THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATIONANNUAL REPORT2016A look back at an amazing year and a glimpse into our bright future.
Our MissionCSF changes lives by providing families with demonstrated financial need an opportunity togive their sons and daughters a quality education, focused on Christian values and character formation at Catholic Schools located throughout the Archdiocese of Boston, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender.
Catholic Schools Foundation Table ofAnnual Report 2016 ContentsTable Of Contents 29 Timeline Of Events 01 31 Back To School Cup 01 CSF Infographic 33 Christmas For The Kids Cocktail Party 11 02 Letter From Our Director & President 35 CSF Annual Dinner 03 Counciling In Urban Catholic Schools 36 A Word From Brian Moynihan 15 05 Morgan Lewis Partnership 37 26th Annual Dinner Donor Roll 09 Scholarship Angels 41 Schools Out Summer Celebration 11 CSF Scholars: Where Are They Now? 43 2016 Young Leaders Council 13 Financial Report 44 2016 Board Of Trustees 15 A Word From Peter Lynch 45 CSF Executive Council 17 Annual Donor Roll 46 CSF Staff 27 Gifts In Honor / Gifts In Memory 28 Lifetime Givingphotos by John Gillooly
Catholic Schools Foundation Table ofAnnual Report 2016 Contents 03 BUILDING MINDS & CHANGING LIVES 31 CSF has earned the highest possible 05 rating (4-stars) through Charity Navigator based on our Financial Health, Accountability, Transparency.
92 Schools supported by CSF76% $35K 100% 60% non-white median family high school single-parent income for families 3,793 family of 4 graduation rate 98% Scholarships 25% provided. college non-Catholic acceptance rateMore than $9M provided in scholarships and programmatic aid
2 Catholic Schools Foundation A Word From The Annual Report 2016 President & Executive DirectorA Word from public school system. However, our work “ WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS MY GRATITUDEthe President changes the lives of individual students. FOR ALL THAT YOU DO FOR SO MANYand Executive We enroll and support them regardless of CHILDREN. THE WORLD WILL BE A BETTERDirector their religion or social status and instill a PLACE BECAUSE OF THESE CHILDREN. love for learning with the conviction theyDear friends of CSF, can and will succeed. Finally, we offer Parent of a CSF Scholar from students the confidence of knowing they Bishop Fenwick High SchoolOur success is based upon your generosity. are not alone. They learn there are peopleFor over 150 years, Catholic schools have who believe in them and will assist them scholarships and other program activity.educated generations of students from in their development journey. Thank you Thank you for your continued support of ourall walks of life with emphasis on those for making all of this possible. work. If you have any questions about thewho have been marginalized or who are information presented, please contact usnew to our shores. Without your present Enclosed in our 2016 Annual Report, you at anytime. Without your generosity, thereday support and the legacy of the many will read about the impact of your support is no Catholic Schools Foundation or Inner-committed sisters, priests and lay teachers and realize how much you are appreciated. City Scholarship Fund, so we welcome yourand administrators, our Catholic schools Please review the names of generous thoughts and ideas.would not be able to provide the life- donors, volunteers, and community andchanging opportunity for students and corporate partners that help change lives. Sincerely,families today. Take a moment to read these stories and witness what your support makes possible William S. Michael B.As the quote at the top of the page reminds – building minds and changing lives of at- Mosakowski Reardonus, our shared mission impacts thousands risk young people. Executive Directorof students each year in schools throughout President, CSFthe Archdiocese of Boston, while also We value your trust and support. The Board of Trusteestaking pressure off an already stressed Catholic Schools Foundation strives to achieve our mission in the most efficient manner possible. Our overarching goal is to positively and dramatically impact the lives of students and families. During the most recent fiscal year, ninety percent (90%) of every dollar raised by Catholic Schools Foundation directly supported
3 Catholic Schools Foundation City Annual Report 2016 Connects At-Risk Students Given a Chance for Success - Counseling in Urban Catholic Schools“ Emma and Sophia were taken from Academy – Columbia Campus (SJPII). their mother more than two years ago The SJPII community has been extremely and bounced from home to home and supportive and works closely with the family member to family member. The family to provide the help they need. girls have seen violence, hunger, and Together, Emma and Sophia attend homelessness. After a rough few years, family counseling and are working hard their mother regained custody of the to overcome the challenges they face. girls. Through the support of the Inner This is made possible, in part, because of -City Scholarship fund, CSF was able to CSF’s partnership with the City Connects enroll them at Saint John Paul II Catholic program. Through the generosity of our supporters, CSF is able to provide 10 THANK YOU FOR SPONSORING MY urban Catholic schools with a Counseling Program. Through this program, Emma EDUCATION THIS YEAR. THIS GIFT and Sophia are able to receive critical interventions that address out-of-school IS SPECIAL TO ME BECAUSE IT HAS barriers to success. PROVIDED ME WITH A PATH TO A Unfortunately, what Emma and Sophia have faced in their young lives is all BRIGHTER FUTURE too common among inner-city children. Urban Catholic schools serve high Jose, percentages of low-income students who Notre Dame Cristo Rey face poverty, family difficulties, health
4 Catholic Schools Foundation City Annual Report 2016 Connectsproblems, and community violence which can school-based intervention program thatnegatively impact a student's educational addresses the needs of every child acrossexperience. academic, social-emotional, health, and family domains.Since 2008, in an effort to improve the Catholic school experience for our neediest students, CSF Students who are continuously enrolledhas patterned with the City Connects Program at in a school using the City Connects modelBoston College. City Connects is an innovative, out-perform comparison students by the end of the first preschool year, and the difference becomes statistically higher by the second preschool year. Benefits continue through elementary school and beyond where studies have shown positive effects on report card scores and statewide test scores in elementary school, middle school and high school. Students previously enrolled in a City Connects Catholic school also experience lower rates of chronic absenteeism and school drop-out rates. With an award-winning counseling program in place and with the care and support they need from the school and broader community services, SJPII is confident that both Emma and Sophia will thrive — these girls and many others will have a chance to succeed. ** Students’ names have been changed to protect their privacy.
5 Catholic Schools Foundation Morgan Lewis Annual Report 2016 Partnership Morgan Lewis: Building a Legacy in Support of Catholic Education The impact of the Catholic Schools Foundation (CSF) is enhanced by the generosity, longevity and sustainability of our corporate partnerships. We rely on the dedication of leaders within Boston’s top businesses to further our mission through long-lasting relationships, so that future generations of low-income students can benefit from a quality values-based education. One such partner that has changed the lives of hundreds of inner-city students is Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP, a global law firm based in Boston. “ …If you want to get a sense of CSF’s impact for yourself, join next year’s Annual ICSF Bus Tour! I also very much enjoy the community of people who are committed to the success of CSF — they are truly inspiring, and have inspired me to want to get more involved.” - Peter Pound, Morgan Lewis
6 Catholic Schools Foundation Morgan Lewis Annual Report 2016 Partnership PAST CSF’s relationship with Morgan They are not ashamed to excel Lewis began nearly 26 years ago academically. The dropout rate with Roger Joseph, who was a is almost zero, and 98% of the Partner at Bingham Dana at the high school students go on to time. Roger learned about the college.” organization in the early 1990s and has since been a champion of Over the past quarter century, CSF’s mission, while ensuring that Roger has been building a legacy his colleagues support CSF even of support at Morgan Lewis. He has as they transitioned from Bingham spearheaded fundraising efforts Dana to Bingham McCutchen, and with his colleagues, raising more finally, to Morgan Lewis. When than $1.5 million in scholarship aid asked why he has remained a and impacting roughly 1,000 inner- dedicated supporter for so long, city students. Beyond fundraising, Roger noted, Roger has been a member of CSF’s Executive Council since 2001. “What I find compelling about the Inner-City Scholarship Fund Recognizing the need for is the fantastic results…most a sustainable, long-lasting of the students are minorities, partnership of support, Roger has more than 80% live below the fostered relationships between federal poverty level…despite CSF and others at the firm. For all this, these kids thrive in the example, Morgan Lewis’ Director Catholic school environment. of Community Affairs and Alumni
7 Catholic Schools Foundation Morgan Lewis Annual Report 2016 Partnership PRESENT Relations, Catherine Curtin is a supporter of CSF, and has worked to encourage both the firm, its lawyers and staff to support the organization. She also mentored the firm’s most recent intern from Cristo Rey Boston — a CSF supported school. At Roger’s invitation, Peter Pound, another Partner at Morgan Lewis decided to get involved with CSF to help broaden and deepen the firm’s commitment. His goal was to ensure the relationship would maintain its strength and impact across generations of employees well into the future. Shortly after joining CSF’s network of supporters, Peter joined the organization’s Advancement Committee, lending his time and expertise in broader fundraising efforts. When asked about his steadfast commitment to the organization, Peter said, “The fact that the CSF has provided
