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Home Explore 2022 RP Combine Course Guide

2022 RP Combine Course Guide

Published by Resources, 2022-03-28 14:09:38

Description: 2022 RP Combine Course Guide


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DID YOU COME WITH HIGH EXPECTATIONS? WE’LL MEET THEM, AND MORE. DISCOVER WIDE RANGE OF 100% INTERNSHIP STATE-OF-THE-ART FACILITIES PROGRAMMES Gain real-world working Resources that add to the top- Select from a variety of full-time experience with our established notch experience here diploma and lifelong learning network of partners courses from our 7 Schools At RP, you’ll find a nurturing, student-centric A distinctive and rigorous curriculum ensures environment that helps you learn holistically. that you are more than ready to shine in your Beside each and every student is a mentor, there chosen career. But we know you’re looking to guide you throughout your journey with us — beyond robust instruction, so you might be and what a journey it promises to be! further enticed by our: With RP’s Problem-based Learning approach, you’ll soon realise you’re more than able to OVERSEAS STUDY TRIPS solve whatever challenges get thrown your way. Transforming problems into possibilities? We’ll A whole world waiting to be open your eyes. explored and to learn from You’ll embark on a comprehensive enhanced internship programme which will give you a head >80 CO-CURRICULAR start in your career. ACTIVITIES Look forward to achieving your dreams at RP, as lifelong learning is a journey and we are here Indulge your interests or try to help you develop your potential. Our suite of something new lifelong learning courses will quench your thirst for learning, strengthen your skillsets and lead COMMUNITY-BASED you to acquire new ones to stay relevant in this PROJECTS ever-evolving world. Discover your potential, achieve your dreams Reach out and discover Singapore and embrace a transformative experience at RP from a different perspective because we’re so much more. 3 ACCLAIMED ARTS & MUSIC FESTIVALS Held yearly to expand your cultural horizons

CONTENTS 2 5 Journey to RP 9 Scholarships and Awards 13 Hear from Our Graduates 14 Net ELR2B2 Range 20 Minimum Entry Requirements 27 School of Applied Science 37 School of Engineering 42 School of Hospitality 49 School of Infocomm 55 School of Management and Communication 62 School of Sports, Health and Leisure 68 School of Technology for the Arts Courses @ RP

JOURNEY TO RP Leap towards your future with our guide to discover different Admissions Exercises! EARLY ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (EAE) WHAT IS EAE? An aptitude-based admissions exercise that allows applicants to apply for, and receive conditional offers for admission into their preferred diploma courses, prior to receiving their final grades. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? EAE is open to graduating GCE O-Level students, final-year Nitec, Higher Nitec students from ITE and applicants with at least 2 years of relevant working experience. APPLICATION PERIOD June JOINT ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (JAE) WHAT IS JAE? An annual admissions exercise conducted in January after the release of the GCE O-Level results. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? JAE is open to Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents with GCE O-Level certification from any year. International students studying in a Government School, Government-Aided School, or an Independent School in Singapore with valid 2021 Singapore- Cambridge GCE O-Level Examination results are also welcome to apply. APPLICATION PERIOD January 2

Scan this QR code to know more about admissions-related information! JOINT POLYTECHNIC ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (JPAE) WHAT IS JPAE? JPAE is jointly held by the five local polytechnics. It allows candidates to apply for admission to full-time diploma courses. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? JPAE caters to holders of relevant Higher Nitec and Nitec qualifications. Graduating ITE students in their final semester – including those in the Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) – can also apply for their preferred and mapped diploma courses through JPAE. APPLICATION PERIOD February DIRECT ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (DAE) WHAT IS DAE? DAE is a direct pathway to RP for applicants who are unable to apply for entry through JAE or JPAE. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? DAE is open to GCE O-Level students, and ITE (full-time) graduates. This exercise is also available to holders of GCE A-Level, Integrated Programme, International Baccalaureate, and applicants with at least 2 years of relevant working experience. APPLICATION PERIOD November till April 3

POLYTECHNIC FOUNDATION PROGRAMME (PFP) WHAT IS PFP? A one-year programme that allows current Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) students to gain direct entry into RP without having to sit for GCE O-Level in Secondary 5. PFP offers a practice-oriented curriculum to prepare students for their diploma course. You will progress onto your pre-selected diploma course upon successful completion of the PFP. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? PFP is open to Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) students who have obtained a raw ELMAB3 score of 12 points or better, and meet the subject-specific requirements at the GCE N-Level examinations. The programme is also available to Secondary 4 Normal (Academic) students who have sat for GCE O-Level subjects. APPLICATION PERIOD January 4

SCHOLARSHIPS Scan to find out more about AND AWARDS the range of Discover your full potential at RP. Check out our wide range of scholarships that scholarships and recognise academic ability, talent and leadership. awards at RP! RP FRESHMAN Apply for the RP Freshman Scholarship with your O-Level prelim SCHOLARSHIP results or 3 semester GPA (for ITE applicants) with a co-curricular activity (CCA) grade of excellent/platinum and get a conditional scholarship* offer before release of GCE O-Level. Application is open to Singaporean and Permanent Resident (PR), and starts from October to December. *Terms and Conditions apply HIGHER YEAR SCHOLARSHIP This is offered to full-time second and third-year RP students with outstanding academic performance and active involvement in CCA. There are close to 450 Higher Year Scholarships. The scholarship may also entail an internship with the sponsor! 5

PFP SCHOLARSHIP Applicants of the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) Scholarship will receive a bond-free scholarship to cover their tuition fees for their studies in RP. Apply for RP PFP Scholarship with your N-Level prelim results and with excellent CCA and get a conditional scholarship* offer before N-Level results. You will receive $340* after you have confirmed your place in RP! Get a head start in life too, with a place in the RP Leadership Programme as part of the award! Current N-Level students who are Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR) are eligible to apply. Application takes place from October to December every year. *Terms and Conditions apply EDUSAVE AWARDS EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIP The Edusave Awards are The world is your oyster when you’re an RP disbursed by the Ministry student! In addition to the wide range of of Education every year to scholarships offered by the Polytechnic, you Singaporean students who can explore various externally-administered achieve excellence in their scholarships. These could range from an Alpha academic studies and other Challenge Scholarship to a scholarship from areas. Given across the various ZALORA. Check out some of them at the levels and courses, the awards Brightsparks Singapore website, and pick include the Edusave Merit up RP’s handy guide to signing scholarship Bursary worth $500, Edusave contracts for tips to bear in mind. Good Progress Award worth $400, and Edusave Skills Award worth $500. Students who meet the Award criteria will be nominated by RP. 6

I am very appreciative to be awarded with this prestigious scholarship and this has motivated me to work even harder. This scholarship has presented many opportunities to me. After completing my diploma in RP, I hope to pursue a degree in Environmental Engineering “at Nanyang Technological University, as I aspire to be a Green Technologist in the future. Eugene Un Rui Seng School of Engineering Diploma in Green Building Energy Management Year 3 Recipient of: Choo-Lim Scholarship in 2020 “I am thankful to be awarded this scholarship as it is a testament of my efforts. This scholarship has helped me enhance my skills and allowed me to further my studies in the field of my interest. Through my time in RP, I realised that I love interacting with people and getting to know them better. I found my passion in social work and wish to continue my studies in that field. Suneha D/O Jagdev Kumar Jagpal School of Hospitality Diploma in Integrated Events Management 2020 Graduate Recipient of: RP Scholarship in 2020 This scholarship has opened many doors of opportunities for me. It enforces my self-belief and acts as a reminder that anything is possible with perseverance and dedication. With this scholarship, I am able to focus more on my studies without much worries and “also give back to my loved ones. Knowing that my hard work pays off encourages me to make myself, my family and my school proud. This has inspired me to pursue my aspirations to work in the Public Relations industry in the future. Alya Maisarah Anwar School of Management and Communication Diploma in Mass Communication Year 2 Recipient of: Tan Sri Dr Tan Chin Tuan Scholarship in 2021 7


