PG// 2 //NAUTSGO CONTENTTCaObNleTEoNfTS 14 COVER STORIES 19 12 10 Sierra Leone Diamond 12 Oswaldo Xamseb - Soccer Star 16 TBN Q&A 19 Corporate Wellness FEATURES 3 Editers Note 8 TRUSTCO is JSE Royalty (from Informante) 14 Festive Season Tips 22 Auto Pilot 25 Get to know your Capitain REGULARS 18 Road Safety awareness 21 Christmas Recipe 24 Long service awards 26 Cops/Crooks games
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 3EditoNr’OsTEWelcome to the 10th edition of //NautsGo, the last one for 2017.2017 saw Trustco earning a Royal status for its continued excel-lent performance of its shares on the biggest stock market on theAfrican continent and Trustco scooping the platinum award forthe Deloitte Best Company to work for. As if that is not enough,Meya Mining, Trustco’s subsidiary, made history by finding a veryrare rough stone in Sierra Leon Mine, 476 carat to be exact, whichaccording to reliable resources is the 29th largest diamond everdiscovered. The list of success amidst challenging economic timego on. Well as they say, if you can’t beat them, join them – readmore on page 10.Trustco is not only talented with business skills, but in thestadium as well. Our own Oswaldo Xamseb is one of the reasonswhy Namibians have a hope in our football and eventually lookforward to soccer matches. So next time Brave Warriors is playing,make your way to the stadium to cheer up Oswaldo. Read thejourney onpage 12.It is almost festive season, the season to travel, relax, spend, re-unite with long-lost family members, friends, neighbors, acquain-tances etc. It is also during this time we experience more financialsuicide, overcrowdings, road accidents etc. We feature briefawareness articles to assist us not to become victims of evils,while we are enjoying our time-off with no pressure.Officially signing off for the year is our Deputy Group CEO QZVR,briefly highlighting the successes and challenges of the year, andalso encouraging the best for 2018.In my culture once the senior has spoken, no one else can addmore because it is believed that he/she has said it all. On thisnote, let me take this opportunity to thank all that contributed tothis year’s editions and wish the entire Trustco family the mostblessed, joyous, soothing, accident free festive season. It is myhope that we will all come back together in one piece, re-ener-gized, ready to rock 2018.Till next year, I am singing “we wish you a merry X-mas and ahappy new year”.Ndauda
PG// 6 //NAUTSGO CONTENTDearTRUSTCONIANSThere are many who can say they’ve lived in dark times the local media only trumpeting the lawyers’ claims, itand seen the end of days approaching, but few can say was clear Insurance needed a different champion – andthey have lived through it. With our country struggling it arrived in the form of a new minority shareholder. Into turn the tide against an economic horror of a recession a landmark deal that showed Trustco’s strength andthat saps our will to thrive, Trustco has nevertheless growing foreign confidence in our operations, Riskowitzendured – nay, it has flourished in spite of -- or to the Value Fund LP invested and acquired 20% of Legalspite of -- any forces arrayed against us. Shield Holdings for a total of N$ 1.2 Billion, showing all our stakeholders the inherent value in Trustco. NamibiaWith the Namibian Banking System facing a liquidity rejoiced as we brought in liquidity to a market sorelycrisis, cutbacks had to be made on funding new ventures needing it.and construction projects, and our Properties divisionhad to bear the brunt of that. Unfortunately, the ripple Even nature also finally beckoned us with Trustcoeffects on the economy was all too soon felt by every Resources’ find at Meya – the first large, 476 caratother division. We had to close the branch in Otjiwarongo, diamond, 29th largest in the world ever, on our watch!and even nature held no quarter – the Walvis Bay officeflooded as well. Sales were down across the board, from The light has finally dawned, as we can now also see inAir Services, to IOL, Trustco Finance and Insurance. Even the TTO share price! Our continued excellent performancethe staff were not spared – lots of our colleagues left for of Trustco shares on the biggest stock market on thewhat they think are “greener” pastures, while we stood African continent, the JSE, also earned us Royal statusfast and battled the oncoming storm. In our darkest hour, at the prestigious annual Sunday Times Top 100 listedsome even paid with more – the loss of Oom Karl’s leg companies. Trustco also scooped the prestigious Platinumstruck a blow close to Trustco’s heart. Seal of Achievement in Deloitte’s 2017 annual “Best Company to Work For” survey in the large size categoryAs always, though, the day is darkest before the dawn. and winning second place after the company hasThose fortunate enough to batten down and survive can previously won the competition consecutively.always look forward to the rays of sunlight as they peerthrough the clouds once again, to brighten our day and If we could manage all this when the tides