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SP Business_SB 2021

Published by Resources, 2021-03-17 01:23:20

Description: SP Business_SB 2021


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awnyiwdnoAanitunitwnhnbegieiSnncnehgnoexoiclfpnohifegtBoruffsiiicunreeetnsossucm, ,rees! Francis Chua Diploma in Banking & Finance My first business presentation This was an experience that I will never forget. We had to dress up in formal attire and speak professionally in front of our class for a marketing module. I was extremely nervous as I used to have stage fright. Fortunately, my team members were very supportive and we made sure to go through a few rounds of rehearsal before the actual presentation. This gave me confidence and reduced my fear. Now, as a Year 2 student, I am very comfortable speaking in front of a crowd and have proudly overcome the stage fright I used to have! 2 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

You can choose from a selection of diploma programmes that meets your interests and aspirations. SP School of Business diplomas are highly valued by employers and widely recognised by reputable universities and professional bodies. For example, the Diploma in Accountancy works with the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales (ICAEW) to create an accelerated pathway to pursue the Chartered Accountant qualification. You have opportunities to WHY SB? enhance your leadership skills, entrepreneurial mindset and School of Business provides you with: resilience, build valuable local • Firm foundation in business competencies and overseas networks and gain • Immersion in the world of Business solid real life experiences for • Right attributes to succeed future studies or work. You will be • Selection of choice courses supported by caring, dedicated • Track record and reputation built up by our and experienced lecturers. successful graduates Whether you study Accountancy, Business Administration, HIGHLIGHT Banking & Finance or HRM with Psychology, through SP School Passionate about business but unsure of which of Business, you can become a field to specialise in? SP’s Common Business Self-Made Achiever and be ready Programme (CBP) is the answer for you! The CBP to impact the world through offers fundamental business concepts through business innovation! our common first year modules. Once you have identified your strengths and area of interest near the end of year one, you can then rank your preference among the four full-time business courses: • Diploma in Accountancy (DAC) • Diploma in Banking & Finance (DBKF) • Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) • Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology (DHRMP) Interested to find out more? Turn to Pg 16 for more info 3

ACCDOIPULONMTAAINNCY (DAC - S75) Keen on being part of the next wave A VALUABLE EXPERIENCE of highly proficient accounting and finance professionals? The Diploma in On your DAC journey, you will experience unique Accountancy (DAC) may just be the and interactive pedagogies through simulated best choice for you! cases, flipped classroom and team-based learning. This allows you to acquire key technical skills With the government’s commitment to and essential soft skills such as communication, promote Singapore as a financial hub, teamwork, problem-solving and life-long learning accounting and finance professions skills. Apart from that, you will have the freedom to are in high demand to keep up with choose from various electives to further broaden our country’s ever-growing economy. and deepen your knowledge and skills. Pursuing SP’s Diploma in Accountancy (DAC) is the first step you can take We work closely with the Institute of Chartered to embark on a journey of becoming Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) to an accounting professional or a create an accelerated pathway for our graduates Chartered Accountant (CA). to pursue the Chartered Accountant qualification through the SP-ICAEW Professional Chartered 4 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic Accountancy (PCA) programme. Beyond that, building on DAC’s strong industry connections, you will get to embark on a 22-week internship in your third year with reputable local and overseas organisations. Our industry partners include the “Big Four” international accounting firms such as Deloitte, EY and PwC. On top of that, we partner with mid-tier accounting firms such as Audit Alliance, BDO, Foo Kon Tan and Mazars.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Range of Net 2020 JAE ELR2B2: 5 to 13 Aggregate Type: ELR2B2-B SUBJECT GRADE English Language 1–6 Mathematics 1–6 (Elementary / Additional) Any three other subjects 1–6 Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for one of the following subjects: TAKE FLIGHT WITH DAC • Art • Business Studies Beyond the classrooms, you can look forward to overseas programmes, industry • Combined Humanities projects, community service projects, networking sessions and competitions. These • Economics open doors for you to build connections and develop skills for your future careers • Geography in the accounting world. • Higher Art • Higher Music With our strong collaborations with professional accountancy bodies, you will get a • History head start in acquiring professional qualifications whilst in the polytechnic, such as: • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) qualifications through the • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese) ACCA Accelerated Pathway Programme (AAPP), • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) • Diploma in Management Accounting with the Chartered Institute of Management • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil) Accountants (CIMA), • Introduction to Enterprise Development • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil • ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB). • Media Studies (Chinese) • Media Studies (English) In preparation for the digital world, you will be equipped with relevant IT skills such • Music as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), programming and data analytics skills. You • Principles of Accounts will have opportunities to apply these skills to real companies through the Client Project module, which will help them automate manual processes to improve productivity and harness the power of data to make better business decisions. BE READY FOR A FULFILLING CAREER As a DAC graduate, you will be sought-after in the fields of: Watsons Singapore is happy to partner Singapore Polytechnic once • Accountancy • Finance again and be part of the students’ learning journey, where the students • Auditing • Taxation showcased how technologies and automation can change the world • Banking of work. Many fresh perspectives on how things can be done in today’s You may be granted up to one and a half years exemption from a typical digital age were sparked through the three-year related degree course by overseas universities. collaboration. You may also receive generous exemptions from the professional accountancy Watsons Singapore bodies such as ACCA, CIMA and ICAEW, should you wish to further your on DAC’s Client Project collaboration studies with them. Should you choose to start working after your diploma, you may wish to pursue Scan to find out the part-time Specialist Diploma in Professional Accounting and Technology more information offered by SP to deepen your knowledge and prepare yourself for the digital about the course world. You may also consider the Advanced Diploma in Accountancy offered under the SkillsFuture’s Earn and Learn Programme (ELP) in order to progress 5 to the Singapore CA Programme, which will allow attainment of the Chartered Accountant of Singapore designation.