HEAR FROM OUR GRADUATES “RP has nurtured me to be more FARHAN SUHADA BIN RASIP proactive in my learning. The daily grades for attendance, mini quizzes Diploma in Materials Science and reflections helped me to realise the (now known as Diploma in importance of consistency to achieve Applied Chemistry) my goals. The soft skills that I have 2021 Graduate developed through RP’s Problem-based Currently pursuing Bachelor Learning pedagogy helped me to be of Engineering (Materials Engineering) a better communicator, negotiator, at Nanyang Technological University team player and leader. I was also blessed with supportive lecturers and mentor who continuously encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new opportunities.” CHONG KHE YING “Problem-based Learning enhanced my critical Diploma in thinking and troubleshooting skills, and instilled a Biotechnology strong fundamental knowledge in me at the same 2016 Graduate time. The guidance and care from experienced Currently working as a lecturers who are experts in their fields pointed me Research Assistant at Chugai to the right directions when I hit road blocks. The Pharmabody Research opportunities provided by RP have broadened my horizons where I was eventually able to discover my passion in Life Sciences and work towards it. Today, I’m progressing steadily towards my dream and goals in Molecular Biology.” “I’ve been given many opportunities to grow CHAW JI HOW and discover myself. The unique programme Diploma in Engineering Design has helped me uncover my strengths and with Business, 2020 Graduate passion, and has constantly challenged Global Entrepreneurial Immersion me to go beyond my comfort zone to Programme Recipient of Softing learn, lead and experience holistically. I am Scholarship Award Diploma Prize Awards in 2017 grateful for the support that has put me on and 2018 track to excel.” Currently pursuing Bachelor of Business Management at Singapore Management University 9

“I appreciate every moment spent in RP. SELVARAJ PICHAMUTHU The lecturers are exemplary role models Diploma in Aerospace Engineering with a wealth of experience and ideas. 2013 Graduate I can proudly testify that RP has given me Currently an Engineer (Aircraft Structures, a strong foundation to overcome Engineering Service Department) at real-life challenges.” ST Aerospace Services Co Pte Ltd NI QINGQING “The Problem-based Learning pedagogy in RP has Diploma in Electrical & shaped me as an inventive solution seeker. Entering Electronic Engineering university, I don’t find myself lost in a fast-paced learning 2016 Graduate environment as RP has equipped me with the skills to Currently working as a pilot my way independently. The hands-on experience Teaching Assistant at included in the course curriculum has also given me the National University of Singapore confidence to handle complicated projects and solve challenges creatively.” KEEFE LAU “At RP, the lessons outside the classrooms Diploma in Health Services Management are ideal for an experiential learner like 2019 Graduate and Valedictorian me as I could hone my skills in critical Board of Governors’Award for the Most thinking and communication throughout Outstanding Graduate of the Year my learning journey at RP. Through the Frontier Health Care Group Medal Award Diploma in Health Services Management, I could better understand the challenges Ngee Ann Kongsi Award for the Most of an ageing population. The course Distinguished Graduate of the Year has also prepared me for the healthcare Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Scholarship sector and this has cemented my resolve to joining the public service where I could contribute to the best I can.” “RP’s Problem-based Learning approach has NGUYEN THI THANH MAI effectively honed my problem-solving and critical Diploma in Health Management thinking skills, which are highly sought after skills & Promotion in the real working world. 2020 Graduate Nanyang Scholarship by Nanyang Besides honing my presentation skills, I also Technological University developed soft skills such as teamwork and an Diploma Gold Medal Award REPUBLIC Award RP RP Scholarship for two Semesters appreciation for diversity during my time at RP. These have prepared me well for my university studies and my career. I have learnt the value of not only striving to do well for myself but also to create positive social changes through organising service learning projects and joining RP’s entrepreneurship programme. Throughout my three years in RP, I have developed courage which makes me unafraid of uncertainty and the will to face the challenges ahead.” 10

“During my time in RP, I thoroughly CHIU PEI XIAN enjoyed the learning process and was Diploma in Mobile Software fortunate enough to pursue many Development (now known as Diploma in interests and passions. I’ve gained gradual Digital Design and Development) confidence and have honed my skills 2020 Graduate in programming through my course. Currently pursuing Bachelor of Science in The nurturing environment at RP has Computing Science (Honours), jointly motivated me in many ways and I’ve offered by Singapore Institute of learnt the importance of self-belief and Technology and University of Glasgow perseverance. These are key components for the success I enjoy today.” TNAY TENG LONG “The presence of IT can help Diploma in Business Information Systems businesses to provide quality 2017 Graduate services. With the Diploma in Completed the Work-Study Post-Diploma Business Information Systems, (Specialist Diploma in Cyber Security) programme you can be the one to bring and is currently working as Senior Cyber Security relevant business-IT expertise Operations Engineer at PSA Corporation Ltd into organisations.” “STA was a place of growth, respect and JEANNE STRACHAN comradery. This course has exercised Diploma in Game Design my mind with problems that needed (now known as Diploma in Design for to be solved, it exercised my soul with Games & Gamification) friendship, and it exercised my heart with 2017 Graduate & Valedictorian panic attacks caused by game project deadlines! Summing up, my course taught me to be serious about fun, and it has led me to achieve my dreams.” NADIA MALIK “My course brought me on a riveting journey! I was Diploma in Media nurtured as a creative individual, given a stage Production & Design to showcase my potential, and taught industry 2018 Graduate relevant skills by an exceptional faculty. It greatly motivated me to take advantage of numerous learning opportunities both on and off campus, and even after graduation.” 11

“I chose the Diploma in Social Enterprise Management DANIEL LIM because I wanted to learn how businesses can help Diploma in marginalised groups. I was given multiple opportunities Social Enterprise to lead and be a part of real-world activities. One such Management activity was leading a team to successfully pitch for funding (now known worth $45,000 to organise #Youthempowered, a student as Diploma in led project designed to tackle the issue of Fake News in Business) Singapore through an ‘Escape Room’ and card game. 2021 Graduate Currently serving Other memorable activities include organising an outing to National Service the zoo for 1000 beneficiaries and conducting regular visits to the elderly who live in rental apartments. I relish these opportunities to make an impact in the lives of others.” NG SHI JAY, GWENDOLYN “I have grown to be confident in public Diploma in Human Resource speaking and have become a fluent writer Management with Psychology through my course’s robust curriculum. As a 2019 Graduate business management undergraduate, I have Currently pursuing Bachelor been able to put these skills to good use and of Business Management look forward to contributing to society and at Singapore Management University the HR profession in future.” “Service comes from the heart. I am PARAMESWARAN NADARAJA glad that my course has earned me Diploma in Customer Relationship & a position in the hospitality industry. Service Management It is important to excel in a job that (now known as Diploma in Customer encourages continual learning.” Experience Management with Business) 2013 Graduate SkillsFuture ELP Specialist Diploma in Hospitality Business Management (now known as Work-Study Post-Diploma — Specialist Diploma in Hospitality Business Management) 2017 Graduate JOVINN TOH MIN “My diploma has been a great starting point for my Diploma in Hotel & journey in the hospitality industry. It has given me Hospitality Management many opportunities and experiences which have 2021 Graduate helped broaden my horizons. I love what I do, and I am glad to have embarked on my journey in the hospitality industry.” 12

