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Home Explore Homeopathic Guide

Homeopathic Guide

Published by tanya, 2017-03-29 14:04:54

Description: Homeopathic Guide


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In 1932, twin brothers and pharmacists Jean andHenri Boiron set out to fulfill a growing demandposed by a group of physicians: develop thenecessary manufacturing expertise to preparereliable homeopathic medicines for their patients.Today, as world leader in homeopathic medicines,Boiron is still an independent family pharmaceuticallaboratory dedicated to providing you with qualityhealth solutions. With 3,700 employees,2190 subsidiaries, and distribution in more than50 countries, our mission is to develop the role ofhomeopathic medicines around the world. Theability to maintain and restore our health is withineach of us, and homeopathic medicines, ratherthan merely masking symptoms, help your body thenatural way. More and more Americans are turningto these medicines as their first choice of treatment.Thank you for choosing Boiron, a companydedicated to your health and wellness. We hopethis Easy Guide will answer your questions aboutthe homeopathic medicines we offer. For moreinformation, please visit,ChristianBoironGeneralManager,Boiron World Leader in Homeopathic Medicines

Q&A on Homeopathic Medicines..............................................1Allergy................................................................................6Children..............................................................................8Cold & Flu................................................................................10Cough................................................................................14Digestive............................................................................16First Aid...................................................................................18Pain....................................................................................22Stress & Sleep........................................................................26Women...............................................................................28Alphabetical Index..................................................................32Therapeutic Index...................................................................37Company Info, Social Media & Educational Tools.................42T h i s E a sy G u i d e explains the uses and benefitsof homeopathic medicines, and organizes Boiron’s brandedand blue tube single medicines into nine color-codedcategories—Allergy, Children, Cold & Flu, Cough, Digestive, First Aid,Pain, Stress & Sleep, and Women—to help you easily find thebest medicine for your symptoms. For an alphabetical listingof the medicines, turn to the index on page 32. Please keepin mind that some conditions may require diagnosis andtreatment by a health care professional. If your symptomspersist or worsen, consult with a doctor.We always welcome your comments and suggestions [email protected] or 1-800-BOIRON-1.Thank you for your interest in homeopathic medicines.Mineral plant animal

Q&AQ What are homeopathic medicines?A Homeopathic medicines have been used by generations of physicians for more than 200 years to address many acute illnesses. Millions of patients around the world rely on these medicines to help relieve symptoms of flu, allergies, coughs, colds, muscle pain, teething and other common conditions.* These medicines contain active ingredients derived from highly diluted plants, minerals and animals. In the United States, homeopathic medicines are manufactured under strict accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States and Good Manufacturing Practices. They are regulated as a homeopathic drug by the Food and Drug Administration. *The following uses have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Some conditions require diagnosis and treatment by a health care professional. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention right away. Always read and follow label directions. Q Is there any scientific research on homeopathic medicines?A An increasing number of scientific studies on homeopathic medicines are being conducted and published in peer-reviewed journals. Clinical research is providing evidence of the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, and basic laboratory research is confirming the biological activity of highly diluted substances and helping the scientific community better understand their mechanism of action. 1

Q What are the benefits of homeopathic medicines?A Boiron homeopathic medicines do not cause drowsiness or sleeplessness and they have no known drug interactions. There is a low risk of side effects when taking homeopathic medicines. Therefore, these medicines are a great choice for self-treatable conditions. They work best when taken at the first sign of symptoms, which is the best time to help your body ward off illnesses. Some disorders require diagnosis and treatment by a doctor. Always read and follow label directions. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention promptly.Q How are homeopathic medicines presented?A Homeopathic medicines are presented with very clear and specific indications and directions for use. They are available either as blue tube single medicines (only one active ingredient) or as a company-specific brand of medicine (most with multiple active ingredients). The branded medicines are available in a variety of dosage forms such as tablets, gels, ointments, creams, syrups, eye drops and suppositories. If you are not yet familiar with homeopathic medicines, the branded products make selecting a medicine and relieving symptoms very easy so new users can discover the benefits of homeopathy.Q When should I choose a BLUE TUBE SINGLE medicine?A In some instances, your symptoms are so specific that it is easy to select one single medicine. Packaged in Boiron’s patented multidose blue tubes, the 83 most commonly used blue tube single medicines are available in health food and natural product stores. Boiron carries hundreds of single medicines in several dilutions, which can be special-ordered through these stores. Many self-medication books are available to help you in your single medicine selection, including Homeopathic Solutions Made Easy. You can also use the Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Finder, available at or as a free app. 2

Q what is a homeopathic dilution?A A homeopathic medicine is obtained from a precise and controlled process of successive homeopathic dilutions. With each homeopathic dilution, the medicine is deconcentrated and then vigorously shaken (also called “succussion”). This process transforms the original solution into a therapeutically active medicine.Q Which homeopathic dilution should I choose?A The level of dilution does not correspond to the strength of the homeopathic medicine: a 30C is not stronger than a 6C. The difference is in the level of action. While a 6C is suitable for local symptoms, a 30C or higher is more appropriate for general and behavioral symptoms, such as a fever, rash, apprehension or sleeplessness.Q How should I read a homeopathic medicine label such as “Arnica montana 30C”?A “Arnica montana” is the Latin name of the source material, a perennial plant that grows one to two feet tall with bright yellow flowers. A common name for the plant is Leopard’s bane. Homeopathic medicines use Latin names, the international scientific denomination for source materials. The “30” indicates that the source material has been homeopathically diluted 30 times. The “C” stands for “centesimal” and indicates that each of the 30 dilutions was made at the rate of 1/100. 3