were turnedlight Trustco’s way. against us, just imagine what we’ll accomplish next. Of you, those faithful employees who stood by us, I can sayToo frequently we forget to look at the light shining from only this:within us. The signs were there that Trustco would prevail,like it always has. A new Media segment materialised They shall be our finest warriors, these employees whoin our midst, to capitalize on Trustco’s successes even give of themselves to Trustco. Like clay we were moulded,when others won’t – and it started to provide a combined and in the furnace of economic war forged. They will be oflegacy and digital media footprint, ranging from radio and iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall we cladnewspapers through to a new all-encompassing digital them and with the mightiest weapons will they be armed.presence. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are our bulwark againstProperties managed to make several revenue targets and Economic Terror. They are the Defenders of Trustco, andexpand their construction services division even in the they shall know no fear.midst of other companies in the industry going under. IOLmaintained and expanded their course offering and had I thank the board of directors, the group MD, the Excoeven greater numbers of graduates than ever before. In and management as well as each and every one of you forSouth Africa a new mobile initiative was rolled out with your unparalleled service during this year, and I’ll be proudminimal funding, to great success. to stand beside you next year. What wonders will we accomplish next?Insurance flushed out those lawyers trying to game theirclaims, and established stronger relationships with ethical Sincerely,lawyers, improving our service by a magnitude. With QZ van Rooyen Group Deputy CEO
PG// 8 //NAUTSGO CONTENT Stock Exchange.Trustco, Trustco, Namibia’s JSE Royalty most prominent post-IndependenceTHE continued excellent performance of Trustco shares company, was placedon the biggest stock market on the African continent, the by the prestigiousJohannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), earned the company Sunday Times panelRoyal status at the prestigious annual Sunday Times Top 100 under the Top 10listed companies. best performing companies on theThe latest Trustco accolade followed days after Trustco was JSE and sharedawarded the platinum award for consistently performing as the limelight withbest company to work by the Deloitte ‘Best Company to Work giants and the SouthFor’ annual survey. African heavyweights Naspers Limited,The Deputy CEO of Trustco, Quinton van Rooyen (Jr) who Mondi PLC and theattended the most prestigious financial event said the PSG group, who haveaccolade must go to the visionary board members of Trustco placed in the Topwho decided more than a decade ago to take the company 20 positions as thepublic. Sunday Times Royal Companies for the third consecutive year! “The share performance of Trustco as a dual-listed companyis also mirrored in Namibia and two years ago the board and The Sunday Times Top 100 companies list rewards companiesmanagement of Trustco took a groundbreaking decision as that have consistently delivered the best possible return andcommitment to broad-based economic empowerment to value for money for investors over five years for shareholders.make every employee a shareholder which are added to the Trustco Group Holdings showcased its pedigree inexisting 3 000 Namibian shareholders in Trustco,” Van Rooyen outperforming companies that would be considered as highlysaid, thanking the faith of its shareholders and employees in competitive in a Namibian context in terms of size. But, asTrustco as flagship Namibian company on the Johannesburg the old saying goes, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the fight in the dog that matters. Trustco’s consistent hunger to challenge the corporate status quo both at home and internationally does by no means go unnoticed in the business world globally. Attending this prestigious event was the Deputy CEO of Trustco Group Holdings, Quinton Z van Rooyen. A delighted Quinton Jr could not hide his excitement when speaking candidly about the proud moment for Trustco once again to be amongst the heavyweights nominated in Africa. “It is indeed an honour for us as Trustco to be recognised once again by the industry as to the tremendous value that we add towards our shareholders and the Namibian economy as a whole. We want to thank all the staff, Executive, shareholders and management for the selfless contribution once again made for us to be in this position.” This Royal status was awarded due to Trustco’s share price growing by 42.45%, and simultaneously showing a growth of 346.4% in the last five years. Group PRO, Neville Basson further elaborated, “We believe this shows that investors have come to trust our board and management to continue its strong growth in the years going forward. With a committed management team at the helm, we foresee a sustained growth on the back of the last five years.”
