Ready Steady Grow is a privately owned, family run, independent preschool which first opened its doors at 6 Derby Avenue, Western Extention, Benoni (Opposite Benoni Junior School) in 2013 and then expanded to 24 Terrace Road, Eastleigh, Edenvale in 2022. We provide quality and loving care and age appropriate education for children 2/3 years of age up to and including Grade R. Dear Parents, Welcome to the Ready Steady Grow family and thank you for entrusting us with the care and education of your precious child. We believe that each child is a valuable unique individual who will benefit from a consistent respectful, safe, loving and stimulating environment which will encourage all aspects of development. We affirm each childs worth and seek to nurture them as individuals. We assure you that with your co-operation and communication it is our aim to assist you in instilling the same values and morals you hold dear at home. If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact Marion: 072 099 0947 Benoni Or Melissa: 073 349 3594 Edenvale We look forward to working with you and your child.
A After Care (Only applicable to Benoni) Parents can enjoy quality time with their children knowing that their homework has been completed. • Learners can be dropped off at Ready Steady Grow Benoni from 06:45. They will be escorted to/from nearby schools • Cooked lunch provided daily • Good study habits instilled through daily routine • Homework under supervision and learners assisted. • Adequate time and facilities to play Arrival & Pick up times Ready Steady Grow opens at 06:45...Breakfast is served strictly up to 08:15. Half day learners must be collected promptly at 13:00 as the teacher is then assigned to supervise full day learners with play, snacks and revision. Full day learners must be collected before 17:00. Please be courteous and arrive on time. Late pick up will be fined R50. Fines not paid by the end of the month will constitute a breach of contract and may result in suspension until all payments are received. Assembly Our assembly which we refer to as “Circle Time” consists of morning prayers, songs about colours, numbers and monthly themes. Midline exercises and theme discussions. On Fridays we have a short bible study, baking or science, basic Afrikaans and team sport. Afrikaans At Ready Steady Grow we teach very basic Afrikaans each Friday morning to prepare the little ones for another language when they commence grade 1. These lessons include greetings, numbers, colours and a few theme words. B Back-Pack The following items must be packed in your child’s bag everyday: a spare set of clothes, a jersey or jacket, snack-box, water bottle (clearly marked). Nappies or pull-ups with wipes and cream if necessary. Please insure that no dangerous objects, glass bottles, toys or jewellery are brought to the school. A maximum of R5.00 can be sent to school on Fridays for tuck The ABC of RSG.
Behaviour Management and Discipline We believe that the discipline of a child is achieved through patience, consistency, example and positive re- enforcement. We also teach the children manners, kindness and respect towards others. In January children are taught the rules of the centre and know what is expected of them. Once the child is old enough to understand the rules yet chooses to disobey them by exhibiting inappropriate behaviour, the following developmentally appropriate guidance techniques will be used: · Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when he/she is demonstrating acceptable behaviour. · Redirection: The child is redirected to another activity and then given a later opportunity to try again. · Time-Out: if the child repeatedly ignores direction and exhibits temper-tantrums or hurts himself, others or equipment he/she will be separated from the group for one minute per one year of age. (e.g. A 4 year old will have 4 minutes time-out) · Last Resort: when a child’s behaviour is continually disruptive a meeting will be called with the parents and further appropriate action will be agreed upon. . If parents decline corrective action or if the child cannot conform to the school regulations, the parents will be asked to remove the child from the School. Please encourage your child to report any bullying or incidence to their teacher immediately. Bike Track A bike track promotes road safety, teaches road signs and helps with motor skills and co-ordination. A beautiful tarred bike track complete with road signs and a petrol pump has been laid out in the schools initials RSG. Birthdays Birthdays are very special occasions and each child’s birthday will be celebrated unless we are advised not to do so. Parents are encouraged to send a birthday cake, cupcakes or some other treat for all children in the class (or school). Please liaise with the class teacher. Please drop off cakes, decorations etc no later than 10am. Children will be served lunch earlier at 11:30, followed by the birthday party at 12:00. Blankets All our children will be given clean blankets, clearly marked with their number, supplied by Ready Steady Grow each Monday. These blankets can be stowed in their lockers for the week and will be washed by us each weekend. Baking Your utility fee covers baking supplies. Baking corresponds to our monthly theme and is a really fun activity for the children but in addition it develops fine motor skills and promotes self confidence and measuring skills, following instructions and following a recipe. It is also a very sociable activity promoting conversation, team work and sharing. The ABC of RSG.
