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Description: St Barnabas Church Bulletin: October 16, 2016

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Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 ST. BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH 3955 Orange Avenue, Long Beach, California 90807 | (562) 424-8595 Website: | |MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the Catholic Community of St. Barnabas Parish, are a people formed by Christ,called in Baptism and united in the Eucharist; we continue the mission of the Church in the world through Prayer,Apostolic Works, Evangelization, and Christian Stewardship.”Rev. Antony J. Gaspar Ed.D. Proclaim, convince, Pastor reprimand, encourage through Rev. Joseph Dadiri all patience and teaching. Associate Pastor - 2 Timothy 4:2 Dn. Carlito de los Reyes Permanent Deacon PARISH OFFICE DEPENDING ON GOD “Getting by with a little help from(562) 424-8595 | Fax (562) 595-7875 our friends” is not an idea that began Emergency (562) 424-8596 with the Beatles. Certainly the idea Parish E-Mail: of “getting by with a little help from [email protected] God” goes back at least to the first reading today from Exodus. How we Melissa Ray | Olivia Baylen get that help, however, is the key to Elizabeth Davila this weekend’s scriptures. No matter how inadequate Moses OFFICE HOURS felt to the task God had given him, he persevered—even though heMonday-Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm needed help from the people around him. The Israelites especiallySaturday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm depended on God for freedom. The woman in the Gospel, desperate andSunday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm destitute, had no one to depend on, but still she would not give up. SheMASS TIMES could not afford to bribe the unscrupulous judge, but she pesteredSATURDAY 8:00 AM him into weariness until finally he(VIGIL) 5:00 PM met her demands. We sometimes need to turn to othersSUNDAY 7:30 AM SACRAMENTS to help us through difficult times;MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 AM but if we always turn to God, we 10:45 AM Confession won’t be disappointed, for our help, 12:30 PM the psalm assures us, is from the 5:30 PM 1st Friday of the month Lord. 8:00 AM Saturday Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM Infant Baptisms Happy are they who grieve not EUCHARISTIC for what they have not, but giveA D O R AT I O N / M A S S 4th Sunday of the month 2:30 pm thanks for what they do have. by prior registrationAdoration First 8:30 am - 7:00 pm -AnonymousFridayof the month Mass 7:30 pm WeddingsMOTHER OF PERPETUAL Please contact Priest 6 months priorHELP NOVENA/MASS Anointing of the SickWednesday Rosary 6:15 pm Please call the Parish Office(Novena after Mass) Mass 6:30 pm

Page 2 St. Barnabas Catholic Church October 16, 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ST. BARNABAS SCHOOL FINANCIAL REPORT & CONFIRMATION (562) 424-7476 Fax (562) 981-3351 Last Sunday’s Collection: (562) 988-6855 3980 Marron Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807 $12,452.181130 Marshall Place, Long Beach, CA 90807 Email: [email protected] (Office located upstairs of Parish Center) Principal: Jennifer Kellam Thank you for your prayerful giving. Website: Your generosity supports the Email: [email protected] operations of our Parish Community. MINISTRY DIRECTORYADORATION COORDINATORS Charito Salas: (562) 490-9853 PARISH REGISTRAR Myra Magbitang: (562) 749-0785 “Active” membership at a ParishALTAR SERVERS Stephanie Herrera: (562) 981-2771 enables a person to be eligible to sponsor a child for Baptism, to receiveBULLETIN TEAM/SOCIAL MEDIA/WEBSITE Joyce Kaiser: (562) 988-6855 financial aid for Catholic Education, to be married in the Parish and to prepareCENACLE MARIAN MOVEMENT Annie Pallivathukal: (562) 492-9587 one’s children for the Sacraments. To be an “active” member is to participateCOUPLES FOR CHRIST Roy/Faye Rivera: (562) 424-5366 in the life of prayer and stewardship in the Parish. All adults over the age ofCURSILLO Matt Dobberpuhl: (562) 858-5394 21, living with their parents or on their own, must register in the Parish to beDIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE considered members. The use of the offering envelopes may also help you toEXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Samanth Christi: (562) 521-4040 Church qualify for tax incentives. ParticipatingOF HOLY COMMUNION Jim Supancheck: (562) 424-3599 in one or more of the ministries offered by the Parish is proof of the sharing ofFILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Dr. Gene