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The King's Connection Magazine Volume 23 Number 2--Fall 2012

Published by sandy.chen, 2014-07-02 02:58:00

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nEws FoR tHE alUmni and FRiEnds oF tHE King’s UnivERsity CollEgE /// volUmE 23 nUmBER 2 /// Fall 2012 The Globe & Mail Overall Student > Campus Worship Grant Satisfaction Survey Results Educating for Shalom: A Philosophy in Action BaffLed By CLimaTe Change?

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Get It?! (Excerpt from the president’s message at Fall Convocation) hat is ‘it’ that drives do you get it? When you follow Christ in a university like this, Wthis place? The ‘it’ i something amazing happens. god, the great reconciler, brings have in mind has to do with about a change so amazing that it’s like creation all over big questions we all bring again. god says “let there be reconciliation!” and there is! new to our work at King’s: Who creation! The old way of ‘regarding’ passes away. Stand back am i? do i have a purpose in wonder and delight, and regard a world that’s different, one in life? Why am i a student, where the alienation, brokenness and suffering—in short, the professor or staff member sin—that spoiled a good creation are done with, and where here? What sort of world agents of reconciliation live as if the new creation is already do i want to help create? here, because it is! II Corinthians 5:16-21 do we have the audacity to imagine that this is our real world, speaks to such questions. and not the dreams and visions of the ‘good life’ peddled by Our Mission Statement contemporary culture? do we have the audacity to ‘regard’ echoes this passage Dr. Harry Fernhout - President education at King’s in that light? in its call for Christ-followers to live as God’s ambassadors Who are you? you’re not just a consumer; you are a new of reconciliation in a world of brokenness, suffering, and creation in Christ! alienation from God. This must permeate your and my experience at King’s – the call to participate in God’s work of do you have a life mission? you’re not just out for success; you reconciliation, bending our lives toward the vision of healing, are an ambassador of reconciliation! renewal, reconciliation and hope which the gospel promises. What sort of world do you want to help create? not one where If this academic community has a passion for this ministry of power and greed are worshipped, but one where god’s reconciliation—well, then we ‘get it.’ reconciling shalom fourishes! This scripture passage also calls us to ‘regard’ everyone and This year, i invite you to ‘attend to’ those times when we ‘get it’ everything differently (verse 16). To ‘regard’ means to ‘pay close at King’s. Or times when we don’t—yet. Let’s talk about those, attention.’ isn’t that exactly what learning is all about? We pay “admonishing each other with all wisdom.” Our challenge at close attention to things, like molecules or historical events, King’s is to ‘get it’ in whatever we do in Jesus’ name, which is in order to learn about them and to understand how things everything.  ft together. So this passage is incredibly relevant to our work at King’s. if we are followers of Christ, we no longer ‘regard’ anyone or anything from this-worldly point of view. In fact (verse 17), if anyone is in Christ, ‘new creation’ is here! THE KING’S The King’s Connection Magazine Please send any address Please send alumni updates and direct comments regarding is published three times each year changes to: address changes to: articles to: for alumni and friends of The King’s Development Alumni Relations Marketing Manager University College. 9125 - 50 Street 9125 - 50 Street Vanessa Christensen 9125 - 50 Street edmonton, alberta, Canada edmonton, alberta, Canada 780.465.3500 ext: 8017 edmonton, alberta, Canada T6B 2h3 T6B 2h3 [email protected] T6B 2h3 or call: 780.465.8314 or call: 780.465.8314 780.465.3500 Toll Free: 800.661.8582 Opt#4 [email protected] 1.800.661.8582 [email protected] fax: 780.465.3534 3 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012

Features 3 4 6 10 2 faculty & Staff news 3 King’s alumnus wins seat as mayor of Stony Plain 4 Composing a legacy: honouring dr. Jacobus Kloppers 6 educating for Shalom: honouring President fernhout 9 Campus Ministry enlivens worship with drama 10 Baffed by climate change? 12 Campus news 15 Alumni Pride 16 Beachside music Lessons 17 10 Questions with heather Van haren 18 Carol Moreno 19 dr. Tyler foster 20 Kaliem and Courtenay Boer 22 athletics news 23 King’s foundation news 24 Upcoming events The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012 /// 1