C Curriculum Ready Steady Grow promotes school readiness by enhancing the social physical, intellectual, creative and emotional developmental domains of children all relating to each other and which we refer to as the “Spice of Life” through the provision of education, health, nutrition, social interaction, exercise and play. Spice of Life Social: refers mostly to the ability to form attachments, play with others, co-operation and sharing and being able to create lasting relationships. Physical: development of fine (small) and gross (large) motor skills through exercise, sport and play. Intellectual: The process of making sense of the world around them. Learning will be theme based and academically based. Experiments and Observations of the natural world to encourage curiosity (Science). Maths: Math Terms, Number Sense, Measurement, Geometry and Space and Location. Creative: The development of special abilities creates noteworthy talents. Music, art, writing, reading and singing are some ways for creative development to take place. Emotional: Development of self-awareness, self-confidence and coping with feelings and understanding them. (See Yearly Projects and Extra-Mural Activities) Contract and Enrolment Form This is a legal document. Please ensure all information is correct and updated if necessary, signed and strictly adhered to. D Daily Program 06:45 - Arrival. Temperatures recorded, hand’s sanitized. 06:45 - 08:00 Replace masks if necessary. Various morning activities. 08:00 - 08:30 Sanitize hands, say grace, breakfast served, toilet routine, wash hands 08:30 - 09:00 Circle Time ( See teachers circle book) 09:00 - 10:15 Register and Workbooks 10:15 - 10:30 Sanitize hands, say grace, am snack (temperatures recorded) 10:30 - 12:00 Continue worksheets or arts and crafts.(Friday: Afrikaans, baking or science, outside sports 12:00 - 12:30 Sanitize hands, say grace, serve cooked lunch 12:30 - 13:00 Toilet routine, wash hands, tidy for home (half days) 13:00 - 14:00 Sleep for full days. 14:00 - 17:00 Supervised play, pm snack, revision, toilet routine and tidy for home The ABC of RSG.
Discipline (see Behaviour Management and Discipline) Dress Code See Uniforms. DVD Viewing Child appropriate DVD’s and books will be available for children arriving before breakfast is served at 08:00 In addition, DVD’s with reference to our monthly theme will also be shown and discussed with the children. E Evacuation Policy An evacuation plan will be discussed with all teachers and staff on a regular basis, and teachers will endeavour to take their registers and contact details with them so that parents can be contacted as soon as possible. The safety of the children will always be our main priority. The security company will be contacted immediately before evacuation. All Ready Steady Grow staff are trained in evacuation drills and children practice these in January, June and at any other time at the discretion of the disaster and emergency management services department. Excursions Theme based excursions may be undertaken, to coincide with the theme being studied. Prior to each trip, information will be provided in a newsletter/whatsapp group detailing the place, date, time and cost. A permission slip and indemnity must be signed and returned timeously in order for your child to attend. We welcome parents joining us for trips, also to supervise and help with transport. Whenever possible we will pack a picnic basket to feed the children. Extra-Mural Activities While most pre-schools are offering a plethera of extra mural activities at exorbitant prices, we at Ready Steady Grow have decided to include the following activities into our curriculum at NO EXTRA COST: Gym, Baking, science, Drama, Gardening, Arts and crafts, music appreciation. In light of the 4th industrial revolution, stimuzone laptop, computer and coding lessons will be compulsory for all grade R learners and recommended for all other grades.This will involve a registration fee and a monthly fee payable directly to stimuzone. If parents would like us to enquire about any other extra-mural activity, we will gladly do so, subject to demand. We have in the past had Soccer Stars and Build-it. Ekurhuleni Games Ready Steady Grow sends teams of qualifying 5/6 year olds to the Ekurhuleni Games each year and we are proud of achieving second place on two occasions. The ABC of RSG.