NET ELR2B2 RANGE Here’s a list of all our courses and programmes with JAE course codes and aggregate ranges as of 2021. Do note that admission to RP is based on academic merit and subject to available vacancies in the courses. School JAE code Courses Range of Net ELR2B2 for Previous (2021) JAE School of R17 Diploma in Applied Chemistry Applied Science R14 Diploma in Biomedical Science 12 to 19 R16 7 to 12 SAS R62 Diploma in Biotechnology 11 to 17 R22 Diploma in Environmental & Marine Science 4 to 13 School of R59 9 to 16 Engineering Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science 10 to 18 R40 Common Science Programme SEG R39 16 to 25 R50 Diploma in Aerospace Engineering 15 to 23 School of R56 Diploma in Aviation Management 19 to 26 Hospitality R54 Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering 17 to 26 R11 Diploma in Engineering Design with Business 17 to 25 SOH R21 Diploma in Engineering Systems & Management 12 to 26 R61 Diploma in Industrial & Operations Management 13 to 25 School of R42 Diploma in Supply Chain Management 15 to 26 Infocomm Diploma in Sustainable Built Environment 15 to 26 R34 Common Engineering Programme SOI R37 16 to 25 R28 Diploma in Customer Experience Management with Business 16 to 26 School of Management R46 Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management 14 to 26 and Communication Diploma in Integrated Events Management 12 to 24 R13 Diploma in Restaurant & Culinary Operations SMC R47 15 to 26 R18 Diploma in Business Information Systems 18 to 26 School of Sports, R55 Diploma in Digital Design & Development 16 to 26 Health and Leisure R12 13 to 24 R58 Diploma in Financial Technology 10 to 26 SHL Diploma in Infocomm Security Management 16 to 26 R60 School of Technology R48 Diploma in Information Technology 14 to 21 for the Arts R52 Common ICT Programme 12 to 20 R32 11 to 16 STA R57 Diploma in Business 11 to 16 Diploma in Consumer Behaviour & Research 13 to 26 R43 Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology R45 16 to 26 R33 Diploma in Mass Communication 17 to 25 R49 Common Business Programme (offered by SMC and SOH) 14 to 25 R63 10 to 16 R26 Diploma in Health Management & Promotion Diploma in Health Services Management - R25 Diploma in Outdoor & Adventure Learning 7 to 15 R35 Diploma in Sport Coaching R36 Common Sports and Health Programme 13 to 19 R19 Diploma in Sport & Exercise Science 12 to 18 R24 17 to 20 Diploma in Arts & Theatre Management 12 to 19 Diploma in Design for Games & Gamification 11 to 19 Diploma in Design for User Experience Diploma in Media Production & Design Diploma in Sonic Arts 13

MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Interested in a particular course but just not sure which entry requirements to look at? Fret not. Refer to the tables below for a comprehensive breakdown of the minimum entry requirements for each school! SCHOOL OF APPLIED AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE SCIENCE (SAS) a) English Language/1 - 7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 6 c) Any one of the following subjects/1 - 6 All SAS ELR2B2-C • Biology • Food & Nutrition Full-time Courses • Biotechnology • F undamentals of Electronics • Chemistry • Physical Science • Combined Science • Physics • Design & Technology • Science (Biology, Chemistry) • Electronics • Science (Biology, Physics) • Engineering Science • S cience (Chemistry Physics) For full listing of entry requirements, visit SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE (SEG) a) English Language/1 - 7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 6 c) Any one of the following subjects/1 - 6 All SEG ELR2B2-C • Biology • E ngineering Science Full-time Courses • Biotechnology • Fundamentals of Electronics • Chemistry • Physical Science • Combined Science • Physics • Computing • Science (Biology, Chemistry) • Computer Studies • Science (Biology, Physics) • Design & Technology • Science (Chemistry Physics) • E lectronics For full listing of entry requirements, visit SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE (SOH) a) English Language/1 - 6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 6 c) Any three other subjects/1 - 6 All SOH ELR2B2-B Note: In addition, you must have sat for one of the following subjects: Full-time Courses • Art/Art & Design • Commercial Studies • Business Studies • Economics • Combined Humanities • Geography • Commerce • Higher Art 14

SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE (SOH) ELR2B2-B Note: In addition, you must have sat for one of the following subjects: All SOH Full-time Courses • Higher Music • H umanities (Social Studies, Common Entry • History Geography) Programme in: • H umanities (Social Studies, • C ommon Business • Intro to Enterprise Development Literature in English) • Literature in English Programme (R57)* • Humanities (Social Studies, • Literature in Chinese (continued) • Literature in Malay * This course is offered by Literature in Chinese) • Literature in Tamil • H umanities (Social Studies, • Media Studies (English) SMC and SOH. • Media Studies (Chinese) Literature in Malay) • Music • H umanities (Social Studies, • Principles of Accounts Literature in Tamil) • Humanities (Social Studies, History) For full listing of entry requirements, visit SCHOOL OF INFOCOMM AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE (SOI) a) English Language/1 - 7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 6 c) Any two other subjects/1 - 6 Note: In addition, you must have sat for one of the following subjects: All SOI ELR2B2-C • Additional Combined Science • Engineering Science Full-time Courses • Additional Science • Food & Nutrition • Biology • Fundamentals of Electronics • Biotechnology • General Science • Chemistry • Human & Social Biology • Combined Science • Integrated Science • Computer Studies • Physical Science • Computing • Physics • Creative 3D Animation • Science (Biology, Chemistry) • Design & Technology • S cience (Biology, Physics) • Electronics • Science (Chemistry Physics) For full listing of entry requirements, visit SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE AND COMMUNICATION (SMC) a) English Language/1 - 4 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 7 c) Any three other subjects/1 - 6 Note: In addition, you must have sat for one subject listed in 1st Group and another different subject listed in 2nd Group: Diploma in: ELR2B2-A 1ST GROUP • Higher Music • M ass Communication • Art/Art & Design • History • Business Studies • H umanities (Social Studies, (R32) • Combined Humanities • Commerce Literature in English) • Commercial Studies • Humanities (Social Studies, • Economics • Geography Literature in Chinese) • Higher Art • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) 15

SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE AND COMMUNICATION (SMC) 1ST GROUP • Literature in English • H umanities (Social Studies, • Literature in Chinese • Literature in Malay Literature in Tamil) • Literature in Tamil • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • Media Studies (English) • H umanities (Social Studies, • Media Studies (Chinese) • Music Geography) • Intro to Enterprise Development Diploma in: ELR2B2-A 2ND GROUP • Humanities (Social Studies, • Mass Communication Literature in Chinese) • Additional Mathematics (R32) • Art/Art & Design • H umanities (Social Studies, • Business Studies Literature in Malay) (continued) • Chinese • Combined Humanities • Humanities (Social Studies, • Commerce Literature in Tamil) • Commercial Studies • Creative 3D Animation • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • Design & Technology • H umanities (Social Studies, • Design Studies • Economics Geography) • Elementary Mathematics • In tro to Enterprise Development • Food & Nutrition • Literature in English • Geography • Literature in Chinese • Higher Art • Literature in Malay • Higher Chinese • Literature in Tamil • Higher Malay • Malay • Higher Music • Media Studies (English) • Higher Tamil • Media Studies (Chinese) • History • Music • Humanities (Social Studies, • Principles of Accounts • Tamil Literature in English) a) English Language/1 - 6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 6 c) Any three other subjects/1 - 6 Diploma in: Note: In addition, you must have sat for one of the following subjects: • Business (R60) • Consumer ELR2B2-B • Art/Art & Design • H umanities (Social Studies, • Business Studies Literature in Tamil) Behaviour & Research (R48) • Combined Humanities • Human Resource • Commerce • H umanities (Social Studies, History) • Commercial Studies • Humanities (Social Studies, Management with • Economics Psychology (R52) • Geography Geography) • Higher Art • Intro to Enterprise Development Common Entry • Higher Music • Literature in English Programme in: • History • Literature in Chinese • C ommon Business • H umanities (Social Studies, • Literature in Malay • Literature in Tamil Programme (R57)* Literature in English) • Media Studies (English) • H umanities (Social Studies, • Media Studies (Chinese) * This course is offered by • Music SMC and SOH. Literature in Chinese) • Principles of Accounts • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) For full listing of entry requirements, visit 16

