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Home Explore 2022 Temasek Polytechnic Course_Brochure

2022 Temasek Polytechnic Course_Brochure

Published by Resources, 2022-02-04 06:53:05

Description: 2022 Temasek Polytechnic Course_Brochure_2022


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CONTENTS 02 Unlock your true potential at TP! (ASC) School of Applied Science 11 (BUS) School of Business 19 (DES) School of Design 30 (ENG) School of Engineering 37 (HSS) School of Humanities & Social Sciences 51 (IIT) School of Informatics & IT 56 CREATING Care. Courage. Passion. These are the qualities hardwired into the A VIBRANT Temasek Polytechnic (TP) DNA – the foundations behind our promise TOMORROW, to provide you with a unique educational experience. AT TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC. Learning in TP focuses on a holistic approach. In addition to your diploma's subject-matter related lectures, tutorials and hands-on training, you will also undergo lessons that impart crucial life skills. These include communication, leadership, problem-solving, career planning, and more. As a TP student, you will be transformed into a self-directed learner who is confident in facing new challenges and rapid changes. You will be encouraged to become future-oriented creators in possession of a fearless entrepreneurial spirit. As a values-centred leader, you will also be ready to contribute generously and become a positive influence to our society and the global community. Agile, flexible and responsive to the demands of the new normal, TP graduates are poised to succeed in their shared goal of creating brighter and better tomorrows not just for themselves but everyone else around them too! Publication date: November 2021 The information provided in this brochure is correct at the time of printing and may be subject to change. For the latest updates on course information and entry requirements, please visit 1

Unlock your true potential with the TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC EXPERIENCE!

Destination TP Scan to learn more about the TP School you have your eye on joining. Better yet, why not take all six School of Applied Science tours of our vibrant Schools? School of Business Make your mark in the exciting sectors of Push boundaries in media, finance, law, healthcare, food, chemical and life sciences. logistics, tourism and more! School of Design School of Engineering Influence trends in the world of fashion, Be at the forefront of dynamic fields like communication, spaces and places! advanced manufacturing, aerospace and sustainable technology. School of Humanities & Social Sciences School of Informatics & IT Foster a caring culture amongst the young Disrupt societies and communities for the and old, and everyone else in between! better, with next-level tech ideas. 3

Gain valuable In addition to taking your Diploma Core subjects 21st Century and Diploma Electives or Option subjects, you will also undergo TP Fundamentals (TPFun). life skills This set of subjects equips you with the crucial with TPFun life skills you need to navigate the modern world as an agile and forward-thinking individual, and team player. Skills like these, and more! SPOR TS & WELLNESS You must first be fit before you can tackle the challenges of the future. Level up your physical skills and unlock the secrets of health-related topics including diet, nutrition, stress and weight management. CRITICAL THIN KING COM Separate the facts from the fakes! Learn to ask the right questions, conduct research and properly discuss local and global issues to find out what the truth is, so you can make objective and logical decisions. MUNICATION Good communication is a key pillar of success. From employing various strategies and ensuring your points are clearly understood to projecting the right image during presentations in both physical and virtual spaces, this is a crucial skill for professionals in any industry. 4

LEAD ERSHIP Teamwork makes the dream work! Discover how to build strong foundations in self and team leadership, and learn how to apply empathy while leading others to collaborate successfully. CAREER PLAN Develop an understanding of your career NING interests and the necessary values, traits and skills required to succeed in today’s workplaces. Learn how to conduct yourself professionally and adapt to a changing job market to ensure your employability. ENTRE PRENEURSHIP Do you have a gem of an idea brewing inside your head? We’ll introduce you to the Design Thinking framework, as well as the various tools, prototyping skills and commercial awareness that will help take your innovative ideas to the next level. GLOBAL CITIZ ENRY Well, it’s a small, hyper-connected world after all. Discover the importance of diversity and gain a good understanding of different cultures. These will help inspire collaboration amongst your future colleagues in the globalised workplaces of today. 5

Your How would TP help you create your vibrant future tomorrow? By providing you with various awaits opportunities that will help develop your unique talents and abilities to their fullest potential of course. Read on and find out more! Train at TP’s latest high-tech facilities like: Smart e-Commerce Centre (SMEC) Our experiential e-Commerce training facility allows students across various diploma courses to gain knowledge and skills to ride the digitalisation wave. The training you undergo at SMEC will equip you with the skills to enter this booming industry. Scan to find out more! TP Advanced Manufacturing Centre (TP AMC) TP AMC is the first-ever learning facility of its kind in an Institute of Higher Learning. The centre caters to the learning needs of TP students across the dynamic and inter-connected fields of engineering, business and IT. Scan and take the tour! 6

Embark on exciting internships, just like your seniors here. JoLasimh Diploma in Mechatronics Internship @ Osteopore International “ I’ve learnt so much by working on optimising the print design of extrusion machines, which produce medical implants. I find it meaningful and humbling to be able to improve lives through reconstructive plastic surgery. DylTanan Diploma in Communications & Media Management “ Internship @ Left Profile I had an awesome experience working at this entertainment agency founded by Michelle Chong! I was entrusted with responsibilities that included creating social media content and assisting branded content production shoots. I even followed the stars and artists to events! HuYien Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management Internship @ NAX Singapore, Nerf Action Xperience “ My role was to ensure that guests of all ages had a memorable experience as they had fun with their loved ones. This internship has confirmed my desire to build a career in this industry as I get great satisfaction engaging with people and putting smiles on their faces. 7

Join a CCA crew to further enrich your TP experience. Aldrin TP Dance Ensemble “ I love staged choreography pieces, which draw me into its story where performers move to express themselves. Being in this CCA has given me access to a host of new opportunities and experiences. HHaamankeaeh “ Track & Field I grew up hearing my father's stories and watching clips of his many achievements sprinting for Singapore. He's my inspiration, and now I specialise in sprint events too! ATnrnicaia Music Vox “ Music Vox has allowed me to play and perform with other amazing talents. It's also where we can showcase our abilities through song recordings and creating our own music videos. Justin “ Men’s Soccer I wanted my TP football adventure to be filled with playing good games with good players who have the hunger, drive and collective camaraderie to win championships. And, we did! Scan to discover other exciting CCAs! 8

TP Student Profile (TSP) – your achievement unlocked! After three years of many amazing opportunities, activities and experiences, you will graduate and make your mark on the world as a lifelong learner, future-oriented creator and values-centred leader. Lifelong Learner You will be a self-directed learner, one who is competent and resilient in the face of rapid changes! Future-oriented Creator With problem-solving skills and digital know-how at your fingertips, you will display a fearless entrepreneurial spirit for any challenge that lies ahead. Values-centred Leader Through effective communication and collaboration, you will become a generous service leader whose goal is to improve our global community. 9

TP facts we As a future #TPFamily member, here are five fun love to flex “Did You Know?” facts about TP. Enjoy, and we’re looking forward to welcoming you here soon! We’re a six-figure extended family 30 plus years on, over 110,000 students (and counting) have proudly graduated from TP. Our School of Design … … is a four-time, consecutive Crowbar Awards Institution of the Year title winner. Wow! #TPCares To date, our biannual Campus Care Network Day Carnivals have raised over $1 million for our financially needy students. Hospitality honours We are a five-time Hospitality Institution of the Year winner at the World Gourmet Awards! Not just a flash in the pan Our made-in-TP ECO FLASH vehicle is a three-time major title winner at the annual Shell Eco-marathon Asia competition. 10

SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE Scan to visit our homepage, or go to:

SCHOOL OF MINIMUM ENTRY APPLIED SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS Passionate about science and research? Join the School of Applied Science To be eligible for any of these (ASC) to gear up for a rewarding career in the vibrant healthcare, food, diploma courses: chemical and life sciences industries. English Language Grades 1 - 7 To foster interdisciplinary learning, all Year 1 ASC students will take on Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) a broad-based curriculum, which helps extend learning across different Grades 1 - 6 disciplines of various technical domains. Any one of the following subjects: Grades 1 - 6 Apart from problem-based learning, work-based learning, internships, project, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, and research work, our teaching and learning go beyond just classrooms Combined Science, Food & Nutrition, and laboratories. Students get to hone their technical skills working in our Physics / Engineering Science, Science Learning Enterprises. (Chemistry, Biology), Science (Physics, Biology), Science (Physics, Chemistry) These facilities simulate the real-world work environment, such as the TP / Physical Science Animal Clinic & Wellness and Bistro Lab Cafeteria. There's also ASC's latest Any other two subjects, facility, which will train students on modern aquaponics technology. excluding CCA Elective Clusters are offered in Year 3. These are for you to either select your For details on ELR2B2 specialisation area or get cross-trained in other disciplines of our diplomas, computation, visit: which will enhance your multi-domain exposure and learning experience. Throughout your ASC learning journey, you may also participate in the Differential eXperiential Programme (DXP), which offers opportunities for you to deepen or broaden your skills across domains. At ASC, we nurture future technologists and aspiring scientists who will collectively make the world a healthier, greener and better place! Full-Time Diploma Courses • [T33] Chemical Engineering • [T26] Food, Nutrition & Culinary Science • [T64] Medical Biotechnology • [T25] Pharmaceutical Science • [T45] Veterinary Technology Application Enquiries Tel : 6788 2000 Email : [email protected] Course Enquiries Tel : 6780 5322 Email : [email protected] Website : For the latest tuition fees, visit: 12

T33 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Looking for exciting ways to apply your knowledge in Science and Mathematics? This course is your answer. Chemical engineering is a multi-disciplinary field that involves the application of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. It focuses on how raw materials are processed to manufacture various products used in our daily lives. These products include fuels, paints, biodegradable plastics, medicines, cosmetics, personal care products, food, water, and many others. You will undergo work-based learning in our state-of-the-art facilities to acquire various versatile engineering skills. This broad- based training will provide you with many career opportunities in a wide selection of industries: petrochemical, speciality chemical, pharmaceutical, energy, semiconductor, environment and water. In Year 3, you will choose to read one of our four Elective Clusters or specialisations: Applied Chemistry; Chemical Processing; Pharmaceutical & Biologics Technology; and Semiconductor Technology. Also, you may choose to pick a specialisation offered by another ASC diploma (please refer to its corresponding career options first). After which, you will then embark on an exciting and fulfilling six-month internship (local or overseas) in the related industries to practice your skills and knowledge in the field of chemical engineering. In addition, you have the option to join a direct pathway programme leading to a university degree from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Year 1 Subjects Or the following Fundamental University Further Studies • Basic Microbiology Modules Elective Cluster^: Upon graduation, you can take up several • Cell Biology & Biochemistry • SUTD Pathway Programme SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes. • Conservation & Sustainability These include the Advanced Diploma • Digitalisation in Applied Science ^Subject to availability of placements by the university in Chemical Engineering, Advanced • Laboratory & Workplace Safety Diploma in Specialty Chemicals, Specialist • Mathematics for Applied Science TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Diploma in Biopharmaceutical Technology, • Nutrition & Health You will also take this set of subjects, Specialist Diploma in Environment & Water • Principles of Inorganic which is designed to help you develop Technology, Specialist Diploma in Laboratory & Physical Chemistry 1 in the areas of leadership, communication, Management & Instrumentation or similar • Statistics for Applied Science career planning, critical thinking, and more. programmes. Year 2 Subjects • Student Internship Programme In addition, you can pursue a degree in • Chemical Reaction Engineering • Effective Communication Chemical Engineering, Chemistry or similar • Chemical Thermodynamics • Professional Communication disciplines in any local or overseas university • Engineering Mathematics • Current Issues & Critical Thinking and receive advanced standing at many of • Mass & Energy Balance • Career Readiness 1 / 2 these institutions. • Organic Chemistry • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Career Opportunities • Plant Operations & Process Optimisation • Leadership Fundamentals • Assistant Engineer or Process Technician • Process Control & Instrumentation • Leadership in Action • Health, Safety and Environment • Unit Operations • Sports & Wellness (HSE) Specialist Year 3 Subjects • Global Studies • Laboratory or Research Technologist • Major Project • Expressions of Culture* • Production or Operation Supervisor ASC Elective Clusters: • Global Citizenship & Community • Technical Services Engineer • Applied Chemistry Development* • Chemical Processing • Managing Diversity at Work* 13 • Pharmaceutical & Biologics Technology • Guided Learning • Semiconductor Technology (jointly offered by ASC and ENG) *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning'