F Fees Fees have been carefully calculated . They are market related and based on the socioeconomic conditions in the areas where they are located. Ready Steady Grow operates STRICTLY on a payment in advance system. All school fees must be paid in full on or before the 3rd of each month, Failing which your child will be suspended until full payment is received (including the suspension period) Payment can be cash, EFT or debit order. Banking Details: BENONI FNB Acc Name: Ready Steady Grow Preschool Acc Number: 62926723421 Branch Code: 210835 Reference: CHILD’S NAME EDENVALE: FNB Acc Name: Rsgedenvale Acc Number: 62926742124 Branch code: 210835 Reference: CHILD’S NAME Fees are payable whether your child attends school or not for reasons including Government Lockdowns, Schools management decision to close for safety, security or quarantine reasons, Parents vacations, Transport Issues or minor illnesses. School management will reconsider payment if your child is hospitalised and proof thereof received. Our accountant keeps accurate records of all payments received. Any payment queries must therefore be accompanied by proof of payment. All registration fees, utility fees and a month’s school fees must be paid before your child commences school. Fines A fine of R50 will be added to your monthly account for all late pick-ups. If this is not paid with your monthly account your child will be suspended until payment is received in full. First Days Separation can be stressful for both the parent and the child, especially in the early days. Please help us make this time less stressful by adhering to the following guidelines: · Please do not attempt to sneak out without saying good-bye to your child. · Give your child a good-bye kiss and explain that it is time for you to leave and you will return later. · As difficult as it may be, make your good-bye short and sweet, even if your child is crying. The longer the good-bye, the longer your child will cry. · Ready Steady Grow teaches are trained to handle these difficult but normal occurrences. They will comfort your child and involve him/her in an activity. · Do not linger after you have said good-bye this can confuse your child and prolong the crying. The ABC of RSG.
Fund raisers Various fund raisers are held throughout the year. For example: Valentine’s day, Easter raffle, date night sleepovers, quiz nights, entrepreneur days, year end concert and Christmas celebrations. Please participate enthusiastically in these events. All funds collected are used for improvements to the school or new equipment. Fine motor skills Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the hand, fingers and thumb. With the development of these skills, a child is able to complete important tasks such as writing, cutting, colouring within the lines, threading objects, using rubber bands, pegs, tongs, pipe cleaners, stickers and ear buds. Dressing and feeding themselves. At Ready Steady Grow we are constantly developing fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination with our pen control, scissor skills, colouring-in, building blocks, play dough,ball games, gadget board and sand pit and water table.(see Gross motor skills and midline exercises) G Groups With reference to our name Ready Steady Grow we will grow mighty Oaks from little Acorns, Squirrels collect knowledge like acorns, and our wise owls fly off to big school. Acorns: The little ones 2-3 years old, requiring gentle nurturing. This is the Green Class. Oak Trees: Our more mature 4-5 years old, whose education has taken off and is blooming. This is our orange class. Squirrels: Our lively, inquisitive squirrels, our grade RR class are hungry for knowledge and learn new things every day. This is our yellow class. Owls: Our Grade R class who will be spreading their wings and heading for big school. This is our red class. Graduation Our Grade R learners graduate at the end of the year. As this is the first major milestone in their academic career, we make this a very special occasion for them, their parents and family. We do charge a fee which covers items such as the hiring of a hall if necessary, Caps and gowns, refreshments, photos, guest speakers, gifts etc. Dress code: Girls: White dresses, white stockings and socks (no elaborate hairstyles as they need to wear their graduation caps) Boys: Black pants, white shirts, black socks and shoes. ( We provide a bowtie) Gross motor skills A motor skill is associated with muscle activity. Gross motor skills involve the larger muscle groups of the arms, legs and torso. The six components of motor skills relate to fitness and agility, balance, co- ordination, power reaction time and speed. Working on gross motor skills helps a child gain strength and confidence in his/her body. It also helps them get exercise and physical activity, important for a healthy lifestyle. At Ready Steady Grow we provide the following equipment to develop gross motor skills within a carefully planned fitness program: Jungle Gym, Steps, tyre ladder commander net, monkey bars, barrels and swings, slides, balancing bars, hopscotch,twister, bike track,bean bags, hulahoops etc(see also fine motor skills and mid-line exercises. The ABC of RSG.
