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Home Explore Spelling P3

Spelling P3

Published by tong_rt, 2022-10-26 04:04:04

Description: Spelling P3


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* cotor ond reod. heor deor deer cheer * Moke 'eor'words. * Moke'eer'words.

* Choose ond write. heor cheer deor eor deor ___ ___e_o yeor cheer heor deer 201 yeor * sort ond write. beor deor yeor heor eor neor weor peor beqr deor 'eor' os 'eor' os in beor in deor

* Iro.e ond reod. l0 yeors old * Look of the pictures ond moke sentences. I9 yeors old He / nine / yeors He is nine eqrs old. 25 yeors old She I five / yeors 3 The zoo / neor / home

* Look ond write 'Deer' ond 'deor' I Con you or-e ort.Tnlr--eren ll I I i-e-s--rme? don't eot meot. cheer 4 Don't go the beor. deor 7 \"Come here, my soys Mom. Point, reod ond write in your notebook. deo r five deer neor ond for cheer up

Sight Word z eve?y * Reod ond troce. taew Yelr every doy * Color the word 'everv' ond write. beor deer dinner wont where

Sight Word : every * Reod ond troce week n ight * Rewrite ond odd the time words. every doy I reod o book. They go to the [oke.

* Listen ond sing. clop If you're hoppy ond you know i+, Clop your honds. If you're hoppy ond you know i+, Clop your honds. If you're hoppy ond you know i+, Then your foce will surely show i+, If you're hoppy ond you know i+, Clop your honds.

* Listen, point ond reod. c[ op clop He got some blocks. He got o clock. Clop, ctop, clop ! fl og ftog We get the ftog. We ptoy hide ond seek. pt one plone We get on o plone.

* Color ond reod. clock clop plone ftog * Sp.ll ond write.

* Sort ond write. * Look, circle ond write. ptone clop plone flog clop flog

* tro.e the compound words ond molch * paOO 'c' or to moke o new word + lock + + lop + loy + lone * tro.e ond reod.

* wtite the missing words. o flog1,, There is on the hitt. 2 The top of the hitt is 3 Jim wonts to 6 He ploys with his 7 His fother is on o * Point, reod ond write in your notebook. on oirplone get the ftog

* Reod, troce ond write. * cotor. olld some @ {k write the missing letters.

Sight Words : sotr€, oll dogs con bork. She con eot like cokes. ch efs wholes hove fins. con cook. see bake moke b irds muffins

* Listen ond chont. Roin on the Green Gross Roin on f he tree, Roin on the housetop,

* Listen, point ond reod Jone is glod. Where is the globe? gl od gtod Conlhoveogloss? gt obe gtobe Where is my glove? gloss gt ove glove We buy gropes. gritl They grilt the pork. The robbit eots grqss.

glod glove globe gloss * Reod ond write.

* Reod ond find the words. Motch eoch sentence with the correct picture. pork. We look of the globe. Jone is glod. The gloves ore green. Jone buys some gropes ond o gloss. The sheep eot gross. words from obove.

* Reod ond find the words Motch eoch sentence with the correct picture pork. We look of the globe. Jone is glod. The gloves ore green. Jone buys some grqpes ond o gloss. The sheep eot gross. words from obove

* Write in plurot form. iGloss' is o speciol wor-d I glove ftog globe clock g Ioss * tro.e ond moke sentences. weo r see hove er;(

Point, reod ond write in your nolebook. Some peors ore green. Some gropes ore btock. Con you gritt corn ond pork? Con o goot weor gtoves? Do you hove o gloss? * Help the coterpillor find o woy through the moze.

Sight Word z water * Reod, troce ond write. * Look ond troce. beon teo poncoke woter * Build the word 'woter'.

Sight Word : oh * Reod, troce ond write. * Troce ond rewrite.

* Listen ond sing. lends le Stor IHow wonder whot you ore! Up obove the world so high, Like o diornond in the sky IHow wonder whot you ore!