T26 FOOD, NUTRITION & CULINARY SCIENCE Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Have you ever wanted to experiment with classic dishes, such as chicken rice or roti prata, and give them a healthier makeover? Do the sensory characteristics of the humble chicken rice excite you? Are you intrigued by the health-promoting and disease- preventing compounds of products available in our supermarkets? Learn to integrate food science, nutrition, and culinary disciplines, while working in our on-campus, central kitchen! Here, you'll prepare healthier and delicious meals, pick up skills to develop market-ready low Glycemic Index, nutritious and safe food products, and discover how to conduct community health and nutrition programmes. The Elective Cluster options in Applied Nutrition and Food Technology will allow you to enhance your knowledge and skills in one of these fields. With a curriculum designed to meet the skills and competencies needed by the different industries, you have the opportunities for local and global internships, perform real-world industry projects, and be career-ready to pursue your passion. You may choose to pick a specialisation offered by another ASC diploma (please refer to its corresponding career options first). Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Further Studies • Basic Microbiology You will also take this set of subjects, As a graduate of this course, you can skill • Cell Biology & Biochemistry which is designed to help you develop up via various SkillsFuture Work-Study • Conservation & Sustainability in the areas of leadership, communication, Programmes, such as the Advanced Diploma • Digitalisation in Applied Science career planning, critical thinking, and more. in Applied Food Science, Specialist Diploma • Laboratory & Workplace Safety in Culinary Management, Specialist Diploma • Mathematics for Applied Science • Student Internship Programme in Microbiology, Specialist Diploma in • Nutrition & Health • Effective Communication Nutrition & Exercise Science, or Specialist • Principles of Inorganic • Professional Communication Diploma in Nutrition Science. & Physical Chemistry 1 • Current Issues & Critical Thinking In addition, you can also further your studies • Statistics for Applied Science • Career Readiness 1 / 2 in Food Science, Food Technology, Nutrition, Year 2 Subjects • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Dietetics or Culinary Science / Management • Baking & Culinary Technology • Leadership Fundamentals in local or overseas universities, and can • Chemistry of Food • Leadership in Action expect to receive advanced standing at many • Food Safety & Quality Assurance • Sports & Wellness of these institutions. • Human Anatomy & Physiology • Global Studies Career Opportunities • Lifespan & Community Nutrition • Expressions of Culture* • Assistant Food Technologist • Metabolism & Medical Nutrition • Global Citizenship & Community • Junior R&D Chef Therapy Basics Development* • Nutrition/ Dietetic Technologist • Product Development & Marketing • Managing Diversity at Work* • Nutrition/ Health Educator • Science of Food Ingredients • Guided Learning • Quality Assurance (QA)/ Quality Control Year 3 Subjects (QC) Executive   • Major Project *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Applied Nutrition Elective Cluster the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Food Technology Elective Cluster 14

T64 MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Breakthroughs in medical biotechnology have revolutionised the practice of medicine with the application of biological techniques and the innovation of biomedical products in the healthcare industry. Uniquely designed to include biotechnology and biomedical science knowledge and skills, this practice-oriented course provides a broad foundation in human, cell, molecular and microbial biology for greater flexibility in employment and further education. It trains you to work as a research or laboratory technologist in the biomedical sciences industry, such as research/ tertiary institutions, hospitals, speciality centres, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. You can also become a medical laboratory technologist to meet the growing demand for paramedical support in hospitals, central testing laboratories and private diagnostic laboratories. In Year 2, you will enhance your learning in biomedical research and clinical laboratory practice through various subjects. In Year 3, you can opt for one of our four industry-relevant Elective Clusters: BioInformatics, Clinical Laboratory Practice, Functional Plant Technology and Translational Medical Research. You may pick a specialisation offered by another ASC diploma (please refer to its corresponding career options first). You will also undergo work-based learning and a six-month local or overseas industry attachment in your third year. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Singapore University of Technology and • Basic Microbiology You will also take this set of subjects, Design, as well as over 200 universities • Cell Biology & Biochemistry which is designed to help you develop overseas. • Conservation & Sustainability in the areas of leadership, communication, • Digitalisation in Applied Science career planning, critical thinking, and more. You could also be granted between one • Laboratory & Workplace Safety to two years of credit and exemption • Mathematics for Applied Science • Student Internship Programme towards your Bachelor degree programmes. • Nutrition & Health • Effective Communication In addition, there are also available • Principles of Inorganic & Physical • Professional Communication SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes, Chemistry 1 • Current Issues & Critical Thinking such as the Diploma in Applied Science • Statistics for Applied Science • Career Readiness 1 / 2 (Medical Laboratory Science), Specialist Year 2 Subjects • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Diploma in Biopharmaceutical Technology, • BioAnalytical Technology • Leadership Fundamentals as well as Specialist Diploma in Laboratory • Cell Technology • Leadership in Action Management & Instrumentation. • Clinical Microbiology • Sports & Wellness • Haematology • Global Studies Career Opportunities • Histopathology • Expressions of Culture* • Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator • Human Anatomy & Physiology • Global Citizenship & Community • Educators, Regulatory and Scientific • Molecular Biology Development* Officer (Government Ministries or • Molecular Diagnostic Technology • Managing Diversity at Work* Statutory Boards, etc.) Year 3 Subjects • Guided Learning • Laboratory Assistant or Technical Support • Major Project Officer (Research Institutions, • BioInformatics Elective Cluster *Students must choose one of these three electives under Biotechnology Companies, Universities, • Clinical Laboratory Practice the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' Hospitals, Schools, etc.) Elective Cluster • Medical Laboratory Technologist • Functional Plant Technology Further Studies (Hospitals or Private Diagnostic Elective Cluster This diploma is recognised by all local Laboratories) • Translational Medical Research universities, such as the National University • Medical/ Scientific Sales and Marketing Elective Cluster of Singapore, Nanyang Technological Executive or Product Specialist University, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore Management University and Note: Applicants with complete Colour Appreciation Deficiency are not eligible to apply. 15

T25 PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Scan for full details, or visit: The Course With the continual expansion of the healthcare industry and more multinational pharmaceutical companies making Singapore their global manufacturing base, exciting career opportunities are abound in this sector! Embark on a meaningful and rewarding career where you can play a part to safeguard health by making quality drugs and imparting knowledge on the safe use of medicines. Be equipped with knowledge and skills related to drug action on diseases, medicine legislation, and patient counselling to be a pharmacy technician in hospital and retail pharmacies. You will also acquire skills in pharmaceutical manufacturing and analysis and current good manufacturing practices to work in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. In Year 3, you may choose an Elective Cluster, Pharmacy Practice or Pharmaceuticals & Biologics, to undergo work-based training in these areas and apply your skills in the related fields during the six-month enhanced internship programme. You may choose to pick a specialisation offered by another ASC diploma (please refer to its corresponding career options first). With our industry partners, you have the opportunity to take up healthcare study sponsorships that allow you to secure a job even before graduation. Your broad-based training will equip you with in-demand and transferable skills for careers in various allied health professions, including opportunities beyond the pharmaceutical science industries. Graduates who have completed their internships in healthcare institutions will be issued the Letter of Competency Attainment based on the Ministry of Health Pharmacy Technicians Entry-to-Practice Competency Standards. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Professional Conversion Programme • Basic Microbiology You will also take this set of subjects, (PCP) for Advanced Biopharmaceuticals • Cell Biology & Biochemistry which is designed to help you develop Manufacturing, a manpower development • Conservation & Sustainability in the areas of leadership, communication, programme jointly supported by Workforce • Digitalisation in Applied Science career planning, critical thinking, and more. Singapore (WSG) and Temasek Polytechnic. • Laboratory & Workplace Safety For local and overseas degree options, • Mathematics for Applied Science • Student Internship Programme you can pursue the following disciplines: • Nutrition & Health • Effective Communication Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science; • Principles of Inorganic & Physical • Professional Communication Pharmaceutical Engineering; Pharmacology; Chemistry 1 • Current Issues & Critical Thinking Health Science programmes such as Nursing, • Statistics for Applied Science • Career Readiness 1 / 2 Physiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiography, Year 2 Subjects • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Occupational Therapy; Life Sciences; • Cell Technology • Leadership Fundamentals Chemistry; and Medicine and Dentistry, • Current Good Manufacturing Practice • Leadership in Action where advanced standing is offered in many & Process Improvement • Sports & Wellness of these institutions. • Fundamentals of Pharmacy Practice • Global Studies Career Opportunities & Pharmacology • Expressions of Culture* • Laboratory Technician • Human Systems & Pharmacotherapy 1 • Global Citizenship & Community • Pharmaceutical Sales • Human Systems & Pharmacotherapy 2 Development* and Marketing Executive • Pharmaceutical Analysis 1 • Managing Diversity at Work* • Pharmacy Technician • Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 • Guided Learning • Production Technician/ Assistant • Pharmaceutics & Compounding Biotechnologist Year 3 Subjects *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Quality Assurance (QA) Assistant • Major Project the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Quality Control (QC) Laboratory Analyst • Pharmacy Practice Elective Cluster • Pharmaceuticals & Biologics Further Studies Elective Cluster Upon graduation, you can take up SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes such 16 as the Advanced Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science, Specialist Diploma in Laboratory Management & Instrumentation, and

T45 VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Achieve your life-long dream of working with animals. Through our intensive and practical training, you will graduate as a competent veterinary technician. You will also get a head start by assisting our veterinary team in veterinary care and procedures such as animal husbandry, anaesthesia monitoring and diagnostic testing at our licensed TP Animal Clinic & Wellness facility. Acquire skills in veterinary science and technology, aquatic animal and pet care, and animal model studies. This broad-based training allows you to enjoy job opportunities in the aquaculture, veterinary care, and biomedical research industries. The curriculum involves participation in industry projects and focused training programmes. Your technical competency is further honed through a six-month enhanced internship programme – either locally or overseas – in research institutions, aquaculture and marine animal parks and facilities, or veterinary clinics and hospitals. With growing awareness about animal welfare issues and our pursuit to develop drugs and medical procedures to treat diseases, you will be exposed to animal models used in biomedical and preclinical trials. All these make responsible and humane animal care and use extremely important. Your expertise will be in great demand in the years ahead. If you have a general interest in aquatic science and wish to pursue a career in aquaculture and marine science, you can consider the aquaculture elective. It will provide you with the scientific knowledge and skills in aquaculture and seafood post-harvest technology. You can only take one of these Elective Clusters or choose a specialisation offered by another ASC diploma (please refer to its corresponding career options first). Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Further Studies • Basic Microbiology You will also take this set of subjects, After you graduate, you can take up • Cell Biology & Biochemistry which is designed to help you develop SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes such as • Conservation & Sustainability in the areas of leadership, communication, our Specialist Diploma in Veterinary Wellness • Digitalisation in Applied Science career planning, critical thinking, and more. Care, or other Specialist Diploma courses • Laboratory & Workplace Safety related to Veterinary and Life Sciences. • Mathematics for Applied Science • Student Internship Programme You can also pursue a degree in veterinary- • Nutrition & Health • Effective Communication related programmes such as Veterinary • Principles of Inorganic • Professional Communication Technology, Marine Science or Zoology & Physical Chemistry 1 • Current Issues & Critical Thinking overseas. For local or foreign university • Statistics for Applied Science • Career Readiness 1 / 2 degrees, you will have the option of pursuing Year 2 Subjects • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Life Sciences or other Science-related • Animal Anatomy & Physiology • Leadership Fundamentals disciplines. You can expect to receive • Animal Welfare & Nutrition • Leadership in Action advanced standing in many • Aquatic Care, Health & Nutrition • Sports & Wellness of these institutions. • Clinical Diagnostic Techniques • Global Studies Career Opportunities • Clinical Practicum • Expressions of Culture* • Animal Health Inspection Officer • Professional Veterinary Practice • Global Citizenship & Community • Animal Management Officer • Veterinary Immunology & Pathology Development* • Animal Welfare Educator • Veterinary Pharmacology, Surgery • Managing Diversity at Work* • Aquaculture Technologist/ Technician & Anaesthesia • Guided Learning or Aquarist Year 3 Subjects • Laboratory Officer/ Technologist • Major Project *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Pet Care Advisor • Animal Genetics & Breeding the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Veterinary Technician/ Technologist • Aquaculture Elective Cluster • Veterinary Elective Cluster Note: Applicants with complete Colour Appreciation Deficiency are not eligible to apply. 17

SUMMARY OF APPLIED SCIENCE ELECTIVE CLUSTERS COURSE ELECTIVE CLUSTERS [T33] CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Applied Chemistry • Chemical & Material Testing • Laboratory Analysis & Management Chemical Processing • Petrochemical Plant Processes • Plant Safety & Loss Prevention Pharmaceutical & Biologics Technology • Biopharmaceutical Processing • Good Manufacturing Practice in Pharmaceuticals / Biologics Semiconductor Technology (jointly offered by ASC and ENG) • Cleanroom Equipment & Technology • Good Manufacturing Practices Implementation • Integrated Circuit Process Integration [T26] FOOD, NUTRITION & CULINARY SCIENCE Applied Nutrition [T64] MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY • Central Kitchen Operations • Metabolism & Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy Food Technology • Central Kitchen Operations • Food Processing & Packaging BioInformatics • Bioinformatic Analysis Clinical Laboratory Practice • Blood Banking • Clinical Chemistry Functional Plant Technology • Plant Cell & Cultivation Technology Translational Medical Research • Translational Medical Science [T25] PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Pharmacy Practice [T45] VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY • Advanced Pharmacy Practice • Pharmaceutical Legislation, Marketing & Management Pharmaceuticals & Biologics • Biopharmaceutical Processing • Pharmaceutical Unit Operations Aquaculture • Aquaculture Product Quality & Safety • Aquaculture Technology Veterinary • Animal Reproduction & Development • Animal Science & Technology * Note: Year 3 students may select only one Elective Cluster, either from their diploma or another ASC diploma. For the latter, please refer 18 to their corresponding career options. Not all elective clusters are offered in an academic year.