FAculTy NEwS Faculty & Staf News NEw RESIdENcE LIFE cooRdINAtoR NuRtuRES hEALthy commuNIty ith over 200 students living in residence, the Coordinator Wof Residence Life, with the help of the student leaders, takes on the essential role of ensuring that students living in residence are fully engaged while at King’s, both as students and as community members. enter Rob NuttiNg, the latest addition to the King’s community. Rob brings to King’s passion and considerable experience working with young adults as they continue to develop as Christian leaders. he is eager to get to work with his student leadership team of fve community life leaders and fve resident assistants to begin offering programming that connects students, facilitates dialogue and nurtures a positive, healthy residence community. “i’m excited for the chance to work at King’s, with an academic community that is open to students from all backgrounds. It offers an exciting challenge for me to fnd opportunities to be of service to residence students and to gain a deeper understanding of my own faith,” says nutting. Rob joins King’s from Christ’s Church of the meadows in edmonton where he was a member of the pastoral team working specifcally in arts and music. Born and raised in grande Prairie, alberta, he holds a Bachelor of arts in Theology from Alberta Bible College in Calgary. While working at King’s he will be completing a Master of Christian Studies in Applied Theology from Regent College in Vancouver. “The residence experience is an essential part of the King’s experience,” says dr. eric mcintosh, Vice President for Student development. “Rob offers a fresh perspective on how King’s can strive to offer developmental opportunities that see each student thriving academically, socially and spiritually.”  30 + Cher 30 plus years in the english department at LESLIE ANN-hALES ongratulations to DR. LesLie-ANN HALes on King’s. dr. hales has retired but will continue to serve years King’s in an emerita position. Welcome Brett Roscoe and dr. elizabeth Wilson-gordon to the english department.  2 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012

FEATuRED ARTIclE King’s alumnus wins seat as mayor of Stony Plain ing’s alumnus WiLLiAM CHoy (’95 Ba Psych, ’97 B.ed.) Khas recently been elected to a new role as mayor of Stony Plain, alberta. On the heels of the election win, Josh noble sat down for an interview with the newly elected mayor. William Choy began his degree at King’s in 1992. While his interests were mainly focused on politics and economics, King’s did not yet offer the innovative Politics-history- economics (Phe) degree. instead, William pursued a Psychology degree and took as many political science courses as he was able. The years at King’s were formative for William as he began to develop a political ideology and outlook on the role of government. These years were highlighted by classes and conversations with one King’s professor in particular. “There were many important professors and community members, but one that stands out for me is dr. John hiemstra,” says Choy. “i was very interested in politics, even when i was at King’s 20 years ago, and he was a valued teacher. he was always willing to chat about the issues.” after graduating from King’s, William married his wife dara, who was also a teacher. dara and William have February three children, Kurtis (13), Branden (11), and Katie (7). in time, 2012, former William became more involved with the family business, Bing’s mayor of Stony Plain, Ken Lemke #1 Restaurant, where he is the third generation family member announced he was resigning from his position to to operate it. Working as a small business owner in Stony run for provincial offce. William decided to take the leap of faith Plain, William felt a profound desire to become involved in his and run for the position of mayor. On May 1 the citizens of Stony community. he began by volunteering at community events Plain rewarded William’s hard work in the community by electing and getting involved with community organizations such as the him as mayor of Stony Plain. in the months since the election, Rotary Club. Mayor Choy has been very busy with both his mayoral duties in 2007, in an effort to as well as the ongoing responsibilities of operating the family continue to serve his business. community, William We wish mayor Choy the best in his very busy life as husband, ran for town council father, mayor and business owner. yet another alumnus that has and was elected for us glowing with pride.  the frst time. he ran again in the 2010 municipal election and was elected for a second time. In The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012 /// 3

FEATuRED ARTIclE composing a legacy: honouring dr. Jacobus Kloppers ow do you honour a contribution as signifcant as the one hthat DR. JACobus (Kobie) KLoppeRs has made to King’s? how do you encapsulate his impact on students in one article? it simply can’t be done. as the last of the original six professors from 1979 still on staff at King’s, we attempt to honour dr. Kloppers as he ends his teaching career during the 2012-2013 academic year and continues his retirement. dr. Kloppers began teaching at King’s when the school was in its original location at the Wawanesa building on 108 street. he remembers faculty unloading the content of a new library into the basement (King’s got a great deal on purchasing 33,000 volumes from the former St. Patrick’s College in Ontario), having students travel to churches around edmonton to fnd organs to practice on, King’s struggling to get recognition and accreditation for all its courses/programs, and staff wearing many hats in those early years. Under dr. Kloppers’ direction as Chair of the music department from 1979 to 2008, it developed from a two-year Church music diploma to a three and four-year degree-granting program—in fact King’s became the frst Christian University College in Canada to offer a full four-year Bachelor of music. Later an after- degree artists’ diploma and Performer’s Certifcate were added. King’s moved from a temporary, second, rented campus on 97 Street to its current location where the music program obtained a performance space, the Knoppers hall. The school received the gift of the wonderful Letourneau pipe organ in the Knoppers hall from one of our supporters, durk de Jong. King’s cultivated a relationship of mutual respect with the University of Alberta department of music—no small feat in a ‘short’ 34 years. dr. Joachim Segger, now Chair of the music department, has taught Piano at King’s since its founding in 1979 and became a full-time faculty member in 1983. dr. Segger credits dr. Kloppers with changing the way he views teaching. “he brings a profound Christian perspective to the music program at King’s,” says dr. Segger. “his rich musicological approach ties music to philosophy, theology, sociology and even biology in a way not presented at many other institutions.” 4 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012