Lowther: (562) 427-1386 time and talent for the greater good of our Church Community. So please pickFINANCE COUNCIL Jun Magbitang: (562) 426-2910 -up a free registration form at the Parish Office, or print one from our website atHOLY NAME SOCIETY Bob Frazier: (562) 843-5824 Stop by the Parish Office and we will be happy toINFANT BAPTISM Parish Office: (562) 424-8595 help you! Welcome to St. Barnabas!!!KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (Council #3449) Jun Tadique (562) 331-6156LANDSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION Robert Kalowes: (562) 225-1946LECTORS Marina Cuico: (562) 254-8133LEGION OF MARY Rosamma Michael: (562) 426-9509 ROSARY/DIVINE MERCYLITURGICAL MUSIC COORDINATOR Ella Lagos: (562) 313-6891 Please join us in reciting the Rosary every morningOUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Dn. Carlito de los Reyes: (562) 423-4140 (Monday through Saturday) at 7:35 amOUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE MINISTRY Tricia J: (303) 803-0287 before daily Mass. It is aPASTORAL COUNCIL Darrell Stewart: (562) 424-8982 beautiful and spiritual way to start your day. Every day following weekdayPEER MINISTRY Religious Ed Office: (562) 988-6855 Mass, we invite you to join usPLANNING & BUILDING TEAM Sean Farragher: (562) 533-6444 for the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. It starts about fivePROJECT ACHIEVE MINISTRY Michelle Gustilo-Smithson: minutes after Mass (around 8:35RCIA / ADULT SACRAMENTAL PREP Parish Office: (562) 424-8595 am). It can be the best fifteen minutes of the day. If you cannot join us, perhaps you can join the Divine MercyRESPECT LIFE Robert Kalowes: (562) 426-3781 on EWTN television channel at noon.SACRISTANS Geraldine Johnston: (562) 498-8187SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN & YOUTH Sandy Komine: (562) 833-7290 Take home some fun in God’s Word, grab a copy of “The Kids’STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Robert Kalowes: (562) 225-1946 Bulletin” after each Mass!USHERS & GREETERS Darrell Stewart: (562) 424-8982 COFFEE & DONUTS available after theWEDDING COORDINATOR Deb Ryan: (562) 209-2458 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:45 AMWELCOME HOME MINISTRY Lisa Johnson: (562) 760-8138 Masses at theCoffee & Donuts Karen Miller: (562) 756-4144 PARISH CENTER. Come stop by!WORSHIP ENVIRONMENT/EVENT DECOR Michelle Feiner: (562) 208-7310 Follow us on Twitter: @stbarnabaslbc“Like” us on Facebook! #stbarnabaslb

October 16, 2016 St. Barnabas Catholic Church Page 3Mark Your Calendar Today’s Readings10/16 World Mission Sunday (special collection) First Reading — As long as Moses’ hands were kept10/17 RCIA 7p/Fireside Rm uplifted, Joshua and his men had the better part of the10/18 Peer Ministry 7p/Fireside Rm battle with Amalek (Exodus 17:8-13).10/18 Welcome Home Ministry Mtg 7p Psalm — Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven10/24 Project Achieve Mtg 7p/A-B Rm and earth (Psalm 121).10/24 Choir Leaders Mtg 7p/Music Rm Second Reading — Remain faithful; proclaim the word;10/29 Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to St. Anthony 10a-2p be persistent whether it is convenient or not10/31 All Saints Day (Vigil) & Halloween (2 Timothy 3:14 — 4:2).11/13 Tim Staples - guest speaker at St. Barnabas Gospel — God will secure the rights of the chosen who call out day and night (Luke 18:1-8). Weekly Mass Intentions The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,Monday, October 17th International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.8:00 am- +Andres Aguinaldo; Erin Sheldon; +VirgilioMendoza Readings For The WeekTuesday, October 18th8:00 am- Finance Council & Pastoral Council Members Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21Wednesday, October 19th Tuesday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;8:00 am- Jauregui Family6:30 pm- Roy Rivera Lk 10:1-9Thursday, October 20th Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-488:00 am- +Clarence Bevington Jr.; Intentions of Adriel Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;Cruz; Kamryn MarquezFriday, October 21st Lk 12:49-538:00 am- +Santiago Busa Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59Saturday, October 22nd Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-98:00 am- Cornerstone Crew Sunday: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23;5:00 pm- Rio Martinez & Family; +Charlene & +ShaneVentanilla 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14Sunday, October 23rd7:30 am- +Fidel Tengco; +Augusto Pasamonte; Robert & Saints & Special ObservancesPatricia