8 Catholic Schools Foundation Morgan Lewis Annual Report 2016 PartnershipFUTUREmore than $100 million in of Boston College Law School, “Before law school, I taught Lewis support, there is no doubtscholarships to more than involves engaging young at a Catholic School attended that hundreds, if not thousands50,000 students over the past professionals in the hopes that primarily by low-income more students will benefit from thirty years is amazing. Each they will become the Rogers of students on scholarship. I saw this incredible partnership.time I attend a CSF event, I am tomorrow. Jackie was elected to first-hand the immeasurable captivated by the magnitude join the Young Leaders Council impact that a quality education Roger Joseph, Peter Pound, andof the positive impact the in October 2016. She will join a had on my students. I’m excited Jackie Burke feel they have anscholarships are having on their group of seven other appointed to work with ICSF to afford other obligation to help underprivilegedrecipients in Boston’s Catholic Boston area young professionals students that same opportunity students reach their full potentialschools.” who collaborate to engage like- and expand access to quality through a high-quality Catholic minded young people in CSF’s education.” education. They also believe in theRecently, Morgan Lewis has work throughout the year. The importance of Boston’s corporateengaged yet another generation council raises more than $120K Roger Joseph has dedicated community being engaged andof attorneys to support CSF. This in scholarship aid each year. more than 25 years of his career invested in Boston’s future,effort, led by Jackie Burke, an When asked why she wants to to supporting CSF. Fortunately which begins with ensuringAssociate and 2015 graduate get involved, Jackie said, for the students of the Inner- the best possible educational opportunities for all children. It is City Scholarship Fund, through our dedicated corporate his legacy and the partners like Morgan Lewis and legacy of Morgan Lewis’ their employees that we are tremendous support able to maximize our impact in will continue, and even the Greater Boston community. multiply, into the future. On behalf of the thousands of With Peter and Jackie students supported each year representing the next through the ICSF, we thank you. generations of Morgan
9 Catholic Schools Foundation Scholarship Annual Report 2016 Angels Scholarship Angels Are Changing LivesYour support helps students, your support helps schools.Scholarship Angels are individuals who have joined our monthly giving program and make it possible for a child to attend aCatholic elementary or high school by providing ongoing support through a reliable, steady stream of income.Individuals who participate in this program ensure that CSF scholars receive the aid they need year after year without disruption or ever having to worry about leaving a school they love because of financial concerns. When you become a Scholarship Angel the amount you designate will automatically be deducted from your debit or credit cardeach month. 100% of your investment will go towards helping a needy family afford a superior Catholic education.Here is the difference YOU can make each year:$10 $25 $50 $100Because tuition is not Your gift of $25 per Your gift of $50 per Your gift of $100 per always enough! Your month will allow a month will provide a month will provide agift of $10 per month low-income scholar partial scholarship for partial scholarshipcan provide a school to attend after-school a student to attend an for a student touniform to student programs — at no Catholic elementary attend a Catholicscholar in need. cost to the family — school high school. that offer a variety of enrichment activities.To learn more visit us at: or contact Gina Rindfleisch at [email protected]
11 Catholic Schools Foundation CSF Scholars Annual Report 2016 Where Are They Now? CSF Scholars: Where Are They Now? Poline Chhor, CSF Scholar, Lowell Catholic School Class of 2010Like many CSF Scholars, Poline Chhor’s story Poline and his parents at the Annual family’s one of resiliency, hard work, and hope. Dinner as a junior when he was theWhen you meet Poline, his poise, confidence, student speaker, spring 2009 Poline attended the former Franco Americanand candidness make him stand out as a School in Lowell through the 8th grade. Polineunique and impressive twenty-four year old, to pay for Poline’s Catholic education. Even attended Franco American School, formerly inwise beyond his years. What you might not with both parents working tirelessly to Lowell through the 8th grade. For high school,expect, is that his past is riddled with hardship, make ends meet, money was tight. Poline’s determined to remain inseemingly insurmountable obstacles and older sister was born with a severe mental Catholic school, Poline appliedmany barriers to success. handicap, which added another layer of for and received a scholarship financial and emotional stress to their through the Catholic SchoolsIn 1992, when Poline was born, his parents Foundation to attend Lowelland three year old sister were refugees Catholic School. There, hein Thailand, having fled the devastating excelled both academicallyCambodian Genocide and reign of the Khmer and through extracurricularsRouge. When he was only two months old, like gymnastics, tennis,Poline’s family was given the opportunity to soccer, and volunteer workescape the devastation in their home country at a local summer camp forand pursue a better life in the United States. underprivileged children.They immigrated to Lowell, MA and made In 2010, Poline graduatededucation a top priority for Poline. His mother and began his undergraduate career atworked full time as an elderly care giver and Merrimack College. He made the Dean’s List his father worked day and night, often taking every semester and when he wasn’t studying,on over-time shifts, as a computer technician he could be found volunteering his time to
12 Catholic Schools Foundation CSF Scholars Annual Report 2016 Where Are They Now? tutor students at Lawrence Catholic Academy credits his Catholic education for and Bellessini Academy. He also participated in providing the necessary foundation Alternative Spring Break and worked with victims to pursue his dreams confidently and of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. passionately, however ambitious they might be. He said, “My Catholic Poline graduated in 2014 and was accepted education gave me a competitive into the Tufts University School of Medicine’s edge. It helped me develop vital Public Health and Professional Degrees Program skills and relationships that have where he is currently pursuing a Masters Degree made me who I am today. A Catholic in Biomedical Science. Upon graduating, Poline education develops the person as a plans to take a year off to work and pay off a whole while surrounding them with an incredibly supportive community.”portion of his student debt before applying to Poline as a graduate student at Tufts Universitydental school in 2018. School of Medicine, fall 2016When reflecting on his educational journey, Poline
13 Catholic Schools Foundation Statement of Annual Report 2016 Activities FY16 Financial Statements Unaudited Statement of Financial PositionTOTAL ASSETS $68,792,060 $70,717,317 ($1,925,257)
14 Catholic Schools Foundation Statement of Annual Report 2016 Activities Statement Of Activities 2015 - 2016 ExpensesNet assets released from restrictions throughsatisfaction of program restriction Grants & Program Support $10,059,999 | 90% Fundraising Expense $606,925 | 5% Management & Operations $444,918 | 4% Marketing & Public Relations $77,047 | 1% Programs Supported in 2015-2016 Scholarship Aid $8,805,446 | 87.53% Program Grants $937,665 | 9.32% Directed Funds $316,888 | 3.15% 2015-2016 Donors By Type Individuals 770 | 83.88% Corporations 84 | 9.15% Foundations 33 | 3.59% Other 31 | 3.38%
15 Catholic Schools Foundation A Word From Annual Report 2016 Peter Lynch A Word from Peter Lynch “ I believe the ICSF is tDear Friends of CSF, their efforts are celebrated by both for providing young p teachers and peers. Thanks to your education along withAs a committed donor, you have been help, our students will be expected to and discipline to succchanging lives through your support thrive and these students will become Peter S. Lynchof the Inner-City Scholarship Fund educated, productive members of(ICSF) and I am grateful. our society. I have come to believe their lives. This would be a terrible that young people are not products misfortune.Thank you for helping toRecently, I had the privilege of of their environments, but products build minds and change lives.hearing Wes Moore speak. Wes of their expectations — our schools With gratitude for the profoundgrew up a poor kid in the projects in foster and raise their expectations! difference you make, I amBaltimore but went on to become aRhodes Scholar, serve as a Captain Thank you for helping change the Sincerely yours,in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and expectations of these studentsauthor the best-seller The Other Wes through the gift of a high quality, Peter S. LynchMoore. His story made me realize that values-based Catholic education. Chair, Inner-City Scholarship Fundpeople are a product of expectations. As you review the list of donors,Wes was from a tough environment, please know that I am grateful tonot unlike many of the students each and every donor who made awho benefit from the Inner-City gift. Without your generosity, theseScholarship Fund, but he was individuals will lose their scholarshipsexpected to work hard and succeed. and they are kids who have notOur schools build these same had a great deal of opportunity inexpectations. In our schools, studentsare encouraged to achieve and
16 Catholic Schools Foundation A Word From Annual Report 2016 Peter Lynchthe best causepeople a strongh the self-confidence ceed in life.