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 9TRUSTCO GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITEDIncorporated in the Republic of Namibia(Registration number 2003/058)NSX Share Code: TUCJSE Share Code: TTOISIN Number: NA000A0RF067(“Trustco” or “the Company”)OPERATIONAL UPDATE: 476 CARAT DIAMOND FOUND AT MEYA MINETrustco is pleased to advise Trustco shareholders (“Shareholders”) that Meya Mining(Mauritius) (“Meya”), a 51% held subsidiary of Trustco, has discovered a 476 carat diamond.The diamond was discovered in an area spanning from the Kamara Gbense to the Tankorochiefdoms in Kono District, Sierra Leone (“Kono District”). Meya holds a 4 (four) year exclusivediamond exploration license over the Kono District. .An initial assessment indicates that this find is the 29th largest diamond ever discovered. Anyvalue indication of the diamond is pure speculation at this stage as the diamond has not yetbeen examined and assessed by the necessary experts. It is Meya’s intention to sell thediamond through an international auction. Images of this unique diamond can be viewed onTrustco’s website at https://www.tgh.na/sens-10-november/ and more information isprovided on www.informante.web.naIn addition, two other special diamonds of 19.70 carats and 27.93 carats were discovered onthe same day in the Kono District. Meya is in the process of completing its Resource Statementover the Kono District.Windhoek, Namibia10 November 2017Amanda BruynsCompany Secretary: Trustco Group Holdings LimitedJSE SponsorSasfin Capital Proprietary Limited (a member of the Sasfin Group)NSX SponsorSimonis Storm Securities Proprietary Limited
PG// 10 //NAUTSGO CONTENT476CFAOURNADTADTIMAEMYAOMNINDETrustco is pleased to advise Trustco shareholders diamond has not yet been examined and assessed by(“Shareholders”) that Meya Mining (Mauritius) (“Meya”), the necessary experts. It is Meya’s intention to sell thea 51% held subsidiary of Trustco, has discovered a 476 diamond through an international auction. Images ofcarat diamond. The diamond was discovered in an this unique diamond can be viewed on Trustco’s websitearea spanning from the Kamara Gbense to the Tankoro at https://www.tgh.na/sens-10-november/ and morechiefdoms in Kono District, Sierra Leone (“Kono District”). information is provided on www.informante.web.naMeya holds a 4 (four) year exclusive diamond explorationlicense over the Kono District. In addition, two other special diamonds of 19.70 carats and 27.93 carats were discovered on the same day in theAn initial assessment indicates that this find is the 29th Kono District. Meya is in the process of completing itslargest diamond ever discovered. Any value indication Resource Statement over the Kono District.of the diamond is pure speculation at this stage as the
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 11Left to Right: Dino Coutinho - COO Meya Mining, Honourable Minister Abdul Ignosi Koroma, DeputyMinister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Jan Joubert - CEO Trustco Resources and CEO Meya Mining,Sahr Wonday - Director General National Minerals Agency and Ibrahim Sorie Kamara- Director Meya Mining and CEO Germinate SL LimitedHon. Minkailu Mansaray, Ministerof Mines and Mineral Resources,Republic of Sierra Leone