SCSCHHOOOOLLOOFFSPHOORSTPSIT, ALITY AGAGGRGEGREAGTEATTEYPTEYPE MINIMUM ENTRYMRINEIQMUUIRMEEMNETNRTYS/RGERQAUDIREEMENTS / GRADE HEALTH AN(DSOLHEI)SURE (SHL) Na)oEtneg: IlinshadLdanitgiouna,gyeo/u1 m- 6ust have sat for one of the following subjects: ••bc))HHAMiinsgatyhothetrhyer rmMeeautsoiicctshe(Erlesumbejenctatsr/y1/A-d6ditional)/1••-GHI6nuetrmoogatrnoaiptEihenyste)(Srporcisiael Studies, •NHotuem: Iannaitdiedsit(iSoonc,iyaol Sutmuduisets,have sat for Development Literature in English) o•neLiotefrtahteurfeolilnowEningglisshubjects: All SOH Full-time Courses • •LiHteurmataunreitiensC(ShoinceiasleStudies, ELR2B2-B •• HArutm/Aarnt i&tieDse(Ssiogcnial Studies, • LiLteitreartautruereininMTaalmayil) (continued) ELR2B2-B • LBiutesirnaetusrseSitnudCiheisnese) • •LiHteurmataunreitiiensT(aSmocilial Studies, History) •• HCoummabniniteiedsH(SuomcaianliStiteusdies, • •MGHeuedmoiagaSrnatiuptidheiyse)(sS(oEcniaglliSshtu) dies, Diploma in: • LCiotemramtuerrecein Malay) • •MIendtrioa tSotuEdniteesrp(CrihseineDseev)elopment • O utdoor & Adventure •• HCoummamneitriceisal(SSotucdiaiel Sstudies, • •MLuitseicrature in English • LEicteornaotumriecsin Tamil) • •PrLiintceirpalteusreofinACcchoinuenstes Learning (R33) •• HGuemogarnaiptiheys (Social Studies, History) • Higher Art • Literature in Malay For full listing of entry requirements, visit••hHHiisgthoeryr Music • Literature in Tamil • Humanities (Social Studies, • Media Studies (English) Literature in English) • Media Studies (Chinese) • Humanities (Social Studies, • Music Literature in Chinese) • Principles of Accounts • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) Diploma in: a) English Language/1 - 7 • H ealth Management & b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 6 Promotion (R43) • H ealth Services c) Any one of the following subjects/1 - 6 Management (R45) ELR2B2-C • Biology • Food & Nutrition • Sport Coaching (R49) • Biotechnology • Fundamentals of Electronics • S port & Exercise Science • Chemistry • P hysical Science • Combined Science • P hysics (R26) • Design & Technology • Science (Biology, Chemistry) • Electronics • Science (Biology, Physics) Common Entry • Engineering Science • Science (Chemistry Physics) Programme in: • Common Sports and Health Programme (R63) For full listing of entry requirements, visit SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS / GRADE FOR THE ARTS (STA) a) English Language/1 - 6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 7 c) Any three other subjects/1 - 6 Diploma in: Note: In addition, you must have sat for one subject listed in the 1st group and another • A rts & Theatre Management different subject listed in the 2nd group: (R25) ELR2B2-A 1ST GROUP • Higher Music • Art/Art & Design • History • M edia Production & Design • Business Studies • H umanities (Social Studies, (R19) • Combined Humanities • Commerce Literature in English) • Commercial Studies • Humanities (Social Studies, • Economics • Geography Literature in Chinese) • Higher Art • H umanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) 17

SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY AGGREGATE TYPE MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/GRADE FOR THE ARTS (STA) Note: In addition, you must have sat for one subject listed in 1st Group and another different subject listed in 2nd Group: Diploma in: 1ST GROUP • H umanities (Social Studies, • A rts & Theatre • Art/Art & Design Literature in Malay) • Business Studies Management (R25) • Combined Humanities • H umanities (Social Studies, • Commerce Literature in Tamil) • M edia Production & Design • Commercial Studies (R19) • Economics • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • Geography • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) • Higher Art • Intro to Enterprise Development • Higher Music • Literature in English • History • Literature in Chinese • H umanities (Social Studies, • Literature in Malay • Literature in Tamil Literature in English) • Media Studies (English) • H umanities (Social Studies, • Media Studies (Chinese) • Music Literature in Chinese) ELR2B2-A (continued) 2ND GROUP • Higher Chinese • Additional Mathematics • Higher Malay • Art/Art & Design • Higher Music • Business Studies • Higher Tamil • Chinese • History • Combined Humanities • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in • Commerce • Commercial Studies English) • Creative 3D Animation • Humanities (Social Studies, • Design & Technology • Design Studies Literature in Chinese) • Economics • H umanities (Social Studies, • Elementary Mathematics • Food & Nutrition Literature in Malay) • Geography • Humanities (Social Studies, • Higher Art Literature in Tamil) • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • H umanities (Social Studies, Geography) a) English Language/1 - 7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional)/1 - 7 c) Any two other subjects/1 - 6 Note: In addition, you must have sat for one of the following subjects: • Design for User ELR2B2-D • Additional Combined Science • General Science Experience (R36) • Additional Science • Higher Art • Art/Art & Design • Human & Social Biology • Design for Games & • Biology • Integrated Science Gamification • Biotechnology • Media Studies (English) • Chemistry • Media Studies (Chinese) • Sonic Arts (R24) • Combined Science • Physical Science • Computing/Computer Studies • Physics • Creative 3D Animation • Science (Biology, Chemistry) • Design & Technology • S cience (Biology, Physics) • Design Studies • Science (Chemistry Physics) • Food & Nutrition • E lectronics/Fundamentals of Electronics For full listing of entry requirements, visit 18


SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE Dream of making a difference through new technology and scientific breakthroughs? Get started at RP School of Applied Science (SAS). With five diploma programmes across diverse fields and a Common Science programme, this is where you can develop your passion for the applied sciences into real world innovations and solutions. Diploma in Applied Chemistry Diploma in Biomedical Science Diploma in Biotechnology D iploma in Environmental & Marine Science D iploma in Pharmaceutical Science Common Science Programme 20

R17 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma APPLIED CHEMISTRY The magic of chemistry is yours to wield! Discover how atoms can be converted to products like cosmetics and drugs. You can choose to specialise in either Materials Science or Industrial Chemistry. Modules such as Formulation Science and A cquire knowledge and skills in chemistry that can Technology offer first-hand experience in be applied widely, including in the cosmetic, creating skin and personal care products, flavours/fragrances, pharmaceutical, and allowing students to understand the petrochemical industries look and feel of these products and, more importantly, delve into the science L earn to formulate, process and analyse chemicals behind them. Other modules like Quality and materials Assurance and Data Science also prepare students for the future of work as data U ndergo a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme science grows in importance.” with organisations such as 3M, A*STAR Research Institutes, Clariant, Evonik, Osteopore, Procter & MR CHAN KIN SHEN Gamble Company, and Solvay Research Specialist and RP Alumni Procter & Gamble (Singapore) Pte Ltd CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES You can look forward to exciting careers in energy Graduates can pursue a degree locally or in other and chemicals, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, prestigious overseas universities in a wide range electronics, and aerospace sectors. Equip yourself to of areas including chemistry, science, chemical take on roles such as: engineering, and materials science. • Assistant Chemist • Biomedical Product Specialist • Laboratory Technologist • Process Technician • Research Associate • Technical Sales Assistant • Quality Assurance/Control Specialist 21

R14 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE Human diseases versus modern healthcare: Discover what this diploma has to teach about the human body, how diseases develop and how to treat them! Then, choose to specialise in either Medical Laboratory Technology or Biomedical Research. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES A cquire scientific knowledge and develop You can pursue a fulfilling career in healthcare technical skills to work with genetic materials and institutions, research laboratories and companies that cells, as well as handle analytical instruments develop and distribute biomedical products. Look forward to roles such as: G ain in-depth understanding of how to plan and design biomedical experiments • Biomedical Research Assistant • Laboratory Technologist E ngage in a 20-week Industry Immersion • Medical and Laboratory Product Specialist Programme with organisations such as A*STAR • Medical Technologist Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Genome • Q uality Control/Quality Assurance Officer Institute of Singapore, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Raffles Medical Group, and Singapore FURTHER STUDIES General Hospital RP students have been exceptional Top overseas universities welcome our graduates with and helped the lab develop research advanced standing of up to two years. They include: in areas such as automated sequence analysis and AR protein visualisation. • Australian National University (Australia) Some have been rewarded with • Deakin University (Australia) first-author publications because of • Ferris State University (US) the research done in their respective • Murdoch University (Australia) assignments. That is evidence of the • Newcastle University (UK) students’ ability.” • The University of Adelaide (Australia) • The University of Queensland (Australia) DR SAMUEL GAN • The University of Sheffield (UK) Senior Principle Investigator • University of Dundee (UK) Experimental Drug Development • University of Liverpool (UK) Centre & Bioinformatics Institute • University of Otago (NZ) A*STAR • University of Technology Sydney (Australia) • University of Ulster (UK) 22