17 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016 Annual Donor Roll FY 2016 District Underwriters School Underwriters Gillian and Stephen Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Curtis $100,000 + $50,000-$99,999 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Demoulas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi Mr. Daniel DiBartolomeo/Northfield Anonymous (3) Annonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds Bank of America Charitable Michelle and Bob Atchinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Soviero Information Services Foundation Bain Capital, LLC and Friends Richard and Joanne Spillane Emmanuel College Walter and June Downey Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Berthiaume Staples, Inc. Eversource Energy EMC Corporation Mr. David J. Breazzano The TJX Companies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fish; Suffolk Gerstner Family Foundation Cashin Family Fund The Kelly Family Foundation Thomas and Mariana Duncan Class Underwriters Construction Company, Inc. Jim and Lisa Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Edgerley $25,000-$49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski Fidelity Investments Brian and Armanda Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Rogers Mr. Roberto Goizueta AFLAC Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hooley Fergus and Jill Shiel John and Jill Hayes Alice E Cronin Charitable Trust The Holly and Bruce Johnstone Brendan and Kerry Swords Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Henken Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Allen Charitable Gift Fund The Flatley Foundation Hill Holliday Advertising Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jordan The John and Mary Corcoran Family Hunt Street Fund Anthony Athanas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kaneb Foundation James M. Stoneman Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Barnes Howard and Michele Kessler Lynch Family and The Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bekenstein Mr. Seth Klarman Foundation Fund BlackRock Financial Management, Michael A. Krupka and Dr. Anne C. Charlotte and Herbert Wagner Roger P. Joseph, Esq. and Patrica Yawkey Foundation Palmer Joseph Inc. Kubik Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Kelley BNY Mellon Mark, Becky, Samantha Levin“ MANY OF MY VALUES MAY NOT Mr. Robert K. Kraft Boston College Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lockwood HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED WITHOUT Liberty Mutual Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bousa Carl J. Martignetti THE HELP FROM BELLESINI AND Liberty Mutual Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Krishan Canekerantne J. Brian McCarthy - Kelly’s Roast YOUR SPONSORSHIP Loomis Sayles & Company, L.P. and Capital Growth Management L.P. Paul and Margaret Chisholm Beef Inc. Nicholas, Saint Johns Prep Friends Charles and Gloria Clough JoAnn McGrath Mr. and Dr. Brendan McCarthy Margot C. Connell, Connell Limited Ms. Cathy Minehan & E. Gerald Mr. Brian Moynihan and Ms. Sue Partnership Corrigan Berry Peoples Federal Charitable Foundation, Inc.
18 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016“ I LOVE COMING TO THIS SCHOOL Waters Corporation Cammarata Family Foundation Nancy and RJ Dourney BECAUSE I LOVE KNOWING THAT Mr. and Ms. Joseph Wickwire Ms. Tracy A. Campion and Mr. John and Kathleen Drew I’M GOING TO LEARN SOMETHING Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation NEW EVERY SINGLE DAY Scholars’ Council Bernard E. Greene, Jr. Eaton Vance Management, Inc. $10,000-$24,999 Mr. John H. Carlson William Ebsworth and Anandi Pablo, Bellesini Academy Century Bank and Trust Company Abiomed Inc Pamela Dippel Choney and Jeffrey Pratap Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Popeo, Esq. Alli and Bill Achtmeyer Mr. and Mrs. William P. Egan Putnam Investments and Friends Jane G. and Steven P. Akin A. Choney Mr. and Mrs. C. Herbert Emilson Red Sox Foundation Samuel and Nancy Altschuler Mr. Paul Ciampa Ernst & Young LLP Mr. Robert Riley Analogic Corporation John and Stephanie Connaughton Fidelity Institutional Asset Saint Charles Preparatory School Anonymous (8) Richard and Ann Marie Connolly The William E. and Bertha E. Mr. Timothy J. Barberich and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Connors, Jr. Management Schrafft Charitable Trust Tom Corra and Dara Concagh Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Eileen C. Shapiro and Ben E. Eaves Eileen P. Gebrian Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. Fidelity National Information Mr. Eric Slifka Barclays Capital David and Victoria Croll Mr. Brian Spector Mr. and Mrs. James M. Benson Steve Cucchiaro Services, Inc. State Street Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bertelson Jack and Pam Cumming Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer State Street Foundation, Inc. The Eric and Marianne Billings Robert Cunjak and Susan Dunn Frajomian Trust Teradyne, Inc. Jim and Shirley Curvey Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Francis The American Ireland Fund Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Andrew Danoff Gabrieli Family Foundation The Carney Family Foundation Birmingham Foundation Deloitte & Touche USA LLP and Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Gallagher Michael Treacy Black Knight Financial Services The Cedar Street Foundation Joseph M. Tucci Bloomberg Friends The Grandchildren of Margaret Mr. Jeff Ubben Geoff and Rene Boisi DePrisco Diamond Jewelers & Co.’s, Rose-Marie and Eyk van Otterloo Boston Scientific Corporation ‘Peg’ Geraghty Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vinik Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Boulanger Inc. Gerondelis Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Walter Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Midge and Tom DeSimone Rita and Kevin Gill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brownell Tim and Debb Diggins Mr. and Mrs. David Glancy Mr. and Mrs. William L. Byrnes John & Patricia Hunt Dirlum Dr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Goldberg CA Technologies Mr. and Mrs. David W. Donahue Charles and Christine Grant James and Letetia Callinan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Donahue, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Greenberg Grill 23 & Bar Jr. Ann and Graham Gund Sarah and Walter Donovan
19 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016 Annual Donor Roll FY 2016Bruce and Patricia Herring Ms Kathleen Murphy Mr. Gerald SchusterThe High Pointe Foundation Thomas S. Murphy David and Marie Louise ScudderTimothy T. Hilton, Esq. Mr. David Mussafer Mr. and Mrs. Niraj ShahKenneth and Janet Himmel Garrett Nagle & Co., Inc. Peter and Maria SmailTed Hoff and Kathleen O’Connell Nellie Mae Education Foundation Stephanie H. and David A. Spina Brian and Mary Jo Hogan Nu Skin Force For Good FoundationJ. Calnan & Associates, Inc. Jack and Terry O’Connor Family FoundationJerome J. and Julia A. Jacobs Old Neighborhood Foods Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens John Hancock Financial Services Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. O’NeillGary and Diane R. Kaneb Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Pagliuca FoundationMr. and Mrs. Stephen Knightly Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pappendick Paul and Ulla SullivanJonathan and Jeanne Lavine Parthenon EY Belinda and Henri Termeer Family Thomas H. Lee and Ann Tenenbaum Partners Healthcare System, Inc.Sherry and Alan Leventhal George McCabe/Portolan Capital FoundationMr. and Mrs. Matt Levin Mr. and Mrs. William J. TeuberRonald E. Logue and Kathleen M. Managment The Joan and Leo Mahoney Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank Previte McGillycuddy Prince Lobel Tye LLP FoundationMr. Caleb Loring, III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rakers The Sidney A. Swensrud FoundationMr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mannion Mr. and Mrs. John J. Regan The William E. Simon FoundationPaul and Peg Marrkand Mr. John F. Remondi Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Marijn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. May Mr. William McKee and Ms. E. Dekkers, President and CEOAndy and Linda McLane Margaret Reynolds Joel C. TillinghastMr. Michael Minogue Mrs. Barbara Roche Mr. Patrick VenaaziRich and Helene Monaghan Mrs. Eileen P. S. Roche James and Margaret WadeMr. and Mrs. Paul M. Montrone Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Roche, Jr. Matt and Susan WeatherbieMorgan Lewis and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Ruddy Tobias and Kristin WeloMr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison Paul and Mary Beth Sandman Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Morrissey Ron and Jill Sargent Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R.Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Murphy III Elise SchaeferMr. and Mrs. John V. Murphy Reed Schiess Lovett