FEATuRED ARTIclE honouring dr. Jacobus Kloppers Born in South africa, dr. Kloppers credits god’s providence What students have to say with bringing his family to Canada in 1976. With no job offer and no job openings, he came directly to edmonton and shortly to sum up my memories of dr. Kloppers is a daunting after started at St John’s Anglican Church as the organist and “ task. on the other hand, choosing only one memory of him music director, a position he still holds today. is like trying to take a sip out of a fre hydrant.  Quite simply, growing up in a musical family, he began playing piano at the man is iconic.  He’s a living legend — a monument to the the age of six and took up the organ at 17. he completed a renaissance of the European art of organ from the twentieth Bachelor of arts and Bachelor of music honours degree at the century onward.  i can attest to this given the words of my University of Potchefstroom. In 1961 he received a scholarship doctoral adviser who, fabbergasted to learn that i had studied from the University of South Africa to study Applied Organ with dr. Kloppers, exclaimed “Kloppers? Jacobus Kloppers? ” at the Staatliche hochschule für musik in frankfurt am main the Kloppers? with Professor helmut Walcha and musicology at frankfurt University. after completing his Ph.d degree with a thesis on Leora Nauta (’08 B.Mus.) PhD Candidate, Universiteit Utrecht. the interpretation of Bach’s Organ music in 1966, he returned to South Africa to teach at the University of the Orange Free State “ a special highlight of attending King’s was having dr. before coming to Canada in 1976. Kloppers for a teacher. musicology, music History, and in addition to teaching at King’s, dr. Kloppers teaches organ organ lessons would not have been the same without his privately, and as a frequently-commissioned composer has expertise, passion and humour. But when university life created works for The South African Foundation for Creative got inevitably stressful, one thing stands out in my memory arts, the friends of the Winspear, the CBC, the Royal Canadian above everything else: coffee with dr. Kloppers. His warm College of Organists, various publishers and private sponsors. invitations for coffee and a chat helped to make the task of juggling student life with motherhood all the more bearable. Of his time at King’s, dr. Kloppers most enjoyed the challenge of building a music program from scratch. Alongside his His kindness and humour never failed to bring a smile to his colleagues from other disciplines, they worked collaboratively students and others, and King’s would not have been the ” with the collective goal of offering a high-quality Christian liberal same without him! arts education. Jenna Nydam (’10 B.Mus.) “My experience at King’s “ dr. Kloppers has been a signifcant fgure in my King’s has offered me a lifetime experience.  He was the frst person i met when considering the Bachelor of music program, and his impeccably genteel of rewarding relationships nature, quick wit and kind enthusiasm for students instantly nurturing students, won my heart.  He inspires respect and love from his students, which deepens with each year of study. He is the developing a music epitome of musical knowledge and simultaneous humility, combined with a treasure trove of witticisms that leave his program and sharing with class in stitches.  the music program is what it is today my colleagues the fruits of because of his vision and dedication; dr. Kloppers is truly a ” tribute to King’s.    Cara-Joy Roeseler (’10 B. Mus.) our labours.” says dr. Kloppers.  The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012 /// 5

Educating for Shalom: honouring President Fernhout ow do you measure the impact of a man on an institution? hBy the lives of the thousands of students who have graced its halls during his tenure? By the professors and administrative staff who have grown and thrived under his open, caring, focused leadership? By the supporting communities who have welcomed him into their churches and homes? There is a complex algorithm for calculating the impact a president has on a post-secondary institution. Add strategic insight and passionate leadership, subtract institutional struggles, multiply by institutional successes and compound that by the number of students positively impacted. Applying this algorithm to pResiDeNt DR. J. HARRy FeRNHout’s term at The King’s University College and the equation equals: leadership, passion for faith-based education, and a tireless commitment to King’s. President Fernhout has announced he is retiring at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year, after eight years with the institution. in his time at King’s, he has overseen the development of the 2010-2015 Strategic direction, clarifed the mission and vision of the institution, and nurtured a positive relationship with senior leadership, faculty, staff and students. he has also been an effective spokesman for the independent Academic Institutions sector with government offcials and departments, secured federal infrastructure funding and presided over the highest fall enrolment ever. 6 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012

