariate taking its places where the vision given by the creation of the natural place in the life of the local community. And as Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham can be put the service ends and we disperse, the parishioners of into practice. Precious Blood follow their Cross-bearer back to the church and are ready for Mass. Purple vestments – this We must pray that we are given those chances. is Remembrance Sunday and the Mass is ofered for the war dead and again we sing the traditional hymns Joanna Bogle DSG and conclude with “God save the Queen”.

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 7 Women in the Anglican Episcopate News Anglican News from The Revd Paul Benfeld HE sTEERing Committee for Draf acknowledge that the Church of England TLegislation on Women in the Episcopate has reached a clear decision on the matter; published its report on 25 October. Te Committee th consisted of 15 members, fve of whom had voted • Since it continues to share the historic against the last legislation in November 2012. Te episcopate with other Churches, including report had the support of thirteen members while the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox two (of whom I was one) abstained. Church and those provinces of the Anglican Communion which continue A package of four documents to ordain only men as priests or bishops, Te Committee proposes a package of four the Church of England acknowledges that documents, the contents of all of which will be known its own clear decision on ministry and and agreed before fnal approval of the legislation to gender is set within a broader process allow women bishops in the Church of England, thus of discernment within the Anglican avoiding the difculty of the last legislation where Communion and the whole Church of the Code of Practice had to be agreed afer the main God; measure was passed. • Since those within the Church of England Te four documents (which must be read together) who, on grounds of theological conviction, are a Draf Measure, a Draf Canon, a Draf House are unable to receive the ministry of of Bishops’ Declaration and Draf Regulations for a women bishops or priests continue to Dispute Resolution Procedure. Te basis of the whole be within the spectrum of teaching and package is the ‘fve guiding principles’ which are set tradition of the Anglican Communion, the out in the Draf House of Bishops’ Declaration:- Church of England remains committed to enabling them to fourish within its life and “Te House reafrms the fve guiding structures; and principles which it frst commended in May 2013 when submitting legislative proposals • Pastoral and sacramental provision for the to the General Synod for the consecration of minority within the Church of England women to the episcopate. Tey need to be read will be made without specifying a limit one with the other and held together in tension, of time and in a way that maintains the rather than being applied selectively: highest possible degree of communion and contributes to mutual fourishing across • Now that legislation has been passed the whole Church of England.” to enable women to become bishops, the Church of England is fully and unequivocally committed to all orders An Independent Reviewer of ministry being open equally to all, A novel feature of the proposals is the introduction without reference to gender, and holds of an Independent Reviewer who will be able to review that those whom it has duly ordained and case where parishes (and in some cases individuals) appointed to ofce are the true and lawful feel that they have been unfairly treated. Tis avoids holders of the ofce which they occupy and the need for disputes to be fought out in the secular thus deserve due respect and canonical courts. obedience; General Synod will decide in November whether or • Anyone who ministers within the not to continue with proposals along these lines. Church of England must be prepared to

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 8 Snapdragon Marriage and family life EMoCRACy: A Tere is probably also another group of people “Dsystem in which people who did pick one up, but on skimming through the keep on voting until they give the questions decided that the Sunday Telegraph cryptic right answer.” So cynically read one crossword was a simpler option. tweet following the latest synodical result in the Church of England’s Unrepresentative … debate on its favourite topic. section of Catholics I fnd myself in another group. It consists of people Te C of E has been working who are glad of the Vatican’s interest in what people towards the “right answer” on women beyond the rarefed world of the Vatican are actually bishops for years and now seems to have it in its sights. thinking and believing and experiencing as Catholics, and therefore flled in the questionnaire to the Questionnaire best of their ability; but who are nervous Afer watching some about what the bishops intend lunchtime news coverage to do with the results of the result, I sat down of the faithful’s hours to ofer the Synod of of head-scratching, Bishops (that’s the pen-chewing and Catholic one) my scribbling, and wisdom on matters concerned that the relating to the family, Synod is likely to hear ahead of its Extraordinary G en era l only the voices of an Assembly in 2014 on “Pastoral challenges of the family unrepresentative (literate, in the context of evangelisation”. educated) section of Catholics anyway. Te questionnaire distributed to the Catholic faithful Understand its own social context round the world seems to be asking us (in a not very Te Church does need to get a handle on the new user-friendly way, I have to say) what we really think and very diferent situations and social realities in the about the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage and lives of many of the faithful; it needs to understand family life. its own social context, so that it can better connect people as they are (rather than as it would like them to “About time too!” be) to Christ. To that end I hope the questionnaire is a It is my guess that a good number of Catholics proftable tool for the Synod of Bishops. (laity and clergy) will have received the questionnaire with the thought “About time too!”, and relished the Some greater, universal truth opportunity to have their say, and be listened to at outside ourselves such a high level within an organisation that they feel But getting a handle on the world around us is not has never really taken much interest in their views and the same as hooking up with it. Unlike other bodies, experiences. the Catholic Church does not subscribe to the belief that all truth comes from public debate. Quite happy It is also my guess that many Catholics listened to It believes that the “right answer” is not arrived at Father telling them all about the Vatican’s latest idea, arbitrarily by sounding out, or by democracy, majority but walked straight past the tower of photocopied vote and concensus. Right and truth are based in some questionnaires on the table at the back of church, greater, universal truth outside ourselves. Tese we quite happy not ever to have been asked their views can discover, but never decide, together. on this or that, and unlikely ever voluntarily to pick up a questionnaire of such size and bearing such a For what they’re worth, my answers are in the post. dull title. Now it’s over to the Bishops…