* Listen, point ond reod. Let's stop the cor. st op stop Look of the stor. st or stor It [ooks very smoll. sm otl smoll Con the stor smile? sm ile smile sn qit snoil The snoil hos o shetl. sn oke snqke The snoke con bite! sl eep sleep Jo gets on the sled. Time to sleep.

* Color ond reod. stop smo[[ smile snoil snoke sleep * Sp\"ll ond write.

* Choose ond write. * Circle the words thot rhyme with the first word in eoch row. snoil short sto r girt sheep shirt deep snoke coke beor

* Reod, guess ond write. snoke stqr I hove o shell. You con I om for owoy. You see me on the gross. con see me of night. Who om I? Who om T? I hove no legs. I eot me. Who om I? toods. I om very [ong. Who om I? * Look ond write. Thot is the red light. I hove o s_ _ doq. It's time to s One, two, three, Go to bed now. S o o 85

* Motch, troce ond reod * Point, reod ond write,in your notebook. LittLe sto r smolt cor big smi[e go to sleep see o snoiI

Sight Words : me, him, them * Reod, lroce ond write Con you He is Ivon. They ore see me ? Con you Con you see him? see them ? they them

ht Words : tne, him, them * Look ond write 'me' or 'him'. Look of m_e_. Look ot Con vou see ? Con you see -? Come with * color.

Put on o shirt, on o scorf, Hop on o skote, pork \\Ne ploy spor*s, And sw

* Listen, point ond reod. Bob is on o skote. Ling weors o skirt. sk ote skote Mom weors o scorf. sc orf scorf Hove o scoop! sp ort sport Scott Iikes sport. sw eet sweet He con swim. Here is o spoon. The muffin is sweet.

* Color ond reod. scorf sweet skote sport * Spell ond write

* Color the correct begl4ning tetters. 2 scorf 3 skote 7 sport * Reod the story. Look ond write

sport * Look ond write. The coke is very Where ore the s Wont some ice creom? do you ptoy? Here is o s

Point, reod ond write in your notebook. weor o pink skirt ptoy mony sports * Use the words ond pictures to write sentences. -sk!nt. twont

Controctions * Listen ond reod. I qm Scott. She is on o skote. We ore swimming. We're swimming. It is not sweet. It isn't sweet. * Reod ond troce. They ore

Controctions oren't con't isn't don't Inm in the bothroom. He con't swim. We're of the pork.

lends * Listen ond chont. broorn, Drink sorne wqterr Before Five little frogs, Under the tree, Con you tell Vvhich one is he?

lk Listen, point ond reod br oom broom bring the broom eot o crob cr ob drink some woter dr op drop She sits under the tree. She drops her botl! A frog hos the botl. he frog is o prince!

* color ond reod. drum broom crob drop frog * Spell ond write.

* Look ond motch. 5 frog broom 3 tree 7 drop 8 drum * Sort ond write clock tree tree f7og ptoy crqb broom

* Look ond complete the crossword. * Point, reod ond write in your notebook. ride the broom eot o crob drink some woter

* Look, choose ond write. 1 Mr Pon ploys the broom crob 2 Pam woter. trees 3 Max [ooks of the frogs 4 There ore mony birds on the drops 5 There ore five on the tog. 6 Jone 7 Is this frog o 8 Bring the here !

Sight Word z get * Reod, troce ond write. * write 'get'ond reod. o lot of roin. s o hoircut. Con you the broom ? on the ship. s up of six.

Sight Word z get * Go through the word g9I only. t get them them them time them put them I get up of six. 9et = My mom soys, \"Get the broom, pleose.\" I get o drlnk of woter.

* Listen ond sing. Itsy Bitsy Spider Itsy bitsy spider spider the woter out. come the And woshed the spider out. Out come the sun *he roin. spider the spout ogoin !

* Listen, point ond reod. t i tiger Hi, I'm your pitot. isp spider There is o tiger. Look out! It's o lion ! Don't let the spider bite. sk y sky He's my Littte Robin. Oh deor! Don't cry. Six birds ore in the sky.

* cotor ond reod. spider pitot * write ond reod.

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