PG// 12 //NAUTSGO CONTENTIn conversation with:OSWALDOXAMSEBWho is Oswald Xamseb outside of the office?Oswaldo Xamseb is a father and a footballer outsidethe office.What attracted you to soccer?Football is more than just a game, the joy it brought to myfather every time his team won.When did you first realize that you wanted to play we were leading 1-0 and in the final 10 minutes we got asoccer? red card, I had to go on and help the team protect the lead.It was on June 1998 during the FIFA world cup finalbetween France and Brazil, the game was so beautiful it Would you say soccer is your hobby or career and why?made me fall in love with it. That’s when I decided to play I can gladly say it is actually both.football. In short I first joined the Colin Benjamin footballacademy, where I was promoted to the U\17 team that What was your biggest highlight in your career so far?played in the Khomas U\17 league. That’s where I got my My biggest highlight in my football career was playingfirst international call up for the under 17 national team, against Senegal facing some of the best footballers onfollowed by a another call up to the U\20 national team the African continent like Cheikhou Kouyate, Idrissa Ganasquad. After two years, I am proud to say I am a born Gueye, Mame Biram Diouf, Kalidou Koulibaly and Sadioleader I captained my club Tura Magic football club and all Mane that plays for Liverpool. Players I watch on TV everyour junior National teams which are U\17,U\20 and U\23 weekend.levels. I was only selected twice to feature for the U\23.Six years after playing a vital role in making sure my team What was your worst moment in your soccer career?ends 3rd in the Namibian premier league I got my first There was a time that gained weight and couldn’t make orsenior team call up. Honestly I thought I would never make play for my team, it was the worst time in myit. My Team Manager called me and told me I got called football career.up but I didn’t believe him until I saw my name in thenewspaper the next day. It was a feeling I can’t explain, amoment I will never trade for anything.How did you go through the soccer ranks in Namibia untilyou were chosen for the Brave Worriers?My first international game was at home to Niger, where
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 13Where do you see your soccer career in the next 3 years?Football is very unpredictable but I would love to playoutside of the country one day and I believe I can. I wouldlike to when a major trophy and have over 30 caps formy country.Who are the three soccer players in the world that youwould like to play with in a team?The three soccer players I would love to play with are thelikes of Lionel Messi, Neymar Junior and Arturo Vidal.How do you balance your full time job and soccer?Balancing football with anything being it work or studyinghas never been easy but if you are committed and focusedit makes it a bit easier.What advice do you have for any young soccer playeraspiring to represent their country?It is possible with discipline and hard work. A lot of peopletold me that I would never represent my country at seniorlevel because of my height but I did, their words encourageme to work harder and I made it, something for which I amvery proud of. I am one of the few Namibian players thatcan say I represented my country at all levels from U\17 tothe Brave Warriors.What is your ultimate dream in life?MY DREAM IS TO BE SUCCESFUL IN EVERYTHING I DOIN LIFE.
PG// 14 //NAUTSGO CONTENTStreFEsSsTIVfEreSEeASON tips Festive season is here, and holiday is all what in our mind. Getting away from the city’s madness, looking forward to see long lost relatives, neighbours, sitting under the tree indulging in forbidden food (ice cream, chocolates, cakes), catching up on the our communities’ happenings, slaughtering goats and chopping those lekker braai ribs, oh I just love festive season. As much as we love it, it is a period of abnormal stress too. With the gift-giving, the cooking, the decorations and the parties, the holidays can seem to be more like work than a vacation. Much stress is contributed by high expectations and overwhelming plans we make for this time, forgetting that there is life beyond festive season. Chalpa Mutjavikua of HR has put together few tips to help you to minimize stress during this season and enjoy your well-deserved holiday.