Q The indication on the label of the multidose tube does not match the symptom for which my doctor prescribed it. why?A The same blue tube single medicine may be useful for several different conditions. For example, Ledum palustre 30C can be indicated for insect bites or bruising; Mezereum 30C can be indicated for sinus pain or oozing, crusty skin rash. Due to the small size of the container, we print the most common indication for each medicine on the label. Therefore, the condition for which your doctor prescribed the medicine may not be listed on the label.Q How do I take a homeopathic medicine?A For your convenience, Boiron homeopathic medicines are available in a variety of forms (syrups, liquid unit-doses, suppositories, creams, gels, eye drops, tablets and pellets) to best address your symptoms. Label directions vary by medicine. Always read and follow label directions.When taking one of our signature blue tubesingle medicines, pellets should be placed underthe tongue to ensure rapid absorption into thebloodstream. No water, chewing or swallowing isrequired. In general, it is best to addresssymptoms as early as possible.How to dispense pellets? Twist until Carefully removeTurn tube 5 pellets are cap and use itupside down. dispensed to pour pellets into cap. under the tongue.Q How frequently can I or should I take a homeopathic medicine?A Follow the instructions provided by your health care professional or on the product label. When it comes to a blue tube single medicine, general dosage instructions are 5 pellets, 3 times a day. As a general rule for self-medicating, increase the frequency when the symptoms are sudden and acute; decrease the frequency with improvement. For example, upon twisting your ankle, dissolve 5 pellets of Arnica montana under your tongue every 10 minutes 3 to 4 times, then dissolve 5 pellets under your tongue 3 times a day or as needed. 4

Q How do I know I have selected the right homeopathic medicine?A Improvement may occur more quickly when treatment is started at the onset of symptoms, particularly in acute conditions. Individual product labels will provide you with more specific information and directions for use. If symptoms persist or worsen, ask a doctor. Chronic conditions will require the attention of a health care professional knowledgeable in homeopathy and may require more time for improvement.Q Can homeopathic medicines be taken in conjunction with other medications?A Homeopathic medicines 3C* and above have a low risk of side effects and no known drug interactions. They can be taken with other conventional medications. * See for information on C, K, CK, and X homeopathic dilutions.Q Can I give homeopathic medicines to my children?A Boiron medicines can be given to a child. However, label directions may differ based on age. Always read and follow label directions. If your child is younger than the age for use specified on the product label or they experience chronic symptoms, please check with your child’s health care professional. BOIRON medicines help to relieve common health conditions. The following pages will introduce you to these medicines and help you determine which ones will work best to relieve your symptoms. 5

Allergy AllergySabadil® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tablets branded medicineChildren’s Sabadil® PelletsApprox. 80 quick-dissolvingpellets per tubeTemporarily relieves symptoms of hay fever or other upperrespiratory allergies such as itchy and watery eyes, sneezing,runny nose, and itchy throat and nose.• Non-drowsy, no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 2 & upEye Irritation branded medicineOptique 1® Eye Drops10 or 30 sterile unit-doses0.013 fl oz eachTemporarily relieves minor eye irritation due to fatigue, computerwork or airborne irritants such as ragweed, other pollens anddust. Optique 1 soothes red, dry, itchy and burning eyes.• Multi-symptom formula; soothing & refreshing sterile, single-use liquid unit-doses• Preservative-free• For everyone ages 2 & up 6

Allergy blue tube single medicine*Euphrasia officinalisIndication: Abundant andirritating eye dischargeCommon name: Eyebright Galphimia glauca Indication: Itchy nose and sneezing due to hay fever Common name: Shower of gold Histaminum hydrochloricum Indication: Allergies Common name: Histamine dihydrochloride Natrum muriaticum Indication: Runny nose due to allergies, worse in morning Common name: Sea salt*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes.7

childrenColic branded medicineCocyntal®30 sterile unit-doses0.034 fl oz eachTemporarily relieves symptomsassociated with baby colic,including gas pain and irritability.• Sterile, single-use liquid oral doses• No sugar, flavors, dyes or preservatives• No risk of overdose• For children 1 month of age & upteething branded medicineCamilia®10 or 30 sterile unit-doses0.034 fl oz eachTemporarily relieves symptomsof teething, including painful gumsand irritability.Helps in relieving minor digestivedisorders sometimes associatedwith teething.• Sterile, single-use liquid oral doses• No benzocaine, sugar, flavors, dyes or preservatives• No risk of overdose or numbing baby’s gag reflex• For children 1 month of age & upFor more information,

Children Blue tube single medicine*Calcarea carbonicaIndication: Cradle capCommon name: Mother of pearl Calcarea phosphorica Indication: Growing bone pain Common name: Calcium phosphate Causticum Indication: Bed-wetting and bladder incontinence Common name: Hahnemann’s causticum Chamomilla Indication: Teething pain with irritability Common name: German chamomile Cina Indication: Nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness in children Common name: Santonica*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes.9

cold & fluFlu-like symptoms branded medicineOscillococcinum®6, 12 or 30 dosesQuick-dissolving pellets0.04 oz per unit-doseOscillococcinum works best when taken at the first signof flu-like symptoms such as body aches, headache,fever, chills and fatigue. Oscillococcinumhelps reduceboth the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms.It does not cause drowsiness or sleeplessness, andthere are no known drug interactions.Recognized as the#1 pharmacist recommended brand,1 Oscillococcinumis for everyone ages 2 and up. For more information,visit Times/U.S. News & World Report, OTC Survey of Pharmacists’ OTCRecommendations, #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand: Oscillococcinum -Homeopathic Flu Products, 2016/2017. 10