COURSE MODULES The Diploma in Accountancy is a three-year full-time programme. 1 FIRST YEAR • Critical and Analytical Thinking • IT and Data Analysis for • Business Accounting • Technology for Business • Economics Business • Business Negotiation Skills • Elective 1 • Management and Human • Business Statistics • Fundamentals of Marketing Resource Practices • Narrative Thinking 2 SECOND YEAR • Communicating for Professional • Elective 2 • Auditing • Advanced Auditing Effectiveness • Financial Accounting • Advanced Financial Accounting • Cost and Management • Social Innovation Project • Accounting Analytics Accounting • Taxation 3 THIRD YEAR • Financial Management • Business and Company Law • Business Strategy and Ethics • 22-week internship programme • Client Project • Elective 3 Electives All full-time diploma students are required to take two The SP elective framework offers students options to pursue their compulsory Education and Career Guidance Modules in SP. passion and / or meet different career needs, and is an integral Students will take Education and Career Guidance 1 — Personal part of the holistic education we seek to provide to our students. Development (30 hours) in their first year. In their second year, The learning experiences of this elective framework help students will take Education and Career Guidance 2 — Career students in their development as self-directed, versatile, lifelong Development (15 hours). learners, which are essential in today’s volatile and changing societal as well as occupational landscape. All students are required to take one compulsory Sports for Life (SFL) module for one semester in their first year in SP. In their For a list of electives offered, please visit second and third year, students may sign up for SFL module as an optional module. 6 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

DAC has provided me with numerous opportunities Amrita Kaur D/O Ishwar Singh to overcome my introverted nature and become Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal, more confident in public speaking and stepping out Alfred Robert Edis Prize, of my comfort zone. It has also trained me with a DAC Silver Medallist, Class of 2020 strong theoretical foundation coupled with practical applications for me to excel in both the client project and internship. Apart from the academic side of school, I was also involved in an overseas community service trip to Surabaya, Indonesia where I taught English to the local children while helping to renovate their classrooms. This experience reinforced my passion for community service and spurred me to lead the SP Rotaract Club as President. There was never a dull moment in SP. 7