20 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016Student Patrons Mr. Stuart E. Davies LoJack Corporation Ms. Laura Sen$5,000-$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeSantis Gary Loveman and Harrah’s R. J. Devereaux Corp.Anonymous (2) Marilyn and Gerard Doherty EntertainmentMr. and Mrs. John G. Balboni Frank and Donna Doyle Linda H. Lynch and Kevin P. Robert L. Beal Wendy and David EllisonMartin L. Berman T. J. and Shelia Fitzgerald JohnsonBJ’s Wholesale Club Mr. Lawrence Foley Thomas and Regina MannixBlue Hills Bank Daniel and RoseMary Fuss Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. MarescaMr. Edward Bond, Jr. Kris and Rick Ganong Massachusetts General HospitalThe Boston Foundation Scott A. Gieselman MA State Council Knights ofBoston University Gilbane Building CompanyMrs. Barbara N. Breck Mike and Terri Gilroy ColumbusDawn and Gary Burkhead Mr. and Mrs. James Green McCabe Family FoundationBushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. James M. Harmon Carol M. MeyrowitzCampbell Hall Charity Fund Mr. Jimmy Haslam Michael E. Mooney, Esq.David and Kathleen Calabro Mr. Thomas C. Hense and Ms. David G. MugarCanaccord Genuity Inc. and Friends Sharon L. Stade The Grandchildren of FlorenceCassidy Turley FHO Mr. Arnold HiattIrwin and Roberta Chafetz Nicole and Thomas Hynes MurrayMr. and Mrs. Miceal G. Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ix Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell John F. Kennedy Library Foundation Mr. Kevin O’Leary Jr. John and Marilyn Keane Palisade Capital Management,Colliers International Rick and Nancy KelleherMr. Ryan Connolly Daniel K. Kingsbury and Caitriona L.L.C.Karen and Brian Conway Steven and Adrienne PrincipeHoward E. Cox, Greylock Ni Dhuchon Marc A. ReardonDavid and Janet Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kobrick Dr. Gary and Dr. Sylvia ReiserMichael F. and Marian Cronin Christine & John Komola Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy P. RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Ravi Dabas KPMG LLP and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Steven RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Ralph Dangelmaier Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lack Roche Brothers Supermarkets Don Rodman Cathy and Tom Ryan Lewis and Ali Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sassine
21 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016 Annual Donor Roll FY 2016Roger and Kristin Servison Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Antico Ian Gutterman Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael SandersTom & Mary Shields & Shields Assumption College Mr. Lionel Harris Toby R. Serkin, Esq.Health Care Group Bank of Canton Kevin P. Harron and Kimberlee A. Shawmut Woodworking and SupplyDr. Robert J. Shillman - Cognex Dr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Barish Binkley and Paula Shorts, Muddy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blanchard Brown Pond Trust Fund Corporation The Bodman Foundation Herald Media, Inc. Dr. Jay A. Stein and Mrs. GretchenMr. Peter Sidoti Kerry M. Bowen Joseph and Margaret Hunt Fox SteinMr. and Mrs. Brad Singer Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boyle Mr. Lawrence Hyde Vicki and Ralph TateStonehill College Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bradley Jane and Fred Jamieson Craig and Kay TateronisDr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweetland Kevin and Julie Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. James J. Judge Mr. Timothy TullyNick Thakore Ronald and Ronni Casty Mrs. Madeline Keating Peter and Susan ZottoThe AMG Foundation Michael and Melanie Cataldo Rev. Msgr. Francis H. KelleyThe Barbara and Patrick Roche Catholic Schools Foundation, Inc. J. Frank Keohane MentorsCenter-Boston College Clough Capital Partners, LP John and Maureen King $1,000-$2,499Tom and Karen Tierney Rory J. and Charlotte C. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LuckiMrs. Kristine Trustey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cramer George P. Mair, Esq. Anonymous (3)W. B. Mason Cresa Boston Tim McBride, Bessemer Trust Harold & Linda Schwartz / Anti- WCVB-TV/DT, Channel 5 Boston Mr. Jon Davis McCall & Almy, Inc.Vila B. Webber Trust DeJesus Family Charitable Richard P. McCoy Defamation LeagueRoberta & Stephen R. Weiner Maryanne Spillane McInturf David H. BadeauTom and Celeste Wolfe Foundation, Inc. McKinsey & Company Mr. Steven Berman George and Susan Domolky Mr. Anthony Nader Michael J. and Ann M. BevilacquaStudent Benefactor The Donovan Family Foundation Laurence P. Naughton Mr. and Mrs. David C. Boch$2,500-$4,999 Richard R. and Karen A. Dubois New England Province of Jesuits Boston Advocates for Catholic Arthur X. and Kathy Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. NoonanDonald-Bruce Abrams, Esq. and Frederick E. Ehrsam Victor and Jennifer Paci Education Roberta L. Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Elder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Peckham Boston Celtics Shamrock Mr. and Mrs. John V. Fantozzi Peg and Mike Reardon FoundationAnonymous Aubert J. Fay Charitable Fund Mr. Timothy Hartshorn and Ms. Roberto M. and Jennifer Braceras,Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Greenwood Cathy and Fred Grein Melissa Reilly Esq. Thomas F. and Katherine E. Ryan Rick and Nonnie Burnes
22 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016 Mr. and Ms. Kevin Calabro Mr. Larry Groipen Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Popeo Ms. Rossmary Calderon Robert F. Higgins Mr. Stephen Prone Dr. John Carey Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hovsepian Robert H. Quigley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cavarretta Insource Services, Inc. Blasdel A. Reardon Natalie B. Choate, Esq. Ms. Amy Iseppi Ms. Clare Rihcer John and Patricia Chory John and Corrinne Kelliher Mary L. and Richard A. Russo John J. Cullinane - Founder, Senator and Mrs. Paul G. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Shank Thomas and Margaret Lanahan Ms. Patricia Simboli Mr. and Mrs. William J. LaPoint Mr. Stephen Skinner John and Janet H. Damaske Mr. Christopher Lee Eric & Sharon Staudt Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan DeSimone Mr. Jason Lee Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tesconi Mr. and Mrs. James S. DiStasio Lesley University Ms. Kristina Valente Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan Kristiaan and Jillian Lokere Dennison and Stavra Veru Cynthia Lee Egan Richard C. Lord Josef H. von Rickenbach Enterprise Bank and Trust Company Lowell General Hospital Jane K. Williamson Mr. John Eriksen and Dr. Jennifer Rosemary and Jack MacKinnon Mr. Frank Wisneski Ms. Collen Mahoney Katz-Eriksen Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mattione Friends Susan and Jeffrey Esper Henry and Allison McCance Up to $999 Ms. Kathryn Everett Ms. Christine McConnell Frank A. Facella, DDS Mr. Robert Milling Ms. Megan Adzima FACTS Management Company Mr. Curt Morley Ms. Barbara Ahern Michael Corrado FGS, Inc. Mr. John Nolan Ms. Maura Anderson Fish Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. O’Brien Anonymous Daniel L. Fitzgerald Mr. Thomas N. O’Brien Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Donnell Anonymous Dr. Peter Folan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.P. O’Donnell Mr. Matthew Applebaum Curtis E. Gannon, Esq. and Jinney S. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Leary Mr. Asif Mahmood and Mrs. Naila Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Neill Smith Joseph H. Petrowski Asif Richard B. Gold and Corrine M. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gormley