H Health Policy Children who are ill cannot be appropriately cared for in a pre-school setting. Parents need to have alternate care available for when this occurs. Examples of health symptoms that require exclusion from the pre-school include but are not limited to: Fever Diarrhea Eye infections Rashes Vomiting Jaundice (Yellow skin or eyes) Difficult or rapid breathing Strep Throat Chicken Pox Head Lice, Scabies and other parasitic infections Any condition in which the child acts ill and is unable to participate in classroom activities and which compromises the health and safety of others. Please let us know immediately if your child has a communicable illness or infection such as Chicken Pox, Measles, Conjunctivitis, Head Lice etc. so that we can exercise additional control and notify other parents. Your child’s identity will be protected. If your child becomes ill whilst at Ready Steady Grow you will be notified immediately and if permission is obtained minimal over-the-counter medication will be administered if required upon written consent (a WhatsApp or e-mail message) from a parent. Your child will be provided with a quiet, comfortable place to rest until collected. A parent or person on our emergency contact list must always be available by phone during school hours to come to the school for emergencies to collect a sick child. All our staff are fully trained in CPR and first-aid and will render immediate assistance in the event of an incident, illness or accident. Paramedics will be called immediately through our security company should the Principal deem it necessary. (See Medicine) The ABC of RSG.
Holiday Care Our pre-school is open all year including school holidays and our after care facility coincides with the government school calendar. However registered after-care children can be accommodated in our holiday program at a cost of R50.00 per day. Ready Steady Grow will be closed completely between Christmas and New Year. Our pre-school is open all year round including school holidays until the government schools close in December. Holiday Care will be provided during all school holidays excluding Public Holiday for school going children at a cost of R50 per child per day for our own aftercare children or R80 per child per day for visitors. Handle with Care If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide extra support here at school. We do understand that details are not to be shared and that is OK. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please message the Principal with the child’s name and “Handle with care”, Nothing else will be said or asked. This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience, help and a lot of love during the day. We are a team and want your child to thrive at school. I Immunization All parents must comply with state immunization regulations and a copy of your child’s immunization card must accompany your enrolment form. (See Health Policy) Indemnity Upon registration parents are required to sign an indemnity form for children participation in activities at Ready Steady Grow or any such places where activities are engaged in. Parents will however, be required to sign specific indemnities for outings and bus transportation, failing which your child will be left in the care of Ready Steady Grow staff remaining at the school. The ABC of RSG.
J Joining in We would like our care and training to be an extention of the values you have at home and that you wish to instil in your child. It is only through constant parent/teacher interaction that good quality nurturing care can be achieved. We urge parents to attend meetings and participate in functions and excursions as best you can with a busy work schedule. In addition please show an interest in our monthly theme which will be explained on our whatsapp group and be enthusiastic about the crafts your little one makes at school. Please let us know if your child is experiencing any anxieties or difficulties or if there are any problems at home which may impact on your child so that we can help them cope with the situation. Jungle Gym and Equipment Children discover the world through play. They run, climb, crawl and laugh, they go in, out, up, down, across, behind and in-between. They don’t just enjoy every second of it, play supports their development as well. At Ready Steady Grow we have specifically designed a large jungle gym with slides, monkey bars, rope ladders, ball pit and sand pit where children of all ages will be able to play safely under our constant supervision. Activities are at various heights and challenges. K Kiddies own Toys Ready Steady Grow provides a large selection of age appropriate toys, puzzles and games for children. These are cleaned and sanitized and packed in toy boxes for cleanliness. Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home unless you have been instructed to do so via a class whatsapp group for a particular theme. It is not possible for teachers to guarantee that a toy brought from home will not get broken, lost or damaged. L Licensing Ready Steady Grow willingly complies with all applicable licensing regulations and standards. These standards relate to our premises, staff, health, safety procedures, nutrition and record keeping. We believe that these standards are in the best interest of your child and will willingly welcome inspection by local authorities, health, fire and licensing officials. M Meals and Snacks Children need to eat a well-balanced meal in order to meet their daily energy requirements and help them build strong bodies and minds. Ready Steady Grow provides a nutrionally balanced breakfast at 8:00am, lunch at 12:00 and a snack at 3:30pm. Water or juice is served with all meals and snacks and your child’s own water bottle will be replenished throughout the day. In preparation for school and as a special treat of homemade snacks we ask parents to provide a small snack for their am snack at 10:30am. This must be packed in a lunch box that is clearly marked with your child’s name. Please DO NOT send sweets except on Fridays. The ABC of RSG.