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 151. PLAN. There is nothing more frustrating and distracting 5. Make time for family, friends and loves ones than not knowing where to start. Plan everything i.e remembering old good times, sharing jokes, making new trips, activities, clothes to wear (depending on the plans etc. It has been a long year and getting together weather), people to visit, events to attend, chores to do, with family and friends is always refreshing to see them but make room for the unexpected because life does not once in 12 months. After all, this might the last time you always go according to our plans. will ever see some of them alive.2. Take care of you spiritually, mentally, physically and 6. This is the most tempting time when it comes to emotionally. We tend to worry so much about others shopping - everything is shining and eye catching. and things and forgetting ourselves in the process. Take Govern how much you have to spend, separate the time to spend some quiet time alone. Say no when needs from the wants and prioritize. Collect sale need be without feeling guilty. As much as it is a season pamphlets and compare prices – the logic is to get as to give to others, give yourself too. Fall in love with much saving as possible. Stick to your budget. Decline yourself all over again. offers for unnecessary get-togethers and only attend when it is really a necessity.3. There is no reason why you have to do everything on your own, delegate! 7. Remember to spend time and share with the less fortune. It is revitalize your spirit and goes down to your4. Count your blessings. This is the time of the year that general well-being. you should spend more time on positive things i.e appreciating what you have instead of worrying about 8. And finally for the Windhoekers, pay your municipality what you do not have. Get rid of “keeping up with the bill to avoid inconveniences at critical times. Jones’s” mentality. Happy and Stress Free Festive Season
TBNQ&APG//16 //NAUTSGO CONTENTQ: Give us an overview of Trustco Bank’s strategy at Financing will be dedicated to fund working capital andentering the market this year. investment capital needs of final beneficiaries. TBN has introduced a further Personal Loan product, this catersA: Trustco Bank (TBN) shares a common set of core longer for the Individual. Funds may be used for any purpose.term objectives with government and a joint aspiration Apart from the loan products, TBN also has a full suiteto assist as many people as possible to access decent of deposit products offering very competitive rates to ouraffordable housing. The gap market is housing for lower clients.middle class Namibians. Q: What has happened inside the Bank since the FidesMost of the mortgage lending by the other six licensed acquisition by Trustco Group in 2014?commercial banks in Namibia is targeted at the upper endof the market; government housing initiatives are focused A: We spent our time wisely, crafting attentively at theon the bottom-end of the population, i.e. mainly those successful implementation of D+H’s “Phoenix Systemliving on grants. International”, a new core banking application which will help the Bank deliver high-quality services and productsClients in this gap market will be primarily those with a to clients.joint income of N$ 35 000 < per month with a maximumloan of N$ 1m. Trustco Bank recognizes that the future of banking is driven by a cashless society that requires virtual channelsFor the SME lending, the eligible sectors include but are through which clients can transact. The solution tonot limited to trade, production, agriculture, services and this is an enterprise-scale approach to technology thatspecific exclusions are mining and sectors considered streamlines service delivery and produces both superiorethically or morally controversial or which are forbidden by customer experiences and transformational efficiencynational law. gains. The banking system will ensure that the bank stays at the forefront of technology and will ensure that its customers have the benefit of an unsurpassed banking experience.
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 17And we have some way to go still. Trustco Bank will We are excited about BEING DISCOVERED by bothcontinue during 2018 to implement internet banking, cell established banking clients and the currently unbankedphone banking and participate in the payments systems sectors. There is enough benefits on all tiers of products toin Namibia. In 2018, Trustco Bank will also be in a position attract investment, savings and transactional clients alike.to issue cards for the first time, following its agreementwith Visa. TBN is starting out small, like a young mopane tree that has sprung from the fertile soil nearby our mother TrustcoQ: So Trustco Bank will enter the Namibian market as a Group.full service COMMERCIAL bank? You must make the decision yourself by looking at theA: Yes. And the competition is stiff at the top. The South wealth Trustco has created for more than 20 years andAfrican Banks have been operating for many years. knowing that TBN is there to help you grow with us.Doing business respectively since 1838, 1862 and 1888in neighbouring SA, they hold a lion’s share of people’s Clients must stay in control of their financial destinyaccounts here in Namibia. and choose to do business with the banking & financial services providers that offer products, solutions andAs part of the Trustco Group, TBN shares in the costing platforms they are willing to pay for.entrepreneurial mindset that has always set us apartand made a Trustco product or service that extra bit more TBN will always be at the heart of saving you money.attractive to a local.We will always put the Namibian people first by balancingpricing, products, positioning and the best servicedelivered by our people.