23 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016 Annual Donor Roll FY 2016Ms. Gena F. Badin Mr. Christopher Carlin Ms. Patricia Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. HennesseyJesse Baker Mr. and Mrs. John Carney Mr. and Mrs. George Fantini Jordan Hershman and Diana K. William & Kelly Baker Ms. Janice Case Ms. Paula FieldsMs. Megan Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chiccarelli Douglas Finn LordMr. John Barros Judy and Jonathan Chiel Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Robert HildrethMr. Jon Bartholomew Mr. Gerald Cimmino Mr. Sean Foley Mr. Richard HornblowerThe Bay State Federal Savings Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coffin Rev. Thomas C. Foley Ms. Janice HoweCharitable Foundation John F. Cogan, Jr. Mr. Paul Fryling Mr. Yifei HuangRaymond and Barbara Beaulieu Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Coldren Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Barry N. HurwitzTom and Karin Beecher Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Concannon, III Hyannis Blanchard’s, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Berger Mr. Mark ConeenyMs. Jean Beriau Ms. Michelle Cordo “ BY YOUR GENEROUS GIFT TO OUR SCHOOL YOU AREMr. Frank Bianco Brian and Catrina Corey LIVING OUR SCHOOL MOTTO “SEE CHRIST IN OTHERS, BEMrs. Nancy J. Bigelow Ms. Christine Cudihy CHRIST FOR OTHERS”Bishop Fenwick High School, Mr. James Cunniff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curry Saint Catherine of Siena School Peabody Mr. Joseph CusacleMr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Bresnahan, Ms. Jennifer Daley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gaudette Ms. Sarah J. Jankowski Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Daley Mr. and Mrs. Louis Geremia Muffy and Peter Johannsen Jr. Julie DiFilippo Mr. John M. Gliatto David and Mary JohansonMs. Ciara Brinkmann Mr. Ryan Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Goldman Ed and Tricia JoyceMs. Laura Bruno Mr. Jonathan DiPaolo Mr. Jeffrey Gould Stephen JoyceMr. Michael Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Dmohowski Ms. Kara Hadge Mr. Richard P. JunghansMs Caroline Burke Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Doherty Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hamill Mr. and Mrs. David KeefeMr. and Ms. Kevin Burke Mr. Richard Dowd Mr. Rick Harrington Mr. Stephen KelleherMr. and Mrs. William L. Burke Mr. Bill Eagles Tom and Monica Healey Mr. and Mrs. William F. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Robert T. Burns Mr. Harry Ebbighausen Mr. Kyndal HenickePhilip M. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Jason EllisMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Calapa Mr. and Mrs. David L. EngelMr. David Campbell Ms. Ellen FallonMr. and Mrs. Charles F. CanaliMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Carberry
24 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016Ms. Tara Kenney and Mr. Gay Ms. Dana McSherry Ms. Lindsay Polin Grassy Ms. Siobhan Mee Mr. Christopher Prone Mr. John A. Meuleman Ms. Maria RinconMs. Rebecca Klein Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Miklus Mrs. Gina RindfleischMr. Keven Kohlmorgen Ms. Kelly Morales Ms. Patricia RissmeyerMs. Stacey Kokoros Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Ms. Brittany RoblesMs. Beralda Kokoshi Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Morgan Mr. and Mrs. James Ronan, Esq.Elizabeth H. Lange Ms. Rachael Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John T. RonanMs. Keith Larson Ms, Karen Morris Catherine P. SabaitisMr. Phil Lembo Mr. Peter Mugford Saint Augustine School, AndoverMs. Karen Liu Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mugherini Ms. Patricia L. SantorellaMarci and Franz Loeber John and Julie Murphy Claire and Edward SaxeMr. and Mrs. Richard Lord Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murtaugh Mr. and Mrs. D. Peter SchnorrMs. Elisabeth Lubiak Katherine Clough Mr. Joseph SenierMs. Coleen Lynch Ms. Liane Nadeau Ms. Carolyn SheehanAttorney and Mrs. Herbert J. Lynch John and Maureen Nahill Mr. George SmithyDaniel G. Maier Mr. Daniel Narcisse Kathleen StanleyLouis J. Marett Ms. Stephanie Nearhos Mr. R. Newcomb StillwellPrudence Markos Neptune Web Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James C. StokesMr. and Mrs. Christopher Martin Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Nuccio Mr. Maurice H. Sullivan, IIIMartha Rice Martini, Esq. Mr. Handel Obas Mr. Michael SwansonMark Mathers Rev. Paul O’Brien Mr. Joseph F. SzymanskiMr. Andrew Mathison Brian O’Connor Richard A. and Donna V. ToelkeMs. Kathryn F. McCabe Mr. and Dr. Tim O’Donnell Mr. Albert TravagliniLucy and David McCarthy Ms. Kelli O’Donohue Mr. and Mrs. James TuiteWilliam and Nicole McCarthy O’Neill & Associates, Inc. Mr. Stephen UlianMr. Max McClaskie Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Peirce Mr. Christopher ValenteMr. Daniel McCormick Mr. Michael Petit Ms. Kayla ValenteRobert E. McDonnell, Esq. Ms. Ann Philbin Ms. Amanda VallimontRev. John P. McDonough Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pitts Mr. Matthew WalkerMr. Brian McSherry
25 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016 Annual Donor Roll FY 2016Mr. Edward Wallace Ms. Christine Lattin Ms. Alexandra Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Mark CanhaMr. Robert Walsh Paul and Elizabeth LeBlanc Ms. Margaret Stapleton Ms. Margherita Ciampa-CoyneMr. and Mrs. Sean T. Walsh Mr. Dan Lebowitz Lynda Sydney Jessica RaineriMs. Karen Wekstein Ms. Helen Li Mr. Andrew Tobin Dr. Philip T. CrottyMr. Timothy Welsh Mr. Anthony Limberis Mark A. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. DalyMr. and Ms. Jeffery Wenzel Mr. Paul F. Mahoney Msgr. Francis E. Walsh Mr. Brian DelaneyJohn and Mary Kay Wood Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. McAdams Ms. Hillary Laggis Mrs. Margaret L. DonaherMichael and Cheryle Young Mr. Stephen McAnena Mr. Thomas Tuttle Ms. Carol FlynnBrother Thomas Zoppo Ms. Marybeth McConaghy Ms. Tina Pare Mr. Joel GardinerJohn W. Deveney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McElroy Ms. Colleen Kenney Ms. Cristina GonzalezMary Ellen Doona Mr. and Mrs. John A. McNeice, Jr. Mr. Jack Zarkauskas Mr. Hugh GormanBernard and Rosemary Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. John McSherry Nancy K. Beaumont Ms. Patricia HallMr. Mike Gargano Mr. Matthew McSherry Ms. Jill CochranMr. Jeremy Gonsalves Ms. Mary Mullin Ms. Patricia Daley “ I PRAY THAT GOD GIVESEileen M. Guerin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nunan Mr. and Mrs. John L. Speredelozzi YOU BACK WHAT YOUMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hinton Colleen O’Hara Mr. James F. Bogue GAVE TO HELP MYMr. Edward Hudner Ms. Nancy O’Neill Mr. John Coronel FAMILYMs. Kimberly Hunter Sister Mary Omalley Mr. and Mrs. Peter MeggisonMr. Christopher Jantzen Mr. and Mrs. Nels A. Palm Ms. Ann M. Mulligan Caitlin, Blessed SacramentMs. Deborah Jencunas Ms. Tatiana Peralta Mr. Paul FilgutRobert H. Johnson Mr. John Petruney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Dinisco Mr. and Ms. Phillip JutrasMr. Donald Jones Mr. and Mrs. Sashank Prasad Mr. Matthew Keppel Ms. Geri MarshallMrs. Kristin King Mr. John Raffa Mr. Robert Konover Mr. Michael O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Richard T. Kircher Mr. Andrew Rosen Mr. John Logan Mr. William I. O’ConnellMr. Thomas Kolinski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan Mr. Robert E. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Cyril T. O’NeilMr. and Mrs. John F. Koza Susan A. Sanderson Mr. Marc MigliazzoKruger Optical, Inc. Mr. Bob Schilling Ms. Lily WuPeter Kuechle Shannon and Tom Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. AnnenMr. John Kwiatek Charles R. and Arlene A. Smith Ms. Jacquelyn BurkeMs. Laura L’Abbe Charles L. and Dayle B. Solomont Mr. and Mrs. John Burke
26 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Donor Roll Annual Report 2016 FY 2016Mr. Dave Olejnik Ms. Samantha Chidiac Rev. Edward GallagherElizabeth (Almeida) Pesce Mr. Timothy Churella Joseph N. and Regina E. GoodwinMr. Ashwein Rangel Ms. Lydia Ducharme Ms. Flora M. JoyceMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Senna Ms. Maria Valentina Fajardo John MaterazzoMs. Patricia Vieira Rev. Frederick R. McGowanMs. Christine Whitney Delgado Ms. Rita NooneMs. Kelsey Haslett Ms. Emily Gamble Ms. Jean SutherbyMr. and Mrs. Philip Bruno Ms. Erin Gildea Mr. Michael WilhelmMr. Zander Damp Ms. Lauren Mack Ms. Gina-Marie WoodMr. Rori Friedman Ms. Liza McBride Miss Claudia CellucciMs. Paula Mullin Ms. Channel Mejia Ms. Caitlin CorrieriMr. Tyler O’Brien Mr. Andrew Merriam Ms. Elizabeth GenoveseMr. James Pender Ms. Jenelle Nadeau Ms. MaryChristine KwiatekMs. Alexandra Ronning Ms. Kate Pappas Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. LawlorMs. Caroline Schoening Ms. Lesley Quinchia Mr. Keith R. SoucyMr. Tyler Smith Ms. Emma RyderMr. Steven Stagliano Mr. Greg Salvucci “ THE SCHOOL HAS GIVEN ME SOMs. Christine Tiberio Ms. Abigail Scholz MANY OPPORTUNITIES I NEVERMs. Cristina Vazzana Ms. Jessica Shubrook THOUGHT I WOULD GET THANKMr. Paul Vinzani Mr. Garret Stimpson YOU FOR MAKING IT POSSIBLE FORMr. Stephen Wright Ms. Paige Vargas MEMs. Katelyn Thompson Ms. Torey WeissMr. and Mrs. John F. Flaherty Mr. Matthew Wilder Manuel, Immaculate ConceptionDr. and Mrs. Norman C. Graudrault Ms. Alice YuanMr. kevin Wallace Suzanne ArchambaultMs. Joyce Ng Mr. and Mrs. Clark BoothMs. Jaclyn Bivins Shirley BorellaMs. Cara Burke Ms. Mary C. BurchillMs. Meghan Burns Mrs. Lynn ButlerMs. Laura Chew Ms. Megan Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dowling
