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Home Explore January 2017 Bulletin

January 2017 Bulletin

Published by jdezel58, 2017-01-02 23:48:47

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Faith Deliverance Worship Center Sermon Notes Pastor Linda M. DeSeignora - Interim Pastor 1304 Route 130 North Burlington Township, New Jersey 08016 Office (609)239-8722 Fax (609)239-8726 [email protected] January 2017 On behalf of Pastor Linda M. DeSeignora and the officers of FDWC, we wish you a very Apostle Eric F. Ricks - Founder

Please Keep In Prayer Sick & Recovering: Mother Marcia Baggs Interim Pastor Linda M. DeSeignora and the officers of FDWCI are calling for a time of Holy Consecration as we Mother Pearl Gregg dedicate ourselves unto the Lord and seek HIS direction Brother Elbert Jackson for our lives, homes, church and country. Sister Hattie Johnson January 2 - 22, 2017 Brother Nathaniel Sharpe The church’s chosen fast is one meal a day. Sister Jackie Williams Everyone is also asked to join us for prayer during our Brother Richard Williams normal prayer times as noted below. Christopher Browne (Heart problem) Sundays: 8:00 am Mother Jessie Smith Thursdays: Noon & 7:00 pm Mother Bernice Crawford (Pastor Linda’s mother) Saturdays: 8:00 am Gregory Garcia Jr. (Brother Garcia’s son) There will be a special prayer call beginning at 7:00 pm Colleen Scudder (Sister Dianna Hill’s mother) nightly January 9 - 15, 2017. Prayer request can be submitted on line via the church website or a paper form First Lady Sheila Lambert (Leap of Faith) can be completed and given to Deaconess Roberts. Conference#: 218-339-7800 Bereaved: Access Code: 7032002 Hunt Family Shut-In: But be doers of the word, and not hearers only…. James 1:22a Mother Rutha Davis - Marcella Center, Burlington, NJ 24 Hour Prayer is available for emergencies & crisis situations You may call (609) 636-3652

Weekly Schedule Monthly Foreign Missions’ Prayer Focus Live Streaming Sundays 10:30 a.m. SYRIA Please Pray for: Sunday 8:00 a.m. Prayer In The Sanctuary  A swift end to the horrific civil war, which includes the 9:00 a.m. Sunday School recent atrocities in the city of Aleppo, and for people of peace to come into leadership. 9:00 a.m. New Member’s Class  Jesus to reveal Himself to the millions of Muslims displaced by the war. 10:15 a.m. Prayer in the Sanctuary  The Church to be protected and expanded amid 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service ongoing hostility. nd st rd 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church (1 , 2 , 3 ) Thursday 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Corporate Fast “After-the- holidays Meal Noon & 7:00 p.m. Corporate Prayer Baskets” The Missions ministry will be distributing food baskets to needy families after the holidays and you can help. If Saturday you know a family in need or would like to contribute to nd th 7:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer Ministry (2 & 4 ) the baskets please see Evangelist Genikwa Williams, Deaconess Mable Roberts or Trustee Nadine Sharpe 10:00 a.m. Women’s Fellowship (3rd) after service. Flyers are available in the narthex with a complete list of food items and drop off times.

The Women’s Ministry will be meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2017 from 10:30 am - 1:00 pm. All women are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. MEN’S 2017 RETREAT Our speaker, Sister Jackie Lloyd, will speak about “New Beginnings”. You can sign up in the narthex The Men’s Annual Retreat will be April 21-23, 2017 at and see Minister Martha Harris for more information. Blue Mountain Christian Retreat in New Ringgold, PA This year’s theme is “Dressed But Not Ready”. “Our Keynote Speaker will be Pastor Dorion Morgan of Restoration Station Christian Fellowship in Edgewater Park, NJ The Senior Care Ministry will meet Thursday, The cost is $190 and includes 5 meals & 2 nights lodging. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due on January 15, February 20, 2017 at 10:30 am. Come chat and chew with us and please bring a covered dish to 2017 with final payment due March 5, 2017 For more share. You can contact Sister Rose Ball (609) 271- information please see Deacon Derrick Sharpe or 7069 for menu options, or Sister Frankie Rowser Deacon Larry Kelley. (609) 877- 0974 for any additional information. ~ SAVE THE DATE ~ The youth ministry will be joining with Feed- March 26, 2017 ing 5000 Ministries on Sunday March 12, 2017 to feed Women in White Service the homeless at a soup kitchen in Pennsylvania. Space is limited and available on a first come first serve basis. April 27 - 30, 2017 All those interested can sign up in the narthex and see a Founder’s Appreciation weekend 2017!!!! member of the youth staff for more information.

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