Carambelas9:00 am- Intentions of St. Barnabas Parishioners; Sunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time;+Rogelio Fernandez Sukkot (Jewish Feast of Tabernacles)10:45 am- +Mary Butterworth; Benigno Monteverde; begins at sunsetRCIA Students12:30 pm- Darlo Santiago Dizon; Religious Ed Staff, Monday: St. Ignatius of Antioch; National Boss DayStudents, Teachers, Volunteers & Peer Ministers Tuesday: St. Luke5:30 pm- Francis & Olivia Baylen Wednesday: Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and*Book your Mass Intentions in person, at the Parish Office. (+indicates deceased) Companions Thursday: St. Paul of the Cross Pray For The Sick Saturday: St. John Paul II;The following names have been recently added: Blessed Virgin MaryJorge Santos, Art Antes, Marjorie Smith, Dakotah Miller (D.C. 84) Luke wrote one of the major portions of the New Testament, a two-volume work comprising the third Gospel andAll are encouraged to pray for them and others already included Acts of the Apostles. In the two books hein the Prayer Intention Book, which will be presented at each shows the parallel between the life ofMass. Call the Office to be added to the Bulletin list. You may Christ and that of the Church. He is thealso write your own prayer intentions in the Prayer Intention only Gentile Christian among the GospelBook that is available before each Saturday and Sunday Mass, writers. Tradition holds him to be a nativelocated on a stand at the main entrance of the Church. of Antioch, and Paul calls him “our beloved physician.” His Gospel was We Remember... probably written between 70 and 85 A.D.We Pray for and remember our parishioners who have died. www.franciscanmedia.orgDave Koegel 9/18 LaVonne Schafer 10/2Frances Gettler Adelina Zavala Visit our website to view current & previous bulletins at

Page 4 St. Barnabas Catholic Church October 16, 2016 Parish News Parish MinistriesWORLD MISSION SUNDAY: OCT. 22-23, 2016 WELCOME HOME MINISTRYYour ongoing support of the Society for the Propagation We serve Coffee & Donuts on Sunday mornings at theof the Faith is vital to the missionaries serving in 1,111 Parish Center. Volunteers and Parish Ministries are inviteddioceses throughout Asia, Africa, parts of Latin America to help one weekend per month. It’s a fun and easy way toand Europe, and on the Islands of the Pacific. Your meet our fellow Parishioners or showcase your group.generosity makes it possible for local priests, religious, Contact Lisa 562-760-8138 or Karen 562-756-4144.and catechists to reach out to communities, families and =========================================children in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to CORNERSTONE CREWthe darkest of circumstances. The Cornerstone Crew is looking for a few volunteers toThe World Mission Sunday celebration highlights the help once a week on weekdays for special projects andoutreach of local churches through priests, religious and miscellaneous repairs around the Church. MUST BElaity among the poor and marginalized half a world away. HANDY WITH TOOLS! Contact the Parish Office forLife-changing help is provided to mission churches in more info!territories covering =========================================more than half the STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE UPDATE!globe. Thank you for your patience regarding The LEGACYPlease return your BRICK PROJECT. There was a big delay that was beyondenvelopes during our Parish control. We have now received final approvalthe 2nd collection. to move forward! The bricks have all been engraved andYou may also turn delivered. We will begin construction at the Parish Hallthem into the soon!Parish Office. =========================================Thank your for PROJECT ACHIEVE MINISTRYyour generosity. Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 24th at 7pm, downstairs in the A/B Room at the Parish Center.Tim Staples at St. Barnabas All are welcome. For details, please contact Ministry Coordinator: Michelle Gustilo-Smithson, 310-344-7862.SAVE THE DATE! All Saints Day/All Souls DayTim Staples will be our guest speaker at St. Bar nabas onSunday, November 13, 2016, 3pm - 5pm in the chur ch. ALL SAINTS DAY [ VIGIL ] MON. OCT. 31ST 8am Mass: Regular schedule “Catholic Answers to Common Objections” 6:30pm Mass: We invite the childr en to come to MassTim Staples is Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at in their appropriate costumes. (Take-off masks duringCatholic Answers. Tim is a convert to Catholicism and a world- Mass) We will be handing out candy as they leave andrenowned speaker and radio host. He is also a frequent guest on