PG// 18 //NAUTSGO CONTENTSafetyDRIVING TIPSWith the festive season just around the corner, many people have plans to travel, as such the roads leadingto all corners of our country and beyond will be full. But before you embark upon your journey, see to it thatyour vehicle is properly maintained to avoid inconveniences. Hence safety tips for driving to arrive alive andenjoy your well-deserved holiday.• Always remember to buckle up and to ensure all • Stick to the posted speed limit at all times – it is passengers in the vehicle are safely buckled up. carefully selected to maximize your own safety, Remember that correct usage of safety belts can passengers and environment. minimize injuries between 40-60% in the case of a crash. Not only are you more likely to get injured in • When the weather is less than perfect, such an accident if you aren’t wearing a seat belt, you can as rainy, foggy etc, use extra precautions when also be fined for failing to do so. driving and follow guidelines for staying safe in the particular situation you are facing. In circumstances• Avoid driving while fatigue and take rests between as these, use headlights to be visible to all long trips. roadusers.• Make sure you have a sober and licensed designated • Start your journey well in advance. Many accidents driver who will drive you if you plan to consume are caused by impatient drivers who are rushing alcohol or taking certain medications that might to get from point A to B at their appointed time, cause drowsiness. forgetting that there are other road users on the road. Remember that you are not the only driver on• Actively pay attention to your actions and those the road and need to exercise patience and respect of the other road users around you when you are towards other fellow road users. driving. Last but not least, always have MVA Fund toll free• Avoid distractions i.e texting, changing CDs/USBs, number at hand in case of need. The golden response changing radio stations, eating/drinking, interacting number is: 0819682 with passengers etc.
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 19CWoELrLpNoESraS teA vigorous mind requires healthy eating and regular intense three month bootcamp from Rudi Robinhophysical activities. It is with this in mind that Trustco’s Louw of Rudi Louw’s Boot Camp. Yoga sessionsHuman Resources Department conducts an annual were also offered in tandem for those who preferredcorporate wellness programme throughout the year. The something a little more relaxed, presented by Liezlemphasises is to boost overall employee wellbeing . The Hoving of the Bodhi Room. Employees in the regionalprogramme covers a variety of topics and activities, and offices joined in with a detailed programme of fitnessis aimed at encouraging lifestyle adjustments based on activities at their respective offices.individual health needs. This year, all staff received anREGIONSWilbert Platt David ThomasOne of Walvis Bay’s achievements is when our two particular. Their efforts were recognised and acknowledgedmarketers Wilbert Platt and David Thomas made 100% by management. They were awarded certificates andtarget. This was not only an achievement for the two but goodies as a token of appreciation.the whole office at large and indeed for the company in
Quinton van Rooyen @qvrPG// 20 #QVRFAQ //NAUTSGO CONTENT 21 Clarity BusinessBrillianceORANJEMUND SPARKLES FOR QVR
Recipe//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 21ROAST STUFFED CHICKEN Ingredients • olive oil • 1 onion , peeled and finely chopped • 4 cloves garlic , peeled and finely sliced • 500 g mixed, interesting mushrooms (such as shiitake, oyster, chestnut etc) , cleaned - large ones chopped up, small ones ripped up • 1 bunch fresh thyme • 1 lemon • sea salt • freshly ground black pepper • 1 large handful pine nuts • 2 large handfuls fresh white breadcrumbs • 1 free-range egg , beaten • 1 whole higher-welfare chicken , approximately 1.5kg Method 1. You don’t often see whole chicken that’s been stuffed like this. I think that’s a real shame because it adds such beautiful flavour and the natural juices from the chicken will give you the most gorgeous stuffing. 