27 Catholic Schools Foundation Gifts In Honor & Annual Report 2016 Gifts In MemoryGifts In Honor Gifts In MemoryClass Underwriters In Honor Of Scholars’ Council In Memory Of$25,000-$49,999 Peter Lynch Mr. Peter Lych's recent visit $10,000-$24,999 Carolyn LynchMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Allen Carolyn LynchSaint Charles Preparatory School In Honor Of Anonymous (2) Peter Lynch Mr. and Ms. Joseph Wickwire Carolyn LynchScholars' Council Aileen & Richard Schaefer$10,000-$24,999 Paul J. Birmingham Student Patron In Memory Of Deceased members of the MinahanThomas S. Murphy In Honor Of $5,000-$9,999 and Collins familyElise Schaefer Edward NaughtonPaul and Ulla Sullivan Dr. Gary and Dr. Sylvia Reiser In Memory Of In Honor Of Frances ChoryStudent Benefactor The McKean Family Student Benefactor Carolyn Lynch$2,500-$4,999 Roger P. Joseph, Esq. James F. Rossi $2,500-$4,999 In Memory OfLaurence P. Naughton Mr. Donald York Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Elder Donald F. YorkFriends Patricia J. BurqueUp to $900 Mentors Olivia Leisner Charles J. McElroyMs. Megan Barrett $1,000-$2,499 Thomas E. Nunan, Sr.Elizabeth H. Lange James MonahanKathleen Stanley John and Patricia Chory Roberta & Stephen R. Weiner Friends Up to $900 Ms. Christine Cudihy Kruger Optical, Inc. Ms. Laura L’Abbe Ms. Geri Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Peter McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nunan Ms. Christine Whitney
28 Catholic Schools Foundation Lifetime Annual Report 2016 Giving Lifetime Giving$10 Million + $1 Million +Carolyn A. and Peter S. Lynch and Anonymous (2)The Lynch Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Better Opportunities Scholarship Foundation$5 Million + The Catholic Foundation Margot C. Connell, Connell Limited PartnershipClaire and John Bertucci Walter and June DowneyJoAnn McGrath and Family In memory of Lois EgastiFrank and Eileen Ward EMC Corporation Liberty Mutual Foundation$2.5 Million + Raytheon Company Richard and Joanne SpillaneAnonymous Brendan and Kerry SwordsHighland Street Foundation The John and Mary Corcoran Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. John A. McNeice, Jr. William Randolph Hearst FoundationJim and Lisa Mooney Yawkey FoundationEileen and Buddy RocheThe Birmingham FoundationThe Flatley Foundation
29 Catholic Schools Foundation Timeline Of Annual Report 2016 Events 2016 TIMELINE 201527 20 01 16 01AUG OCT DEC MAR APR 14th Annual Back Peter Lynch Scholars 1st Annual Christmas 2nd Annual Corporate ICSF Corporate to School Cup Golf Mass at Our Lady Help for the Kids Cocktail Trivia Challenge hosted Volunteer Day 40 of Christians Parish in Party at Central Wharf. by Mike Rogers and State young professionals Tournament Newton, Séan Cardinal Street. $5,400 raised for volunteered at Saint at Walpole Country Club. O’Malley inducted the $4,200 raised for Patrick School in RoxburyMore than $75K raised for partnership with Horizons scholarships. and Saint John School in sixth class of Peter scholarships Lynch (PL) Scholars. For for Homeless Children the North End the 2015-2016 school year, CSF distributed over $346,264 to 182 PL Scholars in 57 schools
30 Catholic Schools Foundation Timeline Of Annual Report 2016 Events 2016OF EVENTS 2016 05 19 19 14 MAY MAY JUN APR ICSF Annual Bus Tour CSF Scholars Mass & School’s Out Summer at Saint John Paul Reception at Cathedral of the Celebration: More than 100 26th Annual ICSF II Catholic Academy, Holy Cross in the South End. Séan young professionals gatheredDinner Gala chaired by Cardinal O’Malley inducted the to celebrate another year of the Lower Mills Campus in sixth class of CSF Scholars. 104 ICSF. $30K was raised and Mike Brian Moynihan, CEO, Dorchester incoming freshmen joined 462 Swanson of Staples was honored Bank of America. A other scholars at 29 high schoolsrecord-breaking $3.2M in the Archdiocese of Boston. 147 as Volunteer of the Yearraised for scholarships graduating senior CSF Scholars were recognized as well
31 Catholic Schools Foundation 2016 Back To School Annual Report 2016 Golf Tournament Thank You to the 14th Annual Back to School Cup Golf Tournament SponsorsDinner Sponsor Pin Flag SponsorThe Holly and Bruce Johnstone Charitable BNY MelonFund Event ChairmenLunch Sponsor Matt Harvey Cresa BostonMA Knights of Columbus Hugh Gorman Prince Lobel TyeCocktail Hour Sponsor Event CommitteeDonovan Family Foundation Anthony Bissanti, Bain CapitalPrince Lobel Tye Stacey Kokoros, Staples, Inc. Matt Lombard, Assistant Golf ProfessionalBeverage Cart Sponsor at Andover Country ClubClough Capital Partners Robert Mullally, State Street CorportationCresa Boston Patrick Murtaugh, Robert W. Baird & Co. Patty Santorella, Clough Capital Partners, LPTee SponsorsDeloitteLongwood GroupBank of CantonState Street CorporationMr. and Mrs. Steven Principe
Special thanks to 32Saint Columbkille 1Partnership School.
33 Catholic Schools Foundation 1st Annual Christmas Annual Report 2016 For The Kids Cocktail Party Young Leaders Council State Street young professionals celebrate the ICSF Hosts 1st Annual Christmas for the Kids Cocktail Party Young Leaders raise money and awareness for partnership with Horizons for Homeless Children On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 the to raise money and awareness for Young Leaders Council hosted the the Inner-City Scholarship Fund’s first annual Christmas for the Kids Partnership with Horizon’s for cocktail party at Central Wharf in Homeless Children. Boston. The $4,000 raised funded supplemental Over 95 young professionals gathered programs such as summer camps, music lessons, and other important“ I ENJOY HAVING RELIGION programs that may not be included in CLASSES, PRAYING BEFORE basic tuition. SCHOOL AT MORNING ASSEMBLY, AND GOING TO Young Leaders Council President, Amy MASS AS A SCHOOL Iseppi discussed the success of the partnership between ICSF and Horizon’s Samantha for Homeless Children and urged the Franco American School young leaders in attendance to get involved by becoming a scholarship angel or volunteering their time. Thank you to the Young Leaders Council for making the first annual Christmas for the Kids party possible and thank you to all of the guests who attended.
34 Catholic Schools Foundation 1st Annual Christmas Annual Report 2016 For The Kids Cocktail Party “ MY SCHOOL HAS TOUCHED MY LIFE, BOTH IN MY EDUCATION AND FAITH, SO MUCH THAT ONE OF MY HOPES IS TO TEACH CHILDREN HERE Melani, Notre Dame
35 Catholic Schools Foundation 26th Annual Annual Report 2016 ICSF DinnerRecord Breaking $3.2 Million “ I am truly blessed to be hereRaised at 26th Annual ICSF to be able to say, 'ThankDinner you.' You have given me, and thousands of others likeOn Thursday, April 14th, ICSF hosted the Edmund “Ted” Kelly, Retired Chairman of me, the ability to follow my26th Annual Dinner Celebration. During the Liberty Mutual Insurance and the evening’s dreams and passions andevent, Chairman, Brian Moynihan, CEO of honoree, was presented with the Carolyn all I can say is, 'Thank you,Bank of America, announced an additional & Peter Lynch Award in recognition of thank you, thank you.$25K pledge along with a $25K pledge from his commitment to Catholic education inlast year’s chair, Karen Kaplan, Chairman the greater Boston community and his Jasselis Lopez,and CEO of Hill Holliday. He challenged all leadership as a member of CSF’s Executive dinner speaker, Fontbonnedinner guests to pledge additional support Council. Seán Cardinal O’Malley presented Academy Class of 2016to hit a record-breaking $3.2 Million the award to Kelly after paying tribute to fundraising target. Carolyn Lynch who passed away in October she began school at Massachusetts College of 2015. of Pharmacy and Health Sciences to pursue Thanks to Brian and Karen’s generosity and her dream of becoming a doctor. In her ownthe generosity of others who participated Student speaker Jasselis Lopez, a senior at words, “I am truly blessed to be here to bein the challenge, CSF reached $3.2 Million Fontbonne Academy in Milton, told guests able to say, 'Thank you.' You have given me,within one week of the dinner. Moynihan her story of Catholic education saving her and thousands of others like me, the abilityalso told a personal story saying, “I know academic career. Having been severely to follow my dreams and passions and allwhat Catholic education can do. It can have bullied in public school, Jasselis was I can say is, 'Thank you, thank you, thankan impact on a child. Fifty years ago, a young skipping school as a means of staying safe. you.”kid who was too small, a young kid who was With help from CSF’s Hispanic Recruitment 6 out of 8 kids, a young kid who wanted to Initiative, Jasselis received a scholarship to Save the Date: 27th Annual ICSFget out of his house, put his clothes on and attend Sacred Heart in Roslindale and later, Dinner Gala will take place onwalked down to St. Mary's in Ohio.” to Fontbonne Academy in Milton. This fall, Thursday, April 6, 2017.