sending them on their way for trick-or-treating in theEWTN. More details to be announced! neighborhood! Be safe and be cautious of suspicious candy. Happy Halloween! Memorial Plaques ========================================= ALL SAINTS DAY [ HOLY DAY ] TUES. NOV. 1STRemember your deceased loved ones by ordering a 3” x 8am Mass: Regular schedule3/4” memorial plaque to be placed in our “In 7pm Mass: Note: This is not a Vigil Mass for All SoulsMemoriam” Prayer Room in our chur ch. DayThe requested donation is $50.00. Masses for our beloved =========================================departed whose names are inscribed on the memorial ALL SOULS DAY [ HOLY DAY ] WED. NOV. 2NDplaques are offered once a month in our Parish Church. 8am Mass: Regular scheduleFill out an order form at the Parish Office or download 6:15pm Mass: Rosar yfrom our website, 6:30pm Mass: OLPH Novena 7pm Mass: Pr ocession with tea lights in*It takes about a month for engraving honor of our loved ones who have passed. Friendly Reminders “BLESSING OF THE MEMORIES” You are all invited to bring a photo of your loved ones, toPlease refrain from posting items on bulletin boards or hold up during the 7pm Mass, and have your photosplacing them in the pews and vestibule, without prior blessed.Office approval. Any items found without permission, willpromptly be removed. Thanks for your cooperation.Lost & Found items, please drop off at the Parish Office. Extraordinary Jubilee Holy Year Of Mercy: December 8, 2015 - November 20, 2016

October 16, 2016 St. Barnabas Catholic Church Page 5Safeguard The Children & Youth Religious Education NewsDID YOU KNOW? 1ST & 2ND YR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES:Avoid \"fixing\" and try to listen and understand Please remember to sign-in your Mass attendance into theSometimes adults may have a tendency to try and fix binder at the back of the church.problems that come up with their children. While theinstinct to help and the loving concern behind it is TINY TOTS, PRE-SCHOOL, KINDERunderstandable, it is not always the best course of action if We still have room for students in our Tiny Tots, Pre-the child is not learning something about how to handle a School, & Kinder Sundays classes, 8:45am - to whenproblem at least partly on their own. For some problems, Mass is out. Please call us at (562) 988-6855 or visit ourchildren just need a good listener; for others they need website for more info.guidance and help discerning how best to respond. Tryasking questions, encouraging solutions, and praying with PEER MINISTRY (Confirmed high school - youngand for the child. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article adults) We are having our next meeting Tuesday, October“Communication Tip No. 10: You Can’t Fix Them, But 18th at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm in the Parish Center, FiresideYou Can…” email [email protected] or call room. Open to new and returning Peers!213-637-7227.========================================= R.C.I.A. - Rite of Catholic Initiation for AdultsVIRTUS TRAINING Our RCIA Program offers an opportunity to comeVIRTUS® “Protecting God’s Children” is a three hour together in a small group to learn more about our faith &training for adults which teaches the five basic steps of for those adults wishing to receive the Sacraments ofchild sexual abuse prevention. This program is mandated Baptism, Confirmation, & Eucharist. Classes have alreadyfor all adults who work with or around children or youth begun! Please contact us ASAP to join!on a regular basis. Nearly 200,000 clergy, staff, volunteers We are seeking Parishioners to serve as sponsors for thisand parents have attended the program. For information coming year’s candidates & catechumens. For informationcall: (213) 637-7227. please contact the Church Office or Religious Education. Please Support Our Bulletin CATECHISTS BLESSING Our Catechists received a special blessing from Fr. We need more advertisers to support Antony last Sunday, October 9th at the 9am Mass. Please the printing of this bulletin. Please continue to pray for them this school year. contact: Jill Adair at (800) 321-0805 or Beth & Noli Figueroa, Nancy Vega, Virginia Leveque, email: [email protected]. Amanda Ramos, David Carreiro, Sandy Canout, Sarah Thank you to our current advertisers. Canout, Sandra Solis, Carol Torres, Jose Manso, Rachel & We encourage you, our parishioners, to Lonnie Pendilla, Tara Johnson, Annie Johnson, Sarah patronize our advertisers. Harlan, Annie Harlan, Marycruz Ochoa, Cynthia Carreiro, Carolina Boyd, Stephanie Boggs, Eric Arellano, Abel Congratulations To The Following: Gomez