cold branded medicineColdcalm® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsChildren’s Coldcalm® PelletsApprox. 80 quick-dissolvingpellets per tubeTemporarily relieves cold symptomssuch as sneezing, runny nose, nasalcongestion and minor sore throat.• Addresses specific symptoms of each stage of the cold• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 3 & upFor more information, visit branded medicineSinusalia® PelletsApprox. 80 quick-dissolvingpellets per tubeSinusalia Tablets branded medicine60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves nasal congestion,sinus pain and headache due to thecommon cold or allergies.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 6 & upsore throatRoxalia® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves minor sorethroat and hoarseness.• Ideal for teachers, singers, speakers, etc. who experience voice strain or hoarseness• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & up 11

cold & flu Blue tube single medicine*Aconitum napellusIndication: High fever (up to 102°F)of sudden onset with dry skinCommon name: MonkshoodAllium cepaIndication: Allergic or viralrunny noseCommon name: OnionArum triphyllumIndication: Hoarseness withbroken voiceCommon name: Jack-in-the-PulpitBelladonnaIndication: High sudden fever (up to102°F) with perspirationCommon name: Deadly nightshadeFerrum phosphoricumIndication: Low or mild feverCommon name: FerrosoferricphosphateHydrastis canadensisIndication: Postnasal dripCommon name: GoldensealKali bichromicumIndication: Colds with thick nasaldischargeCommon name: PotassiumdichromateKali iodatumIndication: Frontal sinus pain withrunny nose, worse at nightCommon name: Potassium iodide12

cold & flu Blue tube single medicine*Kali muriaticumIndication: Nasal congestion withwhite nasal dischargeCommon name: PotassiumchlorideKali sulphuricumIndication: Colds with yellownasal dischargeCommon name: PotassiumsulfateMercurius solubilisIndication: Sore throat with badbreath and excessive salivationCommon name: Hahnemann’ssoluble mercuryMezereumIndication: Sinus pain or oozing,crusty skin rashCommon name: MezereonPhytolacca decandraIndication: Sore throat painradiating to the earsCommon name: PokePulsatillaIndication: Cold with thick,yellow dischargeCommon name: Wind flowerSulphur iodatumIndication: Nasal discharge duringcold and flu convalescenceCommon name: Sulfur di-iodide*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes.13

Cold & cough coughChestal®6.7 fl oz (200 mL) branded medicineChildren’s Chestal®6.7 fl oz (200 mL)Temporarily relieves symptomsof the common cold such as nasaland chest congestion, fitful cough,sneezing, minor sore throat andrunny or stuffy nose.• Sweet-tasting syrup• Non-drowsy, no known drug interactions; dye-free• For everyone ages 3 & upcough & Chest branded medicineCongestionChestal Honey6.7 fl oz (200 mL)Children’s Chestal Honey6.7 fl oz (200 mL)Temporarily relieves dry cough due tominor throat and bronchial irritation asmay occur with a cold .Helps relieve chest congestionby loosening mucus and thinning bronchialsecretions to make coughs more productive.• Natural honey base coats & soothes the throat• Non-drowsy, no known drug interactions; dye-free• For everyone ages 2 & upFor more information, visit 14

cough Blue tube single medicine*Antimonium tartaricumIndication: Wet, nonproductivecoughCommon name: Antimonypotassium tartrateDroseraIndication: Spasmodic dry coughworsened at night and by heatCommon name: SundewHepar sulphuris calcareumIndication: Painful and hoarse drycough worsened by cold weatherCommon name: Crude calciumsulfideNatrum sulphuricumIndication: Bronchial irritationworsened by humidityCommon name: Sodium sulfateRumex crispusIndication: Dry cough worsenedby breathing cold airCommon name: Yellow dockSpongia tostaIndication: Dry, barking coughCommon name: Roasted sponge*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes.15

digestivegas branded medicineGasalia® Tablets branded medicine60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves bloating, Blue tube singlepressure and pain associated medicine*with gas.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 6 & upindigestionAcidil® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves occasionalheartburn, acid indigestion,bloating or upset stomach.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & updigestiveAntimonium crudumIndication: Indigestion withnausea from overeatingCommon name: AntimonytrisulfideArsenicum albumIndication: Symptoms of foodpoisoningCommon name: Arsenic trioxideCarbo vegetabilisIndication: Abdominal bloatingwith gasCommon name: Wood charcoal16

digestive Blue tube single medicine*Chelidonium majusIndication: Nausea with rightupper back painCommon name: Greater celandineCinchona officinalisIndication: Diarrhea with gas andbloatingCommon name: Peruvian bark,CinchonaCocculus indicusIndication: Motion sickness witha need to lie downCommon name: Indian cockleIpecacuanhaIndication: Nausea and vomitingwith hypersalivationCommon name: IpecacLycopodium clavatumIndication: Bloated abdomenimproved by passing gasCommon name: Club mossNux vomicaIndication: Heartburn,drowsiness from excessiveeating or drinkingCommon name: Poison nutPodophyllum peltatumIndication: Diarrhea withintestinal growling painCommon name: May-apple Tabacum Indication: Motion sickness, cold sweat and improved by fresh air Common name: Tobacco*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes. 17