R16 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma BIOTECHNOLOGY Join the revolution — in food supply, health and the environment! Discover new medicines and formulate healthier food options using your knowledge of biology and other life sciences; choose later to specialise in either Biologics or Food and Agrotech. Justin, our intern from RP has adequate G et creative and leverage technology to develop technical knowledge that enabled him effective biological therapeutics to treat diseases to work independently and efficiently to complete his assigned tasks on time. He B e equipped with skills to improve food quality and proved his willingness to learn by taking production, and develop new, nutritionally-enhanced his own initiative to explore other areas foods and products beyond his job scope as our intern.” U ndergo a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme with organisations such as A*STAR Research MS GRACE H. LIZARDO Institutes, Baxter Healthcare, Indoor Farm Factory Marketing Manager Innovation, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Roche Diagnostics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Roche Singapore Technical Operations, Singapore on Intern, Ng Jun Wei Justin, 2019 Graduate from Food Agency, Symrise Asia Pacific, ThermoFisher Diploma in Biotechnology Scientific, and Wilmar International CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES You can pursue careers in a diverse range of industries Top overseas universities welcome our graduates with such as biopharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical advanced standing of up to two years. They include: technology, agrotechnology, food development, and food manufacturing. Look forward to career • Australian National University (Australia) opportunities in roles such as: • Monash University (Australia) • Newcastle University (UK) • Assistant Agricultural Scientist • Queensland University of Technology (Australia) • Assistant Biotechnologist • RMIT University (Australia) • Assistant Food Technologist • The University of Melbourne (Australia) • Biologics Production Technician • The University of Queensland (Australia) • Food and Microbiology Specialist • University of Dundee (UK) • Health Education Officer • Laboratory Technologist 23

R62 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma ENVIRONMENTAL & MARINE SCIENCE Lead the defence of the earth and her A ttain knowledge and practical experience in inhabitants! Arm yourself with an in-depth the field of environmental and marine science, understanding of climate science, ecology and encompassing disciplines such as circular economy, sustainability, and opt for your specialisation climate science, ecology, and aquaculture in either Environmental Management and A cquire skills in data analysis, resource management Technology or Aquaculture Technology. and field work/studies/sampling to help you develop sustainable environmental and aquaculture solutions CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Intern with organisations such as National Environment Agency, National Parks Board, S.E.A. You can look forward to enriching careers in Aquarium, Tropical and Marine Science Institute, and environmental, water services, petrochemical and Mandai Wildlife Group semiconductor sectors, fisheries, oceanariums, wildlife and marine parks and reserves, research institutes as RP students do well because they well as government agencies. know what they want, they can work amidst ambiguity and have pleasant Get ready to take on roles such as: characters, and the courage to say ‘yes’ to new things. They succeed in • Aquaculture Technologist their industry attachment because of • Aquarist their positive mindsets.” • Aquatic Facility Manager • Conservation and Outreach Executive DR. GENEVIEVE OW • Environmental Control and Environmental Deputy Director Service Officer Sustainable Urban Greenery, Centre for Urban • Environmental Health and Safety Technician Greenery & Ecology, National Parks Board • Laboratory Technologist • Operations Technician/Executive • Parks Officer FURTHER STUDIES Graduates can pursue a degree in prestigious local and overseas universities in numerous areas which include environmental and marine science, sustainable development, ecology, and aquaculture. 24

R22 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Looking to embark on a career which can create positive health outcomes and possibly save lives? You can be that hero! Learn how to develop new drugs and therapies, pick up critical pharmaceutical knowledge and hone your people-skills. You’ll be ready for an impactful career, whether in the healthcare or the pharmaceutical industry. G ain a broad foundation of knowledge in RP interns who are attached with us are pharmaceutical science, encompassing disciplines eager to learn. They are also resilient in a such as chemistry, pharmacology and pharmaceutics demanding learning atmosphere which is necessary for their future career journey.” D evelop interdisciplinary skills in clinical pharmacy, laboratory research, medication review, patient MS SUPADHARA RAMAIYAH counselling, pharmaceutical manufacturing Marketing Manager processes, and supply and distribution of Senior Principal Clinical Pharmacist Head pharmaceuticals Department of Pharmacy Khoo Teck Puat Hospital E xperience a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme with organisations such as Beacons Pharmaceuticals, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Unity Pharmacy CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES You can pursue a fulfilling career in healthcare Top overseas universities welcome our graduates with institutions, research laboratories and companies that advanced standing of up to 1.5 years. They include: develop and distribute pharmaceuticals. Look forward to roles such as: • Deakin University (Australia) • Griffith University (Australia) • Clinic Supervisor • Monash University (Australia) • Clinical Research Coordinator • T he University of Queensland (Australia) • Medical Representative • University of Otago (New Zealand) • Pharmacy Technician • University of South Australia (Australia) • Quality Control Technologist • Research Assistant • Sales/Product Executive 25

R59 Scan to find out more about the COMMON SCIENCE programme PROGRAMME Have a knack for science but not a clue which field to venture into? This course lays a firm scientific foundation for you while allowing you to explore various disciplines offered by the school. Discover your strengths and understand the myriad of career options available, so that you can make an informed choice when selecting a diploma! Explore more, with more time to discover your interests Get to know different disciplines of science through common foundational modules Choose from five SAS diplomas 26

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Fascinated by innovative technologies and dream of shaping the world with your inventions? Build your future at RP School of Engineering (SEG). We offer eight diploma programmes and a Common Engineering Programme where you can gain a well-rounded skill set to push boundaries and create practical solutions. D iploma in Aerospace Engineering D iploma in Aviation Management D iploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering D iploma in Engineering Design with Business D iploma in Engineering Systems & Management D iploma in Industrial & Operations Management D iploma in Supply Chain Management D iploma in Sustainable Built Environment C ommon Engineering Programme 27

R40 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Get a flying start in the aerospace sector with I have gained both theoretical and this diploma approved by the Civil Aviation practical knowledge through the course, Authority of Singapore. Train on an actual which helped me immensely at work. The aircraft in our hangar for proficiency in aircraft Problem-based Learning approach has maintenance, and build a firm understanding of prepared me well to think on my feet and global aviation regulations. Take your first step solve real-life work challenges.” towards becoming a Licensed Aircraft Engineer. MADURA CHINTHANA VARNASOORIYA G ain a solid foundation in aircraft structural Diploma in Aerospace Engineering maintenance and in engine maintenance and repair 2019 Graduate Currently an Aircraft Technician at U nderstand the complexities of aerospace Aerospace Component Engineering engineering and safety protocols Services Pte Limited U ndergo a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme with aerospace companies such as Pratt & Whitney, StandardAero, ST Engineering Aerospace, UTC Aerospace Systems, and Turbine Overhaul Services CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES With a solid foundation in technical skills, you are You can also pursue degrees at overseas universities in poised to take up a comprehensive range of careers Australia and New Zealand such as: in the aviation industry. You will be able to pursue opportunities in roles such as: • A uckland University of Technology (New Zealand) • Edith Cowan University (Australia) • Aircraft Avionics System Specialist • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia) • Airframe and Engine Inspector • The University of Adelaide (Australia) • Assistant Engineer • The University of Queensland (Australia) • Fleet Management Planner • T he University of Western Australia (Australia) • L icensed Aircraft Engineer • Material/Production Planner • Non-Destructive Testing Inspector • Quality Control Inspector • Technical Support Personnel • Workshop Engineer 28