BADINPLKOMINAGIN & FINANCE (DBKF - S76) Do you desire to excel in the financial EMBARK ON YOUR DBKF JOURNEY sector and acquire specialist knowledge and skills related to Beyond the classroom, you will have opportunities banking, monetary and financial to work on industry / data analytic projects, excel in operations? The Diploma in Banking & competitions, network at seminars and job shadow Finance (DBKF) course is your perfect in financial institutions. You will solve real-world choice! DBKF will develop you to be problems through applied industry projects. future finance professionals with the mastery of both theory and skill “Hands-on learning” is fundamental to the DBKF sets that are needed to navigate the experience. There will be opportunities for you evolving world of finance. to acquire real-life experience through a variety of local and overseas programmes. Beyond the technical competencies, vital skills such as Financial Technology (FinTech) and Data Analytics are embedded in the programme. You will go on a 22-week internship in your final year. Depending on your career preference, you may choose an internship with financial institutions, such as the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), HSBC, OCBC, DBS and other leading organisations, or with Fintech companies to experience their entrepreneurial journey in Finance and Technology. You will also be able to go on learning journeys and volunteer for overseas social innovation projects that allow you to make an impact on the wider world! 8 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Range of Net 2020 JAE ELR2B2: 7 to 12 Aggregate Type: ELR2B2-B SUBJECT GRADE English Language 1–6 Mathematics 1–6 (Elementary / Additional) Any three other subjects 1–6 TREASURE THE EXPERIENCE Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for one of the following subjects: Our three-year full-time DBKF programme comprises a robust, future-ready curriculum with industry support. It is aligned with future industry needs, having • Art been designed in close consultation with banking and finance industry partners. It • Business Studies prepares you in the following areas: • Combined Humanities • Economics Build sought after Digital & Analytical Skills. • Geography Earn yourself a solid working knowledge of technology associated with our banking • Higher Art and finance industry - Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics. Our • Higher Music curriculum features digital marketing and digital user experience, skills that are highly • History sought after in industry today. • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) • Humanities (Social Studies, History) Attain valuable market Expertise & Insights. • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese) You will gain industry knowledge and insights on financial markets and products, as • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) well as latest Fintech trends and developments that are disrupting the industry in • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) areas such as: • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil) • Introduction to Enterprise Development · Business Banking · Risk & Compliance • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil · Consumer Banking · SME Finance • Media Studies (Chinese) · Financial Markets • Media Studies (English) • Music • Principles of Accounts Develop strong Industry Relevance & Recognition. A DIVERSITY OF CAREERS You will solve real-world problems through applied industry projects, leveraging on our close industry links with Banks, Financial Institutions, Fintech Companies and DBKF graduates can attain fulfilling careers in SMEs (e.g. UOB, OCBC, DBS, Moolah Sense,, Pundi X). As a SP graduate, you areas such as: are well-recognised by local / foreign universities, professional bodies and industry. • Consumer and SME Banking • Credit Operations It is very forward thinking of Singapore Polytechnic to empower • Customer Experience and Wealth Advisory students to explore innovative and disruptive topics like block chain • Financial Planning payments and how it would shape the Finance and Fintech sectors. It • Fintech has been a joy for Pundi X to collaborate with the School of Business. • Fund Management Their students have demonstrated critical thinking and have a • Investment Research refreshing approach to how we can drive crypto adoption faster. • Private Banking • Regulatory Compliance and Operations Zac Cheah, CEO & Co-Founder of Pundi X • Risk Management on Fintech collaboration in Final Year Project • SME Finance • Trade Finance Scan to find out • Treasury and Capital Markets more information DBKF graduates can also work in the finance about the course department of any company. More than 93% of DBKF graduates found jobs within 3 months after graduation last year. If you are interested in further studies, the DBKF course is recognised by leading financial institutions, reputable universities and professional bodies. 9

COURSE MODULES The Diploma in Banking & Finance is a three-year full-time programme. 1 FIRST YEAR • Critical and Analytical Thinking • IT and Data Analysis for Business • Business Accounting • Technology for Business • Economics • Management and Human Resource • Business Negotiation Skills • Elective 1 Practices • Business Statistics • Fundamentals of Marketing • Narrative Thinking 2 SECOND YEAR • Equity and Fixed Income • Financial Regulations and • Business Analytics Compliance • Corporate Finance Analysis • Managerial Finance • Customer Service Experience • Financial Markets and • Social Innovation Project • Predictive Analytics with AI • Elective 2 Institutions • Essentials of Risk Management • Financial Planning 3 THIRD YEAR • Final Year Project • Internship Programme • Business Law • International Trade Finance and (with Fintech Option) • Credit Risk Analysis and Management Documentation • Treasury and Derivatives • Elective 3 Electives All full-time diploma students are required to take two The SP elective framework offers students options to pursue their compulsory Education and Career Guidance Modules in SP. passion and / or meet different career needs, and is an integral Students will take Education and Career Guidance 1 — Personal part of the holistic education we seek to provide to our students. Development (30 hours) in their first year. In their second year, The learning experiences of this elective framework help students will take Education and Career Guidance 2 — Career students in their development as self-directed, versatile, lifelong Development (15 hours). learners, which are essential in today’s volatile and changing societal as well as occupational landscape. All students are required to take one compulsory Sports for Life (SFL) module for one semester in their first year in SP. In their For a list of electives offered, please visit second and third year, students may sign up for SFL module as an optional module. 10 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