First Aidfirst aid branded medicineCalendula Cream2.5 oz (70 g)Helps promote healing of cuts,scrapes, minor burns and sunburn.• Soothes, moisturizes & heals• Ideal for use on dry or chafed skinCalendula Gel1.5 oz (45 g) or 2.6 oz (75 g)Helps promote healing of skinirritations such as razor burn andinsect bites or stings.• Cooling effect• Non-greasy; quickly absorbed by the skinCalendula Lotion6.7 fl oz (200 mL)Helps promote healing of sunburnand skin irritations.• Moisturizing effect• Hand and body lotion• Ideal for soothing large areas of dry skin, e.g., rashes or rednessCalendula Ointment1.0 oz (30 g)Helps promote healing of cuts,scrapes and minor burns.Heals chapped hands and lipsand nasal irritation from colds.• Ideal for use on blisters or cracked heels 18

first aidThe flowers of the Calendula officinalis plant, alsoknown as Garden marigold, have been used topicallyfor generations to naturally heal skin irritations.As the active ingredient in Boiron Calendula topicals,the Calendula officinalis tincture helps promote thehealing of minor burns, scrapes and skin irritations,and relieves sunburn and minor cuts. It’s a must-havefor your family’s first aid kit. Calendula topicals areparaben-free and have no artificial colors or perfumes.There’s a low risk of side effects when used asdirected. For more information, aid blue tube single medicine*Apis mellificaIndication: Swelling from insectbites or allergies improved by coldCommon name: Honey beeCalcarea sulphuricaIndication: Pustular acneCommon name: Calcium sulfateCantharisIndication: Blisters with burning painCommon name: Spanish fly Graphites Indication: Helps reduce thick scars Common name: Graphite*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes. 19

first aid Blue tube single medicine*Ledum palustreIndication: Insect bites or bruisingCommon name: Wild rosemaryPetroleumIndication: Chapped or crackedfingertipsCommon name: KeroseneStaphysagriaIndication: Itching of surgicalwoundsCommon name: StavesacreSulphurIndication: Skin rash worsenedby heat and waterCommon name: Sublimed sulfurThuja occidentalisIndication: WartsCommon name: White cedar Urtica urens Indication: Skin rash with itching due to allergies Common name: Dwarf nettle*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes.20


pain pain branded medicineArnicare® Cream1.33 oz (40 g) or 2.5 oz (70 g)• Soothing effect• Ideal for massaging sore musclesAlso available: Arnicare Cream 2.5 oz& Arnica 30C (80 pellets) Value PackArnicare Gel1.5 oz (45 g), 2.6 oz (75 g)or 4.1 oz (120 g)• Cooling effect for fast pain relief• Non-greasy; quickly absorbed by the skinAlso available: Arnicare Gel 2.6 oz &Arnica 30C (80 pellets) Value PackArnicare Ointment1 oz (30 g)• Ideal for injuries that require a longer healing timeArnica montana has been used forcenturies as a natural pain reliever.Today, it’s one of the most popularhomeopathic medicines in the world.It’s trusted by professional athletesto soothe sore muscles, by prominent cosmetic surgeons to relievepost-procedure pain and by savvy moms to treat playground bumpsand bruises. And anyone who bruises easily will appreciate Arnica’sability to reduce bruise discoloration.Arnica is an active ingredient in Boiron’s Arnicare line of pain relievers.Arnicare topicals, tablets and pellets temporarily relieve musclepain and stiffness due to minor injuries, overexertion and falls, andreduce pain, swelling and discoloration from bruises. There’s a lowrisk of side effects when used as directed. For more information, 22

pain branded medicineArnicare® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsPain relief for the whole body• May be combined with an Arnicare topical• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 2 & upArnicare Arthritis Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves minor achesand pains associated with arthritis.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 18 & uppain Blue tube single medicine*Arnica montanaIndication: Muscle pain, stiffness,swelling from injury, bruisesCommon name: Leopard’s bane Borax Indication: Canker sores Common name: Sodium borate Bryonia Indication: Muscle and joint pain improved by rest Common name: White bryony Calcarea fluorica Indication: Repeated sprains Common name: Calcium fluoride*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes. 23

pain Blue tube single medicine*ColocynthisIndication: Abdominal crampsimproved by bending overCommon name: Bitter cucumberCuprum metallicumIndication: Sudden muscle crampsCommon name: CopperDulcamaraIndication: Joint pain triggered bydampnessCommon name: BittersweetEupatorium perfoliatumIndication: Stiffness and bone painassociated with flu symptomsCommon name: BonesetHypericum perforatumIndication: Nerve painCommon name: St. John’s wortKali carbonicumIonfdwiceaatkionne:sPs aininthaendlofweeelrinbgackCcaormbomnoantename: PotassiumMagnesia phosphoricaIanbddiocmateionni:mSppraosvmedodbiyc pain in the heatCphoomsmphoantename: MagnesiumPhosphorusIndication: Dizziness withsleeplessnessCommon name: White phosphorusRhus toxIndication: Joint painimproved by motionCommon name: Poison ivy 24

pain blue tube single medicine*Ruta graveolensIndication: Eye strain dueto computer use or artificial lightsCommon name: RueSymphytum officinaleIndication: Promoteshealing of bone traumaCommon name: ComfreyZincum metallicumIndication: Leg crampsCommon name: Zinchemorrhoids branded medicineAvenoc® Ointment1 oz (30 g)Avenoc Suppositories10 suppositoriesTemporarily relieves minorsymptoms of hemorrhoids suchas discomfort, itching andburning.• For everyone ages 12 & uphemorrhoids Blue tube single medicine*Aesculus hippocastanumIndication: Hemorrhoid painaggravated by heatCommon name: Horse chestnutHamamelis virginianaIndication: Hemorrhoids withbursting sensationCommon name: Witch hazel*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes. 25