R39 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma AVIATION MANAGEMENT Be a high flyer in the aviation industry! Attain specialist and management skills sought by international airlines and airports worldwide. Experience flying in the B747 and DA40 Aircraft Flight Simulators and acquire air traffic management skills when you role play as an air traffic controller in the Virtual Aerodrome Laboratory. M aster a spectrum of skills, from flight operations This diploma programme covers many and air traffic control to terminal management and relevant areas which provides a good ground services overview of the dynamic and innovation- driven aviation industry. I believe this G ain knowledge about aircraft systems, airport programme will build a good foundation operations and aviation safety for students who are considering a career in aviation management.” E xperience what it is like to be an air transport professional through our 20-week Industry MR ALBERT LIM Immersion Programme with world-class Senior Vice President organisations such as Changi Airport Group, Airport Operations Management dnata, Jetstar Asia, SATS, and Singapore Airlines. Changi Airport Group CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES You will be well-positioned to pursue exciting careers Top local and overseas universities welcome our in the air transport industry, such as: graduates with advanced standing of up to two years. • Air Operations Centre Coordinator They include: • Air Traffic Control Officer • Aircraft Dispatcher • Australian National University (Australia) • Airline Executive/Manager • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (US) • Airline Station Manager • Massey University (New Zealand) • Airport Duty Terminal Manager • Nanyang Technological University • Cabin Crew • National University of Singapore • Pilot • RMIT University (Australia) • Singapore Institute of Technology • University of New South Wales (Australia) • University of South Australia (Australia) 29

R50 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Spark your enthusiasm for all things electrical and electronic, and get wired into a bright future! Gain a broad education that gives you flexibility across a range of key growth areas, from communications to aerospace electronics, and microelectronics. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES A chieve a broad-based foundation in electrical and electronics applications across specialities such You can look forward to excellent career prospects in as communications, aerospace electronics and a wide range of digital and electronics industries in the microelectronics areas of: P articipate in R&D projects with industry-leading • Aerospace Avionics companies and gain valuable industry experience • Augmented and Virtual Reality • Communications and Internet of Things E mbark on a 20-week Industry Immersion • Data Storage and Memory Programme with companies such as Airbus • Embedded Systems and Robotics Helicopters Southeast Asia, GlobalFoundries, Micron • Semiconductor Semiconductor Asia, Panasonic, Rohde & Schwarz Asia, Sennheiser, and Thales Solutions Asia FURTHER STUDIES The value of the Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (DEEE) lies in Top overseas universities also welcome our graduates enhancing its graduates’ versatility and with advanced standing of up to two years. readiness to work in varied sectors of They include: the electrical and electronics industry. I believe DEEE graduates are the ‘new- • Australian National University (Australia) age’ engineers that companies like • Newcastle University (UK) Philips need.” • The University of Nottingham (UK) • The University of Western Australia (Australia) MR JOHN NGOH • U niversity of Leeds (UK) Director (Customer Service and Ops) • University of New South Wales (Australia) Philips Healthcare 30

R56 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma ENGINEERING DESIGN WITH BUSINESS Left brain-right brain: why not both? Flex your creative and analytical muscles in this out-of- the-box learning journey that allows you to integrate your love for engineering, innovation and entrepreneurship. Learn how to design, develop and implement engineering solutions with a business focus. Acquire an extensive base of design thinking, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES engineering and business application skills You will be well equipped for a career in the business G ain practical skills and proficiency through and engineering sectors, including in the areas of: hands-on training in our design studio and engineering lab • Business Development and Planning • Electrical and Electronics Engineering U ndergo a 20-week Industry Immersion • Entrepreneurship Programme at leading product design companies • Product Design and Development and product improvement departments of MNCs • Project Planning and Management and SMEs • Start-up Softing Singapore is proud to be a FURTHER STUDIES longstanding industry partner and a recent scholarship sponsor of RP. Softing You can pursue further studies in a wide range has benefitted greatly from talented and of engineering and business fields. Top local and impressive RP interns, some interns have overseas universities welcome our graduates with even gone on to become our full-time advanced standing. employees after their graduation. We look forward to a sustaining and strong They include: partnership with RP!” • Nanyang Technological University MR SIMON HARRISON • National University of Singapore General Manager • Q ueensland University of Technology (Australia) Softing Singapore Pte Ltd • Singapore Institute of Technology • The University of Queensland (Australia) 31

R54 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma ENGINEERING SYSTEMS & MANAGEMENT Be a big picture thinker! Acquire the P ick up extensive knowledge and essential hands-on multi-disciplinary engineering skills, systems skills in electrical, electronic and mechanical thinking abilities and project management engineering to manage complex engineering systems competences that let you spearhead large-scale Gain comprehensive project management skills and projects. You will get to pick up specialised become a well-rounded engineering professional know-how in essential services and emerging G o for a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme technologies too. with leading companies in the areas of essential services such as land transportation, intelligent CAREER OPPORTUNITIES systems and emerging technologies You can look forward to excellent career prospects This course provides a good foundation to in engineering, operations and project management develop engineering talent with the right positions in wide-ranging industries such as: skillsets matching the growing industrial • Automation and Robotics needs in the area of smart mobility and • Fleet, Facilities and Systems Management smart autonomous automation system. • Manufacturing and Engineering Services The Internet of Things technology has • U rban Transport Operations and Management brought innovation not just to the consumer products but is expected to FURTHER STUDIES “spill over” rapidly into the industrial area as well. The course has the right contents You can pursue further studies in a wide range in place and coupled with the aim to of engineering and business fields. Top local and produce a multidisciplinary engineer, we overseas universities welcome our graduates with are certain the students will be ready for advanced standing of up to two years. the industry when they graduate.” They include: • Nanyang Technological University MR LIEU YEW FATT • National University of Singapore Managing Director • Singapore Institute of Technology Omron Electronics Pte Ltd 32

R11 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma INDUSTRIAL & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Power up to be the driving force behind The port of the future will feature more business operations across multiple sectors. automated and intelligent systems. Develop the expertise to design, improve, Students from RP’s Diploma in Industrial optimise, and manage company processes and & Operations Management are equipped resources. You’ll learn how to craft integrated with relevant knowledge and skills such as solutions for the workplace and implement operations management, critical thinking smart business practices for organisations. and innovative problem-solving, which will enable them to work effectively in D evelop competencies in costing, human factors, the dynamic port environment. We look lean six sigma, operations planning, project and forward to partnering RP to prepare quality management principles to help optimise students for exciting and fulfilling careers business processes and boost productivity in port management and operations.” Achieve industry-relevant certifications such MR NG KOK CHEONG as Certified AutoCAD Professional and UiPath Head of Human Resource Academic Diploma in RPA Citizen Developer PSA Corporation Ltd Experience a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme with well-known organisations such as Cummins, McKinsey, NTUC, OCBC Bank, PSA International, Seagate, Select Group, and Volvo CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES You can seek fulfilling careers across a wide spectrum You can pursue further studies in a wide range of of industries and government agencies in roles such as: business, engineering and management fields in top local and overseas universities with advanced • B usiness/Human Resource/Planning Executive standing of up to two years. • B usiness Process Analyst • Industrial Engineering Specialist They include: • Operations/Logistics/Supply Chain Executive • Project/Productivity/Operations Excellence • National University of Singapore • Nanyang Technological University Team Lead • Singapore Management University • Q uality Technologist • Singapore University of Technology and Design • Safety/Facilities Officer • Australian National University (Australia) 33

R21 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Keep the world going round as a supply D evelop a solid understanding of facilities planning, chain management expert! Gain an in-depth inventory management, and IT for supply chain perspective of global trade and logistics, management, logistics, transportation, and and be part of the digital and technological warehousing revolution impacting the flow of goods, A ttain a well-rounded education that builds technical information and finances. capabilities, instils specialised knowledge, and provides exposure to concepts related to Supply CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Chain Management. U ndergo a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme Look forward to building dynamic careers at all levels of with companies such as DHL, NTUC FairPrice, the supply chain across a wide range of industries. You Schneider Electric, ST Logistics, and UPS will be in a good position to pursue careers such as: It is fulfilling for me to be able to apply • Distribution Officer the skills and knowledge I have gained • Freight Officer from the course in my daily work. On top • Inventory Controller of that, RP encouraged me to develop a • Logistics Solutions Analyst passion for learning and played a huge • Material Planner part in my decision to further my studies • Purchasing Officer by completing RP’s Specialist Diploma in • Supply Chain Executive Supply Chain Management.” • Transport Officer • Warehouse Officer FEROZ KHAN BIN AHMAD KHAN Diploma in Supply Chain Management, FURTHER STUDIES 2016 Graduate SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme Top overseas universities also welcome our graduates for Specialist Diploma in Supply Chain with advanced standing of up to two years. Management [now known as Work-Study Post- They include: Diploma (Specialist Diploma in Supply Chain Management)], 2018 Graduate • A uckland University of Technology (New Zealand) Currently an Analyst at Arvato Bertelsmann Supply • The University of Queensland (Australia) Chain Solutions, Arvato Digital Services Pte Ltd • University of South Australia (Australia) • University of Wollongong (Australia) 34