FEATuRED ARTIclE EducAtING FoR ShALom ShALom At woRK in his inaugural address, President fernhout called for King’s to The approach of ‘education for Shalom’ resonated with faculty. make its contribution to higher learning by means of ‘education In his inaugural speech President Fernhout also called for for Shalom’. Shalom is the hebrew word for peace but also high academic achievement both for faculty in their individual means justice, fulfllment and delight. President fernhout spoke research, and as they educate students in the context of a faith- of shalom as, “a vision of every creature in community with based institution. every other, living in harmony and security toward the joy and “he has been very supportive of both senior academic well-being for all.” leadership and our faculty,” says Professor of Chemistry “King’s should stand out as a place of such delight,” President dr. Peter mahaffy. President fernhout has been a tireless fernhout said in his address. “Celebrating shalom, promoter of the work of our faculty with students the wonder and well-being of the cosmos including teaching, research, and mentoring.” wherever we can fnd it. This is an during President fernhout’s term he essential part of our Christian has applauded faculty successes witness in the wide world “dr. fernhout including dr. Peter mahaffy’s 3m of higher education. May is a man of personal Teaching award, dr. Kristopher we never become Ooms, dr. Joe hoffert and dr. complacent about the warmth and Godly integrity andrew Tappenden’s national delight of learning.” who has built a reputation Science and engineering ‘education for Shalom’ Research Council discovery, is the driving philosophy of trust for King’s. he has a and continued grants guiding President Fernhout high regard for the school and funding for The King’s in his actions at King’s, Centre for Visualization in including the development is sensitive of the morale of Science, just to name a of the 2010-2015 Strategic the institution and as a result few. he celebrates success, direction. This document welcomes new faculty and – cited by many as an King’s has a good, warm is a model of meaningful important part of President atmosphere.” involvement in the lives of fernhout’s legacy – rejuvenated students. the institutional vision for King’s. – Don Harder, Superintendent, during his time at King’s, the It has been the driving force behind Evangelical Free Church institution has received consistently the focus on our vision and mission, of Canada high marks from the student surveys on increasing student enrolment and done by the Globe and Mail and by making changes in administrative departments macLean’s. King’s has been a leader in its including the creation of advancement, and a strong sector with “top of the class” grades for Student- focus on fscal stewardship. faculty interaction, Class Size, Quality of Teaching and most Satisfed Students in the Globe & Mail Canadian University “We are thankful for the excellent leadership that he has given to King’s during his tenure,” says Board Chair Bill diepeveen. Report. King’s received top marks in the entire country for “in his years at King’s, dr. fernhout has led the development nurturing students as reported in macLean’s magazine. as of a comprehensive fve-year Strategic Plan and created a well there have been many program successes including, the decentralized leadership structure in a positive climate of environmental studies program being granted professional support and recognition. “ accreditation from environmental Careers Organization (eCO) (the frst program of its kinds to receive this commendation in Canada), education faculty saw the addition of the secondary education program, Politics-history-economics (Phe) program was created, and Computing Science was restructured with the hiring of new professors. The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012 /// 7