stress & sleepsleep aid branded medicineQuietude® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves occasionalsleeplessness and/or restlesssleep.• Non-habit forming• No grogginess• No known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & upstress branded medicineSedalia® Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves nervousness,hypersensitivity, irritability andfatigue due to stress.• Non-habit forming• Non-drowsy• No known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & up26

stress & sleep Blue tube single medicine*Argentum nitricumIndication: Stage fright withheartburnCommon name: Silver nitrateCoffea crudaIndication: Sleeplessness withmental hyperactivityCommon name: Green coffeeGelsemium sempervirensIndication: Apprehension withtrembling, headachesCommon name: Yellow jasmineIgnatia amaraIndication: Apprehension,hypersensitivity to stressCommon name: St. Ignatius beanKali phosphoricumIndication: Tension headachesfrom intellectual fatigueCommon name: DipotassiumphosphateLobelia inflataIndication: Nausea from tobaccowithdrawalCommon name: Indian tobaccoPhosphoricum acidumIndication: Poorconcentrationdue to overworkCommon name: Phosphoric acid Silicea Indication: Fatigue and irritability due to overwork Common name: Silica*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes. 27

womenhot flashes branded medicineActeane® Tablets120 tabletsTemporarily reduces the symptomsof menopause including the intensityand frequency of hot flashes, nightsweats and irritability. Daily use forthree months is recommended.• Hormone-free• No known drug interactions• Soy-freeFor more information, visit CRAMPS branded medicineCyclease® Cramp Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves achesand pains associated withmenstrual cramps.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & upPMS branded medicineCyclease PMS Tablets60 quick-dissolving tabletsTemporarily relieves premenstrualsymptoms such as discomfort,aches, bloating and irritability.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & up 28

YEAST INFECTION branded medicineYeastaway® Suppositories7 vaginal suppositoriesTemporarily relieves symptomsof a vaginal yeast infection(candidiasis) such as minor vaginalitching, burning and discomfort.• See your doctor if this is the first time you have vaginal itching and discomfort to find out if you have a vaginal yeast infection. Before using Yeastaway, read the educational brochure for complete instructions and information.• For everyone ages 12 & upwomen blue tube single medicine*Caulophyllum thalictroidesIndication: Menstrual crampsCommon name: Blue cohosh Cimicifuga racemosa Indication: Menstrual cramps improved by lying down Common name: Black cohosh Glonoinum Indication: Sudden hot flash and headache Common name: Nitroglycerin Lachesis mutus Indication: Hot flashes associated with menopause Common name: Bushmaster’s venom Sabina Indication: Heavy menstrual flow with pain in upper thighs Common name: Savin Sepia Indication: Bloating and lower back pain during menstruation Common name: Cuttlefish ink*Boiron blue tube single medicines are sold in multidose tubes. 29

Buy two get one freeArnica 30CBuy 2 Get 1 FreeApprox. 80 quick-dissolvingpellets per tubePain relief for the whole body• May be combined with an Arnicare topical• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For adults and childrenHistaminum 30CBuy 2 Get 1 FreeApprox. 80 quick-dissolvingpellets per tubeTemporarily relieves symptoms ofallergic conditions such as hay feverand hives.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For adults and childrenNux Vomica 30CBuy 2 Get 1 FreeApprox. 80 quick-dissolvingpellets per tubeTemporarily relieves occasionalheartburn, acid indigestion or sourstomach.Temporarily relieves upset stomachassociated with nausea or fullnessdue to overindulgence in food or drink.• Non-drowsy; no known drug interactions• For everyone ages 12 & up 30

value packsArnicare CreamValue PackArnicare Cream 2.5 oz (70 g)& Arnica 30C (approx. 80 pellets)Arnicare Value Packscombine topical relief andeasy-to-take oral pelletsin one convenient packageat a great price.Arnicare GelValue PackArnicare Gel 2.6 oz (75 g)& Arnica 30C (approx. 80 pellets)Arnicare Gel4.1 oz (120 g) 31

alphabetical index branded medicinesName Indication PageAcidil® Indigestion Page 16Acteane® Hot flashes Page 28Arnicare® Tablets Pain Page 23Arnicare Arthritis Tablets Arthritis pain Page 23Arnicare Cream, Gel & Ointment Pain Page 22Avenoc® Ointment & Suppositories Hemorrhoids Page 25Calendula Cream, Gel, First aid Page 18Lotion & Ointment Teething Page 8Camilia®Chestal® & Children’s Chestal® Cold & cough Page 14Chestal Honey & Cough Page 14Children’s Chestal Honey Colic Page 8Cocyntal® Page 11 Page 28Coldcalm® & Children’s Coldcalm® ColdCyclease® Cramp Menstrual crampsCyclease PMS PMS Page 28Gasalia® Gas Page 16Optique 1® Eye irritation Page 6Oscillococcinum® Flu-like symptoms Page 10Quietude® Sleep aid Page 26Roxalia® Sore throat Page 11Sabadil® & Children’s Sabadil® Allergy Page 6Sedalia® Stress Page 26Sinusalia® Sinus Page 11Yeastaway® Yeast infection Page 29 32