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Scan to visit our homepage, or go to:

SCHOOL OF MINIMUM ENTRY BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS Do buzzwords like digital marketing, e-commerce, legal technology, Michelin Stars, To be eligible for: storytelling, user experience, blockchain logistics, business transformation and [T40] Communications & Media FinTech excite you? Then come to the School of Business – it is the right place that Management will help you to create an exciting future in these fields! English Language You can embark on the latest areas of learning at the School with its offering of Grades 1 - 4 eight full-time diploma courses and the Common Business Programme. Learning at Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) the School is driven by future-relevant curricula delivered by a team of progressive Grades 1 - 7 teaching staff and supported by the latest technologies and facilities. Here, you Any three other subjects, excluding CCA will level up on the practical and digital skills that will transform you into the next Grades 1 - 6 generation of professionals in the various fields of business and beyond. You must also have sat for one subject Experience authentic learning through collaborations with industry partners, listed in the 1st group of relevant enhanced internship programmes with reputable organisations to acquire essential subjects and another different subject life skills that will help you adapt to disruptive changes, spur innovation and keep pace listed in the 2nd group of relevant with a rapidly changing business environment. subjects for the ELR2B2-A Aggregate Join us for a rich and fulfilling learning experience through a well-rounded education Type listed at with a strong emphasis on co-curricular activities, enrichment programmes and opportunities to participate in a broad range of activities on campus and online locally To be eligible for: and overseas. [T01] Common Business Programme After three years with us, you will be a resourceful, innovative and enterprising [T02] Accountancy & Finance professional, ready to take on challenges to meet the dynamic needs of a post- [T10] Business Covid-19, digital-first economy and achieve career success in a globalised, [T18] Culinary & Catering Management 21st Century business environment. [T08] Hospitality & Tourism Management Common Entry Programme [T07] International Trade & Logistics • [T01] Common Business Programme [T67] Marketing Full-Time Diploma Courses English Language • [T02] Accountancy & Finance Grades 1 - 6 • [T10] Business Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) • [T40] Communications & Media Management Grades 1 - 6 • [T18] Culinary & Catering Management Any three other subjects, excluding CCA • [T08] Hospitality & Tourism Management Grades 1 - 6 • [T07] International Trade & Logistics You must also have sat for one subject • [T09] Law & Management listed in the 2nd group of relevant • [T67] Marketing subjects for the ELR2B2-B Aggregate Application Enquiries Type listed at Tel : 6788 2000 Email : [email protected] To be eligible for: Course Enquiries [T09] Law & Management Tel : 6780 5127 English Language Email : [email protected] Grades 1 - 4 Website : Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) For the latest tuition fees, visit: Grades 1 - 6 Any three other subjects, excluding CCA Grades 1 - 6 20 You must also have sat for one subject listed in the 2nd group of relevant subjects for the ELR2B2-B Aggregate Type listed at

COMMON T01 BUSINESS PROGRAMME Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Have you set your sights on a business course but need more time to explore the many possibilities it offers? With our Common Business Programme (CBP), which offers the flexibility of seven diplomas to choose from, you can! In your first semester of the CBP, you will get to discover your interests and strengths through our Career Readiness module. You will also be exposed to business foundation subjects before choosing your area of specialisation. We understand that making the right choice is important. To further guide you in making your choice, you will be able to attend workshops by the various diplomas and hear from faculty staff about each of the following seven diploma courses. • [T02] Accountancy & Finance • [T10] Business • [T18] Culinary & Catering Management • [T08] Hospitality & Tourism Management • [T07] International Trade & Logistics • [T09] Law & Management • [T67] Marketing You will make your choice ranking towards the end of your first semester during your first year. You will be streamed into your diploma course from the second semester of your first year. Please see the sections on these diploma courses for more information. Programme Subjects • Business Accounting • Business Economics • Business Technology & Analytics • Principles of Management TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects • Career Readiness 1 • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Leadership Fundamentals 21

T02 ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Scan for full details, or visit: The Course With the Government’s commitment to promoting Singapore as a financial centre and wealth management hub, the demand for finance professionals will continue to grow. The emphasis on corporate governance and the vision to transform Singapore into a global accountancy hub will also fuel the need for qualified accountancy professionals. This course provides dual specialisation in accountancy and finance to give you flexibility in your career choice and further studies. You will be given the option to specialise either in accountancy or investment and banking through a wide range of elective subjects. You will be well-positioned for the future digitalised economy through training in analytics, accounting software and financial databases in subjects such as Information Systems & Financial Analytics, Digital Accounting Technologies & Applications and Financial Technology (FinTech). Robust, practical and industry-relevant, the course is designed to instil confidence and equip you with highly transferable technical and soft skills to work in diverse industries. You will experience hands-on learning through a structured internship programme and work on real client projects. In addition, there are many opportunities for students to participate in competitions. Ultimately, we want to give you the opportunities to apply the skills and knowledge learnt and for you to succeed as a future-ready accounting and finance professional. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Social Sciences. Exemptions of up to one year • Business Accounting You will also take this set of subjects, have been granted to our graduates who • Business Economics which is designed to help you develop applied for further studies in universities • Business Law in the areas of leadership, communication, based in Commonwealth countries such • Business Statistics career planning, critical thinking, and more. as Australia and the United Kingdom. • Business Technology & Analytics • Student Internship Programme Our graduates also have the option to enrol • Cost & Management Accounting 1 • Effective Communication in a SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme, • Financial Accounting • Professional Communication where they simultaneously work and study, • Principles of Management • Current Issues & Critical Thinking towards attaining a Specialist Diploma Year 2 Subjects • Career Readiness 1 / 2 in a chosen discipline. • Business Finance • Innovation & Entrepreneurship In addition, our diploma holders also receive • Company Accounting • Leadership Fundamentals numerous exemptions from the following • Corporate Reporting • Leadership in Action professional associations: Association of • Cost & Management Accounting 2 • Sports & Wellness Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA); • Digital Accounting Technologies • Global Studies Chartered Institute of Management & Applications • Expressions of Culture* Accountants (CIMA); and Institute of • Fundamentals of Investment • Global Citizenship & Community Chartered Accountants in England and Wales • Fundamentals of Taxation Development* (ICAEW). • Information Systems & Financial Analytics • Managing Diversity at Work* Career Opportunities • International Finance • Guided Learning Executive positions in: • Accounting Year 3 Subjects *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Auditing • A&F Capstone Project the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Banks / Finance / FinTech / Stockbroking companies Students will choose one of the following Further Studies • Financial Analytics sets of electives in Year 3, Semester 1 of Many of our graduates have progressed to • Financial Planning their studies: accountancy and business-related degrees • Project Managment • Auditing / Advanced Accounting / with autonomous universities such as • Securities Trading Practice of Taxation the Nanyang Technological University, • Tax Management • Financial Technology / Risk Management / National University of Singapore, Singapore Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Management University, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of 22

T10 BUSINESS Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This course will enhance your competitiveness in today’s ever-changing digitalised and interconnected world through a digitally transformative and broad-based holistic curriculum, aligned with skills, competencies and knowledge across various sectorial Skills Frameworks. You will attain a firm foundation in business, an international business outlook, cutting-edge digital skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. Deepening of knowledge and skills will be acquired by choosing one of four elective clusters: Banking & Finance, Digital Business Innovation, Human Resource Management with Psychology and International Business & Entrepreneurship. You will gain hands-on learning through real-life industry projects and internship during your course of study. Whether you choose to start your own business or join a corporation, our course equips you with multidisciplinary and transferable skill sets to succeed in these roles and facilitate your relevance and adaptability across multiple industry sectors. Year 1 Subjects Human Resource Management Further Studies • Business Accounting with Psychology Many of our graduates have gone on • Business Economics • Counselling Psychology in the Workplace to pursue further studies, either locally • Business Statistics • Employment Laws or overseas. Our alumni have done us • Business Technology & Analytics • Learning & Talent Development proud in local universities such as the • E-Commerce & Digital Marketing • Talent Acquisition & Management National University of Singapore, Nanyang • Marketing Fundamentals • Total Rewards Management Technological University, Singapore • Principles of Management Management University, Singapore Year 2 Subjects International Business & Entrepreneurship University of Technology and Design, • Business & Social Media Analytics • Business in Asia Singapore Institute of Technology, and • Business Finance • Global Trade & Singapore Logistics Singapore University of Social Sciences. In • Business Law • International Finance addition, our graduates have the option • Customer Experience Design • Product & Service Innovation to enrol in a SkillsFuture Work-Study • Enterprise Resource Management • Start-up Launchpad Programme, where they simultaneously work • People Management and study, towards attaining a Specialist Year 3 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Diploma in a chosen discipline. • Business Agility & Change Management You will also take this set of subjects, Career Opportunities • Innovation Project Synthesis which is designed to help you develop Executive positions in: • Stakeholder & Project Management in the areas of leadership, communication, • Accounting Students will take subjects in their Year career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Banking & Finance 2 and 3 of studies based on one of the • Business Analytics following four elective clusters: • Student Internship Programme • Business Development Banking & Finance • Effective Communication • Data Analytics • Banking Products & Services • Professional Communication • Digital Marketing • Financial Technology • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Enterprise Resource Management • Fundamentals of Investment • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Human Resource • International Finance • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Operations • Security Analysis & Portfolio Management • Leadership Fundamentals • Procurement Digital Business Innovation • Leadership in Action • Product Innovation • Business Information Systems Security • Sports & Wellness • Product Marketing & Audit • Global Studies • Project Management • Business Transformation & Innovation • Expressions of Culture* • Sales • Digital Business Development & Strategies • Global Citizenship & Community • E-Customer Relationship Management Development* 23 • Start-up Launchpad • Managing Diversity at Work* • Guided Learning *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning'

COMMUNICATIONS T40 & MEDIA MANAGEMENT Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This course exposes you to highly sought-after skills in journalistic writing, digital content creation and media production. You can further hone your storytelling skills with one of our elective specialisations, Journalism or Integrated Media. By incorporating the fundamentals of business management into our curriculum, you will gain holistic insights into the media sector business and operations. Through our strong industry partnerships, you will have opportunities to work on real-life industry projects and participate in a broad range of out-of-classroom activities for an enriching learning experience. The collaborative projects will provide perspectives on how organisations share brand stories and messages. To immerse our students in a fast-paced communications environment where digital and traditional media converge, our MediaBiz Studio offers a full suite of training facilities. Students will get to produce integrated deliverables that are relevant to the different media platforms. These include presenting audio programmes for the on-campus radio station RadioActive, and creating content for the news portal Stories & Co. As a graduate of this course, the highly transferable skills that you have acquired will allow you to carve out a successful career as a media and content creation specialist across diverse industries. Year 1 Subjects Year 3 Subjects Further Studies • Business Accounting • Major Project There are boundless opportunities, either • Business Economics • Media Business & Management locally or overseas, for graduates who want • Business Technology & Analytics • Media Law to pursue further university studies or • Digital Media Fundamentals professional certificates. As a graduate, you • Journalism Fundamentals TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects could also consider the SkillsFuture Work- • Marketing Fundamentals You will also take this set of subjects, Study Programmes, which are designed to • Media Writing which is designed to help you develop give fresh polytechnic graduates a head- • Principles of Management in the areas of leadership, communication, start in careers related to their discipline • Visual Communication career planning, critical thinking, and more. of studies. In addition, our graduates can Year 2 Subjects ride on the SkillsFuture initiative to pursue • Audio Production • Student Internship Programme post diploma courses under the Continuing • Digital Content Management • Effective Communication Education & Training (CET) programme. • Digital & Social Media Marketing • Professional Communication Career Opportunities • Media Research & Analysis • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Communications Executives • Mobile Journalism • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Digital Content Strategists • Video Production • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Digital Media Analysts Students will take subjects in their Year 2 • Leadership Fundamentals • Information Marketers of studies based on the following elective • Leadership in Action • Journalists clusters: • Sports & Wellness • Mediapreneurs Integrated Media • Global Studies • Public Relations Specialists • Integrated Media Management • Expressions of Culture* • Radio/TV Producers • Integrated Media Production • Global Citizenship & Community • Social Media Content Creators Journalism Development* • Digital Journalism • Managing Diversity at Work*   • News Centre Management • Guided Learning *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' 24