THE P RTAL December 2013 Page 9 Beautiful Music and Mission in Toronto Ordinariate Church by John Hodgins n oCTobER St. Tomas More (Ordinariate) Catholic Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (STM) iset its mission goals and budget. STM is part of the Canadian Deanery, which comes under the jurisdiction of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter serving all of North America until a Canadian Ordinariate is feasible. STM works in close association the French-speaking parish at with the Catholic Archdiocese of SC. STM recently had more good Toronto and is currently sharing news. STM will soon be served by Sacré-Coeur (SC) Church in their own priest, John Hodgins, a downtown Toronto next to founding member of the church Ryerson University. STM also and former Anglican priest. John shares the time of Cardinal is to be ordained deacon at SC on Collin’s personal assistant Fr. Dec. 1 by Cardinal Collins and Eric Rodrigues who has acted as then priest in Ottawa at Notre the group’s enthusiastic chaplain Dame Basilica on Dec. 14 just in since May 2012. Fr. Eric loves the time for Christmas celebrations. Anglican Ordinariate liturgy for its dignity and solemnity. Te liturgical calendar looks like this: • Sung Mass with Parish Choir every Sunday at 1:45pm  Several other priests from the archdiocese and • Christmas Eve Sung Midnight Mass at 11:30pm from the Oratory parish of Holy Family ensure that • Vigil Mass: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on Dec. 31 at 5pm  an Ordinariate Sung Mass is celebrated every Sunday • Epiphany Evensong and Benediction on Sunday, January 5 at 5pm. at 1:45 pm at SC. Tese priests include L’Abbé Justin Deroches, pastor of SC who normally celebrates Mass Beginning in Advent STM will be using the new in French but has flled in on several occasions when Ordinariate Missal. A pew missal is being prepared Fr. Eric is travelling with the cardinal. which will include music for the Ordinary of the Mass to complement the fne weekly Gregorian settings for Outreach to Ryerson University students in the propers along with polyphonic music. conjunction with “Ryerson Catholics” is part of the pastoral plan for STM as the small, but growing, Mass at STM is celebrated ‘ad orientem’ community of former Anglican Catholics is joined by former Mennonites, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists MISSION GOALS OF ST THOMAS MORE and other Catholics who have been baptized but 1. To worship and serve the Triune God in the beauty unconfrmed. Tey ofen come frst for the music. of holiness, promoting Catholic worship in accord with the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum STM is served by an excellent choir of professional Coetibus, A.D. 2009. singers under the direction of Peter Mahon (Director 2. To develop the Anglican musical tradition and of Toronto’s Tallis Choir). Peter is the son of Albert Anglican patrimony within the Catholic Church Mahon who for many years served as cantor for the in Toronto, in the service of Christian unity. great Toronto church musician Healey Willan. Every 3. To support mission and outreach in the New week the STM choir sings Willan masses along with Evangelization in partnership with the Catholic the music of Palestrina, Victoria, Tallis and others in Chaplaincy at Ryerson University, Sacré-Coeur the classical sacred choral canon. parish and ecumenical partners, as a witness to those seeking the Christian unity to which our Te STM liturgical schedule works around that of Lord calls us.

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