R61 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Be at the cutting-edge of digital and smart Acquire expertise in the latest digital and smart technologies for the built environment! technologies for the built environment Pick up the skills that will allow you to design A chieve industry-relevant certifications such as Revit or manage buildings with features like Architecture Certified User and/or Certified Professional Jewel Changi Airport’s glass grid shell roof, E xperience working with companies like the Building and HSBC Rain Vortex and Canopy Park. With Construction Authority (BCA), Daikin Airconditioning, this diploma, you will be ready to take on Sunseap Group, Fluke South East Asia, and the Solar various engineering positions in exciting built Energy Research Institute of Singapore through a 20- environment industries. week Industry Immersion Programme CAREER OPPORTUNITIES This is a dynamic industry, blending a myriad of different disciplines that You are well placed to take on various engineering contribute to a more sustainable positions in Built Environment Industry such as: built environment. The course primes students for gainful careers, equipping • Assistant Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical) them to shape the built environment of • Assistant Engineer (Sustainable Design) the future.” • BIM Modeller, BIM Coordinator • F acilities Executive Assistant ER. YVONNE SOH • Specialist in BIM and Digital Delivery Executive Director Singapore Green Building Council FURTHER STUDIES 35 RP graduates are well-placed to embark on meaningful careers, immediately after graduation. They could even improve their employability by taking part-time courses or SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes (WSP). What’s more, every RP diploma is recognised and has a pathway leading to a relevant degree with top local and overseas universities. RP graduates may complete their degrees in just over two or three years in a four-year programme.

R42 Scan to find out more about the COMMON programme ENGINEERING PROGRAMME Not sure which field of engineering to specialise in? The Common Engineering Programme is the perfect primer to allow you to discover your interests and to gain a broad understanding of the various Engineering diplomas offered by SEG before you make an informed choice. P robe a little deeper to discover your interests G ain foundational understanding through first year first semester modules and activities F ind out about the eight different engineering diplomas for a clearer picture of your options 36

SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY Ready to take on a career in the challenging and evolving hospitality sector? As the only dedicated hospitality school amongst Singapore’s five polytechnics, RP School of Hospitality (SOH) will equip you with industry- relevant knowledge training and life skills to deliver exceptional hospitality services through technology and innovation. D iploma in Customer Experience Management with Business D iploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management D iploma in Integrated Events Management D iploma in Restaurant & Culinary Operations C ommon Business Programme (offered by SMC and SOH) 37

R34 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT WITH BUSINESS Think you are up to the challenge of redefining Never let yourself get too comfortable. and enhancing customer experiences? More Seek challenges and always be ready for than customer service, customer experience change. Through RP School of Hospitality, is all the ways a customer interacts with your I learnt how to work effectively in teams brand. This diploma equips you with the and find solutions to every challenge customer analytics and journey mapping skills presented. Being in my current role as a to make a difference in the sector. People’s Manager, I have to manage my team and understand the importance of Specialise in three key areas of customer cultivating strong teamwork.” experience – Business Management, Analytics and Customer Management WILSON YAN Diploma in Customer Experience Management D evelop skills to manage customers and help with Business businesses remain profitable through good 2016 Graduate customer relationship management Currently working as a Consultant with Abeam Consulting L earn to identify customers’ needs, manage their expectations and deliver excellent experiences E mbark on a successful career in customer experience management across multiple industry verticals CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES Explore careers in these exciting fields: Graduates can look forward to pursue further studies in local and overseas universities. • Brand and Loyalty Management These include: • Customer Experience Management • Relationship Management • International College of Hotel Management • Retail and Merchandising (Australia) • Sales and Marketing • Travel and Hospitality Services • National University of Singapore • Nanyang Technological University 38 • Singapore Management University

R37 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma HOTEL & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Fulfil your dreams of becoming a global leader Develop expertise and acquire management skills in the hotel industry, or a leading figure in related to key operating departments of a hotel the tourism scene with the Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management. Gain insights into A cquire core knowledge and skills through the the hospitality industry, from revenue and use of Hospitality Technology and Analytics to accommodation operations management to identify and exceed guests’ expectations front office and housekeeping management. Polish critical skills and discover a rewarding Gain valuable experiences in guest services career ahead. management and explore sustainability solutions in the hotel business CAREER OPPORTUNITIES InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) Launch your career in these interesting fields: Hotels & Resorts is proud to be a partner of RP School of Hospitality. • Accommodation Management RP students are able to multi-task and • Business Analytics problem solve with definitive solutions • Concierge Services and options. • Guest Experience Management • Hospitality Business Management We look forward to our continued • Revenue Management partnership and welcoming many more • Sales and Marketing students to the hotel industry.” FURTHER STUDIES MR NG GIAN HENG Area Director of Human Resources, Singapore Graduates can look forward to pursuing further IHG®️ Hotels & Resorts educational opportunities in both local and overseas universities. These include: 39 • Nanyang Technological University • National University of Singapore • Singapore Institute of Technology • S ingapore Management University • Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland) • International College of Hotel Management (Australia) • The University of Adelaide (Australia)

R28 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma INTEGRATED EVENTS MANAGEMENT Get behind the scenes at high-profile events! Learn to conceptualise, plan and execute Whether it is a prestigious hybrid conference, memorable events such as webinars, conferences, a star-studded gig or exhilarating sports event, exhibitions, and more in various formats – physical, you’ll be confident of organising a memorable virtual and hybrid affair. This diploma equips you with everything Acquire knowledge and skills related to you need to know about planning and attractions, hospitality and tourism management executing the perfect function. E mbark on internships at high-profile companies such as Constellar Holdings, Experia Events, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Kingsmen, Pico, Resorts World Sentosa, and Mandai Wildlife Group Pursue dynamic careers in these fields: • Conference Management Success is all in the attitude, the • Event Management desire to achieve, the determination • Event Sales to fight for our hopes and dreams, • Media & Entertainment the perseverance, and the resilience • Project Management to stay on the path that we’ve set for • Tourism & Attractions ourselves. This course has taught me to never give up on myself and to be FURTHER STUDIES adaptable to all situations. Challenges only make us stronger and wiser.” Pursue a related degree programme in these universities: BELDEN CHUA WEN HAN Diploma in Integrated Events Management • National University of Singapore 2019 Graduate • Nanyang Technological University Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business at • Singapore Institute of Technology Nanyang Technological University • Singapore Management University • Edinburgh Napier University (UK) • International College of Hotel Management (Australia) • Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) • The University of Adelaide (Australia) 40

R46 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma RESTAURANT & CULINARY OPERATIONS A cquire business management and Discover the recipe for success in the food and entrepreneurship skills to be an innovative and beverage industry! With business management enterprising leader in food service management and entrepreneurship skills under your belt, B uild knowledge and skills related to food and you can be an innovative and enterprising beverage operations as well as catering sales leader in food service management. and marketing G ain valuable real-world experiences through CAREER OPPORTUNITIES a 24-week Industry Immersion Programme with leading restaurant chains, institutional food Join the ranks of talented F&B experts and pursue services or catering companies careers as: The practical modules offered by Diploma • Beverage Specialist/Barista in Restaurant & Culinary Operations (DRCO) • Catering Sales Executive/Manager train us to develop important skills such as • Culinary Specialist/Chef teamwork, communication and how to think • Entrepreneur on our feet. These skills prepares us for a • F&B Cost Controller career in the business world including the • F&B Digital Specialist hospitality industry. DRCO has opened my • F&B Operations Executive/Manager eyes in many ways and enhanced my critical • Institutional Food Services Manager thinking, presentation and collaboration skills. These are takeaways which I now apply FURTHER STUDIES in my daily life, be it in my undergraduate studies or when I work part-time. Overall, my Graduates can look forward to pursuing further studies experience in DRCO has helped me to realise in local and overseas universities. These include: my potential and encouraged me to perform to the best of my abilities. By utilising what I • Nanyang Technological University have learnt, I am confident that I will be able • National University of Singapore to tackle whatever life has in store for me.“ • Singapore Institute of Technology • Singapore Management University LANCE JORDAN ARMSTRONG • Edinburgh Napier University (UK) Diploma in Restaurant & Culinary Operations • International College of Hotel Management 2021 Graduate Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree, (Australia) Majoring in Economics at Singapore Management University 41