CULINARY T18 & CATERING MANAGEMENT Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Established in 2006, this is the pioneer polytechnic culinary diploma that combines Baking & Pastry, Culinary Arts and Restaurant Service with business knowledge to prepare you to be career-ready for the food business industry. Through our strong industry partnerships, you will have opportunities to participate in various out-of-classroom activities, both locally and overseas. As our student, you will gain foundational business skills before making the transition to intensive, practical hands-on training sessions at our state-of-the-art facility, the Temasek Culinary Academy*. In your final year, you can look forward to embarking on an invaluable 24-week internship with some of the world’s most renowned food businesses. *The Temasek Culinary Academy (TCA) has been a Centre of Excellence for Food Service skills training since 2007. TP is also a five-time Hospitality Institution of the Year winner, and received our latest honour at the World Gourmet Summit Awards 2019. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Business Accounting You will also take this set of subjects, Frontline supervisory and executive • Business Law which is designed to help you develop positions at: • Business Statistics in the areas of leadership, communication, • Caterers and production kitchens • Food Safety & Hygiene career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Food and lifestyle marketing agencies • Principles of Management and publications • Business Economics • Student Internship Programme • Food supply, purchasing and • Business Technology & Analytics • Effective Communication distribution companies • Food Science & Product Knowledge • Professional Communication • Hotels and integrated resorts • Introduction to Gastronomy • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Independent or chain restaurants Year 2 Subjects • Career Readiness 1 / 2 Note: Students will be exposed to a wide • Baking & Pastry Practicum • Innovation & Entrepreneurship variety of products including alcohol, meats • Culinary Practicum • Leadership Fundamentals (e.g. beef and pork) and their by-products. • Food & Beverage Cost Management • Leadership in Action Our kitchens and restaurants are not • Food & Beverage Operations • Sports & Wellness Kosher or Halal certified. Although tasting • Service Practicum • Global Studies is optional, students are required to handle • Wine & Beverage • Expressions of Culture* and serve these products, as well as wash Year 3 Subjects • Global Citizenship & Community non-Kosher / Halal equipment. Applicants • Food & Beverage Productivity Development* with medical conditions and/or physical & Revenue Management • Managing Diversity at Work* disabilities which affect safety and sanitation • Food Business Innovation • Guided Learning practices or the wearing of prescribed • Marketing for Restaurant & Catering uniforms should declare them, and submit • Start-up Launchpad *Students must choose one of these three electives under a qualified doctor’s certification of fitness Students will take subjects in their Year the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' for enrolment. Students will also need to 2 and 3 of studies based on the following purchase cookbooks, uniforms, knife set etc., elective clusters: Further Studies which are not included in the tuition fee. • Baking & Pastry Practicum As a graduate of this course, you will • Culinary Practicum have the option to further your studies 25 in universities in Singapore, such as the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University, and abroad with credit exemption or advanced standing. Our diploma is well-recognised by many renowned universities and institutions such as the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and the Culinary Institute of America (CIA).

HOSPITALITY T08 & TOURISM MANAGEMENT Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This is the pioneer polytechnic diploma in hospitality and tourism. The course will prepare you to be work-ready and employable from the moment you graduate to join an exciting industry, which is a key multiplier to other sectors as Singapore positions itself for post-COVID-19 recovery with a line-up of megaprojects. You will be well-trained to make seamless transitions across several related industries such as healthcare services, financial services and interactive digital media. Transform yourself into a customer-oriented professional through our broad-based and specialised hospitality and tourism training at the Temasek Tourism Academy. You will learn to create unique user experiences, both traditionally and digitally, by equipping yourself with business analytics skills and becoming adept in digital marketing and media tools. There will also be ample opportunities to explore overseas internships, community projects and co-curricular activities for your holistic development. Navigate the vast executive positions available and stand out from the crowd with your capabilities in emerging skills to secure and stay relevant in the tourism jobs of tomorrow! Year 1 Subjects • Meetings, Conferences & Exhibitions • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Business Accounting • Strategic Events Management • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Business Economics • Leadership Fundamentals • Business Etiquette & Service Excellence Travel & Tourism# • Leadership in Action • Business Statistics • Air, Rail & Cruise Business • Sports & Wellness • Business Technology & Analytics • Corporate Travel Management • Global Studies • Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism • Destination Experience Management • Expressions of Culture* • Principles of Management • Destination Planning & Development • Global Citizenship & Community • Principles of Marketing for Hospitality • Reservations & Ticketing Development* & Tourism • Tour & Travel Management • Managing Diversity at Work* • Travel Geography • Guided Learning Year 2 Subjects #In addition to the 6 subjects in the chosen cluster, students • Business Law must add a pair of subjects from one of the following *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Revenue Management for Hospitality Elective Clusters as part of efforts to provide students with the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' & Tourism skills and competencies that allow them to pivot to sectors • Sales & Distribution in Hospitality outside of hospitality and tourism. Further Studies & Tourism Leveraging on existing advanced standing • Service Skills Methodology Healthcare Services arrangements with various local and Students will take subjects in their Year • Managing Adult Life Transitions foreign universities, you will be able to 2 and 3 of studies based on the following • Public Health & Ageing pursue degrees in hospitality and tourism elective clusters: specialisations or related fields here or Hotel & Accommodation# Financial Services abroad. You can also progress to deepen • Customer Relationship Management • Fundamentals of Investment your skills through SkillsFuture Work-Study • Food & Beverage Operations • Personal Financial Planning Programmes, such as the Specialist Diploma • Hospitality Service Experiences in MICE & Events Management offered by TP. Management Interactive Digital Media • Lodging Management • Customer & Social Media Analytics Career Opportunities • Lodging Operations • Visual Communication Frontline and executive positions at: • Strategic Hospitality Management • Hotels, resorts and serviced residences MICE & Events# TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects • Leisure attractions • Event Sponsorship & Marketing You will also take this set of subjects, • MICE and events management companies • Events Operations & Management which is designed to help you develop • National tourism organisations • Festivals, Sports & Arts Business in the areas of leadership, communication, • Tourism transport businesses • Key Accounts & Contract Management career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Travel businesses • Growth sectors such as financial services; 26 • Student Internship Programme interactive digital media; and public • Effective Communication healthcare and long-term care • Professional Communication • Current Issues & Critical Thinking

INTERNATIONAL T07 TRADE & LOGISTICS Scan for full details, or visit: The Course With more consumers turning to e-commerce for all their needs and international trade increasing exponentially, the demand for logistics professionals has never been greater. Whether it’s an interest in business innovation or getting equipped with the planning and analytical skills required to manage logistics operations, this course has you covered. Your industry readiness will be ensured through a firm foundation in business studies and specialised training in essential supply chain functions such as freight forwarding operations and supply management. You will also be equipped in international trade compliance and trade digitalisation skills which are critical for businesses. In addition, our holistic learning environment will help develop your communication and group collaboration skills whilst you embark on internships and inter-disciplinary projects involving logistics and other domains. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Further Studies • Business Accounting You will also take this set of subjects, Many of our alumni have advanced their • Business Economics which is designed to help you develop education in local universities such as • Business Statistics in the areas of leadership, communication, National University of Singapore, Nanyang • Business Technology & Analytics career planning, critical thinking, and more. Technological University, Singapore • Marketing Fundamentals Management University and Singapore • Principles of Management • Student Internship Programme University of Social Sciences. In terms • Supply Chain Management & Technology • Effective Communication of overseas universities, many have also Year 2 Subjects • Professional Communication progressed to study in universities based • Business Process Improvement Methods • Current Issues & Critical Thinking in Australia, United Kingdom, America • Distribution Centre Management • Career Readiness 1 / 2 as well as Canada. As a graduate of the • Enterprise Resource Management • Innovation & Entrepreneurship course, you can also progress to deepen • International Finance • Leadership Fundamentals your skills through the SkillsFuture Work- • International Trade & Digitalisation • Leadership in Action Study Programmes or by taking up other • International Trade & Transport • Sports & Wellness Continuing Education & Training (CET) • Logistics Analytics • Global Studies courses offered by the polytechnics. • Procurement & Materials Management • Expressions of Culture* Career Opportunities Year 3 Subjects • Global Citizenship & Community Executive and supervisory positions in: • Applied Project Development* • Accounts Management • International Freight & Trade Compliance • Managing Diversity at Work* • Business / Supply Chain / Trade Analysis • Chemical & Cold Chain Logistics • Guided Learning • Customer Service Students will take subjects in their Year • Import / Export 2 and 3 of studies based on one of the *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Inventory Planning following two elective clusters: the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Operations E-Commerce Logistics • Purchasing • Digital Business Development & Strategies • Shipping / Transport • Urban Logistics & E-Commerce • Warehousing Manufacturing Logistics • Industrial IoT Analytics • Manufacturing Logistics & Simulation 27

T09 LAW & MANAGEMENT Scan for full details, or visit: The Course The only polytechnic law diploma in Singapore, this course equips you with relevant knowledge and hands-on skills for a career in the legal industry. Theoretical and procedural law subjects are built upon a strong foundation in business – communication skills, management, accounting, economics, IT and marketing. Lifelong skills such as innovation, entrepreneurship and a global mindset are part of the training you will receive. You will also be trained to use the latest Legal Technology applications. You will be taught by caring and passionate teachers who have many years of experience in the business and legal industry. The course has strong support from key industry partners such as the Singapore Academy of Law and Law Society of Singapore. Realistic on the job training is provided by a 16-week internship with law firms and legal departments in both public and private organisations. Upon graduating from this course, you will be well placed to start a fulfilling career in the legal industry. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Further Studies • Business Accounting You will also take this set of subjects, The diploma is recognised by the National • Business Economics which is designed to help you develop University of Singapore, the Singapore • Business Technology & Analytics in the areas of leadership, communication, Management University, Singapore • Legal Methods career planning, critical thinking, and more. University of Social Sciences, and various • Legal Skills universities in the United Kingdom, Australia • Legal Systems • Student Internship Programme and New Zealand as entry qualification • Principles of Management • Effective Communication unto their LLB programmes. In addition, • Professional Communication many overseas universities also accord our Year 2 Subjects • Current Issues & Critical Thinking graduates advanced standing towards their • Company & Partnership Accounts • Career Readiness 1 / 2 non-law degree courses. • Company Law • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Career Opportunities • Conveyancing Law & Procedure • Leadership Fundamentals • Court Officers • Criminal Law • Leadership in Action • Intellectual Property Managers • Family Law • Sports & Wellness • Law Office Managers • Law of Contract • Global Studies • Lay Prosecutors • Law of Tort • Expressions of Culture* • Legal Executives / Allied Legal • Legal Innovation & Technology • Global Citizenship & Community Professionals • Marketing Fundamentals Development* • Legal Technologists • Managing Diversity at Work* • Management Executives Year 3 Subjects • Guided Learning • Civil Procedure • Corporate Secretarial Administration *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Criminal Procedure the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Governance, Risk & Compliance^ • Intellectual Property • Legal Innovation Project^ • Legal Operations & Management • Trusts & Advance Personal Planning^ ^Students will choose two out of these three elective subjects 28

T67 MARKETING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Marketing is one of the most exciting and essential aspects of any organisation in today’s rapidly changing global business landscape. Every business and industry needs a strategic marketing team because digital and social media marketing play a pivotal role in business growth, while e-commerce is vital for most companies. The course’s dual specialisation in Branding & Digital Marketing and E-Commerce & Retail Marketing will prepare you to seize employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the new digitally-driven economy. This course provides you with innovative and experiential learning experiences to prepare you for a career in diverse and thriving industries that require marketing communications, branding, digital and social media marketing, events management, e-commerce and retail marketing. You will first gain a fundamental understanding of the business environment, then develop functional competencies in marketing and, in your final year, get prepared for entry into the marketing profession. Through activities such as client-based projects, industry engagement, certified courses by Google, HubSpot, LinkedIn, Twitter etc., and overseas study trips, you will see theories put into practice in the real world and value the psychology behind marketing techniques across multiple industries. Year 1 Subjects E-Commerce & Retail Marketing Further Studies • Business Accounting • Business Development Leveraging on the existing advanced • Business Economics • E-Commerce Management standing arrangements with local and • Business Statistics • Enterprise Operations Management foreign universities, you will be able to • Business Technology & Analytics • Merchandise Buying pursue degrees in marketing specialisations • Economics in a Globalised World • Retail Logistics & Technology or related fields in local and overseas • Marketing Fundamentals • Retail Marketing X Project universities. If you prefer to work and • Principles of Management study at the same time, you can progress Year 2 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects to deepen your skills through Specialist • Consumer Insights You will also take this set of subjects, Diploma courses, Continuing Education • Creative Marketing Project which is designed to help you develop & Training (CET) courses and part-time • Digital & Social Media Marketing in the areas of leadership, communication, degree programmes in areas such as • Integrated Marketing Communications career planning, critical thinking, and more. branding, advertising, retail and digital • Marketing Analytics communications, amongst others. Year 3 Subjects • Student Internship Programme Career Opportunities • Branding • Effective Communication Executive positions in: • Major Project • Professional Communication • Brand Management Students will take subjects in their Year • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Business Development 2 and 3 of studies based on the following • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Digital & Social Media Marketing elective clusters: • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Digital Content Creation Branding & Digital Marketing • Leadership Fundamentals • E-commerce • Contemporary Topics in Digital Marketing • Leadership in Action • Event Management • Experiential Marketing • Sports & Wellness • Marketing Communications • Marketing Account Management • Global Studies • Merchandise Buying • Marketing X Project • Expressions of Culture* • Public Relations • Product & Services Marketing • Global Citizenship & Community • Retail Marketing • Public Relations in Practice Development* • Managing Diversity at Work* • Guided Learning *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' 29

SCHOOL OF DESIGN Scan to visit our homepage, or go to:

SCHOOL OF MINIMUM ENTRY DESIGN REQUIREMENTS The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a reboot in the way we think about lifestyles, jobs To be eligible for: and education. With so many changes sweeping the world, the need for designers who [T20] Apparel Design & Merchandising can create meaningful and impactful solutions has never been more urgent. [T59] Communication Design More than ever, design has proven to be the game-changer in business, tech, banking, [T23] Digital Film & Television finance, healthcare and across many sectors. Demand for design professionals remains English Language high with two-thirds of designers hired in 2019 going into the non-design sectors. Grades 1 - 6 By 2025, an estimated 85,000 design jobs in the non-design sector will be required. As Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) the first design school in a polytechnic, TP Design remains Singapore’s leading brand for Grades 1 - 7 design education, winning the Institution of the Year title four years in a row since 2017. Any two other subjects, excluding CCA With a brand new Common Foundation, we are more ready than ever to prepare young Grades 1 - 6 designers for an exciting future where design is seeded into every industry. The Common You must also have sat for one subject Foundation will underpin the fundamental skills and qualities all designers need. Working listed in the 2nd group of relevant in mixed classes with peers from other design courses, we will shape and sharpen your subjects for the ELR2B2-D Aggregate aesthetic sense, critical thinking skills and awareness of design trends and movements. Type listed at The inter-disciplinary experience reflects current design practice as designers move out of their silos to work across disciplines. To be eligible for: The five diploma courses will give you the core design skills you need for your respective [T22] Interior Architecture & Design disciplines. More crucially as the only pure design school in a polytechnic today, TP [T35] Product & Industrial Design Design offers an unrivalled opportunity to work within and across design disciplines; English Language a mirror of today’s working world. Grades 1 - 7 Get ready for lots of real-world industry exposure; you will work with real clients, on Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) actual projects and briefs, make pitches to investors, go on internships, be mentored Grades 1 - 7 by industry professionals. The excitement does not stop. There will be international Any two other subjects, excluding CCA exposure to new ideas and cultures through competitions, exchanges, dialogues and Grades 1 - 6 workshops. You must also have sat for one subject With a long track record of award-winning excellence, the School will prepare you for listed in the 2nd group of relevant a bright and exciting future in design in the 21st century. subjects for the ELR2B2-D Aggregate Type listed at Full-Time Diploma Courses The interview process seeks to ascertain • [T20] Apparel Design & Merchandising your aptitude, attitude, knowledge and 31 • [T59] Communication Design passion for the design course of your choice. • [T23] Digital Film & Television We look for qualities such as commitment, • [T22] Interior Architecture & Design motivation and a passion for all aspects of • [T35] Product & Industrial Design the design scene. Selection Procedure All applications meeting our minimum entry Application Enquiries requirements are considered. Candidates Tel : 6788 2000 with good GCE O level results may apply via Email : [email protected] the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). Candidates with good portfolios and strong Course Enquiries inclination for creativity and design may Tel : 6780 5133 apply through the Early Admissions Exercise Email : [email protected] (EAE). Shortlisted candidates are usually Website : required to attend an aptitude test and an interview. You should bring to the interview, For the latest tuition fees, visit: samples/ portfolios of your work in art and design exercises or other media of expression that show evidence of creativity Note: In the course of their studies, students may need to and imagination. Works outside of school acquire certain equipment and accessories e.g. laptops, assignments are strongly encouraged. You photographic accessories etc., to fully benefit from their may also show certificates of completed educational experience at the School of Design. courses and letters of recommendation from employers.

APPAREL T20 DESIGN & MERCHANDISING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Looking to start a career in the glamorous but highly competitive fashion industry? In this course, we’ve put together a comprehensive curriculum to help you with that. A unique combination of design and business, the course takes you from creative conceptualisation and product development right down to branding, marketing and running the fashion business. Year one covers the basics, giving you the broad picture as you learn how the fashion industry works; from design concept to product development, prototyping and production, branding and buying for stores. Deepen your skills in year two as you specialise in either Fashion Design or Retail Merchandising. This is when you go in-depth. In Fashion Design, you design products and work with real clients on apparel design projects; learning to manage the fashion business. In the Retail Merchandising specialisation, you will learn about the product development process, branding, and marketing for both brick and mortar retail shops and e-commerce entities. The fashion industry is very wide and offers opportunities in many areas. Perhaps one day you’ll own a label, or work as a buyer, or style for magazines. If you want to go beyond fashion in your career path, the cross-disciplinary training we offer will enable you to stretch your boundaries into adjacent design areas such as product design, branding among others. Join this course and make each day a page in your fashion story. Year 1 Subjects Retail Merchandising Option • Leadership Fundamentals • Basic Sewing • Digital Modelling • Leadership in Action • Brand Concept • Digital Modelling • Sports & Wellness • Fashion Presentation Techniques • Digital Trends in Fashion Retail • Global Studies • Production Drawings • Elements of Visual Display • Expressions of Culture* • Studio Project 1 • Fashion Brand Development# • Global Citizenship & Community • Textiles Fundamentals • Fashion Editorial# Development* Common Foundation Subjects • Fashion Marketing • Managing Diversity at Work* • Aesthetics for Design • Fashion Product Development# • Guided Learning • Design in Context • Fashion Supply Chain • Discovering Design • Retail Buying *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Form & Materiality • Retail Design the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Visual Narratives: Photography • Retail Space Planning • Visual Narratives: Videography • Studio Project 2 Further Studies Year 2 Subjects Our graduates have found places in some Fashion Design Option #Students must choose ONE of these three electives of the best fashion schools in the world. • Collaborative Transformation Some universities will offer modular • Creative Techniques in Textiles Year 3 Subjects exemptions. Courses that our graduates • Drafting 1 • Fashion Trends & Sustainability are currently taking are Fashion Styling, • Drafting 2 • Industry Studio Project Fashion Design & Technology, Pattern • Draping 1 • Major Project: ADM Cutting, Textiles, Fashion Marketing, Fashion • Draping 2 TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Journalism and so on, both in local and • Fashion Brand Development^ You will also take this set of subjects, overseas universities. • Fashion Editorial^ which is designed to help you develop • Fashion Product Development^ in the areas of leadership, communication, Career Opportunities • Garment Construction career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Brand Managers • Prototyping Essentials • Student Internship Programme • Buyers for Retailers • Studio Project 2 • Effective Communication • Designers • Sustainable Techniques in Silhouettes • Professional Communication • Entrepreneurs • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Event Planners ^Students must choose ONE of these three electives • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Fashion Journalists 32 • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Merchandisers for Apparel Manufacturers or Retailers • Stylists • Visual Merchandisers

T59 COMMUNICATION DESIGN Scan for full details, or visit: The Course The future demands creatives with a wide range of skills to drive innovation. If you want to make a difference in our rapidly changing society, this is a good place to start. Working at the intersection of graphic design, business and technology, communication designers craft delightful experiences. While aesthetic and design sensibilities underpin communication design, the broad exposure to content creation, psychology, branding, digital marketing and experience design will train you to be adaptable to the growing demands in healthcare, retail, financial services, infocomm technology and more. Build a strong foundation in your first year, acquiring the necessary creative skills to create human-centered solutions that are strategic, rational, meaningful, and beautiful. In the second year, strengthen your critical thinking abilities while pursuing multiple pathways. Electives such as Game Design, Foundation Psychology, Sustainable Space Planning, and Design for Business Impact will add extra depth to your learning. When you reach the third year, electives such as Expressive Illustration, Creative Coding, Experimental Printmaking, and Self-Publishing will cultivate your sense of exploration, encouraging you to think out of the box and experiment with new ideas. Throughout your three years, you will be exposed to real briefs and industry projects; enhancing your ability to dissect a brief and deliver a convincing pitch. The curious and intellectually inquisitive will emerge as versatile and dynamic designers with fresh perspectives in a constantly evolving environment. Year 1 Subjects Year 3 Subjects Further Studies • 3D Visualisation • Creative Coding Lab# As a graduate of this course, you can take • Applied Typography • Experimental Printmaking Lab# up the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes • Art Direction • Expressive Illustration Lab# (WSP) leading to either the Specialist • Brand Strategy • Industry Studio Project Diploma in Integrated Digital Communication • Creative Storytelling • Major Project: Communication Design or the Specialist Diploma in Branding Design • Design for Print • Self-Publishing Lab# offered by TP. You can also sign up for other Common Foundation Subjects WSPs offered under the Design and Media • Aesthetics for Design #Students must choose ONE of these four electives Sector. Diploma graduates of this course • Design in Context also have the option of pursuing a degree • Discovering Design TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects in Communication Design or Bachelor in • Form & Materiality You will also take this set of subjects, Art, Design and Media degree in any local • Visual Narratives: Photography which is designed to help you develop or overseas university and can expect to • Visual Narratives: Videography in the areas of leadership, communication, receive advanced standing at many of these Year 2 Subjects career planning, critical thinking, and more. institutions. • Brand Experience • Student Internship Programme • Collaborative Transformation • Effective Communication Career Opportunities • Design for Business Impact# • Professional Communication • Art Director • Design for Screen • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Branding Consultant • Digital Innovation • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Content Strategist • Foundation Psychology# • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Creative Technologist • Game Design# • Leadership Fundamentals • Design Facilitator • Integrated Campaign • Leadership in Action • Digital Product Designer • Motion Graphics • Sports & Wellness • Experience Designer • Studio Project 1 • Global Studies • Graphic Designer • Studio Project 2 • Expressions of Culture* • Interactive Designer • Sustainable Space Planning# • Global Citizenship & Community • Product Manager • Visual Identity Development* • Social Media Manager • Managing Diversity at Work* • Visual Artist #Students must choose ONE of these four electives • Guided Learning Note: Applicants with mild or severe colour vision deficiency *Students must choose one of these three electives under or suffering from severe visual impairment should not apply the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' for this course. 33

T23 DIGITAL FILM & TELEVISION Scan for full details, or visit: The Course The journey of a great film begins with a strong idea. From award-winning emotional dramas, to inspiring documentaries that illustrate a slice of life right down to punchy engaging video content that go viral on social media, we teach you the craft of storytelling through film and video production. You’ll learn what makes an idea stick with an audience, be taught the craft of writing effective screenplays, as well as practical tools in directing and producing. Beyond a strong foundation in camerawork, lighting, sound and production design, you’ll learn to work in a team, pitch your stories to investors and work together, to create emotional dramas, fun genre films, and thought- provoking documentaries. Your films will also have a chance to compete in prestigious local and international film competitions. From the National Youth Film Awards, the Crowbar Awards, New York Festivals to Cannes Film Fest, our films have travelled far and won major awards. You will be mentored by lecturers who are award-winning writers and producers with years of experience. You will also work with the latest cameras and facilities in video production, including a fully equipped industry-standard film studio. Our strong partnerships with the media industry will open opportunities for collaborative work, mentorship, and internship programmes. Your broad-based training here will enable you to enjoy job opportunities not just in film and television, but in new media, advertising and design sectors. If you want to learn how to craft emotional stories, that engage young and old, and if you are keen on a career in media production, then this is the course for you. Year 1 Subjects Producing & Directing Option • Managing Diversity at Work* • Basic Video Production • Advanced Directing • Guided Learning • Creative Storytelling • Content Marketing • Introduction to Directing • Writing for Non-Fiction Film & Television *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Pitching for Social Media Production & Technical Option the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Short Film Project 1 • Advanced Editing • Video Editing • Audio Post Further Studies Common Foundation Subjects • Cinematography Some of the best universities have accepted • Aesthetics for Design Year 3 Subjects our graduates based on the strength of • Design in Context • Industry Film Project their course work in TP. Local universities • Discovering Design • Major Project: DFT like Nanyang Technological University • Form & Materiality TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects offer related media and communication • Visual Narratives: Photography You will also take this set of subjects, courses that our graduates can apply for. • Visual Narratives: Videography which is designed to help you develop Many overseas universities also provide Year 2 Subjects in the areas of leadership, communication, exemptions to our graduates in the fields of • Broadcast Design# career planning, critical thinking, and more. filmmaking and creative media programmes, • Design For Screen# • Student Internship Programme with some allowing our graduates to go • Directing • Effective Communication direct into the final year of their degree • Documentary Project • Professional Communication programmes. One example is the University • Game Design# • Current Issues & Critical Thinking of the West of England, Bristol, UK. • Overview of Non-Fiction • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Production Planning and Management • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Career Opportunities • Screenwriting • Leadership Fundamentals This course opens doors in the media and • Short Film Project 2 • Leadership in Action broadcast industries, leading to potential • Studio Production • Sports & Wellness careers as film-makers, cinematographers, • Collaborative Transformation • Global Studies scriptwriters, producers and directors. Our • Expressions of Culture* graduates will also meet strong demand for #Students must choose ONE of these three electives • Global Citizenship & Community video producers and content creators who Development* can create compelling social media content 34 Note: Applicants with mild or severe colour vision deficiency or suffering from severe visual impairment should not apply for this course.