FEATuRED ARTIclE “There is no REAchING out to thE commuNIty question that in addition to leading King’s on campus, President fernhout has been involved in the community. he is Chairperson for dr. fernhout has been the independent academic institutions Council, acting as an a leader in Christian higher effective spokesman representing the interest of all Alberta independent institutions to the government. he has also been education. his collegial nature involved with the Campus Alberta Interim Working Group and is the chairman of the Christian higher education Council. he was and wise approach to discussions instrumental in pushing to have faith-based institutions included have made a tremendous impact in apply alberta, the online application system for alberta post- secondary institutions. not only to King’s, but also faith- he has also represented King’s widely, whether on the Cabinet based institutions across for the Capital Region United Way Campaign in edmonton, or throughout alberta and across Canada visiting donors, other Canada.” Christian institutions, or delivering sermons at churches. – Dr. Jonathan Raymond, President, President Fernhout holds a master of philosophy degree from Trinity Western University the institute for Christian Studies (iCS) in Toronto and a Phd in Philosophy of education from the University of Toronto. Prior to coming to King’s, he served as president of the iCS for 15 years. he and his wife hilda have four children and seven grandchildren. In large part the institution continues to see academic and administrative achievement because, as ellen Vlieg-Paquette, Vice President of administration and finance states, “he A FoNd FAREwELL brought renewal and reconciliation to King’s faculty and staff. While President Fernhout is looking forward to spending more he is a true servant leader.” dr. harry Spaling, Vice President time with his grandchildren, children and wife, he knows that academic from 2006-2011, echoed that statement commenting he will miss the community of colleagues and friends he and on the high level of trust he had in senior administration and hilda have at King’s. “When we arrived in edmonton, hilda and how that allowed faculties and administrative departments to I felt embraced by the King’s community. Singing in the King’s work together towards a rejuvenated vision for King’s. Community Choir, attending King’s events, and getting to know President Fernhout’s approach to his presidency has endeared staff and faculty have been the highlight of our time here. We him to many students. he can regularly be found, with hilda his will be sad to leave the community but will forever be grateful for wife by his side, at King’s eagles games, weekly noon Tunes our experience.” concerts, and music concerts. his dedication to students’ well- Over the next months, King’s will be taking time to honour, being has earned him the endearing nickname, Uncle harry. commemorate and give thanks for the impact President “although ‘President’ is a distinguished status for any individual, Fernhout has had. “We will be sending him off with a great students at King’s took it upon themselves to rename their deal of thankfulness and gratitude,” says Board Vice-Chair Jim beloved President dr. J. harry fernhout, and bestow upon Visser. “he came to King’s and provided the kind of leadership him an even greater title: Uncle,” says Kevin Bandstra (’12 B. we needed right when we needed it. his abilities and gifts have Comm). “This metamorphic-name-change from ‘President’ to been a blessing to King’s.”  ‘Uncle’ was an organic transformation that cannot be credited only to the clever group of students who coined the term, but also to the remarkable man who has spent years embodying what King’s is all about. Uncle harry gained the respect and love of students through his continual commitment to student well-being, his respect for all people, his willing participation in any event or shenanigans, and his contagious faith in the Lord.” 8 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012

FEATuRED ARTIclE campus ministry enlivens worship with drama orship is an essential part of the King’s experience. WIt offers students an opportunity to grow their faith along with their academic development. Campus ministers JuLiANNe giLCHRist and tiM WooD, together with their campus worship team, work to explore every opportunity to connect the King’s community in worship. Campus Ministry will be inspiring worship with the assistance of a worship renewal grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. The $14,000 grant will be used throughout the 2012- 2013 academic year to examine the use of drama in worship. The project includes a one-day conference with playwright Jeff Barker to explore basic skills in creative presentations of scripture. also, a group of student and campus ministers will travel to the 2013 Calvin Symposium on Worship in January. Throughout the year, drama and worship will be explored and refected in weekly chapel services. “Our enthusiastic drama team and the nurturing, creative environment at King’s, made this project a natural ft,” says Tim Wood. “The project allows the community to participate in the renewal and reconciliation of the dramatic arts in worship. It also provides opportunity for worship to be a place of inspiration to see who God is and what God might be doing in the world around us. ” King’s strong community embraces diverse denominational “i’m grateful to Tim, Julianne and backgrounds striving to connect all of life with our Christian faith. This project asks people from different backgrounds to the campus ministry team for engage drama in worship in new ways with the hope that the tackling this project in order to community will be strengthened, says Wood. The focus on strengthening community is not only for the beneft of the King’s enrich King’s spiritual formation community, but also for the greater church community. Through and grow our collective identity the public one-day workshop, and through students bringing what they have learned back to the community, the aim is to in Christ. I’m also grateful to have more than just the King’s community see the value of using the Calvin Institute of Christian dramatic arts in worship. “We hope that the worshiping community at King’s comes to Worship and Lilly endowment encounter god and each other in new ways in worship, that Inc. for their valuable support of we would hear and see the Gospel in ways that breathe new this project.” life into us as individuals and as a community,” says Julianne Gilchrist. “We hope that we will be challenged and that we – Dr. Eric McIntosh, Vice President for Student Development would be surprised at how god might speak to us.”  The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012 /// 9

FEATuRED ARTIclE Baffed by Climate NEw INtERActIvE tooLS dEmyStIFy ScIENcE BEhINd GLoBAL chALLENGE Change? 10 /// The King’s Connection /// Fall 2012

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