36 Catholic Schools Foundation 26th Annual Annual Report 2016 ICSF Dinner A Word From Brian MoynihanDear Friends,I had the honor to serve as the 2016 of Pharmacy & Health Sciences to Peter Lynch, Seán Cardinal O’Malley, Jasmine Barrett of SJPIIDinner Chairman this past year. It pursue her dream of becoming a Neponset Campus, Ted Kelly, Brian Moynihan, and Mike Reardonwas a terrific event and thanks to doctor. during presentation of Carolyn & Peter Lynch Awardthe hard work of so many includingthe 2016 Dinner Committee, we Your support makes an extraordinary, Robert Kraft and Joe Tucci visit “Deflategate” sciencewere able to raise $3.2 million for clear impact on the lives of students presentation by Ben Goodell of Saint Pius V School in Lynnthe Inner-City Scholarship Fund. in Greater Boston. Because of you, their futures are being transformed.Bank of America has had theprivilege to support the ICSF since It’s been an honor to serve as chairthe first dinner back in 1991. Since of the dinner committee. We lookthen, tens of thousands of Boston forward to seeing you at the 27tharea students and families have Annual Dinner on April 6, 2017.benefitted from this important program. Sincerely,The stories we heard from Brian Moynihanscholars like Jasselis Lopez show Chief Executive Officerthe important role the ICSF plays Bank of Americain empowering education. Since Dinner Chairmanreceiving a scholarship through CSF’sHispanic Recruitment Initiative, she has graduated with honors andstarted at Massachusetts College
37 Catholic Schools Foundation 26th Annual Annual Report 2016 Dinner Donor Roll26th Annual ICSF Dinner Donor RollDistrict Underwriters Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Donahue,$100,000 + Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Soviero Peoples Federal Charitable Jr. Richard and Joanne SpillaneBank of America Charitable Staples, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Nancy and RJ Dourney Foundation Brendan and Kerry Swords Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Popeo, Esq. John and Kathleen Drew The TJX Companies, Inc. Putnam Investments and Friends Eastern Bank Charitable FoundationWalter and June Downey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi Eaton Vance Management, Inc.EMC Corporation Class Underwriters Mr. Eric Slifka Ernst & Young LLPFriends at Bain $25,000-$49,999 State Street Corporation Fidelity Institutional AssetJim and Lisa Mooney The American Ireland FundLynch Family and The Lynch BlackRock Financial Management, The Carney Family Foundation Management Inc. Joseph M. Tucci Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Francis Foundation Yawkey Foundation Gabrieli Family FoundationThe Kelly Family Foundation BNY Mellon The Grandchildren of Margaret Charles and Gloria Clough Scholars’ CouncilSchool Underwriters Margot C. Connell, Connell Limited $10,000-$24,999 ‘Peg’ Geraghty$50,000-$99,999 Charles and Christine Grant Partnership Alli and Bill Achtmeyer Ted Hoff and Kathleen O’ConnellMichelle and Bob Atchinson Mr. Daniel DiBartolomeo/Northfield Barclays Capital J. Calnan & Associates, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Edgerley Boston College John Hancock Financial ServicesFidelity Investments Information Services Boston Scientific Corporation Mr. Stephen KnightlyMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Henken Emmanuel College Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.Hill Holliday Advertising Eversource Energy Mr. and Mrs. William L. Byrnes “ THIS IS AN OPPORTMr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fish; Suffolk Mr. and Mrs. Krishan Canekerantne ME FOR A LIFETIMMr. Robert K. Kraft Construction Company, Inc. Century Bank and Trust CompanyLiberty Mutual Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hooley Richard and Ann Marie Connolly James , Malden CatholicLoomis Sayles & Company, L.P. and The Holly and Bruce Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Connors, Jr. Charitable Gift Fund Steve Cucchiaro Friends Mr. Seth Klarman Jim and Shirley CurveyMr. Brian Moynihan and Ms. Sue Michael A. Krupka and Dr. Anne C. Deloitte & Touche USA LLP and Berry Kubik FriendsGillian and Stephen Petersen Carl J. MartignettiPricewaterhouseCoopers LLP JoAnn McGrathMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds
38 Catholic Schools Foundation 26th Annual Annual Report 2016 Dinner Donor Roll Sherry and Alan Leventhal Mr. William McKee and Ms. Marilyn and Gerard Doherty Stonehill College Ronald E. Logue and Kathleen M. Margaret Reynolds Mr. Lawrence Foley The AMG Foundation Mrs. Barbara Roche Gilbane Building Company The Barbara and Patrick Roche McGillycuddy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Roche, Jr. Mike and Terri Gilroy Center-Boston College Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Mannion Ron and Jill Sargent Mr. and Mrs. James Green W. B. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. May Reed Schiess James M. Harmon WCVB-TV/DT, Channel 5 Boston Ms. Cathy Minehan & E. Gerald Mr. Gerald Schuster Mr. Jimmy Haslam Mr. and Mrs. Niraj Shah John F. Kennedy Library Foundation Student Benefactor Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Teuber Rick and Nancy Kelleher $2,500-$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Montrone Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Marijn Howard and Michele Kessler Morgan Lewis and Friends E. Dekkers, President and CEO KPMG LLP and Friends Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Murphy III Mark, Becky, Samantha Levin Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Antico Mr. and Mrs. John V. Murphy Student Patrons LoJack Corporation Assumption College Mr. David Mussafer $5,000-$9,999 Thomas and Regina Mannix Mr. Jon Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Maresca Herald Media, Inc. Partners Healthcare System, Inc. Martin L. Berman Massachusetts General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. James J. Judge George McCabe/Portolan Capital BJ’s Wholesale Club MA State Council Knights of Rev. Msgr. Francis H. Kelley Blue Hills Bank Tim McBride, Bessemer Trust Managment Mr. Edward Bond, Jr. Columbus New England Province of Jesuits Mr. and Mrs. Frank Previte The Boston Foundation Jack and Terry O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Sanders Mr. John F. Remondi Canaccord Genuity Inc. and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell Peg and Mike Reardon Cassidy Turley FHO Palisade Capital Management, TUNITY THAT WILL IMPACT Mr. and Mrs. Miceal G. Chamberlain, Mentors L.L.C. $1,000-$2,499ME Jr. Prince Lobel Tye LLP Paul and Margaret Chisholm Steven and Adrienne Principe Harold & Linda Schwartz / Anti- c High School Colliers International Paul and Mary Beth Sandman Defamation League Mr. Ryan Connolly Ms. Laura Sen Mr. and Ms. Kevin Calabro Robert Cunjak and Susan Dunn Tom & Mary Shields & Shields FACTS Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dangelmaier Health Care Group R. J. Devereaux Corp. Dr. Robert J. Shillman - Cognex Corporation
