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Home Explore Introduction to Scrum v1.1 pdf test

Introduction to Scrum v1.1 pdf test

Published by mark.waller, 2021-03-22 10:55:39

Description: Introduction to Scrum v1.1 pdf test

Keywords: Agile,Scrum


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Introduction to Scrum DEPARTMENT Mark Waller NAMEMar-2021 v1.0 DATE

Introduction to Scrum - Agenda Timings Session Expected outcome Process 15:00  1 min individual update Welcome  Reflections on videos  What you would like to get from today’s  Video, discussion, Q&A 15:10 Mindset versus Practice  Video, discussion, Q&A 15:30 Introduction to Scrum; part I session  Agile vs Scrum  Overview of Scrum framework 16:00 Break  Practical exercise  Working Group 16:10 Product backlog  Overview of Scrum framework  Discussion & Q&A 16.30 Introduction to Scrum; part II  Practical exercise  Working Group 16:45 Retrospective 16:55 Wrap up and close

Being Agile Our future goals are clear | 3 | INTERNAL USE ONLY

Being Agile – manifesto values “Being Agile” doesn’t mean throwing out all rules and processes. “Being Agile” does mean working in a lightweight, highly responsive way so that you deliver your product or services in the way the customer wants and at that time the customer needs them. • Teams and the • Getting working • Customer • Continuously way they work solutions in the centricity and inspect, review together hands of your validation of and adapt determines customer is the value is key success highest priority • Welcome • Communicating feedback always • No silos and no • Outcomes over regularly with hierarchies outputs your customer is • Deliver what is essential to truly required – this • Open honest, • Focus only on understand their may not be what ideally F2F items that add needs and if you you originally communication is customer value are delivering on planned key them

Being Agile • Customer centric – communicate, review, feedback • Experimenting and Learning • Inspecting and adapting • Outcomes (‘delighting’ our customer) over outputs (here’s our ‘product’) • Not a prescriptive approach – mind-set, behaviours, values & principles • What you need is a framework that helps you to practice Agile in a way that works for you 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY

Doing Agile - Scrum mind-set customer thinking Behaviour centric SAFe Values Principles Being Agile Doing Agile Frameworks Scrum Lean DevOps Kanban Roles Scrum product Development master owner team Events Sprint Sprint standup review retrospective Artefacts Planning Tools sprint PSPI Kanban product backlog Board backlog planning Definition poker User of Done stories 6 INTERNAL USE ONLY

Scrum…brings Agile to life Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team Development Team Scrum Team plus wider stakeholders Product Backlog SPRINT Planning SPRINT with regular check-ins SPRINT Review Task list 15 mins 2 weeks What have we delivered? SPRINT Retrospective How we delivered? = Product Owner = Scrum Master = Development Team

Scrum…brings Agile to life • Product Owner – decides what 8 INTERNAL USE ONLY comes into the product backlog • Understand the ask/user story • Clear on value and ‘definition of done’ • If unsure PO should go back to customer • Development Team – decides what comes into a sprint backlog • PO proposes based on value order/level of detail • DT must understand ask/user story/DoD • DT have appreciation of effort required • DT Agree it’s deliverable in sprint timebox • If unsure DT discusses with PO then decides • Only work on what adds most value, is understood and can be delivered

Introduction to Scrum - Agenda Timings Session Expected outcome Process 15:00  1 min individual update Welcome  Reflections on videos  What you would like to get from today’s  Video, discussion, Q&A 15:10 Mindset versus Practice  Video, discussion, Q&A 15:30 Introduction to Scrum; part I session  Agile vs Scrum  Overview of Scrum framework 16:00 Break  Practical exercise  Working Group 16:10 Product backlog  Overview of Scrum framework  Discussion & Q&A 16.30 Introduction to Scrum; part II  Practical exercise  Working Group 16:45 Retrospective 16:55 Wrap up and close