The experience I gained in SP’s Diploma in Charmaine Tan Banking and Finance (DBKF) has shaped my DBKF Gold Medallist, aspirations and helped me develop both technical and lifelong skills which will ensure Class of 2019 that I am both work-ready and life-ready. I am also very thankful for the deep expertise and total dedication of my lecturers, who have been very inspirational, and so supportive. They showed concern for my learning every step of the way. I made the right decision to join DBKF. 11

BUDIsPLiOnMeA IsN s administration (DBA - S71) Interested in being a business leader At the end of your first year, you will have the option of the future? The Diploma in Business to specialise in one of three fields; Innovation & Administration (DBA) could be the Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing & Branding, course for you! DBA is designed International Trade & Operations, each dealing with to provide you with the essential a broad base of industries. In your second year, you knowledge, skills and insights that will deepen your skills and expertise in your chosen enable you to effectively deal with the specialisation whilst enhancing your business complexities of today’s global business fundamentals and developing sought-after skills in environment. We develop thoughtful business analytics, digital marketing and business leaders, entrepreneurs and industry operations. Your third year is when you thrive! You champions who create value for their will work on applied industry projects and embark on organisations and their communities. exciting internships with our industry partners who are passionate about grooming young talents. YOUR ENRICHING JOURNEY We have strong industry partnerships and alliances We bring you beyond textbooks and classrooms to broaden your so you can be work and life-ready! Our industry learning experiences! We provide innovative venues and platforms partners such as Watsons Singapore, Gongcha, for you to learn. Singapore River Cruises, Shalom Movers, Keppel Logistics, Exion Asia, Bollore Logistics and many To kick-start your journey in DBA, you will build a strong foundation more have worked with DBA students as part of our in business studies taught through engaging pedagogies such curriculum. These client-based projects will help as design thinking, flipped classroom and case-based analysis. students apply knowledge, learning and skills to real-life business issues. DBA also offers students 12 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic real work experience through hands-on consultancy projects in our Student Agency, a campus-based agency in which our students take on client projects. Furthermore, external competitions, networking events and seminars with industry experts will provide professional insights on industry trends and developments for you to map out your future!

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Range of Net 2020 JAE ELR2B2: 3 to 13 Aggregate Type: ELR2B2-B SUBJECT GRADE English Language 1–6 Mathematics 1–6 (Elementary / Additional) Any three other subjects 1–6 MAKE YOUR FIRST COUNT WITH DBA Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for one of the following subjects: Here in DBA, we plant the seeds of opportunities to truly give you the best first experiences, from business proposals, digital transformation plans, cost saving • Art and revenue generating initiatives to industry related projects. Beyond that, • Business Studies an enriching internship placement awaits, offering practical work experiences, • Combined Humanities opportunities to gain professional skills in demand and invaluable industry • Economics connections in your chosen field of interest! We create multiple windows of • Geography opportunities for your growth to gain exposure by working and interacting with • Higher Art foreign counterparts in projects and other cultural exchanges. This will develop • Higher Music your global perspectives necessary to address the challenges of our dynamic • History and interdependent world. • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil) • Introduction to Enterprise Development • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil • Media Studies (Chinese) • Media Studies (English) • Music • Principles of Accounts PREPARE FOR FULFILLING CAREERS Many career opportunities await you! With the advantage of a broad-based curriculum, DBA prepares you for an extensive range of possible careers in the business world, stretching across any sector or industry. Jobs directly related to your diploma include: • Brand Management • Marketing Communications • Business Development • Marketing Research • Business Process Improvement • Manage Family Business Scan to find out more information • Client Management • Operations Management about the course • Digital / Social Media Marketing • Production Management 13 • Entrepreneurship / Start-Ups • Service Operations • Humanitarian Logistics • Supply Chain Management You can apply for further studies with local or foreign universities. Many of our DBA graduates have clinched prestigious scholarships to pursue business-related degrees in local and foreign universities.