SCHOOL OF INFOCOMM With the rise of technological advancements, be part of the future at RP School of Infocomm (SOI)! Whether it’s cybersecurity, data analysis or other exciting fields, SOI offers five robust diploma programmes and a Common ICT Programme to help you flourish in the digital world. D iploma in Business Information Systems D iploma in Digital Design & Development D iploma in Financial Technology D iploma in Infocomm Security Management D iploma in Information Technology C ommon ICT Programme 42

R13 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Bridge the gap between business and IT! With the combination of technology skills, business knowledge and data analysis techniques you gain, you’ll find your expertise developing IT solutions for businesses in great demand. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES A cquire fundamental IT and business skills through business process modelling and project management You will gain versatile skillsets that will enable you P articipate in projects that are based on real IT issues to take on high-value IT roles in a wide range of faced in the business world industries. You can look forward to roles such as: U ndergo a 20-week Industry Immersion Programme with organisations such as DBS Bank, Salesforce • Application Developer Singapore, SAS Institute, and NCS Pte Ltd • Application Support • Associate Business Analyst I have always lived by the saying, ‘Don’t • Associate Systems Analyst spend your time trying to find yourself • IT Executive – spend your time creating yourself into the person you’d be proud of.’ FURTHER STUDIES DBIS helped me do that by allowing me to practice what I am good at while Our diploma opens doors for you to pursue a degree exploring new aspects. This has opened at reputable local and overseas universities. Top local up many opportunities for me.” and overseas universities welcome our graduates with credit exemptions, they include: NURUL NATASHA BTE MD Z Diploma in Business Information Systems • Nanyang Technological University 2019 Graduate • National University of Singapore Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Honours) • Singapore Institute of Technology in Computing Science, jointly offered by Singapore • Singapore Management University Institute of Technology and University of Glasgow Overseas universities in: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and many other locations. 43

R47 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma DIGITAL DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Ride the digital wave on next-gen platforms! Lead the charge in frontier technologies like Immersive Media, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, while gaining a holistic understanding of key digital design industry concepts. G ain expertise in application development and CAREER OPPORTUNITIES UI/UX design B uild immersive experiences for next-generation You will be well prepared to take on roles such as: digital platforms • Mobile and Web Apps Developer U se AI and Machine Learning services to create • Systems Analyst smart solutions • UI Designer • UX Designer RP School of Infocomm has allowed me to be a winner inside and outside FURTHER STUDIES school. The lecturers encouraged and motivated me to achieve various Our diploma opens doors for you to pursue a degree accomplishments. The opportunity has at reputable local and overseas universities. Top local proved to be useful and rewarding in and overseas universities welcome our graduates making me a better individual moving with credit exemptions, they include: forward in my career.” • N anyang Technological University • National University of Singapore HERWAN SHAH • Singapore Institute of Technology Diploma in Mobile Software Development • Singapore Management University (now known as Diploma in Digital Design & Development) Overseas universities in: 2018 Graduate Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and many Currently working as an IT Business Analyst other locations. 44

R18 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY If money makes the world go round, you L earn and apply technological innovations, such as can help it spin more smoothly. Get a firm Blockchain, Payments and Data Analytics to solve understanding of FinTech concepts and business problems in the financial industry business models, and acquire the skills to develop innovative digital solutions for D evelop software programming skills and financial organisations. knowledge to create IT solutions CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Gain knowledge of the financial ecosystem to kick- start a career in IT and financial industries You are set to take on key positions with leading organisations in both the public and private sectors. U nderstand the importance of entrepreneurship You can look forward to roles such as: and be equipped with foundational skills in setting up a FinTech business • Application Developer • Associate Business Analyst • FinTech Entrepreneur FURTHER STUDIES Enrolling in this course has opened my eyes to see and learn how Our diploma opens doors for you to pursue a degree technology and software help with at reputable local and overseas universities. Top local the delivery of financial services. I was and overseas universities welcome our graduates given opportunities to participate in with credit exemptions, they include: competitions at RP, where I learnt more about the concept of decentralised • Nanyang Technological University finance. I was also encouraged to take • National University of Singapore up a leadership role in peer revision • Singapore Institute of Technology sessions, which helped me in my learning • Singapore Management University too. These helped me discover my interest in the field of Infocomm and Overseas universities in: I intend to pursue a degree in data Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and science after graduation.” many other locations. YEO BOON LING, FAITH Diploma in Financial Technology Year 2 Student 45

R55 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma INFOCOMM SECURITY MANAGEMENT Enter the realm of high-tech IT security! Learn about key IT security technologies, get familiar with state-of-the-art systems, and learn key strategies to fend off cyber attacks. These skills have never been more in demand. Learn about key IT security technologies Talent is usually an invisible trait, more often than not, it’s the result of Develop techniques for tracking and fighting conscientious work, other people cybercrime don’t see.” Undergo a 20-week Industry Immersion LYNN LEE QING XIA Programme with organisations such as Ernst & Diploma in Infocomm Security Management Young, NEC, Palo Alto Networks, RSA, and Singtel 2021 Graduate Currently working as a Cyber Security Consultant at Wizlynx Group Singapore Branch CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FURTHER STUDIES You can embark on a variety of exciting careers Our diploma opens doors for you to pursue a degree related to infocomm security management. You will be at reputable local and overseas universities. Top local well prepared to take on roles such as: and overseas universities welcome our graduates with credit exemptions, they include: • Cloud Security Officer • Computer Forensic Examiner • Nanyang Technological University • IT Audit Officer • National University of Singapore • IT Security Analyst • Singapore Institute of Technology • IT Security Engineer • Singapore Management University • Network Security Administrator • Security Penetration Tester Overseas universities in: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and many other locations. 46

R12 Scan to find out more about the DIPLOMA IN diploma INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Unleash the tech wizard in you! From designing software and computer networks to managing cloud computing, the expertise you gain will open doors to countless opportunities in almost any industry. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES L earn how IT systems, intelligent networks and software applications are designed, developed You will be valued for your broad expertise in and managed IT fundamentals. You will be able to pursue U nderstand current IT security concerns and learn opportunities in roles such as: how to deploy Enterprise wired and wireless networks in a secure manner • Cloud Operation Engineer Undergo a 20-week Industry Immersion • IT Analyst Software Developer Programme with organisations such as Accenture, • System and Network Administrator Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, Pactera • Technical Support Engineer Edge, and NCS Pte Ltd FURTHER STUDIES Afraid of jumping into an IT field with little to no experience? I did Our diploma opens doors for you to pursue a degree not have a clear direction of which at reputable local and overseas universities. Top local IT course I should pursue when I first and overseas universities welcome our graduates enrolled but RP has given me plenty of with credit exemptions, they include: opportunities to discover what I can be good at. This experience has guided • Nanyang Technological University me to a clear path of what I want to • National University of Singapore pursue as a career in the IT industry.” • Singapore Institute of Technology • Singapore Management University MUHAMMAD HAZIQ BIN RAMLAN Diploma in Information Technology Overseas universities in: 2021 Graduate Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Currently serving National Service and many other locations. 47

R58 Scan to find out more about the COMMON ICT programme PROGRAMME It’s all IT but which bit fits you best? Traverse the spectrum of information technology courses offered by the school and discover where your future could lie. Understanding the IT industry and its myriad career opportunities allow you to make the right diploma choice. Discover your interests through the programme D evelop a good foundation in infocomm technology (ICT) G ain insights to different ICT-related disciplines before you make your choice 48

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