INTERIOR T22 ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN Scan for full details, or visit: The Course More than ever, due to social trends, like shrinking land use, smaller families, living with elderly, and the new normal of working from home, designers play an important role in conceiving better lifestyle spaces and experiences. As the only course that covers interior and architectural design, this course will train you to become the kind of interior designer who doesn’t just renovate spaces but transform spatial experiences. Learn to design interior spaces that adapt to people’s needs while considering location, architecture, and culture. Explore contemporary social issues and constraints that affect the design of interior and architectural spaces. Study global trends in lifestyle, sustainability, and social change. Learn to see the big picture in design, which will help provide thoughtful, human-centric, and balanced solutions to complex design problems. The course offers plenty of exciting opportunities to work closely with the industry through ‘live’ collaborative projects. You might even land mentorship and internship opportunities with industry leaders such as Ong & Ong, SCDA, FARM, DP Architects, Space Matrix, Kingsmen Design, DBS, Google Asia, and many others. The architecture component in the course allows you to move into architecture studies at university level, as we are accredited by the Board of Architects, Singapore. Study trips, competitions, exchange programmes and a rigorous project-led curriculum will shape your critical thinking and technical skillsets for good design work and prepare you for a successful career in the design field. The broad-based design training will let you enjoy job opportunities not only within the design sector, but beyond in areas such as hospitality, real estate and emerging adjacent industries. Year 1 Subjects • Spatial Design Studies • Managing Diversity at Work* • Architectural Drawing • Sustainable Urban Systems# • Guided Learning • Architecture Design Studies • Digital Visualisation #Students must choose ONE of these four electives *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Form & Space Exploration the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Integrated Studio Project 1 Year 3 Subjects • Sustainable Space Planning • Industry Studio Project Further Studies Common Foundation Subjects • Major Project: IAD Graduates will be able to further their • Aesthetics for Design • Professional Practice education locally in the universities here in • Design in Context TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Singapore, as well as overseas. Some of the • Discovering Design You will also take this set of subjects, best design schools and universities in the • Form & Materiality which is designed to help you develop world have accepted our graduates on the • Visual Narratives: Photography in the areas of leadership, communication, strength of their work here in the course. • Visual Narratives: Videography career planning, critical thinking, and more. Many go on to pursue architecture or other Year 2 Subjects • Student Internship Programme areas of design. The School also offers • Collaborative Transformation • Effective Communication the Specialist Diploma in Lighting Design, • Construction & Detailing • Professional Communication which will further deepen the skillsets of • Design for Customer Experience# • Current Issues & Critical Thinking our graduates, filling an existing gap in the • Design for Screen# • Career Readiness 1 / 2 industry for such trained professionals. • Digital Integration • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Digital Modelling • Leadership Fundamentals Career Opportunities • Digital Prototyping# • Leadership in Action • Architectural Assistants • Integrated Studio Project 2 • Sports & Wellness • Design / Event Management Consultants • Integrated Studio Project 3 • Global Studies • Exhibition / Interior Designers • Interior Building Systems • Expressions of Culture* • Interior Product Designers • Global Citizenship & Community • Set Designers (Film and Theatre) Development* Note: Applicants with mild or severe colour vision deficiency or suffering from severe visual impairment should not apply for this course. 35

PRODUCT & T35 INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Want to create the next generation of appealing smart devices that combine cutting edge tech with beautiful artistry? Or how about creating delightful and effective user experiences for banks, hospitality, healthcare, and other non-design fields? Today’s product-design trained professionals are in great demand both in traditional design houses as well all non-design sectors as businesses everywhere recognise the essential need for professionals trained in design principles. Good design is not just about visual appeal, but a winning combination of functionality, relevance and social responsibility that results in innovative solutions. You will learn all about interaction and user experience principles. Understand and experiment with different materials, physical product aesthetics, and bring your ideas to life with the latest prototyping processes. Learn to render stunning, life-like visualisations of your idea or product that will wow your clients. Here, you will be introduced to the newest emerging global design trends in lifestyle, technology, and innovation. This is where you will hone your sense of craft, critical thinking, technical and reasoning skills. You’ll learn to make strong compelling pitches to a wide variety of clients with actual ‘live’ briefs coming from exciting leading names in industry and government agencies. Through purposeful, rational design research and analytical processes, you will learn to create products and experiences with sound business value, which will delight consumers and users everywhere. The broad-based training that our students undergo also enables them to enjoy vast job opportunities across all sectors. Year 1 Subjects • Industry Studio Project been accepted into many of the best design • Design Research Methodologies • Major Project: PID schools and universities in the world with • Human-Centred Design advanced standing. Many pursue careers in • Object Visualisation TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects product, service, transportation, furniture, • Prototyping Essentials You will also take this set of subjects, and experience design. In the non-design • Studio Project 1 which is designed to help you develop sector, our students are in demand as Common Foundation Subjects in the areas of leadership, communication, innovation leaders in banking, healthcare • Aesthetics for Design career planning, critical thinking, and more. and finance. Many have also started • Design in Context their own successful design studios and • Discovering Design • Student Internship Programme enterprises. • Form & Materiality • Effective Communication • Visual Narratives: Photography • Professional Communication Career Opportunities • Visual Narratives: Videography • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • 3D Modelling Specialist Year 2 Subjects • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • 3D Visualiser • Collaborative Transformation • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Conceptual Artist / Designers • Design & Form Development^ • Leadership Fundamentals • Design / Ethnographic Researcher • Digital Prototyping • Leadership in Action • Design Entrepreneurs • Innovation & Technology • Sports & Wellness • Digital Product Designer • Rapid Prototyping • Global Studies • Furniture / Exhibition / • Service Design Principles • Expressions of Culture* Packaging Designers • Studio Project 2 • Global Citizenship & Community • Interaction Designers • Studio Project 3 Development* • Product / Industrial Designers • Sustainable Space Planning^ • Managing Diversity at Work* • Service Designers • User Experience Design • Guided Learning • User Experience (UX) Designers • User Interface Design • User Interface (UI) Designer *Students must choose one of these three electives under ^Students must choose one of these two electives the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' Note: Applicants with mild or severe colour vision deficiency, or suffering from uncontrolled epilepsy, profound hearing Year 3 Subjects Further Studies loss or severe visual impairment should not apply for this • Digital Visualisation Essentials Graduates will be able to further their course. 36 • Design Pitch & Communication education in product and industrial design locally in the universities here in Singapore, as well as overseas. Our students have

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Scan to visit our homepage, or go to:

SCHOOL OF MINIMUM ENTRY ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS Engineers revolutionise cities and communities, improve the way we live, work and To be eligible for any of these play, transform the future of healthcare with innovative biomedical inventions and diploma courses, you must have develop disruptive digital technologies that make it all possible! 5 GCE O Level subjects comprising: The COVID-19 pandemic has increased these demands for emerging technologies and English Language technological advancements – and, most importantly, the future-driven engineers Grades 1 - 7 required to lead them. Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) As the world steps into the new normal, the School of Engineering will prepare you Grades 1 - 6 to be at the forefront of this exciting change as the various industries rebound and Any one of the following subjects recover. Push the boundaries of modern engineering with the School's offering of 10 Grades 1 - 6 exciting diploma courses and a Common Entry Programme. You will receive broad- Biology, Biotechnology, based training in core engineering areas before specialising in exciting fields such as Chemistry, Combined Science, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, aviation, sustainable energy, integrated facility Computing/Computer Studies, management or biomedical engineering. Design & Technology, Electronics/ With quality lecturers, a robust technology innovation culture, prominent industry Fundamentals of Electronics, partners, a multi-disciplinary curriculum and many tie-ups with local and foreign Physics/Engineering Science, universities, an engineering diploma from the School ensures that you will be Science (Chemistry, Biology), equipped with the versatility and the edge you need to thrive in today's digital-first Science (Physics, Biology), Science economy. (Physics, Chemistry)/Physical Get ready to engineer your bright future here – one dedicated to improving lives! Science Any two other subjects, Common Entry Programme excluding CCA • [T56] Common Engineering Programme For details on ELR2B2 computation, Full-Time Diploma Courses visit: • [T50] Aerospace Electronics • [T51] Aerospace Engineering FURTHER STUDIES • [T29] Architectural Technology & Building Services • [T04] Aviation Management You can gain admission into a wide • [T38] Biomedical Engineering range of degree programmes at local • [T43] Business Process & Systems Engineering and overseas universities in USA, UK, • [T13] Computer Engineering Australia and New Zealand. Advanced • [T65] Electronics standing for specific modules, or up • [T28] Integrated Facility Management to 2 years exemption, may be given • [T66] Mechatronics depending on the relevance of the Application Enquiries degree programme. Tel : 6788 6565 Email : [email protected] Course Enquiries Tel : 6780 5144 Email : [email protected] Website : For the latest tuition fees, visit: 38

COMMON T56 ENGINEERING PROGRAMME Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This programme is a common entry point to seven different engineering diploma courses. If you are keen to pursue an engineering career, but are not sure which of the many different engineering disciplines would suit you best, then this is the programme for you. With seven diploma courses to choose from, this programme offers you ultimate flexibility. Here, you will take the same foundation subjects as students who have enrolled directly in their respective diploma courses. The programme provides you with the time and opportunity to further explore your strengths and interests. With this experience, you will then be ready to pick one of the following diploma courses at the end of your first year: • [T50] Aerospace Electronics • [T51] Aerospace Engineering • [T38] Biomedical Engineering • [T43] Business Process & Systems Engineering • [T13] Computer Engineering • [T65] Electronics • [T66] Mechatronics Upon successfully completing this programme, you will graduate with the same diploma together with students who had joined a particular diploma course right from the start. Foundation Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Circuit Analysis You will also take this set of subjects, This programme allows you to defer your • Computer Programming which is designed to help you develop decision on which course to take, so you for Problem Solving in the areas of leadership, communication, can have more time to observe a particular • Digital Fundamentals 1 & 2 career planning, critical thinking, and more. industry’s performance and the economic • Electronic Devices & Circuits situation, before deciding on the course to • Electronic Prototyping • Student Internship Programme pursue. Depending on your specialisation, • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 • Effective Communication you will be able to find jobs in any of the • Engineering Physics • Professional Communication following engineering sectors: aerospace, Years 2 and 3 Subjects: • Current Issues & Critical Thinking biomedical sciences, computer and IT, clean The core subjects that you take in your • Career Readiness 1 / 2 energy, manufacturing and automation, as second and third year of studies will depend • Innovation & Entrepreneurship well as those outside the engineering sphere. on which of the seven diploma courses you • Leadership Fundamentals stream into. • Leadership in Action Note: Any special health requirements for a specific • Sports & Wellness diploma course will also apply if you choose to branch • Global Studies into that course. • Expressions of Culture* • Global Citizenship & Community Development* • Managing Diversity at Work* • Guided Learning *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' 39

T50 AEROSPACE ELECTRONICS Scan for full details, or visit: The Course By the time you graduate, this course will have prepared you well and given you a strong head start to join the aerospace industry – one that will rebound and thrive again, in a post-COVID-19 world. You will undergo a rigorous aerospace training programme, which includes practical modules offered together with world- renowned aircraft maintenance training provider, Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT). You will be equipped with both the fundamental and applied knowledge for aircraft electrical, communication, navigation and flight control systems. As TP is the only polytechnic certified by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) as a SAR-147 Approved Maintenance Training Organisation (AMTO), your diploma will be more widely recognised by employers. Your Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) apprenticeship duration after graduating from TP will also be significantly shortened by up to 10 months. If you aspire to be a pilot, you can also fulfil your dream by taking flying lessons as part of your Student Internship Programme in your final semester of study, to get that coveted Private Pilot Licence (PPL). Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Avionic Systems You will also take this set of subjects, Singapore has been the most comprehensive • Circuit Analysis which is designed to help you develop aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul • Computer Programming in the areas of leadership, communication, (MRO) hub in Asia, accounting for a quarter for Problem Solving career planning, critical thinking, and more. of the region’s MRO output. Our aerospace • Digital Fundamentals 1 & 2 industry, which reached an output worth • Electronic Devices & Circuits • Student Internship Programme about S$9 billion annually, with about 21,000 • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 • Effective Communication workers spread across more than 100 local • Engineering Physics • Professional Communication and international companies, will continue to • Current Issues & Critical Thinking perform MRO works in Singapore, as aircrafts Year 2 Subjects • Career Readiness 1 / 2 are maintained and kept in good working • Aerospace Maintenance Practices • Innovation & Entrepreneurship condition in anticipation of the full recovery • Aircraft Electrical Fundamentals • Leadership Fundamentals from the worldwide COVID-19 situation. • Aircraft Electronics & Servomechanisms • Leadership in Action • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Sports & Wellness By the time you graduate, there would be • Engineering Mathematics 3 • Global Studies new and exciting job opportunities, such as: • Fundamentals of Aeronautical Science • Expressions of Culture* • Avionics Test Engineers Year 3 Subjects • Global Citizenship & Community • Licensed Aircraft Engineers (LAE) • Aircraft Digital Systems Development* • Process / Quality Engineers • Aviation Legislation & Human Factors • Managing Diversity at Work* • Technical Service Engineers • Basic Aerodynamics • Guided Learning IoT & Automation Elective Cluster# Note: Applicants should not be suffering from mild • Intelligent Automation *Students must choose one of these three electives under or severe colour vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, • Internet of Things Project the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' profound hearing loss, severe vision impairment or any Aerospace Operations Elective Cluster# physical impairment, or be physically dependent on • Lean Processes mobility equipment. • Unmanned Aircraft Operations #Students to choose one of these elective clusters 40

