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Home Explore Academy of Sunday School Teachers

Academy of Sunday School Teachers

Published by Alan S.L. WONG, 2016-07-11 22:03:28

Description: Overview of ASST training courses


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August 2016Academy ofSundaySchoolTeachersASST is a training ministry of CEF Singapore

What is CEF Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centred, worldwide organization, comprising of born-again believers whose purpose is to • evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, • disciple them in the Word of God and • establish them in the local Church. Presently, we have ministries in 195 out of 208 countries. In 1970, CEF reached the shores of Singapore and was officially established in March 1977.

What is ASSTThe Academy of Sunday School Teachers (ASST) was launchedin February 2014. The acronym ASST (pronounced “assist”)embodies our mission to assist teachers to reach and teachchildren. Our vision is for Sunday School to be more than astrategy to nurture children in our churches. It should also be astrategy to grow – by reaching out to children beyond the wallsof the church.In our vision, we visualise a vibrant Sunday School where ...• children desire to come• they have fun and learn about God• their lives are being transformed• the number of children are growing

Bible TrackASST is launching a 2-year training programme for Sunday School teachers whowant to strengthen their grasp of the Bible as well as the principles and methodsfor teaching children effectively. It comprises of two tracks, the Bible track and theMethods track.Children love stories and so we teach Bible stories to children.But for many teachers, these stories are isolated andunconnected. Few have grasped the BIG Story of God – whatHe had done and will do to save man.Through the four modules in the Bible Track, we seek to presentGod as the controller of history and the future, and show howthe individual stories fit together in His plan to redeem man.Only when we begin to understand that God is working out Hisplan, will we seek to know how we can play a part. It is onlythen that we will be excited to serve Him, the sovereign God,the Alpha and the Omega.

Modules in the Bible Track Flow of OT History Trace the chronological storyline of the OT through 11 historical books 10 sessions, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm, 6 Jul – 7 Sep 2017, Fee: $150 Life & Ministry of Jesus Christ Learn life lessons as you follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ 7 sessions, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm, 16 Feb – 6 Apr 2017, Fee: $105 Acts of the Apostles Coming soon in 2018 Book of Revelation Coming soon in 2018Invitation to children’s ministry pastors, staff, SS superintendents anddepartment heads - Register for a FREE preview of ASST courses tofind out more about course contents, learning objectives andinstructors to decide if ASST is the appropriate training vehicle foryour Sunday School teachers.Register at

Methods TrackASST is launching a 2-year training programme for Sunday School teachers who want tostrengthen their grasp of the Bible as well as the principles and methods for teaching childreneffectively. It comprises of two tracks, the Bible track and the Methods track.It is one thing to know the subject matter thoroughly butanother thing to know how to teach it to children effectively.We seek to address the latter in the Methods Track. Effectiveteachers teach in such a way that a complicated subject is madesimple and that their students can understand and grow to lovewhat they love; and for Sunday School teachers, it is our love forour LORD and His word. Training makes a difference “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening my axe.” Abraham Lincoln

Modules in the Methods Track Who Are We Teaching? Knowing the children you are teaching is key to making real the Word of God to them 5 sessions, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm, 5 Jan – 9 Feb 2017, Fee: $75 What Do They Need to Learn? Coming soon in 2018 Training Kids to Reach Out Coming soon in 2018 Teaching Children Effectively 1 Learn methods and skills to evangelize children and begin an outreach ministry 16 sessions, Mon and Thu 7.30-9.30pm, 18 Sep – 9 Nov 2017, Fee: $240Invitation to children’s ministry pastors, staff, SS superintendents anddepartment heads - Register for a FREE preview of ASST courses tofind out more about course contents, learning objectives andinstructors to decide if ASST is the appropriate training vehicle foryour Sunday School teachers.Register at

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