Scrum…brings Agile to life Let’s practice taking an item into our G&M product backlog: Risk mgt tool update: •Combined risk priorities and likelihood elements 1. Do we understand the •Some links in file to be updated [RL] ask/deliverable? •Impact tool re: employee, customer, business •How are updates communicated? - communal in WS - All Sponsors channel within 2. Can we come up with a ‘definition teams of done’? •Structure, timelines and process for updates to agree and map e.g. master file in WS - All Sponsors channel? 3. How valuable is the item •Communications to all sponsors re: risk tool hats to wear e.g. comm's relatively? •G&M contacts for other streams to be agreed [Andy] •Beginning with workstreams then tackle customer segments later 4. How much effort is required? Governance: •Feedback mechanism for workstreams using G&M tools tbd •Team learning required before we launch - timelines to be agreed •Tools not mandatory but uptake encouraged and governance needs to be followed regardless of which tool is used Measurement: •Metrics established by end of April-21 •Progress tracker completed/kept up to date throughout 2021 •Change plan to incorporate G&M measurement items for tracking and review •Andy and Mark to meet on change plan as template for others •How do we capture decisions and time-frames? AOB: •Training day for agile/Scrum as next team meeting •Teams training •Tools testing •Early retrospective for team on how we are working: good, tricky, different, puzzling? | 10 | INTERNAL USE ONLY

Scrum…brings Agile to life Item (ask/deliverable) Definition of Done Value score Effort score As Sponsor of G&M workstream..I Customer and customer’s customer want a risk management tool…so accepts tool that..all strategic workstreams can identify risks and barriers to delivery | 11 | INTERNAL USE ONLY


Scrum…brings Agile to life Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team Development Team Scrum Team plus wider stakeholders Product Backlog SPRINT Planning SPRINT with regular check-ins SPRINT Review Task list 15 mins 2 weeks What have we delivered? SPRINT Retrospective How we delivered? = Product Owner = Scrum Master = Development Team

Scrum…brings Agile to life Sprint • Up to 4 weeks, can be daily but 2 weeks common • Development team 3-9 people • Self organising and empowered team Check-in (Standup) • 15 minutes maximum • Can be daily (teva - twice weekly) • 2 minutes per person + 2 minute roundup • What you have achieved since last standup • What you are working on now • Any blockers 14 INTERNAL USE ONLY

Scrum…brings Agile to life Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team Development Team Scrum Team plus wider stakeholders Product Backlog SPRINT Planning SPRINT with regular check-ins SPRINT Review Task list 15 mins 2 weeks What have we delivered? SPRINT Retrospective How we delivered? = Product Owner = Scrum Master = Development Team

Scrum…brings Agile to life What 16 INTERNAL USE ONLY

Scrum…brings Agile to life Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team Development Team Scrum Team plus wider stakeholders Product Backlog SPRINT Planning SPRINT with regular check-ins SPRINT Review Task list 15 mins 2 weeks What have we delivered? SPRINT Retrospective How we delivered? = Product Owner = Scrum Master = Development Team

Introduction to Scrum - Agenda Timings Session Expected outcome Process 15:00  1 min individual update Welcome  Reflections on videos  What you would like to get from today’s  Video, discussion, Q&A 15:10 Mindset versus Practice  Video, discussion, Q&A 15:30 Introduction to Scrum; part I session  Agile vs Scrum  Overview of Scrum framework 16:00 Break  Practical exercise  Working Group 16:10 Product backlog  Overview of Scrum framework  Discussion & Q&A 16.30 Introduction to Scrum; part II  Practical exercise  Working Group 16:45 Retrospective 16:55 Wrap up and close

Scrum…brings Agile to life How Retrospective A practical exercise… 19 INTERNAL USE ONLY

Scrum…brings Agile to life Scrum Master Product Owner Development Team Development Team Scrum Team plus wider stakeholders Product Backlog SPRINT Planning SPRINT with regular check-ins SPRINT Review Task list 15 mins 2 weeks What have we delivered? SPRINT Retrospective How we delivered? = Product Owner = Scrum Master = Development Team

Reflections Anything still circling What have you got 3 (or more) key in your mind? squared away? questions or things to take forward? 21 INTERNAL USE ONLY

Reflections • Retrospective on today’s session • Good • Tricky • Different • Puzzling 22 INTERNAL USE ONLY

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