Our weekly menu will be displayed on the notice board. If your child has any particular dietary needs due to allergies or religious beliefs please let us know and we will endeavour to fulfil your requirements. If however a viable solution cannot be reached then all your child’s meals and snacks will have to be provided for by yourself and no discount will be offered. Children will be assisted and encouraged to eat but will not be forced to do so. Parents will be advised if their child is not eating regularly. If your young child is still being fed any formulas these must be supplied by parents, clearly marked and given to the child’s class teacher. Meetings Meetings will be scheduled towards the end of each government school term. This will give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher, receive a report, listen to a guest speaker or extra-mural teacher and spend time with other parents. Please make every effort to attend our meetings and support our fund raising events. Medicines Health regulations require that NO MEDICATION be placed in your child’s back pack. If your child requires cronic medication please discuss this with the principal who will endeavour to obtain the necessary permission from the health department. Mid-line exercises Crossing the midline is essential to the development of young children’s bodies and brains, It promotes the co-ordination and communication of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and is vital in the development of using both sides of the brain simultaneously. At Ready Steady Grow we practice crossing midline activities each morning during our circle time, with more comprehensive activities with our sports activities on Fridays. (See fine and gross motor skills) Music Music is a language the whole world speaks and is an intrical part of all early learning programs, The children sing rhymes about letters, numbers, shapes, colours and themes and move to the rhythem daily. Then on Fridays they either play real or pretend musical instruments, learn different music styles, hear music from other cultures and move to different beats and tempos (loud, soft, fast, slow) expressing their creativity and emotions and developing listening skills. N Newsletters Newsletters have been replaced with a general Whatsapp group for the entire school as well as a class whatsapp group. You will be advised monthly of our theme, colour and shape. Please elaborate on this theme in your discussion with your child and the books you read to them. Please read all notifications carefully and discuss any issues/concerns with the principal. O Open-door Policy Ready Steady Grow maintains an open door policy. Parents are welcome to visit our centre at any time during business hours. Please make an appointment with the Principal if you have any specific concerns that need to be addressed. During a pandemic you may be denied entrance as per government regulations for health and safety of all concerned. The ABC of RSG.
P Parents Participation (See Joining In) Potty Policy A constant supply of Nappies or pull-ups must be provided if your toddler is being potty trained. (Remember to pack a spare set of clothing) Nappy wipes and creams must be supplied by parents. Public Holidays Ready Steady Grow will be closed on the following Public Holidays: New Year’s Day Human Rights Day Good Friday Family Day Freedom Day Workers’ Day Youth Day National Women’s Day Heritage Day Day of Reconciliation Christmas Day Day of Goodwill Specific school days resulting in long weekends. Q Quality Time for Parents As a special treat for our parents we may organise occasional functions.( We will give you the date, place and price on our whatsapp group) or allow you a date night whilst we babysit for you (eg Valentine’s day) We will supply a light meal and movie for your child at Ready Steady Grow. So relax knowing that your child is safe and secure whilst you spend quality time with your spouse or other parents. R Reading Reading is fundamental to the development of children and countless research shows the link between good reading skills from an early age and future success in life. Some mornings before breakfast children will be given quiet time to read or browse through age appropriate books of their choice. Teachers will also read a story in class for 15 minutes each day. Grade R’s are taught basic reading and a love of reading after they know their phonics and cvc words. If you have books your child has outgrown at home, please donate them to our library. The ABC of RSG.
Register After circle time each teacher will also sign a class register and check the well-being of each child before classes commence. Religion South Africa is a diverse country with numerous religious beliefs. We at Ready Steady Grow have decided to limit religious education to the creation of this beautiful world by God. We must thank God for the beauty of nature and all his tiny creatures which we must love and respect. Our school hymn will be “All things Bright and Beautiful.” We will pray at the start of each day and say grace before meals. These prays will be displayed in the lounge and dining room. We will not make mention of any other religious leaders or deities beside God. You will be asked on your enrolment form for your religion and all religious beliefs will be respected. Please do not hesitate to discuss any religious concerns you may have with the principal Please note that this may preclude a Nativity Play unless all our children are Christians. Rules The following school rules are taught in January and practised daily. Please respect and re-enforce these rules at home and instil them in your child. · Love and respect God’s world and all Gods people and Creatures. (This will include Reverence, Diversity, Kindness, Environmental issues and Care of Animals) · Always be kind and polite – Say Please and Thank You (This will develop Social Skills and Manners) · Help tidy up · Laugh, Smile, Play, Learn and be Happy! S Safety and Security We will provide a safe environment by ensuring sufficient staff adequately trained in CPR and first aid, clean and sanitized toys, supervised outdoor activities and adherence to all food safety requirements. Our classrooms are monitored by CCTV cameras, and our premises are protected by a security company.. All our staff have been trained in the use of fire fighting equipment and an emergency evacuation plan. Snacks (See Meals) Soccer Soccer Stars will gladly teach soccer as an extra-mural activity, subject to demand.Please also let us know if you are interested in swimming lessons as an extra-mural activity, subject to demand. Staff All our staff have been selected firstly for their love of children, their qualifications and dedication to teaching, caring or cooking for your child. Their names, pictures and qualifications will be on display at reception. Please be friendly and respectful towards our staff at all times but feel free to discuss any concerns you may have with the principal. Science As far as possible, our science lesson corresponds with our monthly theme. All science supplies are provided by Ready Steady Grow. Science develops constructive thinking, observational skills, discovering and exploring ,making predictions and drawing conclusions from observations. The ABC of RSG.
