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Home Explore Degrees of Comparison

Degrees of Comparison

Published by diahwahyup7, 2021-08-14 12:03:31

Description: It's the first material that you will get in senior high school grade IX in the first semester

Keywords: Degrees of comparison


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DDeeggrreeeess OOff CCoommppaarriissoonn Diah Wahyu P (1888203008) Pend. Bahasa Inggris

Degrees of Comparison is a kind of a comparison used to compare something with another thing or with the others using adjective to compare. There are three ways you can compare adjectives :  Positive  Comparative  Superlative

The Kind of Degrees Comparison  Positive Degree : Positive degree harus digunakan bersama correlative conjunction “as … as”. - Example : - Irene is as pretty as Suzy. (Irene sama cantiknya dengan Suzy.) - My little sister is as tall as me. (Adik perempuan saya sama tingginya dengan saya.)

 Comperative Degree One Syllabel Adjective Two Syllabel Adjective Big Bigger Carefull More Carefull Wise Wiser Slowly More Slowly Sad Sadder Peaceful More Peaceful Example : Example : Max is wiser than his brother Snails move more slowly than starfish.

 Superlative Degree Thin Thinnest Large Largest Rich Richest Handsome Most handsome Beautiful Most beautiful Example : • New York is the largest of all American cities. • Who is the most diligent students here?

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