2. Preheat your oven to 240°C/475°F/gas 9. Heat a good lug of olive oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add your onion and garlic and cook for about 10 minutes until soft, but not coloured. Add the mushrooms with the leaves from a few of your thyme sprigs. Turn the heat up to high and fry for 5 to 10 minutes until the mushrooms go slightly crispy. Remove from the heat, grate in the zest of the lemon and season well. Tip into a bowl and leave to one side to cool. 3. Once the mixture has cooled, use clean hands to mix in the pine nuts and breadcrumbs, then add the egg. Carefully, push your fingers between the meat and skin on the top of the chicken then gently create a pocket for the stuffing. Push a quarter of the stuffing into this pocket and roll the remaining mixture into balls and pop to one side. Cut your zested lemon in half and place in the chicken cavity with the remaining thyme sprigs. Pop your chicken in a roasting tray, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. 4. Place in the preheated oven and turn the heat down to 200°C/400°F/gas 6. Cook for 40 minutes, then add your mushroom stuffing balls to the tray. Return to the oven and cook for a further 35 minutes until gorgeous and golden. To check your chicken is cooked, stick a skewer into the fattest part of the thigh – if the juices run clear, your chicken is done. Leave to rest for 10 to 15 minutes, covered loosely with tin foil, then serve with fluffy roast potatoes and seasonal greens.RecipePEPPERMINT CRISP TARTIngredients Add the whipped cream and 100g of the grated peppermint crisp• 1 packet tennis biscuits chocolate to the caramel and combine well.• 1 can caramel treat• 2 cup PnP cream - fresh Spread a generous amount of the mixture over the tennis• 400g Peppermint Crisp chocolate bars - grated biscuits and spread evenly.Method Add another layer of tennis biscuits and caramel mixture andPlace the tennis biscuits in rows at the bottom of your desired continue this process untill your dish is full.dish, ensuring that the bottom of the dish is covered. Sprinkle the remaining peppermint crisp over the top and placePlace the caramel in a mixing bowl and mix until smooth. in the fridge for 1 hour to set.In a separate mixing bowl, whisk the cream until stiff peaks Serve with a dollop of cream or as desired.form, being careful not to over-whip.
AutoPG//22 //NAUTSGO CONTENT PILOTDriving a car has become second nature to many of us. We have become dependent on cars and for some, this haslead to a passion for well designed vehicles. Some of us are prepared to pay millions to drive our dream car whileothers are happy to glue on a scoop and go faster stripes. Then there are the dangerous drivers. The ones who donot care about cars. They buy boring and ugly cars. These are the dangerous drivers. P eople who do not care aboutsomething are generally not good at it.Featured in this issueAlfa Giulia Mahindra Thar Lexus LC 500NEED INSURANCE FORYOUR NEW RIDE?
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 23 Alfa Giulia The mighty 505hp V6 can shut off three cylinders to save fuel. This means the Giulia goes from a Jägermeister downing loudmouth to a Grappa sipping lady. The lady is more like Ronda Rousey in a red dress. Great personality, but you always have to remember that she can put you on your backside if you disrespect her. Mahindra Thar It is a throw back to when driving a 4X4 was about more than health and safety and focus groups. A time when low range, a skilled right foot and surgeon-like hand eye coordination could get you through anything. The Thar is unapologetic in its design and drivability. If you want a road car, the Thar is not for you. If you want to get into the 4X4 market and not break the bank, the Thar is for you. Lexus LC500 If you think it is just a Toyota with an expensive badge, think again. The LC500 competes with the likes of Aston Martin, Porsche and Jaguar and it punches way above it’s weight class. At N$ 1.7Million it is more affordable than the competition but don’t let that fool you. Sit in the cockpit, you know the LC500 is special.