COURSE MODULES The Diploma in Business Administration is a three-year full-time programme. 1 FIRST YEAR • Critical and Analytical Thinking • IT and Data Analysis for • Business Accounting • Technology for Business • Economics Business • Business Negotiation Skills • Elective 1 • Management and Human • Business Statistics • Fundamentals of Marketing Resource Practices • Narrative Thinking 2 SECOND YEAR Second Year Specialisation International Trade & Second Year Core Modules • Business Analytics Modules Operations Modules: • Business Operations and • Enterprise Business Processes Processes Digital Marketing & • Global Supply Chain • Communication for Professional Branding Modules: Management Effectiveness • Brand Management • International Trade Operations • Elective 2 • Consumer Psychology • Logistics Operations • Financial Management • Integrated Digital Marketing • Service Experience and Communications Innovation & Innovation • Marketing Intelligence and Entrepreneurship Modules: • Social Innovation Project Research • Business Innovation and Process • Business Opportunity • Marketing and Branding for Start-ups • Start-up Finance 3 THIRD YEAR Third Year Specialisation Modules Third Year Core Modules • Business Law Digital Marketing & International Trade & • Elective 3 Branding Modules: Operations Modules: • Global Business Strategy • Applied Industry Project • Applied Industry Project • Internship Programme • Internship Programme Innovation & Entrepreneurship Modules: • Entrepreneurship Practicum 1 • Entrepreneurship Practicum 2 Electives The SP elective framework offers students options to pursue their All full-time diploma students are required to take two passion and / or meet different career needs, and is an integral compulsory Education and Career Guidance Modules in SP. part of the holistic education we seek to provide to our students. Students will take Education and Career Guidance 1 — Personal The learning experiences of this elective framework help Development (30 hours) in their first year. In their second year, students in their development as self-directed, versatile, lifelong students will take Education and Career Guidance 2 — Career learners, which are essential in today’s volatile and changing Development (15 hours). societal as well as occupational landscape. All students are required to take one compulsory Sports for Life For a list of electives offered, please visit (SFL) module for one semester in their first year in SP. In their second and third year, students may sign up for SFL module as an optional module. 14 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

Yow Yu Xuan DBA Gold Medallist, Class of 2019 In DBA, I was given the opportunity to develop in-depth expertise in business fundamentals, and also develop highly sought-after skills in a myriad of areas such as business analytics and digital marketing. During my final year of studies, I gained industry insights and acquired soft skills like cross cultural intelligence in an overseas attachment. The experience certainly widened my horizon and strengthened my skills and knowledge in the field of business operations. 15

BUCsOMinMeONss PROGRAMME (CBP - S31) Are you passionate about business but need more exposure and hands-on experience to decide which business discipline / field to specialise in? The Common Business Programme (CBP) is the right place for you! You will be exposed to the different sectors of business to see where your interests lie before deciding on a specialisation. 16 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Range of Net 2020 JAE ELR2B2: 4 to 12 Aggregate Type: ELR2B2-B SUBJECT GRADE English Language 1–6 Mathematics 1–6 (Elementary / Additional) Any three other subjects 1–6 NAVIGATING YOUR INTERESTS Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for one of the following subjects: The CBP allows students to go through the same Year 1 curriculum as other SP School of Business (SB) students before they make their decision. • Art Towards the end of Year 1 Semester 2, CBP students will rank their • Business Studies preferences among the four diplomas as follows: • Combined Humanities • Economics • Diploma in Accountancy (DAC) • Geography • Higher Art • Diploma in Banking & Finance (DBKF) • Higher Music • History • Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) • Humanities (Social Studies, History) • Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology (DHRMP) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) CBP students will then continue with their Year 2 and 3 studies in one of • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) these diplomas. • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil) • Introduction to Enterprise Development EXPLORE BEFORE SPECIALISING • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil Through your CBP journey, there are many opportunities to explore the business • Media Studies (Chinese) disciplines you may be interested in. You will gain invaluable exposure to various • Media Studies (English) branches in business studies, going on an experiential path to gain a better • Music understanding of business before deciding on your specialisation. • Principles of Accounts FURTHER STUDIES CAREER OPTIONS Depending on your specialisation, you can continue to pursue your respective An education with the SP School of business degree programmes at a local or foreign university. Business will provide you the versatility to work in a wide variety of professions and industries such as accounting, banking & finance, human resources, marketing and supply chain. Some of you may even venture out on your own to become an entrepreneur! Scan to find out more information about the course 17