T51 AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This course equips you with a strong foundation specialising in aerodynamics, aircraft engines, as well as structures and systems. Your learning journey will include a six-month practical training in our Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT) Centre, opportunities for study trips to Germany and the USA, and paths for higher aerospace attachment in various aerospace organisations in Singapore and beyond. This is the kind of quality training that your future aerospace employers worldwide will always look for as the industry prepares to recover and thrive again in a post-COVID-19 world. As TP is the only polytechnic certified by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) as a SAR-147 Approved Maintenance Training Organisation (AMTO), your diploma will be widely recognised by employers. Your Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) apprenticeship duration after graduating from TP will also be significantly shortened by up to 10 months. If you aspire to be a pilot, you can also fulfil your dream by taking flying lessons as part of your Student Internship Programme in your final semester of study to get that coveted Private Pilot Licence (PPL). Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Circuit Analysis You will also take this set of subjects, Singapore’s aviation industry has • Computer Programming which is designed to help you develop always been buoyant with employment for Problem Solving in the areas of leadership, communication, opportunities for engineering professionals • Digital Fundamentals 1 career planning, critical thinking, and more. in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul • Electronic Devices & Circuits (MRO) and component manufacturing. The • Engineering Drawing • Student Internship Programme establishment of new airport terminals • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 • Effective Communication worldwide, together with the opening of • Engineering Physics • Professional Communication Singapore’s Seletar Aerospace Park, will • Statics & Strength of Materials • Current Issues & Critical Thinking create a strong demand for skilled aerospace • Thermodynamics • Career Readiness 1 / 2 professionals over the next few decades, as Year 2 Subjects • Innovation & Entrepreneurship aircraft undergoes MRO to be maintained • Aircraft Electrical Fundamentals • Leadership Fundamentals in good working condition. Be part of the • Aircraft Electronics & Digital Systems • Leadership in Action anticipated strong recovery as engines roar • Aviation Legislation & Human Factors • Sports & Wellness again, post COVID-19. • Basic Aerodynamics • Global Studies • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Expressions of Culture* By the time you graduate, there would be • Engineering Materials • Global Citizenship & Community new and exciting job opportunities, such as: • Engineering Mathematics 3 Development* • Aero-mechanical Systems Specialists • Fluid Mechanics • Managing Diversity at Work* • Aerospace Component Design Engineers • Gas Turbine Engine • Guided Learning • Engine or Power-plant Technologists • Principles of Dynamics • Licensed Aircraft Engineers (LAE) Year 3 Subjects *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Aerospace Maintenance Practices# the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' Note: Applicants should not be suffering from mild or severe • Aircraft Structures & Composites^ colour vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, profound • Engine Maintenance hearing loss, severe vision impairment or any physical & Workshop Practices^ impairment, or be physically dependent on • Major Project^ mobility equipment. Students to take either # or ^ 41

T29 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY & BUILDING SERVICES Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Technology and digitalisation offer us increasing control over a building’s design and, thereby, its performance, enabling us to make the built environment more adaptable to combat climate change and environmental degradation. This is the first polytechnic course based on integrated inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary learning in digitally designing high-performance buildings using technology such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) for virtual design, software simulations for performance evaluation and automation (smart) systems for efficient management. You will also experience how technology is used in sustainable architecture and systems design for today’s digital economy. Upon graduation, you can make your mark in dynamic, sustainable design-engineering based careers within the built environment sector. In addition, if you decide to pursue further studies, you can look forward to being eligible for a wide selection of local and overseas university programmes, as well as various post-diploma courses. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Circuit Analysis You will also take this set of subjects, Currently, only 35% of all buildings in • Computer Programming which is designed to help you develop Singapore are 'green'. Come 2030, this figure for Problem Solving in the areas of leadership, communication, is expected to increase to 80% through the • Digital Modelling for Architecture 1 career planning, critical thinking, and more. development of eco-friendly districts, super- • Eco-Architecture Design 1 low energy buildings and carbon-neutral • Electrical Design & Installation • Student Internship Programme schools. This alone gives an indication of the • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 • Effective Communication enormous amount of retrofitting that will • Engineering Physics • Professional Communication need to be done to buildings in our country, • Introduction to Built Environment • Current Issues & Critical Thinking creating abundant job opportunities and Year 2 Subjects • Career Readiness 1 / 2 demand for professionals with skill sets in • Air-Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation • Innovation & Entrepreneurship technology, design, and sustainability. • Building Management Systems • Leadership Fundamentals You can look forward to rewarding careers • Building Performance Modelling • Leadership in Action in the energy conservation, sustainable • Building Systems Modelling • Sports & Wellness design or building design industries, and find • Digital Modelling for Architecture 2 • Global Studies exciting job opportunities as: • Eco-Architecture Design 2 • Expressions of Culture* • Architectural Assistants • Energy Management & Audit • Global Citizenship & Community • BIM Modellers (Architecture and M&E) • Integrated Design Studio Development* • Building Automation Technologists Year 3 Subjects • Managing Diversity at Work* (Facility Management) • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Guided Learning • Energy & Sustainability Consultants • Fire & Life Safety Management (Associate SCEM) • Major Project *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Engineering Assistants the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' (Mechanical & Electrical) • Simulation Specialists (Building Performance) 42

T04 AVIATION MANAGEMENT Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This course is the first Aviation Management programme of its kind in Asia. You will learn a broad range of specialised aviation management skills and combine them with business knowledge. From understanding how to manage a world-class airport to running the best airline in the world, we will prepare you for a career in the aviation industry – one that will open up new and exciting opportunities as it reboots and recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. No aviation programme is complete without experiencing flight! In this course, you may take to the skies as a cabin crew member with a Singapore-based airline as part of your internship. Or, you could choose to take the first step towards becoming a pilot via our Aeronautical Science Option, where you will undergo the required flying and theoretical lessons to obtain a Private Pilot Licence (PPL). Selected foundational subjects in this option will also give you an advantage when you pursue the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) or Air Transport Pilot Licence (APTL) in the future. These special arrangements, which are not offered in any similar course by other local polytechnics, will give you a head start in the aviation industry. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Airline Operations You will also take this set of subjects, You can be part of a global business which, at • Business Fundamentals which is designed to help you develop its peak, supported 63 million jobs and made • Computer Programming in the areas of leadership, communication, up 3.5% of the global GDP. With the world’s for Problem Solving career planning, critical thinking, and more. best airport and airline at your doorstep • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 and many top airlines and aerospace firms • Introduction to Civil Aviation • Student Internship Programme operating in Singapore, this is the place • Principles of Aeronautical Science • Effective Communication to be for aviation training. Boosted by • Quantitative Methods • Professional Communication strong government support, our aviation Year 2 Subjects • Current Issues & Critical Thinking sector will continue to require highly skilled • Airfield Systems • Career Readiness 1 / 2 professionals to operate and manage existing • Airline Management • Innovation & Entrepreneurship and upcoming aviation services and facilities, • Airport Operations & Management • Leadership Fundamentals as the aviation sector gradually returns to its • Airport Systems • Leadership in Action prime after the COVID-19 pandemic. • Aviation Safety & Security • Sports & Wellness • Business Continuity Management • Global Studies Your strong management skill sets will also • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Expressions of Culture* give you an advantage in various business • Project Management • Global Citizenship & Community and hospitality-related domains. • Service Quality & Management Development* Year 3 Subjects • Managing Diversity at Work* These are some of the exciting jobs that • Major Project • Guided Learning could be yours! Aeronautical Science Option# • Air Traffic Controllers • Air Navigation *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Airline Flight Controllers • Flight Planning the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Airport Operations Centre Managers • Meteorological Studies • Airside Duty Managers Airport & Airline Option# • Airside Officers • Air Traffic Management • Duty Terminal Managers • Airport Administration • Ground Services Officers • Management of Air Cargo Note: Applicants should not be suffering from #Students to choose one of these options uncontrolled epilepsy, profound hearing loss or severe vision impairment. 43

T38 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Biomedical engineers are just as essential to the healthcare industry as doctors and nurses. You can make your mark in this growing sector by working with your peers to develop the next generation of smart medical devices for clinical engineering. This is an interdisciplinary course that provides you with integrated training in biological techniques and biomedical instrumentation. These include BioMEMS (Biomedical Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), microfluidics, flexible hybrid electronics for healthcare wearables, smart healthcare devices using artificial intelligence, and intelligent wearable healthcare sensors. The knowledge and skills you gain here will empower you to address the needs of the rapidly expanding Medical Technology (MedTech) and healthcare industries. You can also join the University Pathway Programme, which allows you to take university modules in your final year of this course, and get a one-year exemption for selected degree courses at local universities. Year 1 Subjects Healthcare Informatics Elective Cluster# Career Opportunities • Circuit Analysis • Healthcare Analytics As Singapore establishes itself as a strategic • Computer Programming • Patient Monitoring Technology hub for medical technology (MedTech) for Problem Solving manufacturing, as well as a global centre • Digital Fundamentals 1 & 2 SUTD Pathway Programme# for medical research and advanced patient • Electronic Devices & Circuits • Computational Thinking for Design care, numerous international biomedical • Electronic Prototyping • Modelling & Analysis companies have set up base here. This, • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 • Physical World coupled with the greater health awareness • Engineering Physics • Global Humanities: Literature, and an ageing population worldwide, will Year 2 Subjects Philosophy & Ethics give you many lucrative job opportunities • Chemistry in the field of manufacturing, regulatory • Data Visualisation & Analytics #Students to choose one of these elective clusters sciences and clinical services. • Engineering Mathematics 3 • Human Anatomy & Physiology TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Exciting careers await you as: • Medical Devices You will also take this set of subjects, • Biomedical Assistant Engineers • Medical Device Manufacturing Practices which is designed to help you develop • Biomedical Technical Officers • Medical Electronics in the areas of leadership, communication, • Field Services Engineers • Medical Imaging & Informatics career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Imaging Specialists • Microcontroller Applications • Medical Devices Specialists Year 3 Subjects • Student Internship Programme • Medical Product Specialists • Major Project • Effective Communication • Medical Sales Representatives Advanced Engineering Skills Elective Cluster# • Professional Communication • Medical Technologists • Advanced Skills Practices • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Regulatory Affairs Executives Biomedical Design & Devices Elective Cluster# • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Audiometry & Hearing Devices • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Note: Applicants should not be suffering from mild or severe • CAD & Additive Manufacturing • Leadership Fundamentals colour vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, profound Clinical Equipment & Process Elective • Leadership in Action hearing loss or severe vision impairment. Cluster# • Sports & Wellness • Clinical Laboratory Equipment • Global Studies • Medical Biochemistry • Expressions of Culture* • Global Citizenship & Community Development* • Managing Diversity at Work* • Guided Learning *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' 44

BUSINESS PROCESS T43 & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course As Singapore strives to be a world-class service centre and logistics hub, there will be demand for tech-savvy professionals with multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills who can offer solutions to business issues and problems, and add value to their employers. This course will train you in both business concepts and principles and engineering fundamentals. You will be able to find your niche in a wide variety of industries, including the manufacturing, logistics and service sectors in Singapore. There are two main areas in this course: (i) Business Analytics, which concerns the systematic investigation, prediction and prescription of business performance to provide insights for future planning, known as forward business management; and (ii) Systems Engineering, which deals with the management, improvement and optimisation of business processes using systems thinking approach to enhance business productivity and profits. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Business Fundamentals You will also take this set of subjects, Armed with the knowledge of fundamental • Circuit Analysis which is designed to help you develop business principles, business analytics, • Computer Programming in the areas of leadership, communication, business process improvement and systems for Problem Solving career planning, critical thinking, and more. engineering, you will be able to seek lucrative • Digital Fundamentals 1 career opportunities in a variety of industries • Engineering Mathematics 1 • Student Internship Programme such as manufacturing, logistics and services • Introduction to Processes & Systems • Effective Communication which include healthcare operations, finance, • Quantitative Methods • Professional Communication retail, customer service, as well as sales and Year 2 Subjects • Current Issues & Critical Thinking marketing. • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Your highly transferrable skill-sets will allow • Decision Analysis • Leadership Fundamentals you to secure exciting jobs in numerous • Engineering Economy • Leadership in Action industries, as: • Manufacturing Logistics & Simulation • Sports & Wellness • Business Analysts • Process Management & Innovation • Global Studies • Customer Relationship Executives • Process Optimisation & Improvement • Expressions of Culture* • Logistics & Supply Chain Executives • Project Management • Global Citizenship & Community • Market Researchers • Systems Concepts & Tools Development* • Productivity & Management • Systems Modelling & Simulation • Managing Diversity at Work* Systems Executives Year 3 Subjects • Guided Learning • Quality Assurance & Control Specialists • Major Project • Supply Chain Management *Students must choose one of these three electives under With this diploma, you will also be equipped • Distribution Centre Management# the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' to pursue further studies in business, • IoT Security# finance, accountancy, the arts and social • Service Quality & Management# sciences, and law, as well as engineering. #Students to choose one of these electives Note: Applicants should not be suffering from severe vision impairment. 45