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 25 Know YOUR CAPTAIN- Who are you? Tell us three things that people don’t know - Who are you? Tell us three things that people don’t know about you? about you?o Now what don’t they know already. I am highly spiritual, a firm o I have a very contradictory personality; 1: I am a bit of an believer in “a man needs to work for his bread” and I am a one introvert; 2: I absolutely LOVE the outdoors; 3: and I’m an avid woman man. gamer; (STREET FIGHTER Champion – 2008)- When did you start at Trustco and what has been your - When did you start at Trustco and what has been your greatest highlight so far? greatest highlight so far?o I first started as a consultant under Gijima in August 2010 o I started at Trustco December 1, 2015 – and my greatest and then moved over to Trustco on 3rd November 2014 as an highlight has been selected as CROOKS TEAM CAPTAIN! employee. My highlight will always be the vitality in Trustco and the uniqueness in doing business. - What has been your greatest highlight about the games so far?- What has been your greatest highlight about the games so far? o The games tend to bring out the competitive nature in people, both Cops & Crooks, that passion to win and drive to get oneo Truly the games have created a good cohesive culture in Trustco over the other team has always appealed to me. which gives true meaning to the phrase “those that play together work well together – Genscher Kahingunga” - In your view, what does it take a team to win?- In your view, what does it take a team to win? o Proper planning – great leadership is key to picking the right team and also motivating your people to play at their best.o Obviously, strategy is key. You need to know your team and what your players are good at, this is a process but with - How do you keep each member of your team involved and maximum participation from all staff and proper support, you motivated? are good to go - “Harambee” tjandies. o Firstly I believe in “kill them with kindness”, this applies doubly- How do you keep each member of your team involved and so to the members of your own team, positive encouragement motivated? has always been a tool I’ve used in motivating and encouraging the team.o Valuing their abilities and contributions, but winning is the biggest motivator that even newbies voluntarily wants to take - Name one thing from past Cops/Crooks seasons that you part. would like to improve upon or change. How would you accomplish that?- Name one thing from past Cops/Crooks seasons that you would like to improve upon or change. How would you o Personally, I would like to see a bit more understanding accomplish that? between the two teams, let’s try and avoid being argumentative with one another, regardless or not if we are ono Participation is always a challenge and the benchwarmers opposite teams, we still work for the same company. have increased over the years, but we cannot keep complaining about that every time, we need to engage them and keep - What motivates and energizes you most about your team? introducing intriguing games for people to come out their shells. o Honestly our passion. You won’t find a more passionate bunch of people in the company.- What motivates and energizes you most about your team? - What irks you most about the opposing team?o The fact that regardless of the odds we continue to push through without giving up easy. o I suppose they might say the same thing about the Crooks, but I feel the Cops who were so used to winning a few years ago- What irks you most about the opposing team? now only know defeat, tend to cheat to win games. However, we will always play a fair game with me in charge.o A crook will always think he got away with murder only to be stunned at the sight of a cop in his tracks, so arrogant that - Anything extraordinary that we can expect from your team they lose track of themselves. next year?- Anything extraordinary that we can expect from your team o CROOKS never reveal their next move next year? - What is your message to the opposition?o We started off on a good foot and we need to build on the o Sorry Princess not even Cinderella could get to this BALL… momentum, the crooks got a bit out of hand this year I admit but count my words, “we will fix that”- What is your message to the opposition?o My message is simple . . . “We ain’t done with you yet!”
PG// 26 //NAUTSGO CONTENT &SCOREBOARDHead Office Dec 1 0 Katima Nov 1 3 Keetmanshoop Nov 3 2 1 3 3 4 Head Office Nov 2 Katima Oct 2 0 Keetmanshoop Oct 2 Head Office Oct 0 Keetmanshoop Sep 3 Katima Sep 2 3 2 Head Office Sep 2 Head Office Aug 1 Keetmanshoop Aug 2 3 Katima Aug 1 2 1 3 Head Office Jul 1 Katima Jul 0 0 Keetmanshoop Jul 0 0TOTAL 7 14 TOTAL 6 8 TOTAL 10 8
//NAUTSGO CONTENT PG// 27 Ongwediva Dec 1 0 Ongwediva Nov 1 3 0 Ongwediva Oct 3 Ongwediva Sep 2 3 Ongwediva Aug 4 0 TOTAL 12 6Rundu Dec 0 1 Walvisbay Dec 1 0 WMC Dec 0 0 Rundu Nov 3 1 Walvisbay Nov 2 1 WMC Nov 2 0 Rundu Oct 2 1 Walvisbay Oct 2 2 WMC Oct 0 0 Rundu Sep 1 3 Walvisbay Sep 4 1 WMC Sep 2 2 2 Rundu Aug 2 Walvisbay Aug 3 1 WMC Aug 1 2 Rundu Jul 1 2 Walvisbay Jul 1 0 WMC Jul 1 4TOTAL 9 10 TOTAL 13 5 TOTAL 6 8
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