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Home Explore ITE EAE 2021 Intake Factsheet (revised)

ITE EAE 2021 Intake Factsheet (revised)

Published by Resources, 2020-05-19 08:08:48

Description: ITE EAE 2021 Intake Factsheet (revised)


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ITE Early Admissions Exercise 2020 (for 2021 intake) Factsheet for N- and O-Level students ITE Early Admissions Exercise (ITE ITE EAE is open to: EAE) is an aptitude-based • Students who are Singapore Citizens / Singapore Permanent Residents admissions exercise that allows you to apply and receive a conditional offer for and registered to sit for GCE N- or O-Levels in 2020; admission to ITE, based on your • International Students currently in Government, Government-aided or aptitude and interest, before taking your GCE N- or O-Level exams. Independent Schools who are registered to sit for GCE N- or O-Levels in 2020; and If you choose not to apply to ITE • Singapore Citizens / Singapore Permanent Residents who have taken the through ITE EAE, you may still do so GCE N- or O-Level examinations previously. through other admissions exercises, such as the Joint Intake Exercise (JIE) Your conditional offer will be automatically confirmed if you meet subject- or Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). specific Minimum Entry Requirements (MERs) for the course. If your ITE EAE offer is confirmed after the release of the 2020 GCE results, you will not be eligible to participate in the upcoming JIE or JAE. Find out more about ITE courses and related career options Application • Course counselling at ITE 27 May – 3 Jun (revised) • Online research • Talk to your teachers, Education & Career Guidance (ECG) counsellors, family/relatives Interviews 23 Jun – 24 Jul (revised) Prepare for your application Prepare the write-up (not more than 100 words) for each course you are applying for. Express Offers & Acceptance your passion for the course in your write-up. Include your relevant skills/activities/experiences 24 Aug – 28 Aug that demonstrate your aptitude for the course. Withdrawal If shortlisted, prepare for interview 31 Aug – 4 Sep Bring along supporting documents e.g. portfolio of related works, evidence of relevant experiences, and CCA records to the interview.