Dopamine and Cortisol By Dr. Braverman
THE CORTISOL EQUATION:LOW DOPAMINE = BIG BELLY FAT =A HEAVY BURDEN TO CARRY FORBOTH BRAIN AND BODYWhen you have a dopamine deficiency, the body naturally increases theproduction of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the backup energyhormone; it provides us with additional power so the brain and body cancontinue to function without the right levels of dopamine.Cortisol is also released when you are under stress, whether or not yourdopamine is low. But, when you are stressed, you naturally burn moredopamine, which is why the cortisol is released.
While cortisol can be helpful, I call it the obesity hormone. Even though iteffectively keeps your brain running, it does not improve your dopaminelevels. It actually forces your metabolism to slow down, because whenbrain energy falters (low dopamine), the body is forced to send up to thebrain its reserve units to pick up the slack, in the form of steroid hormones(cortisol) from the adrenal glands. The cortisol increases the effectivenessof catecholomines like adrenaline and creates the necessary energy, whileconveying a feeling of happiness. However, this dopamine substitute issupposed to be a temporary safety mechanism.When your brain is continually turning to cortisol for energy, it becomes away of life. In the end, you get puffy, round-faced, blood pressure rises,your appetite increases, and you experience weight gain (especially aroundyour midsection).It has been linked as a direct cause of belly fat in both men and women: Itcauses fat to be deposited in the abdominal area where there are themost cortisol receptors. So if you're a \"high energy\" individual but arestuck with an apple body shape, chances are your cortisol levels, instead ofyour dopamine, are supporting your body's energy needs.
A big belly is also an indicator that you're at high risk for metabolic syndrome,which from a brain chemistry perspective, is primarily a loss of metabolism: alow dopamine condition. When you see someone with a big belly, think ofbrain burnout. It is often accompanied by a poor attention span, poor sleeppatterns and attention deficit problems.Cortisol also boosts adrenaline, which can make you feel restless: When youradrenaline is pumping, you might be anxious during the day and not able tosleep at night. These two factors also contribute to weight gain. Anxiety tendsto cause us to self-medicate with \"comfort foods,\" and a lack of sleep preventsyour brain from resetting its other chemicals to the right levels.Strategies for Increasing Dopamine:•Eight or nine hours of restful sleep are crucial for weight loss because properamounts of sleep increase your metabolism and lower cortisol levels.
•Try to get 15 minutes a day of quiet/rest - it can make a profound differencein diminishing stress.•It can be difficult to reduce stress, but I've found that exercise is a greatstress-reduction technique. It also helps to increase your levels of dopamineand increase your metabolism, giving you the extra energy you need to keepup with your busy life. Even 15 minutes a day can make a profound difference.
•Follow my Younger (Thinner) You Diet - especially adding quality, lean proteinto your breakfast which is a precursor to dopamine.•Get rid of sugary foods.We at Path Medical can help you to re-balance your brain. Our exams include a fullbrain exam, because brainpower is the fire that keeps your mind alive, awake, alertand aware.Author Bio:Eric Braverman MD is a Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of BrandeisUniversity and NYU Medical School, did brain research at Harvard Medical School, andtrained at an affiliate of Yale Medical School. Dr. Braverman is acknowledgedworldwide as an expert in brain-based diagnosis and treatment, and he lectures toand trains doctors in anti-aging medicine.
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