alphabetical indexblue tube single medicinesName Indication PageAconitum napellus High fever (up to 102°F) of Page 12Aesculus sudden onset with dry skin Page 25hippocastanum bHyehmeoartrhoid pain aggravated Page 12 Page 16Allium cepa Allergic or viral runny nose Page 15 Page 19Antimonium crudum oInvdeirgeeasttiniogn with nausea from Page 27Antimonium Wet, nonproductive cough Page 23tartaricum Swelling from insect bites Page 16Apis mellifica or allergies improved by cold Page 12 Page 12Argentum nitricum Stage fright with heartburn Page 23 Page 23Arnica montana Muscle pain, stiffness, swelling Page 9Arsenicum album from injury, bruises Page 23 Symptoms of food poisoningArum triphyllum Hoarseness with broken voiceBelladonna High sudden fever (up to 102°F)Borax with perspirationBryoniaCalcarea carbonica Canker sores Muscle and joint pain improved by rest Cradle capCalcarea fluorica Repeated sprainsCalcarea phosphorica Growing bone pain Page 9Calcarea sulphurica Pustular acne Page 19Cantharis Blisters with burning pain Page 19Carbo vegetabilis Abdominal bloating with gas Page 16Caulophyllum Page 29thalictroides Menstrual cramps Page 9Causticum Bed-wetting and bladder Page 9 incontinenceChamomilla Teething pain with irritability Alphabetical Index, continued on page 34 33

blue tube single medicines (continued)Name Indication PageChelidonium majus Nausea with right upper back pain Page 17Cimicifuga racemosa Page 29Cina Menstrual cramps improved by Page 9Cinchona officinalis lying down Page 17Cocculus indicus Nervousness, irritability, Page 17Coffea cruda sleeplessness in children Page 27Colocynthis Diarrhea with gas and Page 24Cuprum metallicum bloating Page 24 Motion sickness with a need to lie down Sleeplessness with mental hyperactivity Abdominal cramps improved by bending over Sudden muscle crampsDrosera Spasmodic dry cough worsened Page 15 at night and by heatDulcamara Joint pain triggered by dampness Page 24Eupatorium Stiffness and bone pain Page 24perfoliatum associated with flu symptoms Page 7Euphrasia officinalis Abundant and irritating eye dischargeFerrum phosphoricum Low or mild fever Page 12 Page 7Galphimia glauca Itchy nose and sneezing due to Page 27Gelsemium hay feversempervirens Apprehension with trembling, headachesGlonoinum Sudden hot flash and headache Page 29Graphites Helps reduce thick scars Page 19Hamamelis virginiana Hemorrhoids with bursting sensation Page 25Hepar sulphuriscalcareum Painful and hoarse dry cough Page 15Histaminum worsened by cold weatherhydrochloricum Allergies Page 7Hydrastis canadensis Postnasal drip Page 12Hypericum perforatum Nerve pain Page 24 Page 27Ignatia amara Apprehension, hypersensitivity to stress 34

Name Indication PageIpecacuanha Nausea and vomiting with Page 17Kali bichromicum hypersalivationKali carbonicumKali iodatum Colds with thick nasal discharge Page 12Kali muriaticumKali phosphoricum Pain and feeling of weakness in Page 24Kali sulphuricum the lower back Page 12Lachesis mutus Frontal sinus pain with runny nose, Page 13Ledum palustre worse at night Page 27 Nasal congestion with white Page 13 nasal discharge Page 29 Tension headaches from intellectual fatigue Colds with yellow nasal discharge Hot flashes associated with menopause Insect bites or bruising Page 20Lobelia inflata Nausea from tobacco withdrawal Page 27 Page 17Lycopodium clavatum Bloated abdomen improved Page 24Magnesia by passing gas Page 13phosphorica Spasmodic pain in the abdomen Page 13Mercurius solubilis improved by heat Page 7Mezereum Sore throat with bad breath Page 15Natrum muriaticum and excessive salivation Page 17 Page 20Natrum sulphuricum Sinus pain or oozing, crusty Page 27Nux vomica skin rash Page 24 Runny nose due to allergies, Page 13 worse in morning Page 17 Bronchial irritation worsened Page 13 by humidity Heartburn, drowsiness from excessive eating or drinkingPetroleum Chapped or cracked fingertipsPhosphoricum Poor concentration due toacidum overworkPhosphorus Dizziness with sleeplessnessPhytolacca decandra Sore throat pain radiatingPodophyllum to the earspeltatum Daniadrrphaeina with intestinal growlingPulsatilla Cold with thick, yellow dischargeRhus tox Joint pain improved by motion Page 24Rumex crispusRuta graveolens Dry cough worsened by breathing Page 15Sabina cold air Page 25Sepia Eye strain due to computer use Page 29 or artificial lights Page 29 Heavy menstrual flow with pain in upper thighs Bloating and lower back pain during menstruation Alphabetical Index, continued on page 36 35

blue tube single medicines (continued)Name Indication PageSilicea Fatigue and irritability due Page 27 to overworkSpongia tosta Dry, barking cough Page 15Staphysagria Itching of surgical wounds Page 20 Page 20Sulphur Skin rash worsened by heat Page 13Sulphur iodatum and water Page 25 Nasal discharge during cold Page 17 and flu convalescence Page 20 Page 20Symphytum officinale Promotes healing of bone trauma Page 25Tabacum Motion sickness, cold sweat improved by fresh airThuja occidentalis WartsUrtica urens Skin rash with itching due to allergiesZincum metallicum Leg cramps 36

