Body Systems By: Kiley Overstreet
All body Systems!!!1.) Integumentary System2.) Musculoskeletal system3.) Special senses4.) Urinary system5.) Digestive system6.) Nervous system7.) Cardiovascular system8.) Respiratory system
Integumentary System
Roles➔ Skin first line of defense against disease, UV rays, and pathogens➔ Helps control temperature and offers protection to the organs➔ keeps body fluids➔ Gets rid of the waste product➔ Sensory perception➔ Homestatisis➔ Makes of vitamin D➔ Stores fats, sugar, water, vitamin, and salt➔ Soaks up medications (transdermal medication)
Terms❖ derm/o, dermat/o- skin❖ kerat/o-cornea, hard, horney tissue❖ xer/o- yellow❖ erythr/o- red❖ onych/o- fingernail, toenail❖ myc/o- fungus❖ pil/o- hair❖ lip/o- fat, lipid❖ rhytid/o- wrinkle❖ albin/o- white
Vocabularry 1. Mascule- flat spot on the skin such as freckle 2. Sebaceous glands- oil glands that open to hair follicle 3. Epidermis- the first layer of skin, cells constantly shed and replaced by new cells 4. Sudoriferous glands- sweat glands 5. Dermis- second layer of skin, holds connective tissue such as nerves, hair glands, hair follicles 6. Papule- firm raised area such as pimple 7. Acne vulgaris- inflammation of sebaceous glands 8. Crust- areas of dried pus and blood like crabs 9. Vesicle- blisters or fluid filled sac like chickenpox10. Wheals- itchy elevated areas with weird shapes like insect bites
Diseases ● Eczema- non contagious inflammatory ● Athlete's foot - contagious fungal infection ● Psoriasis- chronic, non-contagious, inherited skin disease ● Dermatitis- inflammation of the skin caused by an irritant
Health careers★ Plastic surgeon- perform cosmetic surgeries that help change what you look likeSalary- $317,000Education- medical school, residency (3 to 6 years), then you are required to receiveyour license★ dermatologist - doctors who diagnose and treat ailments of the largest organ of the human body and help encourage patients on achieving healthy skinSalary- $300,000Education- undergrad school, medical school, internship, and residency
Musculoskeletal system
RolesMuscles➔ Makes movement possible➔ Moves blood through veins via muscles contraction➔ Makes body heat➔ Secretion released from ducts➔ Allows organs to function, moves through digestive systemSkeletal➔ Bones act as framework of the body➔ Stores calcium➔ Blood production➔ Bones act as support and protect internal organs➔ Joints make movement possible with help from muscle, ligaments, and tendons
Key terms❖ my/o- muscle❖ oste/o- bone❖ myel/o- marrow, spinal cord❖ cost/o- rib❖ crani/o- skull❖ -pexy- surgical fixation❖ chondr/o-cartilage❖ arthr/o- joint❖ -plegia- paralysis❖ kinesi/o- movement
Vocab 1. Synovial joints- movable joints of the body, such as ball and socket and hinge 2. Ball socket- allow a wide range of movement in marry directions 3. Hinge- allow movement either way 4. Red bone marrow- in the spongy bone, manufactures red and white blood cells 5. Antagonistic muscle pairs- they work in opposition of each other, one muscle produces movement in one direction and the other muscle produces movement in the opposite direction 6. Range of motion- the change in joint position produced by muscle movements 7. Abduction- movement away from the midline 8. Adduction- movement toward the midline 9. Muscle fibers- muscles composed of long, slender cells10. tendons -attach muscles to bones
Diseases ● Muscular dystrophy- group of inherited muscular disorders that cause muscle weakness without affecting the nervous system-2 types-Duchenne MD (DMD)- progressive muscle generation-Becker’s MD (BMD)- chronic muscle degeneration; progression is slower ● Osteoporosis- marked by loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity ● Repetitive stress disorder- symptoms caused by the same use of motions that involve muscles, tendons, nerves and joints
Health Careers❖ Orthopedic surgeon- perform surgery to address trauma, tumors, injuries, infections and other conditions requiring surgical intervention on the musculoskeletal systemSalary- $247,750Education- M.D. degree and 4-5 years of residency❖ Rheumatologist- arthritis, autoimmune disease, pain disorders affecting joints, and osteoporosissalary-$224,000Education- M.D. Degree, 3 years of internal medication, and internship❖ Chiropractic- care for patients with health problems of the neuromusculoskeletal, which includes nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They use spinal adjustments, manipulation, and other techniques to manage patients health concerns such as back and neck painSalary- $63,440Education- undergraduate degree, then chiropractor school