T13 COMPUTER ENGINEERING Scan for full details, or visit: The Course With more and more companies embarking on digitalising their processes and businesses, and placing high importance in applying the latest digital solutions, there is a growing demand for talent from the field of computer engineering. This course covers not just the traditional computer engineering areas, but also emerging fields such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, artificial intelligence, cyber security and smart manufacturing. The knowledge and skill you gain here will empower you to become part of the vital talent pool that supports the next phase of Singapore’s economic transformation. You will also be prepared for internationally recognised industry certification examinations such as those from National Instruments, UI Path, Microsoft and Unity3D, as well as receive opportunities for year-long internships offered by GovTech. You can also join the University Pathway Programme, which allows you to take university modules in your final year of this course, and get a one-year exemption for selected degree courses at local universities. Year 1 Subjects TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects Career Opportunities • Circuit Analysis You will also take this set of subjects, As Singapore becomes a “smart” nation, • Computer Programming which is designed to help you develop IoT, data analytics, artificial intelligence, for Problem Solving in the areas of leadership, communication, and virtual reality are poised to bring • Digital Fundamentals 1 & 2 career planning, critical thinking, and more. tremendous value and impact across • Electronic Devices & Circuits industries such as transportation, aerospace, • Electronic Prototyping • Student Internship Programme aviation, telecommunication, healthcare, • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 • Effective Communication retail, logistics and supply chain, smart grid, • Engineering Physics • Professional Communication and even the government sector. • Current Issues & Critical Thinking Year 2 Subjects • Career Readiness 1 / 2 This course focuses and integrates both • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning • Innovation & Entrepreneurship hardware and software expertise and • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Leadership Fundamentals mastery, giving you a competitive edge over • Engineering Mathematics 3 • Leadership in Action professionals who specialise in only one of • Full Stack Development • Sports & Wellness these areas. Your transferrable skill sets will • Intelligent Automation • Global Studies be highly desired and you will have many • Internet of Things Project • Expressions of Culture* exciting job opportunities and excellent • Microcontroller Applications • Global Citizenship & Community career prospects as: • Object-oriented Programming Development* • Data Analysts • Advanced Skills Practices# • Managing Diversity at Work* • Embedded Systems Engineers • Distribution Centre Management#3(a) • Guided Learning • Hardware Engineers • System & Network Integration#(1a) • Integration Engineers • 3D Modelling for Virtual Reality#2(a) *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Network / Servers / Database / the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' Computer Systems Administrators Year 3 Subjects • Software / Web / Mobile Application • Major Project Developers or Programmers • Interactive Programming • Systems Analysts for Virtual Reality#2(b) • IoT Security#3(b) Note: Applicants should not be suffering from severe colour • Mobile Device Applications vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, profound hearing Development#1(b) loss or severe vision impairment. # Students to choose either 1(a) and 1(b), or 2(a) and 2(b), or 3(a) and 3(b), or Advanced Skills Practices 46

T65 ELECTRONICS Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Smart electronics devices, flexible hybrid electronics, 5G mobile networks, advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous vehicles are some of the cutting-edge technologies that have become more pervasive in today’s hyper-connected world, spearheading our digital transformation. This course prepares you for the current and emerging needs of the new digital economy. It will equip you with future-ready skill-sets in these emerging technologies, as well as their applications in various high-potential fields such as healthcare, assistive technology, and green innovations for the environment. You will acquire skills in robotic programming, circuit analysis, User Interface (UI) design, data analytics, electronics prototyping and coding. In addition, you can choose one of these following elective clusters in your final year of study: Aerospace Electronics (Avionics), Advanced Engineering Skills, Industrial Artificial Intelligence, Intralogistics & Cybersecurity, Robotics, or Semiconductor Technology. You can also join the University Pathway Programme, which allows you to take university modules in your final year of this course, and get a one-year exemption for selected degree courses at local universities. Year 1 Subjects Intralogistics & Cybersecurity Career Opportunities • Circuit Analysis Elective Cluster# Many of the world’s leading electronics and • Computer Programming • Distribution Centre Management semiconductor manufacturers are housed in for Problem Solving • IoT Security Singapore, providing technological solutions • Digital Fundamentals 1 & 2 Robotics Elective Cluster# to global industries while continually • Electronic Devices & Circuits • Robotics & Automation generating new products, applications, • Electronic Prototyping • Smart Manufacturing System and markets. • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 Semiconductor Technology Elective Cluster# • Engineering Physics • Cleanroom Equipment & Technology With this diploma, you will have excellent Year 2 Subjects • IC Process Integration and diverse career prospects in consumer • Advanced Electronics & Communication and industrial electronics, aerospace, • Circuit & Control Systems #Students to choose one of these elective clusters robotics and automation, semiconductor, • Data Visualisation & Analytics land transport, bio-pharmaceuticals, • Digital Sensors & Integrated TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects energy and power/chemicals, healthcare, Circuit Applications You will also take this set of subjects, telecommunications, instrumentation • Engineering Mathematics 3 which is designed to help you develop and control, computing, retail and logistic • Integrated Project in the areas of leadership, communication, industries. • Microcontroller Applications career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Power Electronics & Drives Potential jobs for you include: • Printed Circuit Board Design • Student Internship Programme • Electronics / Automation Engineers Year 3 Subjects • Effective Communication • Field Service / Application Engineers • Major Project • Professional Communication • IoT/System Integration Engineers Advanced Engineering Skills Elective Cluster# • Current Issues & Critical Thinking • Maintenance / Equipment Engineers • Advanced Skills Practices • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Product / Project Engineers Avionics Elective Cluster# • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Production / Manufacturing / • Aircraft Digital Systems • Leadership Fundamentals Process Engineers • Avionic Systems • Leadership in Action • Sales / Marketing Engineers / Executive Industrial Artificial Intelligence Elective • Sports & Wellness • Service Engineers (Healthcare / Cluster# • Global Studies Medical Equipment) • Edge Computing & Machine Learning • Expressions of Culture* • Software / Firmware / • Industrial IoT Analytics • Global Citizenship & Community Embedded Engineers Development* • Test / QA / QC Engineers • Managing Diversity at Work* • Guided Learning Note: Applicants should not be suffering from severe colour vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, profound hearing *Students must choose one of these three electives under loss or severe vision impairment. the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' 47

INTEGRATED T28 FACILITY MANAGEMENT Scan for full details, or visit: The Course This multi-disciplinary diploma will equip you with the knowledge and skill sets in managing the amenities, aesthetics and functionality of establishments such as Jewel Changi Airport, Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay. Identified as the largest growth area in the built environment, the Facilities Management (FM) industry is undergoing massive technological transformation, opening up rich and exciting career and further studies opportunities for you! You will be exposed to multi-disciplinary subjects related to building sciences, business management and design. This course also provides cluster electives in three industries, Aviation Facilities, Hospitality Facilities and Smart Facilities, which are set to rebound post-COVID and grow rapidly in the near future. As the first diploma course to be conferred the Best FM Training Institution (Innovation Excellence) Award by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), and also the first diploma in the world to be recognised by International Facility Management Association as an Accredited Degree Programme, this course will provide you with a competitive edge on the global stage! Year 1 Subjects Smart Facilities Elective Cluster Career Opportunities • Air-conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation • Building Management System# Armed with multi-disciplinary skills, you • Building Information Modelling • Smart FM & Asset Enhancement# will find employment in the facilities Collaboration • Intelligent Automation# management or development teams in the • Electrical Design & Installation airport, hospitality and tourism, events • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 #Students to choose three of these cluster elective subjects and convention, leisure and entertainment, • Facilities Operations & Maintenance integrated resort, as well as business and • Security & Surveillance Year 3 Subjects finance sectors, as: • Virtual Design & Facility Planning • Major Project • Contract/Procurement Executives • Workplace Safety & Health • Building Performance Modelling • Event Managers for Facility Management • Service Quality & Management • Facilities Executives Year 2 Subjects • Fire Safety Managers • Computer Programming TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects • Property Executives for Problem Solving You will also take this set of subjects, • Contract Management which is designed to help you develop You will also be able to pursue numerous • Data Visualisation & Analytics in the areas of leadership, communication, certifications recognised by the industry, • Energy Management & Audit career planning, critical thinking, and more. such as: • Fire & Life Safety Management • Associate Certified Project Engineer • Project Management • Student Internship Programme (Assoc. CPE) certification from the • Sustainable Facility Management • Effective Communication Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) Aviation Facilities Elective Cluster • Professional Communication • bizSAFE 2 & 4 certification from the • Airport Administration# • Current Issues & Critical Thinking Workplace Safety and Health Council • Airport Operations & Management# • Career Readiness 1 / 2 (WSHC) • Airport Systems# • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Certified Associate in Project Hospitality Facilities Elective Cluster • Leadership Fundamentals Management (CAPM) certification by the • Club & Resort Business# • Leadership in Action Project Management Institute (PMI) • Event Management# • Sports & Wellness • Facility Management Professional (FMP) • Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism# • Global Studies certification by the International Facility • Expressions of Culture* Management Association (IFMA) 48 • Global Citizenship & Community • Fire Safety Manager (FSM) certification by Development* the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) • Managing Diversity at Work* • Guided Learning Note: Applicants should not be suffering from severe vision impairment. *Students must choose one of these three electives under the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning'

T66 MECHATRONICS Scan for full details, or visit: The Course Industry 4.0 is transforming the modern workplace. From basic engineering to cutting-edge technologies, this course prepares you for the new era of advanced manufacturing where humans, machines and systems, communicate and collaborate safely in real time. You will learn to master the application of robotics, automation, 3D printing and data analytics in technological areas such as cyber-physical systems, virtual manufacturing as well as machine vision and pattern recognition. With increasing consumer demand for customised products and smart digital services in growth areas such as advanced manufacturing, aerospace, robotics, artificial intelligence, precision engineering and pharmaceutical manufacturing, you will have excellent job prospects! In your final year, you can choose one of these exciting elective clusters for further specialisation: 3D Printing, Advanced Engineering Skills, Advanced Manufacturing, Intralogistics & Cybersecurity, or Semiconductor Technology. You can also join the University Pathway Programme, which allows you to take university modules in your final year of this course, and get a one-year exemption for selected degree courses at local universities. Year 1 Subjects Intralogistics & Cybersecurity Elective Development* • Circuit Analysis Cluster# • Managing Diversity at Work* • Computer Programming • Distribution Centre Management • Guided Learning for Problem Solving • IoT Security • Digital Fundamentals 1 & 2 Semiconductor Technology Elective Cluster# *Students must choose one of these three electives under • Electronic Devices & Circuits • Cleanroom Equipment & Technology the 'Global Studies 2' subject, or take 'Guided Learning' • Electronic Prototyping • IC Process Integration • Engineering Mathematics 1 & 2 SUTD Pathway Programme# Career Opportunities • Engineering Physics • Computational Thinking for Design With the increasing convergence of • Modelling & Analysis Operation Technology (OT) and Information Year 2 Subjects • Physical World Technology (IT) that comes with today’s • Data Visualisation & Analytics • Global Humanities: Literature, Industry 4.0 transformation, this course will • Engineering Drawing Philosophy & Ethics enable you to master the new technologies • Engineering Mathematics 3 and right skill sets to become future- • Integrated Project #Students to choose one of these elective clusters ready in advanced manufacturing. You can • Introduction to Smart Automation excel in diverse advanced manufacturing • Machining Technology TP Fundamentals (TPFun) Subjects sectors ranging from precision engineering • Principles of Dynamics You will also take this set of subjects, and integrated circuit manufacturing • Robotics & Automation which is designed to help you develop to semiconductor fabrication and • Statics & Strength of Materials in the areas of leadership, communication, pharmaceutical processing. Year 3 Subjects career planning, critical thinking, and more. • Major Project • Student Internship Programme Potential jobs include: 3D Printing Elective Cluster# • Effective Communication • Aerospace Technologists • Advanced CAD & Simulation • Professional Communication • Associate Engineers / • CAD & Additive Manufacturing • Current Issues & Critical Thinking Application Engineers Advanced Engineering Skills Elective Cluster# • Career Readiness 1 / 2 • Automation Technologists • Advanced Skills Practices • Innovation & Entrepreneurship • Equipment / Maintenance / Service / Advanced Manufacturing Elective Cluster# • Leadership Fundamentals Test Engineers • Machine Vision & Pattern Recognition • Leadership in Action • Manufacturing / Mechanical / • Smart Manufacturing System • Sports & Wellness Product Engineers • Global Studies • Process Control Engineers • Expressions of Culture* • Research & Development Specialists 49 • Global Citizenship & Community • Robot Coordinators • Technical Sales Engineers Note: Applicants should not be suffering from severe colour vision deficiency, uncontrolled epilepsy, profound hearing loss or severe vision impairment.

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