therapeutic index branded medicinesIndication Name PageAllergy Sabadil® & Children’s Sabadil® Page 6Arthritis pain Arnicare® Arthritis Tablets Page 23Cold Coldcalm® & Children’s Coldcalm® Page 11Cold & cough Chestal® & Children’s Chestal® Page 14Colic Cocyntal® Page 8Cough Chestal Honey & Page 14Eye irritation Children’s Chestal Honey Page 6First aid Optique 1® Page 18Flu-like symptoms COainletmndeunlta Cream, Gel, Lotion & Page 10Gas Oscillococcinum® Page 16Hemorrhoids Page 25Hot Flashes Gasalia® Page 28 Avenoc® Ointment & Suppositories Acteane®Indigestion Acidil® Page 16Menstrual cramps Cyclease® Cramp Page 28Pain Arnicare Tablets Page 23PMS Arnicare Cream, Page 22 Gel & Ointment Page 28 Cyclease PMSSinus Sinusalia® Page 11Sleep aid Quietude® Page 26Sore throat Roxalia® Page 11Stress Sedalia® Page 26Teething Camilia® Page 8Yeast infection Yeastaway® Page 29 37

therapeutic indexblue tube single medicinesSymptom Name Indication PageAcne Calcarea sulphurica Pustular acne Page 19Allergies Allium cepa Allergic or viral Page 12Bed-wetting Apis mellifica runny nose Page 19Bladder Galphimia glauca Swelling from insect bites or Page 7incontinence Histaminum allergies improved by coldBlisters hydrochloricum Itchy nose and sneezingBoils Natrum muriaticum due to hay feverBone trauma Urtica urensBruising Causticum Allergies Page 7Canker sore Causticum Runny nose due to allergies, Page 7Chapped skin Cantharis worse in morning Page 20Cold Calcarea sulphurica Page 9 Symphytum Skin rash with itching Page 9 officinale due to allergies Arnica montana Bed-wetting and Ledum palustre bladder incontinence Borax Bed-wetting and bladder incontinence Petroleum Allium cepa Blisters with burning pain Page 19 Hydrastis canadensis Pustular acne Page 19 Kali bichromicum Kali iodatum Promotes healing of Page 25 bone trauma Page 23 Kali muriaticum Muscle pain, stiffness, Kali sulphuricum swelling from injury, bruises Mezereum Insect bites or bruising Page 23 Pulsatilla Sulphur iodatum Canker sores Page 23 Chapped or cracked Page 20 fingertips Page 12 Allergic or viral runny nose Postnasal drip Page 12 Colds with thick Page 12 nasal discharge Page 12 Page 13 Frontal sinus pain with Page 13 runny nose, worse at night Nasal congestion with white nasal discharge Colds with yellow nasal discharge cSrinuustsypsakiinnorrasohozing, Page 13 dCioslcdhwaritghethick, yellow Page 13 Nasal discharge during Page 13 cold & flu convalescence 38

Symptom Name Indication PageCough Antimonium Wet, nonproductive Page 15 tartaricum cough Page 15Cracked skin Drosera Spasmodic dry cough Page 15Cradle cap Hepar sulphuris worsened at night & by heat Page 15Cramps calcareum Painful & hoarse dry cough Page 15 Natrum worsened by cold weather Page 15Diarrhea sulphuricum Bronchial irritation Page 20 Rumex crispus worsened by humidity Page 9Dizziness Spongia tosta Dry cough worsenedDrowsiness by breathing cold airEye irritation PetroleumFatigue Calcarea carbonica Dry, barking coughFever Caulophyllum thalictroides Chapped or crackedFood poisoning Cimicifuga racemosa fingertipsGas Colocynthis Cuprum metallicum Cradle capGrowing pains Magnesia phosphorica Menstrual cramps Page 29 Arsenicum album Cinchona officinalis Menstrual cramps improved Page 29 by lying down Page 24 Podophyllum peltatum Abdominal cramps Phosphorus improved by bending over Nux vomica Sudden muscle cramps Page 24 Euphrasia officinalis Page 24 Ruta graveolens Spasmodic pain in the Page 16 abdomen improved by heat Page 17 Phosphoricum acidum Symptoms of food Page 17 poisoning Page 24 Silicea Diarrhea with gas Page 17 Aconitum napellus and bloating Page 7 Diarrhea with intestinal Page 25 Belladonna growling and pain Page 27 Ferrum Dizziness with Page 27 phosphoricum sleeplessness Page 12 Arsenicum album Heartburn, drowsiness from Page 12 excessive eating or drinking Carbo vegetabilis Abundant and irritating eye Cinchona officinalis discharge Eye strain due to computer Lycopodium clavatum use or artificial lights Calcarea phosphorica Poor concentration due to overwork Fatigue and irritability due to overwork High fever (up to 102°F) of sudden onset with dry skin High sudden fever (up to 102°F) with perspiration Low or mild fever Page 12 Page 16 Symptoms of food Page 16 poisoning Page 17 Abdominal bloating with Page 17 gas Diarrhea with gas and bloating Bloated abdomen improved by passing gas Growing bone pain Page 9 therapeutic Index, continued on page 40 39