Jr., Phil Rener, Joyce Kaiser, and all of our wonderful Aides! Thank you for making our programsNEW/RE-REGISTERED PARISHIONERS: possible! May God bless you!Lot & Stephanie Ramirez, Joffrey & Jonie Lagadia, andtheir families Holy HumorWEDDING BANNS:Miguel & Diana Guzman When it was announced that his flight was delayed,Baron Covarrubias & Andrea Cervantes an irate monsignor by passed the long line at the ticketWEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: counter, screamed at the agent and demanded to be put onOrlando & Celine Gonzalez 10/6 (15 yrs) the next plane to his destination.Francis & Olivia Baylen 10/23 (6 yrs)Robert & Patricia Carambelas 10/23 (34 yrs) In a soft voice, the agent asked him to go to the endAbraham & Girlie Filoteo 10/28 (10 yrs) of the line, explaining that she would deal with him in turn. Celebrating your Wedding Anniversary? Email us (a month before date) with Names, year you’re In response, the monsignor banged his fists on the celebrating, along with your Wedding Anniversary date : counter and in a loud, belligerent voice asked, \"Do you know who I am?\" [email protected] Patiently, the agent picked up the microphone. \"We have a priest here who doesn't know who he is,\" she an- nounced. \"Is there anyone who can help him?\" OH, BROTHER! Belly Laughs for Good Humored Catholics By Brother Loughlan Sofield, ST Copyright © 2015 by Brother Loughlan Sofield, ST Together In Mission: Though We Are Many… We Are One.

Page 6 St. Barnabas Catholic Church October 16, 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage WHY A PILGRIMAGE TO ST. ANTHONY CHURCH?St. Barnabas Parish One of the central components of the Jubilee of Mercy isJubilee Year of Mercy that the Holy Doors throughout the world will be openedPilgrimage during this Jubilee year. When they are opened at the beginning of the year, \"the Holy Door will become a DoorOctober 29, 2016 of Mercy through which anyone who enters willHoly Door at St. Anthony Church experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instils hope.\" Each diocese has the opportunity to open a600 Olive Avenue, Long Beach Door of Mercy in their diocese, all members of the faithfulSpeaker/Celebrant Bishop Gordon Bennett, S.J. will have opportunity to make a pilgrimage to their local Holy Door during the Jubilee. These doors are symbols ofSCHEDULE God's mercy, open to welcome everyone into the compassion of God's love that Christ proclaimed. We at10:00 a.m. Arrival/Check-in at St. Anthony-Entry through St. Barnabas do not have to travel far for our pilgrimageHoly Door because St. Anthony’s Church in Long Beach has an official Holy Door open as a Door of Mercy during the10:30 a.m. Talk by Bishop Bennett Jubilee!11:30 a.m. Lunch (box lunch—sandwich, pasta salad, OUR SPEAKER/CELEBRANT – BISHOP GORDONcookie—provided) BENNETT, S.J.12:15 p.m. Confession Bishop Gordon Bennett, S.J., D.D., is a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)1:00 p.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop Bennett who is in residence at Loyola Marymount University (LMU). Bishop Bennett wasParking is limited: We encourage people to park at St. appointed by Pope Saint John Paul II asBarnabas and to carpool to St. Anthony Church (600 Bishop of the Diocese of Mandeville,Olive Street, Long Beach—corner of Olive & Alamitos) Jamaica, in 2004.Donation: Any donation is accepted—no one will be He previously served as an Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore,turned away! (we anticipate that approximately $15 covers costs) and as the Principal and President of Loyola High School in Los Angeles. Currently, as the Peter Faber, S.J, FellowWho Will/Can Attend? in Ignatian Spirituality and Pastoral Ministry at LMU,The October 29, 2016 pilgrimage is presented exclusively Bishop Bennett directs spiritual retreats for clergy,by St. Barnabas Parish. Nevertheless, all are welcome to religious and lay persons, and he continues to build anregister and attend! Please register at a table after Mass, outstanding reputation as a spiritual guide and churchor in the Parish Office, before October 25, 2016. leader.Find more information at the Vatican St. Barnabas Parish Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage Registration Name:______________________________________________ Email Address:_______________________________________ Phone #_______________________Donation Amount:______ Please return your registration to a table after Mass, or to the Parish Office, before October 25, 2016“Like” us on Facebook! #stbarnabaslb Follow us on Twitter: @stbarnabaslbc

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