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Home Explore Summer Break Homework pdf 2022-2023

Summer Break Homework pdf 2022-2023

Published by FAIROZA MULLA (EMP078), 2022-06-22 20:01:04

Description: Summer Break Homework pdf 2022-2023


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New Indian Model School, Sharjah Holiday Homework 2022-2023 Dear students, Greetings! Academic session 2022-2023 Holiday Homework. Holiday is the time that we all eagerly wait for. We all make plans to enjoy, to relax and to empower ourselves during these days. This “learning is the beginning of wealth. Summer vacation the holiday homework is learning is the beginning of health. Designed as a medium for you all to achieve the learning is the beginning of spirituality. Motto of “fun and learn” the activity-based searching and learning is where the assignments will foster curiosity, develop creativity, enhance knowledge and instill the joy miracle process all begins.” Of learning among you all. It will certainly help you to discover a new you, who is more enriched and confident and performs every action to perfection. Stay home, stay safe!

HEALTHY • HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BEYOUR PRIORITY • Give LIFESTYLE BE prime importance to your health. • Eat lots of YOUR PRIORITY fruits and vegetables. • Drink a lot of liquid like water and other natural sources of water like tender coconut water, lime water, Buttermilk etc. • Pledge for “Eat Right -Less Sugar, Less Oil and Less Salt.” • Observe no screen hour daily from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm. • Do exercise and get into yoga. • Wash hands frequently, especially before and after meal. • Avoid sharing of towel, handkerchief, brush with others. • Trim of nails and hair regularly.

MATH MONDAY Practice your math facts , count as high as you can , measure something, go on a shape hunt ,count coins to make your tens and ones thorough. • Write your number names 1-10 and numerals 1-50 under ten’s and one’s in your blank pages of your number book.

TECH TUESDAY • Play an educational game! Some Suggestions are : , , and-the-beanstalk , or pick your own !

WORD WEDNESDAY • Practice your sight words! Write your sight words with pencil , crayon, markers, chalk, with playdoh or any other fun way. Grab a book and go on a sight word hunt and make mobile letters as shown below.

▪ SIGHT WORDS Like Small Look See Away Those Play Gave Give Under Have Near Open This That Which What More Your Down

THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY- • Think about your week so far .Draw and write a narrative about what happened this week in your own mini-summer journal.To enhance your writing skill continue practicing in your handwriting book up-to page number 29.

FUN FRIDAY • Today is your choice of any fun educational activity ! Play educational games , write with chalk outside ,paint a picture and ask your parent to help you with some following project work. • Create a model with the edible parts of a plant. • Create a model showing the parts of a plant. • Create a model which shows the different parts of a plant. • Make a model of Above and Underground vegetables.

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