Symptom Name Indication PageHeadache Glonoinum Sudden hot flash and Page 29 headache Page 27Heartburn Kali phosphoricum Tension headaches from Page 24Hemorrhoids Gelsemium intellectual fatigue Page 17Hot flashes sempervirens Apprehension with Page 25Indigestion Nux vomica trembling, headachesInsect bites Aesculus Heartburn, drowsiness from Page 25Leg cramps hippocastanum excessive eating or drinking Page 29Menstrual Hamamelis Hemorrhoid pain Page 29cramps virginiana aggravated by heat Page 16 Glonoinum Hemorrhoids with Page 17Motion bursting sensation Page 19sickness Lachesis mutusMuscle or Sudden hot flashes andjoint pain Antimonium crudum headache Hot flashes associatedNausea Chelidonium majus with menopause Apis mellifica fInrodmigeosvteiorenawtiinthg nausea bNaacuksepaaiwn ith right upper Ledum palustre Zincum metallicum Swelling from insect bites Caulophyllum or allergies improved by cold thalictroides Craimceimcifousgaa Insect bites or bruising Page 20 Sabina Leg cramps Page 25 Sepia Menstrual cramps Page 29 Cocculus indicus Menstrual cramps improved Page 29 Tabacum by lying down Page 29 Arnica montana pHaeianviynmupepnesrtrtuhaigl hflsow with Bryonia Bpaloinatdinugrinangdmloewnsetrrubaatcikon Page 29 Page 17 Calcarea fluorica Motion sickness with Page 17 Calcarea a need to lie down Page 23 phosphorica Motion sickness, cold sweat Page 23 Dulcamara improved by fresh air Eupatorium perfoliatum Muscle pain, stiffness, swelling Kali carbonicum from injury, bruises Muscle and joint pain Rhus tox improved by rest Chelidonium majus Repeated sprains Page 23 Cocculus indicus Growing bone pain Page 9 Ipecacuanha Joint pain triggered by Page 24 dampness Page 24 Lobelia inflata Page 24 Stiffness and bone pain Page 24 associated with flu symptoms Page 17 Page 17 Pain and feeling of weakness Page 17 in the lower back Page 27 Joint pain improved by motion Nausea with right upper back pain Motion sickness with a need to lie down Nausea and vomiting with hypersalivation Nausea from tobacco withdrawal 40

Symptom Name Indication PageNausea (cont.) Nux vomica Heartburn, drowsiness from Page 17Nerve pain excessive eating or drinkingNervousness Tabacum Motion sickness, cold sweat Page 17Overexertion Hypericum improved by fresh air perforatumOverwork Ignatia amara Nerve pain Page 24Postnasal drip Arnica montanaScars Apprehension, hypersensitivity Page 27Sinus pain Arum triphyllum to stress Page 23Skin rash Kali phosphoricum Muscle pain, stiffness, Page 12 swelling from injury, bruises Page 27Sleeplessness Phosphoricum acidum Page 27 Silicea Hoarseness with Page 27Sore throat Hydrastis broken voice canadensis Tension headache fromSprains Graphites intellectual fatigueStress Staphysagria Poor concentration Kali iodatum due to overworkTeething MezereumTobacco Sulphur Fatigue and irritabilitywithdrawal due to overworkVomiting Urtica urensWarts Postnasal drip Page 12 Mezereum Cina Helps reduce thick scars Page 19 Coffea cruda Itching of surgical wounds Page 20 Page 12 Arum triphyllum Frontal sinus pain with Page 13 Mercurius solubilis runny nose, worse at night Page 20 Phytolacca decandra Sinus pain or oozing, Page 20 Calcarea fluorica crusty skin rash Page 13 Argentum nitricum Skin rash worsened Page 9 by heat and water Page 27 Cina Page 12 Skin rash with itching due Page 13 Gelsemium to allergies Page 13 sempervirens Sinus pain or oozing, Page 23 Ignatia amara crusty skin rash Page 27 Nervousness, irritability, Page 9 Kali phosphoricum sleeplessness in children Page 27 Page 27 Chamomilla Sleeplessness with Page 27 Lobelia inflata mental hyperactivity Page 9 Ipecacuanha Hoarseness with Page 27 Thuja occidentalis broken voice Page 17 Sore throat with bad breath Page 20 and excessive salivation Sore throat pain radiating to the ears Repeated sprains Stage fright with agitation Nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness in children Apprehension with trembling, headaches Apprehension, hypersensitivity to stress Tension headaches from intellectual fatigue Teething pain with irritability Nausea from tobacco withdrawal Nausea and vomiting with hypersalivation Warts 41

ABOUT BOIRONBoiron, world leader in homeopathic medicines, has 3,700employees and distribution in more than 50 countries. It is bestknown for its top-selling flu medicine, Oscillococcinum®, andits Arnicare® line of pain relievers. Since 1932, Boiron has beencommitted to funding scientific research and educating thepublic and health care professionals on homeopathic medicines.As a pharmaceutical company, Boiron maintains the higheststandards in manufacturing, complying with U.S. Food and DrugAdministration regulations, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeiaof the United States and drug Good Manufacturing Practices.THE BOIRON PROMISEAt Boiron, we believe there’s more than one way to feel better.Since 1932, the Boiron family has been committed to providingquality medicines. As world leader in homeopathy, our passionis your health. Our promise is your satisfaction. Please for details.HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE FINDERNot sure which medicine is right for you or your family? With thehelp of the Boiron Homeopathic Medicine Finder, you can findwhich medicine is the best choice to help relieve your symptomsin just three clicks! Visit or download the free app.ONLINE TRAININGBoiron USA’s online training programs are designed to help youunderstand how to best use homeopathic medicines for you andyour family. Each 20-minute program reviews our most popularbranded and blue tube single medicines and answers the mostcommon questions people have about homeopathic medicines.For more information about Boiron and our line of homeopathicmedicines, please contact:[email protected] (1-800-264-7661)Boiron Information Center6 Campus BoulevardNewtown Square, PA 19073-3267

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