Special senses
Roles5 senses-sight-hearing-taste-smell-touch
Key Terms➔ ind/o- iris of the eye➔ -iopia- vision condition➔ -cusis- hearing➔ -ot/o- hearing, ear➔ tympan/o- tympanic membrane, eardrum➔ ophthalm/o- eye, vision➔ -metry- to measure
Vocab 1. Cerumen- waxy substance which protects the ear 2. Cochlea- receptors for hearing 3. Otalgia- pain in the ear 4. The middle ear- transmits sound wave to the inner ear 5. Lacrimal sac- tear sac 6. Tympanic membrane- transmits sound wave to the inner ear 7. Eustachian tube- allows fluid to drain 8. Auditory nerve- transmits sound waves to your brain 9. Gustatory cells- specific neurons that respond to chemicals in saliva10. Papillae- taste buds located on the tongue
Diseases1. Conjunctivitis- inflammation of the eye; pink eye2. Cataracts- eye lens become cloudy associated with age3. Vertigo- severe sense of dizziness, causes nausea4. Eustachitis- inflammation of eustachian tubes
CareersAudiologist- test patients hearing and balance, identifycause ● Education- doctoral or professional degree ● Salary- $69,730Optometrist- perform vision tests and analyze results, alsodiagnosis problems ● Education- doctoral or professional degree ● Salary- $97,820
Nervous system
rolesNervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord,sensory organs, and all of these nerves that connect theseorgans with the rest of the body. These organs are not onlyresponsible for the control among the body but also thecommunication throughout the body.
Key Terms➔ neur/o- nerves➔ encephal/o- brain➔ myel/o- spinal cord➔ ambul/o- walk➔ -esthesia- sensation➔ mening/o- meninges; membrane➔ psych/o- mind➔ concuss/o- shaken together
vocabulary 1. Neurons- cells that transmit impulses 2. Connective tissue-provides support for the body and connects its part 3. Nervous tissue- transmits nerve impulses throughout the body 4. Muscle tissue- enable the body to move with the help of bones 5. Meninges- connective tissue wrapping the brain and the spinal cord 6. Osteocytes- mature bone cells in a bone matrix 7. osteoclasts - bone cells that produce new bone cells 8. Yellow bone marrow- made of fat cells 9. Cartilage- flexible bone tissue10. Somatic nervous system- regulates conscious activities11. Autonomic nervous system- regulates involuntary activities
Diseases1. poliomyelitis - a highly infectious viral disease, can cause paralysis2. Meningitis- inflammation typical caused by an infection3. Stroke- damage of the brain because of an interruption of its blood supply4. Multiple sclerosis- a chronic disease that damages the nerves in the spinal cord
careers-Neurologist- someone who studies the nervous system-A.M.D who diagnoses and treats disorders of the nervoussystem
Urinary system
rolesRemoves liquid waste in the form of urine
Key terms➔ -cele- hernia, tumor, swelling➔ -lysis- breakdown, separation➔ cyst/o- urinary bladder➔ nephr/o- kidney➔ ren/o- kidney➔ -uria-urination, urine➔ -pexy- surgical fixation➔ -ectasis- stretching, dilation➔ pyel/o- renal pelvis
Vocab 1. calix - cup like collecting region of the renal pelvis 2. Catheter- tube injecting or removing fluids 3. Meatus- opening or canal 4. Renal artery- blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney 5. Renal vein- blood vessel that carries blood away from the kidney and to the heart 6. Renal pelvis- central collection region of the kidney 7. Trigone- triangular area in the urinary bladder 8. urethra - tube leading from the urinary bladder to outside of the body 9. Uric acid- nitrogenous waste excreted in urine10. Urination- process of expelling urine
diseases1. Bladder cancer- cancer that begins in the bladder2. Chronic kidney disease- when kidneys lead to renal failure3. Nephritis- inflammation of the kidney4. pyelitis - inflammation of the renal pelvis
careers ● Gynecologist- a surgeon that specializes in diseases of the female genital tract and women’s health ● Nephrollogist- a medical doctor who specializes in kidney care and treating diseases of the kidneys
Digestive system
RolesBreaks down food into small molecules which are laterabsorbed into the body