COURSE MODULES 1 FIRST YEAR • Critical and Analytical Thinking • IT and Data Analysis for • Business Accounting • Technology for Business • Economics Business • Business Negotiation Skills • Elective 1 • Management and Human • Business Statistics • Fundamentals of Marketing Resource Practices • Narrative Thinking Starting AY2020, selected CBP students will read a new module – Business Essentials through Action (BETA). BETA will take aspects of three modules taken by the rest of the business school students – Fundamentals of Marketing, Management and Human Resource Practices and Business Negotiation Skills. BETA will run as an integrated module over two semesters. Students will work in teams to develop, launch and manage an actual business funded by Singapore Polytechnic. Profits generated by the business activity will be used to support a charitable project that the students have chosen. Through the process of “learning by doing”, students will acquire and apply key entrepreneurship, marketing, business management and organisational behaviour theories. This is an opportunity to gain an understanding of their personal entrepreneurial leadership capabilities awaits as they learn how to work with and through others. Electives All full-time diploma students are required to take two The SP elective framework offers students options to pursue their compulsory Education and Career Guidance Modules in SP. passion and / or meet different career needs, and is an integral Students will take Education and Career Guidance 1 — Personal part of the holistic education we seek to provide to our students. Development (30 hours) in their first year. In their second year, The learning experiences of this elective framework help students will take Education and Career Guidance 2 — Career students in their development as self-directed, versatile, lifelong Development (15 hours). learners, which are essential in today’s volatile and changing societal as well as occupational landscape. All students are required to take one compulsory Sports for Life (SFL) module for one semester in their first year in SP. In their For a list of electives offered, please visit second and third year, students may sign up for SFL module as an optional module. 18 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

COMMON BUSINESS PROGRAMME (SB COMMON FIRST YEAR MODULES) DAC DBA DBKF DHRMP CBP provides me with the perfect opportunity to learn the different aspects of business before deciding on my preferred specialisation. I also appreciate the many opportunities to engage with my seniors and industry alumni to gain insights of the different diplomas and industries. With these valuable insights and guidance from my dedicated lecturers, I was able to make a better, more informed decision on my ideal course and possible career in the future. See Jae Yee CBP first-year student 19

