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Home Explore Neutroplast 2018

Neutroplast 2018

Published by bruno.dolbeth, 2018-01-23 11:15:32

Description: New lines

Keywords: Neutroplast,new lines,new communication,2018


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ABOUT The Pill Bottle Company & More NEUTROPLAST, leading company in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food packaging sector, with a consolidated experience of 24 years, is already known for his queston constant innovation and new techniques that guarantee the improvement of the packaging solutions. It was this knowledge that guaranteed the growth of itsinternational network of partners and customers present in more than 30 countries

NEUTROPLAST MARKETS Pharma Cosmetics Nutraceuticals With a clear commitment of quality Combining our know-how and Boosted by the and excellence with the experience within the pharma segment growth of neutraceuticals pharmaceutical market, and the fact that this sector gathers and our capacity of development the same requirements as theNeutroplast, gathers certifications that of differentiated products we can pharma segment, we have guarantee and attest the integrity developed solutions that match of their productive processes. today ensure the cosmetics the needs of this market the other core market

NEUTROPLAST GIVES YOU QUALITY, EXPERIENCE AND AVAILABILITY409 800M 8760/Year Clients Produced Packaging Worked HoursCompetitive Prices International Certification Custom Packaging


PILLS Environment iso 8 It is not in vain that Neutroplast is named as the Pill Bottle Company.

Security Guaranteed Solid Forms SnapTop Option Our Pill Bottlesare engineered to safety pack any type of solid forms.

DROPPERS IODO Neutroplast may be known Our dropper bottles are available in numerousBOTTLE as the Pill Bottle Company, sizes and colours and can be equipped with two yet the demand for our Droppers types of droppers, a standard cap, or even a child has recently boomed. proof cap in order to guarantee an excellent user friendly product.

BOSTON With the Tall Boston line Neutroplast has extended its line of liquid-purposed plastic bottles which fit the widelyThis line can be equippedwith most 28 caps available in the market. used 24-410 sized Caps and Pumps.Moreover Neutroplast can also supply a specialspout in order to reduce the sizeof the diameter, while our dosage cups canfit over the caps.



PDP The D18 line was specifically designed for small dosage application while the D20 line offersSuitable for solutions with andwithout preservatives nasal, a more complete set of bottles which goes upbuccal, ear and topical solutions to 100ml. Neutroplast´s Precision Dosage Pump bottles are availa- ble for D18 Screw-On Pumps or D20 Snap-On Pumps. D18 D18 D18

DOSING Our dosing line offers 2 options, cups and spoons, where the cups perfectly adapt to the majority You can opt by choosing our spoon of the caps available in the market. which is ideal for small dosages or our cups which can go until 25ml. Cups until 25ml Spoons until 5 ml Standard materials without bisphenol or phthalates 0120 0120

CLEAN ROOMS ISO 8As well as the assembly process, the service features havealso been present in the company’s scoope of activity for along time. Service features are composed by:-Packaging certification;-Cap certification;-CE Marking;-Permeability Tests;-Water Proof- Tightness Tests;-Sterilization;These services combined with the rest of all the packagingrelated skills that Neutroplast as to offer throughout itsscope of activity, makes Neutroplast much more than aregular packaging producer, it makes Neutroplast afully-equipped and full-service supplier. Additionally, we can also offer other specific services in order to meet our costumers needs.

Printing up to 6 colors Our services Three from the TOP 5 pharmaceutical companies of the world use our printing services. Ask why!Pad Printing Project ConsultingPad print is used with flat sided bottles We want to be more than a supplier. We wantyet just as important as printing be your partner in optimizing your processes,on flat bottles, Neutroplast can also usethis technology for the printing of caps. register products and fulfill all requirements of certification. Neutroplast supports the development ofSilk Screen your products and helps in the definition of your project.Neutroplast products are round or oval, therefore, With our expertise, we can aid you in allit is essential to have this technology in order to offer a phases of your project.complete job for any customer who desires to prepare hisproducts with printing. Specialized service We offer you a prothotipage technique that allows you to quickly test your product and make the best decisions. With the after-sales service, Neutroplast aims to the satisfaction of its customers, strengthening trust, credibility and security.


The companyMISSION VISION VALUES Develop and produce We want to continue to be Fexibilitypackaging with high quality, recognized as leaders Transparency Consistency with strong ethical values, in the production of packaging. Audacity safely and respecting The constant improvement of our Integrity the environment. products and services for customers will be therefore our way. Values

Thank you so much for your time Ana Redol Directeur Commercial +351 927 361 [email protected] C Copyright NEUTROPLAST 2017 All rights reserved

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