T Termination 2 months written notice must be given before withdrawing your child from the Pre-School, otherwise fees in lieu of notice will be charged by the Pre-School. This does not apply to Grade R’s going off to big school. Toys (See Kiddies own Toys) Transport If your child makes use of transport, the onus is on you to ensure that we have the driver’s name and cell phone number and that we are notified if any other driver needs to pick-up your child, otherwise for safety reasons your child will not be handed over. Transport drivers must be aware of the late pick-up fines which you will be responsible for. Tuckshop Children may only bring sweets to school on a Friday or they may buy from our tuckshop – open ONLY on Fridays. A maximum of R5 may be given to your child for tuck. Theme day A theme day is an outing or school activity that corresponds to our monthly theme and is the practical experience of the theme they have been studing all month. This is not a fund raiser and forms part of their curriculum. Fees collected are used exclusively for transport, entrance fees or special requirements. Indemnities must be signed if we leave the school. U Uniform Ready Steady Grow is presently selling T-shirts only as we have been unable to source adequate supplies of shorts and track suits .T-shirts in your child’s class colour will be available for purchase from the Principal. .Please ensure that you child wears his/her T-shirt every day. This will make choosing appropriate clothes easier for you and your child and ensure their comfort and uniformity at school. T-shirts can be worn with jeans, tracksuit pants, skirts or shorts and comfortable non-slip shoes suitable for climbing on the jungle gym. Clothing must be comfortable and practical for painting and outdoor activities and uncomplicated so that children can easily use the bathroom by themselves. All items of clothing must be labelled and Ready Steady Grow accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged items. A spare set of clothes in the correct class colour must be brought to school every day in case of “accidents.” If your child erroneously takes home an item of clothing that does not belong to him/her please return it immediately. V Venue for Hire Ready Steady Grow will be hiring out our facilities for children’s birthday parties or meetings. Details to follow. The ABC of RSG.
W Written Reports Ready Steady Grow uses a non-intrusive observation based approach to assess the development by each child using naturally recognised milestones for child development. These will be completed three times per year and discussed with parents at our Parents Meetings. X Xmas Holidays Special Xmas holiday activities will be offered until the government schools close in December. You are strongly advised to re-register your child for the following year if they will be returning. This enables us to mark their stationery pack etc thus making them feel more welcome when we re-open in January. We re- open the first week of January when parents return to work. Y Yearly Projects Our themed based projects have been divided into the following monthly categories January—All about me February – The beach March - Gardening April – South Africa May – Farm Animals & Pets June – Health & Nutrition July – Outer-Space August - Careers September - Transportation October – The Zoo November – Concert/graduation Rehearsal (arts and crafts; would making our own props) December – Christmas Program Z Zest for Life and Learning Our teachers and staff all display a zest for life and learning. We feel that they have the required personality traits for the preschool industry, these being a love of children, friendliness, enthusiasm and a high level of energy coupled with patients, empathy good listening skills. Our school has become highly successful as they pass on to their learners their zest for life and enthusiasm for learning and study methods. The ABC of RSG.
Please take time to see the numerous achievements of our staff on display in our reception area. By the time your child graduates from Ready Steady Grow we will have prepared him/her for Primary School and would have encouraged the development of confidence and self-respect that will equip him/her for life. We strive to make your child’s years at Ready Steady Grow happy and instil a love of learning that will continue throughout their school career. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and care for your little one. We look forward to helping your child be the best they can be.
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