39 Catholic Schools Foundation 26th Annual Annual Report 2016 Dinner Donor Roll 26th Annual ICSF Dinner Donor RollDr. Peter Folan Ms. Keith Larson Ms. Elizabeth Genovese Ms. Ann M. MulliganInsource Services, Inc. Mr. Phil Lembo Mr. Jeremy Gonsalves Mr. Patrick F. Murtaugh and Ms.John and Corrinne Kelliher Ms. Kelly Morales Ms. Kara HadgeMr. Curt Morley Rev. Paul O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hamill Katherine CloughMr. John Nolan Mr. Thomas N. O’Brien Mr. Kyndal Henicke Ms. Liane NadeauMr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Donnell O’Neill & Associates, Inc. Mr. Richard Hornblower Ms. Stephanie NearhosMr. and Mrs. Frank O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Peirce Mr. Yifei Huang Mr. Tyler O’BrienMr. Kevin O’Leary Ms. Ann Philbin Ms. Kimberly Hunter Ms. Kelli O’DonohueJoseph H. Petrowski Mr. George Smithy Ms. Amy Iseppi Mr. James PenderMr. and Mrs. Steven V. Popeo Mr. Christopher Jantzen Mr. and Mrs. Sashank PrasadMr. Stephen Prone YL $20-$500 Mr. Donald Jones Mr. Christopher ProneMs. Clare Rihcer Ms. MaryChristine Kwiatek Ms. Patricia RissmeyerMary L. and Richard A. Russo Mr. John Barros Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kennedy Ms. Alexandra RonningMr. Stephen Skinner Mr. Jeff Bauer Mrs. Kristin King Mr. Andrew RosenMs. Kristina Valente Ms. Laura Bruno Ms. Rebecca Klein Mr. Bob Schilling Mr. Michael Buckley Mr. Keven Kohlmorgen Ms. Caroline SchoeningIndividual Ticket Ms. Rossmary Calderon Ms. Stacey Kokoros Mr. Tyler Smith$500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Coldren Mr. John Kwiatek Mr. Steven Stagliano Ms. Michelle Cordo Ms. Laura L’Abbe Ms. Christine TiberioMs. Maura Anderson Mr. John Coronel Ms. Karen Liu Mr. Andrew TobinWilliam & Kelly Baker Ms. Caitlin Corrieri Ms. Coleen Lynch Mr. Stephen UlianMr. and Mrs. John G. Balboni Dr. Philip T. Crotty Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Martin Mr. Christopher ValenteDavid and Kathleen Calabro Mr. Zander Damp Mr. Stephen McAnena Ms. Cristina VazzanaMr. Mark Coneeny Mr. Jonathan DiPaolo Mr. Max McClaskie Mr. Paul VinzaniMr. Joseph Cusacle Mrs. Margaret L. Donaher Mr. Brian McSherry Mr. Edward WallaceMr. Jeffrey Gould Mr. Sean Foley Ms. Dana McSherry Mr. Kevin WallaceMr. Rick Harrington Rev. Thomas C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. John McSherry Mr. Robert WalshMr. and Mrs. David Keefe Mr. Rori Friedman Mr. Matthew McSherry Mr. Stephen WrightDaniel K. Kingsbury and Caitriona Mr. Mike Gargano Mr. Andrew Merriam Mr. Peter Mugford Ni Dhuchon
40 Catholic Schools Foundation 26th Annual Annual Report 2016 ICSF Dinner Supporters of the ICSF Young Leaders Bank of America BNY Mellon Crohn’s and Colitis Foundaton of America DigitasLBi Hill Holliday Knighthead Annuity Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC Ned Divine Research PricewaterhouseCoopers Prince Lobel Tye LLP Putnam Investments R.W. Baird & Co. Saint Augustine School S&P Capital IQ Staples, Inc. State Street Corporation
41 Catholic Schools Foundation Schools Out Annual Report 2016 Summer CelebrationYoung Professionals Celebrate the ICSF atThe School’s Out Summer Celebration On Thursday, June 9, 2016 the annual Mike Swanson of Staples Inc., a founding leader dinner committee for 3 years, which School’s Out Summer Celebration was member of the Young Leaders Council, was has raised over $100K each year. held in the 4th floor atrium of the John honored with the Volunteer of the Year Award Hancock Financial Building in Boston. for his tremendous dedication to our work and After accepting the award Mike shared why Over 95 young professionals gathered to furthering our corporate partnership with he got involved with ICSF, “By attending to raise $30,000 for the ICSF. The Staples Inc. Mike joined the young leaders back volunteering events at the schools and event featured a silent auction, hors in 2014 and has been a member of the young getting to meet the kids first hand who d’oeuvres, and live music. benefit from all the great programs of the Inner-City Scholarship Fund, it was“ SINCE WE HAVE SUCH A clear to me from the very beginning that GREAT FAMILY LIKE YOU, this was an organization I wanted to WE CAN RECEIVE SUCH support.” A GREAT EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE Thank you to the wonderful student volunteers from South Boston Catholic Vito, Academy who greeted guests at the event, Saint Augustine School and thank you to the sponsors who made this year’s summer celebration possible. Your generosity gives us a reason to celebrate each year. Mike Reardon honors Mike Swanson of Staples with Volunteer of the Year Award
42 Catholic Schools Foundation Schools Out Annual Report 2016 Summer Celebration Young professionals from PwC celebrate their Many Thanks to Our partnership with the ICSF Sponsors Over 100 young professionals raised $30K for scholarships Underwriters Patron James F. Mooney Arthur X. Duffy Staples Incorporated Thomas Goematt Benefactors Mentors Deloitte Gena Farene Badin Richard J. Henken Richard V. Coffin Daniel P Doherty Friends Franz Griffith Loeber Lindsay M. Polin Jon Batholomew Karen G. Wekstein Ciara Brinkmann Janice Lajaun Case Caitlyn Mosher Ellis Jason Ellis Paula K. Fields Richard Boyt Hornblower Amy N. Iseppi Karen Morris Nuala M. Wenzel
43 Catholic Schools Foundation 2016 Young Leaders Annual Report 2016 Council 2016 Young Leaders CouncilIn April of 2015, the ICSF Young Leaders Program The 2015-2016 ICSF Young Leaders Councilestablished a Young Leaders Council. The councilacts as the guiding force for the ICSF Young Leaders Chair Social ChairProgram and provides continuity in programming, Amy Iseppi, State Street Corporation Stacey Kenneally, Chrons And Colitisfundraising and events. Foundation of Massachusetts Program Development ChairThey also support the ICSF staff in engaging young Patrick Murtaugh, Morningstar Event Co-Chairsprofessionals in Boston. The council meets quarterly Rosemary Calderon, State Street Corporationand is comprised of eight young professionals that Communications Chair Maria-Maria Calderon, BNY Mellonstand out as leaders in their organizations and have Liane Nadeau, DigitasLBi Mike Swanson, Staples Inc.shown passion, dedication, and strong leadership Kristina Valente, State Street Corporationability in their service to the ICSF. Jackie Burke, Morgan, Lewis, & Bockious2016 ICSF Young Leaders Council
44 Catholic Schools Foundation 2016 Board Of Annual Report 2016 Trustees 2016 Board of Trustees Seán Cardinal O’Malley Peter. S Lynch William S. Mosakowski Richard J. Henken James F. Mooney Jr. Brian J. GallagherArchbishop of Boston Chairman President Emeritus President Clerk Vice President TreasurerPaul J. Birmingham Miceal G. Chamberlain Robert N. Cunjak R. J. Dourney Kathryn M. Everett Msgr. Francis H. KelleyChristine T. Komola Jack D. O’Connor Steven R. Principe John J. Regan Esq. John J. Remondi Michael F. Rogers Not Pictured: John Eriksen, Brendan P. McCarthyNatalie B. Sanders Eileen C. Shapiro Craig M. Tateronis Timothy M. Tully, Jr.
45 Catholic Schools Foundation 2016 CSF Annual Report 2016 Executive Council CSF Executive CouncilMr. Peter S. Lynch Anne M. Finucane Michael R. MinogueChairman Emeritus Lawrence K. Fish Garrett J. Nagle David G. Fubini Stephen G. PagliucaThomas W. Mannix Graham Gund Robert L. ReynoldsMr. Stephen R. Petersen John P. Hamill Brian G. RothwellCo-Chairs Kenneth A. Himmel Michael A. Ruane Ronald A. Homer Paul W. SandmanAnthony S. Athanas, Jr. Thomas J. Hynes, Jr. Ronald L. SargentJames M. Benson C. Bruce Johnstone Harold W. SchwartzWilliam L. Byrnes Roger P. Joseph, Esq. Roger T. ServisonBernard Cammarata John A. Kaneb Dr. Robert J. ShillmanTracy A. Campion Edmund F. Kelly David A. SpinaPaul W. Chisholm Robert K. Kraft Paul D. SullivanRichard F. Connolly, Jr. Paul A. LaCamera Brendan J. SwordsJohn M. Connors Stephen J. Lockwood Thomas J. TierneyTodd C. Cozzens John H. MacKinnon Michael E. TreacyJohn J. Cullinane John J. Mahoney Joseph M. TucciC. Michael Daley Carl J. Martignetti Eyk A. van OtterlooDonna M. DePrisco Thomas J. May Robert D. WalterDaniel diBartolomeo John B. McCarthyRichard R. Dubois John A. McNeice, Jr.Bill Fine
46 Catholic Schools Foundation Annual Do2no0r16RoCllSF Annual Report 2016 FY 20S1t6aff CSF Staff Mike Reardon Executive Director Megan Adzima Allocations & Partnerships Director Naila Asif Data Manager Sue Gartside Administrative Assistant & Office Manager Hillary Laggis Director of Corporate Partnerships Chris Lattin Allocations & Partnerships Associate Gina Rindfleisch Director of Development Kate Rota Development Associate