Key terms➔ cholecyst/o- gall bladder➔ enter/o- small intestine➔ col/o, colon/o- colon, large intestine➔ nepat/o- liver➔ gastr/o- stomach, belly➔ or/o- mouth oral activity➔ -pepsia- digest, digestion➔ chol/e- gall➔ proct/o- anus and rectum
vocabulary 1. Pharynx- common passage for food and air 2. Tongue- organ that mixes the food in the mouth 3. Rugae- fold of the stomach mucosa 4. Colon- primarily involved in water absorption 5. Oral cavities- region that is invaded by the physical breakdown of food 6. Haustra- saclike outpocketings of large intestine wall 7. Soft palate-uvula hangs from its posterior edge 8. Vestibule- area between the lips/ cheeks 9. Anal canal- region containing two sphincters10. Plicae circulares- folds of the small intestine wall
Diseases1. Crohn’s disease- a disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract2. Gallstones- a hardened deposit within the fluid in the gallbladder3. Hemorrhoids- swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that cause discomfort and bleeding4. Ulcerative colitis- a bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract
Careers ● Hepatologist- a specialist in the study of the liver ● Gastroenterologist- a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Nervous system
Rolesthe special sensory receptors for sight and hearing locatedin large and complex sensory organs; the eyes and the ears
Key terms❖ neur/o- nerves❖ encephal/o- brain❖ myel/o- spinal cord❖ amby/o- walk❖ -esthesia- sensation; feeling❖ mening/o- meninges; membrane❖ psych/o- mind❖ concuss/o- shaken together
Vocabulary ● Neurons- cells that transmit impulses ● Connective tissue-provides support for the body and connects its part ● Nervous tissue- transmits nerve impulses throughout the body ● Muscle tissue- enable the body to move with the help of bones ● Meninges-connective tissue wrapping the brain and the spinal cord ● Osteocytes-mature bone cells in a bone matrix ● Osteoclasts- bone cells that produce new bone cells ● Yellow bone marrow- made of fat cells ● Cartilage- more flexible bone tissue ● Somatic nervous system- part of motor division ● Autonomic nervous system- part of motor division; regulates involuntary activities
Diseases1. myopia - a condition that affects the optic nerve2. Optic atrophy- a condition that affects the optic nerve3. conjunctivitis - inflammation or infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball and inner eyelids4. Astigmatism- nonuniform curvature of the cornea
Careers❖ Optometrist- primary health care providers that examine, diagnose, manage and treat diseases of the visual system❖ Otolaryngologist- physician trained in the medical and surgical and treatment of patients with diseases of the ear, nose and throat
Cardiovascular system
RolesStructures work together as an efficient pumping to all bodytissues without the use of oxygen and nutrients to transportcellular waste to the appropriate organs for removal fromthe body
Key terms 1. cardi/o- heart 2. angi/o- blood vessel 3. hem/o, hemat/o- blood 4. Brady- slow 5. thromb/o- clot 6. Tachy- fast 7. -emia- blood 8. leuk/o- white 9. erythr/o- red, red blood cells10. arteri/o- artery
Vocabulary ● phlebitis - inflammation of vein ● Anemia- lack of red blood cells ● Pulmonary circulation- refers to blood flow just with lungs to heart ● Fibrillation- rapid and random contraction of heart ● EKG- can be seen as wave movements; activities heart condition ● Systemic circulation- includes entire blood flow to body- heart ● Cardiac arrhythmia- loss of normal rhythm of the heartbeat ● Palpitation- pounding of the heartbeat ● Anemia- blood condition having low blood levels of RBC ● Cholesterol-consists of lipids that travel in blood in packages
Diseases❖ Myocardial infarction(MI)- heart attack; resulting of an occluded coronary artery❖ Heart murmur- sound of the heart makes when there's a lack of blood flow❖ Congestive heart failure(CHF)- condition in which the heart is unstable to pump enough blood flow to the whole body which causes kidneys to malfunction
Careers1. Cardiologist- specializes in diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases in cardiovascular system that includes heart and blood vessels ● Education- medical school for 4 years, internal medicine residency for 3 years, cardiology fellowship for 2 to 3 years ● Salary-$512,0002. EKG technician- uses a ECG machine and later analyzes the patientscondition ● Education- on the job training without completing a formal degree ● salary-$50,000