HUMADNIPRLOEMASION URCE WIMTHANPASGYECMHOELNOTGY (DHRMP - S48) Would you like to make a tangible impact SP is the first polytechnic to offer a full- in your company by harnessing the power time course in DHRMP. This comprehensive of human capital? How about using your course is aligned with the national HR Skills knowledge of psychology to enhance Framework, equipping you with practical skills the effectiveness of individuals and in human resource management, positive organisations? You might be the perfect psychology and emotional intelligence. It fit for the Diploma in Human Resource incorporates professional assessment from the Management with Psychology (DHRMP). Institute for HR Professionals (IHRP), offering you the opportunity to be an IHRP Certified Associate (IHRP-CA)! This provides you with a good head start in your IHRP certification journey when you pursue a career in HR. We equip you with real-world experience to prepare you to be successful HR professionals in the global business environment. 20 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Range of Net 2020 JAE ELR2B2: 4 to 10 Aggregate Type: ELR2B2-B SUBJECT GRADE English Language 1–6 Mathematics 1–6 (Elementary / Additional) Any three other subjects 1–6 A REWARDING PATH Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for one of the following subjects: Our innovative and unique Human Resource Learning Studio provides a conducive environment to acquire HR-related skills in communication, presentation, interviewing, • Art counselling and negotiation. You will also receive hands-on training throughout this • Business Studies highly engaging course, culminating in a final-year client-based project. With this • Combined Humanities comprehensive programme, our students consistently win top awards in national • Economics HR competitions. This journey is further enhanced through school-wide leadership • Geography programmes and overseas immersions. • Higher Art • Higher Music Singapore Polytechnic has been appointed as “Sector Lead” for HR among the • History polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE). Leveraging on our strong • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography) relationships with the HR community and industry partners, collaborations such as the • Humanities (Social Studies, History) co-location of Kelly Services Career Centre and selected HR Tech Partners on campus, • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Chinese) industry talks and learning journeys provide students with authentic learning and first- • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English) hand experience of how high value HR teams function. • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Malay) • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in Tamil) A PLETHORA OF CAREERS • Introduction to Enterprise Development • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil The job prospects that await you in a wide spectrum of industries cover: • Media Studies (Chinese) • Media Studies (English) • Career Coaching • HR Technology • Music • Principles of Accounts • Compensation and Benefits • Learning and Development • Employee Engagement • Talent Management • HR Business Partnering • Talent Sourcing and Acquisition A NEW BEGINNING Our DHRMP graduates have gained admission into prestigious local and overseas In addition to acquiring key HR competencies universities in courses including Business (HRM), Economics, Law, Psychology, in areas such as talent attraction, talent Sociology and Social Work programmes. development and talent management, you will also gain business-centric skills in analytics, If you choose to start your HR career after graduation, you could further deepen technology, problem-solving and design your learning through on-the-job work experiences. For instance, SkillsFuture’s thinking throughout the programme. Work-Study Programme for HR, or SP’s Specialist Diploma in Enhanced HR Skills. The Specialist Diploma is designed to support the national directive of maximising You will gain corporate experience through people’s potential, enhancing human capital development and raising the overall the 22-week internship with varied industry standards of the HR profession in Singapore. It will broaden your knowledge and partners and participate in HR events such as skills on some of the leading HR Technologies and tools to improve HR efficiency and the Asia Pacific Federation of Human Resource effectiveness across the various HR functions. Conference, HR Tech Festival Asia, Singapore HR Congress and Singapore HR Awards. SP’s holistic approach to nurture HR professionals ensures that our students are work, life and world-ready. Make a difference by developing people and helping Prestigious DHRMP scholarships from leading organisations achieve their best! organisations are also offered to students with academic excellence, CCA achievements and Join us now! exemplary conduct. Scan to find out more information about the course 21

COURSE MODULES The Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology is a three-year full-time programme. 1 FIRST YEAR • Economics • IT and Data Analysis for • Business Accounting • Technology for Business • Elective 1 Business • Business Statistics • Emotional Intelligence • Management and Human • Critical and Analytical Thinking • Fundamentals of Marketing Resource Practices • Narrative Thinking 2 SECOND YEAR • Financial Management • Performance Management • Business Law • Psychology in Counselling • Elective 2 • HR Information System • Social Innovation Project • Talent Sourcing and Acquisition • Employee Engagement and • Learning and Talent • Total Rewards Management Relations Development • Employment Law • Negotiation and Conflict Management 3 THIRD YEAR • Integrated HR Project • Elective 3 • Internship Programme • Global HR Management • Psychology in Work Behaviour • HR Analytics Electives All full-time diploma students are required to take two The SP elective framework offers students options to pursue their compulsory Education and Career Guidance Modules in SP. passion and / or meet different career needs, and is an integral Students will take Education and Career Guidance 1 — Personal part of the holistic education we seek to provide to our students. Development (30 hours) in their first year. In their second year, The learning experiences of this elective framework help students will take Education and Career Guidance 2 — Career students in their development as self-directed, versatile, lifelong Development (15 hours). learners, which are essential in today’s volatile and changing societal as well as occupational landscape. All students are required to take one compulsory Sports for Life (SFL) module for one semester in their first year in SP. In their For a list of electives offered, please visit second and third year, students may sign up for SFL module as an optional module. 22 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

I have always envisioned a career which allows Joscelyn Chong me to engage actively with people, and SP’s Low Guan Onn Gold Medal, Diploma in Human Resource Management with DHRMP Gold Medallist, Psychology (DHRMP) gave me the opportunity Class of 2019 to realise this passion. During my time here, I have not only honed my technical skills but also gained various soft skills and exposure through internship programmes. My lecturers, who are experts in the field, have always inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and challenge conventional ways of doing things. The DHRMP experience has indeed moulded me into the person I am today. 23

tMshoyfeftaiwrcscatoruteni,mteinugsing EZSoftware during a group project in Year 1 was tough at first. We had many problems, especially learning how to navigate and sync it. After clarifying our doubts with our lecturer and getting more comfortable with the program, we were able to complete the project successfully! 24 School of Business • Singapore Polytechnic

Nurul Syarfikha Diploma in Banking & Finance 25

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