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Home Explore Dispensing intro 64

Dispensing intro 64

Published by Karunrat Tewthanom, 2021-11-26 14:06:17

Description: Dispensing intro 64


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1.Correct drug Appropriate indication Appropriate drug Appropriate dosage Appropriate patients Correct dispensing Compliance

Diagnosis: Essential (Primary) Hypertension I: Indication → ACEI/ ARB, CCB, Beta blockers All drugs can use in Hypertension E: Efficacy → All drugs have similar efficacy . However, ACEI/ ARB have reno protective property and useful in patients with DM

S: Safety → Betablocker is not appropriate in patients with asthma, in patients with DM it can mask hypoglycemia symptoms. A: Adherence → All drugs can take once daily. C: Cost → (Cost effectiveness study reveal that ACEI/ARB have the most cost-effectiveness.

TIPs to find 1)Chief complain (CC) à Symptoms (Therapeutic/safety monitoring) out DRPs 2)Past medical history (PMH) à Chronic Disease from 3)Drug allergy history à Preventable ADRs* prescription 4)Medication history à Drug Interaction 5)Failure to receive medication à Compliance 6)Adverse drug reactions à Safety monitoring * ADR = S/E + Drug Allergy

Dispensing is an important process to Conclusion provide appropriate medicine to the patients The dispensing process must under Good Dispensing practice to prevent medication error or medication misadvanture Pharmacist is one of healthcare profession who has an important role in dispensing process

Lab Direction For Assignment of the following situation Identify the problems Design the model for solving the problems Presentation the idea and discussion in class

Lab Scenario Sec 1 Sec 2 Assignment 1 1-5 16-20 2 6-10 21-25 3 26-30 11-15

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